class AcceptedLocalesTest(TestCase):
    """Test lazy evaluation of locale related settings.

    Verify that some localization-related settings are lazily evaluated based
    on the current value of the DEV variable.  Depending on the value,
    DEV_LANGUAGES or PROD_LANGUAGES should be used.

    locale = path('locale')
    locale_bkp = path('locale_bkp')

    def setup_class(cls):
        """Create a directory structure for locale/.

        Back up the existing project/locale/ directory and create the following
        hierarchy in its place:

            - project/locale/en-US/LC_MESSAGES
            - project/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES
            - project/locale/templates/LC_MESSAGES
            - project/locale/empty_file

        Also, set PROD_LANGUAGES to ('en-US',).

        if os.path.exists(cls.locale_bkp):
            raise Exception('A backup of locale/ exists at %s which might '
                            'mean that previous tests didn\'t end cleanly. '
                            'Skipping the test suite.' % cls.locale_bkp)
        cls.DEV = settings.DEV
        cls.PROD_LANGUAGES = settings.PROD_LANGUAGES
        cls.DEV_LANGUAGES = settings.DEV_LANGUAGES
        settings.PROD_LANGUAGES = ('en-US', )
        if os.path.exists(cls.locale):
            shutil.move(cls.locale, cls.locale_bkp)
            cls.locale_bkp = None
        for loc in ('en-US', 'fr', 'templates'):
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(cls.locale, loc, 'LC_MESSAGES'))
        open(os.path.join(cls.locale, 'empty_file'), 'w').close()

    def teardown_class(cls):
        """Remove the testing locale/ dir and bring back the backup."""

        settings.DEV = cls.DEV
        settings.PROD_LANGUAGES = cls.PROD_LANGUAGES
        settings.DEV_LANGUAGES = cls.DEV_LANGUAGES
        if cls.locale_bkp:
            shutil.move(cls.locale_bkp, cls.locale)

    def test_build_dev_languages(self):
        """Test that the list of dev locales is built properly.

        On dev instances, the list of accepted locales should correspond to
        the per-locale directories in locale/.

        settings.DEV = True
        langs = get_dev_languages()
        assert langs == ['en-US', 'fr'] or langs == ['fr', 'en-US'], (
            'DEV_LANGUAGES do not correspond to the contents of locale/.')

    def test_dev_languages(self):
        """Test the accepted locales on dev instances.

        On dev instances, allow locales defined in DEV_LANGUAGES.

        settings.DEV = True
        # simulate the successful result of the DEV_LANGUAGES list
        # comprehension defined in settings.
        settings.DEV_LANGUAGES = ['en-US', 'fr']
        assert settings.LANGUAGE_URL_MAP == {
            'en-us': 'en-US',
            'fr': 'fr'
        }, ('DEV is True, but DEV_LANGUAGES are not used to define the '
            'allowed locales.')

    def test_prod_languages(self):
        """Test the accepted locales on prod instances.

        On stage/prod instances, allow locales defined in PROD_LANGUAGES.

        settings.DEV = False
        assert settings.LANGUAGE_URL_MAP == {
            'en-us': 'en-US'
        }, ('DEV is False, but PROD_LANGUAGES are not used to define the '
            'allowed locales.')
Esempio n. 2
 def setUpClass(cls):
     for cron_file in CRONTAB_FILE_NAMES:
         call([path('bin', ''), '-t', cron_file, '-w', '/path/to/www',
               '-s', '/path/to/src'])
Esempio n. 3
 def tearDownClass(cls):
     for cron_file in CRONTAB_FILE_NAMES:
         os.remove(path('etc', 'cron.d', cron_file))
Esempio n. 4
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at

import os
from subprocess import call

import chkcrontab_lib as chkcrontab

from bedrock.mozorg.tests import TestCase
from bedrock.settings.base import path

CRONTAB_FILE_NAMES = ['bedrock-dev', 'bedrock-stage', 'bedrock-prod']
CRONTAB_FILES = [path('etc', 'cron.d', cf) for cf in CRONTAB_FILE_NAMES]

class TestCrontabFiles(TestCase):
    files_generated = False

    def setUpClass(cls):
        for cron_file in CRONTAB_FILE_NAMES:
            call([path('bin', ''), '-t', cron_file, '-w', '/path/to/www',
                  '-s', '/path/to/src'])

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        for cron_file in CRONTAB_FILE_NAMES:
            os.remove(path('etc', 'cron.d', cron_file))