Esempio n. 1
    def parse(self, line):
        Parses single line from accounting log file.
        Example line of accounting log file:
        "timestamp=2012-05-20 23:59:47" "userDN=/O=GermanGrid/OU=UniWuppertal/CN=Torsten Harenberg"
        "userFQAN=/atlas/Role=production/Capability=NULL" ""
        "jobID=CREAM410741480" "lrmsID=9575064.lrms1" "localUser=11999"
        Line was split, if you want to rejoin use ' ' as a joiner.
        data = {}
        rc = {}
        record = BlahdRecord()
        #  split file and remove parts which contain only space (like ' ')
        parts = [x.split('=',1) for x in [y for y in self.LINE_EXPR.split(line) if len(y) > 1]]
        # Simple mapping between keys in a log file and a table's columns
        mapping = {
            'TimeStamp'      : lambda x: 'T'.join(x['timestamp'].split()) + 'Z',
            'GlobalUserName' : lambda x: x['userDN'],
            'FQAN'           : lambda x: x['userFQAN'],
            'VO'             : lambda x: parse_fqan(x['userFQAN'])[2],
            'VOGroup'        : lambda x: parse_fqan(x['userFQAN'])[1],
            'VORole'         : lambda x: parse_fqan(x['userFQAN'])[0],
            'CE'             : lambda x: x['ceID'],
            'GlobalJobId'    : lambda x: x['jobID'],
            'LrmsId'         : lambda x: x['lrmsID'],
            'Site'           : lambda x: self.site_name,
            'ValidFrom'      : lambda x: valid_from(parse_timestamp(x['timestamp'])),
            'ValidUntil'     : lambda x: valid_until(parse_timestamp(x['timestamp'])),
            'Processed'      : lambda x: Parser.UNPROCESSED}

        for key, value in parts:
            # Store only the first value encountered. This is mainly for the
            # userFQAN field as the first occurence of this is the primary FQAN.
            if key not in data:
                data[key] = value

        for key in mapping:
            rc[key] = mapping[key](data)

        return record
Esempio n. 2
 def test_valid_from(self):
     now =
     result = now - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
     self.assertEqual(result, valid_from(now))
Esempio n. 3
 def test_valid_from(self):
     now =
     result = now-datetime.timedelta(days=1)
     self.assertEqual(result, valid_from(now))
Esempio n. 4
    def parse(self, line):
        Parses single line from accounting log file.

        Example line of accounting log file:
        "timestamp=2017-02-01 00:03:49; clusterid=381620; CE_JobId=396933.0; owner=lhpilot007; VO=lhcb; 
        userDN=/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=romanov/CN=427293/CN=Vladimir Romanovskiy; 
        userFQAN=/lhcb/Role=pilot/Capability=NULL; [email protected]; request_cpus=1; 
        cputime=3466.000000; syscputime=259.000000; jobduration=4821.575215; walltime+suspensiontime=4823.000000; 
        suspensiontime=0.000000; cputmult=1.1864; pmem=1684532; vmem=944; disk=38543; ExitCode=0; 
        ExitSignal=undefined; LastStatus=4; JobStatus=3; startdate=1485899007; enddate=1485903829"

        Line was split, if you want to rejoin use ' ' as a joiner.
        data = {}
        rc = {}
        LINE_EXPR = re.compile(r'\"|\"_\"')
        # This is basically for the FQAN
        parts = [
            x.split('=', 1)
            for x in [y for y in LINE_EXPR.split(line) if len(y) > 1]

        for item in line.split("; "):
            key, value = item.split('=', 1)
            data[key] = value

        mapping = {
            lambda x: 'T'.join(x['timestamp'].split()) + 'Z',
            lambda x: x['userDN'],
            lambda x: x['userFQAN'],
            lambda x: x['VO'],
            lambda x: x['userFQAN'].split("/")[1],
            lambda x: x['userFQAN'].split("/")[2],
            lambda x: self.machine_name + ":" + "9619" + "/" + self.
            machine_name + "-" + "condor",
            lambda x: x['CE_JobId'] + "_" + self.machine_name,
            lambda x: x['clusterid'] + "_" + self.machine_name,
            lambda x: self.site_name,
            lambda x: valid_from(parse_timestamp(x['timestamp'])),
            lambda x: valid_until(parse_timestamp(x['timestamp'])),
            lambda x: Parser.UNPROCESSED

        for key, value in parts:
            # Store only the first value encountered. This is mainly for the
            # userFQAN field as the first occurence of this is the primary FQAN.
            if key not in data:
                data[key] = value

        for key in mapping:
            rc[key] = mapping[key](data)

        record = HTCondorCERecord()
        return record