Esempio n. 1
def make_lightcone(nu_size, N, spatial_spacing):
    ## nu_size: integer - size of the frequency axis of lightcone
    ## N: integer - size of the boxes used to produce the lightcone
    ## spatial_spacing: 1D 3 entries array - spatial spacing of the boxes
    #### Initial and final frequency - choose them based on the box you have
    nu_i = 200  # with units
    nu_f = 100  # with units
    nu_spacing = -(nu_f - nu_i) / nu_size
    lightcone = np.zeros((N, N, nu_size))
    nu_emitted = 1420
    for layer in range(nu_size + 1):
        nu = nu_spacing * (layer) + nu_f
        z_given_nu = nu_emitted / nu - 1
        zi = nu_emitted / (nu_i) - 1
        com_dist_z = cosmo.comoving_distance(z_given_nu).value
        com_dist_zi = cosmo.comoving_distance(zi).value
        intZ = int(z_given_nu - 0.5)
        data, redshift = data_library(np.array([intZ, 13]), N)
        red1 = redshift[0]
        red2 = redshift[1]
        loc_layer = int((com_dist_z - com_dist_zi) // spatial_spacing)
        if loc_layer >= N:
            while loc_layer >= N:
                loc_layer -= N
        lightcone[:, :,
                  layer - 1] = (data[1, loc_layer] - data[0, loc_layer]) * (
                      (z_given_nu - red1) / (red2 - red1)) + data[1, loc_layer]

    return lightcone
Esempio n. 2
 def get_radii(self, z_new):
     #gets you the new radii for any redshift
     #radii_new = (1+z_new)*comdis(z_obs)*radii/((1+z_obs)*comdis(z_new))
     radii_new = (
         (1 + z_new) * cosmo.comoving_distance(self.z) * self.radii) / (
             (1 + self.z) * cosmo.comoving_distance(z_new))
     return np.array(radii_new)
Esempio n. 3
def get_ksz_snr_survey(zs, dndz, zedges, Cls, fsky, Ngals, bs=None, sigz=None):

    Get the total kSZ SNR from survey specifications.
    Provide the redshift distribution through (zs,dndz)
    Divide into "boxes" by specifying the redshift bin edges.
    This allows the survey overlap volumes in each bin
    to be computed from the overlap sky fraction fsky.
    Provide the total CMB+foreground+noise power in Cls.
    Provide sigma_z/(1+z) if this is a photometric survey.
    Provide the total number of galaxies in the overlap
    region in Ngals.
    Provide the galaxy biases in each bin in bs.


    from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo

    nbins = len(zedges) - 1
    if not (bs is None):
        if len(bs) != nbins: raise Exception
    vols_gpc3 = []
    ngals_mpc3 = []
    snrs = []
    zcents = []
    tdndz = np.trapz(dndz, zs)
    bgs = []
    for i in range(nbins):
        # Calculate bin volumes in Gpc3
        zmin = zedges[i]
        zmax = zedges[i + 1]
        zcent = (zmax + zmin) / 2.
        chimin = cosmo.comoving_distance(zmin).value
        chimax = cosmo.comoving_distance(zmax).value
        vols_gpc3.append(fsky * (4. / 3.) * np.pi * (chimax**3. - chimin**3.) /

        # Calculate comoving number densities
        sel = np.logical_and(zs > zmin, zs <= zmax)
        fracz = np.trapz(dndz[sel], zs[sel]) / tdndz
        Ng = Ngals * fracz
        ngals_mpc3.append(Ng / (vols_gpc3[i] * 1e9))

        # Calculate SNRs
        snr, fksz = get_ksz_snr(vols_gpc3[i],
                                bs[i] if not (bs is None) else None,

    snrs = np.asarray(snrs)
    totsnr = np.sqrt(np.sum(snrs**2.))

    return vols_gpc3, ngals_mpc3, zcents, bgs, snrs, totsnr
Esempio n. 4
def build_light_cone(fileglob, zs=np.array([6, 6.5, 7]), boxtype='delta_T'):
    zs = np.array(zs)
    files = glob(fileglob)
    zind = {'delta_T': 5, 'Ts_z': 1, 'xH_': 2, 'deltax': 3}
    zsim = []
    dims = []
    lengths = []
    files_keep = []
    for f in files:
        if not os.path.basename(f).startswith(boxtype):
            if not 'updated_smoothed_' +  boxtype in os.path.basename(f):
        parms = os.path.basename(f).split('_')
        zsim.append(np.float(parms[zind[boxtype]][1:]))  # redshifts
        dims.append([-2]))  # dim of box
        lengths.append(np.float(parms[-1][0:-3]))  # length in Mpc
    files = files_keep
    if (np.max(np.diff(dims)) > 0) or (np.max(np.diff(lengths)) > 0):
        raise(ValueError('Boxes are not all the same size'))
    if (np.max(zs) > np.max(zsim)) or (np.min(zs) < np.min(zsim)):
        raise(ValueError('Requested redshifts outside range of sim.'))
    order = np.argsort(zsim)
    files = [files[i] for i in order]
    zsim = np.array([zsim[i] for i in order])
    zsim0 = zsim[0]
    dim = dims[0]
    length = lengths[0]
    dx = length / dim

    lightcube = np.zeros((dim, dim, len(zs)), dtype=np.float32)
    Ds = cosmo.comoving_distance(zs).value - cosmo.comoving_distance(zsim0).value
    pix1 = map(int, np.floor(Ds / dx) % dim)
    wp1 = Ds / dx - np.floor(Ds / dx)
    pix2 = map(int, np.ceil(Ds / dx) % dim)
    wp2 = 1 - wp1
    box1 = [np.argmax(zsim[zsim <= z]) for z in zs]
    box2 = [i + 1 for i in box1]
    wb2 = (zs - zsim[box1]) / (zsim[box2] - zsim[box1])
    wb1 = (zsim[box2] - zs) / (zsim[box2] - zsim[box1])

    for i, z in enumerate(zs):
        data = np.fromfile(files[box1[i]], dtype=np.float32)
        data = data.reshape((dim, dim, dim))
        slice11 = data[:, :, pix1[i]]
        slice12 = data[:, :, pix2[i]]
        data = np.fromfile(files[box2[i]], dtype=np.float32)
        data = data.reshape((dim, dim, dim))
        slice21 = data[:, :, pix1[i]]
        slice22 = data[:, :, pix2[i]]
        lightcube[:, :, i] = (slice11 * wb1[i] * wp1[i] + slice12 * wb1[i] * wp2[i] +
                              slice21 * wb2[i] * wp1[i] + slice21 * wb2[i] * wp2[i])
    return lightcube
Esempio n. 5
def verify_update(sky_obj):
        Check that the frequencies/redshifts/distances are consistent.
        If healpix, check that Npix/hpx_inds/Nside are consistent

    if is not None:
        Nside = sky_obj.Nside
        hpx_inds = sky_obj.hpx_inds
        Npix = sky_obj.Npix

        if Npix == 12*Nside**2:
            nt.assert_true(all(hpx_inds == np.arange(Npix)))
            nt.assert_true(Npix == hpx_inds.size)
    if sky_obj.freqs is not None:
        freqs = sky_obj.freqs
        Nfreq = sky_obj.Nfreq
        Z = sky_obj.Z
        r_mpc = sky_obj.r_mpc

        Zcheck = 1420./freqs - 1.
        Rcheck = WMAP9.comoving_distance(Zcheck).to("Mpc").value
        nt.assert_true(all(Zcheck == Zcheck))
        nt.assert_true(all(Rcheck == Rcheck))
    print sky_obj.updated
    nt.assert_true(len(sky_obj.updated) == 0)   #The updated list should be cleared
Esempio n. 6
def test_gaussian_box_pyramid():
    Gaussian box estimated using pyramid method.
    N = 256  #Vox per side
    L = 300.  #Mpc
    sig = 2.0
    mu = 0.0
    box = np.random.normal(mu, sig, (N, N, N))

    ## Unconventional approach, but start with equal distances and go to redshifts
    r0 = WMAP9.comoving_distance(6.0).to("Mpc").value
    r_mpc = np.linspace(r0, r0 + L, N)

    def comov_dist(z):
        return WMAP9.comoving_distance(z).to("Mpc").value

    Z = np.array([z_at_value(comov_dist, r, zmin=5.0) for r in r_mpc])

    angular_extent = 300 / np.mean(r_mpc)  # 300 Mpc box at this distance

    (kbins, pk), dV = pspec_funcs.box_pyramid_pspec(box,
    import pylab as pl
    pl.plot(kbins, pk)
    print np.sqrt(np.var(dV))
    pl.axhline(y=sig**2 * np.mean(dV))
Esempio n. 7
    def update(self):
        """ Make Z, freq, healpix params, and rectilinear params consistent. 
            Assume that whatever parameter was just changed has priority over others.
            If two parameters from the same group change at the same time, confirm that they're consistent.

        hpx_params = ['Nside', 'Npix', 'shell', 'hpx_inds']
        z_params = ['Z', 'freqs', 'Nfreq', 'r_mpc']
        r_params = ['L', 'N', 'box']

        ud = np.unique(self.updated)
        for p in ud:
            if p == 'boxes':
                if == None: = self.boxes[0]
            if p == 'freqs':
                self.Z = 1420. / self.freqs - 1.
                self.r_mpc = cosmo.comoving_distance(self.Z).to("Mpc").value
                self.Nfreq = self.freqs.size
            if p == 'Nside':
                if self.Npix is None: self.Npix = hp.nside2npix(self.Nside)
                if self.hpx_inds is None: self.hpx_inds = np.arange(self.Npix)
            if p == 'box':
                self.N =[0]
            if p == 'Nside':
                if 'hpx_inds' not in ud:
                    if 'Npix' not in ud: self.Npix = hp.nside2npix(self.Nside)
                    self.hpx_inds = np.arange(self.Npix)
            if p == 'hpx_inds':
                self.Npix = self.hpx_inds.size
        self.updated = []
Esempio n. 8
def to_galacto_centric(long, lat, redshift):
    distance = cosmo.comoving_distance(redshift)
    sc = SkyCoord(l=long *,
                  b=lat *,
    gc = sc.transform_to(Galactocentric)
    return [gc.x.value, gc.y.value, gc.z.value]
Esempio n. 9
 def max_dis_deg(self):
     150kpc ~= degree
     dis = cosmo.comoving_distance(self.m_z)  # Mpc
     r = 0.15 / dis.value
     self.max_r = r2arcsec(r)  # degree
     return self.max_r
Esempio n. 10
def comoving_radial_length(z, dnu):
        What is the comoving radial length for a given dnu?
    nu0 = 1420. / (z + 1) - dnu / 2.
    nu1 = nu0 + dnu
    z0, z1 = 1420. / nu0 - 1, 1420. / nu1 - 1
    L = abs(np.diff(cosmo.comoving_distance([z0, z1]).value)[0])
    return L
Esempio n. 11
def deg2com(p):  #degree + redshift 3D coordinates
    ra_r = np.radians(p[0])
    dec_r = np.radians(p[1])
    z = p[2]
    dc_z = cosmo.comoving_distance(z).value
    xp = dc_z * np.cos(ra_r) * np.sin(dec_r)
    yp = dc_z * np.sin(ra_r) * np.sin(dec_r)
    zp = dc_z * np.cos(dec_r)
    return np.array([xp, yp, zp])
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self, M_matrix, npix_row, npix_col, delta_phi, delta_theta,
                 freq, nbins, norm, linear_bin):

        self.Npix = M_matrix.shape[1]
        self.npix_row = npix_row
        self.npix_col = npix_col
        self.nbins = nbins
        self.norm = norm
        self.linear = linear_bin

        z = (1420 / freq) - 1  ##freqs must be in MHz

        self.delta_phi = cosmo.comoving_distance(z).value * delta_phi
        self.delta_theta = cosmo.comoving_distance(z).value * delta_theta

        self.L_x = self.delta_phi * self.npix_col
        self.L_y = self.delta_theta * self.npix_row

        self.M_matrix = np.real(M_matrix)
Esempio n. 13
def lens_astropy():
    import pylab as pl
    from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9
    zl = np.linspace(0.01, 1.9, 100)
    zs = 2.
    wa = []
    wc = []
    angs = WMAP9.angular_diameter_distance(zs).value
    chis = WMAP9.comoving_distance(zs).value
    for zi in zl:
        angl = WMAP9.angular_diameter_distance(zi).value
        angls = WMAP9.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(zi,zs).value
        chil = WMAP9.comoving_distance(zi).value
        chils = WMAP9.comoving_distance(zs).value-WMAP9.comoving_distance(zi).value
        wa.append(angl * angls / angs)
        wc.append(chil * chils / chis / (1+zi))
    pl.plot(zl, wa)
    pl.plot(zl, wc, ls='--')
Esempio n. 14
def lens_astropy():
    import pylab as pl
    from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9
    zl = np.linspace(0.01, 1.9, 100)
    zs = 2.
    wa = []
    wc = []
    angs = WMAP9.angular_diameter_distance(zs).value
    chis = WMAP9.comoving_distance(zs).value
    for zi in zl:
        angl = WMAP9.angular_diameter_distance(zi).value
        angls = WMAP9.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(zi, zs).value
        chil = WMAP9.comoving_distance(zi).value
        chils = WMAP9.comoving_distance(zs).value - WMAP9.comoving_distance(
        wa.append(angl * angls / angs)
        wc.append(chil * chils / chis / (1 + zi))
    pl.plot(zl, wa)
    pl.plot(zl, wc, ls='--')
Esempio n. 15
def cube2hpx(simfile,
             sim_size=(128, 128, 128),
    simfile: string
        Name of a temperature simulation cube.
    hpxfile: string
        Name of an output healpix image.
    freq: float
        Frequency of interest in MHz.
    nside: integer
        NSIDE of the output HEALPix image. Must be a valid NSIDE for HEALPix.

    # Read in and interpolate simulation cubes to the redshift of interest.
    cube = np.load(simfile)

    # Determine the radial comoving distance r to the comoving shell at the
    # frequency of interest.
    f21 = 1420.40575177  # MHz
    z21 = f21 / freq - 1
    dc = WMAP9.comoving_distance(z21).value

    # Get the vector coordinates (vx, vy, vz) of the HEALPIX pixels.
    if not healpix_coord_files:
        healpix_coord_files = 'healpix_coord_N{:d}.npy'.format(nside)
    if os.path.isfile(healpix_coord_files):
        vx, vy, vz = np.load(healpix_coord_files)
        vx, vy, vz = hp.pix2vec(nside, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)))

    # Translate vector coordinates to comoving coordinates and determine the
    # corresponding cube indexes (xi, yi, zi). For faster operation, we will
    # use the mod function to determine the nearest neighboring pixels and
    # just grab the data points from those pixels instead of doing linear
    # interpolation.
    xi = np.mod(np.around(vx * dc / sim_res).astype(int), sim_size[0])
    yi = np.mod(np.around(vy * dc / sim_res).astype(int), sim_size[1])
    zi = np.mod(np.around(vz * dc / sim_res).astype(int), sim_size[2])
    out = np.array(cube[xi, yi, zi])
    hp.write_map(hpxfile, out, fits_IDL=False, dtype=np.float64, coord='C')
Esempio n. 16
    def getDistance(self):
		This method returns the distance of the object.

		:Param: Nothing.
		:Returns: Float with the distance of the object in lightyears units.
		:rtype: Float

        if (self.getRedShift() != ""):
            r = float(self.getRedShift())
            d2 = Distance(cosmo.comoving_distance(r), u.lightyear)
            value = float(str(d2).split()[0])
            divided = value / 1000000  #1 million
            if divided > 1:
                return "{:.2f} M".format(divided)
                return "{:.2f} ".format(value)
            return ""
Esempio n. 17
def blind_distances(final):
    Given an LSS catalog instance with Z filled, 
    return the same instance with (blinded) cosmo

    final:  :class:`astropy.table.Table` 
        LSS catalog Table.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
    lsscatalog: :class:`astropy.table.Table`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
        LSS catalog Table. 

    from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo

    isin                          = final['Z'] > 0. 
    final['COSMO_BLINDCHI'][isin] = (cosmo.H(0) / 100.) * cosmo.comoving_distance(final['Z'][isin])
    return  final
Esempio n. 18
def test_orthoslant_project():
    Nside = 256
    Npix = 12 * Nside**2
    Omega = 4 * np.pi / float(Npix)

    Nfreq = 100
    freqs = np.linspace(167.0, 177.0, Nfreq)
    dnu = np.diff(freqs)[0]
    Z = 1420 / freqs - 1.

    sig = 2.0
    mu = 0.0
    shell = np.random.normal(mu, sig, (Npix, Nfreq))
    center = [np.sqrt(2) / 2., np.sqrt(2) / 2., 0]

    ## For orientation tests, replace with a single point at center
    #    import healpy
    #    cind = healpy.vec2pix(Nside, *center)
    #    shell *= 0.0
    #    shell[cind] += 10

    orthogrid = pspec_funcs.orthoslant_project(shell, center, 10, degrees=True)
    Nx, Ny, Nz = orthogrid.shape
    Lx = comoving_transverse_length(Z[Nfreq / 2], Omega) * Nx
    Ly = Lx
    Lz = comoving_radial_length(Z[Nfreq / 2], dnu) * Nz

    dV = comoving_voxel_volume(Z[Nfreq / 2], dnu, Omega)

    r_mpc = WMAP9.comoving_distance(Z).to("Mpc").value
    kbins, pk = pspec_funcs.box_dft_pspec(orthogrid, [Lx, Ly, Lz],

    tol = np.sqrt(np.var(pk))

    nt.assert_true(np.allclose(np.mean(pk), sig**2 * dV, atol=tol))
Esempio n. 19
    def CreateGalaxies(self, gals, id=0):
        Generate galaxies list.

        Output list will have these columns:
            # ID
            # RA
            # DEC
            # Redshift
            # Model
            # Age
            # Profile
            # Half-flux_radius
            # Axial_ratio
            # Position_angle
            # Johnson,V absolute
            # Johnson,V apparent

        self: obj
            Class instance.

        gals: dictionary
            Information about the galaxies. Includes:
                n_gals: int
                    Number of galaxies
                z_low,z_high: float
                    Minimum and maximum redshifts (converted to distances?).
                rad_low,rad_high: float
                    Minimum and maximum galactic half-light radii (in arcseconds)
                sb_v_low, sb_v_high: float
                    Minimum and maximum V-band average surface brightness within rad
                distribution: string
                    Stellar distribution in the sky (e.g. power law, inverse power law, uniform, etc.)
                clustered: bool
                    Cluster higher masses to centre?
                radius: float
                    Radius in (units)
                radius_units: string
                    Units of radius (above)
                offset_ra,offset_dec: float
                    Offset of cluster from scene centre in mas

        outList: string
            The catalogue file produced
        bc95_models = np.array(('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'))
        bc95_ages = np.array(("10E5", "25E5", "50E5", "76E5", "10E6", "25E6",
                              "50E6", "10E7", "50E7", "10E8", "50E8", "10E9"))
        out_file = "{}_gals_{:03d}.{}".format(self.prefix, id, self.cat_type)
        outList = os.path.join(self.out_path, out_file)
        if os.path.isfile(outList):
            os.remove(outList)  # No append
        data_table = StipsDataTable.dataTableFromFile(outList)

        # Write star list (overwrite)"Creating catalogue %s", outList)
        # Generate galaxy list
        n_gals = int(gals['n_gals'])
        z_l = float(gals['z_low'])
        z_h = float(gals['z_high'])
        r_l = float(gals['rad_low'])
        r_h = float(gals['rad_high'])
        m_l = float(gals['sb_v_low'])
        m_h = float(gals['sb_v_high'])
        distribution = gals['distribution']
        clustered = gals['clustered']
        radius = float(gals['radius'])
        rad_units = gals['radius_units']
        offset_ra = float(
        ) / 3600.  #offset in RA arcseconds, convert to degrees.
        offset_dec = float(
        ) / 3600.  #offset in DEC arcseconds, convert to degrees.
        self._log("info", "Wrote preamble")
        self._log("info", "Parameters are: {}".format(gals))

        ids = np.arange(n_gals)

        # Roughly 50% spiral, 50% elliptical
        ellipRatio = 0.5
        #         binoDist = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.seed).binomial(1, ellipRatio, n_gals)
        binoDist = np.random.binomial(1, ellipRatio, n_gals)
        idx_ellip = np.where(binoDist == 1)
        idx_spiral = np.where(binoDist != 1)
        types = np.array(['expdisk'] * n_gals)
        types[idx_ellip] = 'devauc'
        n_ellip = len(idx_ellip[0])
        n_spiral = n_gals - n_ellip

        # Axial ratio
        # Spiral     = 0.1 to 1
        # Elliptical = 0.5 to 1
        axialRatioSpiralMin, axialRatioSpiralMax = 0.1, 1.0
        axialRatioEllipMin, axialRatioEllipMax = 0.5, 1.0
        axials = np.zeros(n_gals)
        #         axials[idx_spiral] = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.seed).uniform(axialRatioSpiralMin, axialRatioSpiralMax, n_spiral)
        #         axials[idx_ellip] = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.seed).uniform(axialRatioEllipMin,  axialRatioEllipMax, n_ellip)
        axials[idx_spiral] = np.random.uniform(axialRatioSpiralMin,
                                               axialRatioSpiralMax, n_spiral)
        axials[idx_ellip] = np.random.uniform(axialRatioEllipMin,
                                              axialRatioEllipMax, n_ellip)

        # Position angle
        posAngleAlgo = 'uniform'
        #         angles = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.seed).uniform(0.0, 359.9, n_gals)
        angles = np.random.uniform(0.0, 359.9, n_gals)

        # Half-flux radius - uniform
        #         rads = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.seed).uniform(r_l, r_h, n_gals)
        rads = np.random.uniform(r_l, r_h, n_gals)

        # Redshifts
        # If both z_low and z_high are zero, do local galaxies. Distance is 0.5 Mpc -- 50 Mpc.
        # In the future, offer an option for straight distance or redshift.
        if z_l == 0. and z_h == 0.:
            z_label = "distance"
            #             distances = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.seed).uniform(5.e5, 5.e7, n_gals)
            distances = np.random.uniform(5.e5, 5.e7, n_gals)
            zs = distances / 1.e3
            convs = np.log10(distances)
            z_label = "redshift"
            #             zs = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.seed).uniform(z_l, z_h, n_gals)
            zs = np.random.uniform(z_l, z_h, n_gals)
            distances = np.array(cosmo.comoving_distance(zs).to(u.pc))
            convs = np.log10(np.array(cosmo.luminosity_distance(zs).to(u.pc)))

        # Luminosity function - power law
        lumPow = -1.8
        #         vmags = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.seed).power(np.abs(lumPow)+1.0, size=n_gals)
        vmags = np.random.power(np.abs(lumPow) + 1.0, size=n_gals)
        if lumPow < 0: vmags = 1.0 - vmags
        vmags = RescaleArray(vmags, m_l, m_h)
        vmags_abs = vmags - 5 * (convs - 1.)

        #         models = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.seed).choice(bc95_models,size=n_gals)
        #         ages = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.seed).choice(bc95_ages,size=n_gals)
        models = np.random.choice(bc95_models, size=n_gals)
        ages = np.random.choice(bc95_ages, size=n_gals)

        self._log("info", "Making Co-ordinates")
        x, y = self._MakeCoords(n_gals, radius, func=distribution, scale=2.8)
        x = RadiiUnknown2Arcsec(x, rad_units, distances)
        y = RadiiUnknown2Arcsec(y, rad_units, distances)
        if clustered:
            self._log("info", "Clustering")
            x, y = self._CenterObjByMass(x, y, 1 / vmags)
        self._log("info", "Converting Co-ordinates into RA,DEC")
        ras = x / 3600.  #decimal degrees
        decs = y / 3600.  #decimal degrees
        base_ra, base_dec = OffsetPosition(self.ra, self.dec, offset_ra,
        decs += base_dec
        idxg = np.where(decs > 90.)
        idxl = np.where(decs < -90.)
        decs[idxg] = 180. - decs[idxg]
        ras[idxg] = 180. + ras[idxg]
        decs[idxl] = -180. - decs[idxl]
        ras[idxl] = 180. + ras[idxl]
        ras = (ras + base_ra) % 360

        metadata = {
            'type': 'bc95',
            'id': id,
            'n_gals': n_gals,
            'z_l': z_l,
            'z_h': z_h,
            'radius_l': r_l,
            'radius_h': r_h,
            'sb_v_l': m_l,
            'sb_v_h': m_h,
            'distribution': distribution,
            'clustered': clustered,
            'radius': radius,
            'radius_units': rad_units,
            'offset_ra': offset_ra,
            'offset_dec': offset_dec,
            'name': 'Galaxy Population Table',
            'bandpass': '******'
        data_table.meta = metadata
        t = Table()
        t['id'] = Column(data=ids)
        t['ra'] = Column(data=ras, unit=u.deg)
        t['dec'] = Column(data=decs, unit=u.deg)
        t[z_label] = Column(data=zs)
        t['model'] = Column(data=models)
        t['age'] = Column(data=ages, unit=u.yr)
        t['profile'] = Column(data=types)
        t['radius'] = Column(data=rads)
        t['axial_ratio'] = Column(data=axials, unit=u.deg)
        t['pa'] = Column(data=angles, unit=u.deg)
        t['absolute_surface_brightness'] = Column(data=vmags_abs, unit=u.mag)
        t['apparent_surface_brightness'] = Column(data=vmags, unit=u.mag)
        self._log("info", "Done creating catalogue")
        return outList
Esempio n. 20
from astropy.table import Table
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9
import numpy as np

cat_gal = cat[cat['CLASS'] == 0]
cat_massive_gal = cat_gal[cat_gal['MASS_BEST'] > 11.0]

for z in np.arange(0.3, 2.5, 0.1):
    dis = WMAP9.angular_diameter_distance(z).value  # angular diameter distance at redshift z
    dis_l = WMAP9.comoving_distance(z - 0.1).value  # comoving distance at redshift z-0.1
    dis_h = WMAP9.comoving_distance(z + 0.1).value  # comoving distance at redshift z+0.1
    total_v = 4. / 3 * np.pi * (dis_h ** 3 - dis_l ** 3)  # Mpc^3
    survey_v = total_v * (4 / 41253.05)  # Mpc^3
    density = 0.00003  # desired constant (cumulative) volume number density (Mpc^-3)
    num = int(density * survey_v)

    cat_massive_z_slice = cat_massive_gal[abs(cat_massive_gal['ZPHOT'] - z) < 0.1]  # massive galaxies in this z slice
    cat_massive_z_slice = cat_massive_z_slice[:num]

    cat_sf = cat_massive_z_slice[cat_massive_z_slice['SSFR_BEST'] > -11]
    cat_qs = cat_massive_z_slice[cat_massive_z_slice['SSFR_BEST'] < -11]
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
    plt.rc('font', family='serif'), plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=15), plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=15)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
Esempio n. 21
    distance = looktime * (ac.c / cosmo.H0).to(units)

    if (integration_type == "comoving"):
    elif (integration_type == "luminosity"):
        distance *= 1 + z
        raise (NotImplementedError('This integration type does not exist'))

    return distance.value

zs = np.logspace(-4, 4., num=100)
# zs = np.linspace(0, 30)
comoving_dist = distance(zs, "comoving")
luminosity_dist = distance(zs, "luminosity")

# for i, (z, cd, ld) in enumerate(zip(zs, comoving_dist, luminosity_dist)):
#     print(f"z = {z:.1f}, D_C = {cd:.2f} Gpc, D_L = {ld:.2f} Gpc")

plt.loglog(zs, comoving_dist, label="Comoving distance")
plt.loglog(zs, luminosity_dist, label="Luminosity distance")

plt.loglog(zs, (cosmo.comoving_distance(zs)).to('Gpc'), label='Astropy CD')
plt.loglog(zs, (cosmo.luminosity_distance(zs)).to('Gpc'), label='Astropy LD')

plt.ylabel("Distance (\SI{}{Gpc})")
plt.xlabel("redshift $z$")
Esempio n. 22
def make_a_mock(iseed_potIGM):

    ## input parameters

    #np.random.seed(iseed_qso)          # random seed (set later now)

    iseed_qso = 12  #random seed for quasar positions - same for all realizations
    # input is iseed_potIGM, which is random seed for lya spectra and for lensing potential field

    )  # set for now - will get changed for qso pos and then back

    ang_size = 0.5 * np.pi / 180.  # angular size of field in radians ! includes a buffer zone of 10% on all sides
    Ngrid = 16  # 1d number of pixels in simulated field

    Nqso = 400  # number of backlights
    sqrtNqso = Nqso**0.5
    Nfrequ = 20  # number of pixels in each spectra
    dz = 0.02  # redshift
    zs1 = 2.0  # lowest redshift of forest
    Nl = 21  # number of l-modes to a side
    Rmin = 0.1  # minimum correlation length, flatten correlation function

    PlotJump = 3

    DFTorder = True  # order modes in standard DFT order
    fullF = False  # do only the diagonal values for Fisher matrix or the whole thing

    factor = 10.0  # factor by which the potential power is boosted for testing
    Ndsets = 1  # number of simulated data sets
    pix_noise_factor = 1.1  # pixels are given uncorrelated noise that
    # is pix_noise_factor x the max of the correlation
    # function, C(Rmin), must be > 1

    # -------------------- Create output directories -----------------------------------------------------------
        os.makedirs('Data_nqso' + str(Nqso) + '_npix' + str(Nfrequ) +
                    '_boost' + str(factor) + '_ngrid' + str(Ngrid) + '/')
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

        os.makedirs('XY_nqso' + str(Nqso) + '_npix' + str(Nfrequ) + '_boost' +
                    str(factor) + '_ngrid' + str(Ngrid) + '/')
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

    DataDir = 'Data_nqso' + str(Nqso) + '_npix' + str(Nfrequ) + '_boost' + str(
        factor) + '_ngrid' + str(Ngrid) + '/'
    PositionDir = 'XY_nqso' + str(Nqso) + '_npix' + str(
        Nfrequ) + '_boost' + str(factor) + '_ngrid' + str(Ngrid) + '/'

    print("Here is the seed:", iseed_potIGM)

    # some derived quantities

    zs2 = zs1 + dz * Nfrequ  # highest redshift of forest
    Dss = cosmo.comoving_distance([zs1, zs2])
    Ds = Dss[1].value
    zlength = Dss[1].value - Dss[0].value
    ds_vec = np.arange(Dss[0].value, Dss[1].value,
                       (Dss[1].value - Dss[0].value) / Nfrequ)

    # make the correlation function and its derivative

    corrfunc, dcorrfunc = sp.make_correlation_functions(Rmin)

    # Deflection field

    phi_field, df_power_phi = sp.make_potential_field(Ngrid,

    Xqso, Yqso, X_source, Y_source = sp.make_deflections(
        phi_field, ang_size, Ngrid, Nqso, iseed_qso, iseed_potIGM)
    np.savetxt(PositionDir + 'Xqso_' + str(iseed_potIGM).zfill(6) + '.txt',
    np.savetxt(PositionDir + 'Yqso_' + str(iseed_potIGM).zfill(6) + '.txt',
    np.savetxt(PositionDir + 'Xsource_' + str(iseed_potIGM).zfill(6) + '.txt',
    np.savetxt(PositionDir + 'Ysource_' + str(iseed_potIGM).zfill(6) + '.txt',

    Nqso = len(Xqso)

    Cmax = corrfunc(Rmin)

    ### make simulated spectra
    print("creating fake spectra ...")
    start_time = time.time()

    for i in range(Ndsets):

        print(("  " + repr(i + 1) + " out of " + repr(Ndsets)))
        spectra, cube_im = sp.make_spectra(Xqso, Yqso, X_source, Y_source,
                                           Ngrid, Nqso, Nfrequ, zlength,
                                           ang_size, ds_vec,
                                           np.sqrt(pix_noise_factor * Cmax))

    print(("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)))

    mock = [
        Ngrid, Nqso, Nfrequ, ang_size, iseed_potIGM, phi_field, Xqso, Yqso,

    import pickle

    filenamemaybe = DataDir + 'mock.' + str(iseed_potIGM).zfill(6)

    with open(filenamemaybe, 'wb') as fp:
        pickle.dump(mock, fp)

Esempio n. 23
def lightcone(**kwargs ):

    #set defaults:
    mode = 'xH'
    marker = 'xH_'
    N = 500
    DIM = 200
    Box_length = 300
    z_start = 6
    z_end = 10
    nboxes = 21
    directory = '/Users/michael/Documents/MSI-C/21cmFAST/Boxes/z6-10/OriginalTemperatureBoxesNoGaussianities/'
    halo_location_x = 0
    halo_location_y = 0

    #sort arguments
    if 'marker' in kwargs:
        marker = kwargs.get('marker')
    if 'DIM' in kwargs:
        DIM = kwargs.get('DIM')
    if 'Box_length' in kwargs:
        Box_length = kwargs.get('Box_length')
    if 'z_start' in kwargs:
        z_start = kwargs.get('z_start')
    if 'z_end' in kwargs:
        z_end = kwargs.get('z_end')
    if 'nboxes' in kwargs:
        nboxes = kwargs.get('nboxes')
    if 'N' in kwargs:
        N = kwargs.get('N')
        N = 50*nboxes
    if 'directory' in kwargs:
        directory = kwargs.get('directory')
    if 'halo_location_x' in kwargs:
        halo_location_x = kwargs.get('halo_location_x')
    if 'halo_location_y' in kwargs:
        halo_location_y = kwargs.get('halo_location_y')
    if 'return_redshifts' in kwargs:
        return_redshifts = kwargs.get('return_redshifts')
        return_redshifts = False
    if 'sharp_cutoff' in kwargs:
        sharp_cutoff = kwargs.get('sharp_cutoff')
        sharp_cutoff = np.inf

    #21cmFAST boxes have different naming tags, if it is an ionization box the redshifts info will be found
    #at different parts of the filename as compared to a density box
    if 'smoothed' in marker:
        #this is a density box box
        if 'xH' in marker:
            s,e = 10, 20
            print('We can not identify what box this is')
            return -1

    z_range_of_boxes = np.linspace(z_start,z_end,nboxes)
#   print(z_start)
#   print(nboxes)
#   print(z_range_of_boxes)

    # useful functions

    def box_maker(name):       #reads in the boxes
        data = np.fromfile(directory + name ,dtype=np.float32)
        box = data.reshape((DIM,DIM,DIM))
        return box

    box_path = np.zeros((len(z_range_of_boxes)), dtype = 'object')
    box_path_redshifts = np.zeros((len(box_path)))
    for fn in os.listdir(directory):   #parse the boxes
        for z in range(len(z_range_of_boxes)):
            if marker in fn and str(np.round(z_range_of_boxes[z],2)) in fn[s:e]:
                box_path[z] = fn
                #index = box_path[z].find('_z0')
                #start = index + len('_z0')
                #box_path_redshifts[z] = float(box_path[z][start:start + 4])

    #function to determine weighting of each redshift to boxes
    def find_sandwiched_bins(z_range, z):
        z_floor = np.min(z_range)
        z_ceil = z_range[1]
        binn = 1
        while(z_ceil <= np.max(z_range)):
            if ((z >= z_floor) and (z < z_ceil)):
                return (z_floor, z_ceil)
            z_floor = z_ceil
            if z_ceil == np.max(z_range):
            z_ceil = z_range[binn+1]
            binn += 1
            #safety net
            if binn > 1000:

    def comoving2pixel(DIM, Box_length, comoving_distance):
        return int(float(comoving_distance * DIM)/float(Box_length))

    def didweswitchbox(historyofzminus, z_minus, ctr):
        if z_minus > historyofzminus[ctr - 1 ]:
            return True

    # initialize all relevant arrays

    lightcone = np.zeros((N, DIM, DIM))
    lightcone_halo = np.zeros((N))
    z_range = np.linspace(z_start,z_end,N)

    z = z_range[0]
    ctr = 0
    comoving_distance_z0_zstart = cosmo.comoving_distance(z_range[0]).value
    prev_pix_loc = 0
    pixel_addition = 0
    pixel_origin = 0
    pixel_location_relative_to_origin = 0
    historyofzminus = []
    zs = []

    # loop through redshifts

    box_path_redshifts = z_range_of_boxes

    while(z < np.max(z_range)):
        z_sandwhich = find_sandwiched_bins(box_path_redshifts, z)
        z_minus = z_sandwhich[0]
        z_plus = z_sandwhich[1]
        xH_minus = box_maker(box_path[list(box_path_redshifts).index(z_minus)])
        xH_plus = box_maker(box_path[list(box_path_redshifts).index(z_plus)])
        comoving_distance_z = cosmo.comoving_distance(z).value
        comoving_distance_z0_to_z = comoving_distance_z  - comoving_distance_z0_zstart
        comoving_distance_from_last_switch = cosmo.comoving_distance(z_minus).value
        if ctr == 0:
            pixel_addition = comoving2pixel(DIM,Box_length, comoving_distance_z-comoving_distance_z0_zstart)
            prev_pix_loc = pixel_addition
            pixel_origin = 0
            #save this redshift
            lightcone[ctr,:,:] =  (xH_plus[:,:,pixel_addition] - xH_minus[:,:,pixel_addition])*((z - z_minus)/(z_plus - z_minus)) + xH_minus[:,:,pixel_addition]
            #increment counter and redshift
            ctr += 1
            z = z_range[ctr]
            #skip to the next step

            if didweswitchbox(historyofzminus, z_minus, ctr):
                pixel_origin = prev_pix_loc
            pixel_location_relative_to_origin = comoving2pixel(DIM,Box_length, comoving_distance_z-comoving_distance_from_last_switch)
            pixel_addition = (pixel_location_relative_to_origin + pixel_origin)%DIM
            prev_pix_loc = pixel_addition
        lightcone[ctr,:,:] =  (xH_plus[:,:,pixel_addition] - xH_minus[:,:,pixel_addition])*((z - z_minus)/(z_plus - z_minus)) + xH_minus[:,:,pixel_addition]
        #lightcone_halo[ctr] =  (xH_plus[halo_location_x][halo_location_y][pixel_addition] - xH_minus[halo_location_x][halo_location_y][pixel_addition])*((z - z_minus)/(z_plus - z_minus)) + xH_minus[halo_location_x][halo_location_y][pixel_addition]

        #save this redshift

        #does the user want us to stop the z scroll after a particular value?
        if ctr >= sharp_cutoff:
            if return_redshifts:
                return lightcone[1:sharp_cutoff,:,] , np.array(zs[1:])
                return lightcone[1:sharp_cutoff,:,]

        ctr += 1
        z = z_range[ctr]
        #safety net
        if ctr > N:

    #return the lightcone history as an array across all redshifts

    #return the lightcone history as the redshift log (should the user specify that)
    if return_redshifts:
        return lightcone , np.array(zs)
        return lightcone
Esempio n. 24
#       Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z))
# plt.plot(ar_z, Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z) / Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z))
# plt.plot(ar_z, Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z + ar_delta_z_planck13 - ar_delta_z_wmap7) /
#          Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z))

# print(scipy.misc.derivative(func=Planck13.comoving_distance, x0=2, dx=0.1))
# ar_dcmv_dz_planck13 = np.array([scipy.misc.derivative(
#     func=lambda x: Planck13.comoving_distance(x).value, x0=z, dx=0.01) for z in ar_z])
# ar_dcmv_dz_wmap7 = np.array([scipy.misc.derivative(
#     func=lambda x: WMAP7.comoving_distance(x).value, x0=z, dx=0.01) for z in ar_z])
# plt.plot(ar_z, -(ar_dcmv_dz_planck13 - ar_dcmv_dz_wmap7) * ar_delta_z_planck13)
del scipy.misc

ar_base_cmvd_planck13 = Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z)
ar_true_planck13_cmvd = Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z + ar_delta_z_planck13)
ar_base_cmvd_wmap5 = WMAP5.comoving_distance(ar_z)
ar_wmap5_apparent_cmvd = WMAP5.comoving_distance(ar_z + ar_delta_z_planck13)
ar_base_cmvd_wmap7 = WMAP7.comoving_distance(ar_z)
ar_wmap7_apparent_cmvd = WMAP7.comoving_distance(ar_z + ar_delta_z_planck13)
ar_base_cmvd_wmap9 = WMAP9.comoving_distance(ar_z)
ar_wmap9_apparent_cmvd = WMAP9.comoving_distance(ar_z + ar_delta_z_planck13)
plt.plot(ar_z, ar_true_planck13_cmvd - ar_base_cmvd_planck13)
plt.plot(ar_z, ar_wmap5_apparent_cmvd - ar_base_cmvd_wmap5)
plt.plot(ar_z, ar_wmap7_apparent_cmvd - ar_base_cmvd_wmap7)
plt.plot(ar_z, ar_wmap9_apparent_cmvd - ar_base_cmvd_wmap9)
# plt.plot(ar_z, ar_wmap7_apparent_cmvd - ar_true_planck13_cmvd)
Esempio n. 25
def extinction(spec, red, coord):
    :param spec: (numpy array) XSpectrum1D objects: use
    :param red: (numpy array) redshift values
    :param coord: (numpy array) coordinates

        unred_spec: (numpy array) de-reddened spec

    import numpy as np
    from numpy.lib.polynomial import poly1d
    import astropy.units as u
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    from dustmaps.bayestar import BayestarQuery
    from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
    from linetools.spectra.xspectrum1d import XSpectrum1D

    r = range(len(spec))

    Mpc = cosmo.comoving_distance(red)
    bayestar = BayestarQuery()
    coords = [
        SkyCoord(coord[i][0] * u.deg,
                 coord[i][1] * u.deg,
                 frame='fk5') for i in r
    ebv = [bayestar(i) for i in coords]  #to get the ebv values for each galaxy

    unred_spec = []

    for i in r:

        x = 10000. / np.array(spec[i].wavelength)  # Convert to inverse microns
        npts = x.size
        a = np.zeros(npts, dtype=np.float)
        b = np.zeros(npts, dtype=np.float)
        r_v = 3.1

        good = np.where((x >= 0.3) & (x < 1.1))
        if len(good[0]) > 0:
            a[good] = 0.574 * x[good]**(1.61)
            b[good] = -0.527 * x[good]**(1.61)

        good = np.where((x >= 1.1) & (x < 3.3))
        if len(good[0]) > 0:  # Use new constants from O'Donnell (1994)
            y = x[good] - 1.82

            c1 = np.array([
                1., 0.104, -0.609, 0.701, 1.137, -1.718, -0.827, 1.647, -0.505
            ])  # from O'Donnell
            c2 = np.array([
                0., 1.952, 2.908, -3.989, -7.985, 11.102, 5.491, -10.805, 3.347

            a[good] = poly1d(c1[::-1])(y)
            b[good] = poly1d(c2[::-1])(y)

        good = np.where((x >= 3.3) & (x < 8))
        if len(good[0]) > 0:
            y = x[good]

            a[good] = 1.752 - 0.316 * y - (0.104 /
                                           ((y - 4.67)**2 + 0.341))  # + f_a
            b[good] = -3.090 + 1.825 * y + (1.206 /
                                            ((y - 4.62)**2 + 0.263))  # + f_b

        good = np.where((x >= 8) & (x <= 11))
        if len(good[0]) > 0:
            y = x[good] - 8.

            c1 = np.array([-1.073, -0.628, 0.137, -0.070])
            c2 = np.array([13.670, 4.257, -0.420, 0.374])
            a[good] = poly1d(c1[::-1])(y)
            b[good] = poly1d(c2[::-1])(y)

        # Now apply extinction correction to input flux vector

        a_v = r_v * ebv[i]
        a_lambda = a_v * (a + b / r_v)

        funred = spec[i].flux * 10.**(0.4 * a_lambda)  # Derive unreddened flux
        funred = np.asarray(funred)
        unred_spec.append(XSpectrum1D(spec[i].wavelength, funred, spec[i].sig))

    return np.asarray(unred_spec)
Esempio n. 26
 def z_to_dist(self, z):
     Given a redshift, finds the correspoding comoving distance
     return cosmo.comoving_distance(z)
Esempio n. 27
    def __init__(self, time_grid, gamma_grid, emission_region,
        This is the constructor of our SSC process with
        * time_grid = dict(minimum, maximum time, binning)
        initializing the time grid
        * gamma_grid = dict(minimum, maximum Lorentz factor, binning)
        initializing the Lorentz factor grid
        * emission_region dict(radius, magnetic field, escaping time, Doppler-Factor)
        with parameters describing the emission region, escaping time in order of R/c
        * injected_spectrum dict(norm, index)
        initializing the injected spectrum (a powerlaw for now).

        # emission regions attributes definitions
        self.R = emission_region['R']  # in cm
        self.volume = 4 / 3 * pi * self.R**3
        self.crossing_time = self.R / c
        self.B = emission_region['B']  # in Gauss
        self.t_esc = emission_region['t_esc'] * self.crossing_time
        self.U_B = self.B**2 / (8. * pi)  # magnetic field density
        self.gamma = emission_region['gamma']
        self.beta = np.sqrt(1 - 1 / self.gamma**2)
        self.theta = emission_region['theta']
        self.z = emission_region['z']
        self.distance = cosmo.comoving_distance(self.z)  # in Mpc

        # time grid attributes definition
        self.time_min = time_grid['time_min'] * self.crossing_time
        self.time_max = time_grid['time_max'] * self.crossing_time
        self.time_bins = time_grid['time_bins']
        self.delta_t = (self.time_max - self.time_min) / self.time_bins
        self.time_grid = np.linspace(self.time_min, self.time_max,

        # gamma grid attributes defintion
        self.gamma_min = gamma_grid['gamma_min']
        self.gamma_max = gamma_grid['gamma_max']
        self.gamma_bins = gamma_grid['gamma_bins']
        # following Eq.(5) of the Reference, LorentzFactor grid has to be logspaced
        # we loop over range(-1,N+2) include \gamma_{-1} and \gamma{N+1}
        gamma_grid = []
        self.gamma_min_calc = self.gamma_max**(
            1 / self.gamma_bins) * self.gamma_min**(
                (self.gamma_bins - 1) / self.gamma_bins
            )  #(due to dividing by p=0 if gamma=1)
        for j in range(-1, self.gamma_bins + 2):
            gamma_grid.append(self.gamma_min_calc *
                              (self.gamma_max / self.gamma_min_calc)**(
                                  (j - 1) / (self.gamma_bins - 1)))
        # gamma_grid_ext will be the grid that contains \gamma_{-1} and \gamma{N+1}
        self.gamma_grid_ext = np.array(gamma_grid)
        # gamma_grid will be the grid with elements from \gamma_{0} to \gamma_{N}
        self.gamma_grid = self.gamma_grid_ext[1:-1]
        # energy grid for use in calculating the synchrotron emission
        self.energy_grid = self.gamma_grid * E_rest

        # let's create an array for the density of radiation
        self.U_rad = 0
        # injected spectrum attributes

        # Distinction between the needed parameters depending on the injection type
        self.inj_spectr_type = injected_spectrum['type']
        if self.inj_spectr_type == 'constant':
            self.inj_spectr_norm = injected_spectrum['norm']

        elif self.inj_spectr_type == 'power-law':
            self.inj_spectr_norm = injected_spectrum['norm']
            self.inj_spectr_index = injected_spectrum['alpha']

        elif self.inj_spectr_type == 'broken power-law':
            self.inj_spectr_norm = injected_spectrum['norm']
            self.inj_spectr_index_1 = injected_spectrum['alpha1']
            self.inj_spectr_index_2 = injected_spectrum['alpha2']
            self.e_break = injected_spectrum['e_break']

        elif self.inj_spectr_type == 'gaussian':
            self.inj_spectr_norm = injected_spectrum['norm']
            self.inj_spectr_mu = injected_spectrum['mu']
            self.inj_spectr_sig = injected_spectrum['sig']

        self.inj_time = injected_spectrum[
            't_inj'] * self.crossing_time  # injection time
Esempio n. 28
 def comov_dist(z):
     return WMAP9.comoving_distance(z).to("Mpc").value
Esempio n. 29
def lightcone(**kwargs):

    #set defaults:
    mode = 'xH'
    marker = 'xH_'
    N = 500
    DIM = 200
    Box_length = 300
    z_start = 10
    z_end = 6
    nboxes = 21
    directory = '/Users/michael/Documents/MSI-C/21cmFAST/Boxes/z6-10/OriginalTemperatureBoxesNoGaussianities/'
    halo_location_x = 0
    halo_location_y = 0
    slice = DIM - 1

    #sort arguments
    if 'marker' in kwargs:
        marker = kwargs.get('marker')
    if 'DIM' in kwargs:
        DIM = kwargs.get('DIM')
    if 'N' in kwargs:
        N = kwargs.get('N')
    if 'Box_length' in kwargs:
        Box_length = kwargs.get('Box_length')
    if 'z_start' in kwargs:
        z_start = kwargs.get('z_start')
    if 'z_end' in kwargs:
        z_end = kwargs.get('z_end')
    if 'nboxes' in kwargs:
        nboxes = kwargs.get('nboxes')
    if 'directory' in kwargs:
        directory = kwargs.get('directory')
    if 'halo_location_x' in kwargs:
        halo_location_x = kwargs.get('halo_location_x')
    if 'halo_location_y' in kwargs:
        halo_location_y = kwargs.get('halo_location_y')
    if 'box_slice' in kwargs:
        slice = kwargs.get('box_slice')
    if 'return_redshifts' in kwargs:
        return_redshifts = kwargs.get('return_redshifts')
        return_redshifts = False
    if 'sharp_cutoff' in kwargs:
        sharp_cutoff = kwargs.get('sharp_cutoff')
        sharp_cutoff = np.inf

    z_range_of_boxes = np.linspace(z_start, z_end, nboxes)

    #   print(z_start)
    #   print(nboxes)

    # useful functions

    def box_maker(name):  #reads in the boxes
        data = np.fromfile(directory + name, dtype=np.float32)
        box = data.reshape((DIM, DIM, DIM))
        return box

    box_path = np.zeros((len(z_range_of_boxes)), dtype='object')
    box_path_redshifts = np.zeros((len(box_path)))
    for fn in os.listdir(directory):  #parse the boxes
        for z in range(len(z_range_of_boxes)):
            if marker in fn and str(np.round(z_range_of_boxes[z], 2)) in fn:
                #print(z_range_of_boxes[z], fn)
                box_path[z] = fn
                index = box_path[z].find('_z0')
                start = index + len('_z0')
                box_path_redshifts[z] = float(box_path[z][start:start + 4])

#   print(box_path)

#function to determine weighting of each redshift to boxes

    def find_sandwiched_bins(z_range, z):
        z_floor = np.max(z_range)
        z_ceil = z_range[1]
        binn = 1
        while (z_ceil >= np.min(z_range)):
            if ((z <= z_floor) and (z > z_ceil)):
                return (z_ceil, z_floor)
            z_floor = z_ceil
            if z_ceil == np.max(z_range):
            z_ceil = z_range[binn + 1]
            binn += 1
            #safety net
            if binn > 1000:

    def comoving2pixel(DIM, Box_length, comoving_distance):
        return int(float(comoving_distance * DIM) / float(Box_length))

    def didweswitchbox(historyofzminus, z_plus, ctr):
        if z_plus < historyofzminus[ctr - 1]:
            return True
            return False

    # initialize all relevant arrays

    lightcone = np.zeros((N, DIM, DIM))
    lightcone_halo = np.zeros((N))
    z_range = np.linspace(z_start, z_end, N)
    zs = []
    z = z_range[0]
    ctr = 0
    comoving_distance_z0_zstart = cosmo.comoving_distance(z_range[0]).value
    prev_pix_loc = 0
    pixel_addition = 0
    pixel_origin = 0
    pixel_location_relative_to_origin = 0
    historyofzminus = []

    # loop through redshifts

    while (z > np.min(z_range)):
        z_sandwhich = find_sandwiched_bins(box_path_redshifts, z)
        z_minus = z_sandwhich[0]
        z_plus = z_sandwhich[1]
        xH_minus = box_maker(box_path[list(box_path_redshifts).index(z_minus)])
        xH_plus = box_maker(box_path[list(box_path_redshifts).index(z_plus)])

        comoving_distance_z = cosmo.comoving_distance(z).value
        comoving_distance_z0_to_z = comoving_distance_z0_zstart - comoving_distance_z
        comoving_distance_from_last_switch = cosmo.comoving_distance(

        if ctr == 0:
            pixel_addition = comoving2pixel(DIM, Box_length,
            prev_pix_loc = -pixel_addition + slice
            pixel_origin = slice

            if didweswitchbox(historyofzminus, z_plus, ctr):
                print('we switched box to', z_plus)
                #print(z_plus, z , historyofzminus[ctr-1])
                pixel_origin = prev_pix_loc
            pixel_location_relative_to_origin = -comoving2pixel(
                DIM, Box_length,
                comoving_distance_from_last_switch - comoving_distance_z)
            pixel_addition = (pixel_location_relative_to_origin +
                              pixel_origin) % DIM
            prev_pix_loc = pixel_addition


        lightcone[ctr, :, :] = (
            xH_plus[pixel_addition, :, :] - xH_minus[pixel_addition, :, :]) * (
                (z - z_minus) /
                (z_plus - z_minus)) + xH_minus[pixel_addition, :, :]

        lightcone_halo[ctr] = (
            xH_plus[pixel_addition][halo_location_x][halo_location_y] -
            xH_minus[pixel_addition][halo_location_x][halo_location_y]) * (
                (z - z_minus) / (z_plus - z_minus)
            ) + xH_minus[pixel_addition][halo_location_x][halo_location_y]

        ctr += 1
        z = z_range[ctr]
        #safety net
        if ctr > N:
        if ctr >= sharp_cutoff:
            if return_redshifts:
                return lightcone[1:sharp_cutoff, :, ], np.array(zs[1:])
                return lightcone[1:sharp_cutoff, :, ]

    #return the lightcone history as an array across all redshifts

    if return_redshifts:
        return lightcone, np.array(zs)
        return lightcone
Esempio n. 30
from scipy.special import spherical_jn as jl
import numpy as np
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9
import matplotlib.pyplot as p
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import as cm

freqs = np.linspace(167.075, 177.075, 129)
Zs = 1420. / freqs - 1.
r_mpc = WMAP9.comoving_distance(Zs).to("Mpc").value
Nchan = freqs.size

r_mpc = np.linspace(min(r_mpc), max(r_mpc), Nchan)
dr = r_mpc[1] - r_mpc[0]

kz = np.fft.fftfreq(Nchan, d=dr) * 2 * np.pi
kz = kz[kz > 0]

lmin = 0
lmax = 700
dl = 25
ki = 0

normalize = mcolors.Normalize(vmin=lmin, vmax=lmax)
colormap = cm.viridis
for l in range(lmin, lmax, dl):
    check = np.any((kz[ki] * r_mpc) > l)
    print l, check
    if check:
               jl(l, kz[ki] * r_mpc)**2,
Esempio n. 31
def lightcone(**kwargs ):

    #set defaults:
    mode = 'xH'
    marker = 'xH_'
    N = 500
    DIM = 200
    Box_length = 300
    z_start = 10
    z_end = 6
    nboxes = 21
    directory = '/Users/michael/Documents/MSI-C/21cmFAST/Boxes/z6-10/OriginalTemperatureBoxesNoGaussianities/'
    slice = DIM - 1

    #sort arguments
    if 'marker' in kwargs:
        marker = kwargs.get('marker')
    if 'DIM' in kwargs:
        DIM = kwargs.get('DIM')
    if 'z_range_of_boxes' in kwargs:
        z_range_of_boxes  = kwargs.get('z_range_of_boxes')
        nboxes = len(z_range_of_boxes)
        z_start = np.max(z_range_of_boxes)
        z_end = np.min(z_range_of_boxes)
        print(z_start,z_end, nboxes)
    if 'N' in kwargs:
        N = kwargs.get('N')
        N = 50*nboxes
    if 'Box_length' in kwargs:
        Box_length = kwargs.get('Box_length')
    if 'box_slice' in kwargs:
        slice = kwargs.get('box_slice')
    if 'return_redshifts' in kwargs:
        return_redshifts = kwargs.get('return_redshifts')
        return_redshifts = False
    if 'sharp_cutoff' in kwargs:
        sharp_cutoff = kwargs.get('sharp_cutoff')
        sharp_cutoff = np.inf
    if 'halo_boxes_z' in kwargs:
        halo_boxes_z = kwargs.get('halo_boxes_z')

    #21cmFAST boxes have different naming tags, if it is an ionization box the redshifts info will be found
    #at different parts of the filename as compared to a density box
    if 'smoothed' in marker:
        #this is a density box box
        if 'xH' in marker:
            s,e = 10, 20
            if 'halos' in marker:
                s , e = 5, 10
                print('We can not identify what box this is')
                return -1
    #the total range of redshifts that this lightcone will span
    z_range_of_boxes = np.linspace(z_start,z_end,nboxes)

    # useful functions

    #this function determines which boxes a given redshift lies between
    def find_sandwiched_bins(z_range, z):
        z_floor = np.max(z_range)
        z_ceil = z_range[1]
        binn = 1
        while(z_ceil >= np.min(z_range)):
            if ((z <= z_floor) and (z > z_ceil)):
                return ( z_ceil, z_floor)
            z_floor = z_ceil
            if z_ceil == np.max(z_range):
                print('looking for ' , z_range, z)
            z_ceil = z_range[binn+1]
            binn += 1
            #safety net
            if binn > 1000:

    #function which converts a comoving distance to a pixel location within the box
    def comoving2pixel(DIM, Box_length, comoving_distance):
        return int(float(comoving_distance * DIM)/float(Box_length))

    #function which determines whether we have exceeded the maximum allowable redshift for a box
    def didweswitchbox(historyofzminus, z_plus, ctr):
        if z_plus < historyofzminus[ctr - 1 ]:
            return True
            return False

    # initialize all relevant arrays

    lightcone = np.zeros((N, DIM, DIM))
    lightcone_halo = np.zeros((N))
    z_range = np.linspace(z_start,z_end,N)
    zs = []
    z = z_range[0]
    ctr = 0
    comoving_distance_z0_zstart = cosmo.comoving_distance(z_range[0]).value
    prev_pix_loc = 0
    pixel_addition = 0
    pixel_origin = 0
    pixel_location_relative_to_origin = 0
    historyofzminus = []

    # loop through redshifts

    box_path_redshifts = z_range_of_boxes

    #scroll through all the redshifts and pick out the slice of the box that corresponds to that z
    while(z > np.min(z_range)):
        #this redshift is sandwiched between the following z
        z_sandwhich = find_sandwiched_bins(box_path_redshifts, z)
        z_minus = z_sandwhich[0]
        z_plus = z_sandwhich[1]
        #these are the boxes that z is sandwiched between
        xH_minus = halo_boxes_z[list(box_path_redshifts).index(z_minus)]
        xH_plus =  halo_boxes_z[list(box_path_redshifts).index(z_plus)]
        #convert that redshift to a comoving distance
        comoving_distance_z = cosmo.comoving_distance(z).value
        comoving_distance_z0_to_z = comoving_distance_z0_zstart - comoving_distance_z
        comoving_distance_from_last_switch = cosmo.comoving_distance(z_plus).value
        if ctr == 0:
            pixel_addition = comoving2pixel(DIM,Box_length, comoving_distance_z0_to_z)
            prev_pix_loc = -pixel_addition + slice
            pixel_origin = slice
            #save this redshift
            lightcone[ctr,:,:] =  (xH_plus[:,:,slice] - xH_minus[:,:,slice])*((z - z_minus)/(z_plus - z_minus)) + xH_minus[:,:,slice]
            #increment counter and redshift
            ctr += 1
            z = z_range[ctr]
            #skip to the next step

            if didweswitchbox(historyofzminus, z_plus, ctr):
                pixel_origin = prev_pix_loc
            pixel_location_relative_to_origin = -comoving2pixel(DIM,Box_length, comoving_distance_from_last_switch - comoving_distance_z)
            pixel_addition = (pixel_location_relative_to_origin + pixel_origin)%DIM
            prev_pix_loc = pixel_addition

        #save this redshift
        #save the box information for this particular lightcone slice
        lightcone[ctr,:,:] =  (xH_plus[pixel_addition,:,:] - xH_minus[pixel_addition,:,:])*((z - z_minus)/(z_plus - z_minus)) + xH_minus[pixel_addition,:,:]

        ctr += 1
        z = z_range[ctr]
        #safety net
        if ctr > N:
        #does the user want us to stop the z scroll after a particular value?
        if ctr >= sharp_cutoff:
            if return_redshifts:
                return lightcone[0:sharp_cutoff,:,] , np.array(zs[0:])
                return lightcone[0:sharp_cutoff,:,]

    #return the lightcone history as the redshift log (should the user specify that)
    if return_redshifts:
        return lightcone[0:int(N-1),:,] , np.array(zs)
        return lightcone[0:int(N-1),:,]