Esempio n. 1
def bootstrap_instance(config, instance):
    ssl_user = config.get("ssl_user", "ubuntu")
    ssl_key_path = config.get("ssl_key_path", "~/.ssh/")
    ssl_host = "@".join((ssl_user, instance.public_dns_name))
    print "To connect to it:"
    print "ssh -i", ssl_key_path, ssl_host

    # Now configure the instance:
    print "Installing dependencies"
        "git python-pip build-essential python-dev xz-utils")

    #sudo("apt-get --yes dist-upgrade")
    sudo('pip install simplejson scales boto')
    sudo('mkdir /mnt/telemetry')
    sudo('chown %s:%s /mnt/telemetry' % (ssl_user, ssl_user))

    home = "/home/" + ssl_user
    print "Preparing code"
    with cd(home):
        run("git clone")
        run("git clone")
    with cd(home + "/s3funnel"):
        sudo("python install")
    with cd(home + "/telemetry-server"):
        run("mkdir /mnt/telemetry/work /mnt/telemetry/processed")
def bootstrap_instance(config, instance):
    ssl_user = config.get("ssl_user", "ubuntu")
    ssl_key_path = config.get("ssl_key_path", "~/.ssh/")
    ssl_host = "@".join((ssl_user, instance.public_dns_name))
    print "To connect to it:"
    print "ssh -i", ssl_key_path, ssl_host

    # Now configure the instance:
    print "Installing dependencies"
    aws_util.install_packages("git python-pip build-essential python-dev xz-utils")

    #sudo("apt-get --yes dist-upgrade")
    sudo('pip install simplejson scales boto')
    sudo('mkdir /mnt/telemetry')
    sudo('chown %s:%s /mnt/telemetry' % (ssl_user, ssl_user))

    home = "/home/" + ssl_user
    print "Preparing code"
    with cd(home):
        run("git clone")
        run("git clone")
    with cd(home + "/s3funnel"):
        sudo("python install")
    with cd(home + "/telemetry-server"):
        run("mkdir /mnt/telemetry/work /mnt/telemetry/processed")
Esempio n. 3
 def install_apt_dependencies(self, instance):
     print "Installing apt dependencies"
         "git python-pip build-essential python-dev xz-utils mdadm xfsprogs ntp"
     if self.config.get("upgrade_os", False):
             'export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; apt-get --yes dist-upgrade'
Esempio n. 4
 def install_apt_dependencies(self, instance):
     print "Installing apt dependencies"
     aws_util.install_packages("git python-pip build-essential python-dev xz-utils mdadm xfsprogs ntp python-protobuf python-snappy")
     if self.config.get("upgrade_os", False):
         sudo('export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; apt-get --yes dist-upgrade')
def bootstrap_instance(config, instance):
    # Do some configuration:
    ssl_user = config.get("ssl_user", "ubuntu")
    ssl_key_path = config.get("ssl_key_path", "~/.ssh/")
    ssl_host = "@".join((ssl_user, instance.public_dns_name))
    aws_util.install_packages("git python-pip build-essential python-dev nginx xz-utils")
    sudo("apt-get --yes dist-upgrade")

    sudo('pip install flask simplejson uwsgi virtualenv scales')
    sudo('useradd -m -s /bin/bash telemetry')
    sudo("useradd -c 'uwsgi user,,,' -g www-data -d /nonexistent -s /bin/false uwsgi")
    sudo("usermod -a -G www-data telemetry")
    sudo("usermod -a -G www-data uwsgi")

    # TODO: attach a newly-created or existing EBS volume
    #sudo("mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdf")
    #sudo("mkdir /data")
    #sudo("echo '/dev/xvdf       /data    ext4   noatime,nodiratime      0 0' >> /etc/fstab")
    #sudo("mount /data")

    # Parse server_config to find the correct storage path.
    with open(config["files"]["server_config"], "r") as server_config_file:
        server_config = json.load(server_config_file)

    telemetry_data = server_config["storage_path"]
    telemetry_home = "/home/telemetry/telemetry-server"
    telemetry_server = config.get("server_path", "/var/www/telemetry-server")

    sudo("mkdir -p " + telemetry_data)
    sudo("chown telemetry:telemetry " + telemetry_data)

    ## grant www-data access to read/write telemetry data:
    sudo("chgrp -R www-data " + telemetry_data)
    sudo("chmod -R g+w " + telemetry_data)

    ## create config files:
    aws_util.install_file(config["files"]["uwsgi_config"], "/etc/init/uwsgi.conf")
    aws_util.install_file(config["files"]["uwsgi_logrotate"], "/etc/logrotate.d/uwsgi")

    sudo("touch /var/log/uwsgi.log")
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        sudo("logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/uwsgi")
    sudo("mkdir -p /var/www")
    sudo("chgrp -R www-data /var/www/")
    sudo("mkdir -p " + telemetry_server)
    sudo("chown -R telemetry " + telemetry_server)
    sudo("chmod -R g+w " + telemetry_server)

    # Install s3funnel
    home = "/home/" + ssl_user
    with cd(home):
        run("git clone")
    with cd(home + "/s3funnel"):
        sudo("python install")

    with cd("/home/telemetry"):
        sudo('git clone', user="******")
    with cd(telemetry_home):
        sudo('bash', user="******")
        sudo('bash util/ ' + telemetry_server, user="******")
    aws_util.install_file(config["files"]["server_config"], telemetry_server + "/telemetry_server_config.json")
    sudo("chown telemetry:www-data %s/telemetry_server_config.json" % (telemetry_server))

    sudo('virtualenv ' + telemetry_server + '/env && source ' + telemetry_server + '/env/bin/activate && pip install Flask simplejson scales', user="******")

    sites_avail = "/etc/nginx/sites-available/"
    t_site = sites_avail + "telemetry-server"
    # Can't just upload a file for this since it needs the dns name in there.
    sudo("echo 'server {' > %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '    listen       80;' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '    server_name  %s;' >> %s" % (t_site, instance.public_dns_name))
    sudo("echo '    client_max_body_size 20M;' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '    location / {' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '        include uwsgi_params;' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '        uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/uwsgi.sock;' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '        uwsgi_param UWSGI_PYHOME %s/env;' >> %s" % (telemetry_server, t_site))
    sudo("echo '        uwsgi_param UWSGI_CHDIR %s;' >> %s" % (telemetry_server, t_site))
    sudo("echo '        uwsgi_param UWSGI_MODULE server;' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '        uwsgi_param UWSGI_CALLABLE app;' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '    }' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '}' >> %s" % (t_site))

    # Now do the SSL version:
    # FIXME: use a real SSL cert. For now, we'll generate a self-signed one though:
    cert_base = "telemetry_server"

    with cd("/etc/ssl"):
        sudo('openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -subj "/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Mozilla/CN=%s" -keyout %s.key  -out %s.crt' % (instance.public_dns_name, cert_base, cert_base))
        #sudo("openssl genrsa -out %s.key 2048" % (cert_base))
        #sudo("openssl req -new -key %s.key -out %s.csr" % (cert_base, cert_base))
        #sudo("openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in %s.csr -signkey %s.key -out %s.crt" % (cert_base, cert_base, cert_base))

    t_site = sites_avail + "telemetry-server-ssl"
    sudo("echo 'server {' > %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '    listen       443;' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '    server_name  %s;' >> %s" % (instance.public_dns_name, t_site))
    sudo("echo '    client_max_body_size 20M;' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '    ssl on;' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '    ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/%s.crt;' >> %s" % (cert_base, t_site))
    sudo("echo '    ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/%s.key;' >> %s" % (cert_base, t_site))
    sudo("echo '' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '    location / {' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '        include uwsgi_params;' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '        uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/uwsgi.sock;' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '        uwsgi_param UWSGI_PYHOME %s/env;' >> %s" % (telemetry_server, t_site))
    sudo("echo '        uwsgi_param UWSGI_CHDIR %s;' >> %s" % (telemetry_server, t_site))
    sudo("echo '        uwsgi_param UWSGI_MODULE server;' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '        uwsgi_param UWSGI_CALLABLE app;' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '    }' >> %s" % (t_site))
    sudo("echo '}' >> %s" % (t_site))

    # install sites
    sudo("rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default")
    sudo("ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/telemetry-server /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/telemetry-server")
    sudo("ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/telemetry-server-ssl /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/telemetry-server-ssl")

    # configure nginx (mostly just to add 'client_max_body_size 20M;')
    aws_util.install_file(config["files"]["nginx_config"], "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf")

    # copy over a starter-pack of cached histograms
    # TODO: generate a more up-to-date pack from mercurial? or otherwise use
    #       something that's not going to get stale.
    put(config["files"]["histograms"], "/tmp/histograms.tar.bz2")
    sudo("chmod 644 /tmp/histograms.tar.bz2")

    # Use server config to find the correct histogram_cache location
    revision_cache_path = server_config["revision_cache_path"]
    if revision_cache_path.startswith("./"):
        revision_cache_path = telemetry_server + revision_cache_path[1:]
    if revision_cache_path.endswith("/histogram_cache"):
        revision_cache_path = os.path.dirname(revision_cache_path)

    with cd(revision_cache_path):
        sudo("tar xjvf /tmp/histograms.tar.bz2", user="******")

    # Add cron jobs
    sudo('crontab -l | { cat; echo "4 * * * * sudo -u uwsgi /bin/bash %s/util/ %s %s"; } | crontab -' % (telemetry_home, telemetry_server, telemetry_data))
    sudo("crontab -l | { cat; echo '34 * * * * sudo -u uwsgi /usr/bin/python %s/ -d %s -k \"%s\" -s \"%s\" -b \"%s\" >> /tmp/telemetry_export.log'; } | crontab -" % (telemetry_home, telemetry_data, config["aws_key"], config["aws_secret_key"], config["aws_bucket"]))

    # Restart web services
    sudo("service uwsgi restart")
    sudo("service nginx restart")
Esempio n. 6
 def pre_install(self, instance):
Esempio n. 7
 def install_apt_dependencies(self, instance):
     print "Installing apt dependencies"
     aws_util.install_packages("git python-pip build-essential python-dev xz-utils mdadm")
 def pre_install(self, instance):