Esempio n. 1
def parse_dtb_node_interrupts(node, max_num_interrupts):
    interrupts = node.get('interrupts')
    is_extended_interrupts = False
    if interrupts is None:
        interrupts = node.get('interrupts_extended')
        is_extended_interrupts = True
    irq_set = []
    if interrupts is not None:
        if is_extended_interrupts:
            num_interrupts = len(interrupts) // 4
            num_interrupts = len(interrupts) // 3
        if max_num_interrupts != -1 and num_interrupts > max_num_interrupts:
            raise TemplateError(
                'Device has more than %d interrupts, this is more than we can support.'
            ) % (max_num_interrupts)
        for i in range(0, num_interrupts):
            if is_extended_interrupts:
                _irq = interrupts[i * 3 + 2]
                _irq_spi = interrupts[i * 3 + 1]
                _irq = interrupts[i * 3 + 1]
                _irq_spi = interrupts[i * 3 + 0]
            if (isinstance(_irq_spi, numbers.Integral) and (_irq_spi == 0)):
                _irq = _irq + 32
    return irq_set
Esempio n. 2
def get_perm(configuration, instance_name, interface_name):
    '''Fetch a valid permission string'''
    perm = configuration[instance_name].get('%s_access' % interface_name)
    if not perm:
        perm = "RWXP"
    elif not re.match('^R?W?X?P?$', perm):
        raise (TemplateError('invalid permissions attribute %s.%s_access' %
                             (instance_name, interface_name)))
    return perm
Esempio n. 3
 def get_canonical_label(l):
     group = l
     seen = [l]
     while group in group_labels:
         group = group_labels[group]
         if group in seen:
             raise TemplateError('cycle in group labelling: %s' %
                                 ', '.join(seen))
     return group
Esempio n. 4
 def parse_int(offs, name):
     idx = (i * interrupt_cells) + offs
     val = interrupts[idx]
     if not isinstance(val, numbers.Integral):
         raise TemplateError(
             'Error parsing interrupt {}/{} (cells={}, idx={}): '
             '{} "{}" is not a number'.format(i + 1, num_interrupts,
                                              interrupt_cells, idx,
                                              name, val))
     return val
Esempio n. 5
    def render(self, me, assembly, template, obj_space, cap_space, shmem, kept_symbols, fill_frames,
        context = new_context(me, assembly, obj_space, cap_space,
            shmem, kept_symbols, fill_frames, self.templates, **kwargs)

        t = self.env.get_template(template)
            return t.render(context)
        except TemplateError:
        except Exception as e:
            # Catch and re-cast any other exceptions to allow the runner to
            # handle them as usual and prevent us barfing stack traces when
            # exceptions aren't our fault.
            six.reraise(TemplateError, TemplateError('unhandled exception in '
                'template %s: %s' % (template, e)), sys.exc_info()[2])
Esempio n. 6
def parse_dtb_node_interrupts(node, max_num_interrupts, arch):

    # Interrupts can be described in these formats:
    #   1 value: < id ... >
    #   2 values: < id flags ... >
    #   3 values: < type id flags ...>
    # The proper way to figure out how many value per interrupt are in used is
    # checking the '#interrupt-cells#' property of the interrupt controller.
    # Unfortunately, we don't have the full device tree available here and we
    # lack a nice parser that can do this. So we make some best guesses.

    is_extended_interrupts = False
    interrupts = node.get('interrupts')
    if (interrupts is None):
        # For extended interrupts, the first element is a interrupt controller
        # reference, the following elements are in one of the formats descibed
        # above.
        interrupts = node.get('interrupts_extended')
        if (interrupts is None):
            # No interrupts found
            return []
        is_extended_interrupts = True

    irq_set = []

    # Keep the behavior on ARM as it was before, so we don't break anything by
    # accident. Basically we assume interrupts always have the 3-value-format.
    if is_arch_arm(arch):
        if interrupts is not None:
            if is_extended_interrupts:
                # This looks broken, the algorithm below just skips the first
                # field, but still assumes 3 values per interrupt. It will work
                # if there is just one interrupt, which is usually the case.
                num_interrupts = len(interrupts) // 4
                num_interrupts = len(interrupts) // 3
            if max_num_interrupts != -1 and num_interrupts > max_num_interrupts:
                raise TemplateError(
                    'Device has more than %d interrupts, this is more than we can support.'
                ) % (max_num_interrupts)
            for i in range(0, num_interrupts):
                if is_extended_interrupts:
                    # Same as below, but ignores the first field in the list
                    _trigger = interrupts[i * 3 + 3]
                    _irq = interrupts[i * 3 + 2]
                    _irq_spi = interrupts[i * 3 + 1]
                    _trigger = interrupts[i * 3 + 2]
                    _irq = interrupts[i * 3 + 1]
                    _irq_spi = interrupts[i * 3 + 0]
                if (isinstance(_irq_spi, numbers.Integral)
                        and (_irq_spi == 0)):
                    _irq = _irq + 32
                _trigger = 1 if _trigger < 4 else 0
                irq_set.append({'irq': _irq, 'trigger': _trigger})
        return irq_set

    # For non-ARM architectures (currently that means RISC-V) try using a more
    # generic parsing approach. Actually, the ARM parsing above could also use
    # this, if we give it some more testing that there are no corner cases for
    # existing platforms.
    # The guessing strategy is, that if there are less than 3 values in the
    # interrupt property, we assume that '#interrupt-cells' is 1, otherwise 3.
    # That works, because most peripherals have just 1 interrupt, some can have
    # 2 (e.g. separate for Rx/Tx). Obviously, guessing fails badly for there are
    # more than 2 interrupts in the 1-value-format, but that would have failed
    # before adding this hack also.

    if is_extended_interrupts:
        # Drop the first element with the interrupt controller reference.
        if (len(interrupts) > 1):
            interrupts = interrupts[1:]
            # Seems there are no interrupts.
            return []

    interrupt_cells = 1 if (len(interrupts) < 3) else 3

    # Do a sanity check that the number of elements make sense.
    if (0 != ((len(interrupts) % interrupt_cells))):
        raise TemplateError(
            'Found {} values, but expecting {} per interrupt'.format(
                len(interrupts), interrupt_cells))

    num_interrupts = len(interrupts) // interrupt_cells
    if (max_num_interrupts != -1) and (num_interrupts > max_num_interrupts):
        raise TemplateError(
            'Peripheral has {} interrupts, max. {} are supported'.format(
                num_interrupts, max_num_interrupts))

    irq_set = []

    for i in range(0, num_interrupts):

        def parse_int(offs, name):
            idx = (i * interrupt_cells) + offs
            val = interrupts[idx]
            if not isinstance(val, numbers.Integral):
                raise TemplateError(
                    'Error parsing interrupt {}/{} (cells={}, idx={}): '
                    '{} "{}" is not a number'.format(i + 1, num_interrupts,
                                                     interrupt_cells, idx,
                                                     name, val))
            return val

        offs_irq = 1 if (3 == interrupt_cells) \
            else 0 if (1 == interrupt_cells) \
            else None
        assert (offs_irq is not None)
        irq = parse_int(offs_irq, 'id')

        offs_flags = 2 if (3 == interrupt_cells) else None
        irq_flags = None if offs_flags is None \
            else parse_int(offs_flags, 'trigger')

        offs_spi = 0 if (3 == interrupt_cells) else None
        irq_type = None if offs_spi is None \
            else parse_int(offs_spi, 'type')

        # Process the interrupt details.
        # The 'flags' are defined as:
        #   bit 0: low-to-high edge triggered
        #   bit 1: high-to-low edge triggered
        #   bit 2: active high level-sensitive
        #   bit 3: active low level-sensitive
        #   bits 8 - 15: for PPI interrupts this holds the PPI interrupt
        #                core mask, each bit corresponds to each of the 8
        #                possible core attached to the GIC,a '1' indicates
        #                the interrupt is wired to that core.
        # Assume edge triggered interrupt if no flags are present.
        is_edge_triggered = ((irq_flags is None) or (0 != (irq_flags & 0x3)))

        # The 'type' is only relevant on ARM, for all other architectures we
        # ignore this value.
        #   0: shared peripheral interrupt (SPI) where the actual interrupt
        #      value is 'irq + 32'
        #   1: private peripheral interrupt (PPI)
        is_arm_spi = ((irq_type is not None) and is_arch_arm(arch)
                      and (0 == irq_type))

        # Add an interrupt descriptor to the list.
            'irq': (irq + 32) if is_arm_spi else irq,
            'trigger': 1 if is_edge_triggered else 0

    return irq_set