def main(): # global try try: # parse command line options (options, args) = get_options(['stack', 'rosdistro'], ['repeat', 'source-only']) if not options: return -1 # set environment print "Setting up environment" env = get_environment() env['ROS_PACKAGE_PATH'] = '%s:%s:%s:/opt/ros/%s/stacks'%(env['INSTALL_DIR']+'/'+STACK_DIR, env['INSTALL_DIR']+'/'+DEPENDS_DIR, env['INSTALL_DIR']+'/'+DEPENDS_ON_DIR, options.rosdistro) if 'ros' in options.stack: env['ROS_ROOT'] = env['INSTALL_DIR']+'/'+STACK_DIR+'/ros' print "We're building ROS, so setting the ROS_ROOT to %s"%(env['ROS_ROOT']) else: env['ROS_ROOT'] = '/opt/ros/%s/ros'%options.rosdistro env['PYTHONPATH'] = env['ROS_ROOT']+'/core/roslib/src' env['PATH'] = '/opt/ros/%s/ros/bin:%s'%(options.rosdistro, os.environ['PATH']) print "Environment set to %s"%str(env) # Parse distro file rosdistro_obj = rosdistro.Distro(get_rosdistro_file(options.rosdistro)) print 'Operating on ROS distro %s'%rosdistro_obj.release_name # Install the stacks to test from source print 'Installing the stacks to test from source' rosinstall = '' for stack in options.stack: rosinstall += stack_to_rosinstall(rosdistro_obj.stacks[stack], 'devel') rosinstall_file = '%s.rosinstall'%STACK_DIR print 'Generating rosinstall file [%s]'%(rosinstall_file) print 'Contents:\n\n'+rosinstall+'\n\n' with open(rosinstall_file, 'w') as f: f.write(rosinstall) print 'rosinstall file [%s] generated'%(rosinstall_file) call('rosinstall --rosdep-yes %s /opt/ros/%s %s'%(STACK_DIR, options.rosdistro, rosinstall_file), env, 'Install the stacks to test from source.') # get all stack dependencies of stacks we're testing print "Computing dependencies of stacks we're testing" depends_all = [] for stack in options.stack: stack_xml = '%s/%s/stack.xml'%(STACK_DIR, stack) call('ls %s'%stack_xml, env, 'Checking if stack %s contains "stack.xml" file'%stack) with open(stack_xml) as stack_file: depends_one = [str(d) for d in stack_manifest.parse(] # convert to list print 'Dependencies of stack %s: %s'%(stack, str(depends_one)) for d in depends_one: if not d in options.stack and not d in depends_all: print 'Adding dependencies of stack %s'%d get_depends_all(rosdistro_obj, d, depends_all) print 'Resulting total dependencies of all stacks that get tested: %s'%str(depends_all) if len(depends_all) > 0: if options.source_only: # Install dependencies from source print 'Installing stack dependencies from source' rosinstall = stacks_to_rosinstall(depends_all, rosdistro_obj.released_stacks, 'release-tar') rosinstall_file = '%s.rosinstall'%DEPENDS_DIR print 'Generating rosinstall file [%s]'%(rosinstall_file) print 'Contents:\n\n'+rosinstall+'\n\n' with open(rosinstall_file, 'w') as f: f.write(rosinstall) print 'rosinstall file [%s] generated'%(rosinstall_file) call('rosinstall --rosdep-yes %s /opt/ros/%s %s'%(DEPENDS_DIR, options.rosdistro, rosinstall_file), env, 'Install the stack dependencies from source.') else: # Install Debian packages of stack dependencies print 'Installing debian packages of "%s" dependencies: %s'%(stack, str(depends_all)) call('sudo apt-get update', env) call('sudo apt-get install %s --yes'%(stacks_to_debs(depends_all, options.rosdistro)), env) else: print 'Stack(s) %s do(es) not have any dependencies, not installing anything now'%str(options.stack) # Install system dependencies of stacks re're testing print "Installing system dependencies of stacks we're testing" call('rosmake rosdep', env) for stack in options.stack: call('rosdep install -y %s'%stack, env, 'Install system dependencies of stack %s'%stack) # Run hudson helper for stacks only print "Running Hudson Helper for stacks we're testing" res = 0 for r in range(0, int(options.repeat)+1): env['ROS_TEST_RESULTS_DIR'] = env['ROS_TEST_RESULTS_DIR'] + '/' + STACK_DIR + '_run_' + str(r) helper = subprocess.Popen(('./hudson_helper --dir-test %s build'%STACK_DIR).split(' '), env=env) helper.communicate() if helper.returncode != 0: res = helper.returncode if res != 0: return res # parse debian repository configuration file to get stack dependencies arch = 'i386' if '64' in call('uname -mrs', env): arch = 'amd64' ubuntudistro = call('lsb_release -a', env).split('Codename:')[1].strip() print "Parsing apt repository configuration file to get stack dependencies, for %s machine running %s"%(arch, ubuntudistro) apt_deps = parse_apt(ubuntudistro, arch, options.rosdistro) if not apt_deps.has_debian_package(options.stack): print "Stack does not yet have a Debian package. No need to test dependenies" return 0 # all stacks that depends on the tested stacks, excluding the tested stacks. depends_on_all = apt_deps.depends_on_all(options.stack) remove(depends_on_all, options.stack) # if tested stacks are all in a variant, then only test stacks that are also in a variant variant_stacks = [] for name, v in rosdistro_obj.variants.iteritems(): variant_stacks = variant_stacks + v.stack_names all_in_variant = True for s in options.stack: if not s in variant_stacks: all_in_variant = False if all_in_variant: print "Limiting test to stacks that are in a variant" for s in depends_on_all: if not s in variant_stacks: depends_on_all.remove(s) # all stack dependencies of above stack list, except for the test stack dependencies depends_all_depends_on_all = apt_deps.depends_all(depends_on_all) remove(depends_all_depends_on_all, options.stack) remove(depends_all_depends_on_all, depends_all) # Install dependencies of depends_on_all stacks, excluding dependencies of test stacks. if len(depends_all_depends_on_all) > 0: print "Install dependencies of depends_on_all stacks, excluding dependencies of test stacks." if not options.source_only: # Install Debian packages of 'depends_all_depends_on_all' list print 'Installing Debian package of %s'%str(depends_all_depends_on_all) call('sudo apt-get install %s --yes'%(stacks_to_debs(depends_all_depends_on_all, options.rosdistro)), env) else: # Install source of 'depends_all_depends_on_all' list print 'Installing source of %s'%str(depends_all_depends_on_all) rosinstall = stacks_to_rosinstall(depends_all_depends_on_all, rosdistro_obj.released_stacks, 'release-tar') rosinstall_file = '%s_depends_all_depends_on_all.rosinstall'%DEPENDS_ON_DIR print 'Generating rosinstall file [%s]'%(rosinstall_file) print 'Contents:\n\n'+rosinstall+'\n\n' with open(rosinstall_file, 'w') as f: f.write(rosinstall) print 'rosinstall file [%s] generated'%(rosinstall_file) call('rosinstall --rosdep-yes %s /opt/ros/%s %s %s'%(DEPENDS_ON_DIR, options.rosdistro, STACK_DIR, rosinstall_file), env, 'Install dependencies of depends_on_all stacks, excluding dependencies of test stacks.') else: print "No dependencies of depends_on_all stacks" # Install all stacks that depend on this stack from source if len(depends_on_all) > 0: print 'Installing depends_on_all stacks from source: %s'%str(depends_on_all) rosinstall = stacks_to_rosinstall(depends_on_all, rosdistro_obj.released_stacks, 'release-tar') rosinstall_file = '%s.rosinstall'%DEPENDS_ON_DIR print 'Generating rosinstall file [%s]'%(rosinstall_file) print 'Contents:\n\n'+rosinstall+'\n\n' with open(rosinstall_file, 'w') as f: f.write(rosinstall) print 'rosinstall file [%s] generated'%(rosinstall_file) call('rosinstall --rosdep-yes %s /opt/ros/%s %s %s'%(DEPENDS_ON_DIR, options.rosdistro, STACK_DIR, rosinstall_file), env, 'Install the stacks that depend on the stacks that are getting tested from source.') # Run hudson helper for all stacks print 'Running Hudson Helper' env['ROS_TEST_RESULTS_DIR'] = env['ROS_TEST_RESULTS_DIR'] + '/' + DEPENDS_ON_DIR helper = subprocess.Popen(('./hudson_helper --dir-test %s build'%DEPENDS_ON_DIR).split(' '), env=env) helper.communicate() return helper.returncode else: print "No stacks depends on this stack. Tests finished" # global except except Exception, ex: print "Global exception caught. Generating email" generate_email("%s. Check the console output for test failure details."%ex, env) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise ex
def main(): # global try try: # parse command line options (options, args) = get_options(['stack', 'rosdistro', 'githubuser', 'email'], ['repeat', 'source-only']) if not options: return -1 # set environment env = get_environment() env['ROS_PACKAGE_PATH'] = '%s:%s:/opt/ros/%s/stacks'%(env['INSTALL_DIR']+'/'+STACK_DIR, env['INSTALL_DIR']+'/'+DEPENDS_DIR, options.rosdistro) # env['INSTALL_DIR']+'/'+DEPENDS_ON_DIR, if 'ros' in options.stack: env['ROS_ROOT'] = env['INSTALL_DIR']+'/'+STACK_DIR+'/ros' print "We're building ROS, so setting the ROS_ROOT to %s"%(env['ROS_ROOT']) else: env['ROS_ROOT'] = '/opt/ros/%s/ros'%options.rosdistro env['PYTHONPATH'] = env['ROS_ROOT']+'/core/roslib/src' env['PATH'] = '/opt/ros/%s/ros/bin:%s'%(options.rosdistro, os.environ['PATH']) print "HOME: %s"%(env['HOME']) # Parse distro file rosdistro_obj = rosdistro.Distro(get_rosdistro_file(options.rosdistro)) print 'Operating on ROS distro %s'%rosdistro_obj.release_name # Install the stacks to test from source print 'Installing the stacks to test from source' rosinstall = '' for stack in options.stack: if not stack_forked(options.githubuser, stack): print "Stack %s is not forked for user %s" %(stack, options.githubuser) print "Using 'ipa320' stack instead" options.githubuser = "******" if stack in FHG_STACKS_PUBLIC: # create rosinstall file for public stacks rosinstall += '- git: {local-name: %s, uri: "git://", branch-name: master}\n'%(stack, options.githubuser, stack) elif stack in FHG_STACKS_PRIVATE: # clone private stacks call('git clone [email protected]:%s/%s.git %s/%s'%(options.githubuser, stack, STACK_DIR, stack), env, 'Clone private stack [%s] to test'%(stack)) else: rosinstall += stack_to_rosinstall(rosdistro_obj.stacks[stack], 'devel') if rosinstall != '': # call rosinstall command rosinstall_file = '%s.rosinstall'%STACK_DIR print 'Generating rosinstall file [%s]'%(rosinstall_file) print 'Contents:\n\n'+rosinstall+'\n\n' with open(rosinstall_file, 'w') as f: f.write(rosinstall) print 'rosinstall file [%s] generated'%(rosinstall_file) print STACK_DIR print options.rosdistro call('rosinstall --rosdep-yes %s /opt/ros/%s %s'%(STACK_DIR, options.rosdistro, rosinstall_file), env, 'Install the stacks to test from source.') # get all stack dependencies of stacks we're testing depends_all = {"public" : [], "private" : [], "other" : []} for stack in options.stack: if stack == "cob3_intern": COB3_STACKS = get_cob3_intern_stacks(STACK_DIR+'/cob3_intern') COB3_PACKAGES = get_cob3_intern_stacks(STACK_DIR+'/cob3_intern', packages=True) # stack_xml = '%s/%s/stack.xml'%(STACK_DIR, stack) # call('ls %s'%stack_xml, env, 'Checking if stack %s contains "stack.xml" file'%stack) # with open(stack_xml) as stack_file: # depends_one = [str(d) for d in stack_manifest.parse(] # convert to list depends_one = get_depends_one(stack, options.githubuser) #print 'Dependencies of stack %s: %s'%(stack, str(depends_one)) for d in depends_one: if not d in options.stack and not d in depends_all: if stack == "cob3_intern": if not d in COB3_PACKAGES and not d in COB3_STACKS: print 'Adding dependencies of stack %s'%d get_depends_all(d, depends_all, options.githubuser, 1) print 'Resulting total dependencies of all stacks that get tested: %s'%str(depends_all) else: print 'Adding dependencies of stack %s'%d get_depends_all(d, depends_all, options.githubuser, 1) print 'Resulting total dependencies of all stacks that get tested: %s'%str(depends_all) print 'Dependencies of %s:'%str(options.stack) print str(depends_all) if len(depends_all["private"]) > 0: print 'Cloning private github fork(s)' downloaded = False for stack in depends_all["private"]: if stack in COB3_INTERN_STACKS: if not downloaded: if not stack_forked(options.githubuser, "cob3_intern", "/blob/master/%s/Makefile"%stack): options.githubuser = "******" call('git clone [email protected]:%s/cob3_intern.git %s'%(options.githubuser, "/tmp/cob3_intern"), env, 'Clone private stack cob3_intern') downloaded = True call('mv /tmp/cob3_intern/%s %s'%(stack, DEPENDS_DIR), env, 'Move required stack %s to %s'%(stack, DEPENDS_DIR)) else: if not stack_forked(options.githubuser, stack): options.githubuser = "******" call('git clone [email protected]:%s/%s.git %s'%(options.githubuser, stack, DEPENDS_DIR), env, 'Clone private stack [%s] to test'%(stack)) if len(depends_all["public"]) > 0: for stack in depends_all["public"]: if not stack_forked(options.githubuser, stack): options.githubuser = "******" rosinstall += '- git: {local-name: %s, uri: "git://", branch-name: master}\n'%(stack, options.githubuser, stack) print 'Installing stack dependencies from public github fork' rosinstall_file = '%s.rosinstall'%DEPENDS_DIR with open(rosinstall_file, 'w') as f: f.write(rosinstall) call('rosinstall --rosdep-yes %s /opt/ros/%s %s'%(DEPENDS_DIR, options.rosdistro, rosinstall_file), env, 'Install the stack dependencies from source.') if len(depends_all["other"]) > 0: # Install Debian packages of stack dependencies print 'Installing debian packages of "%s" dependencies: %s'%(str(options.stack), str(depends_all["other"])) call('sudo apt-get update', env) call('sudo apt-get install %s --yes'%(stacks_to_debs(depends_all["other"], options.rosdistro)), env) depends_no = 0 for i in iter(depends_all): depends_no += len(depends_all[i]) if depends_no == 0: print 'Stack(s) %s do(es) not have any dependencies, not installing anything now'%str(options.stack) # Install system dependencies of stacks we're testing print "Installing system dependencies of stacks we're testing" call('rosmake rosdep', env) for stack in options.stack: if stack == "cob3_intern": call('make -f /tmp/install_dir/%s/cob3_intern/Makefile ros-install-%s'%(STACK_DIR, options.rosdistro), env, 'ros-install') call('make -f /tmp/install_dir/%s/cob3_intern/Makefile ros-skip-blacklist'%STACK_DIR, env, 'ros-skip-blacklist') else: call('rosdep install -y %s'%stack, env, 'Install system dependencies of stack %s'%stack) # Run hudson helper for stacks only print 'Running Hudson Helper' res = 0 for r in range(0, int(options.repeat)+1): env['ROS_TEST_RESULTS_DIR'] = env['ROS_TEST_RESULTS_DIR'] + '/' + STACK_DIR + '_run_' + str(r) helper = subprocess.Popen(('./ros_release/hudson/src/ --dir-test %s --email %s build'%(STACK_DIR,' '), env=env) helper.communicate() if helper.returncode != 0: res = helper.returncode if res != 0: return res build_failures = os.path.join(os.environ['WORKSPACE'], 'build_output', 'buildfailures.txt') build_failures_context = os.path.join(os.environ['WORKSPACE'], 'build_output', 'buildfailures-with-context.txt') test_failures = os.path.join(os.environ['WORKSPACE'], 'test_output', 'testfailures.txt') body = '' if os.path.exists(build_failures): body += open(build_failures).read() body += '\n\n' if os.path.exists(test_failures): body += open(test_failures).read() body += '\n\n' if os.path.exists(build_failures_context): body += open(build_failures_context).read() body += '\n\n' print "\n******************************************************************" print "*** BUILD AND TEST FAILURES ***" print "******************************************************************\n" print body print "******************************************************************" # parse debian repository configuration file to get stack dependencies arch = 'i386' if '64' in call('uname -mrs', env): arch = 'amd64' ubuntudistro = call('lsb_release -a', env).split('Codename:')[1].strip() print "Parsing apt repository configuration file to get stack dependencies, for %s machine running %s"%(arch, ubuntudistro) apt_deps = parse_apt(ubuntudistro, arch, options.rosdistro) # all stacks that depends on the tested stacks, excluding the tested stacks. depends_on_all = apt_deps.depends_on_all(options.stack) remove(depends_on_all, options.stack) # all stack dependencies of above stack list, except for the test stack dependencies depends_all_depends_on_all = apt_deps.depends_all(depends_on_all) remove(depends_all_depends_on_all, options.stack) remove(depends_all_depends_on_all, depends_all) # global except except Exception, ex: print "Global exception caught. Generating email" generate_email("%s. Check the console output for test failure details."%ex, env) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise ex
def main(): # global try try: print "Parsing arguments" # parse command line options (options, args) = get_options(['stack', 'rosdistro'], ['repeat', 'source-only']) print "options", options, "args", args if not options: return -1 # set environment print "Setting up environment" env = get_environment() env['ROS_PACKAGE_PATH'] = '%s:%s:%s:/opt/ros/%s/stacks' % ( env['INSTALL_DIR'] + '/' + STACK_DIR, env['INSTALL_DIR'] + '/' + DEPENDS_DIR, env['INSTALL_DIR'] + '/' + DEPENDS_ON_DIR, options.rosdistro) if 'ros' in options.stack: env['ROS_ROOT'] = env['INSTALL_DIR'] + '/' + STACK_DIR + '/ros' print "We're building ROS, so setting the ROS_ROOT to %s" % ( env['ROS_ROOT']) ros_tested_ignore_return = True else: env['ROS_ROOT'] = '/opt/ros/%s/ros' % options.rosdistro ros_tested_ignore_return = False env['PYTHONPATH'] = env['ROS_ROOT'] + '/core/roslib/src' env['PATH'] = '/opt/ros/%s/ros/bin:%s' % (options.rosdistro, os.environ['PATH']) print "Environment set to %s" % str(env) # Parse distro file rosdistro_obj = rosdistro.Distro(get_rosdistro_file(options.rosdistro)) print 'Operating on ROS distro %s' % rosdistro_obj.release_name # Install the stacks to test from source print 'Installing the stacks to test from source' rosinstall = '' for stack in options.stack: rosinstall += stack_to_rosinstall(rosdistro_obj.stacks[stack], 'devel') rosinstall_file = '%s.rosinstall' % STACK_DIR print 'Generating rosinstall file [%s]' % (rosinstall_file) print 'Contents:\n\n' + rosinstall + '\n\n' with open(rosinstall_file, 'w') as f: f.write(rosinstall) print 'rosinstall file [%s] generated' % (rosinstall_file) call('rosinstall --rosdep-yes %s /opt/ros/%s %s' % (STACK_DIR, options.rosdistro, rosinstall_file), env, 'Install the stacks to test from source.', ignore_fail=ros_tested_ignore_return) # get all stack dependencies of stacks we're testing print "Computing dependencies of stacks we're testing" depends_all = [] for stack in options.stack: stack_xml = '%s/%s/stack.xml' % (STACK_DIR, stack) call('ls %s' % stack_xml, env, 'Checking if stack %s contains "stack.xml" file' % stack) with open(stack_xml) as stack_file: depends_one = [ str(d) for d in stack_manifest.parse( ] # convert to list print 'Dependencies of stack %s: %s' % (stack, str(depends_one)) for d in depends_one: if not d in options.stack and not d in depends_all: print 'Adding dependencies of stack %s' % d get_depends_all(rosdistro_obj, d, depends_all) print 'Resulting total dependencies of all stacks that get tested: %s' % str( depends_all) if len(depends_all) > 0: if options.source_only: # Install dependencies from source print 'Installing stack dependencies from source' rosinstall = stacks_to_rosinstall( depends_all, rosdistro_obj.released_stacks, 'release-tar') rosinstall_file = '%s.rosinstall' % DEPENDS_DIR print 'Generating rosinstall file [%s]' % (rosinstall_file) print 'Contents:\n\n' + rosinstall + '\n\n' with open(rosinstall_file, 'w') as f: f.write(rosinstall) print 'rosinstall file [%s] generated' % (rosinstall_file) call('rosinstall --rosdep-yes %s /opt/ros/%s %s' % (DEPENDS_DIR, options.rosdistro, rosinstall_file), env, 'Install the stack dependencies from source.', ignore_fail=ros_tested_ignore_return) else: # Install Debian packages of stack dependencies print 'Installing debian packages of "%s" dependencies: %s' % ( stack, str(depends_all)) call('sudo apt-get update', env) call( 'sudo apt-get install %s --yes' % (stacks_to_debs(depends_all, options.rosdistro)), env) else: print 'Stack(s) %s do(es) not have any dependencies, not installing anything now' % str( options.stack) # Install system dependencies of stacks re're testing print "Installing system dependencies of stacks we're testing" call('rosmake rosdep', env) for stack in options.stack: call('rosdep install -y %s' % stack, env, 'Install system dependencies of stack %s' % stack) # Run hudson helper for stacks only print "Running Hudson Helper for stacks we're testing" res = 0 for r in range(0, int(options.repeat) + 1): env['ROS_TEST_RESULTS_DIR'] = env[ 'ROS_TEST_RESULTS_DIR'] + '/' + STACK_DIR + '_run_' + str(r) helper = subprocess.Popen( ('./hudson_helper --dir-test %s build' % STACK_DIR).split(' '), env=env) helper.communicate() if helper.returncode != 0: res = helper.returncode if res != 0: return res # parse debian repository configuration file to get stack dependencies (arch, ubuntudistro) = get_sys_info() print "Parsing apt repository configuration file to get stack dependencies, for %s machine running %s" % ( arch, ubuntudistro) apt_deps = parse_apt(ubuntudistro, arch, options.rosdistro) if not apt_deps.has_debian_package(options.stack): print "Stack does not yet have a Debian package. No need to test dependenies" return 0 # all stacks that depends on the tested stacks, excluding the tested stacks. depends_on_all = apt_deps.depends_on_all(options.stack) remove(depends_on_all, options.stack) # if tested stacks are all in a variant, then only test stacks that are also in a variant variant_stacks = [] for name, v in rosdistro_obj.variants.iteritems(): variant_stacks = variant_stacks + v.stack_names all_in_variant = True for s in options.stack: if not s in variant_stacks: all_in_variant = False if all_in_variant: print "Limiting test to stacks that are in a variant" for s in depends_on_all: if not s in variant_stacks: depends_on_all.remove(s) # all stack dependencies of above stack list, except for the test stack dependencies depends_all_depends_on_all = apt_deps.depends_all(depends_on_all) remove(depends_all_depends_on_all, options.stack) remove(depends_all_depends_on_all, depends_all) # Install dependencies of depends_on_all stacks, excluding dependencies of test stacks. if len(depends_all_depends_on_all) > 0: print "Install dependencies of depends_on_all stacks, excluding dependencies of test stacks." if not options.source_only: # Install Debian packages of 'depends_all_depends_on_all' list print 'Installing Debian package of %s' % str( depends_all_depends_on_all) call( 'sudo apt-get install %s --yes' % (stacks_to_debs( depends_all_depends_on_all, options.rosdistro)), env) else: # Install source of 'depends_all_depends_on_all' list print 'Installing source of %s' % str( depends_all_depends_on_all) rosinstall = stacks_to_rosinstall( depends_all_depends_on_all, rosdistro_obj.released_stacks, 'release-tar') rosinstall_file = '%s_depends_all_depends_on_all.rosinstall' % DEPENDS_ON_DIR print 'Generating rosinstall file [%s]' % (rosinstall_file) print 'Contents:\n\n' + rosinstall + '\n\n' with open(rosinstall_file, 'w') as f: f.write(rosinstall) print 'rosinstall file [%s] generated' % (rosinstall_file) call( 'rosinstall --rosdep-yes %s /opt/ros/%s %s %s' % (DEPENDS_ON_DIR, options.rosdistro, STACK_DIR, rosinstall_file), env, 'Install dependencies of depends_on_all stacks, excluding dependencies of test stacks.', ignore_fail=ros_tested_ignore_return) else: print "No dependencies of depends_on_all stacks" # Install all stacks that depend on this stack from source if len(depends_on_all) > 0: print 'Installing depends_on_all stacks from source: %s' % str( depends_on_all) rosinstall = stacks_to_rosinstall(depends_on_all, rosdistro_obj.released_stacks, 'release-tar') rosinstall_file = '%s.rosinstall' % DEPENDS_ON_DIR print 'Generating rosinstall file [%s]' % (rosinstall_file) print 'Contents:\n\n' + rosinstall + '\n\n' with open(rosinstall_file, 'w') as f: f.write(rosinstall) print 'rosinstall file [%s] generated' % (rosinstall_file) call( 'rosinstall --rosdep-yes %s /opt/ros/%s %s %s' % (DEPENDS_ON_DIR, options.rosdistro, STACK_DIR, rosinstall_file), env, 'Install the stacks that depend on the stacks that are getting tested from source.', ignore_fail=ros_tested_ignore_return) # Run hudson helper for all stacks print 'Running Hudson Helper' env['ROS_TEST_RESULTS_DIR'] = env[ 'ROS_TEST_RESULTS_DIR'] + '/' + DEPENDS_ON_DIR helper = subprocess.Popen(('./hudson_helper --dir-test %s build' % DEPENDS_ON_DIR).split(' '), env=env) helper.communicate() return helper.returncode else: print "No stacks depends on this stack. Tests finished" # global except except Exception, ex: print "Global exception caught. Generating email. Exception:", ex generate_email( "%s. Check the console output for test failure details." % ex, env) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise ex
def main(): # global try try: print "Starting run_auto_stack_devel script" # parse command line options print "Parsing command line options" (options, args) = get_options(['stack', 'rosdistro'], ['repeat', 'source-only']) if not options: return -1 if len(options.stack) > 1: print "You can only provide one stack at a time" return -1 options.stack = options.stack[0] print "parsed options: %s"%str(options) # set environment print "Setting up environment" env = get_environment() if options.source_only or options.stack == 'ros': ros_path = env['WORKSPACE'] else: ros_path = '/opt/ros/%s'%options.rosdistro print "Working in %s"%ros_path env['ROS_PACKAGE_PATH'] = '%s:%s'%(env['WORKSPACE'], ros_path) env['ROS_ROOT'] = '%s/ros'%ros_path env['PYTHONPATH'] = env['ROS_ROOT']+'/core/roslib/src' env['PATH'] = '%s/ros/bin:%s'%(ros_path, os.getenv('PATH')) stack_dir = env['WORKSPACE']+'/'+options.stack print("Environment set to %s"%str(env)) # Parse distro file rosdistro_obj = rosdistro.Distro(get_rosdistro_file(options.rosdistro)) print 'Operating on ROS distro %s'%rosdistro_obj.release_name # get all stack dependencies of the stack we're testing depends = [] stack_xml = '%s/stack.xml'%stack_dir call('ls %s'%stack_xml, env, 'Checking if stack %s contains "stack.xml" file'%options.stack) with open(stack_xml) as stack_file: depends_one = [str(d) for d in stack_manifest.parse(] # convert to list print 'Dependencies of stack %s: %s'%(options.stack, str(depends_one)) for d in depends_one: if not d == options.stack and not d in depends: print 'Adding dependencies of stack %s'%d get_depends_all(rosdistro_obj, d, depends) print 'Resulting total dependencies: %s'%str(depends) if len(depends) > 0: if not options.source_only: # check if Debian packages of stack exist (arch, ubuntudistro) = get_sys_info() print "Parsing apt repository configuration file to get stack dependencies, for %s machine running %s"%(arch, ubuntudistro) apt_deps = parse_apt(ubuntudistro, arch, options.rosdistro) for d in depends: if not apt_deps.has_debian_package(d): print "Stack %s does not have Debian package yet. Stopping this test." %d generate_email("Stack %s does not have Debian package yet. Stopping this test."%d, env) return 0 # Install Debian packages of stack dependencies print 'Installing debian packages of stack dependencies from stacks %s'%str(options.stack) call('sudo apt-get update', env) print 'Installing debian packages of "%s" dependencies: %s'%(options.stack, str(depends)) call('sudo apt-get install %s --yes'%(stacks_to_debs(depends, options.rosdistro)), env) else: # Install stack dependencies from source print 'Installing stack dependencies from source' rosinstall = stacks_to_rosinstall(depends, rosdistro_obj.released_stacks, 'release-tar') print 'Using rosinstall yaml: %s'%rosinstall rosinstall_file = '%s.rosinstall'%options.stack with open(rosinstall_file, 'w') as f: f.write(rosinstall) call('rosinstall --delete-changed-uris --rosdep-yes %s %s'%(env['WORKSPACE'], rosinstall_file), env, 'Install the stack dependencies from source.') else: print 'Stack %s does not have any dependencies, not installing anything now'%str(options.stack) # Install system dependencies of stack itself print 'Installing system dependencies of stack %s'%options.stack call('rosmake rosdep', env) call('rosdep install -y %s'%options.stack, env, 'Install system dependencies of stack %s'%options.stack) # Start Hudson Helper print 'Running Hudson Helper in folder %s'%stack_dir res = 0 test_results = env['ROS_TEST_RESULTS_DIR'] for r in range(0, options.repeat+1): env['ROS_TEST_RESULTS_DIR'] = test_results + '/run_'+str(r) #res_one ='./hudson_helper --dir-test %s build'%stack_dir).split(' '), env=env) res_one ='./hudson_helper --pkg-test %s build'%options.stack).split(' '), env=env) if res_one != 0: res = res_one return res # global except except Exception, ex: print "Global exception caught. Generating email with exception text %s"%str(ex) generate_email("%s. Check the console output for test failure details."%str(ex), env) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) raise ex