Esempio n. 1
def simple_chart(request,counter_name):
	counter_len = len(Counter.objects.values())
	Date = [Counter.objects.values()[i]["pub_date"] for i in range(counter_len)]
	name = counter_name
	y_values = Counter.objects.values_list("counter_value",flat=True).filter(counter_name=counter_name)
	points = zip(Date,y_values)
	ddict = OrderedDict({'Date':Date})
	#ddict[name] = y_values
	p = figure(width=1200, height=400, x_axis_type="datetime",tools=TOOLS,title=name+"'s Metrics" )	
	p.min_border_left = 100
	p.min_border_top = 50
	p.border_fill = 'whitesmoke'
	p.ygrid.band_fill_color = "#E6E6FA"	
	p.title_text_color = "olive"
	p.title_text_font = "times"
	p.title_text_font_style = "italic"	

	p.outline_line_width = 7
	p.outline_line_alpha = 0.3
	p.outline_line_color = "black"	
	source = ColumnDataSource(
		rates = [slope(points[i][0].microsecond,points[i][1],points[i+1][0].microsecond,points[i+1][1]) for i in range(len(points)-1)]

	hover =
	hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse"
	hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([
	("Counter Name",name),
   	("Rate of count","@rates c/us"),
	p.square(Date, y_values, fill_color=None, line_color="green",size=4)
	script1, div1 = components(p, CDN)

	hist = Histogram(list(y_values),bins=50,title='Histogram',color="#778899")
	hist.border_fill = 'whitesmoke'
	hist.background_fill = "beige"
	script2, div2 = components(hist, CDN)
	area = Area(list(y_values),title="CDF")
	area.border_fill ="whitesmoke"
	area.background_fill = "#191970"
	script3, div3 = components(area,CDN)


	context = RequestContext(request,{"the_script1":script1, "the_div1":div1,"the_script2":script2,"the_div2":div2,"the_script3":script3,"the_div3":div3})	

	return render(request, "counters_app/simple_bokeh.html",context)
Esempio n. 2
def dashboard(request, counter_name, db):
    """ This is the main function for our dashboard it queries the database for the correct data 
	    given from the previous page. Then displays those results in three formats. Histogram, timeseries and CDF """

    counter_len = len(Counter.objects.using(db).values())

    Date = [
        for i in range(counter_len)
    name = counter_name
    y_values = Counter.objects.using(db).values_list(
        "counter_value", flat=True).filter(counter_name=counter_name)

    points = zip(Date, y_values)

    ddict = OrderedDict({'Date': Date})
    #ddict[name] = y_values

    #plot specifications
    TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,save"
    p = figure(width=1200,
               title=name + "'s Metrics")
    p.min_border_left = 100
    p.min_border_top = 50
    p.border_fill = 'whitesmoke'
    p.ygrid.band_fill_color = "#E6E6FA"
    p.title_text_color = "olive"
    p.title_text_font = "times"
    p.title_text_font_style = "italic"

    p.outline_line_width = 7
    p.outline_line_alpha = 0.3
    p.outline_line_color = "black"

    #HoverTool specifications
    source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(rates=[
        slope(points[i][0].second, points[i][1], points[i + 1][0].second,
              points[i + 1][1]) for i in range(len(points) - 1)

    hover =
    hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse"
    hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([
        ("Counter Name", name),
        ("Rate of count", "@rates c/us"),

    p.line(Date, y_values, line_width=1, source=source)
    p.square(Date, y_values, fill_color=None, line_color="green", size=4)
    script1, div1 = components(p, CDN)

    hist = Histogram(list(y_values), bins=50, title='Histogram')
    hist.border_fill = 'whitesmoke'
    hist.background_fill = "beige"

    script2, div2 = components(hist, CDN)

    area = Area(list(y_values), title="CDF")
    area.border_fill = "whitesmoke"
    area.background_fill = "#191970"

    script3, div3 = components(area, CDN)

    context = RequestContext(
        request, {
            "the_script1": script1,
            "the_div1": div1,
            "the_script2": script2,
            "the_div2": div2,
            "the_script3": script3,
            "the_div3": div3

    return render(request, "counters_app/simple_bokeh.html", context)