Esempio n. 1
    def set_path(self, path, r2r=False):
        """Define an analytic expression of the geometric path.

        Note: The path must be defined as a function of self.s[0].

            path (list of SXMatrix): An expression of the geometric path as
                a function of self.s[0]. Its dimension must equal self.sys.ny
            r2r (boolean): Reparameterize path such that a rest to rest
                transition is performed

            >>> S = FlatSystem(2, 4)
            >>> P = PathFollowing(S)
            >>> P.set_path([P.s[0], P.s[0]])
        if isinstance(path, list):
            path = cas.vertcat(path)
        if r2r:
            path = cas.substitute(path, self.s[0], self._r2r())
        self.path[:, 0] = path
        dot_s = cas.vertcat([self.s[1:], 0])
        for i in range(1, self.sys.order + 1):
            self.path[:, i] = cas.mul(
                cas.jacobian(self.path[:, i - 1], self.s), dot_s)
Esempio n. 2
    def _simulate_with_casadi_no_inputs(self, initcon, tsim, integrator,
        # Old way (10 times faster, but can't incorporate time
        # varying parameters/controls)
        xalltemp = [self._templatemap[i] for i in self._diffvars]
        xall = casadi.vertcat(*xalltemp)

        odealltemp = [convert_pyomo2casadi(self._rhsdict[i])
                      for i in self._derivlist]
        odeall = casadi.vertcat(*odealltemp)
        dae = {'x': xall, 'ode': odeall}

        if len(self._algvars) != 0:
            zalltemp = [self._templatemap[i] for i in self._simalgvars]
            zall = casadi.vertcat(*zalltemp)

            algalltemp = [convert_pyomo2casadi(i) for i in self._alglist]
            algall = casadi.vertcat(*algalltemp)
            dae['z'] = zall
            dae['alg'] = algall

        integrator_options['grid'] = tsim
        integrator_options['output_t0'] = True
        F = casadi.integrator('F', integrator, dae, integrator_options)
        sol = F(x0=initcon)
        profile = sol['xf'].full().T

        if len(self._algvars) != 0:
            algprofile = sol['zf'].full().T
            profile = np.concatenate((profile, algprofile), axis=1)

        return [tsim, profile]
Esempio n. 3
def pendulum_model():
    """ Nonlinear inverse pendulum model. """
    M = 1    # mass of the cart [kg]
    m = 0.1  # mass of the ball [kg]
    g = 9.81 # gravity constant [m/s^2]
    l = 0.8  # length of the rod [m]

    p = SX.sym('p')         # horizontal displacement [m]
    theta = SX.sym('theta') # angle with the vertical [rad]
    v = SX.sym('v')         # horizontal velocity [m/s]
    omega = SX.sym('omega') # angular velocity [rad/s]
    F = SX.sym('F')         # horizontal force [N]

    ode_rhs = vertcat(v,
                      (- l*m*sin(theta)*omega**2 + F + g*m*cos(theta)*sin(theta))/(M + m - m*cos(theta)**2),
                      (- l*m*cos(theta)*sin(theta)*omega**2 + F*cos(theta) + g*m*sin(theta) + M*g*sin(theta))/(l*(M + m - m*cos(theta)**2)))

    nx = 4
    # for IRK
    xdot = SX.sym('xdot', nx, 1)
    z = SX.sym('z',0,1)
    return (Function('pendulum', [vertcat(p, theta, v, omega), F], [ode_rhs], ['x', 'u'], ['xdot']),
            nx, # number of states
            1,  # number of controls
            Function('impl_pendulum', [vertcat(p, theta, v, omega), F, xdot, z], [ode_rhs-xdot],
                                    ['x', 'u','xdot','z'], ['rhs']))
Esempio n. 4
    def exitEquation(self, tree):

        if isinstance(tree.left, list):
            src_left = ca.vertcat(*[self.get_mx(c) for c in tree.left])
            src_left = self.get_mx(tree.left)

        if isinstance(tree.right, list):
            src_right = ca.vertcat(*[self.get_mx(c) for c in tree.right])
            src_right = self.get_mx(tree.right)

        src_left = ca.MX(src_left)
        src_right = ca.MX(src_right)

        # According to the Modelica spec,
        # "It is possible to omit left hand side component references and/or truncate the left hand side list in order to discard outputs from a function call."
        if isinstance(tree.right, ast.Expression) and tree.right.operator in self.root.classes:
            if src_left.size1() < src_right.size1():
                src_right = src_right[0:src_left.size1()]
        if isinstance(tree.left, ast.Expression) and tree.left.operator in self.root.classes:
            if src_left.size1() > src_right.size1():
                src_left = src_left[0:src_right.size1()]

        # If dimensions between the lhs and rhs do not match, but the dimensions of lhs
        # and transposed rhs do match, transpose the rhs.
        if src_left.shape != src_right.shape and src_left.shape == src_right.shape[::-1]:
            src_right = ca.transpose(src_right)

        self.src[tree] = src_left - src_right
Esempio n. 5
def compute_mass_matrix(dae, conf, f1, f2, f3, t1, t2, t3):
    take the dae that has x/z/u/p added to it already and return
    the states added to it and return mass matrix and rhs of the dae residual

    R_b2n = dae['R_n2b'].T
    r_n2b_n = C.veccat([dae['r_n2b_n_x'], dae['r_n2b_n_y'], dae['r_n2b_n_z']])
    r_b2bridle_b = C.veccat([0,0,conf['zt']])
    v_bn_n = C.veccat([dae['v_bn_n_x'],dae['v_bn_n_y'],dae['v_bn_n_z']])

    r_n2bridle_n = r_n2b_n + C.mul(R_b2n, r_b2bridle_b)

    mm00 = C.diag([1,1,1]) * (conf['mass'] + conf['tether_mass']/3.0)
    mm01 = C.SXMatrix(3,3)
    mm10 = mm01.T
    mm02 = r_n2bridle_n
    mm20 = mm02.T
    J = C.vertcat([C.horzcat([ conf['j1'],          0, conf['j31']]),
                   C.horzcat([          0, conf['j2'],           0]),
                   C.horzcat([conf['j31'],          0,  conf['j3']])])
    mm11 = J
    mm12 = C.cross(r_b2bridle_b, C.mul(dae['R_n2b'], r_n2b_n))
    mm21 = mm12.T
    mm22 = C.SXMatrix(1,1)

    mm = C.vertcat([C.horzcat([mm00,mm01,mm02]),

    # right hand side
    rhs0 = C.veccat([f1,f2,f3 + conf['g']*(conf['mass'] + conf['tether_mass']*0.5)])
    rhs1 = C.veccat([t1,t2,t3]) - C.cross(dae['w_bn_b'], C.mul(J, dae['w_bn_b']))

    # last element of RHS
    R_n2b = dae['R_n2b']
    w_bn_b = dae['w_bn_b']
    grad_r_cdot = v_bn_n + C.mul(R_b2n, C.cross(dae['w_bn_b'], r_b2bridle_b))
    tPR = - C.cross(C.mul(R_n2b, r_n2b_n), C.cross(w_bn_b, r_b2bridle_b)) - \
          C.cross(C.mul(R_n2b, v_bn_n), r_b2bridle_b)
    rhs2 = -C.mul(grad_r_cdot.T, v_bn_n) - C.mul(tPR.T, w_bn_b) + dae['dr']**2 + dae['r']*dae['ddr']

    rhs = C.veccat([rhs0,rhs1,rhs2])

    c = 0.5*(C.mul(r_n2bridle_n.T, r_n2bridle_n) - dae['r']**2)
    v_bridlen_n = v_bn_n + C.mul(R_b2n, C.cross(w_bn_b, r_b2bridle_b))
    cdot = C.mul(r_n2bridle_n.T, v_bridlen_n) - dae['r']*dae['dr']

    a_bn_n = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['v_bn_n_x','v_bn_n_y','v_bn_n_z']])
    dw_bn_b = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['w_bn_b_x','w_bn_b_y','w_bn_b_z']])
    a_bridlen_n = a_bn_n + C.mul(R_b2n, C.cross(dw_bn_b, r_b2bridle_b) + C.cross(w_bn_b, C.cross(w_bn_b, r_b2bridle_b)))
    cddot = C.mul(v_bridlen_n.T, v_bridlen_n) + C.mul(r_n2bridle_n.T, a_bridlen_n) - \
            dae['dr']**2 - dae['r']*dae['ddr']

    dae['c'] = c
    dae['cdot'] = cdot
    dae['cddot'] = cddot

    return (mm, rhs)
Esempio n. 6
    def get_derivative(self, s):

        # Case 1: s is a constant, e.g. MX(5)
        if ca.MX(s).is_constant():
            return 0

        # Case 2: s is a symbol, e.g. MX(x)
        elif s.is_symbolic():
            if not in self.derivative:
                if len(self.for_loops) > 0 and s in self.for_loops[-1].indexed_symbols:
                    # Create a new indexed symbol, referencing to the for loop index inside the vector derivative symbol.
                    for_loop_symbol = self.for_loops[-1].indexed_symbols[s]
                    s_without_index = self.get_mx(ast.ComponentRef(
                    der_s_without_index = self.get_derivative(s_without_index)
                    if ca.MX(der_s_without_index).is_symbolic():
                        return self.get_indexed_symbol(ast.ComponentRef(, indices=for_loop_symbol.tree.indices), der_s_without_index)
                        return 0
                    der_s = _new_mx("der({})".format(, s.size())
                    # If the derivative contains an expression (e.g. der(x + y)) this method is
                    # called with MX variables that are the result of a ca.symvar call. This
                    # ca.symvar call strips the _modelica_shape field from the MX variable,
                    # therefore we need to find the original MX to get the modelica shape.
                    der_s._modelica_shape = \
                    self.derivative[] = der_s
                    self.nodes[self.current_class][] = der_s
                    return der_s
                return self.derivative[]

        # Case 3: s is an already indexed symbol, e.g. MX(x[1])
        elif s.is_op(ca.OP_GETNONZEROS) and s.dep().is_symbolic():
            slice_info =['slice']
            dep = s.dep()
            if not in self.derivative:
                der_dep = _new_mx("der({})".format(, dep.size())
                der_dep._modelica_shape = \
                self.derivative[] = der_dep
                self.nodes[self.current_class][] = der_dep
                return der_dep[slice_info['start']:slice_info['stop']:slice_info['step']]
                return self.derivative[][slice_info['start']:slice_info['stop']:slice_info['step']]

        # Case 4: s is an expression that requires differentiation, e.g. MX(x2 * x2)
        # Need to do this sort of expansion: der(x1 * x2) = der(x1) * x2 + x1 * der(x2)
            # Differentiate expression using CasADi
            orig_deps = ca.symvar(s)
            deps = ca.vertcat(*orig_deps)
            J = ca.Function('J', [deps], [ca.jacobian(s, deps)])
            J_sparsity = J.sparsity_out(0)
            der_deps = [self.get_derivative(dep) if J_sparsity.has_nz(0, j) else ca.DM.zeros(dep.size()) for j, dep in enumerate(orig_deps)]
            return ca.mtimes(J(deps), ca.vertcat(*der_deps))
Esempio n. 7
    def _stateDictToVec(self, stateDict):
        stateList = [stateDict[s] for s in self.states]

        # concatanate and return appropriate type
        if isinstance(stateList[0], C.MX): # MX
            return C.vertcat(stateList)
        elif isinstance(stateList[0], C.SX): # SX
           return C.vertcat(stateList)
        else: # numpy array
            return np.concatenate(stateList, axis=0)
Esempio n. 8
 def construct_upd_z(self, problem=None, lineq_updz=True):
     if problem is not None:
         self.problem_upd_z = problem
         self._lineq_updz = lineq_updz
         return 0.
     # check if we have linear equality constraints
     self._lineq_updz, A, b = self._check_for_lineq()
     if not self._lineq_updz:
         raise ValueError('For now, only equality constrained QP ' +
                          'z-updates are allowed!')
     x_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     x_j = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     l_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     l_ij = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     t = MX.sym('t')
     T = MX.sym('T')
     rho = MX.sym('rho')
     par = struct_symMX(self.par_global_struct)
     inp = [,,,, t, T, rho,]
     t0 = t/T
     # put symbols in MX structs (necessary for transformation)
     x_i = self.q_i_struct(x_i)
     x_j = self.q_ij_struct(x_j)
     l_i = self.q_i_struct(l_i)
     l_ij = self.q_ij_struct(l_ij)
     # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline([x_i, l_i], tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline([x_j, l_ij], tf, self.q_ij)
     # fill in parameters
     A = A(
     b = b(
     # build KKT system and solve it via schur complement method
     l, x = vertcat(,, vertcat(,
     f = -(l + rho*x)
     G = -(1/rho)*mtimes(A, A.T)
     h = b + (1/rho)*mtimes(A, f)
     mu = solve(G, h)
     z = -(1/rho)*(mtimes(A.T, mu)+f)
     l_qi = self.q_i_struct.shape[0]
     l_qij = self.q_ij_struct.shape[0]
     z_i_new = self.q_i_struct(z[:l_qi])
     z_ij_new = self.q_ij_struct(z[l_qi:l_qi+l_qij])
     # transform back
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_bwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline(z_i_new, tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline(z_ij_new, tf, self.q_ij)
     out = [,]
     # create problem
     prob, buildtime = create_function('upd_z_'+str(self._index), inp, out, self.options)
     self.problem_upd_z = prob
     return buildtime
Esempio n. 9
def split_dae_alg(eqs: SYM, dx: SYM) -> Dict[str, SYM]:
    """Split equations into differential algebraic and algebraic only"""
    dae = []
    alg = []
    for eq in ca.vertsplit(eqs):
        if ca.depends_on(eq, dx):
    return {
        'dae': ca.vertcat(*dae),
        'alg': ca.vertcat(*alg)
Esempio n. 10
    def solve(self):
        define extra variables

        homotopy parameters >= 0!!
        if not self.prob['s']:
        N = self.options['N']
        Nc = self.options['Nc']
        self.prob['vars'] = [cas.ssym("b", N + 1, self.sys.order),
                             cas.ssym("h", Nc, self.h.size1())]
        # Vectorize variables
        V = cas.vertcat([
        con = cas.SXFunction([V], [self.prob['con'][0]])
        obj = cas.SXFunction([V], [self.prob['obj']])
        if self.options.get('solver') == 'Ipopt':
            solver = cas.IpoptSolver(obj, con)
            print """Other solver than Ipopt are currently not supported,
            switching to Ipopt"""
            solver = cas.IpoptSolver(obj, con)
        for option, value in self.options.iteritems():
            if solver.hasOption(option):
                solver.setOption(option, value)
        # Setting constraints
        solver.setInput(cas.vertcat(self.prob['con'][1]), "lbg")
        solver.setInput(cas.vertcat(self.prob['con'][2]), "ubg")
                [np.inf] * self.sys.order * (N + 1),
                [1] * self.h.size1() * Nc
                ]), "ubx"
                [0] * (N + 1),
                [-np.inf] * (self.sys.order - 1) * (N + 1),
                [0] * self.h.size1() * Nc
                ]), "lbx"
        self.prob['solver'] = solver
Esempio n. 11
def makeModel(conf, propertiesDir = '../properties'):
    print "\n#### File '%s' is old. It does not use the NED convention you should use carouselModel in offline_mhe_stuff instead.\n" \
           % inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())
    #input("Press Enter if you wish to continue...")
    dae = rawe.models.carousel(conf)
    (xDotSol, zSol) = dae.solveForXDotAndZ()
    ddp = C.vertcat([xDotSol['dx'],xDotSol['dy'],xDotSol['dz']])
    ddt_w_bn_b  = C.vertcat([xDotSol['w_bn_b_x'],xDotSol['w_bn_b_y'],xDotSol['w_bn_b_z']])
    x =   dae['x']
    y =   dae['y']

    dx  =  dae['dx']
    dy  =  dae['dy']

    ddelta = dae['ddelta']
    dddelta = xDotSol['ddelta']

    R = C.veccat( [dae[n] for n in ['e11', 'e12', 'e13',
                                    'e21', 'e22', 'e23',
                                    'e31', 'e32', 'e33']]

    rA = conf['rArm']
    g = conf['g']
    pIMU = C.DMatrix(np.loadtxt(os.path.join(propertiesDir,'IMU/pIMU.dat')))
    RIMU = C.DMatrix(np.loadtxt(os.path.join(propertiesDir,'IMU/RIMU.dat')))
    ddpIMU = C.mul(R.T,ddp) - ddelta**2*C.mul(R.T,C.vertcat([x+rA,y,0])) + 2*ddelta*C.mul(R.T,C.vertcat([-dy,dx,0])) + dddelta*C.mul(R.T,C.vertcat([-y,x+rA,0])) + C.mul(R.T,C.vertcat([0,0,g]))
    aBridle = C.cross(ddt_w_bn_b,pIMU)
    dae['IMU_acceleration'] = C.mul(RIMU,ddpIMU+aBridle)
    dae['IMU_angular_velocity'] = C.mul(RIMU,dae['w_bn_b'])

    camConf = {'PdatC1':C.DMatrix(np.loadtxt(os.path.join(propertiesDir,'cameras/PC1.dat'))),
    dae['marker_positions'] = camModel.fullCamModel(dae,camConf)

    dae['ConstR1'] = dae['e11']*dae['e11'] + dae['e12']*dae['e12'] + dae['e13']*dae['e13'] - 1
    dae['ConstR2'] = dae['e11']*dae['e21'] + dae['e12']*dae['e22'] + dae['e13']*dae['e23']
    dae['ConstR3'] = dae['e11']*dae['e31'] + dae['e12']*dae['e32'] + dae['e13']*dae['e33']
    dae['ConstR4'] = dae['e21']*dae['e21'] + dae['e22']*dae['e22'] + dae['e23']*dae['e23'] - 1
    dae['ConstR5'] = dae['e21']*dae['e31'] + dae['e22']*dae['e32'] + dae['e23']*dae['e33']
    dae['ConstR6'] = dae['e31']*dae['e31'] + dae['e32']*dae['e32'] + dae['e33']*dae['e33'] - 1
    #dae['ConstDelta'] = dae['cos_delta']*dae['cos_delta'] + dae['sin_delta']*dae['sin_delta'] - 1
    dae['ConstDelta'] = ( dae['cos_delta']**2 + dae['sin_delta']**2 - 1 )

    return dae
Esempio n. 12
 def construct_upd_z(self):
     # check if we have linear equality constraints
     self._lineq_updz, A, b = self._check_for_lineq()
     if not self._lineq_updz:
     x_i = struct_symSX(self.q_i_struct)
     x_j = struct_symSX(self.q_ij_struct)
     l_i = struct_symSX(self.q_i_struct)
     l_ij = struct_symSX(self.q_ij_struct)
     t = SX.sym('t')
     T = SX.sym('T')
     rho = SX.sym('rho')
     par = struct_symSX(self.par_struct)
     inp = [,,,, t, T, rho,]
     t0 = t/T
     # put symbols in SX structs (necessary for transformation)
     x_i = self.q_i_struct(x_i)
     x_j = self.q_ij_struct(x_j)
     l_i = self.q_i_struct(l_i)
     l_ij = self.q_ij_struct(l_ij)
     # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline([x_i, l_i], tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline([x_j, l_ij], tf, self.q_ij)
     # fill in parameters
     A = A([par])[0]
     b = b([par])[0]
     # build KKT system
     E = rho*SX.eye(A.shape[1])
     l, x = vertcat([,]), vertcat([,])
     f = -(l + rho*x)
     G = vertcat([horzcat([E, A.T]),
                  horzcat([A, SX.zeros(A.shape[0], A.shape[0])])])
     h = vertcat([-f, b])
     z = solve(G, h)
     l_qi = self.q_i_struct.shape[0]
     l_qij = self.q_ij_struct.shape[0]
     z_i_new = self.q_i_struct(z[:l_qi])
     z_ij_new = self.q_ij_struct(z[l_qi:l_qi+l_qij])
     # transform back
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_bwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline(z_i_new, tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline(z_ij_new, tf, self.q_ij)
     out = [,]
     # create problem
     prob, compile_time = self.father.create_function(
         'upd_z', inp, out, self.options)
     self.problem_upd_z = prob
Esempio n. 13
    def set_data(self, data, weights=None):
        """ Attach experimental measurement data.

        data : a pd.DataFrame object
            Data should have columns corresponding to the state labels in
            self.boundary_species, with an index corresponding to the measurement


        # Should raise an error if no state name is present
        df = data.loc[:, self.boundary_species]

        # Rename columns with state indicies
        df.columns = np.arange(self.nx)

        # Remove empty (nonmeasured) states = df.loc[:, ~pd.isnull(df).all(0)]

        if weights is None:
            weights =

        obj_list = []
        for ((ti, state), xi) in
            obj_list += [(self._get_interp(ti, [state]) - xi) / weights[state]]

        obj_resid = cs.sum_square(cs.vertcat(obj_list))
        self.objective_sx += obj_resid
Esempio n. 14
def create_plan_fc(b0, N_sim):
    # Degrees of freedom for the optimizer
    V = cat.struct_symSX([
    # Objective function
    m_bN = V['X',N_sim,'m',ca.veccat,['x_b','y_b']]
    m_cN = V['X',N_sim,'m',ca.veccat,['x_c','y_c']]
    dm_bc = m_bN - m_cN
    J = 1e2 * ca.mul(dm_bc.T, dm_bc) # m_cN -> m_bN
    J += 1e-1 * ca.trace(V['X',N_sim,'S']) # Sigma -> 0
    # Regularize controls
    J += 1e-2 * ca.sum_square(ca.veccat(V['U'])) * dt # prevent bang-bang
    # Multiple shooting constraints and running costs
    g = []
    for k in range(N_sim):
        # Multiple shooting
        [x_next] = BF([V['X',k], V['U',k]])
        g.append(x_next - V['X',k+1])
        # Penalize uncertainty
        J += 1e-1 * ca.trace(V['X',k,'S']) * dt
    g = ca.vertcat(g)
    # log-probability, doesn't work with full collocation
    #Sb = V['X',N_sim,'S',['x_b','y_b'], ['x_b','y_b']]
    #J += ca.mul([ dm_bc.T, ca.inv(Sb + 1e-8 * ca.SX.eye(2)), dm_bc ]) + \
    #     ca.log(ca.det(Sb + 1e-8 * ca.SX.eye(2)))
    # Formulate the NLP
    nlp = ca.SXFunction('nlp', ca.nlpIn(x=V), ca.nlpOut(f=J,g=g))
    # Create solver
    opts = {}
    opts['linear_solver'] = 'ma97'
    #opts['hessian_approximation'] = 'limited-memory'
    solver = ca.NlpSolver('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, opts)
    # Define box constraints
    lbx = V(-ca.inf)
    ubx = V(ca.inf)
    # 0 <= v <= v_max
    lbx['U',:,'v'] = 0; ubx['U',:,'v'] = v_max
    # -w_max <= w <= w_max
    lbx['U',:,'w'] = -w_max; ubx['U',:,'w'] = w_max
    # m(t=0) = m0
    lbx['X',0,'m'] = ubx['X',0,'m'] = b0['m']
    # S(t=0) = S0
    lbx['X',0,'S'] = ubx['X',0,'S'] = b0['S']
    # Solve the NLP
    sol = solver(x0=0, lbg=0, ubg=0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx)
    return V(sol['x'])
Esempio n. 15
    def solve(self):
        """Solve the optimal control problem

        solve() first check for steady state feasibility and defines the
        optimal control problem. After solving, the instance variable sol can
        be used to examine the solution.

        TODO: Add support for other solvers
        TODO: version bump
        if len(self.prob['s']) == 0:
        # Check feasibility
        # self.check_ss_feasibility()
        # Construct optimization problem
        self.prob['solver'] = None
        N = self.options['N']
        self.prob['vars'] = cas.ssym("b", N + 1, self.sys.order)
        V = cas.vec(self.prob['vars'])

        con = cas.SXFunction([V], [self.prob['con'][0]])
        obj = cas.SXFunction([V], [self.prob['obj']])
        if self.options.get('solver') == 'Ipopt':
            solver = cas.IpoptSolver(obj, con)
            print """Other solver than Ipopt are currently not supported,
            switching to Ipopt"""
            solver = cas.IpoptSolver(obj, con)
        for option, value in self.options.iteritems():
            if solver.hasOption(option):
                solver.setOption(option, value)
        # Setting constraints
        solver.setInput(cas.vertcat(self.prob['con'][1]), "lbg")
        solver.setInput(cas.vertcat(self.prob['con'][2]), "ubg")
        solver.setInput([np.inf] * self.sys.order * (N + 1), "ubx")
                [0] * (N + 1),
                (self.sys.order - 1) * (N + 1) * [-np.inf])),

        self.prob['solver'] = solver
Esempio n. 16
    def setUp(self):

        # System

        self.x = ca.MX.sym("x", 2)
        self.p = ca.MX.sym("p", 2)
        self.u = ca.MX.sym("u", 0)

        # self.v = ca.MX.sym("v", 2)
        self.eps_e = ca.MX.sym("eps_e", 2)

        self.f = ca.vertcat( \
            [-1.0 * self.x[0] + self.p[0] * self.x[0] * self.x[1], 
            1.0 * self.x[1] - self.p[1] * self.x[0] * self.x[1]]) + \

        self.phi = self.x

        self.odesys = = self.x, u = self.u, \
            p = self.p, eps_e = self.eps_e, f = self.f, phi = self.phi)

        # Inputs

        data = np.array(np.loadtxt("test/data_lotka_volterra.txt"))

        self.tu = data[:, 0]

        self.invalidpargs = [[0, 1, 2], [[2, 3], [2, 3]], \
            np.asarray([1, 2, 3]), np.asarray([[2, 3], [2, 3]])]
        self.validpargs = [None, [2, 3], np.asarray([3, 4]), \
            np.asarray([1, 2]).T, np.asarray([[2], [3]])]

        self.invalidxargs = [np.ones((self.x.size() - 1, self.tu.size)), \
            np.ones((self.tu.size - 1, self.x.size()))]
        self.validxargs = [None, np.ones((self.x.size(), self.tu.size)), \
            np.ones((self.tu.size, self.x.size()))]

        # Since the supported values are never used, there is no case of
        # invalid u-arguments in this testcase

        self.invaliduargs = []
        self.validuargs = [None, [], [1, 2, 3]]

        # -- TODO! --
        # None of the checks will detect an invalidxpvbarg of
        # [[2, 1], [3]], since shape and size both fit.
        # --> How to check for this?

        self.yN = data[:, 1::2]
        self.wv = 1.0 / data[:, 2::2]**2
        self.uN = None
        self.weps_e = [1.0 / 1e-4, 1.0 / 1e-4]
        self.weps_u = [None]

        self.pinit = [0.5, 1.0]

        self.xinit = self.yN

        self.phat = np.atleast_2d([0.69348187, 0.34116928]).T
 def getFourierDcm(vars):
     return C.vertcat(
             C.horzcat([vars["e11"], vars["e12"], vars["e13"]]),
             C.horzcat([vars["e21"], vars["e22"], vars["e23"]]),
             C.horzcat([vars["e31"], vars["e32"], vars["e33"]]),
Esempio n. 18
    def _set_objective_from_data(self, data, weights):

        obj_list = []
        for ((ti, state), xi) in data.stack().iteritems():
            obj_list += [(self._get_interp(ti, [state]) - xi) / weights[state]]

        obj_resid = cs.sum_square(cs.vertcat(obj_list))
        self.objective_sx += obj_resid
Esempio n. 19
def chen_model():
    """ The following ODE model comes from Chen1998. """
    nx, nu = (2, 1)
    x = SX.sym('x', nx)
    u = SX.sym('u', nu)
    mu = 0.5
    rhs = vertcat(x[1] + u*(mu + (1.-mu)*x[0]), x[0] + u*(mu - 4.*(1.-mu)*x[1]))
    return Function('chen', [x, u], [rhs]), nx, nu
Esempio n. 20
def casadi_struct2vec(s):
  flat = []
  if isinstance(s,OrderedDict):
    for f in s.keys():
    return C.vertcat(flat)
    return C.vec(s)
    def setUp(self):

        self.x = ca.MX.sym("x", 4)
        self.p = ca.MX.sym("p", 6)
        self.u = ca.MX.sym("u", 2)

        self.f = ca.vertcat( \

            [self.x[3] * np.cos(self.x[2] + self.p[0] * self.u[0]),

            self.x[3] * np.sin(self.x[2] + self.p[0] * self.u[0]),

            self.x[3] * self.u[0] * self.p[1],

            self.p[2] * self.u[1] \
                - self.p[3] * self.u[1] * self.x[3] \
                - self.p[4] * self.x[3]**2 \
                - self.p[5] \
                - (self.x[3] * self.u[0])**2 * self.p[1] * self.p[0]])

        self.phi = self.x

        data = np.array(np.loadtxt("test/data_2d_vehicle_pe.dat", \
            delimiter = ", ", skiprows = 1))

        self.time_points = data[100:250, 1]

        self.ydata = data[100:250, [2, 4, 6, 8]]
        self.udata = data[100:249, [9, 10]]

        self.pinit =[0.5, 17.06, 12.0, 2.17, 0.1, 0.6]

        self.xinit = self.ydata
        self.phat = np.atleast_2d( \
            [0.200652, 11.6528, -26.2501, -74.1967, 16.8705, -1.80125]).T

        self.covariance_matrix = np.loadtxt( \
            "test/covariance_matrix_2d_vehicle_pe.txt", delimiter=",")

        self.time_points_doe = data[200:205, 1]

        self.ydata_doe = data[200:205, [2, 4, 6, 8]]
        self.uinit_doe = data[200:205, [9, 10]][:-1, :]

        self.pdata_doe = [0.273408, 11.5602, 2.45652, 7.90959, -0.44353, -0.249098]

        self.umin_doe = [-0.436332, -0.3216]
        self.umax_doe = [0.436332, 1.0]

        self.xmin_doe = [-0.787, -1.531, -12.614, 0.0]
        self.xmax_doe = [1.2390, 0.014, 0.013, 0.7102]

        self.design_results = np.atleast_2d( \
Esempio n. 22
    def exitIfEquation(self, tree):

        # Check if every equation block contains the same number of equations
        if len(set((len(x) for x in tree.blocks))) != 1:
            raise Exception("Every branch in an if-equation needs the same number of equations.")

        # NOTE: We currently assume that we always have an else-clause. This
        # is not strictly necessary, see the Modelica Spec on if equations.
        assert tree.conditions[-1] == True

        src = ca.vertcat(*[self.get_mx(e) for e in tree.blocks[-1]])

        for cond_index in range(1, len(tree.conditions)):
            cond = self.get_mx(tree.conditions[-(cond_index + 1)])
            expr1 = ca.vertcat(*[self.get_mx(e) for e in tree.blocks[-(cond_index + 1)]])
            src = ca.if_else(cond, expr1, src, True)

        self.src[tree] = src
Esempio n. 23
def skew_mat(xyz):
    return the skew symmetrix matrix of a 3-vector
    x = xyz[0]
    y = xyz[1]
    z = xyz[2]
    return C.vertcat([C.horzcat([ 0, -z,  y]),
                      C.horzcat([ z,  0, -x]),
                      C.horzcat([-y,  x,  0])])
Esempio n. 24
    def _get_solution(self):
        """Get the solution from the solver output

        Fills the dictionary self.sol with the information:
            * 's': The optimal s as a function of time
            * 't': The time vector
            * 'states': Numerical values of the states defined in self.sys

        TODO: perform accurate integration to determine time
        TODO: Do exact interpolation
        solver = self.prob['solver']
        N = self.options['N']
        x_opt = np.array(solver.getOutput("x")).ravel()
        b_opt = np.reshape(x_opt, (N + 1, -1), order='F')
        self.sol['b'] = b_opt

        # Determine time on a sufficiently fine spatial grid
        s0 = np.linspace(0, 1, 1001)
        delta = s0[1] - s0[0]

        pieces = [lambda s, b=b_opt, ss=ss, j=j:
                  sum([bb * (s - ss) ** i / fact[i]
                       for i, bb in enumerate(b[j])])
                  for j, ss in enumerate(self.prob['s'][:-1])]
        conds = lambda s0: [np.logical_and(self.prob['s'][i] <= s0,
                                           s0 <= self.prob['s'][i+1])
                            for i in range(N)]
        b0_opt = np.piecewise(s0, conds(s0), pieces)
        b0_opt[b0_opt < 0] = 0
        time = np.cumsum(np.hstack([0, 2 * delta / (np.sqrt(b0_opt[:-1]) +

        # Resample to constant time-grid
        t = np.arange(time[0], time[-1], self.options['Ts'])
        st = np.interp(t, time, s0)
        # Evaluate solution on equidistant time grid
        b_opt = np.c_[[np.piecewise(st, conds(st), pieces, b=b_opt[:, i:])
                       for i in range(self.sys.order)]].T
        st = np.matrix(st)

        # Determine s and derivatives from b_opt
        b, Ds = self._make_path()[1:]
        Ds_f = cas.SXFunction([b], [Ds])  # derivatives of s wrt b
        s_opt = np.hstack((st.T, np.array([evalf(Ds_f, bb).toArray().ravel()
                                          for bb in b_opt])))
        self.sol['s'] = np.asarray(s_opt)
        self.sol['t'] = t
        # Evaluate the states
        f = cas.SXFunction([self.s], [cas.substitute(cas.vertcat(self.sys.x.values()),
                                           self.sys.y, self.path)])
        f_val = np.array([evalf(f, s.T).toArray().ravel() for s in s_opt])
        self.sol['states'] = dict([(k, f_val[:, i]) for i, k in
Esempio n. 25
    def init(self, horizon_times=None):
        if self.options['spline_traj'] == False:
            # pos, vel, acc
            x = self.define_parameter('x', self.n_dim)
            v = self.define_parameter('v', self.n_dim)
            a = self.define_parameter('a', self.n_dim)
            # pos, vel, acc at time zero of time horizon
            self.t = self.define_symbol('t')
            # motion time can be passed from environment
            if horizon_times is None:
                self.T = self.define_symbol('T')
            elif not isinstance(horizon_times, list):
                horizon_times = [horizon_times]
            v0 = v - self.t*a
            x0 = x - self.t*v0 - 0.5*(self.t**2)*a
            a0 = a

            if horizon_times:  # not None
                # build up pos_spline gradually, e.g. the pos_spline for second segment starts at
                # end position for first segment (pos0(1))
                pos0 = x0
                self.pos_spline = [0]*self.n_dim
                for horizon_time in horizon_times:
                    for k in range(self.n_dim):
                        self.pos_spline[k] = BSpline(self.basis, vertcat(pos0[k], 0.5*v0[k]*horizon_time + pos0[k], pos0[k] + v0[k]*horizon_time + 0.5*a0[k]*(horizon_time**2)))
                    # update start position for next segment
                    pos0 = [self.pos_spline[k](1) for k in range(self.n_dim)]
                # horizon_times was None
                # pos spline over time horizon
                self.pos_spline = [BSpline(self.basis, vertcat(x0[k], 0.5*v0[k]*self.T + x0[k], x0[k] + v0[k]*self.T + 0.5*a0[k]*(self.T**2)))
                                   for k in range(self.n_dim)]
            # using a spline to define obstacle trajectory
            self.basis = BSplineBasis(self.options['spline_params']['knots'], self.options['spline_params']['degree'])
            traj_coeffs = self.define_parameter('traj_coeffs', len(self.basis), self.n_dim)
            # pos spline over time horizon
            self.pos_spline = [BSpline(self.basis, traj_coeffs[:, k]) for k in range(self.n_dim)]
        # checkpoints + radii
        checkpoints, _ = self.shape.get_checkpoints()
        self.checkpoints = self.define_parameter('checkpoints', len(checkpoints)*self.n_dim)
        self.rad = self.define_parameter('rad', len(checkpoints))
Esempio n. 26
    def _initialize_polynomial_coefs(self):
        """ Setup radau polynomials and initialize the weight factor matricies
        self.col_vars['tau_root'] = cs.collocationPoints(self.d, "radau")

        # Dimensionless time inside one control interval
        tau = cs.SX.sym("tau")

        # For all collocation points
        L = [[]]*(self.d+1)
        for j in range(self.d+1):
            # Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the
            # collocation point
            L[j] = 1
            for r in range(self.d+1):
                if r != j:
                    L[j] *= (
                        (tau - self.col_vars['tau_root'][r]) / 
                        (self.col_vars['tau_root'][j] -

        self.col_vars['lfcn'] = lfcn = cs.SXFunction(
            'lfcn', [tau], [cs.vertcat(L)])

        # Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of
        # the continuity equation
        # Coefficients of the continuity equation
        self.col_vars['D'] = lfcn([1.0])[0].toArray().squeeze()

        # Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation
        # points to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
        tfcn = lfcn.tangent()

        # Coefficients of the collocation equation
        self.col_vars['C'] = np.zeros((self.d+1, self.d+1))
        for r in range(self.d+1):
            self.col_vars['C'][:,r] = tfcn([self.col_vars['tau_root'][r]]

        # Find weights for gaussian quadrature: approximate int_0^1 f(x) by
        # Sum(
        xtau = cs.SX.sym("xtau")

        Phi = [[]] * (self.d+1)

        for j in range(self.d+1):
            tau_f_integrator = cs.SXFunction('ode', cs.daeIn(t=tau, x=xtau),
            tau_integrator = cs.Integrator(
                "integrator", "cvodes", tau_f_integrator, {'t0':0., 'tf':1})
            Phi[j] = np.asarray(tau_integrator({'x0' : 0})['xf'])[0][0]

        self.col_vars['Phi'] = np.array(Phi)
        self.col_vars['alpha'] = cs.SX.sym('alpha')
Esempio n. 27
def fullCamModel(dae,conf):
    PdatC1 = conf['PdatC1']
    PdatC2 = conf['PdatC2']
    RPC1 = conf['RPC1']
    RPC2 = conf['RPC2']
    pos_marker_body1 = conf['pos_marker_body1']
    pos_marker_body2 = conf['pos_marker_body2']
    pos_marker_body3 = conf['pos_marker_body3']
    RpC1 = C.DMatrix.eye(4)
    RpC1[0:3,0:3] = RPC1[0:3,0:3].T
    RpC1[0:3,3] = C.mul(-RPC1[0:3,0:3].T,RPC1[0:3,3])
    RpC2 = C.DMatrix.eye(4);
    RpC2[0:3,0:3] = RPC2[0:3,0:3].T
    RpC2[0:3,3] = C.mul(-RPC2[0:3,0:3].T,RPC2[0:3,3])
    PC1 = C.SXMatrix(3,3)
    PC1[0,0] = PdatC1[0]
    PC1[1,1] = PdatC1[1]
    PC1[0,2] = PdatC1[2]
    PC1[1,2] = PdatC1[3]
    PC1[2,2] = 1.0
    PC2 = C.SXMatrix(3,3)
    PC2[0,0] = PdatC2[0]
    PC2[1,1] = PdatC2[1]
    PC2[0,2] = PdatC2[2]
    PC2[1,2] = PdatC2[3]
    PC2[2,2] = 1.0
    p = C.vertcat([dae['x'],dae['y'],dae['z']])
    R = C.veccat( [dae[n] for n in ['e11', 'e12', 'e13',
                                    'e21', 'e22', 'e23',
                                    'e31', 'e32', 'e33']]
    uv_all = C.vertcat([C.vec(singleCamModel(p,R,RpC1[0:3,:],PC1,pos_marker_body1)) ,\
                        C.vec(singleCamModel(p,R,RpC1[0:3,:],PC1,pos_marker_body2)) ,\
                        C.vec(singleCamModel(p,R,RpC1[0:3,:],PC1,pos_marker_body3)) ,\
                        C.vec(singleCamModel(p,R,RpC2[0:3,:],PC2,pos_marker_body1)) ,\
                        C.vec(singleCamModel(p,R,RpC2[0:3,:],PC2,pos_marker_body2)) ,\
    return uv_all
Esempio n. 28
    def _initialize_tgrid(self):
        # Choose collocation points
        tau_root = cs.collocationPoints(self.opts["degree"], self.opts["polynomial"])

        # Degree of interpolating polynomial
        d = self.opts["degree"]

        # Size of the finite elements
        self.opts["h"] = self.opts["tf"] / self.opts["nk"]

        # Coefficients of the collocation equation
        self.opts["C"] = np.zeros((d + 1, d + 1))

        # Dimensionless time inside one control interval
        tau = cs.SX.sym("tau")

        T = np.zeros((self.opts["nk"], d + 1))
        for k in range(self.opts["nk"]):
            for j in range(d + 1):
                T[k, j] = self.opts["h"] * (k + tau_root[j])
        self.opts["T"] = T

        # Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the
        # collocation point
        L = [[]] * (d + 1)

        # For all collocation points
        for j in range(d + 1):
            L[j] = 1
            for r in range(d + 1):
                if r != j:
                    L[j] *= (tau - tau_root[r]) / (tau_root[j] - tau_root[r])

        self._lfcn = cs.SXFunction("lfcn", [tau], [cs.vertcat(L)])

        # Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of
        # the continuity equation
        self.opts["D"] = np.asarray(self._lfcn([1.0])[0]).squeeze()

        # Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation
        # points to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
        tfcn = self._lfcn.tangent()
        for r in range(d + 1):
            self.opts["C"][:, r] = tfcn([tau_root[r]])[0].toArray().squeeze()

        self._tgrid = np.array(
                point + self.opts["h"] * np.array(tau_root)
                for point in np.linspace(0, self.opts["tf"], self.opts["nk"], endpoint=False)
Esempio n. 29
    def _make_objective(self):
        """Construct objective function from the problem definition

        Make time optimal objective function and add a regularization to
        ensure a unique solution. When additional objective terms are defined
        these are added to the objective as well.

        TODO: Improve accuracy of integration
        order = self.sys.order
        N = self.options['N']
        b = self.prob['vars']
        # ds = 1.0/(N+1)
        obj = 2 * sum(np.diff(self.prob['s']) / (cas.sqrt(b[:N, 0]) + cas.sqrt(b[1:, 0])))
        # reg = sum(cas.sqrt((b[1:, order - 1] - b[:N, order - 1]) ** 2))
        reg = sum((b[2:, order - 1] - 2 * b[1:N, order - 1] +
                    b[:(N - 1), order - 1]) ** 2)
        for f in self.objective['Lagrange']:
            path, bs = self._make_path()[0:2]
            # S = np.arange(0, 1, 1.0/(N+1))
            S = self.prob['s']
            b = self.prob['vars']
            L = cas.substitute(f, self.sys.y, path)
            L = 2 * sum(cas.vertcat([
                                cas.vertcat([self.s[0], bs]),
                                cas.vertcat([S[j], b[j, :].T])
                            ) for j in range(1, N + 1)
                    * np.diff(self.prob['s']) / (cas.sqrt(b[:N, 0]) + cas.sqrt(b[1:, 0]))
            # L = sum(cas.vertcat([cas.substitute(L, cas.vertcat([self.s[0],
            #     [bs[i] for i in range(0, bs.numel())]]),
            #     cas.vertcat([S[j], [b[j, i] for i in range(0, self.sys.order)]]))
            #     for j in range(0, N + 1)]))
            obj = obj + L
        self.prob['obj'] = obj + self.options['reg'] * reg
Esempio n. 30
def T2WJ(T,p):
   w_101 = T2WJ(T_10,p).diff(p,t)
  R = T2R(T)
  RT = R.T
  temp = []
  for i,k in [(2,1),(0,2),(1,0)]:

  return c.vertcat(temp)
Esempio n. 31
        -5.53636820e-01, 1.86726808e-01, -1.32319806e-01, -2.06761360e+00,
        3.12421835e-02, 8.89043596e-01, -7.03329152e-01
    q0_2 = [
        0.36148756, 0.19562711, 0.34339407, -2.06759027, -0.08427634,
        0.89133467, 0.75131025

    #Implementing with my L1 norm method

    hqp = hqp()

    #decision variables for robot 1
    q1, q_dot1 = hqp.create_variable(7, 1e-6)
    J1 = jac_fun_rob(q1)
    J1 = cs.vertcat(J1[0], J1[1])
    #progress variable for robot 1
    s_1, s_dot1 = hqp.create_variable(1, 1e-6)

    fk_vals1 =[6]  #forward kinematics first robot

    #decision variables for robot 2
    q2, q_dot2 = hqp.create_variable(7, 1e-6)
    J2 = jac_fun_rob(q2)
    J2 = cs.vertcat(J2[0], J2[1])
    #progress variables for robot 2
    s_2, s_dot2 = hqp.create_variable(1, 1e-6)

    fk_vals2 =[6]  #forward kinematics second robot
    fk_vals2[1, 3] += 0.3  #accounting for the base offset in the y-direction
Esempio n. 32
    def exitExpression(self, tree):
        if isinstance(tree.operator, ast.ComponentRef):
            op =
            op = tree.operator

        if op == '*':
            op = 'mtimes'  # .* differs from *
        if op.startswith('.'):
            op = op[1:]


        n_operands = len(tree.operands)
        if op == 'der':
            v = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            src = self.get_derivative(v)
        elif op == '-' and n_operands == 1:
            src = -self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
        elif op == 'not' and n_operands == 1:
            src = ca.if_else(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]), 0, 1, True)
        elif op == 'mtimes':
            assert n_operands >= 2
            src = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            for i in tree.operands[1:]:
                src = ca.mtimes(src, self.get_mx(i))
        elif op == 'transpose' and n_operands == 1:
            src = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]).T
        elif op == 'sum' and n_operands == 1:
            v = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.sum1(v)
        elif op == 'linspace' and n_operands == 3:
            a = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            b = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])
            n_steps = self.get_integer(tree.operands[2])
            src = ca.linspace(a, b, n_steps)
        elif op == 'fill' and n_operands == 2:
            val = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            src = val * ca.DM.ones(n_row)
        elif op == 'fill' and n_operands == 3:
            val = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[2])
            src = val * ca.DM.ones(n_row, n_col)
        elif op == 'zeros' and n_operands == 1:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.DM.zeros(n_row)
        elif op == 'zeros' and n_operands == 2:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            src = ca.DM.zeros(n_row, n_col)
        elif op == 'ones' and n_operands == 1:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.DM.ones(n_row)
        elif op == 'ones' and n_operands == 2:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            src = ca.DM.ones(n_row, n_col)
        elif op == 'identity' and n_operands == 1:
            n = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.DM.eye(n)
        elif op == 'diagonal' and n_operands == 1:
            diag = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            n = len(diag)
            indices = list(range(n))
            src = ca.DM.triplet(indices, indices, diag, n, n)
        elif op == 'cat':
            axis = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            assert axis == 1, "Currently only concatenation on first axis is supported"

            entries = []
            for sym in [self.get_mx(op) for op in tree.operands[1:]]:
                if isinstance(sym, list):
                    for e in sym:
            src = ca.vertcat(*entries)
        elif op == 'delay' and n_operands == 2:
            expr = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            duration = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])

            src = _new_mx('_pymoca_delay_{}'.format(self.delay_counter),
            self.delay_counter += 1

            for f in self.for_loops:
                syms = set(ca.symvar(expr))
                if syms.intersection(f.indexed_symbols):
                    f.register_indexed_symbol(src, lambda i: i, True,


            delay_argument = DelayArgument(expr, duration)
        elif op == '_pymoca_interp1d' and n_operands >= 3 and n_operands <= 4:
            entered_class = self.entered_classes[-1]
            if isinstance(tree.operands[0], ast.ComponentRef):
                xp = self.get_mx(
                xp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            if isinstance(tree.operands[1], ast.ComponentRef):
                yp = self.get_mx(
                yp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])
            arg = self.get_mx(tree.operands[2])
            if n_operands == 4:
                assert isinstance(tree.operands[3], ast.Primary)
                mode = tree.operands[3].value
                mode = 'linear'
            func = ca.interpolant('interpolant', mode, [xp], yp)
            src = func(arg)
        elif op == '_pymoca_interp2d' and n_operands >= 5 and n_operands <= 6:
            entered_class = self.entered_classes[-1]
            if isinstance(tree.operands[0], ast.ComponentRef):
                xp = self.get_mx(
                xp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            if isinstance(tree.operands[1], ast.ComponentRef):
                yp = self.get_mx(
                yp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])
            if isinstance(tree.operands[2], ast.ComponentRef):
                zp = self.get_mx(
                zp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[2])
            arg_1 = self.get_mx(tree.operands[3])
            arg_2 = self.get_mx(tree.operands[4])
            if n_operands == 6:
                assert isinstance(tree.operands[5], ast.Primary)
                mode = tree.operands[5].value
                mode = 'linear'
            func = ca.interpolant('interpolant', mode, [xp, yp],
            src = func(ca.vertcat(arg_1, arg_2))
        elif op in OP_MAP and n_operands == 2:
            lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
            rhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]))
            lhs_op = getattr(lhs, OP_MAP[op])
            src = lhs_op(rhs)
        elif op in OP_MAP and n_operands == 1:
            lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
            lhs_op = getattr(lhs, OP_MAP[op])
            src = lhs_op()
            src = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
            # Check for built-in operations, such as the
            # elementary functions, first.
            if hasattr(src, op) and n_operands <= 2:
                if n_operands == 1:
                    src = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
                    src = getattr(src, op)()
                    lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
                    rhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]))
                    lhs_op = getattr(lhs, op)
                    src = lhs_op(rhs)
                func = self.get_function(op)
                src = ca.vertcat(*
                     for operand in tree.operands], *self.function_mode))

        self.src[tree] = src
Esempio n. 33
def ODEmodel():
    #State variable definitions
    M    = cs.ssym("M")
    Pc   = cs.ssym("Pc")
    Pn   = cs.ssym("Pn")
    #for Casadi
    y = cs.vertcat([M, Pc, Pn])
    # Time Variable
    t = cs.ssym("t")
    #Parameter definitions
    vs0 = cs.ssym('vs0')
    light = cs.ssym('light')
    alocal = cs.ssym('alocal')
    couplingStrength = cs.ssym('couplingStrength')
    n = cs.ssym('n')
    vm = cs.ssym('vm')
    k1 = cs.ssym('k1')
    km = cs.ssym('km')
    ks = cs.ssym('ks')
    vd = cs.ssym('vd')
    kd = cs.ssym('kd')
    k1_ = cs.ssym('k1_')
    k2_ = cs.ssym('k2_')    

    paramset = cs.vertcat([vs0, light, alocal, couplingStrength,
                           n,   vm,    k1,     km, 
                           ks,  vd,    kd,     k1_, 
    # Model Equations
    ode = [[]]*EqCount

    def pm_prod(Pn, K, v0, n, light, a, M, Mi):
        vs = v0+light+a*(M-Mi)
        return (vs*K**n)/(K**n + Pn**n)
    def pm_deg(M, Km, vm):
        return vm*M/(Km+M)
    def Pc_prod(ks, M):
        return ks*M
    def Pc_deg(Pc, K, v):
        return v*Pc/(K+Pc)
    def Pc_comp(k1,k2,Pc,Pn):
        return -k1*Pc + k2*Pn
    def Pn_comp(k1,k2,Pc,Pn):
        return k1*Pc - k1*Pn

    ode[0] = (pm_prod(Pn, k1, vs0, n, light, alocal, M, M) - pm_deg(M,km,vm))
    ode[1] = Pc_prod(ks,M) - Pc_deg(Pc,kd,vd) + Pc_comp(k1_,k2_,Pc,Pn)
    ode[2] = Pn_comp(k1_,k2_,Pc,Pn)

    ode = cs.vertcat(ode)
    fn = cs.SXFunction(cs.daeIn(t=t, x=y, p=paramset),
    return fn
theta = ocp.state()

# Defince controls
delta = ocp.control()
V     = ocp.control(order=0)

# Specify ODE
ocp.set_der(x,      V*cos(theta))
ocp.set_der(y,      V*sin(theta))
ocp.set_der(theta,  V/L*tan(delta))

# Define parameter
X_0 = ocp.parameter(nx)

# Initial constraints
X = vertcat(x, y, theta)
ocp.subject_to(ocp.at_t0(X) == X_0)

# Initial guess
ocp.set_initial(x,      0)
ocp.set_initial(y,      0)
ocp.set_initial(theta,  0)

ocp.set_initial(V,    0.5)

# Path constraints
ocp.subject_to( 0 <= (V <= 1) )
#ocp.subject_to( -0.3 <= (ocp.der(V) <= 0.3) )
ocp.subject_to( -pi/6 <= (delta <= pi/6) )

# Minimal time
Esempio n. 35
def qp_solve(prob, obj, p_init, x_init, y_init, lam_opt, mu_opt, case):
    QP solver for path-following algorithm
    inputs: prob - problem description
            obj - problem equations
            p_init - initial parameter
            x_init - initial primal variable
            y_init - initial dual variable
            lam_opt - Lagrange multipliers of equality and active constraints
            mu_opt - Lagrange multipliers of inequality constraints
    outputs: y - solution primal variable
            qp_val - objective function value
            qp_exit - return status of QP solver
            deriv - derivatives of the problem
            k_zero_tilde - active set index
            k_plus_tilde - inactive set index
            grad - gradient of objective function
    print 'Current point x:', x_init
    #Importing problem to be solved
    nx, np, neq, niq, name = prob()
    x, p, f, f_fun, con, conf, ubx, lbx, ubg, lbg = obj(
        x_init, y_init, p_init, neq, niq, nx, np)

    #Deteriming constraint types
    eq_con_ind = array([])  #indices of equality constraints
    iq_con_ind = array([])  #indices of inequality constraints
    eq_con = array([])  #equality constraints
    iq_con = array([])  #inequality constraints

    for i in range(0, len(lbg[0])):
        if lbg[0, i] == 0:
            eq_con = vertcat(eq_con, con[i])
            eq_con_ind = append(eq_con_ind, i)
        elif lbg[0, i] < 0:
            iq_con = vertcat(iq_con, con[i])
            iq_con_ind = append(iq_con_ind, i)
#    print 'Equality Constraint:', eq_con
#    print 'Inequality Constraint:', iq_con

#    if case == 'pure-predictor':

#       return qp_exit, optimal, x_qpopt, lam_qpopt, mu_qpopt
    if case == 'predictor-corrector':
        #Evaluating constraints at current iteration point
        con_vals = conf(x_init, p_init)
        #Determining which inequality constraints are active
        k_plus_tilde = array([])  #active constraint
        k_zero_tilde = array([])  #inactive constraint
        tol = 10e-5  #tolerance
        for i in range(0, len(iq_con_ind)):
            if ubg[0, i] - tol <= con_vals[i] and con_vals[i] <= ubg[0,
                                                                     i] + tol:
                k_plus_tilde = append(k_plus_tilde, i)
                k_zero_tilde = append(k_zero_tilde, i)
#        print 'Active constraints:', k_plus_tilde
#        print 'Inactive constraints:', k_zero_tilde
#        print 'Constraint values:', con_vals

        nk_pt = len(k_plus_tilde)  #number of active constraints
        nk_zt = len(k_zero_tilde)  #number of inactive constraints

        #Calculating Lagrangian
        lam = SX.sym('lam', neq)  #Lagrangian multiplier equality constraints
        mu = SX.sym('mu', niq)  #Lagrangian multiplier inequality constraints
        lag_f = f + mtimes(lam.T, eq_con) + mtimes(
            mu.T, iq_con)  #Lagrangian equation

        #Calculating derivatives
        g = gradient(f, x)  #Derivative of objective function
        g_fun = Function('g_fun', [x, p], [gradient(f, x)])
        H = 2 * jacobian(gradient(lag_f, x),
                         x)  #Second derivative of the Lagrangian
        H_fun = Function('H_fun', [x, p, lam, mu],
                         [jacobian(jacobian(lag_f, x), x)])

        if len(eq_con_ind) > 0:
            deq = jacobian(eq_con, x)  #Derivative of equality constraints
            deq = array([])
        if len(iq_con_ind) > 0:
            diq = jacobian(iq_con, x)  #Derivative of inequality constraints
            diq = array([])
        #Creating constraint matrices
        nc = niq + neq  #Total number of constraints
        if (niq > 0) and (neq > 0):  #Equality and inequality constraints
            #this part needs to be tested
            if (nk_zt > 0):  #Inactive constraints exist
                A = SX.zeros((nc, nx))
                print deq
                A[0, :] = deq  #A matrix
                lba = -1e16 * SX.zeros((nc, 1))
                lba[0, :] = -eq_con  #lower bound of A
                uba = 1e16 * SX.zeros((nc, 1))
                uba[0, :] = -eq_con  #upper bound of A
                for j in range(0, nk_pt):  #adding active constraints
                    A[neq + j + 1, :] = diq[int(k_plus_tilde[j]), :]
                    lba[neq + j + 1] = -iq_con[int(k_plus_tilde[j])]
                    uba[neq + j + 1] = -iq_con[int(k_plus_tilde[i])]
                for i in range(0, nk_zt):  #adding inactive constraints
                    A[neq + nk_pt + i + 1, :] = diq[int(k_zero_tilde[i]), :]
                    uba[neq + nk_pt + i + 1] = -iq_con[int(k_zero_tilde[i])]
                    #inactive constraints don't have lower bounds
            else:  #Active constraints only
                A = vertcat(deq, diq)
                lba = vertcat(-eq_con, -iq_con)
                uba = vertcat(-eq_con, -iq_con)
        elif (niq > 0) and (neq == 0):  #Inquality constraints
            if (nk_zt > 0):  #Inactive constraints exist
                A = SX.zeros((nc, nx))
                lba = -1e16 * SX.ones((nc, 1))
                uba = 1e16 * SX.ones((nc, 1))
                for j in range(0, nk_pt):  #adding active constraints
                    A[j, :] = diq[int(k_plus_tilde[j]), :]
                    lba[j] = -iq_con[int(k_plus_tilde[j])]
                    uba[j] = -iq_con[int(k_plus_tilde[j])]
                for i in range(0, nk_zt):  #adding inactive constraints
                    A[nk_pt + i, :] = diq[int(k_zero_tilde[i]), :]
                    uba[nk_pt + i] = -iq_con[int(k_zero_tilde[i])]
                    #inactive constraints don't have lower bounds
                A = vertcat(deq, diq)
                lba = -iq_con
                uba = -iq_con
        elif (niq == 0) and (neq > 0):  #Equality constriants
            A = deq
            lba = -eq_con
            uba = -eq_con
        A_fun = Function('A_fun', [x, p], [A])
        lba_fun = Function('lba_fun', [x, p], [lba])
        uba_fun = Function('uba_fun', [x, p], [uba])
        #Checking that matrices are correct sizes and types
        if (H.size1() != nx) or (H.size2() != nx) or (H.is_dense() == 'False'):
            #H matrix should be a sparse (nxn) and symmetrical
                'WARNING: H matrix is not the correct dimensions or matrix type'
        if (g.size1() != nx) or (g.size2() != 1) or g.is_dense() == 'True':
            #g matrix should be a dense (nx1)
                'WARNING: g matrix is not the correct dimensions or matrix type'
        if (A.size1() !=
            (neq + niq)) or (A.size2() != nx) or (A.is_dense() == 'False'):
            #A should be a sparse (nc x n)
                'WARNING: A matrix is not the correct dimensions or matrix type'
        if lba.size1() != (neq + niq) or (lba.size2() !=
                                          1) or lba.is_dense() == 'False':
                'WARNING: lba matrix is not the correct dimensions or matrix type'
        if uba.size1() != (neq + niq) or (uba.size2() !=
                                          1) or uba.is_dense() == 'False':
                'WARNING: uba matrix is not the correct dimensions or matrix type'

        #Evaluating QP matrices at optimal points
        H_opt = H_fun(x_init, p_init, lam_opt, mu_opt)
        g_opt = g_fun(x_init, p_init)
        A_opt = A_fun(x_init, p_init)
        lba_opt = lba_fun(x_init, p_init)
        uba_opt = uba_fun(x_init, p_init)

        #        print 'Lower bounds', lba_opt
        #        print 'Upper bounds', uba_opt
        #        print 'Bound matrix', A_opt

        #Defining QP structure
        qp = {}
        qp['h'] = H_opt.sparsity()
        qp['a'] = A_opt.sparsity()
        optimize = conic('optimize', 'qpoases', qp)
        optimal = optimize(h=H_opt,
        x_qpopt = optimal['x']
        if x_qpopt.shape == x_init.shape:
            qp_exit = 'optimal'
            qp_exit = ''
        lag_qpopt = optimal['lam_a']

        #Determing Lagrangian multipliers (lambda and mu)
        lam_qpopt = zeros(
            (nk_pt, 1))  #Lagrange multiplier of active constraints
        mu_qpopt = zeros(
            (nk_zt, 1))  #Lagrange multiplier of inactive constraints
        if nk_pt > 0:
            for j in range(0, len(k_plus_tilde)):
                lam_qpopt[j] = lag_qpopt[int(k_plus_tilde[j])]
        if nk_zt > 0:
            for k in range(0, len(k_zero_tilde)):
                print lag_qpopt[int(k_zero_tilde[k])]
        return qp_exit, optimal, x_qpopt, lam_qpopt, mu_qpopt
Esempio n. 36
    def create_integrator(self,
        Method to create a casadi integrator object.
        If t_eval is provided, the integrator uses t_eval to make the grid.
        Otherwise, the integrator has grid [0,1].
        pybamm.logger.debug("Creating CasADi integrator")
        # Use grid if t_eval is given
        use_grid = not (t_eval is None)
        if use_grid is True:
            t_eval_shifted = t_eval - t_eval[0]
            t_eval_shifted_rounded = np.round(t_eval_shifted,
        # Only set up problem once
        if model in self.integrators:
            # If we're not using the grid, we don't need to change the integrator
            if use_grid is False:
                return self.integrators[model]["no grid"]
            # Otherwise, create new integrator with an updated grid
            # We don't need to update the grid if reusing the same t_eval
            # (up to a shift by a constant)
                if t_eval_shifted_rounded in self.integrators[model]:
                    return self.integrators[model][t_eval_shifted_rounded]
                    method, problem, options = self.integrator_specs[model]
                    options["grid"] = t_eval_shifted
                    integrator = casadi.integrator("F", method, problem,
                        t_eval_shifted_rounded] = integrator
                    return integrator
            y0 = model.y0
            rhs = model.casadi_rhs
            algebraic = model.casadi_algebraic

            # When not in DEBUG mode (level=10), suppress warnings from CasADi
            if (pybamm.logger.getEffectiveLevel() == 10
                    or pybamm.settings.debug_mode is True):
                show_eval_warnings = True
                show_eval_warnings = False

            options = {
                "reltol": self.rtol,
                "abstol": self.atol,
                "show_eval_warnings": show_eval_warnings,

            # set up and solve
            t = casadi.MX.sym("t")
            p = casadi.MX.sym("p", inputs.shape[0])
            y_diff = casadi.MX.sym("y_diff", rhs(0, y0, p).shape[0])
            y_alg = casadi.MX.sym("y_alg", algebraic(0, y0, p).shape[0])
            y_full = casadi.vertcat(y_diff, y_alg)

            if use_grid is False:
                # rescale time
                t_min = casadi.MX.sym("t_min")
                t_max = casadi.MX.sym("t_max")
                t_max_minus_t_min = t_max - t_min
                t_scaled = t_min + (t_max - t_min) * t
                # add time limits as inputs
                p_with_tlims = casadi.vertcat(p, t_min, t_max)
                options.update({"grid": t_eval_shifted, "output_t0": True})
                # rescale time
                t_min = casadi.MX.sym("t_min")
                # Set dummy parameters for consistency with rescaled time
                t_max_minus_t_min = 1
                t_scaled = t_min + t
                p_with_tlims = casadi.vertcat(p, t_min)

            # define the event switch as the point when an event is crossed
            # we don't do this for ODE models
            # see #1082
            event_switch = 1
            if use_event_switch is True and not algebraic(0, y0, p).is_empty():
                for event in model.casadi_terminate_events:
                    event_switch *= event(t_scaled, y_full, p)

            problem = {
                "t": t,
                "x": y_diff,
                # rescale rhs by (t_max - t_min)
                (t_max_minus_t_min) * rhs(t_scaled, y_full, p) * event_switch,
                "p": p_with_tlims,
            if algebraic(0, y0, p).is_empty():
                method = "cvodes"
                method = "idas"
                    "z": y_alg,
                    "alg": algebraic(t_scaled, y_full, p),
            integrator = casadi.integrator("F", method, problem, options)
            self.integrator_specs[model] = method, problem, options
            if use_grid is False:
                self.integrators[model] = {"no grid": integrator}
                self.integrators[model] = {t_eval_shifted_rounded: integrator}

            return integrator
Esempio n. 37
    def _integrate(self, model, t_eval, inputs_dict=None):
        Solve a DAE model defined by residuals with initial conditions y0.

        model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel`
            The model whose solution to calculate.
        t_eval : numeric type
            The times at which to compute the solution
        inputs_dict : dict, optional
            Any external variables or input parameters to pass to the model when solving
        # Record whether there are any symbolic inputs
        inputs_dict = inputs_dict or {}
        has_symbolic_inputs = any(
            isinstance(v, casadi.MX) for v in inputs_dict.values())

        # convert inputs to casadi format
        inputs = casadi.vertcat(*[x for x in inputs_dict.values()])

        # Calculate initial event signs needed for some of the modes
        if (has_symbolic_inputs is False and self.mode != "fast"
                and model.terminate_events_eval):
            init_event_signs = np.sign(
                    event(t_eval[0], model.y0, inputs)
                    for event in model.terminate_events_eval
            init_event_signs = np.sign([])

        if has_symbolic_inputs:
            # Create integrator without grid to avoid having to create several times
            self.create_integrator(model, inputs)
            solution = self._run_integrator(model,
            solution.termination = "final time"
            return solution
        elif self.mode in ["fast", "fast with events"] or not
            if not
      "No events found, running fast mode")
            if self.mode == "fast with events":
                # Create the integrator with an event switch that will set the rhs to
                # zero when voltage limits are crossed
                use_event_switch = True
                use_event_switch = False
            # Create an integrator with the grid (we just need to do this once)
            solution = self._run_integrator(model, model.y0, inputs_dict,
                                            inputs, t_eval)
            # Check if the sign of an event changes, if so find an accurate
            # termination point and exit
            solution = self._solve_for_event(solution, init_event_signs)
            return solution
        elif self.mode in ["safe", "safe without grid"]:
            y0 = model.y0
            # Step-and-check
            t = t_eval[0]
            t_f = t_eval[-1]

            pybamm.logger.debug("Start solving {} with {}".format(

            if self.mode == "safe without grid":
                # in "safe without grid" mode,
                # create integrator once, without grid,
                # to avoid having to create several times
                self.create_integrator(model, inputs)
                # Initialize solution
                solution = pybamm.Solution(np.array([t]), y0, model,
                solution.solve_time = 0
                solution.integration_time = 0
                use_grid = False
                solution = None
                use_grid = True

            # Try to integrate in global steps of size dt_max. Note: dt_max must
            # be at least as big as the the biggest step in t_eval (multiplied
            # by some tolerance, here 1.01) to avoid an empty integration window below
            if self.dt_max:
                # Non-dimensionalise provided dt_max
                dt_max = self.dt_max / model.timescale_eval
                dt_max = 0.01
            dt_eval_max = np.max(np.diff(t_eval)) * 1.01
            dt_max = np.max([dt_max, dt_eval_max])
            while t < t_f:
                # Step
                solved = False
                count = 0
                dt = dt_max
                while not solved:
                    # Get window of time to integrate over (so that we return
                    # all the points in t_eval, not just t and t+dt)
                    t_window = np.concatenate(
                        ([t], t_eval[(t_eval > t) & (t_eval < t + dt)]))
                    # Sometimes near events the solver fails between two time
                    # points in t_eval (i.e. no points t < t_i < t+dt for t_i
                    # in t_eval), so we simply integrate from t to t+dt
                    if len(t_window) == 1:
                        t_window = np.array([t, t + dt])

                    if self.mode == "safe":
                        # update integrator with the grid
                        self.create_integrator(model, inputs, t_window)
                    # Try to solve with the current global step, if it fails then
                    # halve the step size and try again.
                        current_step_sol = self._run_integrator(
                        solved = True
                    except pybamm.SolverError:
                        dt /= 2
                        # also reduce maximum step size for future global steps
                        dt_max = dt
                    count += 1
                    if count >= self.max_step_decrease_count:
                        raise pybamm.SolverError(
                            "Maximum number of decreased steps occurred at t={}. Try "
                            "solving the model up to this time only or reducing dt_max "
                            "(currently, dt_max={})."
                            "".format(t * model.timescale_eval,
                                      dt_max * model.timescale_eval))
                # Check if the sign of an event changes, if so find an accurate
                # termination point and exit
                current_step_sol = self._solve_for_event(
                    current_step_sol, init_event_signs)
                # assign temporary solve time
                current_step_sol.solve_time = np.nan
                # append solution from the current step to solution
                solution = solution + current_step_sol
                if current_step_sol.termination == "event":
                    # update time
                    t = t_window[-1]
                    # update y0
                    y0 = solution.all_ys[-1][:, -1]
            return solution
Esempio n. 38
    def setup_initial_problem_solver(self):
        """Sets up the initial problem solver, for finding slack and virtual
        variables before the solver should run."""
        # Test if we don't need to do anything
        shortcut = self.skill_spec._has_virtual is None
        shortcut = shortcut and self.skill_spec.slack_var is None
        if shortcut:
            # If no slack, and no virtual, nothing to initializes
            self._has_initial = False
            return None

        # Prepare variables
        time_var = self.skill_spec.time_var
        robot_var = self.skill_spec.robot_var
        robot_vel_var = self.skill_spec.robot_vel_var
        virtual_var = self.skill_spec.virtual_var
        virtual_vel_var = self.skill_spec.virtual_vel_var
        input_var = self.skill_spec.input_var
        slack_var = self.skill_spec.slack_var
        nvirt = self.skill_spec.n_virtual_var
        nslack = self.skill_spec.n_slack_var
        mu = self.weight_shifter

        # Prepare cost expression
        opt_var = []
        opt_weights = []
        if nvirt > 0:
            opt_var += [virtual_vel_var]
            opt_weights += [mu * self.virtual_var_weights]
        if nslack > 0:
            opt_var += [slack_var]
            opt_weights += [(1 + mu) * self.slack_var_weights]
        H_expr = cs.diag(cs.vertcat(*opt_weights))

        # Prepare constraints expressions
        cnstr_expr_list = []
        lb_cnstr_expr_list = []
        ub_cnstr_expr_list = []
        slack_ind = 0
        virt_ind = 0
        for cnstr in self.skill_spec.constraints:
            found_virt = False
            found_slack = False
            expr_size = cnstr.expression.size()
            # Look for virtual variables
            if nvirt > 0:
                J_virt = cs.jacobian(cnstr.expression, virtual_var)
                if J_virt.nnz() > 0:  # if it has non-zero elements
                    cnstr_expr = J_virt
                    found_virt = True
                    virt_ind += 1
                    cnstr_expr = cs.DM.zeros((expr_size[0], nvirt))
            # Setup bounds/functions for numerics
            rob_der = cnstr.jtimes(robot_var, robot_vel_var)
            lb_cnstr_expr = -cnstr.jacobian(time_var) - rob_der
            ub_cnstr_expr = -cnstr.jacobian(time_var) - rob_der
            if isinstance(cnstr, EqualityConstraint):
                lb_cnstr_expr += -cs.mtimes(cnstr.gain, cnstr.expression)
                ub_cnstr_expr += -cs.mtimes(cnstr.gain, cnstr.expression)
            elif isinstance(cnstr, SetConstraint):
                lb_cnstr_expr += cs.mtimes(cnstr.gain,
                                           cnstr.set_min - cnstr.expression)
                ub_cnstr_expr += cs.mtimes(cnstr.gain,
                                           cnstr.set_max - cnstr.expression)
            elif isinstance(cnstr, VelocityEqualityConstraint):
                lb_cnstr_expr +=
                ub_cnstr_expr +=
            elif isinstance(cnstr, VelocitySetConstraint):
                lb_cnstr_expr += cnstr.set_min
                ub_cnstr_expr += cnstr.set_max
            # Look for slack variables
            if nslack > 0:
                slack_mat = cs.DM.zeros((expr_size[0], nslack))
                if cnstr.constraint_type == "soft":
                    slack_mat[:, slack_ind:slack_ind +
                              expr_size[0]] = -cs.DM.eye(expr_size[0])
                    slack_ind += expr_size[0]
                    found_slack = True
                if nvirt > 0:
                    cnstr_expr = cs.horzcat(cnstr_expr, slack_mat)
                    cnstr_expr = slack_mat
            # Only care about this expression if it's actually relevant
            if (found_virt or found_slack):
                cnstr_expr_list += [cnstr_expr]
                lb_cnstr_expr_list += [lb_cnstr_expr]
                ub_cnstr_expr_list += [ub_cnstr_expr]
        if slack_ind == 0 and virt_ind == 0:
            # Didn't find any of them.. return
            self._has_initial = False
            return None
        A_expr = cs.vertcat(*cnstr_expr_list)
        Blb_expr = cs.vertcat(*lb_cnstr_expr_list)
        Bub_expr = cs.vertcat(*ub_cnstr_expr_list)
        currval_vars = [time_var, robot_var, robot_vel_var]
        currval_names = ["time_var", "robot_var", "robot_vel_var"]
        if self.skill_spec._has_virtual:
            currval_vars += [virtual_var]
            currval_names += ["virtual_var"]
        if self.skill_spec._has_input:
            currval_vars += [input_var]
            currval_names += ["input_var"]
        func_opts = self.options["function_opts"]
        self._initial_problem = {
            cs.Function("H_initial", currval_vars, [H_expr], currval_names,
                        ["H"], func_opts),
            cs.Function("A_initial", currval_vars, [A_expr], currval_names,
                        ["A"], func_opts),
            cs.Function("Blb_initial", currval_vars, [Blb_expr], currval_names,
                        ["Blb"], func_opts),
            cs.Function("Bub_initial", currval_vars, [Bub_expr], currval_names,
                        ["Bub"], func_opts)
        self.initial_solver = cs.conic("solver", self.options["solver_name"], {
            "h": H_expr.sparsity(),
            "a": A_expr.sparsity()
        }, self.options["initial_solver_opts"])
        self._has_initial = True
Esempio n. 39
    def solve(self,
        """Solve the skill specification.
        # Useful sizes
        nrob = self.skill_spec.n_robot_var
        nvirt = self.skill_spec.n_virtual_var
        nslack = self.skill_spec.n_slack_var
        has_virtual = self.skill_spec._has_virtual
        has_input = self.skill_spec._has_input
        # Pack current values
        currvals = [time_var, robot_var]
        if virtual_var is not None and has_virtual:
            currvals += [virtual_var]
        if input_var is not None and has_input:
            currvals += [input_var]
        # Get numerics
        H = self.H_func(*currvals)
        A = self.A_func(*currvals)
        Blb = self.Blb_func(*currvals)
        Bub = self.Bub_func(*currvals)
        # Do we have warmstart?
        ws_rob = warmstart_robot_vel_var is not None
        ws_virt = warmstart_virtual_vel_var is not None and has_virtual
        ws_slack = warmstart_slack_var is not None and nslack > 0
        if not (ws_rob or ws_virt or ws_slack):
            # If no warmstart, then just calculate results
            self.res = self.solver(h=H, a=A, lba=Blb, uba=Bub)
            # Pack warmstart vector
            warmstart = []
            if ws_rob:
                warmstart += [warmstart_robot_vel_var]
                warmstart += [cs.DM.zeros(nrob)]
            if ws_virt:
                warmstart += [warmstart_virtual_vel_var]
                if nvirt > 0:
                    warmstart += [cs.DM.zeros(nvirt)]
            if ws_slack:
                warmstart += [warmstart_slack_var]
                if nslack > 0:
                    warmstart += [cs.DM.zeros(nslack)]
            # Calculate results
            self.res = self.solver(x0=cs.vertcat(*warmstart),
        res_robot_vel = self.res["x"][:nrob]
        if nvirt > 0 and has_virtual:
            res_virtual_vel = self.res["x"][nrob:nrob + nvirt]
            res_virtual_vel = None
        if nslack > 0:
            if not has_virtual:
                # handles user error when user adds virtual_var
                # but it's not actually in the expressions
                nvirt = 0
            res_slack = self.res["x"][nrob + nvirt:nrob + nvirt + nslack]
            res_slack = None

        return res_robot_vel, res_virtual_vel, res_slack
def generate_c_code_external_cost(model, stage_type):

    casadi_version = CasadiMeta.version()
    casadi_opts = dict(mex=False, casadi_int="int", casadi_real="double")

    if casadi_version not in (ALLOWED_CASADI_VERSIONS):

    x = model.x
    p = model.p

    if isinstance(x, MX):
        symbol = MX.sym
        symbol = SX.sym

    if stage_type == 'terminal':
        suffix_name = "_cost_ext_cost_e_fun"
        suffix_name_hess = "_cost_ext_cost_e_fun_jac_hess"
        suffix_name_jac = "_cost_ext_cost_e_fun_jac"
        u = symbol("u", 0, 0)
        ext_cost = model.cost_expr_ext_cost_e

    elif stage_type == 'path':
        suffix_name = "_cost_ext_cost_fun"
        suffix_name_hess = "_cost_ext_cost_fun_jac_hess"
        suffix_name_jac = "_cost_ext_cost_fun_jac"
        u = model.u
        ext_cost = model.cost_expr_ext_cost

    elif stage_type == 'initial':
        suffix_name = "_cost_ext_cost_0_fun"
        suffix_name_hess = "_cost_ext_cost_0_fun_jac_hess"
        suffix_name_jac = "_cost_ext_cost_0_fun_jac"
        u = model.u
        ext_cost = model.cost_expr_ext_cost_0

    # set up functions to be exported
    fun_name = + suffix_name
    fun_name_hess = + suffix_name_hess
    fun_name_jac = + suffix_name_jac

    # generate expression for full gradient and Hessian
    full_hess, grad = hessian(ext_cost, vertcat(u, x))

    ext_cost_fun = Function(fun_name, [x, u, p], [ext_cost])
    ext_cost_fun_jac_hess = Function(fun_name_hess, [x, u, p],
                                     [ext_cost, grad, full_hess])
    ext_cost_fun_jac = Function(fun_name_jac, [x, u, p], [ext_cost, grad])

    # generate C code
    if not os.path.exists("c_generated_code"):

    gen_dir = + '_cost'
    if not os.path.exists(gen_dir):
    gen_dir_location = "./" + gen_dir

    ext_cost_fun.generate(fun_name, casadi_opts)
    ext_cost_fun_jac_hess.generate(fun_name_hess, casadi_opts)
    ext_cost_fun_jac.generate(fun_name_jac, casadi_opts)

# Adjust the relevant constraints.
for t in range(Nt):
    varlb["u",t,:] = ulb
    varub["u",t,:] = uub

# Now build up constraints and objective.
obj = casadi.SX(0)
con = []
for t in range(Nt):
        var["u",t]) - var["x",t+1])
    obj += l(var["x",t], var["u",t])
obj += Pf(var["x",Nt])

# Build solver object.
con = casadi.vertcat(*con)
conlb = np.zeros((Nx*Nt,))
conub = np.zeros((Nx*Nt,))

nlp = dict(x=var, f=obj, g=con)
nlpoptions = {
    "ipopt" : {
        "print_level" : 0,
        "max_cpu_time" : 60,
        "linear_solver" : "ma27",  # Comment this line if you don't have MA27
        "max_iter" : 100,
    "print_time" : False,
solver = casadi.nlpsol("solver",
Esempio n. 42
import casadi
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

TF = 10*np.pi

t = casadi.SX.sym('t')

q = casadi.SX.sym('q')
qd = casadi.SX.sym('qd')

state = casadi.vertcat(q, qd)

rhs = casadi.vertcat(qd, casadi.sin(t))

dae = {'x': state, 't': t, 'ode': rhs}
ts = np.linspace(0, TF, 10000)

integrator = casadi.integrator('integrator', 'cvodes', dae, {'grid':ts, 'output_t0':True})

sol = integrator(x0=[0, -1.0])

import pdb
# pdb.set_trace()
sol_q = np.array(sol['xf'][0, :]).flatten()
sol_qd = np.array(sol['xf'][1, :]).flatten()

plt.plot(ts, sol_q, 'r-', label='Position')
Esempio n. 43
                    [2.0, 3.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.3],
                    [3.5, 1.5, ca.pi, 0.7, 0.2],
                    [2.0, 2.0, -ca.pi, 0.6, 0.3]])
n_MO = len(MO_init[:, 0])

SO_init = np.array([[1.0, 3.0, 0.3],
                    [9.0, 1.5, 0.1],
                    [2.0, 2.0, 0.3],
                    [6.0, 2.5, 0.2]])
n_SO = len(SO_init[:, 0])

# System Model
x = ca.SX.sym('x')
y = ca.SX.sym('y')
theta = ca.SX.sym('theta')
states = ca.vertcat(x, y, theta)
n_states = 3  # len([states])

# Control system
v = ca.SX.sym('v')
omega = ca.SX.sym('omega')
controls = ca.vertcat(v, omega)
n_controls = 2  # len([controls])

rhs = ca.vertcat(v * ca.cos(theta), v * ca.sin(theta), omega)

# Obstacle states in each predictions
MOx = ca.SX.sym('MOx')
MOy = ca.SX.sym('MOy')
MOth = ca.SX.sym('MOth')
MOv = ca.SX.sym('MOv')
Esempio n. 44
def gen_long_mpc_solver():
    ocp = AcadosOcp()
    ocp.model = gen_long_model()

    Tf = T_IDXS[-1]

    # set dimensions
    ocp.dims.N = N

    # set cost module
    ocp.cost.cost_type = 'NONLINEAR_LS'
    ocp.cost.cost_type_e = 'NONLINEAR_LS'

    QR = np.zeros((COST_DIM, COST_DIM))
    Q = np.zeros((COST_E_DIM, COST_E_DIM))

    ocp.cost.W = QR
    ocp.cost.W_e = Q

    x_ego, v_ego, a_ego = ocp.model.x[0], ocp.model.x[1], ocp.model.x[2]
    j_ego = ocp.model.u[0]

    a_min, a_max = ocp.model.p[0], ocp.model.p[1]
    x_obstacle = ocp.model.p[2]
    prev_a = ocp.model.p[3]

    ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros((COST_DIM, ))
    ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros((COST_E_DIM, ))

    desired_dist_comfort = get_safe_obstacle_distance(v_ego)

    # The main cost in normal operation is how close you are to the "desired" distance
    # from an obstacle at every timestep. This obstacle can be a lead car
    # or other object. In e2e mode we can use x_position targets as a cost
    # instead.
    costs = [((x_obstacle - x_ego) - (desired_dist_comfort)) / (v_ego + 10.),
             x_ego, v_ego, a_ego, 20 * (a_ego - prev_a), j_ego]
    ocp.model.cost_y_expr = vertcat(*costs)
    ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = vertcat(*costs[:-1])

    # Constraints on speed, acceleration and desired distance to
    # the obstacle, which is treated as a slack constraint so it
    # behaves like an assymetrical cost.
    constraints = vertcat((v_ego), (a_ego - a_min), (a_max - a_ego),
                          ((x_obstacle - x_ego) - (3 / 4) *
                           (desired_dist_comfort)) / (v_ego + 10.))
    ocp.model.con_h_expr = constraints
    ocp.model.con_h_expr_e = vertcat(np.zeros(CONSTR_DIM))

    x0 = np.zeros(X_DIM)
    ocp.constraints.x0 = x0
    ocp.parameter_values = np.array([-1.2, 1.2, 0.0, 0.0])

    # We put all constraint cost weights to 0 and only set them at runtime
    cost_weights = np.zeros(CONSTR_DIM)
    ocp.cost.zl = cost_weights
    ocp.cost.Zl = cost_weights
    ocp.cost.Zu = cost_weights
    ocp.cost.zu = cost_weights

    ocp.constraints.lh = np.zeros(CONSTR_DIM)
    ocp.constraints.lh_e = np.zeros(CONSTR_DIM)
    ocp.constraints.uh = 1e4 * np.ones(CONSTR_DIM)
    ocp.constraints.uh_e = 1e4 * np.ones(CONSTR_DIM)
    ocp.constraints.idxsh = np.arange(CONSTR_DIM)

    # The HPIPM solver can give decent solutions even when it is stopped early
    # Which is critical for our purpose where the compute time is strictly bounded
    # We use HPIPM in the SPEED_ABS mode, which ensures fastest runtime. This
    # does not cause issues since the problem is well bounded.
    ocp.solver_options.qp_solver = 'PARTIAL_CONDENSING_HPIPM'
    ocp.solver_options.hessian_approx = 'GAUSS_NEWTON'
    ocp.solver_options.integrator_type = 'ERK'
    ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_type = 'SQP_RTI'
    ocp.solver_options.qp_solver_cond_N = N // 4

    # More iterations take too much time and less lead to inaccurate convergence in
    # some situations. Ideally we would run just 1 iteration to ensure fixed runtime.
    ocp.solver_options.qp_solver_iter_max = 10

    # set prediction horizon = Tf
    ocp.solver_options.shooting_nodes = T_IDXS

    ocp.code_export_directory = EXPORT_DIR
    return ocp
Esempio n. 45
def system_dynamics(x, u):
    return casadi.vertcat(x[2], x[3], u[0], u[1])
Esempio n. 46
    def steer(self, from_node, to_node):
        if self.mode == 'mpc':
            # steer tree to desired node (using 1. MPC 2. LMPC 3. Feedback policy)
            horizon = 5
            temp_node = Node(self.node_arr[from_node].state)
            dist = self.get_dist(temp_node, to_node)
            n = self.env.observation_space.shape[0]
            d = self.env.action_space.shape[0]
            # while(dist >= 0.1):
            # define variables
            x = ca.SX.sym('x', (horizon + 1) * n)
            u = ca.SX.sym('u', horizon * d)
            # define cost
            cost = 0
            for i in range(horizon):
                cost += ca.norm_2(x[(i + 1) * n:(i + 2) * n] - to_node.state)
            # define constraints
            current_state = temp_node.state
            constraints = []
            for j in range(horizon):
                next_state = (self.env.A @ (current_state)) + (
                    self.env.B @ (u[j * d:(j + 1) * d]))
                constraints = ca.vertcat(constraints,
                                         x[(j + 1) * n + 0] == next_state[0])
                constraints = ca.vertcat(constraints,
                                         x[(j + 1) * n + 1] == next_state[1])
                constraints = ca.vertcat(constraints,
                                         x[(j + 1) * n + 2] == next_state[2])
                constraints = ca.vertcat(constraints,
                                         x[(j + 1) * n + 3] == next_state[3])
            lbg = [0] * (horizon) * n
            ubg = [0] * (horizon) * n
            # solve
            opts = {'verbose': False, 'ipopt.print_level': 0, 'print_time': 0}
            nlp = {'x': ca.vertcat(x, u), 'f': cost, 'g': constraints}
            solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, opts)
            lbx = current_state.tolist(
            ) + [-100] * n * horizon + [-1] * d * horizon
            ubx = current_state.tolist() + [100
                                            ] * n * horizon + [1] * d * horizon

            sol = solver(lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg)
            sol_val = np.array(sol['x'])
            u_star = sol_val[(horizon + 1) * n:(horizon + 1) * n + d]

            new_node = Node()
            new_node.state = self.env._next_state(current_state,
            new_node.parent = self.node_arr[from_node]

        if self.mode == 'lqr':
            n = self.env.observation_space.shape[0]
            d = self.env.action_space.shape[0]

            # get lqr gains
            Q = np.eye(n)
            R = 50 * np.eye(d)
            A = self.env.A
            B = self.env.B
            P = la.solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R)
            Ks = -np.linalg.inv(R +

            # obtain optimal control action
            start_state = self.node_arr[from_node].state
            goal_state = to_node.state
            u_star =, (start_state - goal_state))
            u_star = np.clip(u_star, -1, 1)

            # obtain new node
            new_node = Node()
            if len(self.node_arr[from_node].state_arr) == 0:

            # for j in range(len(self.node_arr[from_node].state_arr)):
            for i in range(self.n_states):
                    self.env._next_state(start_state, u_star))
            new_node.state = sum(new_node.state_arr) / len(new_node.state_arr)
            new_node.parent = self.node_arr[from_node]
            new_node.cost = self.node_arr[from_node].cost + 1

        return new_node
Esempio n. 47
    def _run_integrator(self,
        pybamm.logger.debug("Running CasADi integrator")
        if use_grid is True:
            t_eval_shifted = t_eval - t_eval[0]
            t_eval_shifted_rounded = np.round(t_eval_shifted,
            integrator = self.integrators[model][t_eval_shifted_rounded]
            integrator = self.integrators[model]["no grid"]
        len_rhs = model.concatenated_rhs.size
        y0_diff = y0[:len_rhs]
        y0_alg = y0[len_rhs:]
            # Try solving
            if use_grid is True:
                t_min = t_eval[0]
                inputs_with_tmin = casadi.vertcat(inputs, t_min)
                # Call the integrator once, with the grid
                timer = pybamm.Timer()
                casadi_sol = integrator(x0=y0_diff,
                integration_time = timer.time()
                y_sol = casadi.vertcat(casadi_sol["xf"], casadi_sol["zf"])
                sol = pybamm.Solution(t_eval, y_sol, model, inputs_dict)
                sol.integration_time = integration_time
                return sol
                # Repeated calls to the integrator
                x = y0_diff
                z = y0_alg
                y_diff = x
                y_alg = z
                for i in range(len(t_eval) - 1):
                    t_min = t_eval[i]
                    t_max = t_eval[i + 1]
                    inputs_with_tlims = casadi.vertcat(inputs, t_min, t_max)
                    timer = pybamm.Timer()
                    casadi_sol = integrator(x0=x,
                    integration_time = timer.time()
                    x = casadi_sol["xf"]
                    z = casadi_sol["zf"]
                    y_diff = casadi.horzcat(y_diff, x)
                    if not z.is_empty():
                        y_alg = casadi.horzcat(y_alg, z)
                if z.is_empty():
                    sol = pybamm.Solution(t_eval, y_diff, model, inputs_dict)
                    y_sol = casadi.vertcat(y_diff, y_alg)
                    sol = pybamm.Solution(t_eval, y_sol, model, inputs_dict)

                sol.integration_time = integration_time
                return sol
        except RuntimeError as e:
            # If it doesn't work raise error
            raise pybamm.SolverError(e.args[0])
Esempio n. 48
def model():

    # Variable Assignments
    MP   = cs.ssym("MP")
    MC   = cs.ssym("MC")
    MB   = cs.ssym("MB")
    PC   = cs.ssym("PC")
    CC   = cs.ssym("CC")
    PCP  = cs.ssym("PCP")
    CCP  = cs.ssym("CCP")
    PCC  = cs.ssym("PCC")
    PCN  = cs.ssym("PCN")
    PCCP = cs.ssym("PCCP")
    PCNP = cs.ssym("PCNP")
    BC   = cs.ssym("BC")
    BCP  = cs.ssym("BCP")
    BN   = cs.ssym("BN")
    BNP  = cs.ssym("BNP")
    IN   = cs.ssym("IN")
    # Parameter Assignments
    k1    = cs.ssym("k1")
    k2    = cs.ssym("k2")
    k3    = cs.ssym("k3")
    k4    = cs.ssym("k4")
    k5    = cs.ssym("k5")
    k6    = cs.ssym("k6")
    k7    = cs.ssym("k7")
    k8    = cs.ssym("k8")
    KAP   = cs.ssym("KAP")
    KAC   = cs.ssym("KAC")
    KIB   = cs.ssym("KIB")
    kdmb  = cs.ssym("kdmb")
    kdmc  = cs.ssym("kdmc")
    kdmp  = cs.ssym("kdmp")
    kdn   = cs.ssym("kdn")
    kdnc  = cs.ssym("kdnc")
    Kd    = cs.ssym("Kd")
    Kdp   = cs.ssym("Kdp")
    Kp    = cs.ssym("Kp")
    KmB   = cs.ssym("KmB")
    KmC   = cs.ssym("KmC")
    KmP   = cs.ssym("KmP")
    ksB   = cs.ssym("ksB")
    ksC   = cs.ssym("ksC")
    ksP   = cs.ssym("ksP")
    m     = cs.ssym("m")
    n     = cs.ssym("n")
    V1B   = cs.ssym("V1B")
    V1C   = cs.ssym("V1C")
    V1P   = cs.ssym("V1P")
    V1PC  = cs.ssym("V1PC")
    V2B   = cs.ssym("V2B")
    V2C   = cs.ssym("V2C")
    V2P   = cs.ssym("V2P")
    V2PC  = cs.ssym("V2PC")
    V3B   = cs.ssym("V3B")
    V3PC  = cs.ssym("V3PC")
    V4B   = cs.ssym("V4B")
    V4PC  = cs.ssym("V4PC")
    vdBC  = cs.ssym("vdBC")
    vdBN  = cs.ssym("vdBN")
    vdCC  = cs.ssym("vdCC")
    vdIN  = cs.ssym("vdIN")
    vdPC  = cs.ssym("vdPC")
    vdPCC = cs.ssym("vdPCC")
    vdPCN = cs.ssym("vdPCN")
    vmB   = cs.ssym("vmB")
    vmC   = cs.ssym("vmC")
    vmP   = cs.ssym("vmP")
    vsB   = cs.ssym("vsB")
    vsC   = cs.ssym("vsC")
    vsP   = cs.ssym("vsP")
    p = [k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, KAP, KAC, KIB, kdmb, kdmc, kdmp, kdn, kdnc, Kd, Kdp, Kp, KmB, KmC, KmP, ksB, ksC, ksP, m, n, V1B, V1C, V1P, V1PC, V2B, V2C, V2P, V2PC, V3B, V3PC, V4B, V4PC, vdBC, vdBN, vdCC, vdIN, vdPC, vdPCC, vdPCN, vmB, vmC, vmP, vsB, vsC, vsP]
    # Time Variable
    t = cs.ssym("t")
    ode = [[]]*NEQ
    #    /*  mRNA of per */
    ode[0] = ((1 + 0.5*cs.sin(2*np.pi*t/24.))*vsP*pow(BN,n)/(pow(KAP,n)  +  pow(BN,n))  -  vmP*MP/(KmP  +  MP)  -  kdmp*MP)
    #    /*  mRNA of cry */
    ode[1] = (vsC*pow(BN,n)/(pow(KAC,n)  +  pow(BN,n))  -  vmC*MC/(KmC  +  MC)  -  kdmc*MC)
    #    /*  mRNA of BMAL1  */
    ode[2] = (vsB*pow(KIB,m)/(pow(KIB,m) +  pow(BN,m))  -  vmB*MB/(KmB  +  MB)  -  kdmb *MB)
    #    /*  protein PER cytosol */
    ode[3] = (ksP*MP  -  V1P*PC/(Kp  +  PC)  +  V2P*PCP/(Kdp  +  PCP)  +  k4*PCC  -  k3*PC*CC  -  kdn*PC)
    #    /*  protein CRY cytosol */
    ode[4] = (ksC*MC - V1C*CC/(Kp + CC) + V2C*CCP/(Kdp + CCP) + k4*PCC - k3*PC*CC - kdnc*CC)
    #    /*  phosphorylated PER cytosol */
    ode[5] = (V1P*PC/(Kp + PC) - V2P*PCP/(Kdp + PCP) - vdPC*PCP/(Kdp + PCP) - kdn*PCP)
    #    /*  phosphorylated CRY cytosol  */
    ode[6] = (V1C*CC/(Kp + CC) - V2C*CCP/(Kdp + CCP) - vdCC*CCP/(Kd + CCP) - kdn*CCP)
    #    /*  PER:CRY complex cytosol */
    ode[7] = ( - V1PC*PCC/(Kp + PCC) + V2PC*PCCP/(Kdp + PCCP) - k4*PCC + k3*PC*CC + k2*PCN - k1*PCC - kdn*PCC)
    #    /* PER:CRY complex nucleus */
    ode[8] = ( - V3PC*PCN/(Kp + PCN) + V4PC*PCNP/(Kdp + PCNP) - k2*PCN + k1*PCC - k7*BN*PCN + k8*IN - kdn*PCN)
    #    /*  phopshorylated [PER:CRY)c cytosol */
    ode[9] = (V1PC*PCC/(Kp + PCC) - V2PC*PCCP/(Kdp + PCCP) - vdPCC*PCCP/(Kd + PCCP) - kdn*PCCP)
    #    /*  phosphorylated [PER:CRY)n */
    ode[10] = (V3PC*PCN/(Kp + PCN) - V4PC*PCNP/(Kdp + PCNP) - vdPCN*PCNP/(Kd + PCNP) - kdn*PCNP)
    #    /*  protein BMAL1 cytosol  */
    ode[11] = (ksB*MB - V1B*BC/(Kp + BC) + V2B*BCP/(Kdp + BCP) - k5*BC + k6*BN - kdn*BC)
    #    /* phosphorylated BMAL1 cytosol */
    ode[12] = (V1B*BC/(Kp + BC) - V2B*BCP/(Kdp + BCP) - vdBC*BCP/(Kd + BCP) - kdn*BCP)
    #    /*  protein BMAL1 nucleus */
    ode[13] = ( - V3B*BN/(Kp + BN) + V4B*BNP/(Kdp + BNP) + k5*BC - k6*BN - k7*BN*PCN  +  k8*IN - kdn*BN)
    #    /*  phosphorylatd BMAL1 nucleus */
    ode[14] = (V3B*BN/(Kp + BN) - V4B*BNP/(Kdp + BNP) - vdBN*BNP/(Kd + BNP) - kdn*BNP)
    #    /*  inactive complex between [PER:CRY)n abd [CLOCK:BMAL1)n */
    ode[15] = ( - k8*IN + k7*BN*PCN - vdIN*IN/(Kd + IN) - kdn*IN)
    fn = cs.SXFunction(cs.daeIn(t=t, x=cs.vertcat(y), p=cs.vertcat(p)),
    fn.setOption("name","Leloup 16")
    return fn
Esempio n. 49
    def _solve_for_event(self, coarse_solution, init_event_signs):
        Check if the sign of an event changes, if so find an accurate
        termination point and exit

        Locate the event time using a root finding algorithm and
        event state using interpolation. The solution is then truncated
        so that only the times up to the event are returned
        pybamm.logger.debug("Solving for events")
        model = coarse_solution.all_models[-1]
        inputs_dict = coarse_solution.all_inputs[-1]
        inputs = casadi.vertcat(*[x for x in inputs_dict.values()])

        def find_t_event(sol, typ):

            # Check most recent y to see if any events have been crossed
            if model.terminate_events_eval:
                y_last = sol.all_ys[-1][:, -1]
                crossed_events = np.sign(init_event_signs * np.concatenate([
                    event(sol.t[-1], y_last, inputs)
                    for event in model.terminate_events_eval
                ]) - 1e-5)
                crossed_events = np.sign([])

            # Return None if no events have been triggered
            if (crossed_events == 1).all():
                return None, None

            # get the index of the events that have been crossed
            event_ind = np.where(crossed_events != 1)[0]
            active_events = [model.terminate_events_eval[i] for i in event_ind]

            # loop over events to compute the time at which they were triggered
            t_events = [None] * len(active_events)
            event_idcs_lower = [None] * len(active_events)
            for i, event in enumerate(active_events):
                # Implement our own bisection algorithm for speed
                # This is used to find the time range in which the event is triggered
                # Evaluations of the "event" function are (relatively) expensive
                init_event_sign = init_event_signs[event_ind[i]][0]

                f_eval = {}

                def f(idx):
                        return f_eval[idx]
                    except KeyError:
                        # We take away 1e-5 to deal with the case where the event sits
                        # exactly on zero, as can happen when the event switch is used
                        # (fast with events mode)
                        f_eval[idx] = (
                            init_event_sign *
                            event(sol.t[idx], sol.y[:, idx], inputs) - 1e-5)
                        return f_eval[idx]

                def integer_bisect():
                    a_n = 0
                    b_n = len(sol.t) - 1
                    for _ in range(len(sol.t)):
                        if a_n + 1 == b_n:
                            return a_n
                        m_n = (a_n + b_n) // 2
                        f_m_n = f(m_n)
                        if np.isnan(f_m_n):
                            a_n = a_n
                            b_n = m_n
                        elif f_m_n < 0:
                            a_n = a_n
                            b_n = m_n
                        elif f_m_n > 0:
                            a_n = m_n
                            b_n = b_n

                event_idx_lower = integer_bisect()
                if typ == "window":
                    event_idcs_lower[i] = event_idx_lower
                elif typ == "exact":
                    # Linear interpolation between the two indices to find the root time
                    # We could do cubic interpolation here instead but it would be
                    # slower
                    t_lower = sol.t[event_idx_lower]
                    t_upper = sol.t[event_idx_lower + 1]
                    event_lower = abs(f(event_idx_lower))
                    event_upper = abs(f(event_idx_lower + 1))

                    t_events[i] = (event_lower * t_upper + event_upper *
                                   t_lower) / (event_lower + event_upper)

            if typ == "window":
                event_idx_lower = np.nanmin(event_idcs_lower)
                return event_idx_lower, None
            elif typ == "exact":
                # t_event is the earliest event triggered
                t_event = np.nanmin(t_events)
                # create interpolant to evaluate y in the current integration
                # window
                y_sol = interp1d(sol.t, sol.y, kind="linear")
                y_event = y_sol(t_event)

                return t_event, y_event

        # Find the interval in which the event was triggered
        event_idx_lower, _ = find_t_event(coarse_solution, "window")

        # Return the existing solution if no events have been triggered
        if event_idx_lower is None:
            # Flag "final time" for termination
            self.check_interpolant_extrapolation(model, coarse_solution)
            coarse_solution.termination = "final time"
            return coarse_solution

        # If events have been triggered, we solve for a dense window in the interval
        # where the event was triggered, then find the precise location of the event
        # Solve again with a more dense idx_window, starting from the start of the
        # window where the event was triggered
        t_window_event_dense = np.linspace(
            coarse_solution.t[event_idx_lower + 1],

        if self.mode == "safe without grid":
            use_grid = False
            self.create_integrator(model, inputs, t_window_event_dense)
            use_grid = True

        y0 = coarse_solution.y[:, event_idx_lower]
        dense_step_sol = self._run_integrator(model,

        # Find the exact time at which the event was triggered
        t_event, y_event = find_t_event(dense_step_sol, "exact")
        # If this returns None, no event was crossed in dense_step_sol. This can happen
        # if the event crossing was right at the end of the interval in the coarse
        # solution. In this case, return the t and y from the end of the interval
        # (i.e. next point in the coarse solution)
        if y_event is None:  # pragma: no cover
            # This is extremely rare, it's difficult to find a test that triggers this
            # hence no coverage check
            t_event = coarse_solution.t[event_idx_lower + 1]
            y_event = coarse_solution.y[:,
                                        event_idx_lower + 1].full().flatten()

        # Return solution truncated at the first coarse event time
        # Also assign t_event
        t_sol = coarse_solution.t[:event_idx_lower + 1]
        y_sol = coarse_solution.y[:, :event_idx_lower + 1]
        solution = pybamm.Solution(
            y_event[:, np.newaxis],
        solution.integration_time = (coarse_solution.integration_time +
        self.check_interpolant_extrapolation(model, solution)

        return solution
Esempio n. 50
    def setup(self, bending_BC_type="cantilevered"):
        Sets up the problem. Run this last.
        :return: None (in-place)
        ### Discretize and assign loads

        # Discretize
        point_load_locations = [load["location"] for load in self.point_loads]
        point_load_locations.insert(0, 0)
        self.x = cas.vertcat(*[
            cas.linspace(point_load_locations[i], point_load_locations[i + 1],
            for i in range(len(point_load_locations) - 1)

        # Post-process the discretization
        self.n = self.x.shape[0]
        dx = cas.diff(self.x)

        # Add point forces
        self.point_forces = cas.GenMX_zeros(self.n - 1)
        for i in range(len(self.point_loads)):
            load = self.point_loads[i]
            self.point_forces[self.points_per_point_load * (i + 1) -
                              1] = load["force"]

        # Add distributed loads
        self.force_per_unit_length = cas.GenMX_zeros(self.n)
        self.moment_per_unit_length = cas.GenMX_zeros(self.n)
        for load in self.distributed_loads:
            if load["type"] == "uniform":
                self.force_per_unit_length += load["force"] / self.length
            elif load["type"] == "point":
                raise ValueError(
                    "Bad value of \"type\" for a load within beam.loads!")

        # Initialize optimization variables
        log_nominal_diameter = self.opti.variable(self.n)
        self.nominal_diameter = cas.exp(log_nominal_diameter)

        self.opti.subject_to([log_nominal_diameter > cas.log(self.thickness)])

        def trapz(x):
            out = (x[:-1] + x[1:]) / 2
            # out[0] += x[0] / 2
            # out[-1] += x[-1] / 2
            return out

        # Mass
        self.volume = cas.sum1(
            cas.pi / 4 * trapz((self.nominal_diameter + self.thickness)**2 -
                               (self.nominal_diameter - self.thickness)**2) *
        self.mass = self.volume * self.density

        # Mass proxy
        self.volume_proxy = cas.sum1(cas.pi * trapz(self.nominal_diameter) *
                                     dx * self.thickness)
        self.mass_proxy = self.volume_proxy * self.density

        # Find moments of inertia
        self.I = cas.pi / 64 * (  # bending
            (self.nominal_diameter + self.thickness)**4 -
            (self.nominal_diameter - self.thickness)**4)
        self.J = cas.pi / 32 * (  # torsion
            (self.nominal_diameter + self.thickness)**4 -
            (self.nominal_diameter - self.thickness)**4)

        if self.bending:
            # Set up derivatives
            self.u = 1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.du = 0.1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.ddu = 0.01 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.dEIddu = 1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.u, 0)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.du, 0)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.ddu, 0)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.dEIddu, 0)

            # Define derivatives
                cas.diff(self.u) == trapz(self.du) * dx,
                cas.diff(self.du) == trapz(self.ddu) * dx,
                cas.diff(self.E * self.I *
                         self.ddu) == trapz(self.dEIddu) * dx,
                    self.dEIddu) == trapz(self.force_per_unit_length) * dx +

            # Add BCs
            if bending_BC_type == "cantilevered":
                    self.u[0] == 0,
                    self.du[0] == 0,
                    self.ddu[-1] == 0,  # No tip moment
                    self.dEIddu[-1] == 0,  # No tip higher order stuff
                raise ValueError("Bad value of bending_BC_type!")

            # Stress
            self.stress_axial = (self.nominal_diameter +
                                 self.thickness) / 2 * self.E * self.ddu

        if self.torsion:

            # Set up derivatives
            phi = 0.1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            dphi = 0.01 * self.opti.variable(self.n)

            # Add forcing term
            ddphi = -self.moment_per_unit_length / (self.G * self.J)

        self.stress = self.stress_axial
            self.stress / self.max_allowable_stress < 1,
            self.stress / self.max_allowable_stress > -1,
Esempio n. 51
    def _simulate_with_casadi_with_inputs(self, initcon, tsim, varying_inputs,
                                          integrator, integrator_options):

        xalltemp = [self._templatemap[i] for i in self._diffvars]
        xall = casadi.vertcat(*xalltemp)

        time = casadi.SX.sym('time')

        odealltemp = [
            time * convert_pyomo2casadi(self._rhsdict[i])
            for i in self._derivlist
        odeall = casadi.vertcat(*odealltemp)

        # Time-varying inputs
        ptemp = [self._templatemap[i] for i in self._siminputvars.values()]
        pall = casadi.vertcat(time, *ptemp)

        dae = {'x': xall, 'p': pall, 'ode': odeall}

        if len(self._algvars) != 0:
            zalltemp = [self._templatemap[i] for i in self._simalgvars]
            zall = casadi.vertcat(*zalltemp)
            # Need to do anything special with time scaling??
            algalltemp = [convert_pyomo2casadi(i) for i in self._alglist]
            algall = casadi.vertcat(*algalltemp)
            dae['z'] = zall
            dae['alg'] = algall

        integrator_options['tf'] = 1.0
        F = casadi.integrator('F', integrator, dae, integrator_options)
        N = len(tsim)

        # This approach removes the time scaling from tsim so must
        # create an array with the time step between consecutive
        # time points
        tsimtemp = np.hstack([0, tsim[1:] - tsim[0:-1]])
        tsimtemp.shape = (1, len(tsimtemp))

        palltemp = [casadi.DM(tsimtemp)]

        # Need a similar np array for each time-varying input
        for p in self._siminputvars.keys():
            profile = varying_inputs[p]
            tswitch = list(profile.keys())
            tidx = [tsim.searchsorted(i) for i in tswitch] + \
                   [len(tsim) - 1]
            ptemp = [profile[0]] + \
                    [casadi.repmat(profile[tswitch[i]], 1,
                                   tidx[i + 1] - tidx[i])
                     for i in range(len(tswitch))]
            temp = casadi.horzcat(*ptemp)

        I = F.mapaccum('simulator', N)
        sol = I(x0=initcon, p=casadi.vertcat(*palltemp))
        profile = sol['xf'].full().T

        if len(self._algvars) != 0:
            algprofile = sol['zf'].full().T
            profile = np.concatenate((profile, algprofile), axis=1)

        return [tsim, profile]
    def generate_safety_constraints(self, p_all, q_all, u_0, k_fb_ctrl,
        """ Generate all safety constraints


        g: list[casadi.SX]
        lbg: list[casadi.SX]
        ubg: list[casadi.SX]
        g = []
        lbg = []
        ubg = []
        g_name = []

        H = np.shape(p_all)[0]
        # control constraints
        if self.has_ctrl_bounds:
            g_u_0, lbg_u_0, ubg_u_0 = self._generate_control_constraint(u_0)
            g = vertcat(g, g_u_0)
            lbg += lbg_u_0
            ubg += ubg_u_0
            g_name += ["u_0_ctrl_constraint"]

            for i in range(H - 1):
                p_i = p_all[i, :].T
                q_i = q_all[i, :].reshape((self.n_s, self.n_s))
                k_ff_i = k_ff_all[i, :].reshape((self.n_u, 1))
                k_fb_i = k_fb_ctrl

                g_u_i, lbg_u_i, ubg_u_i = self._generate_control_constraint(k_ff_i, q_i,
                g = vertcat(g, g_u_i)
                lbg += lbg_u_i
                ubg += ubg_u_i
                g_name += ["ellipsoid_ctrl_constraint_{}".format(i)] * len(lbg_u_i)

        # intermediate state constraints
        if not self.h_mat_obs is None:
            for i in range(H - 1):
                p_i = p_all[i, :].T
                q_i = q_all[i, :].reshape((self.n_s, self.n_s))
                g_state = lin_ellipsoid_safety_distance(p_i, q_i, self.h_mat_obs,
                g = vertcat(g, g_state)
                lbg += [-cas.inf] * self.m_obs
                ubg += [0] * self.m_obs
                g_name += ["obstacle_avoidance_constraint{}".format(i)] * self.m_obs

        # terminal state constraint
        p_T = p_all[-1, :].T
        q_T = q_all[-1, :].reshape((self.n_s, self.n_s))
        g_terminal = lin_ellipsoid_safety_distance(p_T, q_T, self.h_mat_safe,
        g = vertcat(g, g_terminal)
        g_name += ["terminal constraint"] * self.m_safe
        lbg += [-cas.inf] * self.m_safe
        ubg += [0] * self.m_safe

        return g, lbg, ubg, g_name
Esempio n. 53
# In[103]:

# Build the constraints
g = equations
lbg = [0.0] * len(g)
ubg = lbg.copy()

# Build the objective
f = 0.0
for n in nodes.values():
    f += n.objective**2

# In[104]:

# Construct the qp, and solver
qp = {'f': f, 'g': ca.vertcat(*g), 'x': ca.vertcat(*x)}

solver = ca.qpsol('qp', 'cplex', qp, {})

# In[105]:

results = solver(lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg)

# In[112]:

total_shortage = 0
max_shortage = 0

i = 0
for n in nodes.values():
    if n.q_control is not None:
    def init_solver(self, cost_func=None):
        """ Generate the exloration NLP in casadi

        T: int, optional
            the safempc horizon


        u_0 = MX.sym("init_control", (self.n_u, 1))
        k_ff_all = MX.sym("feed-forward control", (self.T - 1, self.n_u))
        g = []
        lbg = []
        ubg = []
        g_name = []

        p_0 = MX.sym("initial state", (self.n_s, 1))

        k_fb_safe_ctrl = MX.sym("Feedback term", (self.n_u, self.n_s))
        p_all, q_all, gp_sigma_pred_safe_all = cas_multistep(p_0, u_0,
                                                             k_fb_safe_ctrl, k_ff_all,
                                                   , self.l_mu,
                                                             self.beta_safety, self.a,

        # generate open_loop trajectory function [vertcat(x_0,u_0)],[f_x])
        self.f_multistep_eval = cas.Function("safe_multistep",
                                             [p_0, u_0, k_fb_safe_ctrl, k_ff_all],
                                             [p_all, q_all])

        g_safe, lbg_safe, ubg_safe, g_names_safe = self.generate_safety_constraints(
            p_all, q_all, u_0, k_fb_safe_ctrl, k_ff_all)
        g = vertcat(g, g_safe)
        lbg += lbg_safe
        ubg += ubg_safe
        g_name += g_names_safe

        if cost_func is None:
            cost = -sum1(sum2(gp_sigma_pred_safe_all))
            cost = cost_func(p_all, q_all, gp_sigma_pred_safe_all, u_0, k_ff_all)

        opt_vars = vertcat(p_0, u_0, k_ff_all.reshape((-1, 1)))
        opt_params = vertcat(k_fb_safe_ctrl.reshape((-1, 1)))

        prob = {'f': cost, 'x': opt_vars, 'p': opt_params, 'g': g}

        opt = {'error_on_fail': False,
               'ipopt': {'hessian_approximation': 'exact', "max_iter": 120,
                         "expect_infeasible_problem": "no", \
                         'acceptable_tol': 1e-4, "acceptable_constr_viol_tol": 1e-5,
                         "bound_frac": 0.5, "start_with_resto": "no",
                         "required_infeasibility_reduction": 0.85,
                         "acceptable_iter": 8}}  # ipopt
        # opt = {'qpsol':'qpoases','max_iter':120,'hessian_approximation':'exact'}#,"c1":5e-4} #sqpmethod #,'hessian_approximation':'limited-memory'
        # opt = {'max_iter':120,'qpsol':'qpoases'}

        self.solver = cas.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob, opt)

        self.lbg = lbg
        self.ubg = ubg
Esempio n. 55
    def get_derivative(self, s):

        # Case 1: s is a constant, e.g. MX(5)
        if ca.MX(s).is_constant():
            return 0

        # Case 2: s is a symbol, e.g. MX(x)
        elif s.is_symbolic():
            if not in self.derivative:
                if len(self.for_loops
                       ) > 0 and s in self.for_loops[-1].indexed_symbols:
                    # Create a new indexed symbol, referencing to the for loop index inside the vector derivative symbol.
                    for_loop_symbol = self.for_loops[-1].indexed_symbols[s]
                    s_without_index = self.get_mx(
                    der_s_without_index = self.get_derivative(s_without_index)
                    if ca.MX(der_s_without_index).is_symbolic():
                        return self.get_indexed_symbol(
                        return 0
                    der_s = _new_mx("der({})".format(, s.size())
                    # If the derivative contains an expression (e.g. der(x + y)) this method is
                    # called with MX variables that are the result of a ca.symvar call. This
                    # ca.symvar call strips the _modelica_shape field from the MX variable,
                    # therefore we need to find the original MX to get the modelica shape.
                    der_s._modelica_shape = \
                    self.derivative[] = der_s
                    self.nodes[self.current_class][] = der_s
                    return der_s
                return self.derivative[]

        # Case 3: s is an already indexed symbol, e.g. MX(x[1])
        elif s.is_op(ca.OP_GETNONZEROS) and s.dep().is_symbolic():
            slice_info =['slice']
            dep = s.dep()
            if not in self.derivative:
                der_dep = _new_mx("der({})".format(, dep.size())
                der_dep._modelica_shape = \
                self.derivative[] = der_dep
                self.nodes[self.current_class][] = der_dep
                return der_dep[
                return self.derivative[

        # Case 4: s is an expression that requires differentiation, e.g. MX(x2 * x2)
        # Need to do this sort of expansion: der(x1 * x2) = der(x1) * x2 + x1 * der(x2)
            # Differentiate expression using CasADi
            orig_deps = ca.symvar(s)
            deps = ca.vertcat(*orig_deps)
            J = ca.Function('J', [deps], [ca.jacobian(s, deps)])
            J_sparsity = J.sparsity_out(0)
            der_deps = [
                if J_sparsity.has_nz(0, j) else ca.DM.zeros(dep.size())
                for j, dep in enumerate(orig_deps)
            return ca.mtimes(J(deps), ca.vertcat(*der_deps))
Esempio n. 56
sint = ca.sin( x[1] )
cost = ca.cos( x[1] )

fric = mic * ca.sign( x[2] )
num  = g * sint + cost * ( -u - mp * l * x[0] * x[0] * sint + fric ) / ( mc + mp ) - mip * x[0] / ( mp * l )
denom = l * ( 4. / 3. - mp * cost*cost / (mc + mp) )
ddtheta = num / denom
ddx = (-u + mp * l * ( x[0] * x[0] * sint - ddtheta * cost ) - fric) / (mc + mp)

x_err = x-x_target
cost_mat = np.diag( [1,1,1,1,0] )

ode = ca.vertcat([	ddtheta, \
					x[0], \
					ddx, \
					x[2], \
					ca.mul( [ x_err.T, cost_mat, x_err ] )
				] )

dae = ca.SXFunction( 'dae', ca.daeIn( x=x, p=u, t=t ), ca.daeOut( ode=ode ) )

# Create an integrator
opts = { 'tf': tf/nk } # final time
if coll:
  opts[ 'number_of_finite_elements' ] = 5
  opts['interpolation_order'] = 5
  opts['collocation_scheme'] = 'legendre'
  opts['implicit_solver'] = 'kinsol'
  opts['implicit_solver_options'] =  {'linear_solver' : 'csparse'}
  opts['expand_f'] = True
  integrator = ca.Integrator('integrator', 'oldcollocation', dae, opts)
Esempio n. 57
def permute(x: SYM, perm: List[int]) -> SYM:
    """Perumute a vector"""
    x_s = []
    for i in perm:
    return ca.vertcat(*x_s)
    def __set_costs(self, ocp):
        # set weight for states and controls (default: 1.00)
        # Q = 1.00 * np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)
        # R = 1.00 * np.eye(
        # self.acados_ocp.cost.W = linalg.block_diag(Q, R)
        # self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = Q
        self.y_ref = []
        self.y_ref_end = []
        if self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "LINEAR_LS":
            # set Lagrange terms
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx = np.zeros((self.acados_ocp.dims.ny, self.acados_ocp.dims.nx))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx[: self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, :] = np.eye(self.acados_ocp.dims.nx)

            Vu = np.zeros((self.acados_ocp.dims.ny,
            Vu[self.acados_ocp.dims.nx :, :] = np.eye(
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vu = Vu

            # set Mayer term
            self.acados_ocp.cost.Vx_e = np.zeros((self.acados_ocp.dims.nx, self.acados_ocp.dims.nx))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "NONLINEAR_LS":
            if ocp.nb_phases != 1:
                # TODO: Please confirm this
                raise NotImplementedError("ACADOS with more than one phase is not implemented yet")

            for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                # TODO: I think ocp.J is missing here (the parameters would be stored there)
                for j, J in enumerate(ocp.nlp[i]["J"]):
                    if J[0]["objective"].type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        self.lagrange_costs = vertcat(self.lagrange_costs, J[0]["val"].reshape((-1, 1)))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                            self.y_ref.append([J_tp["target"].T.reshape((-1, 1)) for J_tp in J])
                            raise RuntimeError("Should we put y_ref = zeros?")

                    elif J[0]["objective"].type.get_type() == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        raise RuntimeError("TODO: I may have broken this (is this the right J?)")
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_mayer_func_{i}_{j}", [ocp.nlp[i]["X"][-1]], [J[0]["val"]])
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(self.mayer_costs, mayer_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i]["X"][0]))
                        if J[0]["target"] is not None:
                            raise RuntimeError("TODO: Should we put y_ref_end = zeros?")

                        raise RuntimeError("The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer.")

            if self.lagrange_costs.numel():
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr = self.lagrange_costs
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr = SX(1, 1)
            if self.mayer_costs.numel():
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = self.mayer_costs
                self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = SX(1, 1)
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr.shape[0]
            self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e = self.acados_ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e.shape[0]
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros((max(self.acados_ocp.dims.ny, 1),))
            self.acados_ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros((max(self.acados_ocp.dims.ny_e, 1),))

            # TODO changed hard coded values below (you can use J["weight"])
            Q_ocp = np.zeros((15, 15))
            np.fill_diagonal(Q_ocp, 1000)
            R_ocp = np.zeros((4, 4))
            np.fill_diagonal(R_ocp, 1000)

            self.acados_ocp.cost.W = linalg.block_diag(Q_ocp, R_ocp)
            self.acados_ocp.cost.W_e = np.zeros((1, 1))

            # TODO: Is the following useful?
            # if len(self.y_ref):
            #     self.y_ref = np.vstack(self.y_ref)
            # else:
            #     self.y_ref = [np.zeros((1, 1))] * self.ocp
            # if len(self.y_ref_end):
            #     self.y_ref_end = np.vstack(self.y_ref_end)
            # else:
            #     self.y_ref_end = np.zeros((1, 1))

        elif self.acados_ocp.cost.cost_type == "EXTERNAL":
            for i in range(ocp.nb_phases):
                for j in range(len(ocp.nlp[i]["J"])):
                    J = ocp.nlp[i]["J"][j][0]

                    raise RuntimeError("TODO: The target is not right currently")
                    if J["type"] == ObjectiveFunction.LagrangeFunction:
                        self.lagrange_costs = vertcat(self.lagrange_costs, J["val"][0] - J["target"][0])
                    elif J["type"] == ObjectiveFunction.MayerFunction:
                        raise RuntimeError("TODO: I may have broken this (is this the right J?)")
                        mayer_func_tp = Function(f"cas_mayer_func_{i}_{j}", [ocp.nlp[i]["X"][-1]], [J["val"]])
                        self.mayer_costs = vertcat(self.mayer_costs, mayer_func_tp(ocp.nlp[i]["X"][0]))
                        raise RuntimeError("The objective function is not Lagrange nor Mayer.")
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost = sum1(self.lagrange_costs)
            self.acados_ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost_e = sum1(self.mayer_costs)

            raise RuntimeError("Available acados cost type: 'LINEAR_LS', 'NONLINEAR_LS' and 'EXTERNAL'.")
Esempio n. 59
import casadi as ca
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

eqs = rocket_casadi.rocket_equations()
x0, p0 = eqs['initialize'](75)

dt = 0.1
m_dot = 0.1
t_vect = np.arange(0, 4, dt)
n = len(t_vect)
elv_vect = ca.SX.sym('elv', n)
x = x0
for i in range(n):
    t = t_vect[i]
    elv = elv_vect[i]
    u = ca.vertcat(m_dot, 0, elv, 0)
    x = eqs['predict'](x, u, p0, t, dt)
x_final = x
dx_final = eqs['rhs'](x_final, u, p0)

s0 = 0 * np.ones(n)
x = ca.SX.sym('x')
nlp = {
    'x': elv_vect,
    'f':, elv_vect),
    'g': ca.vertcat(dx_final[12])

args = {
    'print_time': 1,
    'monitor': ['nlp_f', 'nlp_g'],
Esempio n. 60
#            constant for this problem

m = 1.0
L = 3.0
g = 9.81
# psi = pl.pi / 2.0
psi = pl.pi / (180.0 * 2)

# System

x = ca.MX.sym("x", 2)
p = ca.MX.sym("p", 1)
u = ca.MX.sym("u", 1)

# f = ca.vertcat([x[1], p[0]/(m*(L**2))*(u-x[0]) - g/L * pl.sin(x[0])])
f = ca.vertcat([x[1], p[0]/(m*(L**2))*(u-x[0]) - g/L * x[0]])

phi = x

odesys = = x, u = u, p = p, f = f, phi = phi)
odesys.show_system_information(showEquations = True)

data = pl.loadtxt('data_pendulum.txt')
tu = data[:500, 0]
numeas = data[:500, 1]
wmeas = data[:500, 2]
yN = pl.array([numeas,wmeas])
N = tu.size
uN = [psi] * (N-1)

wv = pl.ones(yN.shape)