Esempio n. 1
def plot_histogram(same, diff):
    df = {"PAINS vs. PAINS": same, "PAINS vs. ChEMBL": diff}
    hist = Histogram(df, bins=20, density=True, legend=True)
    hist.x_range = Range1d(0, 1)
    #hist.legend.orientation = "top_right"
Esempio n. 2
def plot_actions_players_min(actions: dict, output_file_url: str) -> None:
    Plots all actions in a line diagrams and outputs them to an html file.
    :param actions: a list of all actions and their timestamp.
    :param output_file_url: string containing the directory and filename
    :return: None
    # output to static HTML file
    tabs = []
    for action in actions:
        # create a new plot with a title and axis labels
        p = Histogram(actions[action],
                      bins=[0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105])
        p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Tijd (min.)'
        p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Frequentie'
        p.x_range = Range1d(0, 105)

        # create a tab
        tab = Panel(child=p, title=action)
        # add to existing tabs

    tabs = Tabs(tabs=tabs)

    # show the results
def compute_plot_all_Deff(tmin, tmax, particle_chemistry):
    Calculates and plots all Deffs in the timepoint range.

    This function trims the cleaned MSD pandas dataframe to the user-
    selected timepoint range, calculates a Deff from the mean MSD for
    each timepoint within the range and for each particle chemistry,
    plots a line graph of all Deffs across the timepoint range, and
    gives geometric mean Deff values for each chemistry for the time
    range specified.
    Note: tmin must be less than tmax to get a timepoint range.  If,
    however, the user requires a Deff calculated from a single
    timepoint, he or she can input an equal tmin and tmax, and the
    function will consider only the single closest timepoint (on the
    later side) to the input.

    tmin: a float representing the minimum timepoint the user wishes to
    consider in the Deff calculation
    tmax: a float representing the maximum timepoint the user wishes to
    consider in the Deff calculation (make this the same as tmin if a
    single-timepoint Deff is desired)
    particle_chemistry: a string matching the column title of the
    particle chemistry which is to be emphasized: the Deffs of this
    chemistry will be plotted on the histogram, bolded/dashed on the
    line plot, and printed in the form of a geometric mean.

    A bokeh histogram of Deffs for the inputted chemistry, on the same
    figure as the below line plot (this figure defaults to fit nicely
    in a 1280x800 screen, but plots can be resized as needed)
    A bokeh line plot of Deffs for all particle chemistries across the
    timepoint range, with emphasized chemistry bolded/dashed
    Deff of inputted chemistry: a geometric mean of the Deffs between
    tmin and tmax for the inputted chemistry, printed in the form of
    a string within an explanatory sentence
    avg_Deffs: a fresh pandas dataframe indexed with the columns
    (particle chemistries) of the MSD dataframe, containing single
    geometric mean Deff values for each particle chemistry
    # Verify time range validity
    if tmin < 0 or tmax > round(max(msd.index)):
        return "Error: input time range between 0 and your data's tmax"
        if tmin == 0:
            print 'Divide by 0 error: tmin=0 changed to tmin=0.01'
            tmin = 0.01
        # Trim out-of-time-range rows
        temp1_msd = msd[msd.index >= tmin]
        # Trim to a length of 1 if user desires single-timepoint Deff
        if tmin == tmax:
            temp2_msd = temp1_msd.head(1)
            temp2_msd = temp1_msd[temp1_msd.index <= tmax]
            # Calculate Deffs for only the timepoints needed and add as
            # a new column to a new dataframe
            index = temp2_msd.index
            Deffs = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=columns2)
            avg_Deffs = pd.DataFrame(index=columns2)
            avg_Deffs_temp = []
            h = Histogram([1], bins=50, width=300, height=250)
            # maxes will eventually be used for sizing the histogram
            maxes = []
            # Lay the foundation for the bokeh figure
            p = figure(
                tools='resize,pan,box_zoom,wheel_zoom,reset,save', width=950,
                height=650, x_axis_label='MSD timepoint', y_axis_label='Deff')
            # Cycle through each particle chemistry and fill in Deffs
            # and avg_Deffs
            for title in columns2:
                single_Deff_list = []
                for i in range(0, len(temp2_msd)):
                    index = temp2_msd.index[i]
                    single_Deff_list.append(temp2_msd[title + ' geo'][index]/(
                # Add particle-chemistry-specific Deff list to Deffs
                # dataframe
                Deffs[title] = single_Deff_list
                # Add geometric mean Deff to what will become avg_Deffs
                # Create a special bold/dashed line for the inputted
                # chemistry only, and generate the printed output
                if title == particle_chemistry:
                        Deffs.index, Deffs[title], line_width=5,
                        line_dash=(15, 10), legend=title, line_color=(
                            np.random.randint(256), np.random.randint(256),
                    h = Histogram(Deffs[particle_chemistry], width=300,
                    print particle_chemistry + ' Deff = ' + str(
                        Deffs.index, Deffs[title], line_width=1, legend=title,
                            np.random.randint(256), np.random.randint(256),
            avg_Deffs['Deff'] = avg_Deffs_temp
            p.legend.label_text_font_size = '6pt'
            # The line plot x-axis range is calibrated to include all
            # of the desired data and the legend with no overlap
            p.x_range = Range1d(tmin, tmax + (tmax - tmin)/5)
            # The histogram x-axis is calibrated to remain at a
            # constant scale for each given tmin/tmax combination--this
            # gives a sense of scale for this particular histogram
            # within the possible Deff values for all the chemistries
            h.x_range = Range1d(0, np.max(maxes))
            f = hplot(h, p)
            return avg_Deffs
def compute_hist_Deff(particle_chemistry, tmin, tmax):
    Calculates and plots Deff in timepoint range for a given chemistry.

    This function trims the cleaned MSD pandas dataframe to the user-
    selected timepoint range, calculates a Deff from the mean MSD for
    each timepoint within the range, plots a histogram of the list of
    Deffs, and gives a geometric mean Deff value for the time range
    specified.  This is all within the specified particle chemistry.
    Note: tmin must be less than tmax.

    particle_chemistry: a string matching the column title of the
    particle chemistry for which a Deff is to be plotted and calculated
    tmin: a float representing the minimum timepoint the user wishes to
    consider in the Deff calculation
    tmax: a float representing the maximum timepoint the user wishes to
    consider in the Deff calculation

    A bokeh charts histogram of Deff values calculated from the
    particle chemistry's MSD of each timepoint within the range
    Deff: a single float representing the geometric mean Deff value for
    the timepoint range specified

    Side effects:
    The trimmed MSD dataset is appended (with a new column) to include
    the list of Deffs for the given particle chemistry.
    # Verify time range validity
    if tmin < 0 or tmax > round(max(msd.index)):
        return "Error: input time range between 0 and your data's tmax"
        if tmin == 0:
            print 'Divide by 0 error: tmin=0 changed to tmin=0.01'
            tmin = 0.01
        # Trim out-of-time-range rows
        temp1_msd = msd[msd.index >= tmin]
        temp2_msd = temp1_msd[temp1_msd.index <= tmax]
        # Calculate Deffs for only the timepoints needed and add as a
        # new column
        Deff_list = []
        for i in range(0, len(temp2_msd)):
            index = temp2_msd.index[i]
            # Calculate Deff using the conventional relationship
            # between MSD and Deff
            Deff_list.append(temp2_msd[particle_chemistry + ' geo'][index]/(
        temp2_msd[particle_chemistry + ' Deff'] = Deff_list
        # Plot histogram and print mean Deff value
        p = Histogram(
            temp2_msd[particle_chemistry + ' Deff'], bins=15, legend=False)
        # Set range of x axis to reflect approximate range of all Deff
        # values
        p.x_range = Range1d(0, 0.015)
        # There's only one Deff column from this function: calculate
        # geometric mean Deff from that column
        Deff = scipy.stats.gmean(temp2_msd[particle_chemistry + ' Deff'])
        return Deff