Esempio n. 1
 def __init__ \
     ( self
     , olsr_file
     , processes =    20
     , N         =     0
     , timeout   =   180
     , ip_port   =    {}
     , debug     = False
     , ** kw
     ) :
     self.__super.__init__ (**kw)
     olsr = get_olsr_container (olsr_file)
     self.olsr_nodes = {}
     assert len (olsr.topo.forward)
     for t in pyk.iterkeys (olsr.topo.forward) :
         self.olsr_nodes [t] = True
     for t in pyk.iterkeys (olsr.topo.reverse) :
         self.olsr_nodes [t] = True
     # limit to N elements
     if N :
         self.olsr_nodes = dict \
             ((k, v) for k, v in islice (pyk.iteritems (self.olsr_nodes), N))
     self.pool        = Pool (processes = processes)
     self.mgr         = Manager ()
     self.result_dict = self.mgr.dict ()
     self.timeout     = timeout
     self.ip_port     = ip_port
     self.debug       = debug
     olsr_nodes       = None
     if not debug :
         self.log.setLevel (INFO)
     self.log.debug ("Starting ...")
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__ \
     ( self
     , olsr_file
     , processes =    20
     , N         =     0
     , timeout   =   180
     , ip_port   =    {}
     , debug     = False
     , ** kw
     ) :
     self.__super.__init__ (**kw)
     olsr = get_olsr_container (olsr_file)
     self.olsr_nodes = {}
     assert len (olsr.topo.forward)
     for t in pyk.iterkeys (olsr.topo.forward) :
         self.olsr_nodes [t] = True
     for t in pyk.iterkeys (olsr.topo.reverse) :
         self.olsr_nodes [t] = True
     # limit to N elements
     if N :
         self.olsr_nodes = dict \
             ((k, v) for k, v in islice (pyk.iteritems (self.olsr_nodes), N))
     self.pool        = Pool (processes = processes)
     self.mgr         = Manager ()
     self.result_dict = self.mgr.dict ()
     self.timeout     = timeout
     self.ip_port     = ip_port
     self.debug       = debug
     olsr_nodes       = None
     if not debug :
         self.log.setLevel (INFO)
     self.log.debug ("Starting ...")
Esempio n. 3
 def matching_keys (self, abbr) :
     """Returns a list of all keys matching `abbr` if any."""
     if abbr in self :
         return [abbr]
     elif isinstance (abbr, str) :
         return TFL.matches (TFL.sorted (pyk.iterkeys (self)), abbr)
     return []
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__ (self, dict, ** kw) :
     self._dict = dict
     self.__super.__init__ \
         ( selection = sorted (pyk.iterkeys (dict))
         , cook      = self._cooked_key
         , ** kw
Esempio n. 5
File: Progetto: CNDB/CNDB
 def verbose_repr (self) :
     r = [str (self)]
     for v in pyk.itervalues (self.interfaces) :
         r.append (str (v))
     for v in pyk.iterkeys (self.ips) :
         r.append (str (v))
     return '\n'.join (r)
Esempio n. 6
 def reset_predicates(self):
     self.errors = errors = {}
     self.warnings = warnings = {}
     self.missing_required = None
     for k in pyk.iterkeys(self.pred_kind):
         errors[k] = []
         warnings[k] = []
Esempio n. 7
 def matching_keys(self, abbr):
     """Returns a list of all keys matching `abbr` if any."""
     if abbr in self:
         return [abbr]
     elif isinstance(abbr, str):
         return TFL.matches(TFL.sorted(pyk.iterkeys(self)), abbr)
     return []
Esempio n. 8
 def reset_predicates (self) :
     self.errors   = errors   = {}
     self.warnings = warnings = {}
     self.missing_required    = None
     for k in pyk.iterkeys (self.pred_kind) :
         errors   [k] = []
         warnings [k] = []
Esempio n. 9
 def __init__(self, dict, **kw):
     self._dict = dict
     self.__super.__init__ \
         ( selection = sorted (pyk.iterkeys (dict))
         , cook      = self._cooked_key
         , ** kw
Esempio n. 10
 def verbose_repr(self):
     r = [str(self)]
     for v in pyk.itervalues(self.interfaces):
     for v in pyk.iterkeys(self.ips):
     return '\n'.join(r)
Esempio n. 11
 def as_json(self):
     d = dict(type=self.type, version=self.version)
     iface = d['interfaces'] = []
     for i in pyk.itervalues(self.interfaces):
     ips = d['ips'] = []
     for i in pyk.iterkeys(self.ips):
     return json.dumps(d)
Esempio n. 12
File: Progetto: CNDB/CNDB
 def as_json (self) :
     d = dict (type = self.type, version = self.version)
     iface = d ['interfaces'] = []
     for i in pyk.itervalues (self.interfaces) :
         iface.append (i.as_dict)
     ips = d ['ips'] = []
     for i in pyk.iterkeys (self.ips) :
         ips.append (str (i))
     return json.dumps (d)
Esempio n. 13
 def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
     cls.__m_super.__init__(name, bases, dct)
     if cls.C_Type is not None:
         cls.P_Type = cls.C_Type.P_Type
     Table = getattr(cls, "Table", None)
     if Table and not cls.syntax:
         cls.syntax = "The following string values are accepted as valid " "%s values: %s" % (
             ", ".join(sorted(pyk.iterkeys(Table))),
Esempio n. 14
 def __init__ \
         (self, __dict = {}, __flags = 0, __head = "", __tail = "", ** kw) :
     self._map = map = dict (__dict, ** kw)
     pattern   = "|".join \
         ( re.escape (k) for k in sorted
             (pyk.iterkeys (map), key = lambda k : (-len (k), k))
     if __head or __tail :
         pattern     = "".join ((__head, "(", pattern, ")", __tail))
         self._group = 1
     regexp = Regexp (pattern, __flags)
     self.__super.__init__ (regexp, self._replacer, __flags)
Esempio n. 15
 def __init__ \
         (self, __dict = {}, __flags = 0, __head = "", __tail = "", ** kw) :
     self._map = map = dict (__dict, ** kw)
     pattern   = "|".join \
         ( re.escape (k) for k in sorted
             (pyk.iterkeys (map), key = lambda k : (-len (k), k))
     if __head or __tail :
         pattern     = "".join ((__head, "(", pattern, ")", __tail))
         self._group = 1
     regexp = Regexp (pattern, __flags)
     self.__super.__init__ (regexp, self._replacer, __flags)
Esempio n. 16
 def syntax(cls):
     return "The following string values are accepted as valid " "%s values: %s" % (
         ", ".join(sorted(pyk.iterkeys(cls.Table))),
Esempio n. 17
 def iteritems (self) :
     convert = self._convert_element
     for key in pyk.iterkeys ( :
         yield key, convert (key, self [key])
Esempio n. 18
 def iterkeys (self) :
     return pyk.iterkeys (
Esempio n. 19
 def iterkeys (self) :
     return pyk.iterkeys (self.attribute_changes)
Esempio n. 20
 def _Reload (self, * modules) :
     for c in pyk.iterkeys (self.__cached) :
         delattr (self, c)
     self.__cached = {}
     self._parent._Reload ()
     Package_Namespace._Reload (self, * modules)
Esempio n. 21
File: Progetto: CNDB/CNDB
def main () :
    import sys
    import pickle
    from optparse import OptionParser

    cmd = OptionParser ()
    cmd.add_option \
        ( "-d", "--debug"
        , dest    = "debug"
        , action  = "store_true"
        , help    = "Debug merging of pickle dumps"
    cmd.add_option \
        ( "-l", "--local"
        , dest    = "local"
        , action  = "store_true"
        , help    = "Use local download for testing with file:// url"
    cmd.add_option \
        ( "-o", "--output-pickle"
        , dest    = "output_pickle"
        , help    = "Optional pickle output file"
    cmd.add_option \
        ( "-p", "--port"
        , dest    = "port"
        , help    = "Optional port number to fetch from"
        , type    = "int"
        , default = 0
    cmd.add_option \
        ( "-r", "--read-pickle"
        , dest    = "read_pickle"
        , help    = "Read old pickle files, merge and preserve information"
        , action  = "append"
        , default = []
    cmd.add_option \
        ( "-V", "--version-statistics"
        , dest    = "version_statistics"
        , help    = "Output version information by spidered IP"
    cmd.add_option \
        ( "-I", "--interface-info"
        , dest    = "interface_info"
        , help    = "Output interface information by spidered IP"
    cmd.add_option \
        ( "-v", "--verbose"
        , dest    = "verbose"
        , action  = "count"
        , help    = "Show verbose results"
    (opt, args) = cmd.parse_args ()
    if len (args) < 1 and not opt.read_pickle :
        cmd.print_help ()
        sys.exit (23)
    ipdict = {}
    for fn in opt.read_pickle :
        if opt.debug :
            print ("Processing pickle dump %s" % fn)
        keys = dict.fromkeys (pyk.iterkeys (ipdict))
        mt   = None
        if fn == '-' :
            f = sys.stdin
        else :
            mt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp (os.stat (fn) [ST_MTIME])
            if fn.endswith ('.gz') :
                f = GzipFile (fn, 'r')
            else :
                f = open (fn, 'r')
        obj = pickle.load (f)
        for k, v in pyk.iteritems (obj) :
            # Fixup of object
            if isinstance (v, Guess) :
                if not hasattr (v, 'rqinfo') :
                    v.rqinfo                = {}
                    v.rqinfo ['ips']        = v.status.ips
                    v.rqinfo ['interfaces'] = v.status.if_by_name
                    v.status                = None
                if mt and not hasattr (v, 'time') :
                    v.time = mt
            if k in ipdict :
                keys [k] = True
                ov       = ipdict [k]
                istuple  = isinstance (v, tuple)
                if isinstance (ov, tuple) :
                    overwrite = False
                    if not istuple :
                        overwrite = True
                    elif ov [0] == 'Timeout_Error' :
                        overwrite = True
                    elif v [0] == 'ValueError' :
                        overwrite = True
                    if overwrite :
                        #print (opt.debug, istuple, v, ov [0])
                        if (opt.debug and (not istuple or v [0] != ov [0])) :
                            print ("%s: overwriting %s with %s" % (k, ov, v))
                        ipdict [k] = v
                    elif istuple and ov [0] != v [0] and opt.debug :
                        print ("%s: Not overwriting %s with %s" % (k, ov, v))
                else :
                    assert isinstance (ov, Guess)
                    if istuple :
                        if opt.debug :
                            print ("%s: Not overwriting %s with %s" % (k, ov, v))
                    else :
                        assert isinstance (v, Guess)
                        ipdict [k] = v
            else :
                if opt.debug :
                    print ("%s: new: %s" % (k, v))
                ipdict [k] = v
        if opt.debug :
            for k, v in pyk.iteritems (keys) :
                if not v :
                    print ("%s: not existing in dump %s" % (k, fn))

    for ip in args :
        port = opt.port
        try :
            ip, port = ip.split (':', 1)
        except ValueError :
        site = site_template % locals ()
        url  = ''
        # For testing we download the index page and cgi-bin-status.html
        # page into a directory named with the ip address
        if opt.local :
            site = 'file://' + os.path.abspath (ip)
            url  = 'index.html'
        ff = Guess (site = site, ip = ip, url = url, port = port)
        print (ff.verbose_repr ())
        ipdict [str (ip)] = ff
    if opt.output_pickle :
        if opt.output_pickle.endswith ('.gz') :
            f = GzipFile (opt.output_pickle, 'wb', 9)
        else :
            f = open (opt.output_pickle, 'wb')
        pickle.dump (ipdict, f)
        f.close ()
    key = lambda x : IP4_Address (x [0])
    if opt.version_statistics :
        fields = ['timestamp', 'address', 'type', 'version']
        if opt.version_statistics == '-' :
            f  = sys.stdout
        else :
            f  = open (opt.version_statistics, 'w')
        dw     = DictWriter (f, fields, delimiter = ';')
        dw.writerow (dict ((k, k) for k in fields))
        for ip, guess in sorted (pyk.iteritems (ipdict), key = key) :
            if isinstance (guess, Guess) :
                dw.writerow \
                    ( dict
                        ( timestamp = guess.time.strftime
                            ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S+0")
                        , address   = str (ip)
                        , version   = guess.version
                        , type      = guess.type
        f.close ()
    if opt.interface_info :
        fields = \
            [ 'timestamp', 'address', 'interface', 'mac', 'wlan'
            , 'ssid', 'mode', 'channel', 'bssid'
            , 'ip4', 'ip6', 'signal', 'noise'
        if opt.interface_info == '-' :
            f  = sys.stdout
        else :
            f  = open (opt.interface_info, 'w')
        dw     = DictWriter (f, fields, delimiter = ';')
        dw.writerow (dict ((k, k) for k in fields))
        for ip, guess in sorted (pyk.iteritems (ipdict), key = key) :
            if isinstance (guess, Guess) :
                for iface in pyk.itervalues (guess.interfaces) :
                    wi = iface.wlan_info
                    mc = None
                    if :
                        mc =
                    d  = dict \
                        ( timestamp = guess.time.strftime
                            ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S+0")
                        , address   = str (ip)
                        , interface =
                        , mac       = mc
                        , wlan      = bool (wi)
                        , ip4       = ' '.join (str (i.ip) for i in iface.inet4)
                        , ip6       = ' '.join (str (i.ip) for i in iface.inet6)
                    if wi :
                        d.update \
                            ( channel =
                            , bssid   = wi.bssid
                            , ssid    = wi.ssid
                            , mode    = wi.mode
                            , signal  = wi.signal
                            , noise   = wi.noise
                    dw.writerow (d)
        f.close ()
    if opt.verbose :
        for ip, guess in sorted (pyk.iteritems (ipdict), key = key) :
            if opt.verbose > 1 :
                print ("%-15s" % ip)
                print ('=' * 15)
                if isinstance (guess, Guess) :
                    print (guess.verbose_repr ())
                else :
                    print ("Exception:", guess)
            else :
                print ("%-15s: %s" % (ip, guess))
Esempio n. 22
 def __hash__(self):
     return hash \
         (( tuple (pyk.iterkeys (self.ips))
          , tuple (pyk.itervalues (self.interfaces))
Esempio n. 23
 def iterkeys (self) :
     return pyk.iterkeys (self.attribute_changes)
Esempio n. 24
 def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
     cls.__m_super.__init__(name, bases, dct)
     if name != "_A_Unit_":
         ud = dct.get("_unit_dict")
         if ud:
             du = dct.get("_default_unit")
             if du is None:
                 for n, v in pyk.iteritems(ud):
                     if v == 1.0:
                         du = n
                         setattr(cls, "_default_unit", du)
             if du is not None:
                 syntax = "\n".join(
                     for s in (
                         getattr(cls, "_syntax_spec_head", ""),
                         "The default unit is %s. If you specify "
                         "another unit, it must be separated from "
                         "the number by at least one space."
                         "You can use the following units: %s." % (du, ", ".join(sorted(pyk.iterkeys(ud)))),
                         getattr(cls, "_syntax_spec_tail", ""),
                     if s
                 setattr(cls, "syntax", syntax)
             elif __debug__:
                     "Attribute type %s doesn't specify a `_default_unit`"
                     "nor a unit with value 1.0 in `_unit_dict`" % name
         elif __debug__:
             if not getattr(cls, "_unit_dict", None):
                 print("Attribute type %s doesn't specify a _unit_dict" % name)
Esempio n. 25
def main():
    import sys
    import pickle

    cmd = ArgumentParser()
    cmd.add_argument \
        ( "-d", "--debug"
        , dest    = "debug"
        , action  = "store_true"
        , help    = "Debug merging of pickle dumps"
    cmd.add_argument \
        ( "-l", "--local"
        , dest    = "local"
        , action  = "store_true"
        , help    = "Use local download for testing with file:// url"
    cmd.add_argument \
        ( "-o", "--output-pickle"
        , dest    = "output_pickle"
        , help    = "Optional pickle output file"
    cmd.add_argument \
        ( "-p", "--port"
        , dest    = "port"
        , help    = "Optional port number to fetch from"
        , type    = int
        , default = 0
    cmd.add_argument \
        ( "-r", "--read-pickle"
        , dest    = "read_pickle"
        , help    = "Read old pickle files, merge and preserve information"
        , action  = "append"
        , default = []
    cmd.add_argument \
        ( "-V", "--version-statistics"
        , dest    = "version_statistics"
        , help    = "Output version information by spidered IP"
    cmd.add_argument \
        ( "-I", "--interface-info"
        , dest    = "interface_info"
        , help    = "Output interface information by spidered IP"
    cmd.add_argument \
        ( "-v", "--verbose"
        , dest    = "verbose"
        , action  = "count"
        , help    = "Show verbose results"
    cmd.add_argument \
        ( "ip"
        , nargs   = "*"
        , help    = "IP Address(es)"
    opt = cmd.parse_args()
    if len(opt.ip) < 1 and not opt.read_pickle:
    ipdict = {}
    for fn in opt.read_pickle:
        if opt.debug:
            print("Processing pickle dump %s" % fn)
        keys = dict.fromkeys(pyk.iterkeys(ipdict))
        mt = None
        if fn == '-':
            f = sys.stdin
            mt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.stat(fn)[ST_MTIME])
            if fn.endswith('.gz'):
                f = GzipFile(fn, 'r')
                f = open(fn, 'r')
        obj = pickle.load(f)
        for k, v in pyk.iteritems(obj):
            # Fixup of object
            if isinstance(v, Guess):
                if not hasattr(v, 'rqinfo'):
                    v.rqinfo = {}
                    v.rqinfo['ips'] = v.status.ips
                    v.rqinfo['interfaces'] = v.status.if_by_name
                    v.status = None
                if mt and not hasattr(v, 'time'):
                    v.time = mt
            if k in ipdict:
                keys[k] = True
                ov = ipdict[k]
                istuple = isinstance(v, tuple)
                if isinstance(ov, tuple):
                    overwrite = False
                    if not istuple:
                        overwrite = True
                    elif ov[0] == 'Timeout_Error':
                        overwrite = True
                    elif v[0] == 'ValueError':
                        overwrite = True
                    if overwrite:
                        #print (opt.debug, istuple, v, ov [0])
                        if (opt.debug and (not istuple or v[0] != ov[0])):
                            print("%s: overwriting %s with %s" % (k, ov, v))
                        ipdict[k] = v
                    elif istuple and ov[0] != v[0] and opt.debug:
                        print("%s: Not overwriting %s with %s" % (k, ov, v))
                    assert isinstance(ov, Guess)
                    if istuple:
                        if opt.debug:
                            print("%s: Not overwriting %s with %s" %
                                  (k, ov, v))
                        assert isinstance(v, Guess)
                        ipdict[k] = v
                if opt.debug:
                    print("%s: new: %s" % (k, v))
                ipdict[k] = v
        if opt.debug:
            for k, v in pyk.iteritems(keys):
                if not v:
                    print("%s: not existing in dump %s" % (k, fn))

    for ip in opt.ip:
        port = opt.port
            ip, port = ip.split(':', 1)
        except ValueError:
        site = site_template % locals()
        url = ''
        # For testing we download the index page and cgi-bin-status.html
        # page into a directory named with the ip address
        if opt.local:
            site = 'file://' + os.path.abspath(ip)
            url = 'index.html'
        ff = Guess(site=site, ip=ip, url=url, port=port)
        ipdict[str(ip)] = ff
    if opt.output_pickle:
        if opt.output_pickle.endswith('.gz'):
            f = GzipFile(opt.output_pickle, 'wb', 9)
            f = open(opt.output_pickle, 'wb')
        pickle.dump(ipdict, f)
    key = lambda x: IP4_Address(x[0])
    if opt.version_statistics:
        fields = ['timestamp', 'address', 'type', 'version']
        if opt.version_statistics == '-':
            f = sys.stdout
            f = open(opt.version_statistics, 'w')
        dw = DictWriter(f, fields, delimiter=';')
        dw.writerow(dict((k, k) for k in fields))
        for ip, guess in sorted(pyk.iteritems(ipdict), key=key):
            if isinstance(guess, Guess):
                dw.writerow \
                    ( dict
                        ( timestamp = guess.time.strftime
                            ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S+0")
                        , address   = str (ip)
                        , version   = guess.version
                        , type      = guess.type
    if opt.interface_info:
        fields = \
            [ 'timestamp', 'address', 'interface', 'mac', 'wlan'
            , 'ssid', 'mode', 'channel', 'bssid'
            , 'ip4', 'ip6', 'signal', 'noise'
        if opt.interface_info == '-':
            f = sys.stdout
            f = open(opt.interface_info, 'w')
        dw = DictWriter(f, fields, delimiter=';')
        dw.writerow(dict((k, k) for k in fields))
        for ip, guess in sorted(pyk.iteritems(ipdict), key=key):
            if isinstance(guess, Guess):
                for iface in pyk.itervalues(guess.interfaces):
                    wi = iface.wlan_info
                    mc = None
                        mc =
                    d  = dict \
                        ( timestamp = guess.time.strftime
                            ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S+0")
                        , address   = str (ip)
                        , interface =
                        , mac       = mc
                        , wlan      = bool (wi)
                        , ip4       = ' '.join (str (i.ip) for i in iface.inet4)
                        , ip6       = ' '.join (str (i.ip) for i in iface.inet6)
                    if wi:
                        d.update \
                            ( channel =
                            , bssid   = wi.bssid
                            , ssid    = wi.ssid
                            , mode    = wi.mode
                            , signal  = wi.signal
                            , noise   = wi.noise
    if opt.verbose:
        for ip, guess in sorted(pyk.iteritems(ipdict), key=key):
            if opt.verbose > 1:
                print("%-15s" % ip)
                print('=' * 15)
                if isinstance(guess, Guess):
                    print("Exception:", guess)
                print("%-15s: %s" % (ip, guess))
Esempio n. 26
 def iteritems(self):
     convert = self._convert_element
     for key in pyk.iterkeys(
         yield key, convert(key, self[key])
Esempio n. 27
 def iterkeys(self):
     return pyk.iterkeys(
Esempio n. 28
File: Progetto: CNDB/CNDB
 def __hash__ (self) :
     return hash \
         (( tuple (pyk.iterkeys (self.ips))
          , tuple (pyk.itervalues (self.interfaces))
Esempio n. 29
 def check_all (self, obj, attr_dict = {}) :
     for k in pyk.iterkeys (self.pred_kind) :
         self.check_kind (k, obj, attr_dict)
     return MOM.Pred.Err_and_Warn_List (self.errors, self.warnings)
Esempio n. 30
 def check_all(self, obj, attr_dict={}):
     for k in pyk.iterkeys(self.pred_kind):
         self.check_kind(k, obj, attr_dict)
     return MOM.Pred.Err_and_Warn_List(self.errors, self.warnings)