def get_morphology_features(self, dataframe=False, file_name=None): """ Download morphology features for all cells with reconstructions in the database. Parameters ---------- file_name: string File name to save/read the ephys features metadata as CSV. If file_name is None, the file_name will be pulled out of the manifest. If caching is disabled, no file will be saved. Default is None. dataframe: boolean Return the output as a Pandas DataFrame. If False, return a list of dictionaries. """ file_name = self.get_cache_path(file_name, self.MORPHOLOGY_FEATURES_KEY) if self.cache: if dataframe: warnings.warn("dataframe argument is deprecated.") args = Cache.cache_csv_dataframe() else: args = Cache.cache_csv_json() else: args = Cache.nocache_json() args['strategy'] = 'lazy' args['path'] = file_name return self.api.get_morphology_features(**args)
def get_structure_tree(self, file_name=None, structure_graph_id=1): """ Read the list of adult mouse structures and return an StructureTree instance. Parameters ---------- file_name: string File name to save/read the structures table. If file_name is None, the file_name will be pulled out of the manifest. If caching is disabled, no file will be saved. Default is None. structure_graph_id: int Build a tree using structure only from the identified structure graph. """ file_name = self.get_cache_path(file_name, self.STRUCTURE_TREE_KEY) return OntologiesApi(self.api.api_url).get_structures_with_sets( strategy='lazy', path=file_name, pre=StructureTree.clean_structures, post=lambda x: StructureTree(StructureTree.clean_structures(x)), structure_graph_ids=structure_graph_id, **Cache.cache_json())
def test_file_kwarg(nrrd_read, safe_mkdir, mca, cache, file_exists): with patch.object(mca, "retrieve_file_over_http") as mock_retrieve: @cacheable(reader=nrrd_read, pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=3, secondary_file_name_position=1, path_keyword='save_file_path')) def download_volumetric_data(data_path, file_name, voxel_resolution=None, save_file_path=None, release=None, coordinate_framework=None): url = mca.build_volumetric_data_download_url( data_path, file_name, voxel_resolution, release, coordinate_framework) mca.retrieve_file_over_http(url, save_file_path) with patch('os.path.exists', Mock(name="os.path.exists", return_value=file_exists)) as mkdir: nrrd_read.reset_mock() download_volumetric_data(MCA.AVERAGE_TEMPLATE, 'annotation_10.nrrd', MCA.VOXEL_RESOLUTION_10_MICRONS, 'volumetric.nrrd', MCA.CCF_2016, strategy='file', save_file_path='file.nrrd') assert not mock_retrieve.called, 'server should not have been called' assert not safe_mkdir.called, 'safe_mkdir should not have been called.' nrrd_read.assert_called_once_with('file.nrrd')
def test_file_download_server(nrrd_read, safe_mkdir, mca, cache, file_exists): with patch.object(mca, "retrieve_file_over_http") as mock_retrieve: @cacheable(reader=nrrd_read, pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=3, secondary_file_name_position=1)) def download_volumetric_data(data_path, file_name, voxel_resolution=None, save_file_path=None, release=None, coordinate_framework=None): url = mca.build_volumetric_data_download_url( data_path, file_name, voxel_resolution, release, coordinate_framework) mca.retrieve_file_over_http(url, save_file_path) with patch('os.path.exists', Mock(name="os.path.exists", return_value=file_exists)) as mkdir: nrrd_read.reset_mock() download_volumetric_data(MCA.AVERAGE_TEMPLATE, 'annotation_10.nrrd', MCA.VOXEL_RESOLUTION_10_MICRONS, 'volumetric.nrrd', MCA.CCF_2016, strategy='create') mock_retrieve.assert_called_once_with( '', 'volumetric.nrrd') assert not safe_mkdir.called, 'safe_mkdir should not have been called.' nrrd_read.assert_called_once_with('volumetric.nrrd')
def _get_stimulus_mappings(self, file_name=None): """ Returns a mapping of which metrics are related to which stimuli. Internal use only. """ file_name = self.get_cache_path(file_name, self.STIMULUS_MAPPINGS_KEY) mappings = self.api.get_stimulus_mappings(path=file_name, strategy='lazy', **Cache.cache_json()) return mappings
def get_affine_parameters(self, section_data_set_id, direction='trv', file_name=None): ''' Extract the parameters of the 3D affine tranformation mapping this section data set's image-space stack to CCF-space (or vice-versa). Parameters ---------- section_data_set_id : int download the parameters for this data set. direction : str, optional Valid options are: trv : "transform from reference to volume". Maps CCF points to image space points. If you are resampling data into CCF, this is the direction you want. tvr : "transform from volume to reference". Maps image space points to CCF points. file_name : str If provided, store the downloaded file here. Returns ------- alignment : numpy.ndarray 4 X 3 matrix. In order to transform a point [X_1, X_2, X_3] run[X_1, X_2, X_3, 1], alignment). In to build a SimpleITK affine transform run: transform = sitk.AffineTransform(3) transform.SetParameters(alignment.flatten()) ''' if not direction in ('trv', 'tvr'): raise ArgumentError( 'invalid direction: {}. direction must be one of tvr, trv'. format(direction)) file_name = self.get_cache_path(file_name, self.ALIGNMENT3D_KEY) raw_alignment = self.api.download_alignment3d( strategy='lazy', path=file_name, section_data_set_id=section_data_set_id, **Cache.cache_json()) alignment_re = re.compile('{}_(?P<index>\d+)'.format(direction)) alignment = np.zeros((4, 3), dtype=float) for entry, value in raw_alignment.items(): match = alignment_re.match(entry) if match is not None: alignment.flat[int('index'))] = value return alignment
def test_cacheable_no_cache_csv(read_csv, ju_read_url_get, ju_read, ju_write): @cacheable() def get_hemispheres(): return RmaApi().model_query(model='Hemisphere') df = get_hemispheres(path='/xyz/abc/example.csv', strategy='file', **Cache.cache_csv()) assert df.loc[:, 'whatever'][0] assert not ju_read_url_get.called read_csv.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/abc/example.csv', parse_dates=True) assert not ju_write.called, 'json write should not have been called' assert not ju_read.called, 'json read should not have been called'
def get_cells(self, file_name=None, require_morphology=False, require_reconstruction=False, reporter_status=None, species=None, simple=True): """ Download metadata for all cells in the database and optionally return a subset filtered by whether or not they have a morphology or reconstruction. Parameters ---------- file_name: string File name to save/read the cell metadata as JSON. If file_name is None, the file_name will be pulled out of the manifest. If caching is disabled, no file will be saved. Default is None. require_morphology: boolean Filter out cells that have no morphological images. require_reconstruction: boolean Filter out cells that have no morphological reconstructions. reporter_status: list Filter for cells that have one or more cell reporter statuses. species: list Filter for cells that belong to one or more species. If None, return all. Must be one of [ CellTypesApi.MOUSE, CellTypesApi.HUMAN ]. """ file_name = self.get_cache_path(file_name, self.CELLS_KEY) cells = self.api.list_cells_api(path=file_name, strategy='lazy', **Cache.cache_json()) if isinstance(reporter_status, string_types): reporter_status = [reporter_status] # filter the cells on the way out cells = self.api.filter_cells_api(cells, require_morphology, require_reconstruction, reporter_status, species, simple) return cells
def test_cacheable_no_save_dataframe(to_csv, read_csv, ju_read_url_get, ju_read, ju_write): @cacheable() def get_hemispheres(): return RmaApi().model_query(model='Hemisphere') df = get_hemispheres(**Cache.nocache_dataframe()) assert df.loc[:, 'whatever'][0] ju_read_url_get.assert_called_once_with( '') assert not to_csv.called, 'to_csv should not have been called' assert not read_csv.called, 'read_csv should not have been called' assert not ju_write.called, 'json write should not have been called' assert not ju_read.called, 'json read should not have been called'
def test_cacheable_json(read_csv, mkdir, ju_read_url_get, ju_read, ju_write): @cacheable() def get_hemispheres(): return RmaApi().model_query(model='Hemisphere') df = get_hemispheres(path='/xyz/abc/example.json', strategy='create', **Cache.cache_json()) assert 'whatever' in df[0] ju_read_url_get.assert_called_once_with( '') assert not read_csv.called, 'read_csv should not have been called' ju_write.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/abc/example.json', _msg) ju_read.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/abc/example.json')
def test_cacheable_lazy_csv_file_exists(read_csv, ju_read_url_get, ju_read, ju_write): @cacheable() def get_hemispheres(): return RmaApi().model_query(model='Hemisphere') with patch('os.path.exists', MagicMock(return_value=True)) as ope: df = get_hemispheres(path='/xyz/abc/example.csv', strategy='lazy', **Cache.cache_csv()) assert df.loc[:, 'whatever'][0] assert not ju_read_url_get.called read_csv.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/abc/example.csv', parse_dates=True) assert not ju_write.called, 'json write should not have been called' assert not ju_read.called, 'json read should not have been called'
def test_excpt(mkdir, ju_read_url_get, ju_read, ju_write): @cacheable() def get_hemispheres_excpt(): return RmaApi().model_query(model='Hemisphere', excpt=['symbol']) df = get_hemispheres_excpt(path='/xyz/abc/example.json', strategy='create', **Cache.cache_json()) assert 'whatever' in df[0] ju_read_url_get.assert_called_once_with( ',rma::options%5Bexcept$eqsymbol%5D' ) ju_write.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/abc/example.json', _msg) ju_read.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/abc/example.json') mkdir.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/abc')
def test_cacheable_json_dataframe(mkdir, ju_read_url_get, ju_read, ju_write, read_csv, mock_read_json): @cacheable() def get_hemispheres(): return RmaApi().model_query(model='Hemisphere') df = get_hemispheres(path='/xyz/abc/example.json', strategy='create', **Cache.cache_json_dataframe()) assert df.loc[:, 'whatever'][0] ju_read_url_get.assert_called_once_with( '') assert not read_csv.called, 'read_csv should not have been called' mock_read_json.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/abc/example.json', orient='records') ju_write.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/abc/example.json', _msg) assert not ju_read.called, 'json read should not have been called' mkdir.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/abc')
def get_ephys_sweeps(self, specimen_id, file_name=None): """ Download sweep metadata for a single cell specimen. Parameters ---------- specimen_id: int ID of a cell. """ file_name = self.get_cache_path(file_name, self.EPHYS_SWEEPS_KEY, specimen_id) sweeps = self.api.get_ephys_sweeps(specimen_id, strategy='lazy', path=file_name, **Cache.cache_json()) return sweeps
def test_cacheable_lazy_csv_no_file(mkdir, dictwriter, ju_read_url_get, ju_read, ju_write, read_csv): @cacheable() def get_hemispheres(): return RmaApi().model_query(model='Hemisphere') with patch('os.path.exists', MagicMock(return_value=False)) as ope: with patch(builtins.__name__ + '.open', mock_open(), create=True) as open_mock: open_mock.return_value.write = MagicMock() df = get_hemispheres(path='/xyz/abc/example.csv', strategy='lazy', **Cache.cache_csv()) assert df.loc[:, 'whatever'][0] ju_read_url_get.assert_called_once_with( '') open_mock.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/abc/example.csv', 'w') dictwriter.return_value.writerow.assert_called() read_csv.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/abc/example.csv', parse_dates=True) assert not ju_write.called, 'json write should not have been called' assert not ju_read.called, 'json read should not have been called'
def test_cacheable_csv_dataframe(read_csv, dictwriter, ju_read_url_get, ju_read, ju_write): @cacheable() def get_hemispheres(): return RmaApi().model_query(model='Hemisphere') with patch('allensdk.config.manifest.Manifest.safe_mkdir') as mkdir: with patch(builtins.__name__ + '.open', mock_open(), create=True) as open_mock: open_mock.return_value.write = MagicMock() df = get_hemispheres(path='/xyz/abc/example.txt', strategy='create', **Cache.cache_csv_dataframe()) assert df.loc[:, 'whatever'][0] ju_read_url_get.assert_called_once_with( '') read_csv.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/abc/example.txt', parse_dates=True) assert not ju_write.called, 'write should not have been called' assert not ju_read.called, 'read should not have been called' mkdir.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/abc') open_mock.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/abc/example.txt', 'w')
def test_cacheable_csv_json(mkdir, dictwriter, ju_read_url_get, ju_read, ju_write, read_csv, mock_read_json): @cacheable() def get_hemispheres(): return RmaApi().model_query(model='Hemisphere') with patch(builtins.__name__ + '.open', mock_open(), create=True) as open_mock: open_mock.return_value.write = MagicMock() df = get_hemispheres(path='/xyz/example.csv', strategy='create', **Cache.cache_csv_json()) assert 'whatever' in df[0] ju_read_url_get.assert_called_once_with( '') read_csv.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/example.csv', parse_dates=True) dictwriter.return_value.writerow.assert_called() assert not mock_read_json.called, 'pj.read_json should not have been called' assert not ju_write.called, 'ju.write should not have been called' assert not ju_read.called, 'json read should not have been called' mkdir.assert_called_once_with('/xyz') open_mock.assert_called_once_with('/xyz/example.csv', 'w')
summary_structures[['id', 'parent_structure_id', 'acronym']].to_csv('summary_structures.csv', index_label='structure_id') reread = pd.read_csv('summary_structures.csv') #=============================================================================== # example 10 #=============================================================================== for id, name, parent_structure_id in summary_structures[[ 'name', 'parent_structure_id' ]].itertuples(): print("%d %s %d" % (id, name, parent_structure_id)) #=============================================================================== # example 11 #=============================================================================== from allensdk.api.warehouse_cache.cache import Cache cache_writer = Cache() do_cache = True structures_from_api = \ cache_writer.wrap(rma.model_query, path='summary.csv', cache=do_cache, model='Structure', criteria='[graph_id$eq1]', num_rows='all')
class ReferenceSpaceApi(RmaApi): AVERAGE_TEMPLATE = 'average_template' ARA_NISSL = 'ara_nissl' MOUSE_2011 = 'annotation/mouse_2011' DEVMOUSE_2012 = 'annotation/devmouse_2012' CCF_2015 = 'annotation/ccf_2015' CCF_2016 = 'annotation/ccf_2016' CCF_2017 = 'annotation/ccf_2017' CCF_VERSION_DEFAULT = CCF_2017 VOXEL_RESOLUTION_10_MICRONS = 10 VOXEL_RESOLUTION_25_MICRONS = 25 VOXEL_RESOLUTION_50_MICRONS = 50 VOXEL_RESOLUTION_100_MICRONS = 100 def __init__(self, base_uri=None): super(ReferenceSpaceApi, self).__init__(base_uri=base_uri) @cacheable(strategy='create',, pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=3, path_keyword='file_name')) def download_annotation_volume(self, ccf_version, resolution, file_name): ''' Download the annotation volume at a particular resolution. Parameters ---------- ccf_version: string Which reference space version to download. Defaults to "annotation/ccf_2017" resolution: int Desired resolution to download in microns. Must be 10, 25, 50, or 100. file_name: string Where to save the annotation volume. Note: the parameters must be used as positional parameters, not keywords ''' if ccf_version is None: ccf_version = ReferenceSpaceApi.CCF_VERSION_DEFAULT self.download_volumetric_data(ccf_version, 'annotation_%d.nrrd' % resolution, save_file_path=file_name) @cacheable(strategy='create', reader=sitk_utilities.read_ndarray_with_sitk, pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=3, path_keyword='file_name')) def download_mouse_atlas_volume(self, age, volume_type, file_name): '''Download a reference volume (annotation, grid annotation, atlas volume) from the mouse brain atlas project Parameters ---------- age : str Specify a mouse age for which to download the reference volume volume_type : str Specify the type of volume to download file_name : str Specify the path to the downloaded volume ''' remote_file_name = '{}_{}.zip'.format(age, volume_type) url = '/'.join([ self.informatics_archive_endpoint, 'current-release', 'mouse_annotation', remote_file_name ]) self.retrieve_file_over_http(url, file_name, zipped=True) @cacheable(strategy='create',, pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=2, path_keyword='file_name')) def download_template_volume(self, resolution, file_name): ''' Download the registration template volume at a particular resolution. Parameters ---------- resolution: int Desired resolution to download in microns. Must be 10, 25, 50, or 100. file_name: string Where to save the registration template volume. ''' self.download_volumetric_data(ReferenceSpaceApi.AVERAGE_TEMPLATE, 'average_template_%d.nrrd' % resolution, save_file_path=file_name) @cacheable(strategy='create',, pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=4, path_keyword='file_name')) def download_structure_mask(self, structure_id, ccf_version, resolution, file_name): '''Download an indicator mask for a specific structure. Parameters ---------- structure_id : int Unique identifier for the annotated structure ccf_version : string Which reference space version to download. Defaults to "annotation/ccf_2017" resolution : int Desired resolution to download in microns. Must be 10, 25, 50, or 100. file_name : string Where to save the downloaded mask. ''' if ccf_version is None: ccf_version = ReferenceSpaceApi.CCF_VERSION_DEFAULT structure_mask_dir = 'structure_masks_{0}'.format(resolution) data_path = '{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(ccf_version, 'structure_masks', structure_mask_dir) remote_file_name = 'structure_{0}.nrrd'.format(structure_id) try: self.download_volumetric_data(data_path, remote_file_name, save_file_path=file_name) except Exception as e: self._file_download_log.error( '''We weren't able to download a structure mask for structure {0}. You can instead build the mask locally using ReferenceSpace.many_structure_masks''' ) raise @cacheable(strategy='create', reader=read_obj, pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=3, path_keyword='file_name')) def download_structure_mesh(self, structure_id, ccf_version, file_name): '''Download a Wavefront obj file containing a triangulated 3d mesh built from an annotated structure. Parameters ---------- structure_id : int Unique identifier for the annotated structure ccf_version : string Which reference space version to download. Defaults to "annotation/ccf_2017" file_name : string Where to save the downloaded mask. ''' if ccf_version is None: ccf_version = ReferenceSpaceApi.CCF_VERSION_DEFAULT data_path = '{0}/{1}'.format(ccf_version, 'structure_meshes') remote_file_name = '{0}.obj'.format(structure_id) try: self.download_volumetric_data(data_path, remote_file_name, save_file_path=file_name) except Exception as e: self._file_download_log.error( 'unable to download a structure mesh for structure {0}.'. format(structure_id)) raise def build_volumetric_data_download_url(self, data_path, file_name, voxel_resolution=None, release=None, coordinate_framework=None): '''Construct url to download 3D reference model in NRRD format. Parameters ---------- data_path : string 'average_template', 'ara_nissl', 'annotation/ccf_{year}', 'annotation/mouse_2011', or 'annotation/devmouse_2012' voxel_resolution : int 10, 25, 50 or 100 coordinate_framework : string 'mouse_ccf' (default) or 'mouse_annotation' Notes ----- See: `3-D Reference Models <>`_ for additional documentation. ''' if voxel_resolution is None: voxel_resolution = ReferenceSpaceApi.VOXEL_RESOLUTION_10_MICRONS if release is None: release = 'current-release' if coordinate_framework is None: coordinate_framework = 'mouse_ccf' url = ''.join([ self.informatics_archive_endpoint, '/%s/%s/' % (release, coordinate_framework), data_path, '/', file_name ]) return url def download_volumetric_data(self, data_path, file_name, voxel_resolution=None, save_file_path=None, release=None, coordinate_framework=None): '''Download 3D reference model in NRRD format. Parameters ---------- data_path : string 'average_template', 'ara_nissl', 'annotation/ccf_{year}', 'annotation/mouse_2011', or 'annotation/devmouse_2012' file_name : string server-side file name. 'annotation_10.nrrd' for example. voxel_resolution : int 10, 25, 50 or 100 coordinate_framework : string 'mouse_ccf' (default) or 'mouse_annotation' Notes ----- See: `3-D Reference Models <>`_ for additional documentation. ''' url = self.build_volumetric_data_download_url(data_path, file_name, voxel_resolution, release, coordinate_framework) if save_file_path is None: save_file_path = file_name if save_file_path is None: save_file_path = 'volumetric_data.nrrd' self.retrieve_file_over_http(url, save_file_path)
class MouseAtlasApi(ReferenceSpaceApi, GridDataApi): ''' Downloads Mouse Brain Atlas grid data, reference volumes, and metadata. ''' MOUSE_ATLAS_PRODUCTS = (1, ) DEVMOUSE_ATLAS_PRODUCTS = (3, ) MOUSE_ORGANISM = (2, ) HUMAN_ORGANISM = (1, ) @cacheable() @pageable(num_rows=2000, total_rows='all') def get_section_data_sets(self, gene_ids=None, product_ids=None, **kwargs): ''' Download a list of section data sets (experiments) from the Mouse Brain Atlas project. Parameters ---------- gene_ids : list of int, optional Filter results based on the genes whose expression was characterized in each experiment. Default is all. product_ids : list of int, optional Filter results to a subset of products. Default is the Mouse Brain Atlas. Returns ------- list of dict : Each element is a section data set record, with one or more gene records nested in a list. ''' if product_ids is None: product_ids = list(self.MOUSE_ATLAS_PRODUCTS) criteria = 'products[id$in{}]'.format(','.join(map(str, product_ids))) if gene_ids is not None: criteria += ',genes[id$in{}]'.format(','.join(map(str, gene_ids))) order = kwargs.pop('order', ['\'id\'']) return self.model_query(model='SectionDataSet', criteria=criteria, include='genes', order=order, **kwargs) @cacheable() @pageable(num_rows=2000, total_rows='all') def get_genes(self, organism_ids=None, chromosome_ids=None, **kwargs): ''' Download a list of genes Parameters ---------- organism_ids : list of int, optional Filter genes to those appearing in these organisms. Defaults to mouse (2). chromosome_ids : list of int, optional Filter genes to those appearing on these chromosomes. Defaults to all. Returns ------- list of dict: Each element is a gene record, with a nested chromosome record (also a dict). ''' if organism_ids is None: organism_ids = list(self.MOUSE_ORGANISM) criteria = '[organism_id$in{}]'.format(','.join(map(str, organism_ids))) if chromosome_ids is not None: criteria += ',[chromosome_id$in{}]'.format(','.join( map(str, chromosome_ids))) order = kwargs.pop('order', ['\'id\'']) return self.model_query(model='Gene', criteria=criteria, include='chromosome', order=order, **kwargs) @cacheable(strategy='create', reader=sitk_utilities.read_ndarray_with_sitk, pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_expression_density(self, path, experiment_id): self.download_gene_expression_grid_data(experiment_id, GridDataApi.DENSITY, path) @cacheable(strategy='create', reader=sitk_utilities.read_ndarray_with_sitk, pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_expression_energy(self, path, experiment_id): self.download_gene_expression_grid_data(experiment_id, GridDataApi.ENERGY, path) @cacheable(strategy='create', reader=sitk_utilities.read_ndarray_with_sitk, pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_expression_intensity(self, path, experiment_id): self.download_gene_expression_grid_data(experiment_id, GridDataApi.INTENSITY, path)
class BrainObservatoryApi(RmaTemplate): _log = logging.getLogger('allensdk.api.queries.brain_observatory_api') NWB_FILE_TYPE = 'NWBOphys' OPHYS_ANALYSIS_FILE_TYPE = 'OphysExperimentCellRoiMetricsFile' OPHYS_EVENTS_FILE_TYPE = 'ObservatoryEventsFile' CELL_MAPPING_ID = 590985414 rma_templates = \ {"brain_observatory_queries": [ {'name': 'list_isi_experiments', 'description': 'see name', 'model': 'IsiExperiment', 'num_rows': 'all', 'count': False, 'criteria_params': [] }, {'name': 'isi_experiment_by_ids', 'description': 'see name', 'model': 'IsiExperiment', 'criteria': '[id$in{{ isi_experiment_ids }}]', 'include': 'experiment_container(ophys_experiments,targeted_structure)', 'num_rows': 'all', 'count': False, 'criteria_params': ['isi_experiment_ids'] }, {'name': 'ophys_experiment_by_ids', 'description': 'see name', 'model': 'OphysExperiment', 'criteria': '{% if ophys_experiment_ids is defined %}[id$in{{ ophys_experiment_ids }}]{%endif%}', 'include': 'experiment_container,well_known_files(well_known_file_type),targeted_structure,specimen(donor(age,transgenic_lines))', 'num_rows': 'all', 'count': False, 'criteria_params': ['ophys_experiment_ids'] }, {'name': 'ophys_experiment_data', 'description': 'see name', 'model': 'WellKnownFile', 'criteria': '[attachable_id$eq{{ ophys_experiment_id }}],well_known_file_type[name$eq%s]' % NWB_FILE_TYPE, 'num_rows': 'all', 'count': False, 'criteria_params': ['ophys_experiment_id'] }, {'name': 'ophys_analysis_file', 'description': 'see name', 'model': 'WellKnownFile', 'criteria': '[attachable_id$eq{{ ophys_experiment_id }}],well_known_file_type[name$eq%s]' % OPHYS_ANALYSIS_FILE_TYPE, 'num_rows': 'all', 'count': False, 'criteria_params': ['ophys_experiment_id'] }, {'name': 'ophys_events_file', 'description': 'see name', 'model': 'WellKnownFile', 'criteria': '[attachable_id$eq{{ ophys_experiment_id }}],well_known_file_type[name$eq%s]' % OPHYS_EVENTS_FILE_TYPE, 'num_rows': 'all', 'count': False, 'criteria_params': ['ophys_experiment_id'] }, {'name': 'column_definitions', 'description': 'see name', 'model': 'ApiColumnDefinition', 'criteria': '[api_class_name$eq{{ api_class_name }}]', 'num_rows': 'all', 'count': False, 'criteria_params': ['api_class_name'] }, {'name': 'column_definition_class_names', 'description': 'see name', 'model': 'ApiColumnDefinition', 'only': ['api_class_name'], 'num_rows': 'all', 'count': False, }, {'name': 'stimulus_mapping', 'description': 'see name', 'model': 'ApiCamStimulusMapping', 'criteria': '{% if stimulus_mapping_ids is defined %}[id$in{{ stimulus_mapping_ids }}]{%endif%}', 'num_rows': 'all', 'count': False, 'criteria_params': ['stimulus_mapping_ids'] }, {'name': 'experiment_container', 'description': 'see name', 'model': 'ExperimentContainer', 'criteria': '{% if experiment_container_ids is defined %}[id$in{{ experiment_container_ids }}]{%endif%}', 'include': 'ophys_experiments,isi_experiment,specimen(donor(conditions,age,transgenic_lines)),targeted_structure', 'num_rows': 'all', 'count': False, 'criteria_params': ['experiment_container_ids'] }, {'name': 'experiment_container_metric', 'description': 'see name', 'model': 'ApiCamExperimentContainerMetric', 'criteria': '{% if experiment_container_metric_ids is defined %}[id$in{{ experiment_container_metric_ids }}]{%endif%}', 'num_rows': 'all', 'count': False, 'criteria_params': ['experiment_container_metric_ids'] }, {'name': 'cell_metric', 'description': 'see name', 'model': 'ApiCamCellMetric', 'criteria': '{% if cell_specimen_ids is defined %}[cell_specimen_id$in{{ cell_specimen_ids }}]{%endif%}', 'criteria_params': ['cell_specimen_ids'] }, {'name': 'cell_specimen_id_mapping_table', 'description': 'see name', 'model': 'WellKnownFile', 'criteria': '[id$eq{{ mapping_table_id }}],well_known_file_type[name$eqOphysCellSpecimenIdMapping]', 'num_rows': 'all', 'count': False, 'criteria_params': ['mapping_table_id'] }, {'name': 'eye_gaze_mapping_file', 'description': 'h5 file containing mouse eye gaze mapped onto screen coordinates (as well as pupil and eye sizes)', 'model': 'WellKnownFile', 'criteria': '[attachable_id$eq{{ ophys_session_id }}],well_known_file_type[name$eqEyeDlcScreenMapping]', 'num_rows': 'all', 'count': False, 'criteria_params': ['ophys_session_id'] }, # NOTE: 'all_eye_mapping_files' query is for facilitating an ugly # hack to get around lack of relationship between experiment id # and session id in current warehouse. This should be removed when # the relationship is added. {'name': 'all_eye_mapping_files', 'description': 'Get a list of dictionaries for all eye mapping wkfs', 'model': 'WellKnownFile', 'criteria': 'well_known_file_type[name$eqEyeDlcScreenMapping]', 'num_rows': 'all', 'count': False } ]} _QUERY_TEMPLATES = { "=": '({0} == {1})', "<": '({0} < {1})', ">": '({0} > {1})', "<=": '({0} <= {1})', ">=": '({0} >= {1})', "between": '({0} >= {1}) and ({0} <= {2})', "in": '({0} == {1})', "is": '({0} == {1})' } def __init__(self, base_uri=None, datacube_uri=None): super(BrainObservatoryApi, self).__init__(base_uri, query_manifest=BrainObservatoryApi.rma_templates) self.datacube_uri = datacube_uri @cacheable() def get_ophys_experiments(self, ophys_experiment_ids=None): ''' Get OPhys Experiments by id Parameters ---------- ophys_experiment_ids : integer or list of integers, optional only select specific experiments. Returns ------- dict : ophys experiment metadata ''' data = self.template_query('brain_observatory_queries', 'ophys_experiment_by_ids', ophys_experiment_ids=ophys_experiment_ids) return data def get_isi_experiments(self, isi_experiment_ids=None): ''' Get ISI Experiments by id Parameters ---------- isi_experiment_ids : integer or list of integers, optional only select specific experiments. Returns ------- dict : isi experiment metadata ''' data = self.template_query('brain_observatory_queries', 'isi_experiment_by_ids', isi_experiment_ids=isi_experiment_ids) return data def list_isi_experiments(self, isi_ids=None): '''List ISI experiments available through the Allen Institute API Parameters ---------- neuronal_model_ids : integer or list of integers, optional only select specific isi experiments. Returns ------- dict : neuronal model metadata ''' data = self.template_query('brain_observatory_queries', 'list_isi_experiments') return data def list_column_definition_class_names(self): ''' Get column definitions Parameters ---------- Returns ------- list : api class name strings ''' data = self.template_query('brain_observatory_queries', 'column_definition_class_names') names = list(set([n['api_class_name'] for n in data])) return names def get_column_definitions(self, api_class_name=None): ''' Get column definitions Parameters ---------- api_class_names : string or list of strings, optional only select specific column definition records. Returns ------- dict : column definition metadata ''' data = self.template_query('brain_observatory_queries', 'column_definitions', api_class_name=api_class_name) return data @cacheable() def get_stimulus_mappings(self, stimulus_mapping_ids=None): ''' Get stimulus mappings by id Parameters ---------- stimulus_mapping_ids : integer or list of integers, optional only select specific stimulus mapping records. Returns ------- dict : stimulus mapping metadata ''' data = self.template_query('brain_observatory_queries', 'stimulus_mapping', stimulus_mapping_ids=stimulus_mapping_ids) return data @cacheable() @pageable(num_rows=2000, total_rows='all') def get_cell_metrics(self, cell_specimen_ids=None, *args, **kwargs): ''' Get cell metrics by id Parameters ---------- cell_metrics_ids : integer or list of integers, optional only select specific cell metric records. Returns ------- dict : cell metric metadata ''' order = kwargs.pop('order', ['\'cell_specimen_id\'']) data = self.template_query('brain_observatory_queries', 'cell_metric', cell_specimen_ids=cell_specimen_ids, order=order, *args, **kwargs) return data @cacheable() def get_experiment_containers(self, experiment_container_ids=None): ''' Get experiment container by id Parameters ---------- experiment_container_ids : integer or list of integers, optional only select specific experiment containers. Returns ------- dict : experiment container metadata ''' data = self.template_query('brain_observatory_queries', 'experiment_container', experiment_container_ids=experiment_container_ids) return data def get_experiment_container_metrics(self, experiment_container_metric_ids=None): ''' Get experiment container metrics by id Parameters ---------- isi_experiment_ids : integer or list of integers, optional only select specific experiments. Returns ------- dict : isi experiment metadata ''' data = self.template_query('brain_observatory_queries', 'experiment_container_metric', experiment_container_metric_ids=experiment_container_metric_ids) return data @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=2, path_keyword='file_name')) def save_ophys_experiment_data(self, ophys_experiment_id, file_name): data = self.template_query('brain_observatory_queries', 'ophys_experiment_data', ophys_experiment_id=ophys_experiment_id) try: file_url = data[0]['download_link'] except Exception as _: raise Exception("ophys experiment %d has no data file" % ophys_experiment_id) self._log.warning( "Downloading ophys_experiment %d NWB. This can take some time." % ophys_experiment_id) self.retrieve_file_over_http(self.api_url + file_url, file_name) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=2, path_keyword='file_name')) def save_ophys_experiment_analysis_data(self, ophys_experiment_id, file_name): data = self.template_query('brain_observatory_queries', 'ophys_analysis_file', ophys_experiment_id=ophys_experiment_id) try: file_url = data[0]['download_link'] except Exception as _: raise Exception("ophys experiment %d has no %s analysis file" % (ophys_experiment_id, )) self._log.warning( "Downloading ophys_experiment %d analysis file. This can take some time." % (ophys_experiment_id, )) self.retrieve_file_over_http(self.api_url + file_url, file_name) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=2, path_keyword='file_name')) def save_ophys_experiment_event_data(self, ophys_experiment_id, file_name): data = self.template_query('brain_observatory_queries', 'ophys_events_file', ophys_experiment_id=ophys_experiment_id) try: file_url = data[0]['download_link'] except Exception: raise Exception("ophys experiment %d has no events file" % ophys_experiment_id) self._log.warning( "Downloading ophys_experiment %d events file. This can take some time." % ophys_experiment_id) self.retrieve_file_over_http(self.api_url + file_url, file_name) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=3, path_keyword='file_name')) def save_ophys_experiment_eye_gaze_data(self, ophys_experiment_id: int, ophys_session_id: int, file_name: str): data = self.template_query('brain_observatory_queries', 'eye_gaze_mapping_file', ophys_session_id=ophys_session_id) experiment_session_string = f"ophys_experiment '{ophys_experiment_id}' (session '{ophys_session_id}')" try: file_url = data[0]['download_link'] except Exception: raise Exception(f"{experiment_session_string} has no eye gaze mapping file") self._log.warning( f"Downloading {experiment_session_string} gaze mapping file. This can take some time." ) self.retrieve_file_over_http(self.api_url + file_url, file_name) def filter_experiments_and_containers(self, objs, ids=None, targeted_structures=None, imaging_depths=None, cre_lines=None, reporter_lines=None, transgenic_lines=None, include_failed=False): if not include_failed: objs = [o for o in objs if not o.get('failed', False)] if ids is not None: objs = [o for o in objs if o['id'] in ids] if targeted_structures is not None: objs = [o for o in objs if o[ 'targeted_structure']['acronym'] in targeted_structures] if imaging_depths is not None: objs = [o for o in objs if o[ 'imaging_depth'] in imaging_depths] if cre_lines is not None: tls = [ tl.lower() for tl in cre_lines ] obj_tls = [ find_specimen_cre_line(o['specimen']) for o in objs ] obj_tls = [ o.lower() if o else None for o in obj_tls ] objs = [o for i,o in enumerate(objs) if obj_tls[i] in tls] if reporter_lines is not None: tls = [ tl.lower() for tl in reporter_lines ] obj_tls = [ find_specimen_reporter_line(o['specimen']) for o in objs ] obj_tls = [ o.lower() if o else None for o in obj_tls ] objs = [o for i,o in enumerate(objs) if obj_tls[i] in tls] if transgenic_lines is not None: tls = set([ tl.lower() for tl in transgenic_lines ]) objs = [ o for o in objs if len(tls & set([ tl.lower() for tl in find_specimen_transgenic_lines(o['specimen']) ]) ) ] return objs def filter_experiment_containers(self, containers, ids=None, targeted_structures=None, imaging_depths=None, cre_lines=None, reporter_lines=None, transgenic_lines=None, include_failed=False, simple=False): containers = self.filter_experiments_and_containers(containers, ids=ids, targeted_structures=targeted_structures, imaging_depths=imaging_depths, cre_lines=cre_lines, reporter_lines=reporter_lines, transgenic_lines=transgenic_lines, include_failed=include_failed) if simple: containers = self.simplify_experiment_containers(containers) return containers def filter_ophys_experiments(self, experiments, ids=None, experiment_container_ids=None, targeted_structures=None, imaging_depths=None, cre_lines=None, reporter_lines=None, transgenic_lines=None, stimuli=None, session_types=None, include_failed=False, require_eye_tracking=False, simple=False): experiments = self.filter_experiments_and_containers(experiments, ids=ids, targeted_structures=targeted_structures, imaging_depths=imaging_depths, cre_lines=cre_lines, reporter_lines=reporter_lines, transgenic_lines=transgenic_lines) if require_eye_tracking: experiments = [e for e in experiments if e.get('fail_eye_tracking', None) is False] if not include_failed: experiments = [e for e in experiments if not e.get('experiment_container',{}).get('failed', False)] if experiment_container_ids is not None: experiments = [e for e in experiments if e[ 'experiment_container_id'] in experiment_container_ids] if session_types is not None: experiments = [e for e in experiments if e[ 'stimulus_name'] in session_types] if stimuli is not None: experiments = [e for e in experiments if len(set(stimuli) & set(stimulus_info.stimuli_in_session(e['stimulus_name']))) > 0] if simple: experiments = self.simplify_ophys_experiments(experiments) return experiments def filter_cell_specimens(self, cell_specimens, ids=None, experiment_container_ids=None, include_failed=False, filters=None): """ Filter a list of cell specimen records returned from the get_cell_metrics method according some of their properties. Parameters ---------- cell_specimens: list of dicts List of records returned by the get_cell_metrics method. ids: list of integers Return only records for cells with cell specimen ids in this list experiment_container_ids: list of integers Return only records for cells that belong to experiment container ids in this list include_failed: bool Whether to include cells from failed experiment containers filters: list of dicts Custom query used to reproduce filter sets created in the Allen Brain Observatory web application. The general form is a list of dictionaries each of which describes a filtering operation based on a metric. For more information, see dataframe_query. """ if not include_failed: cell_specimens = [c for c in cell_specimens if not c.get( 'failed_experiment_container', False)] if ids is not None: cell_specimens = [c for c in cell_specimens if c[ 'cell_specimen_id'] in ids] if experiment_container_ids is not None: cell_specimens = [c for c in cell_specimens if c[ 'experiment_container_id'] in experiment_container_ids] if filters is not None: cell_specimens = self.dataframe_query(cell_specimens, filters, 'cell_specimen_id') return cell_specimens def dataframe_query_string(self, filters): """ Convert a list of cell metric filter dictionaries into a Pandas query string. """ def _quote_string(v): if isinstance(v, string_types): return "'%s'" % (v) else: return str(v) def _filter_clause(op, field, value): if op == 'in': query_args = [field, str(value)] elif type(value) is list: query_args = [field] + list(map(_quote_string, value)) else: query_args = [field, str(value)] cluster_string = self._QUERY_TEMPLATES[op].\ format(*query_args) return cluster_string query_string = ' & '.join(_filter_clause(f['op'], f['field'], f['value']) for f in filters) return query_string def dataframe_query(self, data, filters, primary_key): """ Given a list of dictionary records and a list of filter dictionaries, filter the records using Pandas and return the filtered set of records. Parameters ---------- data: list of dicts List of dictionaries filters: list of dicts Each dictionary describes a filtering operation on a field in the dictionary. The general form is { 'field': <field>, 'op': <operation>, 'value': <filter_value(s)> }. For example, you can apply a threshold on the "osi_dg" column with something like this: { 'field': 'osi_dg', 'op': '>', 'value': 1.0 }. See _QUERY_TEMPLATES for a full list of operators. """ if len(filters) == 0: return data queries = self.dataframe_query_string(filters) result_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data) result_dataframe = result_dataframe.query(queries) result_keys = set(result_dataframe[primary_key]) result = [d for d in data if d[primary_key] in result_keys] return result def get_cell_specimen_id_mapping(self, file_name, mapping_table_id=None): '''Download mapping table from old to new cell specimen IDs. The mapping table is a CSV file that maps cell specimen ids that have changed between processing runs of the Brain Observatory pipeline. Parameters ---------- file_name : string Filename to save locally. mapping_table_id : integer ID of the mapping table file. Defaults to the most recent mapping table. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Mapping table as a DataFrame. ''' if mapping_table_id is None: mapping_table_id = self.CELL_MAPPING_ID data = self.template_query('brain_observatory_queries', 'cell_specimen_id_mapping_table', mapping_table_id=mapping_table_id) try: file_url = data[0]['download_link'] except Exception as _: raise Exception("No OphysCellSpecimenIdMapping file found.") self.retrieve_file_over_http(self.api_url + file_url, file_name) return pd.read_csv(file_name) def simplify_experiment_containers(self, containers): return [{ 'id': c['id'], 'imaging_depth': c['imaging_depth'], 'targeted_structure': c['targeted_structure']['acronym'], 'cre_line': find_specimen_cre_line(c['specimen']), 'reporter_line': find_specimen_reporter_line(c['specimen']), 'donor_name': c['specimen']['donor']['external_donor_name'], 'specimen_name': c['specimen']['name'], 'tags': find_container_tags(c), 'failed': c['failed'] } for c in containers] def simplify_ophys_experiments(self, exps): return [{ 'id': e['id'], 'imaging_depth': e['imaging_depth'], 'targeted_structure': e['targeted_structure']['acronym'], 'cre_line': find_specimen_cre_line(e['specimen']), 'reporter_line': find_specimen_reporter_line(e['specimen']), 'acquisition_age_days': find_experiment_acquisition_age(e), 'experiment_container_id': e['experiment_container_id'], 'session_type': e['stimulus_name'], 'donor_name': e['specimen']['donor']['external_donor_name'], 'specimen_name': e['specimen']['name'], 'fail_eye_tracking': e.get('fail_eye_tracking', None) } for e in exps]
class VoxelModelApi(MouseConnectivityApi): '''HTTP Client extending MouseConnectivityApi to download model data. ''' HTTP_MODEL_DIRECTORY = ""\ "A_high_resolution_data-driven_model_of_the_mouse_connectome/" NODES_FILE = "nodes.csv.gz" WEIGHTS_FILE = "weights.csv.gz" SOURCE_MASK_FILE = "source_mask_params.json" TARGET_MASK_FILE = "target_mask_params.json" CONNECTION_DENSITY_FILE = 'connection_density.csv.gz' CONNECTION_STRENGTH_FILE = 'connection_strength.csv.gz' NORMALIZED_CONNECTION_DENSITY_FILE = 'normalized_connection_density.csv.gz' NORMALIZED_CONNECTION_STRENGTH_FILE = 'normalized_connection_strength.csv.gz' def download_model_files(self, file_name, save_file_path=None): """Download data. Parameters ---------- file_name : string, optional save_file_path : string, optional File name to save as. """ url = self.HTTP_MODEL_DIRECTORY + file_name self.retrieve_file_over_http(url, save_file_path) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_nodes(self, file_name): self.download_model_files(self.NODES_FILE, file_name) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_weights(self, file_name): self.download_model_files(self.WEIGHTS_FILE, file_name) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_source_mask_params(self, file_name): self.download_model_files(self.SOURCE_MASK_FILE, file_name) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_target_mask_params(self, file_name): self.download_model_files(self.TARGET_MASK_FILE, file_name) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_connection_density(self, file_name): self.download_model_files(self.CONNECTION_DENSITY_FILE, file_name) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_connection_strength(self, file_name): self.download_model_files(self.CONNECTION_STRENGTH_FILE, file_name) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_normalized_connection_density(self, file_name): self.download_model_files(self.NORMALIZED_CONNECTION_DENSITY_FILE, file_name) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_normalized_connection_strength(self, file_name): self.download_model_files(self.NORMALIZED_CONNECTION_STRENGTH_FILE, file_name)
class MouseConnectivityApiPrerelease(MouseConnectivityApi): '''Client for retrieving prereleased mouse connectivity data from lims. Parameters ---------- base_uri : string, optional Does not affect pulling from lims. file_name : string, optional File name to save/read storage_directories dict. Passed to GridDataApiPrerelease constructor. ''' def __init__(self, storage_directories_file_name, cache_storage_directories=True, base_uri=None): super(MouseConnectivityApiPrerelease, self).__init__(base_uri=base_uri) self.grid_data_api = GridDataApiPrerelease.from_file_name( storage_directories_file_name, cache=cache_storage_directories) @cacheable() def get_experiments(self): query_result = lu.query(_EXPERIMENT_QUERY) experiments = [] for row in query_result: if str(row[b'id']) in self.grid_data_api.storage_directories: exp_dict = _experiment_dict(row) experiments.append(exp_dict) return experiments #@cacheable() def get_structure_unionizes(self): raise NotImplementedError() @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_injection_density(self, path, experiment_id, resolution): file_name = "%s_%s.nrrd" % (GridDataApi.INJECTION_DENSITY, resolution) self.grid_data_api.download_projection_grid_data( path, experiment_id, file_name) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_projection_density(self, path, experiment_id, resolution): file_name = "%s_%s.nrrd" % (GridDataApi.PROJECTION_DENSITY, resolution) self.grid_data_api.download_projection_grid_data( path, experiment_id, file_name) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_injection_fraction(self, path, experiment_id, resolution): file_name = "%s_%s.nrrd" % (GridDataApi.INJECTION_FRACTION, resolution) self.grid_data_api.download_projection_grid_data( path, experiment_id, file_name) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_data_mask(self, path, experiment_id, resolution): file_name = "%s_%s.nrrd" % (GridDataApi.DATA_MASK, resolution) self.grid_data_api.download_projection_grid_data( path, experiment_id, file_name)
def get_cell_specimens(self, file_name=None, ids=None, experiment_container_ids=None, include_failed=False, simple=True, filters=None): """ Return cell specimens that have certain properies. Parameters ---------- file_name: string File name to save/read the cell specimens. If file_name is None, the file_name will be pulled out of the manifest. If caching is disabled, no file will be saved. Default is None. ids: list List of cell specimen ids. experiment_container_ids: list List of experiment container ids. include_failed: bool Whether to include cells from failed experiment containers simple: boolean Whether or not to simplify the dictionary properties returned by this method to a more concise subset. filters: list of dicts List of filter dictionaries. The Allen Brain Observatory web site can generate filters in this format to reproduce a filtered set of cells found there. To see what these look like, visit, perform a cell search and apply some filters (e.g. find cells in a particular area), then click the "view these cells in the AllenSDK" link on the bottom-left of the search results page. This will take you to a page that contains a code sample you can use to apply those same filters via this argument. For more detail on the filter syntax, see BrainObservatoryApi.dataframe_query. Returns ------- list of dictionaries """ file_name = self.get_cache_path(file_name, self.CELL_SPECIMENS_KEY) cell_specimens = self.api.get_cell_metrics( path=file_name, strategy='lazy', pre=lambda x: [y for y in x], **Cache.cache_json()) cell_specimens = self.api.filter_cell_specimens( cell_specimens, ids=ids, experiment_container_ids=experiment_container_ids, include_failed=include_failed, filters=filters) # drop the thumbnail columns if simple: mappings = self._get_stimulus_mappings() thumbnails = [ m['item'] for m in mappings if m['item_type'] == 'T' and m['level'] == 'R' ] for cs in cell_specimens: for t in thumbnails: del cs[t] return cell_specimens
def get_ophys_experiments(self, file_name=None, ids=None, experiment_container_ids=None, targeted_structures=None, imaging_depths=None, cre_lines=None, reporter_lines=None, transgenic_lines=None, stimuli=None, session_types=None, cell_specimen_ids=None, include_failed=False, require_eye_tracking=False, simple=True): """ Get a list of ophys experiments matching certain criteria. Parameters ---------- file_name: string File name to save/read the ophys experiments. If file_name is None, the file_name will be pulled out of the manifest. If caching is disabled, no file will be saved. Default is None. ids: list List of ophys experiment ids. experiment_container_ids: list List of experiment container ids. targeted_structures: list List of structure acronyms. Must be in the list returned by BrainObservatoryCache.get_all_targeted_structures(). imaging_depths: list List of imaging depths. Must be in the list returned by BrainObservatoryCache.get_all_imaging_depths(). cre_lines: list List of cre lines. Must be in the list returned by BrainObservatoryCache.get_all_cre_lines(). reporter_lines: list List of reporter lines. Must be in the list returned by BrainObservatoryCache.get_all_reporter_lines(). transgenic_lines: list List of transgenic lines. Must be in the list returned by BrainObservatoryCache.get_all_cre_lines() or. BrainObservatoryCache.get_all_reporter_lines(). stimuli: list List of stimulus names. Must be in the list returned by BrainObservatoryCache.get_all_stimuli(). session_types: list List of stimulus session type names. Must be in the list returned by BrainObservatoryCache.get_all_session_types(). cell_specimen_ids: list Only include experiments that contain cells with these ids. include_failed: boolean Whether or not to include experiments from failed experiment containers. simple: boolean Whether or not to simplify the dictionary properties returned by this method to a more concise subset. require_eye_tracking: boolean If True, only return experiments that have eye tracking results. Default: False. Returns ------- list of dictionaries """ _assert_not_string(targeted_structures, "targeted_structures") _assert_not_string(cre_lines, "cre_lines") _assert_not_string(reporter_lines, "reporter_lines") _assert_not_string(transgenic_lines, "transgenic_lines") _assert_not_string(stimuli, "stimuli") _assert_not_string(session_types, "session_types") file_name = self.get_cache_path(file_name, self.EXPERIMENTS_KEY) exps = self.api.get_ophys_experiments(path=file_name, strategy='lazy', **Cache.cache_json()) # NOTE: Ugly hack to update the 'fail_eye_tracking' field # which is using True/False values for the previous eye mapping # implementation. This will also need to be fixed in warehouse. # ----- Start of ugly hack ----- response = self.api.template_query('brain_observatory_queries', 'all_eye_mapping_files') session_ids_with_eye_tracking: set = { entry['attachable_id'] for entry in response if entry['attachable_type'] == "OphysSession" } for indx, exp in enumerate(exps): try: ophys_session_id = ophys_experiment_session_id_map[exp['id']] if ophys_session_id in session_ids_with_eye_tracking: exps[indx]['fail_eye_tracking'] = False else: exps[indx]['fail_eye_tracking'] = True except KeyError: exps[indx]['fail_eye_tracking'] = True # ----- End of ugly hack ----- if cell_specimen_ids is not None: cells = self.get_cell_specimens(ids=cell_specimen_ids) cell_container_ids = set( [cell['experiment_container_id'] for cell in cells]) if experiment_container_ids is not None: experiment_container_ids = list( set(experiment_container_ids) - cell_container_ids) else: experiment_container_ids = list(cell_container_ids) exps = self.api.filter_ophys_experiments( exps, ids=ids, experiment_container_ids=experiment_container_ids, targeted_structures=targeted_structures, imaging_depths=imaging_depths, cre_lines=cre_lines, reporter_lines=reporter_lines, transgenic_lines=transgenic_lines, stimuli=stimuli, session_types=session_types, include_failed=include_failed, require_eye_tracking=require_eye_tracking, simple=simple) return exps
def get_experiment_containers(self, file_name=None, ids=None, targeted_structures=None, imaging_depths=None, cre_lines=None, reporter_lines=None, transgenic_lines=None, include_failed=False, simple=True): """ Get a list of experiment containers matching certain criteria. Parameters ---------- file_name: string File name to save/read the experiment containers. If file_name is None, the file_name will be pulled out of the manifest. If caching is disabled, no file will be saved. Default is None. ids: list List of experiment container ids. targeted_structures: list List of structure acronyms. Must be in the list returned by BrainObservatoryCache.get_all_targeted_structures(). imaging_depths: list List of imaging depths. Must be in the list returned by BrainObservatoryCache.get_all_imaging_depths(). cre_lines: list List of cre lines. Must be in the list returned by BrainObservatoryCache.get_all_cre_lines(). reporter_lines: list List of reporter lines. Must be in the list returned by BrainObservatoryCache.get_all_reporter_lines(). transgenic_lines: list List of transgenic lines. Must be in the list returned by BrainObservatoryCache.get_all_cre_lines() or. BrainObservatoryCache.get_all_reporter_lines(). include_failed: boolean Whether or not to include failed experiment containers. simple: boolean Whether or not to simplify the dictionary properties returned by this method to a more concise subset. Returns ------- list of dictionaries """ _assert_not_string(targeted_structures, "targeted_structures") _assert_not_string(cre_lines, "cre_lines") _assert_not_string(reporter_lines, "reporter_lines") _assert_not_string(transgenic_lines, "transgenic_lines") file_name = self.get_cache_path(file_name, self.EXPERIMENT_CONTAINERS_KEY) containers = self.api.get_experiment_containers(path=file_name, strategy='lazy', **Cache.cache_json()) containers = self.api.filter_experiment_containers( containers, ids=ids, targeted_structures=targeted_structures, imaging_depths=imaging_depths, cre_lines=cre_lines, reporter_lines=reporter_lines, transgenic_lines=transgenic_lines, include_failed=include_failed, simple=simple) return containers
def cache(): return Cache()
class MouseConnectivityApi(ReferenceSpaceApi, GridDataApi): ''' HTTP Client for the Allen Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas. See: `Mouse Connectivity API <>`_ ''' PRODUCT_IDS = [5, 31] def __init__(self, base_uri=None): super(MouseConnectivityApi, self).__init__(base_uri=base_uri) @cacheable() def get_experiments(self, structure_ids, **kwargs): ''' Fetch experiment metadata from the Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas. Parameters ---------- structure_ids : integer or list, optional injection structure Returns ------- url : string The constructed URL ''' criteria_list = [ '[failed$eqfalse]', 'products[id$in%s]' % (','.join(str(i) for i in MouseConnectivityApi.PRODUCT_IDS)) ] if structure_ids is not None: if type(structure_ids) is not list: structure_ids = [structure_ids] criteria_list.append('[id$in%s]' % ','.join(str(i) for i in structure_ids)) criteria_string = ','.join(criteria_list) return self.model_query('SectionDataSet', criteria=criteria_string, **kwargs) @cacheable() def get_experiments_api(self): ''' Fetch experiment metadata from the Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas via the ApiConnectivity table. Returns ------- url : string The constructed URL ''' return self.model_query('ApiConnectivity', num_rows='all') @cacheable() def get_manual_injection_summary(self, experiment_id): ''' Retrieve manual injection summary. ''' criteria = '[id$in%d]' % (experiment_id) include = [ 'specimen(donor(transgenic_mouse(transgenic_lines)),', 'injections(structure,age)),', 'equalization,products' ] only = [ 'id', 'failed', 'storage_directory', 'red_lower', 'red_upper', 'green_lower', 'green_upper', 'blue_lower', 'blue_upper', '', 'specimen_id', 'structure_id', 'reference_space_id', 'primary_injection_structure_id', 'registration_point', 'coordinates_ap', 'coordinates_dv', 'coordinates_ml', 'angle', 'sex', 'strain', 'injection_materials', 'acronym', '', 'days', '', '', 'transgenic_lines.description', '', '' ] return self.model_query('SectionDataSet', criteria=criteria, include=include, only=only) @cacheable() def get_experiment_detail(self, experiment_id): '''Retrieve the experiments data.''' criteria = '[id$eq%d]' % (experiment_id) include = [ 'specimen(stereotaxic_injections(primary_injection_structure,structures,stereotaxic_injection_coordinates)),', 'equalization,', 'sub_images' ] order = ["'sub_images.section_number$asc'"] return self.model_query('SectionDataSet', criteria=criteria, include=include, order=order) @cacheable() def get_projection_image_info(self, experiment_id, section_number): '''Fetch meta-information of one projection image. Parameters ---------- experiment_id : integer section_number : integer Notes ----- See: image examples under `Experimental Overview and Metadata <>`_ for additional documentation. Download the image using :py:meth:`allensdk.api.queries.image_download_api.ImageDownloadApi.download_section_image` ''' criteria = '[id$eq%d]' % (experiment_id) include = [ 'equalization,sub_images[section_number$eq%d]' % (section_number) ] return self.model_query('SectionDataSet', criteria=criteria, include=include) def download_reference_aligned_image_channel_volumes( self, data_set_id, save_file_path=None): ''' Returns ------- The well known file is downloaded ''' well_known_file_url = self.get_reference_aligned_image_channel_volumes_url( data_set_id) if save_file_path is None: save_file_path = str(data_set_id) + '.zip' self.retrieve_file_over_http(well_known_file_url, save_file_path) def build_reference_aligned_image_channel_volumes_url(self, data_set_id): '''Construct url to download the red, green, and blue channels aligned to the 25um adult mouse brain reference space volume. Parameters ---------- data_set_id : integerallensdk.api.queries aka attachable_id Notes ----- See: `Reference-aligned Image Channel Volumes <>`_ for additional documentation. ''' criteria = [ 'well_known_file_type', "[name$eq'ImagesResampledTo25MicronARA']", "[attachable_id$eq%d]" % (data_set_id) ] model_stage = self.model_stage('WellKnownFile', criteria=criteria) url = self.build_query_url([model_stage]) return url def get_reference_aligned_image_channel_volumes_url(self, data_set_id): '''Retrieve the download link for a specific data set.\ Notes ----- See `Reference-aligned Image Channel Volumes <>`_ for additional documentation. ''' download_link = self.do_query( self.build_reference_aligned_image_channel_volumes_url, lambda parsed_json: str(parsed_json['msg'][0]['download_link']), data_set_id) url = self.api_url + download_link return url def experiment_source_search(self, **kwargs): '''Search over the whole projection signal statistics dataset to find experiments with specific projection profiles. Parameters ---------- injection_structures : list of integers or strings Integer or String Structure.acronym. target_domain : list of integers or strings, optional Integer or String Structure.acronym. injection_hemisphere : string, optional 'right' or 'left', Defaults to both hemispheres. target_hemisphere : string, optional 'right' or 'left', Defaults to both hemispheres. transgenic_lines : list of integers or strings, optional Integer or String Specify ID 0 to exclude all TransgenicLines. injection_domain : list of integers or strings, optional Integer or String Structure.acronym. primary_structure_only : boolean, optional product_ids : list of integers, optional Integer start_row : integer, optional For paging purposes. Defaults to 0. num_rows : integer, optional For paging purposes. Defaults to 2000. Notes ----- See `Source Search <>`_, `Target Search <>`_, and `service::mouse_connectivity_injection_structure <>`_. ''' tuples = [(k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs)] return self.service_query('mouse_connectivity_injection_structure', parameters=tuples) def experiment_spatial_search(self, **kwargs): '''Displays all SectionDataSets with projection signal density >= 0.1 at the seed point. This service also returns the path along the most dense pixels from the seed point to the center of each injection site.. Parameters ---------- seed_point : list of floats The coordinates of a point in 3-D SectionDataSet space. transgenic_lines : list of integers or strings, optional Integer or String Specify ID 0 to exclude all TransgenicLines. section_data_sets : list of integers, optional Ids to filter the results. injection_structures : list of integers or strings, optional Integer or String Structure.acronym. primary_structure_only : boolean, optional product_ids : list of integers, optional Integer start_row : integer, optional For paging purposes. Defaults to 0. num_rows : integer, optional For paging purposes. Defaults to 2000. Notes ----- See `Spatial Search <>`_ and `service::mouse_connectivity_target_spatial <>`_. ''' tuples = [(k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs)] return self.service_query('mouse_connectivity_target_spatial', parameters=tuples) def experiment_injection_coordinate_search(self, **kwargs): '''User specifies a seed location within the 3D reference space. The service returns a rank list of experiments by distance of its injection site to the specified seed location. Parameters ---------- seed_point : list of floats The coordinates of a point in 3-D SectionDataSet space. transgenic_lines : list of integers or strings, optional Integer or String Specify ID 0 to exclude all TransgenicLines. injection_structures : list of integers or strings, optional Integer or String Structure.acronym. primary_structure_only : boolean, optional product_ids : list of integers, optional Integer start_row : integer, optional For paging purposes. Defaults to 0. num_rows : integer, optional For paging purposes. Defaults to 2000. Notes ----- See `Injection Coordinate Search <>`_ and `service::mouse_connectivity_injection_coordinate <>`_. ''' tuples = [(k, v) for k, v in six.iteritems(kwargs)] return self.service_query('mouse_connectivity_injection_coordinate', parameters=tuples) def experiment_correlation_search(self, **kwargs): '''Select a seed experiment and a domain over which the similarity comparison is to be made. Parameters ---------- row : integer to correlate against. structures : list of integers or strings, optional Integer or String Structure.acronym. hemisphere : string, optional Use 'right' or 'left'. Defaults to both hemispheres. transgenic_lines : list of integers or strings, optional Integer or String Specify ID 0 to exclude all TransgenicLines. injection_structures : list of integers or strings, optional Integer or String Structure.acronym. primary_structure_only : boolean, optional product_ids : list of integers, optional Integer start_row : integer, optional For paging purposes. Defaults to 0. num_rows : integer, optional For paging purposes. Defaults to 2000. Notes ----- See `Correlation Search <>`_ and `service::mouse_connectivity_correlation <>`_. ''' tuples = sorted(six.iteritems(kwargs)) return self.service_query('mouse_connectivity_correlation', parameters=tuples) @cacheable() def get_structure_unionizes(self, experiment_ids, is_injection=None, structure_name=None, structure_ids=None, hemisphere_ids=None, normalized_projection_volume_limit=None, include=None, debug=None, order=None): experiment_filter = '[section_data_set_id$in%s]' %\ ','.join(str(i) for i in experiment_ids) if is_injection is True: is_injection_filter = '[is_injection$eqtrue]' elif is_injection is False: is_injection_filter = '[is_injection$eqfalse]' else: is_injection_filter = '' if normalized_projection_volume_limit is not None: volume_filter = '[normalized_projection_volume$gt%f]' %\ (normalized_projection_volume_limit) else: volume_filter = '' if hemisphere_ids is not None: hemisphere_filter = '[hemisphere_id$in%s]' %\ ','.join(str(h) for h in hemisphere_ids) else: hemisphere_filter = '' if structure_name is not None: structure_filter = ",structure[name$eq'%s']" % (structure_name) elif structure_ids is not None: structure_filter = '[structure_id$in%s]' %\ ','.join(str(i) for i in structure_ids) else: structure_filter = '' return self.model_query('ProjectionStructureUnionize', criteria=''.join([ experiment_filter, is_injection_filter, volume_filter, hemisphere_filter, structure_filter ]), include=include, order=order, num_rows='all', debug=debug, count=False) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_injection_density(self, path, experiment_id, resolution): self.download_projection_grid_data(experiment_id, [GridDataApi.INJECTION_DENSITY], resolution, path) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_projection_density(self, path, experiment_id, resolution): self.download_projection_grid_data(experiment_id, [GridDataApi.PROJECTION_DENSITY], resolution, path) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_injection_fraction(self, path, experiment_id, resolution): self.download_projection_grid_data(experiment_id, [GridDataApi.INJECTION_FRACTION], resolution, path) @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=1, path_keyword='path')) def download_data_mask(self, path, experiment_id, resolution): self.download_projection_grid_data(experiment_id, [GridDataApi.DATA_MASK], resolution, path) def calculate_injection_centroid(self, injection_density, injection_fraction, resolution=25): ''' Compute the centroid of an injection site. Parameters ---------- injection_density: np.ndarray The injection density volume of an experiment injection_fraction: np.ndarray The injection fraction volume of an experiment ''' # find all voxels with injection_fraction > 0 injection_voxels = np.nonzero(injection_fraction) injection_density_computed = np.multiply( injection_density[injection_voxels], injection_fraction[injection_voxels]) sum_density = np.sum(injection_density_computed) # compute centroid in CCF coordinates if sum_density > 0: centroid = injection_density_computed, list( zip(*injection_voxels))) / sum_density * resolution else: centroid = None return centroid
class CellTypesApi(RmaApi): NWB_FILE_TYPE = 'NWBDownload' SWC_FILE_TYPE = '3DNeuronReconstruction' MARKER_FILE_TYPE = '3DNeuronMarker' MOUSE = 'Mus musculus' HUMAN = 'H**o Sapiens' def __init__(self, base_uri=None): super(CellTypesApi, self).__init__(base_uri) @cacheable() def list_cells_api(self, id=None, require_morphology=False, require_reconstruction=False, reporter_status=None, species=None): criteria = None if id: criteria = "[specimen__id$eq%d]" % id cells = self.model_query('ApiCellTypesSpecimenDetail', criteria=criteria, num_rows='all') return cells @deprecated("please use list_cells_api instead") def list_cells(self, id=None, require_morphology=False, require_reconstruction=False, reporter_status=None, species=None): """ Query the API for a list of all cells in the Cell Types Database. Parameters ---------- id: int ID of a cell. If not provided returns all matching cells. require_morphology: boolean Only return cells that have morphology images. require_reconstruction: boolean Only return cells that have morphological reconstructions. reporter_status: list Return cells that have a particular cell reporter status. species: list Filter for cells that belong to one or more species. If None, return all. Must be one of [ CellTypesApi.MOUSE, CellTypesApi.HUMAN ]. Returns ------- list Meta data for all cells. """ if id: criteria = "[id$eq'%d']" % id else: criteria = "[is_cell_specimen$eq'true'],products[name$in'Mouse Cell Types','Human Cell Types'],ephys_result[failed$eqfalse]" include = ( 'structure,cortex_layer,donor(transgenic_lines,organism,conditions),specimen_tags,cell_soma_locations,' + 'ephys_features,data_sets,neuron_reconstructions,cell_reporter') cells = self.model_query('Specimen', criteria=criteria, include=include, num_rows='all') for cell in cells: # specimen tags for tag in cell['specimen_tags']: tag_name, tag_value = tag['name'].split(' - ') tag_name = tag_name.replace(' ', '_') cell[tag_name] = tag_value # morphology and reconstuction cell['has_reconstruction'] = len( cell['neuron_reconstructions']) > 0 cell['has_morphology'] = len(cell['data_sets']) > 0 # transgenic line cell['transgenic_line'] = None for tl in cell['donor']['transgenic_lines']: if tl['transgenic_line_type_name'] == 'driver': cell['transgenic_line'] = tl['name'] # cell reporter status cell['reporter_status'] = cell.get('cell_reporter', {}).get('name', None) # species cell['species'] = cell.get('donor', {}).get('organism', {}).get('name', None) # conditions (whitelist) condition_types = ['disease categories'] condition_keys = dict( zip(condition_types, [ct.replace(' ', '_') for ct in condition_types])) for ct, ck in condition_keys.items(): cell[ck] = [] conditions = cell.get('donor', {}).get('conditions', []) for condition in conditions: c_type, c_val = condition['name'].split(' - ') if c_type in condition_keys: cell[condition_keys[c_type]].append(c_val) result = self.filter_cells(cells, require_morphology, require_reconstruction, reporter_status, species) return result def get_cell(self, id): ''' Query the API for a one cells in the Cell Types Database. Returns ------- list Meta data for one cell. ''' cells = self.list_cells_api(id=id) cell = None if not cells else cells[0] return cell @cacheable() def get_ephys_sweeps(self, specimen_id): """ Query the API for a list of sweeps for a particular cell in the Cell Types Database. Parameters ---------- specimen_id: int Specimen ID of a cell. Returns ------- list: List of sweep dictionaries belonging to a cell """ criteria = "[specimen_id$eq%d]" % specimen_id sweeps = self.model_query('EphysSweep', criteria=criteria, num_rows='all') return sorted(sweeps, key=lambda x: x['sweep_number']) @deprecated("please use filter_cells_api") def filter_cells(self, cells, require_morphology, require_reconstruction, reporter_status, species): """ Filter a list of cell specimens to those that optionally have morphologies or have morphological reconstructions. Parameters ---------- cells: list List of cell metadata dictionaries to be filtered require_morphology: boolean Filter out cells that have no morphological images. require_reconstruction: boolean Filter out cells that have no morphological reconstructions. reporter_status: list Filter for cells that have a particular cell reporter status species: list Filter for cells that belong to one or more species. If None, return all. Must be one of [ CellTypesApi.MOUSE, CellTypesApi.HUMAN ]. """ if require_morphology: cells = [c for c in cells if c['has_morphology']] if require_reconstruction: cells = [c for c in cells if c['has_reconstruction']] if reporter_status: cells = [ c for c in cells if c['reporter_status'] in reporter_status ] if species: species_lower = [s.lower() for s in species] cells = [ c for c in cells if c['donor']['organism']['name'].lower() in species_lower ] return cells def filter_cells_api(self, cells, require_morphology=False, require_reconstruction=False, reporter_status=None, species=None, simple=True): """ """ if require_morphology or require_reconstruction: cells = [ c for c in cells if c.get('nr__reconstruction_type') is not None ] if reporter_status: cells = [ c for c in cells if c.get('cell_reporter_status') in reporter_status ] if species: species_lower = [s.lower() for s in species] cells = [ c for c in cells if c.get('donor__species', "").lower() in species_lower ] if simple: cells = self.simplify_cells_api(cells) return cells def simplify_cells_api(self, cells): return [{ 'reporter_status': cell['cell_reporter_status'], 'cell_soma_location': [cell['csl__x'], cell['csl__y'], cell['csl__z']], 'species': cell['donor__species'], 'id': cell['specimen__id'], 'name': cell['specimen__name'], 'structure_layer_name': cell['structure__layer'], 'structure_area_id': cell['structure_parent__id'], 'structure_area_abbrev': cell['structure_parent__acronym'], 'transgenic_line': cell['line_name'], 'dendrite_type': cell['tag__dendrite_type'], 'apical': cell['tag__apical'], 'reconstruction_type': cell['nr__reconstruction_type'], 'disease_state': cell['donor__disease_state'], 'donor_id': cell['donor__id'], 'structure_hemisphere': cell['specimen__hemisphere'], 'normalized_depth': cell['csl__normalized_depth'] } for cell in cells] @cacheable() def get_ephys_features(self): """ Query the API for the full table of EphysFeatures for all cells. """ return self.model_query( 'EphysFeature', criteria='specimen(ephys_result[failed$eqfalse])', num_rows='all') @cacheable() def get_morphology_features(self): """ Query the API for the full table of morphology features for all cells Notes ----- by default the tags column is removed because it isn't useful """ return self.model_query( 'NeuronReconstruction', criteria="specimen(ephys_result[failed$eqfalse])", excpt='tags', num_rows='all') @cacheable(strategy='create', pathfinder=Cache.pathfinder(file_name_position=2, path_keyword='file_name')) def save_ephys_data(self, specimen_id, file_name): """ Save the electrophysology recordings for a cell as an NWB file. Parameters ---------- specimen_id: int ID of the specimen, from the Specimens database model in the Allen Institute API. file_name: str Path to save the NWB file. """ criteria = '[id$eq%d],ephys_result(well_known_files(well_known_file_type[name$eq%s]))' % ( specimen_id, self.NWB_FILE_TYPE) includes = 'ephys_result(well_known_files(well_known_file_type))' results = self.model_query('Specimen', criteria=criteria, include=includes, num_rows='all') try: file_url = results[0]['ephys_result']['well_known_files'][0][ 'download_link'] except Exception as _: raise Exception("Specimen %d has no ephys data" % specimen_id) self.retrieve_file_over_http(self.api_url + file_url, file_name) def save_reconstruction(self, specimen_id, file_name): """ Save the morphological reconstruction of a cell as an SWC file. Parameters ---------- specimen_id: int ID of the specimen, from the Specimens database model in the Allen Institute API. file_name: str Path to save the SWC file. """ Manifest.safe_make_parent_dirs(file_name) criteria = '[id$eq%d],neuron_reconstructions(well_known_files)' % specimen_id includes = 'neuron_reconstructions(well_known_files(well_known_file_type[name$eq\'%s\']))' % self.SWC_FILE_TYPE results = self.model_query('Specimen', criteria=criteria, include=includes, num_rows='all') try: file_url = results[0]['neuron_reconstructions'][0][ 'well_known_files'][0]['download_link'] except: raise Exception("Specimen %d has no reconstruction" % specimen_id) self.retrieve_file_over_http(self.api_url + file_url, file_name) def save_reconstruction_markers(self, specimen_id, file_name): """ Save the marker file for the morphological reconstruction of a cell. These are comma-delimited files indicating points of interest in a reconstruction (truncation points, early tracing termination, etc). Parameters ---------- specimen_id: int ID of the specimen, from the Specimens database model in the Allen Institute API. file_name: str Path to save the marker file. """ Manifest.safe_make_parent_dirs(file_name) criteria = '[id$eq%d],neuron_reconstructions(well_known_files)' % specimen_id includes = 'neuron_reconstructions(well_known_files(well_known_file_type[name$eq\'%s\']))' % self.MARKER_FILE_TYPE results = self.model_query('Specimen', criteria=criteria, include=includes, num_rows='all') try: file_url = results[0]['neuron_reconstructions'][0][ 'well_known_files'][0]['download_link'] except: raise LookupError("Specimen %d has no marker file" % specimen_id) self.retrieve_file_over_http(self.api_url + file_url, file_name)
def get_experiments(self, dataframe=False, file_name=None, cre=None, injection_structure_ids=None): """ Read a list of experiments that match certain criteria. If caching is enabled, this will save the whole (unfiltered) list of experiments to a file. Parameters ---------- dataframe: boolean Return the list of experiments as a Pandas DataFrame. If False, return a list of dictionaries. Default False. file_name: string File name to save/read the structures table. If file_name is None, the file_name will be pulled out of the manifest. If caching is disabled, no file will be saved. Default is None. cre: boolean or list If True, return only cre-positive experiments. If False, return only cre-negative experiments. If None, return all experients. If list, return all experiments with cre line names in the supplied list. Default None. injection_structure_ids: list Only return experiments that were injected in the structures provided here. If None, return all experiments. Default None. """ file_name = self.get_cache_path(file_name, self.EXPERIMENTS_KEY) experiments = self.api.get_experiments_api(path=file_name, strategy='lazy', **Cache.cache_json()) for e in experiments: # renaming id e['id'] = e['data_set_id'] del e['data_set_id'] # simplify trangsenic line tl = e.get('transgenic_line', None) if tl: e['transgenic_line'] = tl['name'] # parse the injection structures injs = [int(i) for i in e['injection_structures'].split('/')] e['injection_structures'] = injs e['primary_injection_structure'] = injs[0] # remove storage dir del e['storage_directory'] # filter the read/downloaded list of experiments experiments = self.filter_experiments(experiments, cre, injection_structure_ids) if dataframe: experiments = pd.DataFrame(experiments) experiments.set_index(['id'], inplace=True, drop=False) return experiments