def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): writer.write('def %s(args, kwargs):' % writer.push() # new pythonjs' python function arguments handling # create the structure representing the functions arguments # first create the defaultkwargs JSObject writer.write('var(signature, arguments)') L = len(node.args.defaults) kwargsdefault = map(lambda x: keyword(self.visit(x[0]), x[1]), zip(node.args.args[-L:], node.args.defaults)) kwargsdefault = Call( Name('JSObject', None), [], kwargsdefault, None, None ) args = Call( Name('JSArray', None), map(lambda x: Str(, node.args.args), [], None, None ) keywords = list([ keyword(Name('kwargs', None), kwargsdefault), keyword(Name('args', None), args), ]) if node.args.vararg: keywords.append(keyword(Name('vararg', None), Str(node.args.vararg))) if node.args.kwarg: keywords.append(keyword(Name('varkwarg', None), Str(node.args.kwarg))) prebody = list() # create a JS Object to store the value of each parameter signature = ', '.join(map(lambda x: '%s=%s' % (self.visit(x.arg), self.visit(x.value)), keywords)) writer.write('signature = JSObject(%s)' % signature) writer.write('arguments = get_arguments(signature, args, kwargs)') # # then for each argument assign its value for arg in node.args.args: writer.write("""JS("var %s = arguments['%s']")""" % (, if node.args.vararg: writer.write("""JS("var %s arguments['%s']")""" % (node.args.vararg, node.args.vararg)) # turn it into a list expr = '%s = get_attribute(list, "__call__")(create_array(%s), {});' expr = expr % (node.args.vararg, node.args.vararg) writer.write(expr) if node.args.kwarg: writer.write("""JS('var %s = arguments["%s"]')""" % (node.args.kwarg, node.args.kwarg)) expr = '%s = get_attribute(dict, "__call__")(create_array(%s), {});' expr = expr % (node.args.kwarg, node.args.kwarg) writer.write(expr) map(self.visit, node.body) writer.pull() # apply decorators for decorator in reversed(node.decorator_list): writer.write('%s = %s(create_array(%s))' % (, self.visit(decorator),
def visit_Compare (self, node): self.generic_visit (node) ans= node # ls () < "bar.txt" > "foo.txt" # Compare(left=Call(func=Name(id='ls', ctx=Load()), args=[], keywords=[], # starargs=None, kwargs=None), # ops=[Lt(), Gt()], # comparators=[Str(s='bar.txt'), Str(s='foo.txt')])) if is_executable (node.left): # yes, they're reversed, but it makes more sense to me like this for comp, op in zip (node.ops, node.comparators): if type (comp)==Gt: # > means _out update_keyword (node.left, keyword (arg='_out', value=op)) ans= node.left elif type (comp)==GtE: # >= means _out+_err update_keyword (node.left, keyword (arg='_out', value=op)) update_keyword (node.left, keyword (arg='_err_to_out', value=op)) ans= node.left elif type (comp)==Lt: # < means _in update_keyword (node.left, keyword (arg='_in', value=op)) ans= node.left return ans
def test_keywords_wildcard(self): apf = ASTPatternFinder(prepare_pattern("f(e=4, ??=??)")) it = apf.scan_ast(self.ast) assert_ast_like(next(it), ast.Call(keywords=[ast.keyword(arg='d'), ast.keyword(arg='e'),]) ) self.assert_no_more(it)
def test_Call(self): name = ast.Name('spam', ast.Load()) args = ([ast.Num(42)], '42'), ([], None) keywords = ([ast.keyword('X', ast.Num(42))], 'X=42'), ([], None) starargs = (ast.Name('args', ast.Load()), '*args'), (None, None) kwargs = (ast.Name('kwargs', ast.Load()), '**kwargs'), (None, None) for arg in args: for keyword in keywords: for stararg in starargs: for kwarg in kwargs: node = ast.Call(name, arg[0], keyword[0], stararg[0], kwarg[0]) expect = 'spam({})'.format(','.join(x for x in (arg[1], keyword[1], stararg[1], kwarg[1]) if x)) self.verify(node, expect) self.verify(ast.Call(name, [ast.Num(2), ast.Num(3)], [], None, None), 'spam(2,3)') self.verify(ast.Call(name, [], [ast.keyword('X', ast.Num(0)), ast.keyword('Y', ast.Num(1))], None, None), 'spam(X=0,Y=1)') # A single genexp doesn't need parentheses. genexp = self.seq_comp_test(ast.GeneratorExp, '()') self.verify(ast.Call(name, [genexp], [], None, None), 'spam(w for x in y if 2 for a in b)') self.verify(ast.Call(name, [genexp, genexp], [], None, None), 'spam((w for x in y if 2 for a in b),' '(w for x in y if 2 for a in b))')
def visit_Call(self, node, parent): if node in self.seen: return node self.seen.add(node) callName = dict(ast.iter_fields(dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['func'])).get('id', None) callType = dict(ast.iter_fields(dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['func'])).get('attr',None) #print ast.dump(dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['func']), callType, node.lineno, node.col_offset #print callName, self.localFuncs if callName in self.localFuncs: #print ast.dump(node) #print callName, node.lineno, node.col_offset dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['keywords'].append(ast.keyword(arg=self.calleeInfo, value=ast.Str(s=str(node.lineno) + "-" + str(node.col_offset)))) if callType in erps.keys() or callType == "stocPrim": if callType not in self.primsNumArgs: self.primsNumArgs[callType] = len(inspect.getargspec(globals()[callType]).args) namedArgs = map(lambda x: dict(ast.iter_fields(x))['arg'], dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['keywords']) numArgs = len(namedArgs) + len(dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['args']) #print callType, node.lineno, node.col_offset #print ast.dump(parent) if not ('name' in namedArgs or numArgs == self.primsNumArgs[callType]): #check if name already supplied dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['keywords'].append(ast.keyword(arg='name', value=ast.BinOp(left=ast.BinOp(left=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='str', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Name(id=self.funcStack, ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None), op=ast.Add(), right=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='str', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Name(id=self.locStack, ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None)), op=ast.Add(), right=ast.BinOp(left=ast.Str(s=str(node.lineno) + "-" + str(node.col_offset)), op=ast.Add(), right=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='str', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Name(id=self.loopStack, ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None))))) ast.fix_missing_locations(node) #print map(ast.dump, dict(ast.iter_fields(node))['keywords']) self.generic_visit(node) return node
def visit_BinOp(self, node): if node.op.__class__ in self.operators: sympy_class = self.operators[node.op.__class__] right = self.visit(node.right) if isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub): right = ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.USub(), operand=right) elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Div): right = ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id='Pow', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[right, ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.USub(), operand=ast.Num(1))], keywords=[ast.keyword(arg='evaluate', value=ast.Name(id='False', ctx=ast.Load()))], starargs=None, kwargs=None ) new_node = ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id=sympy_class, ctx=ast.Load()), args=[self.visit(node.left), right], keywords=[ast.keyword(arg='evaluate', value=ast.Name(id='False', ctx=ast.Load()))], starargs=None, kwargs=None ) if sympy_class in ('Add', 'Mul'): # Denest Add or Mul as appropriate new_node.args = self.flatten(new_node.args, sympy_class) return new_node return node
def _compile_directive_call_assets(self, el, options): """ This special 't-call' tag can be used in order to aggregate/minify javascript and css assets""" if len(el): raise SyntaxError("t-call-assets cannot contain children nodes") # self._get_asset(xmlid, options, css=css, js=js, debug=values.get('debug'), async=async, values=values) return [ self._append(ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='self', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='_get_asset', ctx=ast.Load() ), args=[ ast.Str(el.get('t-call-assets')), ast.Name(id='options', ctx=ast.Load()), ], keywords=[ ast.keyword('css', self._get_attr_bool(el.get('t-css', True))), ast.keyword('js', self._get_attr_bool(el.get('t-js', True))), ast.keyword('debug', ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='values', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='get', ctx=ast.Load() ), args=[ast.Str('debug')], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None )), ast.keyword('async', self._get_attr_bool(el.get('async', False))), ast.keyword('values', ast.Name(id='values', ctx=ast.Load())), ], starargs=None, kwargs=None )) ]
def visit_Compare (self, node): self.generic_visit (node) ans= node # ls () < "bar.txt" > "foo.txt" # Compare(left=Call(func=Name(id='ls', ctx=Load()), args=[], keywords=[], # starargs=None, kwargs=None), # ops=[Lt(), Gt()], # comparators=[Str(s='bar.txt'), Str(s='foo.txt')])) if self.is_executable (node.left): # yes, they're reversed, but it makes more sense to me like this for comp, op in zip (node.ops, node.comparators): if type (comp)==Gt: # > means _out node.left.keywords.append (keyword (arg='_out', value=op)) ans= node.left elif type (comp)==Lt: # < means _in # now, _in works differently # a string is written directly to the stdin, # instead of creating a file() with that name # so, we do it ourseleves. if type (op)==Str: op= Call (func=Name (id='open', ctx=Load ()), args=[op], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None) node.left.keywords.append (keyword (arg='_in', value=op)) ast.fix_missing_locations (node.left) ans= node.left return ans
def visit_Call(self, node): if isinstance(node.func, ast.Name) and isinstance(node.func.ctx, ast.Load): if in map(lambda x: x.value, list(TradingCommands)): parser = LocationPatcher(node) node.keywords.append(parser.visit(ast.keyword(arg="lineno", value=ast.Num(n=node.lineno)))) node.keywords.append(parser.visit(ast.keyword(arg="col_offset", value=ast.Num(n=node.col_offset)))) return node
def make_argparse_arguments(self): for arg, name, help, action in self.macro_handler.args: expr = ast.parse('parser.add_argument()').body[0] expr.value.args = [ast.Str(arg)] expr.value.keywords = [ ast.keyword('dest', ast.Str(name)), ast.keyword('action', ast.Str(action)), ast.keyword('help', ast.Str(help)), ] yield expr
def nameAndArgsToKeyword(name, args): if name in groupbySet: arg = 'groupby' keyword = ast.keyword(arg=arg, value = ast.Dict(keys=args, values=args)) elif name in aggregationSet: arg = 'aggregate' keyword = ast.keyword(arg=arg, value = ast.Dict(keys=[ast.Str(name),], values=[ast.List(elts=args)])) else: raise NotImplementedError return keyword
def test_call(self): func = ast.Name("x", ast.Load()) args = [ast.Name("y", ast.Load())] keywords = [ast.keyword("w", ast.Name("z", ast.Load()))] call = ast.Call(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), args, keywords) self.expr(call, "must have Load context") call = ast.Call(func, [None], keywords) self.expr(call, "None disallowed") bad_keywords = [ast.keyword("w", ast.Name("z", ast.Store()))] call = ast.Call(func, args, bad_keywords) self.expr(call, "must have Load context")
def test_wildcard_call_mixed_args(self): pat = prepare_pattern("f(1, ??, a=2, **{'b':3})") assert isinstance(pat.args, listmiddle) assert_ast_like(pat.args.front[0], ast.Num(n=1)) assert not hasattr(pat, 'starargs') assert isinstance(pat.keywords, types.FunctionType) kwargs_dict = ast.Dict(keys=[ast.Str(s='b')], values=[ast.Num(n=3)]) if sys.version_info < (3, 5): assert_ast_like(pat.kwargs, kwargs_dict) else: pat.keywords([ast.keyword(arg=None, value=kwargs_dict), ast.keyword(arg='a', value=ast.Num(n=2))], [])
def create_super_call(self, node): super_call = utils.create_ast('super().{}()'.format([0] for arg in node.args.args[1:-len(node.args.defaults) or None]: super_call.value.args.append(ast.Name(id=arg.arg, ctx=ast.Load())) for arg, default in zip(node.args.args[-len(node.args.defaults):], node.args.defaults): super_call.value.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg=arg.arg, value=default)) for arg, default in zip(node.args.kwonlyargs, node.args.kw_defaults): super_call.value.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg=arg.arg, value=default)) if node.args.vararg: super_call.value.starargs = ast.Name(id=node.args.vararg, ctx=ast.Load()) if node.args.kwarg: super_call.value.kwargs = ast.Name(id=node.args.kwarg, ctx=ast.Load()) return super_call
def test_pos_final_wildcard(self): apf = ASTPatternFinder(prepare_pattern("f(1, ??)")) it = apf.scan_ast(self.ast) assert_ast_like(next(it), ast.Call(args=[ast.Num(n=1)])) assert_ast_like(next(it), ast.Call(args=[ast.Num(n=1), ast.Num(n=2)])) assert_ast_like(next(it), ast.Call(starargs=ast.Name(id='c'))) assert_ast_like(next(it), ast.Call(args=[ast.Num(n=1)], keywords=[ast.keyword(arg='d'), ast.keyword(arg='e'), ]) ) assert_ast_like(next(it), ast.Call(kwargs=ast.Name(id='k'))) self.assert_no_more(it)
def visit_BinOp (self, node): self.generic_visit (node) # BinOp( left=Call(...), op=BitOr(), right=Call(...)) if type (node.op)==BitOr: # pipe # BinOp (left, BitOr, right) -> right (left, ...) # check the left and right; if they're calls to CommandWrapper._create # then do the magic both= True for child in (node.left, node.right): both= both and self.is_executable (child) if both: # right (left, ...) # I can't believe it's this easy node.left.keywords.append (keyword (arg='_out', value=Name (id='Capture', ctx=Load ()))) ast.fix_missing_locations (node.left) node.right.args.insert (0, node.left) node= node.right # Call(func=Call(func=Attribute(value=Name(id='CommandWrapper', ctx=Load()), # attr='_create', ctx=Load()), # args=[Str(s='grep')], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None), # args=[Call(func=Call(func=Attribute(value=Name(id='CommandWrapper', ctx=Load()), # attr='_create', ctx=Load()), # args=[Str(s='ls')], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None), # args=[], keywords=[keyword(arg='_out', # value=Name(id='Capture', ctx=Load()))], # starargs=None, kwargs=None), # Str(s='foo')], # keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None) elif type (node.op)==RShift: # BinOp(left=Call(func=Name(id='ls', ctx=Load()), args=[], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None), # op=RShift(), # right=Str(s='foo.txt')) if self.is_executable (node.left): node.left.keywords.append (keyword (arg='_out', value=Call (func=Name (id='open', ctx=Load ()), args=[node.right, Str (s='ab')], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None))) ast.fix_missing_locations (node.left) node= node.left return node
def ClassDef(*, name, bases, keywords, starargs, kwargs, body, decorator_list, lineno=None, col_offset=None): if flags.PY_VERSION == 2: # Ignore keywords and starargs, they shouldnt be there in the first place if Py2 return ast.ClassDef(name=name, bases=bases, body=body, decorator_list=decorator_list, lineno=lineno, col_offset=col_offset) elif flags.PY_VERSION == 3: if flags.PY3_VERSION >= 5: if starargs is not None: bases += [ast.Starred(starargs, ast.Load())] if kwargs is not None: keywords += [ast.keyword(arg=None, value=kwargs)] if lineno is not None and col_offset is not None: return ast.ClassDef(name=name, bases=bases, keywords=keywords, body=body, decorator_list=decorator_list, lineno=lineno, col_offset=col_offset) else: return ast.ClassDef(name=name, bases=bases, keywords=keywords, body=body, decorator_list=decorator_list) else: if lineno is not None and col_offset is not None: return ast.ClassDef(name=name, bases=bases, keywords=keywords, starargs=starargs, kwargs=kwargs, body=body, decorator_list=decorator_list, lineno=lineno, col_offset=col_offset) else: return ast.ClassDef(name=name, bases=bases, keywords=keywords, starargs=starargs, kwargs=kwargs, body=body, decorator_list=decorator_list)
def test_classdef(self): def cls(bases=None, keywords=None, starargs=None, kwargs=None, body=None, decorator_list=None): if bases is None: bases = [] if keywords is None: keywords = [] if body is None: body = [ast.Pass()] if decorator_list is None: decorator_list = [] return ast.ClassDef("myclass", bases, keywords, starargs, kwargs, body, decorator_list) self.stmt(cls(bases=[ast.Name("x", ast.Store())]), "must have Load context") self.stmt(cls(keywords=[ast.keyword("x", ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))]), "must have Load context") self.stmt(cls(starargs=ast.Name("x", ast.Store())), "must have Load context") self.stmt(cls(kwargs=ast.Name("x", ast.Store())), "must have Load context") self.stmt(cls(body=[]), "empty body on ClassDef") self.stmt(cls(body=[None]), "None disallowed") self.stmt(cls(decorator_list=[ast.Name("x", ast.Store())]), "must have Load context")
def get_call_ast(func_name, args=None, kwargs=None, return_type=None): """ Return an AST representing the call to a function with the name func_name, passing it the arguments args (given as a list) and the keyword arguments kwargs (given as a dictionary). func_name -- either the name of a callable as a string, or an AST representing a callable expression return_type -- if this is not None, return a TypedCall object with this return type instead """ if args is None: args = [] # convert keyword argument dict to a list of (key, value) pairs keywords = [] if kwargs is not None: for (key, value) in kwargs.iteritems(): keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg=key, value=value)) # get or generate the AST representing the callable if isinstance(func_name, ast.AST): func_ast = func_name else: func_ast = ast.Name(id=func_name, ctx=ast.Load) # if no return type is given, return a simple Call AST if return_type is None: return ast.Call(func=func_ast, args=args, keywords=keywords, starargs=None, kwargs=None) # if a return type is given, return a TypedCall AST else: return TypedCall(func=func_ast, args=args, keywords=keywords, return_type=return_type)
def visit_Call(self, call): new_func, func_expl = self.visit(call.func) arg_expls = [] new_args = [] new_kwargs = [] new_star = new_kwarg = None for arg in call.args: res, expl = self.visit(arg) new_args.append(res) arg_expls.append(expl) for keyword in call.keywords: res, expl = self.visit(keyword.value) new_kwargs.append(ast.keyword(keyword.arg, res)) arg_expls.append(keyword.arg + "=" + expl) if call.starargs: new_star, expl = self.visit(call.starargs) arg_expls.append("*" + expl) if call.kwargs: new_kwarg, expl = self.visit(call.kwargs) arg_expls.append("**" + expl) expl = "%s(%s)" % (func_expl, ', '.join(arg_expls)) new_call = ast.Call(new_func, new_args, new_kwargs, new_star, new_kwarg) res = self.assign(new_call) res_expl = self.explanation_param(self.display(res)) outer_expl = "%s\n{%s = %s\n}" % (res_expl, res_expl, expl) return res, outer_expl
def visit_Call_35(self, call): """ visit `ast.Call` nodes on Python3.5 and after """ new_func, func_expl = self.visit(call.func) arg_expls = [] new_args = [] new_kwargs = [] for arg in call.args: res, expl = self.visit(arg) arg_expls.append(expl) new_args.append(res) for keyword in call.keywords: res, expl = self.visit(keyword.value) new_kwargs.append(ast.keyword(keyword.arg, res)) if keyword.arg: arg_expls.append(keyword.arg + "=" + expl) else: ## **args have `arg` keywords with an .arg of None arg_expls.append("**" + expl) expl = "%s(%s)" % (func_expl, ', '.join(arg_expls)) new_call = ast.Call(new_func, new_args, new_kwargs) res = self.assign(new_call) res_expl = self.explanation_param(self.display(res)) outer_expl = "%s\n{%s = %s\n}" % (res_expl, res_expl, expl) return res, outer_expl
def do_for(parser, token): ''' {% for a, b, c in iterable %} {% endfor %} We create the structure: for a, b, c in iterable: with helpers['forwrapper'](context, a=a, b=b, c=c): ... ''' code = ast.parse('for %s: pass' % token, mode='exec') loop = code.body[0] loop.iter = wrap_name_in_context(loop.iter) body, _ = parser.parse_nodes_until('endfor') if isinstance(, ast.Tuple): targets = [ for elt in] else: targets = [] kwargs = [ ast.keyword(arg=elt, value=ast.Name(id=elt, ctx=ast.Load())) for elt in targets ] loop.body = [_create_with_scope(body, kwargs)] return loop
def generate(self, element:Element, GC:GenerationContext): acode = element.code sig = acode[1].code mac_name = sig[0].code.full_name param_names = [p.code.full_name for p in sig[1:]] body = [s.code for s in acode[2:]] params_code = ast.List(elts=[ast.Str(s) for s in param_names], ctx=ast.Load()) # rcode_code = # __aky__.Macro( ... ) mac_code = ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id="__aky__", ctx=ast.Load()), attr="Macro", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[ast.keyword(arg="specs", value=ast.Tuple(elts=[params_code, rcode_code], ctx=ast.Load()))]) target_code = ast.Subscript(value=ast.Name(id="__macros__", ctx=ast.Load()), slice=ast.Index(ast.Str(mac_name)), ctx=ast.Store()) # assign_code = ast.Assign(targets=[target_code], value=mac_code) return assign_code
def visit_Call(self, node): if hasattr(node.func, 'id') and in ('JS', 'toString', 'JSObject', 'JSArray', 'var'): return self.generic_visit(node) return Call( Call( Name('get_attribute', None), [self.visit(node.func), Str('__call__')], None, None, None, ), [ Call( Name('JSArray', None), map(self.visit, node.args), None, None, None ), Call( Name('JSObject', None), None, map(lambda x: keyword(Name(x.arg, None), self.visit(x.value)), node.keywords), None, None ), ], None, None, None, )
def peval_call(state, ctx, func, args=[], keywords=[]): assert all(type(arg) != ast.Starred for arg in args) assert all(kw.arg is not None for kw in keywords) keyword_expressions = [kw.value for kw in keywords] state, results = map_peval_expression( state, dict(func=func, args=args, keywords=keyword_expressions), ctx) if all_known_values_or_none(results): values = map_get_value(results) kwds = {kw.arg: value for kw, value in zip(keywords, values['keywords'])} success, value = try_eval_call( values['func'], args=values['args'], keywords=kwds) if success: return state, KnownValue(value=value) state, nodes = map_reify(state, results) # restoring the keyword list nodes['keywords'] = [ ast.keyword(arg=kw.arg, value=expr) for kw, expr in zip(keywords, nodes['keywords'])] return state, ast.Call(**nodes)
def visit_argument(self, values, ctx): """argument: test [comp_for] | test '=' test""" if len(values) == 1: node = self.visit(values[0], ctx) elif len(values) == 2: test = self.visit(values[0], ctx) comp_for = self.visit(values[1], ctx) # TODO node = ast.GeneratorExp() node.elt = test node.generators = [comp_for] elif len(values) == 3: node = ast.keyword() arg = self.visit(values[0], ctx) node.arg = node.value = self.visit(values[2], ctx) else: raise ValueError return node
def visitCall(self, n, *args): return ast_trans.Call(func=self.dispatch(n.func, *args), args=self.reduce(n.args, *args), keywords=[ast.keyword(arg=k.arg, value=self.dispatch(k.value, *args))\ for k in n.keywords], starargs=self.dispatch(n.starargs, *args) if getattr(n, 'starargs', None) else None, kwargs=self.dispatch(n.kwargs, *args) if getattr(n, 'kwargs', None) else None)
def test_ClassDef(self): # class X: pass cls = ast.ClassDef('X', [], [], None, None, [ast.Pass()], []) self.verify(cls, 'class X:pass') # class X(Y): pass cls = ast.ClassDef('X', [ast.Name('Y', ast.Load())], [], None, None, [ast.Pass()], []) self.verify(cls, 'class X(Y):pass') # class X(Y=42): pass cls = ast.ClassDef('X', [], [ast.keyword('Y', ast.Num(42))], None, None, [ast.Pass()], []) self.verify(cls, 'class X(Y=42):pass') # class X(Z, Y=42): pass cls.bases.append(ast.Name('Z', ast.Load())) self.verify(cls, 'class X(Z,Y=42):pass') # class X(*args): pass cls = ast.ClassDef('X', [], [], ast.Name('args', ast.Load()), None, [ast.Pass()], []) self.verify(cls, 'class X(*args):pass') # class X(Y, *args): pass cls.bases.append(ast.Name('Y', ast.Load())) self.verify(cls, 'class X(Y,*args):pass') # class X(**kwargs): pass cls = ast.ClassDef('X', [], [], None, ast.Name('kwargs', ast.Load()), [ast.Pass()], []) self.verify(cls, 'class X(**kwargs):pass') # class X(Y, **kwargs): pass cls.bases.append(ast.Name('Y', ast.Load())) self.verify(cls, 'class X(Y,**kwargs):pass') # Decorators cls = ast.ClassDef('X', [], [], None, None, [ast.Pass()], [ast.Name('dec1', ast.Load()), ast.Name('dec2', ast.Load())]) self.verify(cls, '@dec1\n@dec2\nclass X:pass')
def visitCall(self, n, *args): self.dispatch(n.func, *args) self.dispatch(n.args, *args) [ast.keyword(arg=k.arg, value=self.dispatch(k.value, *args)) for k in n.keywords] self.dispatch(n.starargs, *args) if getattr(n, 'starargs', None) else None self.dispatch(n.kwargs, *args) if getattr(n, 'kwargs', None) else None if flags.PY3_VERSION <= 4: args, starargs, keywords, kwargs = n.args, n.starargs, n.keywords, n.kwargs else: args = [a for a in n.args if not isinstance(a, ast.Starred)] starargs = [a.value for a in n.args if isinstance(a, ast.Starred)] keywords = [k for k in n.keywords if k.arg is not None] kwargs = [k.value for k in n.keywords if k.arg is None] if len(starargs) > 1 or len(kwargs) > 1: raise Exception() else: starargs = starargs[0] if len(starargs) else None kwargs = kwargs[0] if len(kwargs) else None ty, tyerr = consistency.apply(n.func, n.func.retic_type, args, keywords, starargs, kwargs) if not ty: raise tyerr else: n.retic_type = ty
def ast_repr(x): """Similar to repr(), but returns an AST instead of a String, which when evaluated will return the given value.""" if type(x) in (int, float): return ast.Num(n=x) elif type(x) in (str, unicode): return ast.Str(s=x) elif type(x) is list: return ast.List(elts=map(ast_repr, x)) elif type(x) is dict: return ast.Dict(keys=map(ast_repr, x.keys()), values=map(ast_repr, x.values())) elif type(x) is set: return ast.Set(elts=map(ast_repr, x)) elif type(x) is Literal: return x.body elif type(x) is Captured: return ast.Call(ast.Name(id="Captured"), [x.val, ast_repr(], [], None, None) elif x is None: return ast.Name(id="None") elif x is True: return ast.Name(id="True") elif x is False: return ast.Name(id="False") elif isinstance(x, ast.AST): fields = [ast.keyword(a, ast_repr(b)) for a, b in ast.iter_fields(x)] return ast.Call(ast.Name(id=x.__class__.__name__), [], fields, None, None) raise Exception("Don't know how to ast_repr this: ", x)
def build(self) -> typing.Optional[ast.ClassDef]: base_class: typing.Union[ast.Attribute, ast.Name] # Create the base class if not self.resource.base or == "object": base_class = ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id="marshmallow"), attr="Schema") else: if in FIELD_TYPES: return None base_class = ast.Name( + "Schema") # Define the base class class_node = ast.ClassDef( + "Schema", bases=[base_class], keywords=[], decorator_list=[], body=[], ) doc_string = f"Marshmallow schema for :class:`commercetools.types.{}`." class_node.body.append(ast.Expr(value=ast.Str(s=doc_string))) # Add the field definitions for prop in node = self._create_schema_property(prop) if node: class_node.body.append(node) # Add the Meta class class_node.body.append( ast.ClassDef( name="Meta", bases=[], keywords=[], body=[ ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id="unknown")], value=ast.Name(id="marshmallow.EXCLUDE"), ) ], decorator_list=[], )) # Create the post_load() method post_load_node = self._create_marshmallow_hook("post_load") if self.contains_regex_field: post_load_node.body.append( self._create_regex_call("_regex", "postprocess")) post_load_node.body.append( ast.Return(value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id=f"types.{}"), args=[], keywords=[ast.keyword(arg=None, value=ast.Name(id="data"))], ))) class_node.body.append(post_load_node) # Create the pre_load() method if self.contains_regex_field: node = self._create_marshmallow_hook("pre_load") node.body.append(self._create_regex_call("_regex", "preprocess")) node.body.append(ast.Return(value=ast.Name(id="data"))) class_node.body.append(node) node = self._create_marshmallow_hook("pre_dump") node.body.append(self._create_regex_call("_regex", "preprocess")) node.body.append(ast.Return(value=ast.Name(id="data"))) class_node.body.append(node) node = self._create_marshmallow_hook("post_dump") node.body.append(self._create_regex_call("_regex", "postprocess")) node.body.append(ast.Return(value=ast.Name(id="data"))) class_node.body.append(node) d_field = self.resource.get_discriminator_field() if d_field: post_load_node.body.insert( 0, ast.Delete(targets=[ ast.Subscript( value=ast.Name(id="data"), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Str( s=d_field.attribute_name)), ) ]), ) return class_node
def visit_For(self, node: ast.For): # making sure that we don't have for/else case if len(node.orelse) > 0: # this is illegal syntax lines = [n.lineno for n in node.orelse] print_src(self.fn_src, lines) raise SyntaxError("Illegal Syntax: you are not allowed to use " "for/else in code block") # get the target iter_ = node.iter iter_src = astor.to_source(iter_) try: iter_obj = eval(iter_src, self.global_, self.local) iter_ = list(iter_obj) except RuntimeError: print_src(self.fn_src, node.iter.lineno) raise SyntaxError("Unable to statically evaluate loop iter") for v in iter_: if not isinstance(v, (int, str)): print_src(self.fn_src, node.iter.lineno) raise SyntaxError("Loop iter has to be either integer or " "string, got " + str(type(v))) target = if not isinstance(target, ast.Name): print_src(self.fn_src, node.iter.lineno) raise SyntaxError("Unable to parse loop " "target " + astor.to_source(target)) # if not in debug mode and we are allowed to do so if not self.generator.debug and not self.unroll_for and isinstance(iter_obj, range) and \ self.__loop_self_var(target, node.body): # return it as a function call _vars = iter_obj.start, iter_obj.stop, iter_obj.step, node.lineno _vars = [ast.Num(n=n) for n in _vars] keywords = [] if self.generator.debug: keywords = [ ast.keyword(arg="f_ln", value=ast.Constant(value=node.lineno)) ] # we redirect the var to one of the scope vars. the index is based # on the line number index_num = node.lineno # create the for statement in the scope for_stmt = _kratos.ForStmt(, iter_obj.start, iter_obj.stop, iter_obj.step) self.scope.for_stmt[index_num] = for_stmt # set the for iter var # redirect the variable to env self.scope.iter_var[index_num] = for_stmt.get_iter_var() index = ast.Subscript(slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Num(n=index_num)), value=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name( id="scope", ctx=ast.Load()), attr="iter_var", ctx=ast.Load())) for_node = ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name( id="scope", ctx=ast.Load()), attr="for_", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Str(] + _vars, keywords=keywords, ctx=ast.Load()) body_visitor = StaticElaborationNodeVisitor.NameVisitor( target, index) body = [] for i in range(len(node.body)): n = self.visit(body_visitor.visit(node.body[i])) if isinstance(n, list): for nn in n: body.append(nn) else: body.append(n) body_node = ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(attr="loop", value=for_node, ctx=ast.Load()), args=body, keywords=[]) # create an entry for the target self.local[str(] = 0 return self.visit(ast.Expr(body_node)) else: new_node = [] for value in iter_: loop_body = copy.deepcopy(node.body) for n in loop_body: # need to replace all the reference to visitor = StaticElaborationNodeVisitor.NameVisitor( target, value) n = visitor.visit(n) self.key_pair.append((, value)) n = self.visit(n) self.key_pair.pop(len(self.key_pair) - 1) if isinstance(n, list): for n_ in n: new_node.append(n_) self.target_node[n_] = (, value) else: new_node.append(n) self.target_node[n] = (, value) return new_node
def visit_If(self, node: ast.If): predicate = node.test # if it's a var comparison, we change it to eq functional call predicate = self.__change_if_predicate(predicate) # we only replace stuff if the predicate has something to do with the # verilog variable predicate_src = astor.to_source(predicate) has_var = False try: predicate_value = eval(predicate_src, self.global_, self.local) except (_kratos.exception.InvalidConversionException, _kratos.exception.UserException, _kratos.exception.VarException) as _: has_var = True predicate_value = None # if's a kratos var, we continue if not has_var and not isinstance(predicate_value, _kratos.Var): if not isinstance(predicate_value, bool): print_src(self.fn_src, predicate.lineno) raise SyntaxError("Cannot statically evaluate if predicate") if predicate_value: for i, n in enumerate(node.body): if_exp = StaticElaborationNodeVisitor( self.generator, self.fn_src, self.scope, self.unroll_for, self.local, self.global_, self.filename, self.scope_ln) node.body[i] = if_exp.visit(n) return node.body else: for i, n in enumerate(node.orelse): if_exp = StaticElaborationNodeVisitor( self.generator, self.fn_src, self.scope, self.unroll_for, self.local, self.global_, self.filename, self.scope_ln) node.orelse[i] = if_exp.visit(n) return node.orelse else: # need to convert the logical operators to either reduced function calls, or # expression or if_test = LogicOperatorVisitor(self.local, self.global_, self.filename, self.scope_ln) predicate = if_test.visit(node.test) expression = node.body else_expression = node.orelse if self.generator.debug: keywords_if = [ ast.keyword(arg="f_ln", value=ast.Constant(value=node.lineno)) ] # do our best guess if len(else_expression) > 0: if else_expression[0].lineno != expression[0].lineno: ln = else_expression[0].lineno + 1 else: ln = else_expression[0].lineno keywords_else = [ ast.keyword(arg="f_ln", value=ast.Constant(value=ln)) ] else: keywords_else = [] else: keywords_if = [] keywords_else = [] for key, value in self.key_pair: keywords_if.append(ast.keyword(arg=key, value=ast.Str(s=value))) if_node = ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id="scope", ctx=ast.Load()), attr="if_", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[predicate] + expression, keywords=keywords_if, ctx=ast.Load) else_node = ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(attr="else_", value=if_node, ctx=ast.Load()), args=else_expression, keywords=keywords_else) return self.visit(ast.Expr(value=else_node))
def name(tree): "Splices a string value into the quoted code snippet as a Name." # TODO: another hard-coded call now assuming `ast.Name` return Literal(compat.Call(ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='ast', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='Name', ctx=ast.Load()), [], [ast.keyword("id", tree)]))
def compile_func(gen: 'Generator', func: Callable, strategy: Strategy, with_hooks: bool = False) -> Callable: """ The compilation basically assigns functionality to each of the operator calls as governed by the semantics (strategy). Memoization is done with the keys as the `func`, the class of the `strategy` and the `with_hooks` argument. Args: gen (Generator): The generator object containing the function to compile func (Callable): The function to compile strategy (Strategy): The strategy governing the behavior of the operators with_hooks (bool): Whether support for hooks is required Returns: The compiled function """ if isinstance(strategy, PartialReplayStrategy): strategy = strategy.backup_strategy if with_hooks: cache = CompilationCache.WITH_HOOKS[strategy.__class__] else: cache = CompilationCache.WITHOUT_HOOKS[strategy.__class__] if func in cache: return cache[func] cache[func] = None source_code, start_lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(func) source_code = ''.join(source_code) f_ast = astutils.parse(textwrap.dedent(source_code)) # This matches up line numbers with original file and is thus super useful for debugging ast.increment_lineno(f_ast, start_lineno - 1) # Remove the ``@generator`` decorator to avoid recursive compilation f_ast.decorator_list = [d for d in f_ast.decorator_list if (not isinstance(d, ast.Name) or != 'generator') and (not isinstance(d, ast.Attribute) or d.attr != 'generator') and (not (isinstance(d, ast.Call) and isinstance(d.func, ast.Name)) or != 'generator')] # Get all the external dependencies of this function. # We rely on a modified closure function adopted from the ``inspect`` library. closure_vars = getclosurevars_recursive(func, f_ast) g = {**closure_vars.nonlocals.copy(), **closure_vars.globals.copy()} known_ops: Set[str] = strategy.get_known_ops() known_methods: Set[str] = strategy.get_known_methods() op_info_constructor = OpInfoConstructor() delayed_compilations: List[Tuple[Generator, str]] = [] ops = {} handlers = {} op_infos = {} op_idx: int = 0 composition_cnt: int = 0 for n in astutils.preorder_traversal(f_ast): if isinstance(n, ast.Call) and isinstance(n.func, ast.Name) and in known_ops: # Rename the function call, and assign a new function to be called during execution. # This new function is determined by the semantics (strategy) being used for compilation. # Also determine if there any eligible hooks for this operator call. op_idx += 1 handler_idx = len(handlers) op_info: OpInfo = op_info_constructor.get(n,, n.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg='model', value=ast.Name(_GEN_MODEL_VAR, ctx=ast.Load()))) n.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg='op_info', value=ast.Name(f"_op_info_{op_idx}", ctx=ast.Load()))) op_infos[f"_op_info_{op_idx}"] = op_info n.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg='handler', value=ast.Name(f"_handler_{handler_idx}", ctx=ast.Load()))) handler = strategy.get_op_handler(op_info) handlers[f"_handler_{handler_idx}"] = handler if not with_hooks: n.func = astutils.parse(f"{_GEN_STRATEGY_VAR}.generic_op").value else: n.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg=_GEN_HOOK_VAR, value=ast.Name(_GEN_HOOK_VAR, ctx=ast.Load()))) n.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg=_GEN_STRATEGY_VAR, value=ast.Name(_GEN_STRATEGY_VAR, ctx=ast.Load()))) = _GEN_HOOK_WRAPPER ops[_GEN_HOOK_WRAPPER] = hook_wrapper if returns_lambda(handler): n.func = ast.Call(func=n.func, args=n.args[:], keywords=n.keywords[:]) n.keywords = [] n.args = [n.args[0]] ast.fix_missing_locations(n) elif isinstance(n, ast.Call) and isinstance(n.func, ast.Name) and in known_methods: # Similar in spirit to the known_ops case, just much less fancy stuff to do. # Only need to get the right handler which we will achieve by simply making this # a method call instead of a regular call. n.func = ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(_GEN_STRATEGY_VAR, ctx=ast.Load()),, ctx=ast.Load()) ast.fix_missing_locations(n) elif isinstance(n, ast.Call): # Try to check if it is a call to a Generator # TODO : Can we be more sophisticated in our static analysis here try: function = eval(astunparse.unparse(n.func), g) if isinstance(function, Generator): call_id = f"{_GEN_COMPOSITION_ID}_{composition_cnt}" composition_cnt += 1 = call_id n.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg=_GEN_EXEC_ENV_VAR, value=ast.Name(_GEN_EXEC_ENV_VAR, ctx=ast.Load()))) n.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg=_GEN_STRATEGY_VAR, value=ast.Name(_GEN_STRATEGY_VAR, ctx=ast.Load()))) n.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg=_GEN_MODEL_VAR, value=ast.Name(_GEN_MODEL_VAR, ctx=ast.Load()))) n.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg=_GEN_HOOK_VAR, value=ast.Name(_GEN_HOOK_VAR, ctx=ast.Load()))) ast.fix_missing_locations(n) # We delay compilation to handle mutually recursive generators delayed_compilations.append((function, call_id)) except: pass # Add the execution environment argument to the function f_ast.args.kwonlyargs.append(ast.arg(arg=_GEN_EXEC_ENV_VAR, annotation=None)) f_ast.args.kw_defaults.append(ast.NameConstant(value=None)) # Add the strategy argument to the function f_ast.args.kwonlyargs.append(ast.arg(arg=_GEN_STRATEGY_VAR, annotation=None)) f_ast.args.kw_defaults.append(ast.NameConstant(value=None)) # Add the strategy argument to the function f_ast.args.kwonlyargs.append(ast.arg(arg=_GEN_MODEL_VAR, annotation=None)) f_ast.args.kw_defaults.append(ast.NameConstant(value=None)) # Add the hook argument to the function f_ast.args.kwonlyargs.append(ast.arg(arg=_GEN_HOOK_VAR, annotation=None)) f_ast.args.kw_defaults.append(ast.NameConstant(value=None)) ast.fix_missing_locations(f_ast) # New name so it doesn't clash with original func_name = f"{_GEN_COMPILED_TARGET_ID}_{len(cache)}" g.update({k: v for k, v in ops.items()}) g.update({k: v for k, v in handlers.items()}) g.update({k: v for k, v in op_infos.items()}) module = ast.Module() module.body = [f_ast] # Passing ``g`` to exec allows us to execute all the new functions # we assigned to every operator call in the previous AST walk exec(compile(module, filename=inspect.getabsfile(func), mode="exec"), g) result = g[func.__name__] if inspect.ismethod(func): result = result.__get__(func.__self__, func.__self__.__class__) # Restore the correct namespace so that tracebacks contain actual function names g[] = gen g[func_name] = result cache[func] = result # Handle the delayed compilations now that we have populated the cache for gen, call_id in delayed_compilations: compiled_func = compile_func(gen, gen.func, strategy, with_hooks) if gen.caching and isinstance(strategy, DfsStrategy): # Add instructions for using cached result if any g[call_id] = cache_wrapper(compiled_func) else: g[call_id] = compiled_func return result
""".format(comment=docstring_header_and_return_str) config_tbl_ast = Assign( targets=[Name("config_tbl", Store())], value=Call( func=Name("Table", Load()), args=[ set_value("config_tbl"), Name("metadata", Load()), Call( func=Name("Column", Load()), args=[set_value("dataset_name"), Name("String", Load())], keywords=[ keyword(arg="doc", value=set_value("name of dataset"), identifier=None), keyword(arg="default", value=set_value("mnist"), identifier=None), keyword(arg="primary_key", value=set_value(True), identifier=None), ], expr=None, expr_func=None, ), Call( func=Name("Column", Load()), args=[set_value("tfds_dir"), Name("String", Load())],
def _create_schema_field(param: ServiceParameter): """Generate a field assignment for a marshmallow schema""" keywords = [] imports = [] methods = [] code_name = snakeit( if code_name != keywords.append( ast.keyword(arg="data_key", value=ast.Str(, kind=None))) if not param.required: keywords.append( ast.keyword(arg="required", value=ast.Constant(value=False, kind=None))) if"/"): placeholder = param.extra_data["(placeholderParam)"] code_name = snakeit(placeholder["paramName"]) imports.append(("marshmallow", "fields")) imports.append(("marshmallow", )) serialize_func = ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id="fields"), attr="Dict"), args=[], keywords=[], ) # TODO: can break if there is a suffix key_name = placeholder["template"].replace( "<%s>" % placeholder["placeholder"], "") code = ast.parse( textwrap.dedent( """ @marshmallow.post_dump def _%(target_name)s_post_dump(self, data, **kwrags): values = data.pop('%(target_name)s') if not values: return data for key, val in values.items(): data[f"%(key_name)s{key}"] = val return data @marshmallow.pre_load def _%(target_name)s_post_load(self, data, **kwrags): items = {} for key in list(data.keys()): if key.startswith("%(key_name)s"): items[key[%(key_len)d:]] = data[key] del data[key] data["%(target_name)s"] = items return data """ % { "target_name": code_name, "key_name": key_name, "key_len": len(key_name), })) methods.extend(code.body) elif param.type == "string": imports.append(("commercetools.helpers", "OptionalList")) imports.append(("marshmallow", "fields")) serialize_func = ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="OptionalList"), args=[ ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id="fields"), attr="String"), args=[], keywords=[], ) ], keywords=keywords, ) elif param.type == "number": imports.append(("marshmallow", "fields")) serialize_func = ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id="fields"), attr="Int"), args=[], keywords=keywords, ) elif param.type == "boolean": keywords.append( ast.keyword(arg="missing", value=ast.Constant(value=False, kind=None))) imports.append(("marshmallow", "fields")) serialize_func = ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id="fields"), attr="Bool"), args=[], keywords=keywords, ) elif param.type == "file": return None, [] else: raise NotImplementedError(param) node = ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id=code_name)], value=serialize_func, simple=1) return node, methods, imports
def _get_property_field(self, prop): if prop.type is None: return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id=FIELD_TYPES["object"]), args=[], keywords=[ ast.keyword(arg="allow_none", value=ast.NameConstant(True)) ], ) elif prop.type.enum: return ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="marshmallow_enum.EnumField"), args=[ ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id="types"), ], keywords=[ ast.keyword(arg="by_value", value=ast.NameConstant(True)) ], ) elif prop.type.discriminator: return self._create_discriminator_field(prop.type) elif"/"): return ast.Call(func=ast.Name( + "Field"), args=[], keywords=[]) elif in FIELD_TYPES: node = ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id=FIELD_TYPES[]), args=[], keywords=[ ast.keyword(arg="allow_none", value=ast.NameConstant(True)) ], ) if == "array": assert prop.items, f"The array property {} has no items" assert prop.items_types # TODO: We for now assume that the items are all subclasses of # the first item. We shouldn't do that :-) if prop.items_types[0].discriminator: node.args.append( self._create_discriminator_field(prop.items_types[0])) else: node.args.append( self._create_nested_field(prop.items_types[0])) return node # Dict Field elif "asMap" in prop.type.annotations: return ast.Call( func=ast.Name( + "Field"), args=[], keywords=[ ast.keyword(arg="allow_none", value=ast.NameConstant(True)) ], ) elif prop.type.base and == "string": return ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id="marshmallow.fields.String"), args=[], keywords=[]) else: return self._create_nested_field(prop.type)
def py_emit(node: ast.Call, ctx: Context): py_emit(node.func, ctx) has_star = False has_key = False has_star_star = False for each in node.args: if isinstance(each, ast.Starred): has_star = True break for each in node.keywords: if each.arg: has_key = True break for each in node.keywords: if each.arg is None: has_star_star = True break # positional arguments if has_star or has_star_star: arg_count = 0 arg_tuple_count = 0 for each in node.args: if not isinstance(each, ast.Starred): py_emit(each, ctx) arg_count += 1 else: if arg_count: ctx.bc.append( Instr("BUILD_TUPLE", arg_count, lineno=node.lineno)) arg_tuple_count += 1 arg_count = 0 py_emit(each.value, ctx) arg_tuple_count += 1 if arg_count: ctx.bc.append(Instr("BUILD_TUPLE", arg_count, lineno=node.lineno)) arg_tuple_count += 1 if arg_tuple_count > 1: ctx.bc.append( Instr("BUILD_TUPLE_UNPACK_WITH_CALL", arg_tuple_count, lineno=node.lineno)) elif arg_tuple_count == 1: pass elif arg_tuple_count == 0: ctx.bc.append(Instr("BUILD_TUPLE", 0, lineno=node.lineno)) else: for each in node.args: py_emit(each, ctx) # keyword arguments if has_star or has_star_star: karg_pack_count = 0 keys = [] values = [] karg_count = 0 # use dummy node handle trailing keyword arguments dummy_node = ast.keyword(arg=None) node.keywords.append(dummy_node) for each in node.keywords: if each.arg: keys.append(each.arg) values.append(each.value) karg_count += 1 else: if karg_count: karg_pack_count += 1 if karg_count > 1: for value in values: py_emit(value, ctx) ctx.bc.append( Instr("LOAD_CONST", tuple(keys), lineno=node.lineno)) ctx.bc.append( Instr("BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP", karg_count, lineno=node.lineno)) elif karg_count == 1: ctx.bc.append( Instr("LOAD_CONST", keys[0], lineno=node.lineno)) py_emit(values[0], ctx) ctx.bc.append(Instr("BUILD_MAP", 1, lineno=node.lineno)) keys = [] values = [] karg_count = 0 if each is dummy_node: break py_emit(each.value, ctx) karg_pack_count += 1 node.keywords.pop(-1) # pop dummy node if karg_pack_count > 1: ctx.bc.append( Instr("BUILD_MAP_UNPACK_WITH_CALL", karg_pack_count, lineno=node.lineno)) else: keys = [] for each in node.keywords: py_emit(each.value, ctx) keys.append(each.arg) if keys: ctx.bc.append(Instr("LOAD_CONST", tuple(keys), lineno=node.lineno)) if has_star or has_star_star: ctx.bc.append( Instr("CALL_FUNCTION_EX", has_star_star | has_key, lineno=node.lineno)) elif has_key: ctx.bc.append( Instr("CALL_FUNCTION_KW", len(node.args) + len(node.keywords), lineno=node.lineno)) else: ctx.bc.append( Instr('CALL_FUNCTION', len(node.args), lineno=node.lineno))
def _gen_extractors(self, request): stmts = [] jextractors = request.config.get("extract-jsonpath", BetterDict()) for varname in jextractors: cfg = ensure_is_dict(jextractors, varname, "jsonpath") stmts.append(ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id=varname, ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id="response", ctx=ast.Load()), attr="extract_jsonpath", ctx=ast.Load() ), args=[self.gen_expr(cfg['jsonpath']), self.gen_expr(cfg.get('default', 'NOT_FOUND'))], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None ) )) extractors = request.config.get("extract-regexp", BetterDict()) for varname in extractors: cfg = ensure_is_dict(extractors, varname, "regexp") # TODO: support non-'body' value of 'subject' stmts.append(ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id=varname, ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id="response", ctx=ast.Load()), attr="extract_regex", ctx=ast.Load() ), args=[self.gen_expr(cfg['regexp']), self.gen_expr(cfg.get('default', 'NOT_FOUND'))], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None ) )) # TODO: css/jquery extractor? xpath_extractors = request.config.get("extract-xpath", BetterDict()) for varname in xpath_extractors: cfg = ensure_is_dict(xpath_extractors, varname, "xpath") parser_type = 'html' if cfg.get('use-tolerant-parser', True) else 'xml' validate = cfg.get('validate-xml', False) stmts.append(ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id=varname, ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id="response", ctx=ast.Load()), attr="extract_xpath", ctx=ast.Load() ), args=[self.gen_expr(cfg['xpath'])], keywords=[ast.keyword(arg="default", value=cfg.get('default', 'NOT_FOUND')), ast.keyword(arg="parser_type", value=parser_type), ast.keyword(arg="validate", value=validate)], starargs=None, kwargs=None, ) )) return stmts
def gen_request_lines(self, req): apiritif_http = ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id='apiritif', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='http', ctx=ast.Load()) target = ast.Name(id='target', ctx=ast.Load()) requestor = target if self.__access_method == "target" else apiritif_http method = req.method.lower() think_time = dehumanize_time(req.priority_option('think-time', default=None)) named_args = self._extract_named_args(req) if req.label: label = req.label else: label = req.url lines = [] tran = ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id='apiritif', ctx=ast.Load()), attr="transaction", ctx=ast.Load()) transaction = ast.With( context_expr=ast.Call( func=tran, args=[self.gen_expr(label)], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None ), optional_vars=None, body=[ ast.Assign( targets=[ ast.Name(id="response", ctx=ast.Store()) ], value=ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute(value=requestor, attr=method, ctx=ast.Load()), args=[self.gen_expr(req.url)], keywords=[ast.keyword(arg=name, value=self.gen_expr(value)) for name, value in iteritems(named_args)], starargs=None, kwargs=None ) ) ], ) lines.append(transaction) lines.extend(self._gen_assertions(req)) lines.extend(self._gen_jsonpath_assertions(req)) lines.extend(self._gen_xpath_assertions(req)) lines.extend(self._gen_extractors(req)) if think_time: lines.append(ast.Expr(ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id="time", ctx=ast.Load()), attr="sleep", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[self.gen_expr(think_time)], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None))) return lines
def test_empty_init(self): # Jython 2.5.0 did not allow empty constructors for many ast node types # but CPython ast nodes do allow this. For the moment, I don't see a # reason to allow construction of the super types (like ast.AST and # ast.stmt) as well as the op types that are implemented as enums in # Jython (like boolop), but I've left them in but commented out for # now. We may need them in the future since CPython allows this, but # it may fall under implementation detail. #ast.AST() ast.Add() ast.And() ast.Assert() ast.Assign() ast.Attribute() ast.AugAssign() ast.AugLoad() ast.AugStore() ast.BinOp() ast.BitAnd() ast.BitOr() ast.BitXor() ast.BoolOp() ast.Break() ast.Call() ast.ClassDef() ast.Compare() ast.Continue() ast.Del() ast.Delete() ast.Dict() ast.Div() ast.Ellipsis() ast.Eq() ast.Exec() ast.Expr() ast.Expression() ast.ExtSlice() ast.FloorDiv() ast.For() ast.FunctionDef() ast.GeneratorExp() ast.Global() ast.Gt() ast.GtE() ast.If() ast.IfExp() ast.Import() ast.ImportFrom() ast.In() ast.Index() ast.Interactive() ast.Invert() ast.Is() ast.IsNot() ast.LShift() ast.Lambda() ast.List() ast.ListComp() ast.Load() ast.Lt() ast.LtE() ast.Mod() ast.Module() ast.Mult() ast.Name() ast.Not() ast.NotEq() ast.NotIn() ast.Num() ast.Or() ast.Param() ast.Pass() ast.Pow() ast.Print() ast.RShift() ast.Raise() ast.Repr() ast.Return() ast.Slice() ast.Store() ast.Str() ast.Sub() ast.Subscript() ast.Suite() ast.TryExcept() ast.TryFinally() ast.Tuple() ast.UAdd() ast.USub() ast.UnaryOp() ast.While() ast.With() ast.Yield() ast.alias() ast.arguments() #ast.boolop() #ast.cmpop() ast.comprehension() #ast.excepthandler() #ast.expr() #ast.expr_context() ast.keyword()
async def async_eval(self, code, **kwargs): # Note to self: please don't set globals here as they will be lost. # Don't clutter locals locs = {} # Restore globals later globs = globals().copy() # This code saves __name__ and __package into a kwarg passed to the function. # It is set before the users code runs to make sure relative imports work global_args = "_globs" while global_args in globs.keys(): # Make sure there's no name collision, just keep prepending _s global_args = "_" + global_args kwargs[global_args] = {} for glob in ["__name__", "__package__"]: # Copy data to args we are sending kwargs[global_args][glob] = globs[glob] root = ast.parse(code, 'exec') code = root.body # If we can use it as a lambda return (but multiline) if isinstance(code[-1], ast.Expr): # Change it to a return statement code[-1] = ast.copy_location(ast.Return(code[-1].value), code[-1]) # globals().update(**<global_args>) glob_copy = ast.Expr(ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='globals', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[]), attr='update', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[ast.keyword(arg=None, value=ast.Name(id=global_args, ctx=ast.Load()))])) glob_copy.lineno = 0 glob_copy.col_offset = 0 ast.fix_missing_locations(glob_copy) code.insert(0, glob_copy) args = [] for a in list(map(lambda x: ast.arg(x, None), kwargs.keys())): a.lineno = 0 a.col_offset = 0 args += [a] fun = ast.AsyncFunctionDef('tmp', ast.arguments( args=[], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=args, posonlyargs=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[None for i in range(len(args))]), code, [], None ) fun.lineno = 0 fun.col_offset = 0 mod = ast.Module([fun], type_ignores=[]) comp = compile(mod, '<string>', 'exec') exec(comp, {}, locs) with self.temp_stdio() as out: result = await locs["tmp"](**kwargs) try: globals().clear() # Inconsistent state finally: globals().update(**globs) return result, out.getvalue()
def visit_Call(self, node): new_node = self.generic_visit(node) if isinstance(node.func, ast.Name) and in self.functions: new_node.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg='evaluate', value=ast.NameConstant(value=False, ctx=ast.Load()))) return new_node
async def meval(code, globs, **kwargs): # Note to self: please don't set globals here as they will be lost. # Don't clutter locals locs = {} # Restore globals later globs = globs.copy() # This code saves __name__ and __package into a kwarg passed to the func. # It is set before the users code runs to make sure relative imports work global_args = "_globs" while global_args in globs.keys(): # Make sure there's no name collision, just keep prepending _s global_args = "_" + global_args kwargs[global_args] = {} for glob in ["__name__", "__package__"]: # Copy data to args we are sending kwargs[global_args][glob] = globs[glob] root = ast.parse(code, "exec") code = root.body ret_name = "_ret" ok = False while True: if ret_name in globs.keys(): ret_name = "_" + ret_name continue for node in ast.walk(root): if isinstance(node, ast.Name) and == ret_name: ret_name = "_" + ret_name break ok = True if ok: break if not code: return None if not any(isinstance(node, ast.Return) for node in code): for i in range(len(code)): if isinstance(code[i], ast.Expr): if (i == len(code) - 1 or not isinstance(code[i].value, ast.Call)): code[i] = ast.copy_location( ast.Expr( ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name( id=ret_name, ctx=ast.Load()), attr="append", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[code[i].value], keywords=[])), code[-1]) else: for node in code: if isinstance(node, ast.Return): node.value = ast.List(elts=[node.value], ctx=ast.Load()) code.append( ast.copy_location( ast.Return(value=ast.Name(id=ret_name, ctx=ast.Load())), code[-1])) # globals().update(**<global_args>) glob_copy = ast.Expr( ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id="globals", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[]), attr="update", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[ ast.keyword(arg=None, value=ast.Name(id=global_args, ctx=ast.Load())) ])) ast.fix_missing_locations(glob_copy) code.insert(0, glob_copy) ret_decl = ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id=ret_name, ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.List(elts=[], ctx=ast.Load())) ast.fix_missing_locations(ret_decl) code.insert(1, ret_decl) args = [] for a in list(map(lambda x: ast.arg(x, None), kwargs.keys())): ast.fix_missing_locations(a) args += [a] args = ast.arguments(args=[], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=args, kwarg=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[None for i in range(len(args))]) args.posonlyargs = [] fun = ast.AsyncFunctionDef(name="tmp", args=args, body=code, decorator_list=[], returns=None) ast.fix_missing_locations(fun) mod = ast.parse("") mod.body = [fun] comp = compile(mod, "<string>", "exec") exec(comp, {}, locs) r = await locs["tmp"](**kwargs) for i in range(len(r)): if hasattr(r[i], "__await__"): r[i] = await r[i] # workaround for 3.5 i = 0 while i < len(r) - 1: if r[i] is None: del r[i] else: i += 1 if len(r) == 1: [r] = r elif not r: r = None return r
def make_update_method(self, method, node, return_obj, module_name): """Create the `.update_by_*(self, id, actions, ...)` method""" response_schema_name = + "Schema" self.add_import_statement( module_name, f"commercetools._schemas.{return_obj.package_name}", response_schema_name, ) input_obj = self._types.get(method.input_type) if not input_obj: return action_obj = self._types.get(method.input_type + "Action") input_schema_name = + "Schema" self.add_import_statement( module_name, f"commercetools.types.{input_obj.package_name}", self.add_import_statement( module_name, f"commercetools.types.{action_obj.package_name}",, ) self.add_import_statement( module_name, f"commercetools._schemas.{input_obj.package_name}", input_schema_name, ) node.args.args.append( ast.arg( arg="actions", annotation=ast.Subscript( value=ast.Name(id="typing.List"), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Name(, ), )) node.args.kwonlyargs.append( ast.arg(arg="force_update", annotation=ast.Name(id="bool"))) node.args.kw_defaults.append(ast.Constant(value=False, kind=None)) # update_action = types.ProductUpdate(version=version, actions=actions) node.body.append( ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id="update_action")], value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(, args=[], keywords=[ ast.keyword(arg="version", value=ast.Name(id="version")), ast.keyword(arg="actions", value=ast.Name(id="actions")), ], ), )) node.body.append( ast.Return( self._call_client( method=f"_post", endpoint=_create_endpoint_fstring(method.path), params=ast.Name("params"), data_object=ast.Name("update_action"), request_schema_cls=ast.Name(id=input_schema_name), response_schema_cls=ast.Name(id=response_schema_name), force_update=ast.Name(id="force_update"), ))) return node
def __build_function(self, dom_name, full_name, func_params): assert 'name' in func_params func_name = func_params['name'] docstr = self.__build_desc_string(dom_name, func_name, func_params) args = [ast.arg('self', None)] message_params = [] func_body = [] if docstr: func_body.append(ast.Expr(ast.Str("\n"+docstr+"\n\t\t"))) for param in func_params.get("parameters", []): argname = param['name'] param_optional = param.get("optional", False) if param_optional is False: message_params.append(ast.keyword(argname, ast.Name(id=argname, ctx=ast.Load()))) args.append(ast.arg(argname, None)) if self.do_debug_prints: func_body.append(self.__build_debug_print(argname, argname)) param_type = param.get("type", None) if param_type in CHECKS: if param_optional: check = self.__build_conditional_arg_check(argname, CHECKS[param_type]) else: check = self.__build_unconditional_arg_check(argname, CHECKS[param_type]) if check: func_body.append(check) optional_params = [param.get("name") for param in func_params.get("parameters", []) if param.get("optional", False)] func_kwargs = None if len(optional_params): value = ast.List(elts=[ast.Str(s=param, ctx=ast.Store()) for param in optional_params], ctx=ast.Load()) create_list = ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id='expected', ctx=ast.Store())], value=value) func_body.append(create_list) passed_arg_list = ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id='passed_keys', ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='list', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id='kwargs', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='keys', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[])], keywords=[])) func_body.append(passed_arg_list) comprehension = ast.comprehension(target=ast.Name(id='key', ctx=ast.Store()), iter=ast.Name(id='passed_keys', ctx=ast.Load()), ifs=[], is_async=False) comparator = ast.Name(id='expected', ctx=ast.Load()) listcomp = ast.ListComp(elt=ast.Compare(left=ast.Name(id='key', ctx=ast.Load()), ops=[ast.In()], comparators=[comparator]), generators=[comprehension]) check_message = ast.BinOp( left = ast.Str(s="Allowed kwargs are {}. Passed kwargs: %s".format(optional_params)), op = ast.Mod(), right = ast.Name(id='passed_keys', ctx=ast.Load()), lineno = self.__get_line()) kwarg_check = ast.Assert(test=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='all', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[listcomp], keywords=[]), msg=check_message) func_body.append(kwarg_check) func_kwargs = ast.Name(id='kwargs', ctx=ast.Load()) fname = "{}.{}".format(dom_name, func_name) fname = ast.Str(s=fname, ctx=ast.Load()) if (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) == (3, 5) or \ (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) == (3, 6) or \ (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) == (3, 7) or \ (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) == (3, 8): # More irritating minor semantic differences in the AST between 3.4 and 3.5 if func_kwargs: message_params.append(ast.keyword(arg=None, value=ast.Name(id='kwargs', ctx=ast.Load()))) communicate_call = ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id='self', ctx=ast.Load()), ctx=ast.Load(), attr='synchronous_command'), args=[fname], keywords=message_params) elif (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) == (3,4): communicate_call = ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id='self', ctx=ast.Load()), ctx=ast.Load(), attr='synchronous_command'), args=[fname], kwargs=func_kwargs, keywords=message_params) else: print("Version:", sys.version_info) raise RuntimeError("This script only functions on python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, or 3.7. Active python version {}.{}".format(*sys.version_info)) do_communicate = ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id='subdom_funcs', ctx=ast.Store())], value=communicate_call) func_ret = ast.Return(value=ast.Name(id='subdom_funcs', ctx=ast.Load())) if len(optional_params) and self.do_debug_prints: func_body.append(self.__build_debug_print('kwargs', 'kwargs')) func_body.append(do_communicate) func_body.append(func_ret) if len(optional_params): kwarg = ast.arg(arg='kwargs', annotation=None) else: kwarg = None sig = ast.arguments( args=args, vararg=None, varargannotation=None, posonlyargs=[], kwonlyargs=[], kwarg=kwarg, kwargannotation=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[]) func = ast.FunctionDef( name = "{}_{}".format(full_name, func_name), args = sig, body = func_body, decorator_list = [], lineno = self.__get_line(), col_offset = 0, ) return func
def _compile_directive_call_assets(self, el, options): """ This special 't-call' tag can be used in order to aggregate/minify javascript and css assets""" if len(el): raise SyntaxError("t-call-assets cannot contain children nodes") # nodes = self._get_asset_nodes(xmlid, options, css=css, js=js, debug=values.get('debug'), async=async, values=values) # # for index, (tagName, t_attrs, content) in enumerate(nodes): # if index: # append('\n ') # append('<') # append(tagName) # # self._post_processing_att(tagName, t_attrs, options) # for name, value in t_attrs.items(): # if value or isinstance(value, string_types)): # append(u' ') # append(name) # append(u'="') # append(escape(pycompat.to_text((value))) # append(u'"') # # if not content and tagName in self._void_elements: # append('/>') # else: # append('>') # if content: # append(content) # append('</') # append(tagName) # append('>') # space = el.getprevious() is not None and el.getprevious().tail or el.getparent().text sep = u'\n' + space.rsplit('\n').pop() return [ ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id='nodes', ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='self', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='_get_asset_nodes', ctx=ast.Load() ), args=[ ast.Str(el.get('t-call-assets')), ast.Name(id='options', ctx=ast.Load()), ], keywords=[ ast.keyword('css', self._get_attr_bool(el.get('t-css', True))), ast.keyword('js', self._get_attr_bool(el.get('t-js', True))), ast.keyword('debug', ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='values', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='get', ctx=ast.Load() ), args=[ast.Str('debug')], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None )), ast.keyword('async_load', self._get_attr_bool(el.get('async_load', False))), ast.keyword('defer_load', self._get_attr_bool(el.get('defer_load', False))), ast.keyword('lazy_load', self._get_attr_bool(el.get('lazy_load', False))), ast.keyword('values', ast.Name(id='values', ctx=ast.Load())), ], starargs=None, kwargs=None ) ), ast.For( target=ast.Tuple(elts=[ ast.Name(id='index', ctx=ast.Store()), ast.Tuple(elts=[ ast.Name(id='tagName', ctx=ast.Store()), ast.Name(id='t_attrs', ctx=ast.Store()), ast.Name(id='content', ctx=ast.Store()) ], ctx=ast.Store()) ], ctx=ast.Store()), iter=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id='enumerate', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Name(id='nodes', ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None ), body=[ ast.If( test=ast.Name(id='index', ctx=ast.Load()), body=[self._append(ast.Str(sep))], orelse=[] ), self._append(ast.Str(u'<')), self._append(ast.Name(id='tagName', ctx=ast.Load())), ] + self._append_attributes() + [ ast.If( test=ast.BoolOp( op=ast.And(), values=[ ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), ast.Name(id='content', ctx=ast.Load()), lineno=0, col_offset=0), ast.Compare( left=ast.Name(id='tagName', ctx=ast.Load()), ops=[ast.In()], comparators=[ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='self', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='_void_elements', ctx=ast.Load() )] ), ] ), body=[self._append(ast.Str(u'/>'))], orelse=[ self._append(ast.Str(u'>')), ast.If( test=ast.Name(id='content', ctx=ast.Load()), body=[self._append(ast.Name(id='content', ctx=ast.Load()))], orelse=[] ), self._append(ast.Str(u'</')), self._append(ast.Name(id='tagName', ctx=ast.Load())), self._append(ast.Str(u'>')), ] ) ], orelse=[] ) ]
def compile_ui_files(module, import_instructions=None): """ Reads recursively all *.py files in root directory looking for "generate_pyfile_from_uifile" calls. If this call is found, execute it in order to compile ui file. import_instructions : python code containing required imports. example : >>> import_instructions = 'from openalea.vpltk.qt.designer import generate_pyfile_from_uifile\n' if None, uses default imports : generate_pyfile_from_uifile, Path, hardbook and get_data """ import ast from openalea.core import codegen if import_instructions is None: import_instructions = "from openalea.vpltk.qt.designer import generate_pyfile_from_uifile\n" module = __import__(module) paths = [] for root in module.__path__: root = Path(root) for py in root.walkfiles('*.py'): paths.append((root, py)) for root, py in paths: f = open(py) lines = f.readlines() f.close() code = ''.join(lines) try: r = ast.parse(code) except SyntaxError: print 'SYNTAX ERROR: cannot read ...', py else: for instr in r.body: if isinstance(instr, ast.Expr): value = instr.value if isinstance(value, ast.Call): try: func_name = except AttributeError: pass else: if func_name == 'generate_pyfile_from_uifile': true = ast.parse('True').body[0] for keyword in value.keywords: if keyword.arg == 'force': keyword.value = true break else: value.keywords.append(ast.keyword('force', true)) src = codegen.to_source(instr) if py.startswith('./') or py.startswith('.\\'): py = Path(py[2:]) name = replaceext(root.parent.relpathto(py), '').replace(os.sep, '.') src = src.replace('__name__', repr(name)) try: code = compile(import_instructions + src, "<string>", "exec") exec code except Exception as e: print repr(e) print 'COMPILATION ERROR: cannot compile', py print
def keyword(arg, value): return _ast.keyword(str(arg), value)
def ast_default_field(value): return Call( func=Name(id='field', ctx=Load()), args=[], keywords=[keyword(arg='default', value=Constant(value=value, kind=None))] )
def visit_Call(self, node): # pylint: disable=invalid-name self.generic_visit(node) # ignore if the function is not 'nni.*' if type(node.func) is not ast.Attribute: return node if type(node.func.value) is not ast.Name: return node if != 'nni': return node # ignore if its not a search space function (e.g. `report_final_result`) func = node.func.attr if func not in _ss_funcs: return node self.last_line = node.lineno if node.keywords: # there is a `name` argument assert len( node.keywords ) == 1, 'Smart parameter has keyword argument other than "name"' assert node.keywords[ 0].arg == 'name', 'Smart paramater\'s keyword argument is not "name"' assert type( node.keywords[0].value ) is ast.Str, 'Smart parameter\'s name must be string literal' name = node.keywords[0].value.s specified_name = True else: # generate the missing name automatically name = '__line' + str(str(node.args[-1].lineno)) specified_name = False node.keywords = list() if func in ('choice', 'function_choice'): # we will use keys in the dict as the choices, which is generated by code_generator according to the args given by user assert len(node.args ) == 1, 'Smart parameter has arguments other than dict' # check if it is a number or a string and get its value accordingly args = [ key.n if type(key) is ast.Num else key.s for key in node.args[0].keys ] else: # arguments of other functions must be literal number assert all( type(arg) is ast.Num for arg in node.args ), 'Smart parameter\'s arguments must be number literals' args = [arg.n for arg in node.args] key = self.module_name + '/' + name + '/' + func # store key in ast.Call node.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg='key', value=ast.Str(s=key))) if func == 'function_choice': func = 'choice' value = {'_type': func, '_value': args} if specified_name: # multiple functions with same name must have identical arguments old = self.search_space.get(key) assert old is None or old == value, 'Different smart parameters have same name' else: # generated name must not duplicate assert key not in self.search_space, 'Only one smart parameter is allowed in a line' self.search_space[key] = value return node
def visit_BinOp(self, node): if node.op.__class__ in self.operators: sympy_class = self.operators[node.op.__class__] right = self.visit(node.right) left = self.visit(node.left) if isinstance(node.left, ast.UnaryOp) and (isinstance( node.right, ast.UnaryOp) == 0) and sympy_class in ('Mul', ): left, right = right, left if isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub): right = ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='Mul', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.USub(), operand=ast.Num(1)), right ], keywords=[ ast.keyword(arg='evaluate', value=ast.NameConstant( value=False, ctx=ast.Load())) ], starargs=None, kwargs=None) if isinstance(node.op, ast.Div): if isinstance(node.left, ast.UnaryOp): if isinstance(node.right, ast.UnaryOp): left, right = right, left left = ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='Pow', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ left, ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.USub(), operand=ast.Num(1)) ], keywords=[ ast.keyword(arg='evaluate', value=ast.NameConstant( value=False, ctx=ast.Load())) ], starargs=None, kwargs=None) else: right = ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id='Pow', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ right, ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.USub(), operand=ast.Num(1)) ], keywords=[ ast.keyword(arg='evaluate', value=ast.NameConstant( value=False, ctx=ast.Load())) ], starargs=None, kwargs=None) new_node = ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id=sympy_class, ctx=ast.Load()), args=[left, right], keywords=[ ast.keyword(arg='evaluate', value=ast.NameConstant( value=False, ctx=ast.Load())) ], starargs=None, kwargs=None) if sympy_class in ('Add', 'Mul'): # Denest Add or Mul as appropriate new_node.args = self.flatten(new_node.args, sympy_class) return new_node return node
async def meval(code, **kwargs): # Don't clutter locals locs = {} # Restore globals later globs = globals().copy() # This code saves __name__ and __package into a kwarg passed to the function. # It is set before the users code runs to make sure relative imports work global_args = "_globs" while global_args in globs.keys(): # Make sure there's no name collision, just keep prepending _s global_args = "_" + global_args kwargs[global_args] = {} for glob in ["__name__", "__package__"]: # Copy data to args we are sending kwargs[global_args][glob] = globs[glob] root = ast.parse(code, "exec") code = root.body if isinstance( code[-1], ast.Expr): # If we can use it as a lambda return (but multiline) code[-1] = ast.copy_location(ast.Return( code[-1].value), code[-1]) # Change it to a return statement # globals().update(**<global_args>) glob_copy = ast.Expr( ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Call(func=ast.Name(id="globals", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[]), attr="update", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[], keywords=[ ast.keyword(arg=None, value=ast.Name(id=global_args, ctx=ast.Load())) ])) ast.fix_missing_locations(glob_copy) code.insert(0, glob_copy) args = [] for a in list(map(lambda x: ast.arg(x, None), kwargs.keys())): ast.fix_missing_locations(a) args += [a] args = ast.arguments(args=[], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=args, kwarg=None, defaults=[], kw_defaults=[None for i in range(len(args))]) if int.from_bytes(importlib.util.MAGIC_NUMBER[:-2], 'little') >= 3410: args.posonlyargs = [] fun = ast.AsyncFunctionDef(name="tmp", args=args, body=code, decorator_list=[], returns=None) ast.fix_missing_locations(fun) mod = ast.parse("") mod.body = [fun] comp = compile(mod, "<string>", "exec") exec(comp, {}, locs) r = await locs["tmp"](**kwargs) if isinstance(r, types.CoroutineType) or isinstance(r, _asyncio.Future): r = await r # workaround for 3.5 try: globals().clear() # Inconsistent state finally: globals().update(**globs) return r
def transform(tree, *, forcing_mode, stop, **kw): def rec(tree, forcing_mode=forcing_mode ): # shorthand that defaults to current mode return transform.recurse(tree, forcing_mode=forcing_mode) # Forcing references (Name, Attribute, Subscript): # x -> f(x) # a.x -> f(force1(a).x) # a.b.x -> f(force1(force1(a).b).x) # a[j] -> f((force1(a))[force(j)]) # a[j][k] -> f(force1(force1(a)[force(j)])[force(k)]) # # where f is force, force1 or identity (optimized away) depending on # where the term appears; j and k may be indices or slices. # # Whenever not in Load context, f is identity. # # The idea is to apply just the right level of forcing to be able to # resolve the reference, and then decide what to do with the resolved # reference based on where it appears. # # For example, when subscripting a list, force1 it to unwrap it from # a promise if it happens to be inside one, but don't force its elements # just for the sake of resolving the reference. Then, apply f to the # whole subscript term (forcing the accessed slice of the list, if necessary). def f(tree): if type(tree.ctx) is Load: if forcing_mode == "full": return hq[force(ast_literal[tree])] elif forcing_mode == "flat": return hq[force1(ast_literal[tree])] # else forcing_mode == "off" return tree if type(tree) in (FunctionDef, AsyncFunctionDef, Lambda): if type(tree) is Lambda and id(tree) not in userlambdas: pass # ignore macro-introduced lambdas else: stop() # mark this definition as lazy, and insert the interface wrapper # to allow also strict code to call this function if type(tree) is Lambda: lam = tree tree = hq[mark_lazy(ast_literal[tree])] tree = sort_lambda_decorators(tree) lam.body = rec(lam.body) else: tree.decorator_list = rec(tree.decorator_list) k = suggest_decorator_index("mark_lazy", tree.decorator_list) if k is not None: tree.decorator_list.insert(k, hq[mark_lazy]) else: # mark_lazy should generally be as innermost as possible # (so that e.g. the curry decorator will see the function as lazy) tree.decorator_list.append(hq[mark_lazy]) tree.body = rec(tree.body) elif type(tree) is Call: def transform_arg(tree): # add any needed force() invocations inside the tree, # but leave the top level of simple references untouched. isref = type(tree) in (Name, Attribute, Subscript) tree = rec(tree, forcing_mode=("off" if isref else "full")) if not isref: # (re-)thunkify expr; a reference can be passed as-is. tree = lazyrec(tree) return tree def transform_starred(tree, dstarred=False): isref = type(tree) in (Name, Attribute, Subscript) tree = rec(tree, forcing_mode=("off" if isref else "full")) # lazify items if we have a literal container # we must avoid lazifying any other exprs, since a Lazy cannot be unpacked. if is_literal_container(tree, maps_only=dstarred): tree = lazyrec(tree) return tree # let bindings have a role similar to function arguments, so auto-lazify there # (LHSs are always new names, so no infinite loop trap for the unwary) if islet(tree): stop() view = ExpandedLetView(tree) if view.mode == "let": for b in view.bindings.elts: # b = (name, value) b.elts[1] = transform_arg(b.elts[1]) else: # view.mode == "letrec": for b in view.bindings.elts: # b = (name, (lambda e: ...)) thelambda = b.elts[1] thelambda.body = transform_arg(thelambda.body) if view.body: # let decorators have no body inside the Call node thelambda = view.body thelambda.body = rec(thelambda.body) # namelambda() is used by let[] and do[] # Lazy() is a strict function, takes a lambda, constructs a Lazy object # _autoref_resolve doesn't need any special handling elif isdo(tree) or is_decorator(tree.func, "namelambda") or \ any(isx(tree.func, s) for s in _ctorcalls_all) or isx(tree.func, isLazy) or \ any(isx(tree.func, s) for s in ("_autoref_resolve", "AutorefMarker")): # here we know the operator (.func) to be one of specific names; # don't transform it to avoid confusing lazyrec[] (important if this # is an inner call in the arglist of an outer, lazy call, since it # must see any container constructor calls that appear in the args) stop() # TODO: correct forcing mode? We shouldn't need to forcibly use "full", # since lazycall() already fully forces any remaining promises # in the args when calling a strict function. tree.args = rec(tree.args) tree.keywords = rec(tree.keywords) # Python 3.4 if hasattr(tree, "starargs"): tree.starargs = rec(tree.starargs) if hasattr(tree, "kwargs"): tree.kwargs = rec(tree.kwargs) else: stop() ln, co = tree.lineno, tree.col_offset thefunc = rec(tree.func) # TODO: test *args support in Python 3.5+ (this **should** work according to the AST specs) adata = [] for x in tree.args: if type(x) is Starred: # *args in Python 3.5+ v = transform_starred(x.value) v = Starred(value=q[ast_literal[v]], lineno=ln, col_offset=co) else: v = transform_arg(x) adata.append(v) # TODO: test **kwargs support in Python 3.5+ (this **should** work according to the AST specs) kwdata = [] for x in tree.keywords: if x.arg is None: # **kwargs in Python 3.5+ v = transform_starred(x.value, dstarred=True) else: v = transform_arg(x.value) kwdata.append((x.arg, v)) # Construct the call mycall = Call(func=hq[lazycall], args=[q[ast_literal[thefunc]]] + [q[ast_literal[x]] for x in adata], keywords=[ keyword(arg=k, value=q[ast_literal[x]]) for k, x in kwdata ], lineno=ln, col_offset=co) if hasattr(tree, "starargs"): # *args in Python 3.4 if tree.starargs is not None: mycall.starargs = transform_starred(tree.starargs) else: mycall.starargs = None if hasattr(tree, "kwargs"): # **kwargs in Python 3.4 if tree.kwargs is not None: mycall.kwargs = transform_starred(tree.kwargs, dstarred=True) else: mycall.kwargs = None tree = mycall elif type(tree) is Subscript: # force only accessed part of obj[...] stop() tree.slice = rec(tree.slice, forcing_mode="full") # resolve reference to the actual container without forcing its items. tree.value = rec(tree.value, forcing_mode="flat") tree = f(tree) elif type(tree) is Attribute: # a.b.c --> f(force1(force1(a).b).c) (Load) # --> force1(force1(a).b).c (Store) # attr="c", value=a.b # attr="b", value=a # Note in case of assignment to a compound, only the outermost # Attribute is in Store context. # # Recurse in flat mode. Consider lst = [[1, 2], 3] # lst[0] --> f(force1(lst)[0]), but # lst[0].append --> force1(force1(force1(lst)[0]).append) # Hence, looking up an attribute should only force **the object** # so that we can perform the attribute lookup on it, whereas # looking up values should finally f() the whole slice. # (In the above examples, we have omitted f() when it is identity; # in reality there is always an f() around the whole expr.) stop() tree.value = rec(tree.value, forcing_mode="flat") tree = f(tree) elif type(tree) is Name and type(tree.ctx) is Load: stop() # must not recurse when a Name changes into a Call. tree = f(tree) return tree
def handleNode(self, node, parent, scope): # Scope variables if isinstance(node, ast.Name) and not isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Param): return ast.Subscript( value=ast.Name(id="scope%s" % scope, ctx=ast.Load()), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Str(, ctx=node.ctx ) # Global if isinstance(node, ast.Global): res = [] for name in node.names: res.append(ast.Expr(value=ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id="scope%s" % scope, ctx=ast.Load()), attr="inheritVariable", ctx=ast.Load() ), args=[ ast.Name(id="scope0", ctx=ast.Load()), ast.Str(s=name) ], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None ))) return res # Import if isinstance(node, ast.Import) or isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom): none = ast.Name(id="None", ctx=ast.Load()) names = ast.List(elts=[ ast.Tuple(elts=[ ast.Str(, ast.Str(s=name.asname) if name.asname else none ], ctx=ast.Load()) for name in node.names ], ctx=ast.Load()) if isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom): from_ = ast.Str(node.module) if node.module else none level = ast.Num(node.level or 0) else: from_ = none level = none return ast.Expr(value=ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id="scope%s" % scope, ctx=ast.Load()), attr="import_", ctx=ast.Load() ), args=[names, from_, level], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None )) if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef): scope += 1 if isinstance(node, ast.Lambda): # Handle arguments (default values) in parent scope args = self.handleNode(node.args, node, scope) if args is not None: node.args = args # Now increment scope and handle body scope += 1 body = self.handleNode(node.body, node, scope) if body is not None: node.body = body else: for fieldname, value in ast.iter_fields(node): if isinstance(value, ast.AST): res = self.handleNode(value, node, scope) if res is not None: setattr(node, fieldname, res) elif isinstance(value, list): result = [] for child in value: val = self.handleNode(child, node, scope) if val is None: result.append(child) elif isinstance(val, list): result += val else: result.append(val) setattr(node, fieldname, result) # Add scope to functions if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef): node.body.insert(0, ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Name(id="scope%s" % scope, ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id="scope%s" % (scope-1), ctx=ast.Load()), attr="inherit", ctx=ast.Load() ), args=[], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None ) )) # Arguments for arg in node.args.args: node.body.insert(1, ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Subscript( value=ast.Name(id="scope%s" % scope, ctx=ast.Load()), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Str(, ctx=ast.Store() )], value=ast.Name(, ctx=ast.Load()) )) # Vararg if node.args.vararg is not None: node.body.insert(1, ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Subscript( value=ast.Name(id="scope%s" % scope, ctx=ast.Load()), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Str(s=node.args.vararg)), ctx=ast.Store() )], value=ast.Name(id=node.args.vararg, ctx=ast.Load()) )) # Kwarg if node.args.kwarg is not None: node.body.insert(1, ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Subscript( value=ast.Name(id="scope%s" % scope, ctx=ast.Load()), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Str(s=node.args.kwarg)), ctx=ast.Store() )], value=ast.Name(id=node.args.kwarg, ctx=ast.Load()) )) # Save functions (not methods) to scope if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef) and not isinstance(parent, ast.ClassDef): oldname = = "_user_%s_%s_" % (oldname, scope) return [ node, ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Subscript( value=ast.Name(id="scope%s" % (scope-1), ctx=ast.Load()), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Str(s=oldname)), ctx=ast.Store() )], value=ast.Name(, ctx=ast.Load()) ) ] # Save classes to scope if isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef) and not isinstance(parent, ast.ClassDef): oldname = = "_user_%s_%s_" % (oldname, scope) return [ node, ast.Assign( targets=[ast.Subscript( value=ast.Name(id="scope%s" % scope, ctx=ast.Load()), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Str(s=oldname)), ctx=ast.Store() )], value=ast.Name(, ctx=ast.Load()) ) ] # Print if isinstance(node, ast.Print): true = ast.Name(id="True", ctx=ast.Load()) false = ast.Name(id="False", ctx=ast.Load()) none = ast.Name(id="None", ctx=ast.Load()) return ast.Expr(value=ast.Call( func=ast.Subscript( value=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id="scope0", ctx=ast.Load()), attr="inherits", ctx=ast.Load() ), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Str(s="print")), ctx=ast.Load() ), args=node.values, keywords=[ ast.keyword(arg="nl", value=true if else false), ast.keyword(arg="dest", value=node.dest or none) ], starargs=None, kwargs=None )) # Add scope to lambdas if isinstance(node, ast.Lambda): # lambda a: a # -> # lambda a: (lambda scope1: scope1["a"])(scope0.extend({"a": a})) # We save everything to dict, don't assign automatically dct = ast.Dict(keys=[], values=[]) # Arguments for arg in node.args.args: dct.keys.append(ast.Str( dct.values.append(ast.Name(, ctx=ast.Load())) # Vararg if node.args.vararg is not None: dct.keys.append(ast.Str(s=node.args.vararg)) dct.values.append(ast.Name(id=node.args.vararg, ctx=ast.Load())) # Kwarg if node.args.kwarg is not None: dct.keys.append(ast.Str(s=node.args.kwarg)) dct.values.append(ast.Name(id=node.args.kwarg, ctx=ast.Load())) node.body = ast.Call( func=ast.Lambda( args=ast.arguments( args=[ast.Name(id="scope%s" % scope, ctx=ast.Load())], vararg=None, kwarg=None, defaults=[] ), body=node.body ), args=[ ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id="scope%s" % (scope - 1), ctx=ast.Load()), attr="extend", ctx=ast.Load() ), args=[dct], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None ) ], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None ) # Now do something to prevent object.__subclasses__() hacks and others if ( isinstance(node, ast.Attribute) and (( node.attr.startswith("__") and node.attr.endswith("__") ) or ( node.attr.startswith("func_") )) ): return ast.Subscript( value=ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id="scope0", ctx=ast.Load()), attr="safeAttr", ctx=ast.Load() ), args=[node.value], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None ), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Str(node.attr)), ctx=node.ctx )
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): """ Instrument a function definition by creating a new report builder for this stack frame and putting it in a local variable. The local variable has the same name as the global variable so all calls can use the same CONTEXT_NAME symbol, but it means that I had to use this: x = globals()['x'].start_frame() Kind of ugly, but I think it was worth it to handle recursive calls. """ new_node = self.generic_visit(node) line_numbers = set() find_line_numbers(new_node, line_numbers) first_line_number = min(line_numbers) last_line_number = max(line_numbers) args = [Num(n=first_line_number), Num(n=last_line_number)] start_frame_keywords = [] for decorator in new_node.decorator_list: if getattr(decorator, 'id', None) == 'traced': start_frame_keywords.append( keyword(arg='is_decorated', value=Name(id='True', ctx=Load()))) try_body = new_node.body globals_call = Call(func=Name(id='globals', ctx=Load()), args=[], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None) global_context = Subscript(value=globals_call, slice=Index(value=Str(s=CONTEXT_NAME)), ctx=Load()) start_frame_call = Call(func=Attribute(value=global_context, attr='start_frame', ctx=Load()), args=args, keywords=start_frame_keywords, starargs=None, kwargs=None) context_assign = Assign(targets=[Name(id=CONTEXT_NAME, ctx=Store())], value=start_frame_call) new_node.body = [context_assign] if isinstance(try_body[0], Expr) and isinstance(try_body[0].value, Str): # Move docstring back to top of function. # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences new_node.body.insert(0, try_body.pop(0)) # trace function parameter values for target in new_node.args.args: if isinstance(target, Name) and == 'self': continue if arg and isinstance(target, arg) and target.arg == 'self': continue new_node.body.append(self._trace_assignment(target, node.lineno)) if new_node.args.vararg is not None: new_node.body.append( self._trace_assignment(new_node.args.vararg, node.lineno)) if new_node.args.kwarg is not None: new_node.body.append( self._trace_assignment(new_node.args.kwarg, node.lineno)) if try_body: handler_body = [self._create_context_call('exception'), Raise()] new_node.body.append( TryExcept(body=try_body, handlers=[ExceptHandler(body=handler_body)], orelse=[], finalbody=[])) self._set_statement_line_numbers(try_body, first_line_number) self._set_statement_line_numbers(handler_body, last_line_number) return new_node
def add_kwarg_to_super_call(super_call, kwarg): super_call.value.keywords.append( ast.keyword(arg=None, value=ast.Name(id=kwarg.arg, ctx=ast.Load())))
def ast_list(tree): """Splices a list of ASTs into the quoted code snippet as a List node.""" return Literal(compat.Call(ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='ast', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='List', ctx=ast.Load()), [], [ast.keyword("elts", tree)]))
], func=Attribute( Name("math_ops", Load()), "square", Load(), ), keywords=[], expr=None, expr_func=None, ) ], func=Attribute(Name("K", Load()), "mean", Load()), keywords=[ keyword( arg="axis", value=UnaryOp(USub(), set_value(1)), identifier=None, ) ], expr=None, expr_func=None, ), expr=None, ), ], decorator_list=[], name="__call__", returns=None, arguments_args=None, identifier_name=None, stmt=None,