def trouverChemin(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, _listePointInteret): collisionEntre = self.collider.collisionEntre #local var perf optim startElements = self.pointContenuListe(x1, y1, _listePointInteret) endElements = self.pointContenuListe(x2, y2, _listePointInteret) blockingElements = startElements + list( set(endElements) - set(startElements)) #merge removing duplicates t = time.time() #self.computeElementsCollisonList(_listePointInteret) #print "Init Collisions: " + str(time.time() - t) listePointInteret = sorted( _listePointInteret, key=lambda pointInteret: Ligne("", x1, y1, x1, y1).distanceAvec( pointInteret.forme)) self.resetCollisonLists(listePointInteret) #self.fenetre = None initLine = Ligne("", x1, y1, x2, y2) if self.fenetre: initLine.setCouleur("violet") initLine.dessiner(self.fenetre) pathList = [[initLine]] countTest = 0 tl = time.time() while len(pathList) > 0: #print("{} loop: {}".format(time.time()-tl, countTest)) tl = time.time() countTest += 1 #print(pathList) path = pathList.pop(0) #get firt path if self.fenetre: #self.fenetre.clear() for l in path: l.setCouleur("blue") l.dessiner(self.fenetre) #time.sleep(0.02) ligne = path.pop() #get last line collidePoint = self.enCollisionCarte(ligne, listePointInteret, False) if not collidePoint: path.append(ligne) #print countTest t = time.time() self.simplifierChemin(path, listePointInteret, blockingElements) #print "\tSimplifyPathTime: " + str(time.time() - t) #print "Chemin Simplified len ", len(path) return path else: collidedObjects = [collidePoint] self.computeCollisonList(collidePoint, listePointInteret) collidedObjects += collidePoint.collisionList #find objects coliding current object """for obj in listePointInteret: if obj == collidePoint: continue formeCollidePoint = collidePoint.zoneEvitement.forme if collidePoint.zoneEvitement else collidePoint.forme formeObj = obj.zoneEvitement.forme if obj.zoneEvitement else obj.forme if self.collider.collisionEntre(formeCollidePoint, formeObj): collidedObjects.append(obj)""" points = [] for collidedObj in collidedObjects: #List collided object's points objectPoints = [] forme = collidedObj.zoneEvitement.forme if collidedObj.zoneEvitement else collidedObj.forme #print("colided with {} {}".format(forme.__class__.__name__, collidedObj.nom )) if isinstance(forme, Ligne): objectPoints.append( self.extendLinePoint(forme, forme.x1, forme.y1)) objectPoints.append( self.extendLinePoint(forme, forme.x2, forme.y2)) if isinstance(forme, Rectangle): objectPoints.append( self.extendLinePoint(forme, forme.x1, forme.y1)) objectPoints.append( self.extendLinePoint(forme, forme.x2, forme.y1)) objectPoints.append( self.extendLinePoint(forme, forme.x1, forme.y2)) objectPoints.append( self.extendLinePoint(forme, forme.x2, forme.y2)) if isinstance(forme, Polygone): for p in forme.pointList: objectPoints.append( self.extendLinePoint(forme, p["x"], p["y"])) if isinstance(forme, Cercle): nbpoint = 8 for i in numpy.arange(0, math.pi * 2, math.pi * 2 / (nbpoint + 1)): x = forme.x + forme.rayon * 1. * math.sin(i) y = forme.y + forme.rayon * 1. * math.cos(i) objectPoints.append( self.extendLinePoint(forme, x, y)) """c = Cercle("", x, y, 10, "white") c.dessiner(self.fenetre)""" #Exclude points colliding with direct line for p in objectPoints: #Exclude out of table if p["x"] < 0 or p["x"] > self.largeur or p[ "y"] < 0 or p["y"] > self.longueur: continue #Exclude same point if ligne.x1 == p["x"] and ligne.y1 == p["y"]: continue #Exclude point already in path found = False for l in path: if (l.x1 == p["x"] and l.y1 == p["y"]) or ( l.x2 == p["x"] and l.y2 == p["y"]): found = True break if found: continue #Exculde from collisions directLine = Ligne("", ligne.x1, ligne.y1, p["x"], p["y"]) if collisionEntre(directLine, forme): continue if self.enCollisionCarte(directLine, listePointInteret, False): continue if self.fenetre: c = Cercle("", p["x"], p["y"], 10, "black") c.dessiner(self.fenetre) points.append(p) for p in points: """c = Cercle("", p["x"], p["y"], 10, "orange") c.dessiner(self.fenetre)""" newPath = list(path) newPath.append( Ligne("", ligne.x1, ligne.y1, p["x"], p["y"])) newPath.append( Ligne("", p["x"], p["y"], ligne.x2, ligne.y2)) pathList.append(newPath) #Explore Paths with points #print("points: {}".format(len(points))) #Remove path ending at same point pai = 0 while pai < len(pathList): pa = pathList[pai] #Look if other path reach same line pa_length = 0 stop = False lai = 0 while lai < len(pa) - 1: la = pa[lai] pa_length += la.getlongeur() #look for same line in other path pbi = 0 while pbi < len(pathList): if pai == pbi: pbi += 1 continue pb = pathList[pbi] pb_length = 0 lbi = 0 while lbi < len(pb) - 1: lb = pb[lbi] pb_length += lb.getlongeur() if la.x1 == lb.x1 and la.y1 == lb.y1 and la.x2 == lb.x2 and la.y2 == lb.y2: if pa_length < pb_length: pbi -= 1 pathList.pop(pbi) break else: pathList.pop(pai) pai -= 1 stop = True break lbi += 1 if stop: break pbi += 1 lai += 1 if stop: break pai += 1 shortestPathMap = {} conservedPath = [] """for currentPath in pathList: length = 0 endLine = None for l in range(1, len(currentPath)): if l == len(currentPath)-1: endLine = currentPath[l] else: length += currentPath[l].getlongeur() if not endLine: conservedPath.append(currentPath) continue x = endLine.x1 y = endLine.y1 key = str(x)+","+str(y) if (key in shortestPathMap and shortestPathMap[key]["length"] > length) or not key in shortestPathMap: shortestPathMap[key] = {"length": length, "path": currentPath} for key, noeud in shortestPathMap.iteritems(): conservedPath.append(noeud["path"]) pathList = conservedPath""" return [] """
def trouverChemin(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, _listePointInteret): self.graph.nettoyer() #Point contained in objects startElements = self.pointContenuListe(x1, y1, _listePointInteret) endElements = self.pointContenuListe(x2, y2, _listePointInteret) blockingElements = startElements + list( set(endElements) - set(startElements)) #merge removing duplicates notBlockingElements = list( set(_listePointInteret) - set(blockingElements)) directLine = Ligne("", x1, y1, x2, y2) if not self.enCollisionCarte(directLine, notBlockingElements): return [directLine] elif self.fenetre: directLine.setCouleur("violet") directLine.dessiner(self.fenetre) startNode = self.graph.trouverPointProche(x1, y1) endNode = self.graph.trouverPointProche(x2, y2) if startNode == None or endNode == None: print "Start or end node not found" return None listnoeud = deque() listnoeud.append(startNode) self.graph.marquer(startNode) while len(listnoeud) > 0: currentNode = listnoeud.popleft() if currentNode == endNode: break for noeud in self.graph.getVoisin(currentNode): if not self.graph.estMaquer(noeud): addNode = True if len(noeud.colisionObject) != 0: for elem in noeud.colisionObject: if not elem in blockingElements: self.graph.marquer(noeud) addNode = False break if (addNode): self.graph.setPere(noeud, currentNode) self.graph.marquer(noeud) listnoeud.append(noeud) listPoint = [] lastNode = endNode currentNode = self.graph.getPere(endNode) if currentNode == None: pass elif self.graph.getPere(currentNode) == None: #from endNode listPoint.append([x2, y2]) #trip listPoint.append([lastNode.x, lastNode.y]) listPoint.append([currentNode.x, currentNode.y]) #to startNode listPoint.append([x1, y1]) else: #from endNode listPoint.append([x2, y2]) listPoint.append([lastNode.x, lastNode.y]) #trip while self.graph.getPere(currentNode) != None: listPoint.append([currentNode.x, currentNode.y]) currentNode = self.graph.getPere(currentNode) # to startNode listPoint.append([x1, y1]) tmpList = list(_listePointInteret) for elem in blockingElements: try: tmpList.remove(elem) except ValueError: print "ChercheurChemin Err:" + elem.nom #shouldn't pop anymore listPoint.reverse() listChemin = [] for i in range(1, len(listPoint)): p1 = listPoint[i - 1] p2 = listPoint[i] line = Ligne("", p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1]) listChemin.append(line) print "Chemin len ", len(listChemin) self.simplifierChemin(listChemin, tmpList) print "Chemin Simplified len ", len(listChemin) return listChemin