Esempio n. 1
def index():
    # Create database connection
    con = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)
    # Add custom filter to jinja2 env
    jinja2.filters.FILTERS['format_currency'] = format_currency

    var_dict = {
        "home": request.args.get("home"),
        "year_built": request.args.get("year_built", '0'),
        "zip_code": request.args.get("zip_code", '0'),
        "list_price": request.args.get("list_price", '0'),
        "beds": request.args.get("beds", '0'),
        "baths": request.args.get("baths", '0'),
        "sqft": request.args.get("sqft", '0'),
        "dom": request.args.get("dom", '0'),
        "parking": request.args.get("parking", '0'),
        "prediction": request.args.get("prediction", '0'),
        "bike_score": request.args.get("bike_score", '0'),
        "transit_score": request.args.get("transit_score", '0'),
        "walk_score": request.args.get("walk_score", '0'),
        "order_by": request.args.get("order_by", "edu_index"),
        "sort": request.args.get("sort", "DESC")

    # Query the database
    data = query_db(con, var_dict)

    # Add data to dictionary
    var_dict["data"] = data

    return render_template('index.html', settings=var_dict)
Esempio n. 2
def test():
    # Create database connection
    con = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)
    # Add custom filter to jinja2 env
    jinja2.filters.FILTERS['format_currency'] = format_currency
    var_dict = {
        "home": request.args.get("home"),
        "year_built": request.args.get("year_built", '0'),
        "zip_code": request.args.get("zip_code", '0'),
        "list_price": request.args.get("list_price", '0'),
        "min_list_price": request.args.get("min_list_price", '0'),
        "max_list_price": request.args.get("max_list_price", '2000000'),
        "beds": request.args.get("beds", '0'),
        "baths": request.args.get("baths", '0'),
        "sqft": request.args.get("sqft", '0'),
        "dom": request.args.get("dom", '0'),
        "parking": request.args.get("parking", '0'),
        "prediction": request.args.get("prediction", '0'),
        "bike_score": request.args.get("bike_score", '0'),
        "transit_score": request.args.get("transit_score", '0'),
        "walk_score": request.args.get("walk_score", '0'),
        "order_by": request.args.get("order_by", "difference"),
        "sort": request.args.get("sort", "ASC")

    # Query the database
    data = query_db(con, var_dict)

    # Add data to dictionary
    var_dict["data"] = data    # Renders home.html.
    return render_template('test.html', settings=var_dict)
Esempio n. 3
def stats():
    con = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)
    return render_template('stats.html',settings=output)
Esempio n. 4
def index():
    con = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)
    cur = con.cursor()

    query = """ SELECT cat, COUNT(cat) FROM fmlist WHERE cat != 'SILENT' GROUP BY cat HAVING COUNT(cat) > 100 ORDER BY cat """
    results = cur.fetchall()
    genres, counts = zip(*results)

    # Look to see if we failed the previous query
    failed = request.args.get("failed")

    # Renders index.html.
    return render_template('index.html', genres=genres, failed=failed)
Esempio n. 5
def index():
  con = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)
  cur = con.cursor()

  query = """ SELECT cat, COUNT(cat) FROM fmlist WHERE cat != 'SILENT' GROUP BY cat HAVING COUNT(cat) > 100 ORDER BY cat """
  results = cur.fetchall()
  genres, counts = zip(*results)

  # Look to see if we failed the previous query
  failed = request.args.get("failed")

  # Renders index.html.
  return render_template('index.html', genres=genres, failed=failed)
Esempio n. 6
def process():
    #input_string = request.form['input-name']  
    #print request.form #This request has the data from the form in home.html

    #user_cat = request.form['category']
    userTitle = request.form['input-name']
    userCat = request.form['category']

    # Create database connection

    con = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)

    # Add custom filter to jinja2 env
    jinja2.filters.FILTERS['format_currency'] = format_currency

    var_dict_whole = {
        "category": request.args.get("category"),
        "goal": request.args.get("goal", '0'),
        "tshirt": request.args.get("tshirt", '0'),
        "nlinks": request.args.get("nlinks", '0'),
        "order_by": request.args.get("order_by", "goal"),
        "sort": request.args.get("sort", "DESC")
    var_dict = {
        "category": request.args.get("category"),
        "goal": request.args.get("goal", '0'),
        "tshirt": request.args.get("tshirt", '0'),
        "nlinks": request.args.get("nlinks", '0'),
        "order_by": request.args.get("order_by", "goal"),
        "sort": request.args.get("sort", "DESC")

    # Query the database
    data = query_db(con, var_dict_whole, usercat=user_cat)
   # data_for_sort = query_db_usercat(con, var_dict, user_cat)
    # Add data to dictionary
    #var_dict["data"] = data_for_sort

   # return render_template('process.html', form = request.form)
    return render_template('process.html', settings=var_dict, sort_settings=var_dict_whole)
Esempio n. 7
def showresults():  
    city = request.form['city'];
    con = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)
    var_dict = {
        "city": city
    # Query the database
    data = query_db(con, var_dict)
    # Add data to dictionary
    var_dict["data"] = data
    # get similarity data
    if data:
        simdata= getSimdata(con,data[0]["regionid"])
    return jsonify(var_dict)
Esempio n. 8
def index():
    # Create database connection
    con = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)
    # Add custom filter to jinja2 env
    jinja2.filters.FILTERS['format_currency'] = format_currency

    var_dict = {
        "country": request.args.get("country"),
        "edu_index": request.args.get("edu_index", '0'),
        "median_age": request.args.get("median_age", '0'),
        "gdp": request.args.get("gdp", '0'),
        "order_by": request.args.get("order_by", "edu_index"),
        "sort": request.args.get("sort", "DESC")

    # Query the database
    data = query_db(con, var_dict)

    # Add data to dictionary
    var_dict["data"] = data

    return render_template('world.html', settings=var_dict)
Esempio n. 9
def poplist():
    con = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)
    return jsonify(output)
Esempio n. 10
def showcountmap():
    con = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)
    return jsonify(output)
Esempio n. 11
def out():
  # WORK!!
  timer = Timer()
  # Create database connection
  con = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)

  var_dict = {
    "origin": request.args.get("origin"),
    "destination": request.args.get("destination"),
    "genre": request.args.get("genre", ''),
    "subgenre": request.args.get("subgenre", ''),
    "failed": request.args.get("failed")
  # Fail gracefully
  if not var_dict['origin'] or not var_dict['destination']:
    cur = con.cursor()
    query = """ SELECT cat, COUNT(cat) FROM fmlist WHERE cat != 'SILENT' GROUP BY cat HAVING COUNT(cat) > 100 ORDER BY cat """
    results = cur.fetchall()
    genres, counts = zip(*results)
    return render_template('index.html', failed=True, genres=genres)
  # Get google directions.
  directions = get_directions(var_dict['origin'], var_dict['destination'])
  timer('Finished directions JSON call')
  bbox = get_bounding_box(directions)
  var_dict['bbox'] = bbox

  route, durations = get_route_from_directions(directions)
  timer('Finished getting route from directions')
  print "--> Route has %d nodes" % len(route)
  var_dict['route'] = route

  # HEAVY LIFTING: Split the route into radio stations
  route_tunes = find_radio_stations(con, route, var_dict)
  timer('Finished db query to find antennas')
  print "--> %d nodes don't seem to have a station" % (len([i for i in route_tunes if i is None]))

  # Create colored legs for the route.
  grouped_nodes = consolidate_tunes(route, route_tunes, durations)
  var_dict['legs'] = grouped_nodes
  timer('Finished consolidation of towers')

  # Great. Add colors

  # Add contours to the map
  javascript_contours = render_contours(grouped_nodes)
  var_dict['contour_js'] = javascript_contours

  # Add the legs to the map. They will be on top of contours
  javascript_legs = render_legs(grouped_nodes)
  var_dict['route_js'] = javascript_legs
  timer('Finished creating js')

  javascript_legs_and_contours = render_contours_and_legs(grouped_nodes)
  var_dict['leg_and_contour_js'] = javascript_legs_and_contours

  # Close db connection.

  #print var_dict.keys()
  #print var_dict['genre']
  # Render the template w/ user input, query result, and figure included!
  return render_template('output.html', settings=var_dict)
Esempio n. 12
def show_contour():
  # Just show a contour.
  con = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)
  cur = con.cursor()

  var_dict = {
    "scs": request.args.get("scs", None),
    "genre": request.args.get("genre", None),

  if var_dict['scs'] and var_dict['genre']:
    where_str = 'WHERE scs = "%s" AND cat = "%s"' % (var_dict['scs'], var_dict['genre'])
  elif var_dict['scs']:
    where_str = 'WHERE scs = "%s" ' % (var_dict['scs'])
  elif var_dict['genre']:
    where_str = 'WHERE cat = "%s"' % (var_dict['genre'])
    where_str = ''
  base_query = """
  SELECT b.antlon, b.antlat, b.scs,, b.lons, b.lats
  FROM contours b
  JOIN contour_cat_map map
  ON = map.contour_id
  {0} """
  query = base_query.format( where_str )


  route_results = []

  raw_results = cur.fetchall()

  import numpy as np
  if len(raw_results) == 0:
    return None
  results = zip(*raw_results)
  antlons = np.array(results[0], dtype=float)
  antlats = np.array(results[1], dtype=float)
  scss = np.array(results[2])
  cats = np.array(results[3])
  contour_lons = [np.fromstring(i, sep=',') for i in results[4]]
  contour_lats = [np.fromstring(i, sep=',') for i in results[5]]  
  contours = zip(contour_lons, contour_lats)

  #print contours[0]
  var_dict['scss'] = scss
  var_dict['contours'] = contours

  def good_contour_to_js(lats, lons, scs):
    list_of_LatLngs = []
    for i in xrange(len(lats)):
      list_of_LatLngs.append('new google.maps.LatLng(%f, %f)'%(lats[i], lons[i]))
    LatLngs = ','.join(list_of_LatLngs)
    js = """
    var paths = [{0}];
    var shape = new google.maps.Polygon({{
      paths: paths,
      strokeColor: '#ff0000',
      strokeOpacity: 0.8,
      strokeWeight: 2,
      fillColor: '#ff0000',
      fillOpacity: 0.15
    var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({{paths: paths}});
    google.maps.event.addListener(shape, 'click', (function(shape) {{
      return function() {{
        infoWindow.setPosition( this.paths[0] );;
    """.format( LatLngs, scs, get_wiki_table(scs))
    return js

  def get_wiki_table(page):
    return page
    import urllib2
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    url = ''+page
      bs = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
      return page
    table = bs.find('table', attrs={'class':'infobox vcard'})
    return str(table).decode("ascii", "ignore").replace("\n", "").replace("'", "\\'")

  js = []
  for i in xrange(len(contour_lons)):
    js.append( good_contour_to_js(contour_lats[i], contour_lons[i], scss[i]))

  var_dict['js'] = "\n".join(js)

  #print len(contours)

  return render_template('contour.html', settings = var_dict)
Esempio n. 13
def show_contour():
    # Just show a contour.
    con = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)
    cur = con.cursor()

    var_dict = {
        "scs": request.args.get("scs", None),
        "genre": request.args.get("genre", None),

    if var_dict['scs'] and var_dict['genre']:
        where_str = 'WHERE scs = "%s" AND cat = "%s"' % (var_dict['scs'],
    elif var_dict['scs']:
        where_str = 'WHERE scs = "%s" ' % (var_dict['scs'])
    elif var_dict['genre']:
        where_str = 'WHERE cat = "%s"' % (var_dict['genre'])
        where_str = ''
    base_query = """
  SELECT b.antlon, b.antlat, b.scs,, b.lons, b.lats
  FROM contours b
  JOIN contour_cat_map map
  ON = map.contour_id
  {0} """
    query = base_query.format(where_str)


    route_results = []

    raw_results = cur.fetchall()

    import numpy as np
    if len(raw_results) == 0:
        return None
    results = zip(*raw_results)
    antlons = np.array(results[0], dtype=float)
    antlats = np.array(results[1], dtype=float)
    scss = np.array(results[2])
    cats = np.array(results[3])
    contour_lons = [np.fromstring(i, sep=',') for i in results[4]]
    contour_lats = [np.fromstring(i, sep=',') for i in results[5]]
    contours = zip(contour_lons, contour_lats)

    #print contours[0]

    var_dict['scss'] = scss
    var_dict['contours'] = contours

    def good_contour_to_js(lats, lons, scs):
        list_of_LatLngs = []
        for i in xrange(len(lats)):
            list_of_LatLngs.append('new google.maps.LatLng(%f, %f)' %
                                   (lats[i], lons[i]))
        LatLngs = ','.join(list_of_LatLngs)
        js = """
    var paths = [{0}];
    var shape = new google.maps.Polygon({{
      paths: paths,
      strokeColor: '#ff0000',
      strokeOpacity: 0.8,
      strokeWeight: 2,
      fillColor: '#ff0000',
      fillOpacity: 0.15
    var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({{paths: paths}});
    google.maps.event.addListener(shape, 'click', (function(shape) {{
      return function() {{
        infoWindow.setPosition( this.paths[0] );;
    """.format(LatLngs, scs, get_wiki_table(scs))
        return js

    def get_wiki_table(page):
        return page
        import urllib2
        from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
        url = '' + page
            bs = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
            return page
        table = bs.find('table', attrs={'class': 'infobox vcard'})
        return str(table).decode("ascii",
                                                   "").replace("'", "\\'")

    js = []
    for i in xrange(len(contour_lons)):
        js.append(good_contour_to_js(contour_lats[i], contour_lons[i],

    var_dict['js'] = "\n".join(js)

    #print len(contours)

    return render_template('contour.html', settings=var_dict)
Esempio n. 14
import os
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, jsonify
from app import app, host, port, user, passwd, db
from app.helpers.database import con_db
import sys
import ast
import json
import re
from find_similarity3 import find_companies
from operator import itemgetter

conn = con_db("localhost", 3306, "root", "1234", "Venturenetwork16")

def index():
#testing cursor/SQLconnection here.
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute('SELECT * FROM Investor_comp;')
    rs = []
    for r in cur:
      print r
    return '\n'.join(rs)

@app.route('/api/users/<investorID>')  #this seems to work
Esempio n. 15
def get_db():
	'''Open new connection to db'''
	if not hasattr(g, 'mysql_db'):
		g.mysql_db = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)
	return g.mysql_db
Esempio n. 16
def get_db():
    '''Open new connection to db'''
    if not hasattr(g, 'mysql_db'):
        g.mysql_db = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)
    return g.mysql_db
Esempio n. 17
def out():
    # WORK!!
    timer = Timer()
    # Create database connection
    con = con_db(host, port, user, passwd, db)

    var_dict = {
        "origin": request.args.get("origin"),
        "destination": request.args.get("destination"),
        "genre": request.args.get("genre", ''),
        "subgenre": request.args.get("subgenre", ''),
        "failed": request.args.get("failed")
    # Fail gracefully
    if not var_dict['origin'] or not var_dict['destination']:
        cur = con.cursor()
        query = """ SELECT cat, COUNT(cat) FROM fmlist WHERE cat != 'SILENT' GROUP BY cat HAVING COUNT(cat) > 100 ORDER BY cat """
        results = cur.fetchall()
        genres, counts = zip(*results)
        return render_template('index.html', failed=True, genres=genres)

    # Get google directions.
    directions = get_directions(var_dict['origin'], var_dict['destination'])
    timer('Finished directions JSON call')
    bbox = get_bounding_box(directions)
    var_dict['bbox'] = bbox

    route, durations = get_route_from_directions(directions)
    timer('Finished getting route from directions')
    print "--> Route has %d nodes" % len(route)
    var_dict['route'] = route

    # HEAVY LIFTING: Split the route into radio stations
    route_tunes = find_radio_stations(con, route, var_dict)
    timer('Finished db query to find antennas')
    print "--> %d nodes don't seem to have a station" % (len(
        [i for i in route_tunes if i is None]))

    # Create colored legs for the route.
    grouped_nodes = consolidate_tunes(route, route_tunes, durations)
    var_dict['legs'] = grouped_nodes
    timer('Finished consolidation of towers')

    # Great. Add colors

    # Add contours to the map
    javascript_contours = render_contours(grouped_nodes)
    var_dict['contour_js'] = javascript_contours

    # Add the legs to the map. They will be on top of contours
    javascript_legs = render_legs(grouped_nodes)
    var_dict['route_js'] = javascript_legs
    timer('Finished creating js')

    javascript_legs_and_contours = render_contours_and_legs(grouped_nodes)
    var_dict['leg_and_contour_js'] = javascript_legs_and_contours

    # Close db connection.

    #print var_dict.keys()
    #print var_dict['genre']
    # Render the template w/ user input, query result, and figure included!
    return render_template('output.html', settings=var_dict)