Esempio n. 1
def test_constructor_with_many_point_sources():

    # Test with 200 point sources

    many_p_sources = map(lambda x:_get_point_source("pts_source%i" %x), range(200))

    m = Model(*many_p_sources)

    assert m.get_number_of_point_sources()==200
Esempio n. 2
def test_constructor_with_many_extended_sources():

    # Test with one extended source
    ext = _get_extended_source()

    _ = Model(ext)

    # Test with 200 extended sources
    many_e_sources = map(lambda x: _get_extended_source("ext_source%i" %x), range(200))

    m = Model(*many_e_sources)

    assert m.get_number_of_extended_sources() == 200
Esempio n. 3
def test_default_constructor():

    # Test that we cannot build a model with no sources

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):

        _ = Model()
Esempio n. 4
def test_constructor_with_mix():

    many_p_sources = map(lambda x: _get_point_source("pts_source%i" % x), range(200))

    many_e_sources = map(lambda x: _get_extended_source("ext_source%i" % x), range(200))

    many_part_sources = map(lambda x: _get_particle_source("part_source%i" % x), range(200))

    all_sources = []

    m = Model(*all_sources)

    assert m.get_number_of_point_sources() == 200
    assert m.get_number_of_extended_sources() == 200
    assert m.get_number_of_particle_sources() == 200
Esempio n. 5
def test_constructor_1source():

    # Test with one point source
    pts = _get_point_source()

    m = Model(pts)

    # Test with a point source with an invalid name
    pts = PointSource("name", 0, 0, Powerlaw())

    with pytest.raises(InvalidInput):

        _ = Model(pts)

    # Test with two identical point sources, which should raise, as sources must have unique names
    many_sources = [pts] * 2

    with pytest.raises(InvalidInput):

        _ = Model(*many_sources)
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self):

        # 2 point sources and 3 ext sources
        pts1 = _get_point_source("one") # 5 params, 2 free
        pts2 = _get_point_source("two")
        ext1 = _get_extended_source("ext_one") # 6 params, 5 free
        ext2 = _get_extended_source("ext_two")
        ext3 = _get_extended_source("ext_three")

        # Two particle sources
        part1 = _get_particle_source("part_one")
        part2 = _get_particle_source("part_two")

        self._m = Model(pts1, pts2, ext1, ext2, ext3, part1, part2)