def __init__(self): config = load(open(r'conf.yaml', 'rb')) self.address = config['address'] self.port = config['port'] self.banner = config['banner'] self.protection_url = config['protection']['url'] self.protection_token = config['protection']['token'] self.protection_headers = {'X-Auth-Token': self.protection_token} self.protection_path = config['protection']['path'] self.protection_interval = config['protection']['interval'] self.protection_counter = config['protection']['counter'] self.response_url = config['response']['url'] self.response_token = config['response']['token'] self.response_path = config['response']['path'] self.archives = config['archives'] self.logs = config['logs'] self.password = config['password'] #~ self.root = getLogger("cbapi") self.queue = Queue() self.check_dirs() setup_logging() #~ basicConfig('logs/FileCollector_%H_%M_%d_%m_%Y.log'), level=INFO) requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) self.cb = CbApi(self.response_url, token=self.response_token, ssl_verify=False)
def __init__(self, config_file_path, debug_mode=False, import_dir='', export_dir=''): # # parse config file and save off the information we need # config_dict = parse_config(config_file_path) self.server_url = config_dict.get('server_url', '') self.api_token = config_dict.get('api_token', '') self.sites = config_dict.get('sites', []) self.debug = config_dict.get('debug', False) self.export_dir = export_dir self.import_dir = import_dir self.http_proxy_url = config_dict.get('http_proxy_url', None) self.https_proxy_url = config_dict.get('https_proxy_url', None) if self.export_dir and not os.path.exists(self.export_dir): os.mkdir(self.export_dir) # # Test Cb Response connectivity # try: self.cb = CbApi(server=self.server_url, token=self.api_token, ssl_verify=False) self.cb.feed_enum() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) sys.exit(-1)
def prepare(self): configuration_dict = splunk.clilib.cli_common.getConfStanza( 'carbonblack', 'cbserver') cb_server = configuration_dict['cburl'] token = configuration_dict['cbapikey'] self.cb = CbApi(cb_server, token=token, ssl_verify=False)
def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify): self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify) self.cb_url = url # set up some stat tracking self.stats = {} self.stats['total_processes'] = 0 self.stats['total_netconns'] = 0 self.stats['matching_netconns'] = 0 self.stats['output_errors'] = 0 self.stats['process_errors'] = 0
def __init__(self, hosts_mapping): configuration_dict = splunk.clilib.cli_common.getConfStanza('carbonblack', 'cbserver') self.cb_server = configuration_dict['cburl'] self.token = configuration_dict['cbapikey'] self.cb = CbApi(self.cb_server, token=self.token, ssl_verify=False) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.hosts_mapping = hosts_mapping
def __init__(self, config_file_path, debug_mode=False, import_dir='', export_dir=''): # # parse config file and save off the information we need # config_dict = parse_config(config_file_path) self.server_url = config_dict.get('server_url', '') self.api_token = config_dict.get('api_token', '') self.sites = config_dict.get('sites', []) self.debug = config_dict.get('debug', False) self.export_dir = export_dir self.import_dir = import_dir if self.export_dir and not os.path.exists(self.export_dir): os.mkdir(self.export_dir) # # Test Cb Response connectivity # try: self.cb = CbApi(server=self.server_url, token=self.api_token, ssl_verify=False) self.cb.feed_enum() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) sys.exit(-1)
class BinarySearchCommand(GeneratingCommand): """Generates a binary search result from Carbon Black from a given MD5 or search query | binarysearch ${md5} """ query = Option(name="query", require=True) field_names = ['digsig_publisher', 'digsig_result', 'digsig_sign_time', 'host_count', 'is_executable_image', 'last_seen', 'original_filename', 'os_type', 'product_name', 'product_version', 'md5'] def prepare(self): configuration_dict = splunk.clilib.cli_common.getConfStanza('carbonblack', 'cbserver') self.cb_server = configuration_dict['cburl'] token = configuration_dict['cbapikey'] self.cb = CbApi(self.cb_server, token=token, ssl_verify=False) def generate(self): for bindata in self.cb.binary_search_iter(self.query):"yielding binary %s" % bindata["md5"]) rawdata = dict((field_name, bindata.get(field_name, "")) for field_name in self.field_names) try: rawdata synthevent = {'sourcetype': 'bit9:carbonblack:json', '_time': time.time(), 'source': self.cb_server, '_raw': rawdata} yield synthevent except Exception: synthevent = {'sourcetype': 'bit9:carbonblack:json', '_time': time.time(), 'source': self.cb_server, '_raw': '{"Error":"MD5 not found"}'} yield synthevent
def prepare(self): configuration_dict = splunk.clilib.cli_common.getConfStanza('carbonblack', 'cbserver') self.cb_server = configuration_dict['cburl'] token = configuration_dict['cbapikey'] self.cb = CbApi(self.cb_server, token=token, ssl_verify=False)
def __init__(self, cb_server, token): self.cb = CbApi(cb_server, token=token, ssl_verify=False) self.worker_queue = Queue.Queue(maxsize=10) self.output_queue = Queue.Queue() self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.basicConfig()
class ProcessSearchCommand(GeneratingCommand): """Generates a process search result from Carbon Black from a given IP or search query | processsearch query=${ip} """ query = Option(name="query", require=True) field_names = [ 'cmdline', 'comms_ip', 'hostname', 'id', 'interface_ip', 'last_update', 'os_type', 'parent_md5', 'parent_name', 'parent_pid', 'parent_unique_id', 'path', 'process_md5', 'process_name', 'process_pid', 'regmod_count', 'segment_id', 'sensor_id', 'start', 'unique_id', 'username', 'childproc_count', 'crossproc_count', 'modload_count', 'netconn_count', 'filemod_count', 'group', 'host_type' ] def prepare(self): configuration_dict = splunk.clilib.cli_common.getConfStanza( 'carbonblack', 'cbserver') self.cb_server = configuration_dict['cburl'] self.token = configuration_dict['cbapikey'] self.cb = CbApi(self.cb_server, token=self.token, ssl_verify=False) def generate(self):"query %s" % self.query) i = 0 for bindata in self.cb.process_search_iter(self.query): i += 1 if i > 1000: # TODO: let's stop at 1,000 results for now? self.finish() return temp = dict((field_name, bindata[field_name]) for field_name in self.field_names) temp['sourcetype'] = 'bit9:carbonblack:json' # # Sometimes we have seen 'start' be equal to -1 # try: temp['_time'] = int( time.mktime( dateutil.parser.parse(bindata['start']).timetuple())) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception('parsing bindata["start"] %s' % bindata['start']) temp['_time'] = 0 temp['link_process'] = self.cb_server + '/#/analyze/' + bindata[ 'id'] + "/1" temp['source'] = 'cbapi' temp['_raw'] = json.dumps(temp) yield temp if i % 10 == 0: self.flush()
class BinarySearchCommand(GeneratingCommand): """Generates a binary search result from Carbon Black from a given MD5 or search query | binarysearch ${md5} """ query = Option(name="query", require=True) field_names = [ 'digsig_publisher', 'digsig_result', 'digsig_sign_time', 'host_count', 'is_executable_image', 'last_seen', 'original_filename', 'os_type', 'product_name', 'product_version', 'md5' ] def prepare(self): configuration_dict = splunk.clilib.cli_common.getConfStanza( 'carbonblack', 'cbserver') cb_server = configuration_dict['cburl'] token = configuration_dict['cbapikey'] self.cb = CbApi(cb_server, token=token, ssl_verify=False) def generate(self): for bindata in self.cb.binary_search_iter(self.query):"yielding binary %s" % bindata["md5"]) yield dict((field_name, bindata.get(field_name, "")) for field_name in self.field_names)
def validate_form(self, form): if not super(CbModelView, self).validate_form(form): return False if not hasattr(form, 'url') or not hasattr(form, 'admin_key'): return True cb_server = cb_token = # validate that we can connect to the cb server using the token provided c = CbApi(cb_server, token=cb_token, ssl_verify=False) try: info = return True except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() for field in [form.url, form.admin_key]: field.errors.append("Could not contact a Cb server at this URL and token") return False
def on_model_change(self, form, model, is_created): if is_created: (already_exist, failed_users, success_users) = bulk_synchronize( CbApi(model.url, token=model.admin_key, ssl_verify=False) ) statuses = [] if len(already_exist): statuses.append("Users {0:s} already existed".format(", ".join(already_exist))) if len(failed_users): statuses.append("Failed to add users {0:s}".format(", ".join(failed_users))) flash(". ".join(statuses)) else: # all we do here is to update the SAML SP configuration load_metadata(, model.saml_sp_config)
def main_helper(description, main, custom_required=None, custom_optional=None): """ :param description: :param main: :return: """ default_required = [("-c", "--cburl", "store", None, "server_url", "CB server's URL. e.g., "), ("-a", "--apitoken", "store", None, "token", "API Token for Carbon Black server")] default_optional = [("-n", "--no-ssl-verify", "store_false", True, "ssl_verify", "Do not verify server SSL certificate.") ] if not custom_required: custom_required = [] if not custom_optional: custom_optional = [] required = default_required + custom_required optional = default_optional + custom_optional parser = build_cli_parser(description, required + optional) opts, args = parser.parse_args() for opt in required: if not getattr(opts, opt[4]): print print "** Missing required parameter '%s' **" % opt[4] print parser.print_help() print sys.exit(-1) args = {} for opt in required + optional: name = opt[4] args[name] = getattr(opts, name) cb = CbApi(opts.server_url, ssl_verify=opts.ssl_verify, token=opts.token) main(cb, args)
class CBQuery(object): def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify): self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify) self.cb_url = url def report(self, hostname, user_dictionary): print "" print "%s | %s : %s" % ("Hostname", "Process Count", "Username") print "--------------------------------------------" for key,value in user_dictionary.items(): print "%s | %s = %s" % (hostname, value, key) def check(self, hostname): # print a legend print "" print "USER REPORT FOR %s:" % (hostname) print "--------------------------------------------" # build the query string q = "hostname:%s" % (hostname) #define dictionary user_dictionary = dict() # loop over the entire result set for result in self.cb.process_search_iter(q): user_name = result.get("username", "<unknown>") if user_name not in user_dictionary.keys(): print "NEW USER found on %s : %s" % (hostname, user_name) user_dictionary[user_name] = 1 else: user_dictionary[user_name] = user_dictionary[user_name] + 1, user_dictionary)
class CBQuery(object): def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify): self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify) self.cb_url = url def report(self, hostname, user_dictionary): print "" print "%s | %s : %s" % ("Hostname", "Process Count", "Username") print "--------------------------------------------" for key, value in user_dictionary.items(): print "%s | %s = %s" % (hostname, value, key) def check(self, hostname): # print a legend print "" print "USER REPORT FOR %s:" % (hostname) print "--------------------------------------------" # build the query string q = "hostname:%s" % (hostname) #define dictionary user_dictionary = dict() # loop over the entire result set for result in self.cb.process_search_iter(q): user_name = result.get("username", "<unknown>") if user_name not in user_dictionary.keys(): print "NEW USER found on %s : %s" % (hostname, user_name) user_dictionary[user_name] = 1 else: user_dictionary[user_name] = user_dictionary[user_name] + 1, user_dictionary)
class CBQuery(object): def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify): self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify) self.cb_url = url def report(self, rundll_query, dll_dictionary, search_match_count): # CALLED BY:, regex_match_dictionary, search_match_count) print "--------------------------------------------" print "%s Command Line Matches:" % (search_match_count) print "%s : %s" % ("Search Match Count", "Command Line Match") print "--------------------------------------------" #ordered_dll_dictionary = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(dll_dictionary.items())) ordered_dll_dictionary = sorted(dll_dictionary.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) for value in ordered_dll_dictionary: print "%s : %s" % (value[1], value[0]) def check(self, regex, ignore_case, group_reference_to_match, count_flag, matches_only_flag): # CALLED BY: cb.check(opts.regex, opts.ignore_case, opts.group_reference_to_match, opts.count_flag, opts.matches_only_flag) # print a legend print "" print "Displaying Report for Commandline regular expression matches" print "" print "Command Line Strings Matching REGEX: %s" % (regex) print "============================================================" print "" # build the query string q = "cmdline:*" #define dictionary regex_match_dictionary = dict() search_match_count = 0 #define regexp # check if we need to ignore case, if so, update regexp if ignore_case: regexp = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE) else: regexp = re.compile(regex) for result in self.cb.process_search_iter(q): cmdline = result.get("cmdline", "<unknown>") # print "CMD: %s" % (cmdline,) #SEARCH FOR REGEX IN STRING!! if matches_only_flag: # print "-----MATCHES ONLY" search_match_result = regexp.match(cmdline) else: # print "-----EVERYTHING" search_match_result = if search_match_result is not None: # print "cmdline: %s" % (cmdline) # print "result: %s" % (search_match_result) # print "------------------------------------" # Iterate TOTAL Search Match Count search_match_count = search_match_count + 1 # On Match, add to dictionary # 1st Check group_reference_to_match flag to see if we need to add a specific Group Reference or just the entire Command Line as the regex match if group_reference_to_match: # print "cmdline: %s" % (cmdline) # print"matching GROUP: %s" % (group_reference_to_match) # print"search_match_result: %s" % (search_match_result) regex_match_group_reference = int(group_reference_to_match)) if regex_match_group_reference not in regex_match_dictionary.keys( ): print "%s" % (regex_match_group_reference) regex_match_dictionary[regex_match_group_reference] = 1 else: regex_match_dictionary[ regex_match_group_reference] = regex_match_dictionary[ regex_match_group_reference] + 1 else: if cmdline not in regex_match_dictionary.keys(): print "%s" % (cmdline) regex_match_dictionary[cmdline] = 1 else: regex_match_dictionary[ cmdline] = regex_match_dictionary[cmdline] + 1, regex_match_dictionary, search_match_count)
class CBQuery(object): def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify): self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify) self.cb_url = url def report(self, hostname, result): # return the events associated with this process segment # this will include netconns, as well as modloads, filemods, etc. events = self.cb.process_events(result["id"], result["segment_id"]) proc = events["process"] # for convenience, use locals for some process metadata fields process_name = result.get("process_name", "<unknown>") user_name = result.get("username", "<unknown>") process_md5 = result.get("process_md5", "<unknown>") # the search criteria (netconn_count:[1 to *]) should ensure that # all results have at least one netconn if proc.has_key("netconn_complete"): # examine each netconn in turn for netconn in proc["netconn_complete"]: # split the netconn event into component parts # note that the port is the remote port in the case of outbound # netconns, and local port in the case of inbound netconns ts, ip, port, proto, domain, dir = netconn.split("|") # get the dotted-quad string representation of the ip str_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!i", int(ip))) # the underlying data model provides the protocol number # convert this to human-readable strings (tcp or udp) if "6" == proto: proto = "tcp" elif "17" == proto: proto = "udp" # the underlying data model provides a boolean indication as to # if this is an inbound or outbound network connection if "true" == dir: dir = "out" else: dir = "in" # pring the record, using pipes as a delimiter print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s)" % ( hostname, ts, process_name, user_name, process_md5, proto, str_ip, port, dir, domain) def check(self, hostname): # print a legend print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s)" % ( "hostname", "timestamp", "process name", "username", "process md5", "protocol", "ip", "port", "direction", "domain") # build the query string q = "netconn_count:[1 to *] AND hostname:%s" % (hostname) # begin with the first result - we'll perform the search in pages # the default page size is 10 (10 reslts) start = 0 # loop over the entire result set while True: # get the next page of results procs = self.cb.process_search(q, start=start) # if there are no results, we are done paging if len(procs["results"]) == 0: break # examine each result individually # each result represents a single process segment for result in procs["results"]:, result) # move forward to the next page start = start + 10
def connect_cb(self): return CbApi(self.url, token=self.admin_key, ssl_verify=False)
class CBQuery(object): def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify): self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify) self.cb_url = url # set up some stat tracking self.stats = {} self.stats['total_processes'] = 0 self.stats['total_netconns'] = 0 self.stats['matching_netconns'] = 0 self.stats['output_errors'] = 0 self.stats['process_errors'] = 0 def getStats(self): """ return the current statistics """ return self.stats def outputNetConn(self, proc, netconn): """ output a single netconn event from a process document the caller is responsible for ensuring that the document meets start time and subnet criteria """ # for convenience, use locals for some process metadata fields hostname = proc.get("hostname", "<unknown>") process_name = proc.get("process_name", "<unknown>") user_name = proc.get("username", "<unknown>") process_md5 = proc.get("process_md5", "<unknown>") cmdline = proc.get("cmdline", "<unknown>") path = proc.get("path", "<unknown>") procstarttime = proc.get("start", "<unknown>") proclastupdate = proc.get("last_update", "<unknown>") # split the netconn into component parts ts, ip, port, proto, domain, dir = netconn.split("|") # get the dotted-quad string representation of the ip str_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!i", int(ip))) # the underlying data model provides the protocol number # convert this to human-readable strings (tcp or udp) if "6" == proto: proto = "tcp" elif "17" == proto: proto = "udp" # the underlying data model provides a boolean indication as to # if this is an inbound or outbound network connection if "true" == dir: dir = "out" else: dir = "in" # print the record, using pipes as a delimiter print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|" % (procstarttime,proclastupdate,hostname, user_name, proto, str_ip, port, dir, domain, process_name, process_md5, path, cmdline) def addressInNetwork(self, ip, cidr): # the ip can be the emtpy string ('') in cases where the connection # is made via a web proxy. in these cases the sensor cannot report # the true remote IP as DNS resolution happens on the web proxy (and # not the endpoint) if '' == ip: return False try: net = cidr.split('/')[0] bits = cidr.split('/')[1] if int(ip) > 0: ipaddr = struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0] else: ipaddr = struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_aton(".".join(map(lambda n: str(int(ip)>>n & 0xFF), [24,16,8,0]))))[0] netaddr = struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_aton(net))[0] netmask = ((1L << int(bits)) - 1) return ipaddr & netmask == netaddr & netmask except: return False def report(self, result, subnet): # return the events associated with this process segment # this will include netconns, as well as modloads, filemods, etc. events = self.cb.process_events(result["id"], result["segment_id"]) proc = events["process"] # the search criteria (netconn_count:[1 to *]) should ensure that # all results have at least one netconn if proc.has_key("netconn_complete"): # examine each netconn in turn for netconn in proc["netconn_complete"]: # update the count of total netconns self.stats['total_netconns'] = self.stats['total_netconns'] + 1 # split the netconn event into component parts # note that the port is the remote port in the case of outbound # netconns, and local port in the case of inbound netconns # # for the purpose of this example script, eat any errors ts, ip, port, proto, domain, dir = netconn.split("|") if self.addressInNetwork(ip, subnet): try: self.stats['matching_netconns'] = self.stats['matching_netconns'] + 1 self.outputNetConn(proc, netconn) except: self.stats['output_errors'] = self.stats['output_errors'] + 1 pass def strip_to_int(ip): """ convert a dotted-quad string IP to the corresponding int32 """ return struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0] def check(self, subnet, datetype, begin, end): # print a legend print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|" % ("ProcStartTime", "ProcUpdateTime","hostname", "username", "protocol", "ip", "port", "direction", "domain", "process name", "process md5", "process path", "cmdline") # build the query string if not end and not begin: q = "ipaddr:%s" % (subnet,) else: if not end: end = "*" if not begin: begin = "*" q = "ipaddr:%s %s:[%s TO %s]" % (subnet, datetype, begin, end) # begin with the first result - we'll perform the search in pages # the default page size is 10 (10 results) start = 0 # loop over the entire result set, paging as required while True: # get the next page of results procs = self.cb.process_search(q, start=start) # track the total number of matching results self.stats['total_processes'] = procs['total_results'] # if there are no results, we are done paging if len(procs["results"]) == 0: break # examine each result individually # each result represents a single segment of a single process # # for the purposes of this example script, eat any errors # for result in procs["results"]: try:, subnet) except Exception, e: self.stats['process_errors'] = self.stats['process_errors'] + 1 # move forward to the next page start = start + 10
def get_legacy_cbapi(splunk_service): cb_server, token = get_creds(splunk_service) return CbApi(cb_server, ssl_verify=False, token=token)
class CBQuery(object): def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify): self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify) self.cb_url = url def report(self, result, search_filename): # return the events associated with this process segment # this will include netconns, as well as modloads, filemods, etc. # events = self.cb.process_events(result["id"], result["segment_id"]) proc = events["process"] # for convenience, use locals for some process metadata fields # host_name = result.get("hostname", "<unknown>") process_name = result.get("process_name", "<unknown>") user_name = result.get("username", "<unknown>") if proc.has_key("filemod_complete"): # examine each filemod in turn # for filemod in proc["filemod_complete"]: # filemods are of the form: # 1|2014-06-19 15:40:05.446|c:\dir\filename|| # action, ts, filename, filemd5, filetype = filemod.split('|') # the _document as a whole_ matched the query # that doesn't mean each _indvidual filemod_ within the document matched # the user-specified filename to search for # # iterate over each filemod and determine if the path matches # what was specified # # make sense? hope so! # if search_filename.lower() not in filename.lower(): continue if "1" == action: action = "creation" elif "2" == action or "8" == action: action = "modification" elif "4" == action: action = "deletion" print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s" % (host_name, ts, filename, process_name, user_name, action) def check(self, filename): # build the query string # q = "filemod:%s" % (filename) # begin with the first result - we'll perform the search in pages # the default page size is 10 (10 reslts) # start = 0 # loop over the entire result set # while True: # get the next page of results # procs = self.cb.process_search(q, start=start) # if there are no results, we are done paging # if len(procs["results"]) == 0: break # examine each result individually # each result represents a single process segment # for result in procs["results"]:, filename) # move forward to the next page # start = start + 10
class Device(object): path = "carbonblack.endpoint" def __init__(self, hosts_mapping): configuration_dict = splunk.clilib.cli_common.getConfStanza('carbonblack', 'cbserver') self.cb_server = configuration_dict['cburl'] self.token = configuration_dict['cbapikey'] self.cb = CbApi(self.cb_server, token=self.token, ssl_verify=False) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.hosts_mapping = hosts_mapping def ban_hash(self, md5): """ Performs a POST to the Carbon Black Server API for blacklisting an MD5 hash :param md5: :return: """ print "blacklisting md5:%s" % (md5) headers = {'X-AUTH-TOKEN': self.token} data = {"md5hash": md5, "text": "Blacklist From Splunk", "last_ban_time": 0, "ban_count": 0, "last_ban_host": 0, "enabled": True} print "connecting to: %s/api/v1/banning/blacklist..." % (self.cb_server) r ="%s/api/v1/banning/blacklist" % (self.cb_server), headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data), verify=False) if r.status_code == 409: print "This md5 hash is already blacklisted" elif r.status_code == 200: print "Carbon Black Server API Success" else: print "CarbonBlack Server API returned an error: %d" % (r.status_code) print "Be sure to check the Carbon Black API token" def get_sensor_id_from_ip(self, ip): filters = {} sensors = self.cb.sensors(filters) for sensor in sensors: src_ip = filter(bool, sensor.get('network_adapters', '').split('|')) for ip_address in src_ip: if unicode(ip, "utf-8") == ip_address.split(',')[0]: return sensor.get('id', None) return None def pre_action(self, action_type, data): if action_type in ['isolate', 'flush']: src_ip = data.get('src_ip', None) or data.get('local_ip', None) if not src_ip: raise PrerequisiteFailedError("No source IP address provided") sensor_id = self.get_sensor_id_from_ip(src_ip) if not sensor_id: raise PrerequisiteFailedError("Cannot find sensor associated with source IP address %s" % src_ip) return sensor_id elif action_type in ['killproc']: proc_id = data.get('process_guid', None) if not proc_id: raise PrerequisiteFailedError("No Process GUID provided") if not isinstance(proc_id, six.string_types): raise PrerequisiteFailedError("Process GUID not valid: must be a string") if len(proc_id.split("-")) < 5: raise PrerequisiteFailedError("Process GUID not valid: must be a GUID") return proc_id elif action_type in ['banhash']: # # Pull out md5 from 'data' # md5 = data.get('md5', None) if not md5: # # Error out if we can't # raise PrerequisiteFailedError("Error: Unable to get an MD5 hash from parameters") return md5 return None def submit_action(self, settings, data): """ This gets called when the user executes a search :param settings: :param data: :return: """ action_type = settings.get('action_type', '') try: sensor_id = self.pre_action(action_type, data) except PrerequisiteFailedError as e: # TODO: how do we signal failure back to ARF ARFARFARF self.logger.error(e.message) # TODO: return success def flush_action(self, sensor_id): print "Flushing sensor id: %s" % sensor_id # # We will always flush the sensor that triggered the action, so that we get the most up-to-date # information into the Cb console. # flusher = FlushAction(self.cb, self.logger) flusher.action(sensor_id) def isolate_action(self, sensor_id): isolator = IsolateAction(self.cb, self.logger) isolator.action(sensor_id) def kill_action(self, process_id): killer = KillProcessAction(self.cb, self.logger) killer.action(process_id) def run_action(self, settings, data): """ This gets called when the user clicks the validate button :param settings: :param data: :return: """ action_type = settings.get('action_type', '') # get sensor ID if required try: action_argument = self.pre_action(action_type, data) except PrerequisiteFailedError as e: self.logger.error(e.message) else: if action_type == 'banhash': self.ban_hash(action_argument) elif action_type == 'isolate': self.isolate_action(action_argument) elif action_type == 'flush': self.flush_action(action_argument) elif action_type == 'killproc': self.kill_action(action_argument)
def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify): self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify) self.cb_url = url
class CBQuery(object): def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify): self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify) self.cb_url = url # set up some stat tracking self.stats = {} self.stats['total_processes'] = 0 self.stats['total_netconns'] = 0 self.stats['matching_netconns'] = 0 self.stats['output_errors'] = 0 self.stats['process_errors'] = 0 def getStats(self): """ return the current statistics """ return self.stats def outputNetConn(self, proc, netconn): """ output a single netconn event from a process document the caller is responsible for ensuring that the document meets start time and subnet criteria """ # for convenience, use locals for some process metadata fields hostname = proc.get("hostname", "<unknown>") process_name = proc.get("process_name", "<unknown>") user_name = proc.get("username", "<unknown>") process_md5 = proc.get("process_md5", "<unknown>") cmdline = proc.get("cmdline", "<unknown>") path = proc.get("path", "<unknown>") procstarttime = proc.get("start", "<unknown>") proclastupdate = proc.get("last_update", "<unknown>") # split the netconn into component parts ts, ip, port, proto, domain, dir = netconn.split("|") # get the dotted-quad string representation of the ip str_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!i", int(ip))) # the underlying data model provides the protocol number # convert this to human-readable strings (tcp or udp) if "6" == proto: proto = "tcp" elif "17" == proto: proto = "udp" # the underlying data model provides a boolean indication as to # if this is an inbound or outbound network connection if "true" == dir: dir = "out" else: dir = "in" # print the record, using pipes as a delimiter print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|" % ( procstarttime, proclastupdate, hostname, user_name, proto, str_ip, port, dir, domain, process_name, process_md5, path, cmdline) def addressInNetwork(self, ip, cidr): # the ip can be the emtpy string ('') in cases where the connection # is made via a web proxy. in these cases the sensor cannot report # the true remote IP as DNS resolution happens on the web proxy (and # not the endpoint) if '' == ip: return False try: net = cidr.split('/')[0] bits = cidr.split('/')[1] if int(ip) > 0: ipaddr = struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0] else: ipaddr = struct.unpack( '<L', socket.inet_aton(".".join( map(lambda n: str(int(ip) >> n & 0xFF), [24, 16, 8, 0]))))[0] netaddr = struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_aton(net))[0] netmask = ((1L << int(bits)) - 1) return ipaddr & netmask == netaddr & netmask except: return False def report(self, result, subnet): # return the events associated with this process segment # this will include netconns, as well as modloads, filemods, etc. events = self.cb.process_events(result["id"], result["segment_id"]) proc = events["process"] # the search criteria (netconn_count:[1 to *]) should ensure that # all results have at least one netconn if proc.has_key("netconn_complete"): # examine each netconn in turn for netconn in proc["netconn_complete"]: # update the count of total netconns self.stats['total_netconns'] = self.stats['total_netconns'] + 1 # split the netconn event into component parts # note that the port is the remote port in the case of outbound # netconns, and local port in the case of inbound netconns # # for the purpose of this example script, eat any errors ts, ip, port, proto, domain, dir = netconn.split("|") if self.addressInNetwork(ip, subnet): try: self.stats['matching_netconns'] = self.stats[ 'matching_netconns'] + 1 self.outputNetConn(proc, netconn) except: self.stats[ 'output_errors'] = self.stats['output_errors'] + 1 pass def strip_to_int(ip): """ convert a dotted-quad string IP to the corresponding int32 """ return struct.unpack('<L', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0] def check(self, subnet, datetype, begin, end): # print a legend print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|" % ( "ProcStartTime", "ProcUpdateTime", "hostname", "username", "protocol", "ip", "port", "direction", "domain", "process name", "process md5", "process path", "cmdline") # build the query string if not end and not begin: q = "ipaddr:%s" % (subnet, ) else: if not end: end = "*" if not begin: begin = "*" q = "ipaddr:%s %s:[%s TO %s]" % (subnet, datetype, begin, end) # begin with the first result - we'll perform the search in pages # the default page size is 10 (10 results) start = 0 # loop over the entire result set, paging as required while True: # get the next page of results procs = self.cb.process_search(q, start=start) # track the total number of matching results self.stats['total_processes'] = procs['total_results'] # if there are no results, we are done paging if len(procs["results"]) == 0: break # examine each result individually # each result represents a single segment of a single process # # for the purposes of this example script, eat any errors # for result in procs["results"]: try:, subnet) except Exception, e: self.stats[ 'process_errors'] = self.stats['process_errors'] + 1 # move forward to the next page start = start + 10
class ProcessSearchCommand(GeneratingCommand): """Generates a process search result from Carbon Black from a given IP or search query | processsearch query=${ip} """ query = Option(name="query", require=True) field_names = ['cmdline', 'comms_ip', 'hostname', 'id', 'interface_ip', 'last_update', 'os_type', 'parent_md5', 'parent_name', 'parent_pid', 'parent_unique_id', 'path', 'process_md5', 'process_name', 'process_pid', 'regmod_count', 'segment_id', 'sensor_id', 'start', 'unique_id', 'username', 'childproc_count', 'crossproc_count', 'modload_count', 'netconn_count', 'filemod_count', 'group', 'host_type'] def prepare(self): configuration_dict = splunk.clilib.cli_common.getConfStanza('carbonblack', 'cbserver') self.cb_server = configuration_dict['cburl'] self.token = configuration_dict['cbapikey'] self.cb = CbApi(self.cb_server, token=self.token, ssl_verify=False) def generate(self):"query %s" % self.query) i = 0 for bindata in self.cb.process_search_iter(self.query): i += 1 if i > 1000: # TODO: let's stop at 1,000 results for now? self.finish() return temp = dict((field_name, bindata[field_name]) for field_name in self.field_names) temp['sourcetype'] = 'bit9:carbonblack:json' # # Sometimes we have seen 'start' be equal to -1 # try: temp['_time'] = int(time.mktime(dateutil.parser.parse(bindata['start']).timetuple())) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception('parsing bindata["start"] %s' % bindata['start']) temp['_time'] = 0 temp['link_process'] = self.cb_server + '/#/analyze/' + bindata['id'] + "/1" temp['source'] = 'cbapi' temp['_raw'] = json.dumps(temp) yield temp if i % 10 == 0: self.flush()
class CBQuery(object): def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify): self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify) self.cb_url = url def report(self, hostname, result): # return the events associated with this process segment # this will include netconns, as well as modloads, filemods, etc. events = self.cb.process_events(result["id"], result["segment_id"]) proc = events["process"] # for convenience, use locals for some process metadata fields process_name = result.get("process_name", "<unknown>") user_name = result.get("username", "<unknown>") process_md5 = result.get("process_md5", "<unknown>") # the search criteria (netconn_count:[1 to *]) should ensure that # all results have at least one netconn if proc.has_key("netconn_complete"): # examine each netconn in turn for netconn in proc["netconn_complete"]: # split the netconn event into component parts # note that the port is the remote port in the case of outbound # netconns, and local port in the case of inbound netconns ts, ip, port, proto, domain, dir = netconn.split("|") # get the dotted-quad string representation of the ip str_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!i", int(ip))) # the underlying data model provides the protocol number # convert this to human-readable strings (tcp or udp) if "6" == proto: proto = "tcp" elif "17" == proto: proto = "udp" # the underlying data model provides a boolean indication as to # if this is an inbound or outbound network connection if "true" == dir: dir = "out" else: dir = "in" # pring the record, using pipes as a delimiter print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s)" % (hostname, ts, process_name, user_name, process_md5, proto, str_ip, port, dir, domain) def check(self, hostname): # print a legend print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s)" % ("hostname", "timestamp", "process name", "username", "process md5", "protocol", "ip", "port", "direction", "domain") # build the query string q = "netconn_count:[1 to *] AND hostname:%s" % (hostname) # begin with the first result - we'll perform the search in pages # the default page size is 10 (10 reslts) start = 0 # loop over the entire result set while True: # get the next page of results procs = self.cb.process_search(q, start=start) # if there are no results, we are done paging if len(procs["results"]) == 0: break # examine each result individually # each result represents a single process segment for result in procs["results"]:, result) # move forward to the next page start = start + 10
class CbTaxiiFeedConverter(object): def __init__(self, configpath, export_mode=False): self.export_mode = export_mode self.sites = [] if self.export_mode: _logger.warn("CB Taxii %s running (EXPORT MODE)" % __version__) else: _logger.warn("CB Taxii %s running" % __version__) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if not os.path.exists(configpath): _logger.error("Config File %s does not exist!" % configpath) print("Config File %s does not exist!" % configpath) sys.exit(-1) # SEE IF THERE's A DIFFERENT SERVER_PORT server_port = 443 if config.has_section("cbconfig"): if config.has_option("cbconfig", "server_port"): server_port = config.getint("cbconfig", "server_port") for section in config.sections(): # don't do cbconfig if section.lower() == 'cbconfig': continue site = config.get(section, "site") output_path = config.get(section, "output_path") icon_link = config.get(section, "icon_link") username = config.get(section, "username") password = config.get(section, "password") feeds_enable = config.getboolean(section, "feeds_enable") feeds_alerting = config.get(section, "feeds_alerting") ### OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS ####################################################### if config.has_option(section, "start_date"): start_date = config.get(section, "start_date") else: start_date = "2015-01-01 00:00:00" if config.has_option(section, "use_https"): use_https=config.getboolean(section, "use_https") else: use_https = False cert_file = None key_file = None if config.has_option(section, "cert_file") and config.has_option(section, "key_file"): cert_file = config.get(section, "cert_file").strip() if cert_file == "": cert_file = None elif not os.path.exists(cert_file): _logger.error("Cert file supplied but doesn't exist: %s" % (cert_file)) key_file = config.get(section, "key_file").strip() if key_file == "": cert_file = None elif not os.path.exists(key_file): _logger.error("Key file supplied but doesn't exist: %s" % (key_file)) if config.has_option(section, "minutes_to_advance"): minutes_to_advance = int(config.get(section, "minutes_to_advance")) else: minutes_to_advance = 15 if config.has_option(section, "enable_ip_ranges"): enable_ip_ranges = config.getboolean(section, "enable_ip_ranges") else: enable_ip_ranges = True"Configured Site: %s Path: %s" % (site, output_path)) self.sites.append({"site": site, "output_path": output_path, "username": username, "password": password, "icon_link": icon_link, "feeds_enable": feeds_enable, "feeds_alerting": feeds_alerting, "enable_ip_ranges": enable_ip_ranges, "start_date": start_date, "use_https": use_https, "key_file": key_file, "cert_file": cert_file, "minutes_to_advance": minutes_to_advance}) self.api_token = lookup_admin_api_token() server_url = "" % server_port"Using Server URL: %s" % server_url) self.cb = CbApi(server_url, token=self.api_token, ssl_verify=False) try: # TEST CB CONNECTIVITY self.cb.feed_enum() except: e = traceback.format_exc() _logger.error("Unable to connect to CB using url: %s Error: %s" % (server_url, e)) print("Unable to connect to CB using url: %s Error: %s" % (server_url, e)) sys.exit(-1) @staticmethod def _message_to_reports(filepath, site, site_url, collection, enable_ip_ranges): context = etree.iterparse(filepath, tag='{}STIX_Package') global _logger reports = fast_xml_iter(context, stix_element_to_reports, site, site_url, collection, enable_ip_ranges, _logger) return reports def _write_message_to_disk(self, message): fd,path = tempfile.mkstemp() # os.write(fd, message) os.close(fd) f = file(path, 'wb') f.write(message) f.close() return path def _export_message_to_disk(self, feed_name, start_time, end_time, message): log_dir = "/var/run/cb/cbtaxii-export" if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.mkdir(log_dir) path = "%s/%s-%s-%s.xml" % (log_dir, feed_name, start_time, end_time) path = path.replace(' ', '_') f = file(path, 'wb') f.write(message) f.close() return path def _import_collection(self, client, site, collection): collection_name = collection.get('collection_name', '') sanitized_feed_name = cleanup_string("%s%s" % (site.get('site'), collection_name)) available = collection.get('available', False) collection_type = collection.get('collection_type', '').upper()"%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % (site.get('site'), collection_name, sanitized_feed_name, available, collection_type)) if not available or collection_type != "DATA_FEED": return start_date_str = site.get('start_date') if not start_date_str or len(start_date_str) == 0: start_date_str = "2015-04-01 00:00:00" feed_helper = FeedHelper(site.get('output_path'), sanitized_feed_name, site.get('minutes_to_advance'), start_date_str, self.export_mode)"Feed start time %s" % feed_helper.start_date) reports = [] # CATCHUP -- TODO, move to a function?? while True: these_reports = [] tries = 0 while tries < 5: try: if feed_helper.start_date > feed_helper.end_date: break t1 = time.time() message = client.retrieve_collection(collection_name, feed_helper.start_date, feed_helper.end_date) t2 = time.time() message_len = len(message) if self.export_mode: path = self._export_message_to_disk(sanitized_feed_name, feed_helper.start_date, feed_helper.end_date, message)"%s - %s - %s - %d (%f)- %s" % (feed_helper.start_date, feed_helper.end_date, collection_name, message_len, (t2-t1), path)) message = None else: filepath = self._write_message_to_disk(message) message = None site_url = "%s://%s" % ("https" if site.get('use_https') else "http", site.get('site')) these_reports = self._message_to_reports(filepath, site.get('site'), site_url, collection_name, site.get('enable_ip_ranges')) t3 = time.time() os.remove(filepath) count = len(these_reports)"%s - %s - %s - %d (%d)(%.2f)(%.2f)" % (feed_helper.start_date, feed_helper.end_date, collection_name, count, message_len, (t2-t1), (t3-t2))) break except: _logger.error("%s" % traceback.format_exc()) time.sleep(5) tries += 1 if tries == 5: _logger.error("Giving up for site %s, collection %s" % (site.get('site'), collection)) return if not self.export_mode: reports.extend(these_reports) if not feed_helper.advance(): break ########## end while (for iterating across time)"COMPLETED %s,%s,%s,%s,%s (%d)" % (site.get('site'), collection_name, sanitized_feed_name, available, collection_type, len(reports))) if not self.export_mode: # TODO -- clean this up if len(reports) > 0: # load existing data and convert new data reports = feed_helper.load_existing_feed_data() + reports # convert feed info and reports to json data = build_feed_data(sanitized_feed_name, "%s %s" % (site.get('site'), collection_name), site.get('site'), site.get('icon_link'), reports) # SAVE THE DATA: write out the feed file and save the details for when we last queried it if feed_helper.write_feed(data): feed_helper.save_details() # Actually add CB feed if necessary feed_id = self.cb.feed_get_id_by_name(sanitized_feed_name) if not feed_id: data = self.cb.feed_add_from_url("file://" + feed_helper.path, site.get('feeds_enable'), False, False) # FEED ALERTING!! feed_id = data.get('id') url = "" % feed_id alert_types = site.get('feeds_alerting', '').split(',') headers = {'X-Auth-Token' : self.api_token, "Accept" : "application/json"} for alert in alert_types: if alert.lower() == "syslog": action_data = {"action_data": """{"email_recipients":[1]}""", "action_type": 1, "group_id": feed_id, "watchlist_id": ""} resp =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(action_data), verify=False) if resp.status_code != 200: _logger.warn("Error for syslog action (%d): %s" % (feed_id, resp.content)) elif alert.lower() == "cb": action_data = {"action_data": """{"email_recipients":[1]}""", "action_type": 3, "group_id": feed_id, "watchlist_id": ""} resp =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(action_data), verify=False) if resp.status_code != 200: _logger.warn("Error for cb action (%d): %s" % (feed_id, resp.content)) else: # no reports feed_helper.save_details() @staticmethod def perform_from_files(directory): global _logger _logger = create_stdout_log("cb-taxii", logging.DEBUG) files = os.listdir(directory) for filepath in files: if not filepath.endswith(".xml"): continue pieces = filepath.split('-') site = pieces[0] filepath = os.path.join(directory, filepath) these_reports = CbTaxiiFeedConverter._message_to_reports(filepath, site, site, site, True) for report in these_reports: iocs = report.get('iocs') if "dns" in iocs: print "%s - %s" % (site, iocs['dns']) if "ipv4" in iocs: print "%s - %s" % (site, iocs['ipv4']) if "query" in iocs: print "%s - %s" % (site, iocs['query']) if "hash" in iocs: print "%s - %s" % (site, iocs['hash']) def perform(self): """ Loops through the sites supplied and adds each one if necessary. Then downloads new data and appends to existing feed file. """ for site in self.sites: client = TaxiiClient(site.get('site'), site.get('username'), site.get('password'), site.get('use_https'), site.get('key_file'), site.get('cert_file')) try: collections = client.enumerate_collections(_logger) if len(collections) == 0: _logger.warn("No collections returned!") except UnauthorizedException, e: _logger.error("Site: %s, Exception: %s" % (site.get('site'), e)) continue for collection in collections: self._import_collection(client, site, collection)
cmdline = bprocess["cmdline"] else: cmdline = "" myrow.append(cmdline) if bprocess.has_key("childproc_complete"): getchildprocs(bprocess['childproc_complete']) parser = build_cli_parser() opts, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if not opts.server or not opts.token or ( not opts.procnamefile and not opts.procname) or not opts.percentless: print "Missing required param." sys.exit(-1) cb = CbApi(opts.server, ssl_verify=opts.ssl_verify, token=opts.token) if opts.procnamefile: searchprocess = processsearchlist(opts.procnamefile) else: searchprocess = opts.procname.split(",") for proc in searchprocess: start = 0 data = cb.process_search("parent_name:%s" % (proc), rows=1, start=start) facetterms = data['facets'] for term in reversed(facetterms['process_name']): termratio = int(float(term['ratio'])) if int(opts.percentless) >= termratio: start = 0 while True: q = "parent_name:%s AND process_name:%s" % (proc, term['name']) data = cb.process_search(q, rows=int(pagesize), start=start)
def __init__(self, configpath, export_mode=False): self.export_mode = export_mode self.sites = [] if self.export_mode: _logger.warn("CB Taxii %s running (EXPORT MODE)" % __version__) else: _logger.warn("CB Taxii %s running" % __version__) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if not os.path.exists(configpath): _logger.error("Config File %s does not exist!" % configpath) print("Config File %s does not exist!" % configpath) sys.exit(-1) # SEE IF THERE's A DIFFERENT SERVER_PORT server_port = 443 if config.has_section("cbconfig"): if config.has_option("cbconfig", "server_port"): server_port = config.getint("cbconfig", "server_port") for section in config.sections(): # don't do cbconfig if section.lower() == 'cbconfig': continue site = config.get(section, "site") output_path = config.get(section, "output_path") icon_link = config.get(section, "icon_link") username = config.get(section, "username") password = config.get(section, "password") feeds_enable = config.getboolean(section, "feeds_enable") feeds_alerting = config.get(section, "feeds_alerting") ### OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS ####################################################### if config.has_option(section, "start_date"): start_date = config.get(section, "start_date") else: start_date = "2015-01-01 00:00:00" if config.has_option(section, "use_https"): use_https=config.getboolean(section, "use_https") else: use_https = False cert_file = None key_file = None if config.has_option(section, "cert_file") and config.has_option(section, "key_file"): cert_file = config.get(section, "cert_file").strip() if cert_file == "": cert_file = None elif not os.path.exists(cert_file): _logger.error("Cert file supplied but doesn't exist: %s" % (cert_file)) key_file = config.get(section, "key_file").strip() if key_file == "": cert_file = None elif not os.path.exists(key_file): _logger.error("Key file supplied but doesn't exist: %s" % (key_file)) if config.has_option(section, "minutes_to_advance"): minutes_to_advance = int(config.get(section, "minutes_to_advance")) else: minutes_to_advance = 15 if config.has_option(section, "enable_ip_ranges"): enable_ip_ranges = config.getboolean(section, "enable_ip_ranges") else: enable_ip_ranges = True"Configured Site: %s Path: %s" % (site, output_path)) self.sites.append({"site": site, "output_path": output_path, "username": username, "password": password, "icon_link": icon_link, "feeds_enable": feeds_enable, "feeds_alerting": feeds_alerting, "enable_ip_ranges": enable_ip_ranges, "start_date": start_date, "use_https": use_https, "key_file": key_file, "cert_file": cert_file, "minutes_to_advance": minutes_to_advance}) self.api_token = lookup_admin_api_token() server_url = "" % server_port"Using Server URL: %s" % server_url) self.cb = CbApi(server_url, token=self.api_token, ssl_verify=False) try: # TEST CB CONNECTIVITY self.cb.feed_enum() except: e = traceback.format_exc() _logger.error("Unable to connect to CB using url: %s Error: %s" % (server_url, e)) print("Unable to connect to CB using url: %s Error: %s" % (server_url, e)) sys.exit(-1)
class CBQuery(object): def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify): self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify) self.cb_url = url def report(self, result, search_filename): # return the events associated with this process segment # this will include netconns, as well as modloads, filemods, etc. # events = self.cb.process_events(result["id"], result["segment_id"]) proc = events["process"] # for convenience, use locals for some process metadata fields # host_name = result.get("hostname", "<unknown>") process_name = result.get("process_name", "<unknown>") user_name = result.get("username", "<unknown>") if proc.has_key("filemod_complete"): # examine each filemod in turn # for filemod in proc["filemod_complete"]: # filemods are of the form: # 1|2014-06-19 15:40:05.446|c:\dir\filename|| # parts = filemod.split('|') action, ts, filename, filemd5, filetype = parts[:5] # the _document as a whole_ matched the query # that doesn't mean each _indvidual filemod_ within the document matched # the user-specified filename to search for # # iterate over each filemod and determine if the path matches # what was specified # # make sense? hope so! # if search_filename.lower() not in filename.lower(): continue if "1" == action: action = "creation" elif "2" == action or "8" == action: action = "modification" elif "4" == action: action = "deletion" print "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s" % (host_name, ts, filename, process_name, user_name, action) def check(self, filename): # build the query string # q = "filemod:%s" % (filename) # begin with the first result - we'll perform the search in pages # the default page size is 10 (10 reslts) # start = 0 # loop over the entire result set # while True: # get the next page of results # procs = self.cb.process_search(q, start=start) # if there are no results, we are done paging # if len(procs["results"]) == 0: break # examine each result individually # each result represents a single process segment # for result in procs["results"]:, filename) # move forward to the next page # start = start + 10
class CbTaxiiFeedConverter(object): def __init__(self, config_file_path, debug_mode=False, import_dir='', export_dir=''): # # parse config file and save off the information we need # config_dict = parse_config(config_file_path) self.server_url = config_dict.get('server_url', '') self.api_token = config_dict.get('api_token', '') self.sites = config_dict.get('sites', []) self.debug = config_dict.get('debug', False) self.export_dir = export_dir self.import_dir = import_dir self.http_proxy_url = config_dict.get('http_proxy_url', None) self.https_proxy_url = config_dict.get('https_proxy_url', None) if self.export_dir and not os.path.exists(self.export_dir): os.mkdir(self.export_dir) # # Test Cb Response connectivity # try: self.cb = CbApi(server=self.server_url, token=self.api_token, ssl_verify=False) self.cb.feed_enum() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) sys.exit(-1) def write_to_temp_file(self, message): temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() temp_file.write(message) temp_file.flush() return temp_file, def read_from_xml(self): """ Walk the import dir and return all filenames. We are assuming all xml files :return: """ f = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(self.import_dir): f.extend(filenames) break return f def export_xml(self, feed_name, start_time, end_time, block_num, message): """ :param feed_name: :param start_time: :param end_time: :param block_num: :param message: :return: """ # # create a directory to store all content blocks # dir_name = "{}".format(feed_name).replace(' ', '_') full_dir_name = os.path.join(self.export_dir, dir_name) # # Make sure the directory exists # if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.export_dir, dir_name)): os.mkdir(full_dir_name) # # Actually write the file # file_name = "{}-{}-{}".format(start_time, end_time, block_num).replace(' ', "_") full_file_name = os.path.join(full_dir_name, file_name) with open(full_file_name, 'wb') as file_handle: file_handle.write(message) def _import_collection(self, client, site, collection, data_set=False): collection_name = sanitized_feed_name = cleanup_string( "%s%s" % (site.get('site'), collection_name)) feed_summary = "%s %s" % (site.get('site'), collection_name) available = collection.available collection_type = collection.type default_score = site.get('default_score')"%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % (site.get('site'), collection_name, sanitized_feed_name, available, collection_type)) if not available: return False # # Sanity check on start date # start_date_str = site.get('start_date') if not start_date_str or len(start_date_str) == 0: start_date_str = "2017-01-01 00:00:00" # # Create a feed helper object # feed_helper = FeedHelper(site.get('output_path'), sanitized_feed_name, site.get('minutes_to_advance'), start_date_str) if not data_set:"Feed start time %s" % feed_helper.start_date)"polling Collection: {}...".format( # # Build up the URI for polling # if not site.get('poll_path', ''): uri = None else: uri = '' if site.get('use_https'): uri += 'https://' else: uri += 'http://' uri += site.get('site') uri += site.get('poll_path')'Poll path: {}'.format(uri)) reports = [] while True: try: try: content_blocks = client.poll( uri=uri,, begin_date=feed_helper.start_date, end_date=feed_helper.end_date, content_bindings=BINDING_CHOICES) except Exception as e: content_blocks = [] # # Iterate through all content_blocks # num_blocks = 0 if not data_set:"polling start_date: {}, end_date: {}".format( feed_helper.start_date, feed_helper.end_date)) for block in content_blocks: # # if in export mode then save off this content block # if self.export_dir: self.export_xml(collection_name, feed_helper.start_date, feed_helper.end_date, num_blocks, block.content) # # This code accounts for a case found with where the content is url encoded. # etree.fromstring can parse this data. # try: root = etree.fromstring(block.content) content = root.find( './/{}Content' ) if content is not None and len(content) == 0 and len( list(content)) == 0: # # Content has no children. So lets make sure we parse the xml text for content and re-add # it as valid XML so we can parse # new_stix_package = etree.fromstring( root.find( "{}Content_Block/{}Content" ).text) content.append(new_stix_package) # # Since we modified the xml, we need create a new xml message string to parse # message = etree.tostring(root) # # Write the content block to disk so we can parse with python stix # file_handle, file_path = self.write_to_temp_file( message) # # Parse STIX data # stix_package = STIXPackage.from_xml(file_path) # # if it is a DATA_SET make feed_summary from the stix_header description # NOTE: this is for RecordedFuture, also note that we only do this for data_sets. # to date I have only seen RecordedFuture use data_sets # if data_set and stix_package.stix_header and stix_package.stix_header.descriptions: for desc in stix_package.stix_header.descriptions: feed_summary = desc.value break # # Get the timestamp of the STIX Package so we can use this in our feed # timestamp = total_seconds(stix_package.timestamp) if stix_package.indicators: for indicator in stix_package.indicators: if not indicator or not indicator.observable: continue if not indicator.timestamp: timestamp = 0 else: timestamp = int( (indicator.timestamp - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1).replace( ).total_seconds()) reports.extend( cybox_parse_observable( indicator.observable, indicator, timestamp, default_score)) # # Now lets find some data. Iterate through all observables and parse # if stix_package.observables: for observable in stix_package.observables: if not observable: continue # # Cybox observable returns a list # reports.extend( cybox_parse_observable( observable, None, timestamp, default_score)) # # Delete our temporary file # file_handle.close() num_blocks += 1 # # end for loop through content blocks # except Exception as e: continue"content blocks read: {}".format(num_blocks))"current number of reports: {}".format( len(reports))) # # DEBUG CODE # #if len(reports) > 10: # break # # Attempt to advance the start time and end time # except Exception as e: # # If it is just a data_set, the data is unordered, so we can just break out of the while loop # if data_set: break if feed_helper.advance(): continue else: break # # end While True #"Found {} new reports.".format(len(reports))) reports = feed_helper.load_existing_feed_data() + reports"Total number of reports: {}".format(len(reports))) data = build_feed_data(sanitized_feed_name, "%s %s" % (site.get('site'), collection_name), feed_summary, site.get('site'), site.get('icon_link'), reports) if feed_helper.write_feed(data): feed_helper.save_details() # # Create Cb Response Feed if necessary # feed_id = self.cb.feed_get_id_by_name(sanitized_feed_name) if not feed_id: self.cb.feed_add_from_url("file://" + feed_helper.path, site.get('feeds_enable'), False, False) def perform(self): """ :param self: :param enumerate_collections_only: :return: """ for site in self.sites: client = create_client(site.get('site'), use_https=site.get('use_https'), discovery_path=site.get('discovery_path')) # # Set verify_ssl and ca_cert inside the client # client.set_auth(verify_ssl=site.get('ssl_verify'), ca_cert=site.get('ca_cert')) # # Proxy Settings # proxy_dict = dict() if self.http_proxy_url:"Found HTTP Proxy: {}".format(self.http_proxy_url)) proxy_dict['http'] = self.http_proxy_url if self.https_proxy_url:"Found HTTPS Proxy: {}".format( self.https_proxy_url)) proxy_dict['https'] = self.https_proxy_url if proxy_dict: client.set_proxies(proxy_dict) if site.get('username') or site.get('cert_file'): # # If a username is supplied use basic authentication #"Found Username in config, using basic auth...") client.set_auth(username=site.get('username'), password=site.get('password'), verify_ssl=site.get('ssl_verify'), ca_cert=site.get('ca_cert'), cert_file=site.get('cert_file'), key_file=site.get('key_file')) if not site.get('collection_management_path', ''): collections = client.get_collections() else: uri = '' if site.get('use_https'): uri += 'https://' else: uri += 'http://' uri += site.get('site') uri += site.get('collection_management_path')'Collection Management Path: {}'.format(uri)) collections = client.get_collections(uri=uri) for collection in collections:'Collection Name: {}, Collection Type: {}'.format(, collection.type)) if len(collections) == 0:'Unable to find any collections. Exiting...') sys.exit(0) desired_collections = [ x.strip() for x in site.get('collections').lower().split(',') ] want_all = False if '*' in desired_collections: want_all = True for collection in collections: if collection.type != 'DATA_FEED' and collection.type != 'DATA_SET': continue if collection.type == 'DATA_SET': data_set = True else: data_set = False if want_all or in desired_collections: self._import_collection(client, site, collection, data_set)
class CbTaxiiFeedConverter(object): def __init__(self, config_file_path, debug_mode=False, import_dir='', export_dir=''): # # parse config file and save off the information we need # config_dict = parse_config(config_file_path) self.server_url = config_dict.get('server_url', '') self.api_token = config_dict.get('api_token', '') self.sites = config_dict.get('sites', []) self.debug = config_dict.get('debug', False) self.export_dir = export_dir self.import_dir = import_dir if self.export_dir and not os.path.exists(self.export_dir): os.mkdir(self.export_dir) # # Test Cb Response connectivity # try: self.cb = CbApi(server=self.server_url, token=self.api_token, ssl_verify=False) self.cb.feed_enum() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) sys.exit(-1) def write_to_temp_file(self, message): temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() temp_file.write(message) temp_file.flush() return temp_file, def read_from_xml(self): """ Walk the import dir and return all filenames. We are assuming all xml files :return: """ f = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(self.import_dir): f.extend(filenames) break return f def export_xml(self, feed_name, start_time, end_time, block_num, message): """ :param feed_name: :param start_time: :param end_time: :param block_num: :param message: :return: """ # # create a directory to store all content blocks # dir_name = "{}".format(feed_name).replace(' ', '_') full_dir_name = os.path.join(self.export_dir, dir_name) # # Make sure the directory exists # if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.export_dir, dir_name)): os.mkdir(full_dir_name) # # Actually write the file # file_name = "{}-{}-{}".format(start_time, end_time, block_num).replace(' ', "_") full_file_name = os.path.join(full_dir_name, file_name) with open(full_file_name, 'wb') as file_handle: file_handle.write(message) def _import_collection(self, client, site, collection): collection_name = sanitized_feed_name = cleanup_string("%s%s" % (site.get('site'), collection_name)) available = collection.available collection_type = collection.type"%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % (site.get('site'), collection_name, sanitized_feed_name, available, collection_type)) # # We only care about DATA_FEED type # if not available or collection_type != "DATA_FEED": return False # # Sanity check on start date # start_date_str = site.get('start_date') if not start_date_str or len(start_date_str) == 0: start_date_str = "2016-12-01 00:00:00" # # Create a feed helper object # feed_helper = FeedHelper( site.get('output_path'), sanitized_feed_name, site.get('minutes_to_advance'), start_date_str)"Feed start time %s" % feed_helper.start_date)"polling Collection: {}...".format( # # Build up the URI for polling # if not site.get('poll_path', ''): uri = None else: uri = '' if site.get('use_https'): uri += 'https://' else: uri += 'http://' uri += site.get('site') uri += site.get('poll_path')'Poll path: {}'.format(uri)) reports = [] while True: content_blocks = client.poll(uri=uri,, begin_date=feed_helper.start_date, end_date=feed_helper.end_date, #content_bindings=BINDING_CHOICES) content_bindings=[CB_STIX_XML_12]) # # Iterate through all content_blocks # num_blocks = 0 for block in content_blocks: # # if in export mode then save off this content block # if self.export_dir: self.export_xml(collection_name, feed_helper.start_date, feed_helper.end_date, num_blocks, block.content) # # This code accounts for a case found with where the content is url encoded. # etree.fromstring can parse this data. # root = etree.fromstring(block.content) content = root.find('.//{}Content') if content is not None and len(content) == 0 and len(list(content)) == 0: # # Content has no children. So lets make sure we parse the xml text for content and re-add # it as valid XML so we can parse # new_stix_package = etree.fromstring(root.find( "{}Content_Block/{}Content").text) content.append(new_stix_package) # # Since we modified the xml, we need create a new xml message string to parse # message = etree.tostring(root) # # Write the content block to disk so we can parse with python stix # file_handle, file_path = self.write_to_temp_file(message) # # Parse STIX data # stix_package = STIXPackage.from_xml(file_path) # # Get the timestamp of the STIX Package so we can use this in our feed # timestamp = total_seconds(stix_package.timestamp) # # Now lets find some data. Iterate through all observables and parse # if stix_package.observables: for observable in stix_package.observables: # # Cybox observable returns a list # reports.extend(cybox_parse_observable(observable, timestamp)) # # Delete our temporary file # file_handle.close() num_blocks += 1 # # end for loop through content blocks #"content blocks read: {}".format(num_blocks))"current number of reports: {}".format(len(reports))) # # DEBUG CODE # #if len(reports) > 10: # break # # Attempt to advance the start time and end time # if feed_helper.advance(): continue else: break # # end While True #"Found {} new reports.".format(len(reports))) reports = feed_helper.load_existing_feed_data() + reports"Total number of reports: {}".format(len(reports))) data = build_feed_data(sanitized_feed_name, "%s %s" % (site.get('site'), collection_name), site.get('site'), site.get('icon_link'), reports) if feed_helper.write_feed(data): feed_helper.save_details() # # Create Cb Response Feed if necessary # feed_id = self.cb.feed_get_id_by_name(sanitized_feed_name) if not feed_id: data = self.cb.feed_add_from_url("file://" + feed_helper.path, site.get('feeds_enable'), False, False) def perform(self): """ :param self: :param enumerate_collections_only: :return: """ for site in self.sites: client = create_client(site.get('site'), use_https=site.get('use_https'), discovery_path=site.get('discovery_path')) if not site.get('collection_management_path', ''): collections = client.get_collections() else: uri = '' if site.get('use_https'): uri += 'https://' else: uri += 'http://' uri += site.get('site') uri += site.get('collection_management_path')'Collection Management Path: {}'.format(uri)) collections = client.get_collections(uri=uri) for collection in collections:'Collection Name: {}, Collection Type: {}'.format(, collection.type)) if len(collections) == 0:'Unable to find any collections. Exiting...') sys.exit(0) desired_collections = site.get('collections').lower().split(',') want_all = False if '*' in desired_collections: want_all = True for collection in collections: if collection.type != 'DATA_FEED': continue if want_all or in desired_collections: self._import_collection(client, site, collection)
class CBQuery(object): def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify): self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify) self.cb_url = url def report(self, rundll_query, dll_dictionary, search_match_count): # CALLED BY:, regex_match_dictionary, search_match_count) print "--------------------------------------------" print "%s Command Line Matches:" % (search_match_count) print "%s : %s" % ("Search Match Count", "Command Line Match") print "--------------------------------------------" #ordered_dll_dictionary = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(dll_dictionary.items())) ordered_dll_dictionary = sorted(dll_dictionary.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) for value in ordered_dll_dictionary: print "%s : %s" % (value[1], value[0]) def check(self, regex, ignore_case, group_reference_to_match, count_flag, matches_only_flag): # CALLED BY: cb.check(opts.regex, opts.ignore_case, opts.group_reference_to_match, opts.count_flag, opts.matches_only_flag) # print a legend print "" print "Displaying Report for Commandline regular expression matches" print "" print "Command Line Strings Matching REGEX: %s" % (regex) print "============================================================" print "" # build the query string q = "cmdline:*" #define dictionary regex_match_dictionary = dict() search_match_count = 0 #define regexp # check if we need to ignore case, if so, update regexp if ignore_case: regexp = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE) else: regexp = re.compile(regex) for result in self.cb.process_search_iter(q): cmdline = result.get("cmdline", "<unknown>") # print "CMD: %s" % (cmdline,) #SEARCH FOR REGEX IN STRING!! if matches_only_flag: # print "-----MATCHES ONLY" search_match_result = regexp.match(cmdline) else: # print "-----EVERYTHING" search_match_result = if search_match_result is not None: # print "cmdline: %s" % (cmdline) # print "result: %s" % (search_match_result) # print "------------------------------------" # Iterate TOTAL Search Match Count search_match_count = search_match_count + 1 # On Match, add to dictionary # 1st Check group_reference_to_match flag to see if we need to add a specific Group Reference or just the entire Command Line as the regex match if group_reference_to_match: # print "cmdline: %s" % (cmdline) # print"matching GROUP: %s" % (group_reference_to_match) # print"search_match_result: %s" % (search_match_result) regex_match_group_reference = if regex_match_group_reference not in regex_match_dictionary.keys(): print "%s" % (regex_match_group_reference) regex_match_dictionary[regex_match_group_reference] = 1 else: regex_match_dictionary[regex_match_group_reference] = regex_match_dictionary[regex_match_group_reference] + 1 else: if cmdline not in regex_match_dictionary.keys(): print "%s" % (cmdline) regex_match_dictionary[cmdline] = 1 else: regex_match_dictionary[cmdline] = regex_match_dictionary[cmdline] + 1, regex_match_dictionary, search_match_count)
class CBQuery(object): def __init__(self, url, token, ssl_verify): self.cb = CbApi(url, token=token, ssl_verify=ssl_verify) self.cb_url = url def report(self, ioc, type, procs, detail=False): for result in procs["results"]: # print the results to stdout. you could do anything here - # log to syslog, send a SMS, fire off a siren and strobe light, etc. print print "Found %s IOC for %s in:" % (type, ioc) print print "\tPath: %s" % result["path"] print "\tHostname: %s" % result["hostname"] print "\tStarted: %s" % result["start"] print "\tLast Updated: %s" % result["last_update"] print "\tDetails: %s/#analyze/%s/%s" % (self.cb_url, result["id"], result["segment_id"]) print if detail: self.report_detail(ioc, type, result) def report_detail(self, ioc, type, result): events = self.cb.process_events(result["id"], result["segment_id"]) proc = events["process"] if type == "domain" and proc.has_key("netconn_complete"): for netconn in proc["netconn_complete"]: ts, ip, port, proto, domain, dir = netconn.split("|") if ioc in domain: str_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!i", int(ip))) print "%s\t%s (%s:%s)" % (ts, domain, str_ip, port) elif type == "ipaddr" and proc.has_key("netconn_complete"): for netconn in proc["netconn_complete"]: ts, ip, port, proto, domain, direction = netconn.split("|") packed_ip = struct.unpack("!i", socket.inet_aton(ioc))[0] #import code; code.interact(local=locals()) if packed_ip == int(ip): str_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!i", int(ip))) print "%s\t%s (%s:%s)" % (ts, domain, str_ip, port) elif type == "md5" and proc.has_key("modload_complete"): for modload in proc["modload_complete"]: ts, md5, path = modload.split("|") if ioc in md5: print "%s\t%s %s" % (ts, md5, path) if result["process_md5"] == ioc: print "%s\t%s %s" % (result["start"], result["process_md5"], result["path"]) def check(self, iocs, type, detail=False): # for each ioc, do a search for (type):(ioc) # e.g, # # md5:ce7a81ceccfa03e5e0dfd0d9a7f41466 # # additionally, if a cron interval is specified, limit searches # to processes updated in the last CRON_INTERVAL period # # note - this is a very inefficient way to do this, since you test only one # IOC per request - you could build a large OR clause together with a few hundred # to efficiently and quickly check 1000s of IOCs, at the cost of increased complexity # when you discover a hit. # # note 2 - with a list of flat indicators, what you really want is a CB feed # see # for ioc in iocs: if CRON_INTERVAL: q = "%s:%s and last_update:-%s" % (type, ioc, CRON_INTERVAL) else: q = "%s:%s" % (type, ioc) print q procs = self.cb.process_search(q) # if there are _any_ hits, give us the details. # then check the next ioc if len(procs["results"]) > 0:, type, procs, detail) else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush()
myrow.append(bprocess["id"]) if bprocess.has_key("cmdline"): cmdline = bprocess["cmdline"] else: cmdline = "" myrow.append(cmdline) if bprocess.has_key("childproc_complete"): getchildprocs(bprocess['childproc_complete']) parser = build_cli_parser() opts, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if not opts.server or not opts.token or (not opts.procnamefile and not opts.procname) or not opts.percentless: print "Missing required param." sys.exit(-1) cb = CbApi(opts.server, ssl_verify=opts.ssl_verify, token=opts.token) if opts.procnamefile: searchprocess = processsearchlist(opts.procnamefile) else: searchprocess = opts.procname.split(",") for proc in searchprocess: start = 0 data = cb.process_search("parent_name:%s" % (proc), rows=1, start=start) facetterms = data['facets'] for term in reversed(facetterms['process_name']): termratio = int(float(term['ratio'])) if int(opts.percentless) >= termratio: start = 0 while True: q = "parent_name:%s AND process_name:%s" % (proc,term['name']) data = cb.process_search(q , rows=int(pagesize), start=start)
dest="ssl_verify", help="Do not verify server SSL certificate.") return parser def processsearchlist(procnamefile): with open(procnamefile) as tmp: lines = filter(None, [line.strip() for line in tmp]) return lines parser = build_cli_parser() opts, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if not opts.server or not opts.token or not opts.procsearchfile: print "Missing required param." sys.exit(-1) cb = CbApi(opts.server, ssl_verify=opts.ssl_verify, token=opts.token) searchprocess = processsearchlist(opts.procsearchfile) for search in searchprocess: data = cb.process_search(search, rows=1) if 0 != (data['total_results']): print "------------------------------" print "Search Query | %s" % (search) print "Resulting Processes | %s" % (data['total_results']) facet = data['facets'] hosts = [] for term in facet['hostname']: hosts.append("%s (%s%%)" % (term['name'], term['ratio'])) print "Resulting Hosts | " + "|".join(hosts)
myrow.append(bprocess["id"]) if bprocess.has_key("cmdline"): cmdline = bprocess["cmdline"] else: cmdline = "" myrow.append(cmdline) if bprocess.has_key("childproc_complete"): getchildprocs(bprocess['childproc_complete']) parser = build_cli_parser() opts, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if not opts.server or not opts.token or not opts.query or not opts.percentless: print "Missing required param." sys.exit(-1) cb = CbApi(opts.server, ssl_verify=opts.ssl_verify, token=opts.token) start = 0 data = cb.process_search(opts.query, rows=1, start=start) facetterms = data['facets'] pprint.pprint(facetterms) ''' for term in reversed(facetterms['process_name']): termratio = int(float(term['ratio'])) if int(opts.percentless) >= termratio: start = 0 while True: q = "parent_name:%s AND process_name:%s" % (proc,term['name']) data = cb.process_search(q , rows=int(pagesize), start=start) if 0 == len(data['results']):
class FileCollector: def __init__(self): config = load(open(r'conf.yaml', 'rb')) self.address = config['address'] self.port = config['port'] self.banner = config['banner'] self.protection_url = config['protection']['url'] self.protection_token = config['protection']['token'] self.protection_headers = {'X-Auth-Token': self.protection_token} self.protection_path = config['protection']['path'] self.protection_interval = config['protection']['interval'] self.protection_counter = config['protection']['counter'] self.response_url = config['response']['url'] self.response_token = config['response']['token'] self.response_path = config['response']['path'] self.archives = config['archives'] self.logs = config['logs'] self.password = config['password'] #~ self.root = getLogger("cbapi") self.queue = Queue() self.check_dirs() setup_logging() #~ basicConfig('logs/FileCollector_%H_%M_%d_%m_%Y.log'), level=INFO) requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) self.cb = CbApi(self.response_url, token=self.response_token, ssl_verify=False) def check_dirs(self): if not isdir(self.protection_path): log_event("[+] Creating {} directory".format(self.protection_path)) makedirs(self.protection_path) if not isdir(self.response_path): log_event("[+] Creating {} directory".format(self.response_path)) makedirs(self.response_path) if not isdir(self.archives): log_event("[+] Creating {} directory".format(self.archives)) makedirs(self.archives) if not isdir(self.logs): log_event("[+] Creating {} directory".format(self.logs)) makedirs(self.logs) def start_service(self): log_event(self.banner) log_event("[*] Connecting to {}".format(self.protection_url)) log_event("[*] Connecting to {}".format(self.response_url)) self.listener = Listener((self.address, self.port)) while True: try: self.connection = self.listener.accept() while True: self.get_md5() log_event("[*] Processing {}.".format(self.md5)) if self.get_fileCatalogData(): if not self.isQueued(): self.queue_file() elif self.download_binary_cbr()['code']: continue else: continue except EOFError as eof: log_event("[-] Lost connection to client.", True) self.archive_and_encrypt() def get_md5(self): self.md5 = self.connection.recv() def get_fileCatalogData(self): self.dl_req = requests.get("{}{}{}".format( self.protection_url, 'api/bit9platform/v1/fileCatalog?q=md5:', self.md5), headers=self.protection_headers, verify=False) if self.dl_req.ok: self.fc_id = self.get_id() if self.fc_id: log_event("[+] Requested file found.[id] = {}".format( self.fc_id)) return True return False else: log_event("[-] Could not fetch File Catalog Data", True) self.connection.send("[-] Could not fetch File Catalog Data") return False def isQueued(self): log_event("[+] Checking for queued downloads.") self.fileName = self.md5.lower() isqueued = requests.get("{}{}{}".format( self.protection_url, 'api/bit9platform/v1/fileCatalog?q=uploadStatus:0&limit=0&q=fileName:', self.fileName), headers=self.protection_headers, verify=False) if isqueued.ok: log_event("[+] File is queued for uploading") return True return False def queue_file(self): log_event("[+] Queuing file for upload") compId = self.dl_req.json()[0]['computerId'] = { 'computerId': compId, 'fileCatalogId': self.fc_id, 'priority': 2, 'uploadStatus': 0 } self.upload_req ="{}{}".format( self.protection_url, 'api/bit9platform/v1/fileUpload'), headers=self.protection_headers,, verify=False) if self.upload_req.ok: self.check_fileQueue() else: log_event("[-] Requested file not found.", True) self.connection.send("[-] Requested file not found.") def check_fileQueue(self): self.fileId = self.upload_req.json()['id'] log_event("[+] File is now queued. [id] = {}".format(self.fileId)) check_queue ="{}{}".format( self.protection_url, 'api/bit9platform/v1/fileUpload'), headers=self.protection_headers,, verify=False) ctr = 1 while check_queue.json()['uploadStatus'] is not 3: log_event("[+] Sleeping for {} seconds.".format( self.protection_interval)) sleep(self.protection_interval) check_queue ="{}{}".format( self.protection_url, 'api/bit9platform/v1/fileUpload'), headers=self.protection_headers,, verify=False) #Sleep until 5 minutes has passed ctr = ctr + 1 if ctr is self.protection_counter: log_event("[-] File is still queued. Check the queue later.", True) self.connection.send( "[-] File is still queued. Check the queue later.") break if check_queue.json()['uploadStatus'] is 3: self.download_binary_cbp() def get_id(self): if isinstance(self.dl_req.json(), list): if len(self.dl_req.json()) > 0: return self.dl_req.json()[0]['id'] else: log_event( "[-] No File Catalog data found for {}.".format(self.md5), True) self.connection.send( "[-] No File Catalog data found for {}.".format(self.md5)) return None else: return self.dl_req.json()['id'] def archive_and_encrypt(self): try: log_event("[*] Archiving downloaded file/s.") prog_path = r"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" if isfile(prog_path): archive_name ='%H_%M_%d_%m_%Y') isZipped = check_call([ prog_path, 'a', '-p{}'.format(self.password), '-y', r'{}/archive-{}.zip'.format(self.archives, archive_name), './{}/*'.format(self.protection_path), './{}/*'.format( self.response_path) ], stdout=open(devnull, 'w')) if isZipped != 0: raise CalledProcessError(cmd=prog_path, returncode=1, output='Failed to archive file/s') else: log_event('[+] File/s have been archived [{}.zip].'.format( archive_name)) for file_response in listdir(self.response_path): tmp_path = join(self.response_path, file_response) remove(tmp_path) for file_protection in listdir(self.protection_path): tmp_path = join(self.protection_path, file_protection) remove(tmp_path) else: raise WindowsError('[-] 7zip is missing in your system.') except CalledProcessError as cpe: log_event(cpe, True) except WindowsError as we: log_event(we, True) def download_binary_cbr(self): temp_text = {'msg': "[+] Download successful", 'code': 1} try: filename = join(self.response_path, self.md5.lower()) if not isfile(filename): binary = self.cb.binary(self.md5) dump = open(filename, "wb") dump.write(binary) dump.close() else: temp_text = {'msg': "[-] File exists.", 'code': 1} except (ObjectNotFoundError, HTTPError): temp_text = {'msg': "[-] File was not found", 'code': 0} log_event(temp_text['msg'], (temp_text['code'] is 0)) return temp_text def download_binary_cbp(self): log_event("[+] Downloading sample") dl = requests.get("{}{}".format( self.protection_url, 'api/bit9platform/v1/fileUpload/{}?downloadFile=true'.format( self.fileId)), headers=self.headers, verify=False, stream=True) chunk_size = 1024 size = int(dl.headers['Content-Length']) / chunk_size i = 0 if dl.ok: pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=[Percentage(), Bar()], maxval=size).start() with open("{}/{}".format(self.protection_path, self.fileName), 'wb') as f: for chunk in dl.iter_content(chunk_size): f.write(chunk) pbar.update(i) i += 1 #~ log_event("[+] Download complete") pbar.finish() f.close() log_event("[+] Download complete.") self.connection.send("[+] Download complete.") else: #~ print("[-] Unable to download file") log_event("[-] Unable to download file.", True) self.connection.send("[-] Unable to download file.")
help="File containing a line for each query you would like to run") parser.add_option("-n", "--no-ssl-verify", action="store_false", default=True, dest="ssl_verify", help="Do not verify server SSL certificate.") return parser def processsearchlist(procnamefile): with open(procnamefile) as tmp: lines = filter(None, [line.strip() for line in tmp]) return lines parser = build_cli_parser() opts, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if not opts.server or not opts.token or not opts.procsearchfile: print "Missing required param." sys.exit(-1) cb = CbApi(opts.server, ssl_verify=opts.ssl_verify, token=opts.token) searchprocess = processsearchlist(opts.procsearchfile) for search in searchprocess: data = cb.process_search(search, rows=1) if 0 != (data['total_results']): print "------------------------------" print "Search Query | %s" % (search) print "Resulting Processes | %s" % (data['total_results']) facet=data['facets'] hosts =[] for term in facet['hostname']: hosts.append("%s (%s%%)" % (term['name'], term['ratio'])) print "Resulting Hosts | "+"|".join(hosts)