def test_40_loads_wo_type(self): a = dict(requires=["bash", "zsh"]) a_s = "requires:bash,zsh" a1 = A.loads(a_s) self.assertEquals(a1["requires"], a["requires"])
def test_42_loads_w_type_not_exist(self): a = dict(requires=["bash", "zsh"]) a_s = "requires:bash,zsh" a1 = A.loads(a_s, "type_not_exist") self.assertEquals(a1["requires"], a["requires"])
def test_42_loads_w_type_not_exist(self): a_s = "requires:bash,zsh" a1 = TT.loads(a_s, "type_not_exist") # a = dict(requires=["bash", "zsh"]) # self.assertEqual(a1["requires"], a["requires"]) self.assertTrue(a1 is None)
def test_40_loads_wo_type(self): a_s = "requires:bash,zsh" a1 = TT.loads(a_s) # a = dict(requires=["bash", "zsh"]) # self.assertEqual(a1["requires"], a["requires"]) self.assertTrue(a1 is None)
def main(argv=sys.argv): p = option_parser() (options, args) = p.parse_args(argv[1:]) llvl = logging.DEBUG if options.debug else logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(level=llvl) if not args: if options.list: sys.stdout.write( "Supported config types: " + ", ".join(A.list_types()) + "\n" ) sys.exit(0) else: p.print_usage() sys.exit(-1) data = A.load(args, options.itype, options.merge) if options.args: diff = A.loads(options.args, options.atype) data.update(diff, options.merge) if options.output: cp = A.find_loader(options.output, options.otype) cp.dump(data, options.output) else: assert options.otype is not None, \ "Please specify Output type w/ -O/--otype option" cp = A.find_loader(None, options.otype) sys.stdout.write(cp.dumps(data))
def test_30_dumps_and_loads(self): a = dict(name="a", a=1, b=dict(b=[1, 2], c="C")) a1 = A.loads(A.dumps(a, "json"), "json") self.assertEquals(a1["name"], a["name"]) self.assertEquals(a1["a"], a["a"]) self.assertEquals(a1["b"]["b"], a["b"]["b"]) self.assertEquals(a1["b"]["c"], a["b"]["c"])
def test_30_dumps_and_loads__w_options(self): a = dict(name="a", a=1, b=dict(b=[1, 2], c="C")) a1 = A.loads(A.dumps(a, "json", indent=2), "json", ensure_ascii=False) self.assertEquals(a1["name"], a["name"]) self.assertEquals(a1["a"], a["a"]) self.assertEquals(a1["b"]["b"], a["b"]["b"]) self.assertEquals(a1["b"]["c"], a["b"]["c"])
def test_32_dumps_and_loads__w_options__no_dumper(self): a = dict(name="a", a=1, b=dict(b=[1, 2], c="C")) a1 = A.loads(A.dumps(a, "type_not_exist"), "json") self.assertEquals(a1["name"], a["name"]) self.assertEquals(a1["a"], a["a"]) self.assertEquals(a1["b"]["b"], a["b"]["b"]) self.assertEquals(a1["b"]["c"], a["b"]["c"])
def test_49_loads_w_validation_error(self): if not anyconfig.schema.JSONSCHEMA_IS_AVAIL: skip_test() cnf_s = """{"a": "aaa"}""" scm_s = TT.dumps(SCM_0, "json") cnf_2 = TT.loads(cnf_s, ac_parser="json", ac_schema=scm_s) self.assertTrue(cnf_2 is None, cnf_2)
def test_46_loads_w_type__broken_template(self): if not anyconfig.template.SUPPORTED: return a = dict(requires="{% }}", ) a_s = 'requires: "{% }}"' a1 = TT.loads(a_s, ac_parser="yaml", ac_template=True, ac_context={}) self.assertEqual(a1["requires"], a["requires"])
def test_44_loads_w_type__template(self): if not anyconfig.template.SUPPORTED: return a_s = "requires: [{{ requires|join(', ') }}]" reqs = dict(requires=["bash", "zsh"]) a1 = TT.loads(a_s, ac_parser="yaml", ac_template=True, ac_context=reqs) self.assertEqual(a1["requires"], reqs["requires"])
def test_48_loads_w_validation(self): cnf_s = TT.dumps(CNF_0, "json") scm_s = TT.dumps(SCM_0, "json") cnf_2 = TT.loads(cnf_s, ac_parser="json", ac_context={}, ac_schema=scm_s) self.assertEqual(cnf_2["name"], CNF_0["name"]) self.assertEqual(cnf_2["a"], CNF_0["a"]) self.assertEqual(cnf_2["b"]["b"], CNF_0["b"]["b"]) self.assertEqual(cnf_2["b"]["c"], CNF_0["b"]["c"])
def test_46_loads_w_type__broken_template(self): if not AT.SUPPORTED: return a = dict(requires="{% }}", ) a_s = 'requires: "{% }}"' a1 = TT.loads(a_s, forced_type="yaml", ac_template=True, ac_context={}) self.assertEquals(a1["requires"], a["requires"])
def main(argv=sys.argv): """ :param argv: Argument list to parse [sys.argv] """ parser = option_parser() (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) A.set_loglevel(to_log_level(options.loglevel)) if not args: if options.list: tlist = ", ".join(A.list_types()) + "\n" sys.stdout.write("Supported config types: " + tlist) sys.exit(0) else: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(-1) data = data = os.environ.copy() if options.env else A.container() diff = A.load(args, options.itype, ignore_missing=options.ignore_missing, merge=options.merge, ac_template=options.template) data.update(diff) if options.args: diff = A.loads(options.args, options.atype, ac_template=options.template, ac_context=data) data.update(diff, options.merge) if options.get: (data, err) = A.get(data, options.get) if err: raise RuntimeError(err) if options.set: A.set_(data, *(options.set.split('='))) if options.output: cparser = A.find_loader(options.output, options.otype) if cparser is None: raise RuntimeError("No suitable dumper was found for %s", options.output) cparser.dump(data, options.output) else: # TODO: Reuse input type automatically detected as it's impossible to # detect output type w/o options.output. if options.otype is None: if options.itype is None: raise RuntimeError("Please specify input and/or output type " "with -I (--itype) or -O (--otype) option") else: options.otype = options.itype cparser = A.find_loader(None, options.otype) sys.stdout.write(cparser.dumps(data))
def test_44_loads_w_type__template(self): if not AT.SUPPORTED: return a = dict(requires=["bash", "zsh"]) a_s = "requires: [{{ requires|join(', ') }}]" context = dict(requires=["bash", "zsh"], ) a1 = TT.loads(a_s, forced_type="yaml", ac_template=True, ac_context=context) self.assertEquals(a1["requires"], a["requires"])
def main(argv=sys.argv): """ :param argv: Argument list to parse [sys.argv] """ parser = option_parser() (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) A.set_loglevel(to_log_level(options.loglevel)) if not args: if options.list: tlist = ", ".join(A.list_types()) + "\n" sys.stdout.write("Supported config types: " + tlist) sys.exit(0) else: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(-1) data = A.load(args, options.itype, options.merge, ignore_missing=options.ignore_missing) if options.args: diff = A.loads(options.args, options.atype) data.update(diff, options.merge) if options.get: (data, err) = A.get(data, options.get) if err: raise RuntimeError(err) if options.set: A.set_(data, *(options.set.split('='))) if options.output: cparser = A.find_loader(options.output, options.otype) cparser.dump(data, options.output) else: # TODO: Reuse input type automatically detected as it's impossible to # detect output type w/o options.output. if options.otype is None: if options.itype is None: raise RuntimeError("Please specify input and/or output type " "with -I (--itype) or -O (--otype) option") else: options.otype = options.itype cparser = A.find_loader(None, options.otype) sys.stdout.write(cparser.dumps(data))
def main(argv=None): """ :param argv: Argument list to parse or None (sys.argv will be set). """ (parser, options, args) = parse_args(argv=argv) API.LOGGER.setLevel(to_log_level(options.loglevel)) _check_options_and_args(parser, options, args) cnf = API.container(os.environ.copy() if options.env else {}) diff = API.load(args, options.itype, ignore_missing=options.ignore_missing, merge=options.merge, ac_template=options.template, ac_schema=options.schema) _exit_if_load_failure(diff, "Failed to load: args=%s" % ", ".join(args)) cnf.update(diff) if options.args: diff = API.loads(options.args, options.atype, ac_template=options.template, ac_context=cnf) cnf.update(diff, options.merge) _exit_if_only_to_validate(options.validate) if options.gen_schema: cnf = API.gen_schema(cnf) if options.get: cnf = _do_get(cnf, options.get) if options.set: (key, val) = options.set.split('=') API.set_(cnf, key, anyconfig.parser.parse(val)) _output_result(cnf, options.output, options.otype, args[0], options.itype)
def test_30_dumps_and_loads(self): cnf = TT.loads(TT.dumps(self.cnf, "json"), "json") self.assertTrue(dicts_equal(cnf, self.cnf), str(cnf))
def test_30_dumps_and_loads__w_options(self): cnf = TT.loads(TT.dumps(self.cnf, "json", indent=2), "json", ensure_ascii=False) self.assertTrue(dicts_equal(cnf, self.cnf), str(cnf))
def test_32_dumps_and_loads__w_options__no_dumper(self): cnf = TT.loads(TT.dumps(self.cnf, "type_not_exist"), "json") self.assertTrue(dicts_equal(cnf, self.cnf), str(cnf))
def test_40_loads_wo_type(self): cnf_s = "requires:bash,zsh" self.assertTrue(TT.loads(cnf_s) is None)
def test_30_dumps_and_loads__w_options(self): res = TT.loads(TT.dumps(self.cnf, "json", indent=2), "json", ensure_ascii=False) self.assert_dicts_equal(res, self.cnf)
def test_30_dumps_and_loads(self): res = TT.loads(TT.dumps(self.cnf, "json"), "json") self.assert_dicts_equal(res, self.cnf)
def test_49_loads_w_validation_error(self): cnf_s = """{"a": "aaa"}""" scm_s = TT.dumps(SCM_0, "json") cnf_2 = TT.loads(cnf_s, ac_parser="json", ac_schema=scm_s) self.assertTrue(cnf_2 is None, cnf_2)
def main(argv=None): """ :param argv: Argument list to parse or None (sys.argv will be set). """ if argv is None: argv = sys.argv parser = option_parser() (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) A.set_loglevel(to_log_level(options.loglevel)) if not args: if options.list: tlist = ", ".join(A.list_types()) + "\n" sys.stdout.write("Supported config types: " + tlist) sys.exit(0) else: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) if options.validate and options.schema is None: sys.stderr.write("--validate option requires --scheme option") sys.exit(1) data = data = os.environ.copy() if options.env else A.container() diff = A.load(args, options.itype, ignore_missing=options.ignore_missing, merge=options.merge, ac_template=options.template, ac_schema=options.schema) if diff is None: sys.stderr.write("Validation failed") sys.exit(1) data.update(diff) if options.args: diff = A.loads(options.args, options.atype, ac_template=options.template, ac_context=data) data.update(diff, options.merge) if options.validate:"Validation succeeds") sys.exit(0) if options.gen_schema: data = A.gen_schema(data) if options.get: (data, err) = A.get(data, options.get) if err: raise RuntimeError(err) # Output primitive types as it is. if not anyconfig.mergeabledict.is_mergeabledict_or_dict(data): sys.stdout.write(str(data) + '\n') return if options.set: (key, val) = options.set.split('=') A.set_(data, key, anyconfig.parser.parse(val)) if options.output: cparser = A.find_loader(options.output, options.otype) if cparser is None: raise RuntimeError("No suitable dumper was found for %s", options.output) cparser.dump(data, options.output) else: if options.otype is None: if options.itype is None: psr = A.find_loader(args[0]) if psr is not None: options.otype = psr.type() # Reuse detected input type else: raise RuntimeError("Please specify input and/or output " "type with -I (--itype) or -O " "(--otype) option") else: options.otype = options.itype cparser = A.find_loader(None, options.otype) sys.stdout.write(cparser.dumps(data) + '\n')