예제 #1
def extract_mime_attachements \
        ( msg, directory
        , def_ext      = None
        , ignore       = _is_false
        , main_type    = _is_false
        , name_pat     = _is_false
        , part_indices = None
        , sub_type     = _is_false
        ) :
    if def_ext and not def_ext.startswith (".") :
        def_ext    = "." + def_ext
    pis = part_indices if part_indices else range (len (msg.parts))
    for i in pis :
        p          = msg.parts [i]
        specified  = (not ignore (p.content_type)) and \
            (  main_type (p.main_type)
            or name_pat  (p.filename)
            or sub_type  (p.sub_type)
        if specified :
            name   = p.filename or ("%s_%s" % (msg.name, i))
            fn     = Filename (directory, name)
            if def_ext :
                fn = Filename (def_ext, fn)
            print ("    Saving", name)
            PMA.save (fn, p.body)
        elif p.main_type in ("multipart", "message") :
            extract_mime_attachements \
                ( p, directory
                , def_ext, ignore, main_type, name_pat, part_indices, sub_type
예제 #2
def message_from_file(filename, parser=None):
    if parser is None:
        parser = Lib.Parser()
    with open(filename, "rb") as fp:
        email = parser.parse(fp)
        email._pma_parsed_body = True
    return PMA.Message(email, sos.path.split(filename)[-1])
예제 #3
 def download_pop (self, server, mdir) :
     md_name = PMA._Mailbox_.md_name
     result  = 0
     for msg_no, msg_size in self.pop_list (server) :
         email = self._new_email ("\n".join (server.retr (msg_no) [1]))
         name  = md_name         ()
         tname = sos.path.join   (mdir.path, "tmp", name)
         nname = sos.path.join   (mdir.path, "new", name)
         PMA.save    (tname, email.as_string ())
         sos.link    (tname, nname)
         sos.unlink  (tname)
         server.dele (msg_no)
         result += 1
         if self.finish :
     return result
예제 #4
 def __init__ (self, path, name = None, prefix = None, root = None) :
     if name is None :
         name           = sos.path.split (path) [-1]
     if prefix is None :
         qname          = name
     else :
         qname          = self.name_sep.join ((prefix, name))
     self.name          = name
     self.qname         = qname
     self.path          = path
     self.root          = root or self
     self._box_dict     = {}
     self.change_list   = []
     self._messages     = None
     self._msg_dict     = {}
     self._ccount       = TFL.Observed_Value (0, mailbox = self)
     self._chg_list_idx = {}
     self.unsynced      = TFL.Observed_Value (0, mailbox = self)
     if qname not in self._Table :
         self._Table [qname] = self
     else :
         raise KeyError \
             ( "Duplicate mailbox name %s <-> %s"
             % (self.path, self._Table [qname].path)
     self.status = status = PMA.Box_Status (self)
     if self.supports_status :
         self.status_fn = fn = sos.path.join (path, ".status")
         status.load (fn)
예제 #5
 def _formatted (self, format, msg = None) :
     replacer = self.formatted_replacers_sb \
         if self.short_body else self.formatted_replacers
     mapping  = PMA.Msg_Scope (msg, self.locals, self.defaults)
     result   = pyk.decoded   (format, PMA.default_encoding) % mapping
     result   = replacer      (result)
     return result
예제 #6
 def __init__(self, name, matcher, mailbox, prefix=None, **ckw):
     self.mailboxes = (mailbox, )
     self.__super.__init__ \
         ( name     = name
         , prefix   = mailbox.qname
         , root     = mailbox.root
     if not isinstance(matcher, PMA._Matcher_):
         matcher = PMA.Matcher(matcher, **ckw)
     self._matcher = matcher
예제 #7
 def __init__(self, email, name=None, mailbox=None, number=None):
     self.__super.__init__(email, name)
     self.mailbox = mailbox
     self.number = number
     self.status = None
     if mailbox:
         self.pending = _Pending_Action_(self)
         if mailbox.supports_status:
             mdn = mailbox.md_name(self)
             self.status = PMA.Msg_Status.new(mdn)
     if self.status is None:
         self.status = PMA.Msg_Status()
예제 #8
파일: Message.py 프로젝트: Tapyr/tapyr
def messages_from_args (args, base_dirs) :
    parser = Lib.Parser ()
    for arg in args :
        matches = tuple \
            ( TFL.CAO.Rel_Path.resolved_paths
                (base_dirs, arg, single_match = False, skip_missing = True)
        if not matches and sos.path.exists (arg) :
            matches = [arg]
        if len (matches) == 1 :
            yield PMA.message_from_file (matches [0], parser)
        elif matches :
            print \
                ( "Multiple matches for %r: choose one of\n    %s"
                % (arg, "\n    ".join (matches))
        else :
            tail = ("in\n    %s" % "\n    ".join (base_dirs)) \
                if base_dirs else ""
            print ("No match found for %r%s" % (arg, tail))
예제 #9
def messages_from_args(args, base_dirs):
    parser = Lib.Parser()
    for arg in args:
        matches = tuple \
            ( TFL.CAO.Rel_Path.resolved_paths
                (base_dirs, arg, single_match = False, skip_missing = True)
        if not matches and sos.path.exists(arg):
            matches = [arg]
        if len(matches) == 1:
            yield PMA.message_from_file(matches[0], parser)
        elif matches:
            print \
                ( "Multiple matches for %r: choose one of\n    %s"
                % (arg, "\n    ".join (matches))
            tail = ("in\n    %s" % "\n    ".join (base_dirs)) \
                if base_dirs else ""
            print("No match found for %r%s" % (arg, tail))
예제 #10
def _main (cmd) :
    msg_base_dirs  = cmd.msg_base_dirs or PMA.msg_base_dirs
    directory      = cmd.directory
    if directory and not directory.endswith (sos.sep) :
        directory  = directory + sos.sep
    c_type     = cmd.content_type
    def_ext    = cmd.extension_default
    ignore     = cmd.ignore   or None
    name_pat   = cmd.name_pat or None
    parts      = cmd.Parts
    s_type     = cmd.sub_type
    if not cmd.regexp :
        if c_type :
            c_type = re.escape (c_type)
        if s_type :
            s_type = re.escape (s_type)
    c_type     = Re_Filter (c_type)   if c_type   else _is_false
    s_type     = Re_Filter (s_type)   if s_type   else _is_false
    ignore     = Re_Filter (ignore)   if ignore   else _is_false
    name_pat   = Re_Filter (name_pat) if name_pat else _is_false
    for msg in PMA.messages_from_args (cmd.argv, msg_base_dirs) :
        print (msg.path)
        extract_mime_attachements \
            (msg, directory, def_ext, ignore, c_type, name_pat, parts, s_type)
예제 #11
파일: Message.py 프로젝트: Tapyr/tapyr
                    print (a2ps)
                a2ps ()
        else :
            pyk.fprint (pyk.decoded (txt, encoding))
# end def _main

_Command = TFL.CAO.Cmd \
    ( handler       = _main
    , args          =
        ( "message:S?Message to print"
    , opts          =
        ( "-body_only:B?Restrict output to body of message"
        , "-msg_base_dirs:Q:?Base directories for searching `message`"
        , "-Print:B?Print the message(s)"
        , "-printer_name:S=lp?Name of printer to print to"
        , "-verbose:B"
        , TFL.CAO.Opt.Output_Encoding ()
    , description   = "Format mail messages for viewing and printing"

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*")
else :
    import _PMA.Message
    PMA.load_user_config  ()
    _PMA.Message._Command ()
### __END__ PMA.Message
예제 #12
파일: Mailcap.py 프로젝트: JPilarr/tapyr
            caps = Lib.mailcap.getcaps ()
        self.caps = caps
        self.mct  = {}
    # end def __init__

    def mime_type (self, name) :
        mct    = self.mct
        result = mct.get (name)
        if name not in mct :
            if name in self.caps :
                result = Mailcap_Type (name, self.caps [name])
            else :
                main_type, sub_type = name.split ("/")
                if sub_type != "*" :
                    result = self.mime_type ("/".join ((main_type, "*")))
            mct [name] = result
        return result
    # end def mime_type

    def __getitem__ (self, key) :
        return self.mime_type (key)
    # end def __getitem__

# end class _Mailcap_

Mailcap = _Mailcap_ ()

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*", "Mailcap")
### __END__ PMA.Mailcap
예제 #13
파일: Lib.py 프로젝트: Tapyr/tapyr
from   email.generator         import *
from   email.header            import *
from   email.message           import *
from   email.mime.audio        import MIMEAudio
from   email.mime.base         import MIMEBase
from   email.mime.image        import MIMEImage
from   email.mime.message      import MIMEMessage
from   email.mime.multipart    import MIMEMultipart
from   email.mime.nonmultipart import MIMENonMultipart
from   email.mime.text         import MIMEText
from   email.parser            import *
from   email.utils             import *
from   email.utils             import mktime_tz

import mailbox
import mailcap

try :
except AttributeError :
    mailbox.UnixMailbox = mailbox.mbox

try :
except AttributeError :
    mailbox.MHMailbox = mailbox.MH

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export_Module ()
### __END__ PMA.Lib
예제 #14
 def _new_message (self, m) :
     return PMA.Message (email = m, name = m._pma_path, mailbox = self)
예제 #15
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: Tapyr/tapyr
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004 Mag. Christian Tanzer. All rights reserved
# Glasauergasse 32, A--1130 Wien, Austria. [email protected]
# ****************************************************************************
# This module is licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License
# <http://www.c-tanzer.at/license/bsd_3c.html>.
# ****************************************************************************
# Name
#    PMA.SCM.__init__
# Purpose
#    PMA change tracker`
# Revision Dates
#    15-Jan-2006 (MG) Creation
#    ««revision-date»»···

from   _TFL.Package_Namespace import Package_Namespace
from   _PMA                   import PMA

SCM = Package_Namespace ()
PMA._Export ("SCM")

del Package_Namespace

### __END__ PMA.SCM.__init__
예제 #16
                s = self._new_subbox (sos.path.join (self.path, b.name))
            s.add_messages (* b.messages)
            if transitive :
                for sb in pyk.itervalues (b._box_dict) :
                    s.add_subbox (sb, transitive)
        self.change_list.append (PMA.SCM.Add_Subbox (s))
        self.change_count += 1
        return s
    # end def add_subbox

    def import_from_mailbox (self, mailbox, transitive = False) :
        self.add_messages (* mailbox.messages)
        if transitive :
            for b in pyk.itervalues (mailbox._box_dict) :
                self.add_subbox (b, transitive)
    # end def import_from_mailbox

    def md_name (cls, message = None) :
        if message is None :
            return super (Mailbox, cls).md_name ()
        else :
            return message.name
    # end def md_name

# end class Mailbox

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*", "_Mailbox_", "_Mailbox_in_Dir_", "_Mailbox_in_Dir_S_")
### __END__ PMA.Mailbox
예제 #17
파일: V_Mailbox.py 프로젝트: Tapyr/tapyr
        self.__super.__init__ \
            ( name      = name
            , prefix    = prefix
    # end def __init__

    def _eligible (self, messages) :
        return messages
    # end def _eligible

# end class V_Mailbox

from _PMA                  import PMA
import _PMA.Mailbox
import _PMA.V_Mailbox
import _PMA.Matcher

mbi = PMA.Maildir    ("/home/glueck/PMA/D/inbox")
mb1 = PMA.Mailbox    ("/home/glueck/PMA/TTTech/planung")
mb2 = PMA.Mailbox    ("/home/glueck/PMA/TTTech/BIKA")
mbs = PMA.MH_Mailbox ("/home/glueck/work/MH/Installscript")
vmb = PMA.V_Mailbox  ("f1", (mb1, mb2))
m   = mbs.messages [58]

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("V_Mailbox", "_V_Mailbox_")
### __END__ PMA.V_Mailbox
예제 #18
파일: Mailbox.py 프로젝트: Tapyr/tapyr
                s = self._new_subbox (sos.path.join (self.path, b.name))
            s.add_messages (* b.messages)
            if transitive :
                for sb in pyk.itervalues (b._box_dict) :
                    s.add_subbox (sb, transitive)
        self.change_list.append (PMA.SCM.Add_Subbox (s))
        self.change_count += 1
        return s
    # end def add_subbox

    def import_from_mailbox (self, mailbox, transitive = False) :
        self.add_messages (* mailbox.messages)
        if transitive :
            for b in pyk.itervalues (mailbox._box_dict) :
                self.add_subbox (b, transitive)
    # end def import_from_mailbox

    def md_name (cls, message = None) :
        if message is None :
            return super (Mailbox, cls).md_name ()
        else :
            return message.name
    # end def md_name

# end class Mailbox

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*", "_Mailbox_", "_Mailbox_in_Dir_", "_Mailbox_in_Dir_S_")
### __END__ PMA.Mailbox
예제 #19
            pyk.pickle.dump (cls._Table, f, pyk.pickle_protocol)
    # end def save

# end class _Status_C_

class _Status_I_ (_Status_) :

    def load (self, filename) :
        try :
            with open (filename, "rb") as f :
                try :
                    attrs = pyk.pickle.load (f)
                except EOFError :
                else :
                    self._set_attr (** attrs)
        except IOError :
    # end def load

    def save (self, filename) :
        with open (filename, "wb") as f :
            pyk.pickle.dump (self._attr, f, pyk.pickle_protocol)
    # end def save

# end class _Status_I_

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("_Status_", "_Status_C_", "_Status_I_")
### __END__ PMA._Status_
예제 #20
파일: Office.py 프로젝트: JPilarr/tapyr
 def load_status(self, path):
     self.status = stat = PMA.Off_Status(self)
     self.status_fn = stfn = sos.path.join(path, ".status")
     self.msg_status_fn = msfn = sos.path.join(path, ".msg.status")
예제 #21
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004 Mag. Christian Tanzer. All rights reserved
# Glasauergasse 32, A--1130 Wien, Austria. [email protected]
# ****************************************************************************
# This module is licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License
# <http://www.c-tanzer.at/license/bsd_3c.html>.
# ****************************************************************************
# Name
#    PMA.SCM.__init__
# Purpose
#    PMA change tracker`
# Revision Dates
#    15-Jan-2006 (MG) Creation
#    ««revision-date»»···

from _TFL.Package_Namespace import Package_Namespace
from _PMA import PMA

SCM = Package_Namespace()

del Package_Namespace

### __END__ PMA.SCM.__init__
예제 #22
    def __init__ (self, matcher) :
        self.matcher = matcher
    # end def __init__

    def match (self, msg) :
        return not self.matcher.match (msg)
    # end def match

    def __repr__ (self) :
        return "not (%s)" % (self.matcher, )
    # end def __repr__

# end class Not_Matcher

class Or_Matcher (And_Matcher) :
    """Or-combination of Matcher instances"""

    def match (self, msg) :
        for m in self.matchers :
            if m.match (msg) :
                return True
        return False
    # end def match

# end class Or_Matcher

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*", "_Matcher_")
### __END__ PMA.Matcher
예제 #23
        def untrain_spam (self, msg) :
            """Un-Train classifier with spam `msg`"""
            self.hammie.untrain_spam (msg)
        # end def untrain_spam

        def _close (self) :
            if self.hammie is not None and self.mode != "r" :
                self._save ()
            self.hammie = None
        # end def _close

        def _open (self, mode = "c") :
            if self.hammie is None or self.mode != mode :
                self.mode   = mode
                self.hammie = sb.hammie.open (self.dbname, self.usedb, mode)
        # end def _open

        def _save (self) :
            self.hammie.store ()
        # end def _save

    # end class _SB_

    SB = _SB_ ()

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("SB")
### __END__ PMA.SB
예제 #24
파일: Pop3_Maildir.py 프로젝트: Tapyr/tapyr
    POP3_class = poplib.POP3

    def __init__ ( self, path, host, user
                 , passwd              = None
                 , prefix              = None
                 , root                = None
                 , port                = 110
                 , poll_interval       = 60 ### in seconds
                 ) :
        self.__super.__init__ (path, prefix, root)
        self.poller = Pop3_Poller \
            (self, host, user, passwd, port, poll_interval, auto_start = True)
    # end def __init__

    def passwd_cb (self) :
        raise NotImplemented ("Must pass passwd to Pop3_Maildir")
    # end def passwd_cb

# end class Pop3_Maildir

class Pop3_Maildir_SSL (Pop3_Maildir) :
    """Model a Pop3_Maildir using a SSL conection to the POP server."""

    POP3_class = poplib.POP3_SSL

# end class Pop3_Maildir_SSL

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*")
### __END__ PMA.Pop3_Maildir
예제 #25
            caps = Lib.mailcap.getcaps ()
        self.caps = caps
        self.mct  = {}
    # end def __init__

    def mime_type (self, name) :
        mct    = self.mct
        result = mct.get (name)
        if name not in mct :
            if name in self.caps :
                result = Mailcap_Type (name, self.caps [name])
            else :
                main_type, sub_type = name.split ("/")
                if sub_type != "*" :
                    result = self.mime_type ("/".join ((main_type, "*")))
            mct [name] = result
        return result
    # end def mime_type

    def __getitem__ (self, key) :
        return self.mime_type (key)
    # end def __getitem__

# end class _Mailcap_

Mailcap = _Mailcap_ ()

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*", "Mailcap")
### __END__ PMA.Mailcap
예제 #26
파일: Office.py 프로젝트: JPilarr/tapyr
 def _storage_boxes(self, path, da):
     return \
         [   PMA.Mailbox (sa)
         for sa in subdirs (path) if sa != da
         if  not sos.path.split (sa) [-1].startswith (".")
예제 #27
        , "-domain:S?Domain of sender"
        , "-editor:S?Command used to start editor"
        , "-forward:S?Message to forward"
        , "-HTML:B?Convert ReST message to HTML"
        , "-mail_host:S?Name of SMTP server to use"
        , "-mail_local_hostname:S?Name of host sending the email"
        , "-mail_port:I=25?Number of port of SMTP server to use"
        , "-mail_user:S?User name for login into SMTP server"
        , "-mail_word:S?Password for login into SMTP server"
        , "-msg_base_dirs:Q:?Base directories for searching `message`"
        , "-reply:S?Message to reply to"
        , "-Reply_all:S?Message to reply to"
        , "-Short_body:U"
            "?Don't start an editor, use supplied value as body instead"
        , "-subject:U?Subject of email"
        , "-tls:B?Use SMTP in TLS (Transport Layer Security) mode."
        , "-To:U?Email of receiver"
        , "-user:U?Name of sender"
        , description =
          "Send mail message (newly composed or reply to existing email)"

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*")
else :
    import _PMA.Composer
    PMA.load_user_config   ()
    _PMA.Composer._Command ()
### __END__ PMA.Composer
예제 #28
파일: Sender.py 프로젝트: JPilarr/tapyr
    def __init__ (self, mail_host = None, ** kw) :
        self.smtp = self.SMTP (mail_host = mail_host, ** kw)
    # end def __init__

    def __call__ (self, email, envelope = None) :
        self.smtp.send_message (email, envelope)
    # end def __call__

    def send (self, from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_opts = None, rcpt_opts = None) :
        self.smtp.send (from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_opts, rcpt_opts)
    # end def send

# end class Sender

class Sender_Logger (Sender) :

    SMTP = TFL.SMTP_Logger

# end class Sender_Logger

class Sender_Tester (Sender) :

    SMTP = TFL.SMTP_Tester

# end class Sender_Tester

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export ("*")
### __END__ PMA.Sender
예제 #29
 def message_from_arg (cmd, arg) :
     try :
         return first (PMA.messages_from_args ([arg], cmd.msg_base_dirs))
     except LookupError :
         raise SystemExit (1)
예제 #30
파일: Lib.py 프로젝트: JPilarr/tapyr
from   email.generator         import *
from   email.header            import *
from   email.message           import *
from   email.mime.audio        import MIMEAudio
from   email.mime.base         import MIMEBase
from   email.mime.image        import MIMEImage
from   email.mime.message      import MIMEMessage
from   email.mime.multipart    import MIMEMultipart
from   email.mime.nonmultipart import MIMENonMultipart
from   email.mime.text         import MIMEText
from   email.parser            import *
from   email.utils             import *
from   email.utils             import mktime_tz

import mailbox
import mailcap

try :
except AttributeError :
    mailbox.UnixMailbox = mailbox.mbox

try :
except AttributeError :
    mailbox.MHMailbox = mailbox.MH

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    PMA._Export_Module ()
### __END__ PMA.Lib
예제 #31
            , prefix    = prefix

    # end def __init__

    def _eligible(self, messages):
        return messages

    # end def _eligible

# end class V_Mailbox
from _PMA                  import PMA
import _PMA.Mailbox
import _PMA.V_Mailbox
import _PMA.Matcher

mbi = PMA.Maildir    ("/home/glueck/PMA/D/inbox")
mb1 = PMA.Mailbox    ("/home/glueck/PMA/TTTech/planung")
mb2 = PMA.Mailbox    ("/home/glueck/PMA/TTTech/BIKA")
mbs = PMA.MH_Mailbox ("/home/glueck/work/MH/Installscript")
vmb = PMA.V_Mailbox  ("f1", (mb1, mb2))
m   = mbs.messages [58]

if __name__ != "__main__":
    PMA._Export("V_Mailbox", "_V_Mailbox_")
### __END__ PMA.V_Mailbox