Esempio n. 1
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     exceeds_cutoff = score >= 8
     Q1_DICT = {None: None}
     Q2_DICT = {None: None}
     Q3_TO_8_DICT = {None: None}
     Q9_TO_10_DICT = {None: None}
     for option in xrange(0, 5):
         Q1_DICT[option] = str(option) + u" – " + \
             WSTRING("audit_q1_option" + str(option))
         Q2_DICT[option] = str(option) + u" – " + \
             WSTRING("audit_q2_option" + str(option))
         Q3_TO_8_DICT[option] = str(option) + u" – " + \
             WSTRING("audit_q3to8_option" + str(option))
         if option != 1 and option != 3:
             Q9_TO_10_DICT[option] = str(option) + u" – " + \
                 WSTRING("audit_q9to10_option" + str(option))
     h = u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
     h += self.get_is_complete_tr()
     h += tr(WSTRING("total_score"), answer(score) + " / 40")
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("audit_exceeds_standard_cutoff"),
     h += u"""
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="50%">Question</th>
                 <th width="50%">Answer</th>
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("audit_q1_s"), get_from_dict(Q1_DICT, self.q1))
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("audit_q2_s"), get_from_dict(Q2_DICT, self.q2))
     for q in xrange(3, 8 + 1):
         h += tr_qa(
             WSTRING("audit_q" + str(q) + "_s"),
             get_from_dict(Q3_TO_8_DICT, getattr(self, "q" + str(q)))
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("audit_q9_s"),
                get_from_dict(Q9_TO_10_DICT, self.q9))
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("audit_q10_s"),
                get_from_dict(Q9_TO_10_DICT, self.q10))
     h += u"""
         <div class="copyright">
             AUDIT: Copyright © World Health Organization.
             Reproduced here under the permissions granted for
             NON-COMMERCIAL use only. You must obtain permission from the
             copyright holder for any other use.
     return h
Esempio n. 2
    def get_task_html(self):
        score = self.total_score()
        Q1_DICT = {None: None}
        Q2_DICT = {None: None}
        Q3_DICT = {None: None}
        for option in xrange(0, 5):
            Q1_DICT[option] = str(option) + u" – " + \
                WSTRING("audit_q1_option" + str(option))
            if option == 0:  # special!
                Q2_DICT[option] = str(option) + u" – " + \
                Q2_DICT[option] = str(option) + u" – " + \
                    WSTRING("audit_q2_option" + str(option))
            Q3_DICT[option] = str(option) + u" – " + \
                WSTRING("audit_q3to8_option" + str(option))
        h = u"""
            <div class="summary">
                <table class="summary">
        h += self.get_is_complete_tr()
        h += tr(WSTRING("total_score"), answer(score) + " / 12")
        h += u"""
            <table class="taskdetail">
                    <th width="50%">Question</th>
                    <th width="50%">Answer</th>
        h += tr_qa(WSTRING("audit_c_q1_question"),
                   get_from_dict(Q1_DICT, self.q1))
        h += tr_qa(WSTRING("audit_c_q2_question"),
                   get_from_dict(Q2_DICT, self.q2))
        h += tr_qa(WSTRING("audit_c_q3_question"),
                   get_from_dict(Q3_DICT, self.q3))
        h += u"""
            <div class="copyright">
                AUDIT: Copyright © World Health Organization.
                Reproduced here under the permissions granted for
                NON-COMMERCIAL use only. You must obtain permission from the
                copyright holder for any other use.

                AUDIT-C: presumed to have the same restrictions.
        return h
Esempio n. 3
 def get_question_rows(first, last):
     h = u""
     for q in xrange(first, last + 1):
         f = getattr(self, "frequency" + str(q))
         d = getattr(self, "distress" + str(q))
         fa = (u"{}: {}".format(f, get_from_dict(FREQ_DICT, f))
               if f is not None else None)
         da = (u"{}: {}".format(d, get_from_dict(DISTRESS_DICT, d))
               if d is not None else None)
         h += tr(
             WSTRING("cbir_q" + str(q)),
     return h
Esempio n. 4
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     ANSWER_DICT = {None: "?"}
     for option in range(0, 5):
         ANSWER_DICT[option] = str(option) + u" — " + WSTRING("lshs_a_option" + str(option))
     h = u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
                 <tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b> / 48</td></tr>
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="60%">Question</th>
                 <th width="40%">Answer</th>
         self.get_is_complete_tr(), WSTRING("total_score"), score
     for q in range(1, LshsA.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += u"""<tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b></td></tr>""".format(
             WSTRING("lshs_a_q" + str(q) + "_question"), get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICT, getattr(self, "q" + str(q)))
     h += u"""
     return h
Esempio n. 5
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     ANSWER_DICTS = []
     for q in range(1, Sas.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         d = {None: "?"}
         for option in range(0, 5):
             d[option] = WSTRING("sas_q" + str(q) + "_option" + str(option))
     h = u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
                 <tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b> / 40</td></tr>
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="30%">Question</th>
                 <th width="70%">Answer</th>
         WSTRING("total_score"), score
     for q in range(1, Sas.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += u"""<tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b></td></tr>""".format(
             WSTRING("sas_q" + str(q) + "_s"),
             get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICTS[q - 1], getattr(self, "q" + str(q)))
     h += u"""
     return h
Esempio n. 6
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     for q in Bars.TASK_FIELDS:
         d = {None: "?"}
         for option in range(0, 6):
             if option > 3 and q == "q4":
             d[option] = WSTRING("bars_" + q + "_option" + str(option))
         ANSWER_DICTS_DICT[q] = d
     h = self.get_standard_clinician_block() + u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
                 <tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b> / 14</td></tr>
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="35%">Question</th>
                 <th width="65%">Answer</th>
         WSTRING("total_score"), score
     for q in Bars.TASK_FIELDS:
         h += u"""<tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b></td></tr>""".format(
             WSTRING("bars_" + q + "_s"),
             get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICTS_DICT[q], getattr(self, q))
     h += u"""
     return h
Esempio n. 7
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     if score > 34:
         category = WSTRING("severe")
     elif score >= 20:
         category = WSTRING("moderate")
     elif score >= 7:
         category = WSTRING("mild")
         category = WSTRING("normal")
     ANSWER_DICTS = []
     for q in range(1, Madrs.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         d = {None: "?"}
         for option in range(0, 7):
             if option == 1 or option == 3 or option == 5:
                 d[option] = option
                 d[option] = WSTRING("madrs_q" + str(q) + "_option" +
     h = self.get_standard_clinician_block() + u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
                 <tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b> / 60</td></tr>
                 <tr><td>{} <sup>[1]</sup></td><td><b>{}</b></tr>
         <div class="explanation">
             Ratings are from 0–6 (0 none, 6 extreme problem).
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="30%">Question</th>
                 <th width="70%">Answer</th>
         WSTRING("total_score"), score,
         WSTRING("category"), category,
         WSTRING("madrs_q_period_rated"), self.period_rated
     for q in range(1, Madrs.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += u"""<tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b></td></tr>""".format(
             WSTRING("madrs_q" + str(q) + "_s"),
             get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICTS[q - 1], getattr(self, "q" + str(q)))
     h += u"""
         <div class="footnotes">
             [1] Total score &gt;34 severe, &ge;20 moderate, &ge;7 mild,
             &lt;7 normal. (Hermann et al. 1998, PubMed ID 9506602.)
     return h
Esempio n. 8
 def get_task_html(self):
     MAIN_DICT = {
         None: None,
         0: u"0 — " + WSTRING("fast_q1to3_option0"),
         1: u"1 — " + WSTRING("fast_q1to3_option1"),
         2: u"2 — " + WSTRING("fast_q1to3_option2"),
         3: u"3 — " + WSTRING("fast_q1to3_option3"),
         4: u"4 — " + WSTRING("fast_q1to3_option4"),
     Q4_DICT = {
         None: None,
         0: u"0 — " + WSTRING("fast_q4_option0"),
         2: u"2 — " + WSTRING("fast_q4_option2"),
         4: u"4 — " + WSTRING("fast_q4_option4"),
     h = u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
     """ + self.get_is_complete_tr()
     h += tr(WSTRING("total_score"), answer(self.total_score()) + " / 16")
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("fast_positive") + " <sup>[1]</sup>",
     h += u"""
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="60%">Question</th>
                 <th width="40%">Answer</th>
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("fast_q1"), get_from_dict(MAIN_DICT, self.q1))
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("fast_q2"), get_from_dict(MAIN_DICT, self.q2))
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("fast_q3"), get_from_dict(MAIN_DICT, self.q3))
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("fast_q4"), get_from_dict(Q4_DICT, self.q4))
     h += u"""
         <div class="footnotes">
             [1] Negative if Q1 = 0. Positive if Q1 ≥ 3. Otherwise positive
                 if total score ≥ 3.
     return h
 def get_rating_text(self):
     ratingdict = {
         None: None,
         0: WSTRING("service_satis_rating_a0"),
         1: WSTRING("service_satis_rating_a1"),
         2: WSTRING("service_satis_rating_a2"),
         3: WSTRING("service_satis_rating_a3"),
         4: WSTRING("service_satis_rating_a4"),
     return get_from_dict(ratingdict, self.rating)
Esempio n. 10
 def get_task_html(self):
         None: None,
         "A": WSTRING("honos65_q8problemtype_option_a"),
         "B": WSTRING("honos65_q8problemtype_option_b"),
         "C": WSTRING("honos65_q8problemtype_option_c"),
         "D": WSTRING("honos65_q8problemtype_option_d"),
         "E": WSTRING("honos65_q8problemtype_option_e"),
         "F": WSTRING("honos65_q8problemtype_option_f"),
         "G": WSTRING("honos65_q8problemtype_option_g"),
         "H": WSTRING("honos65_q8problemtype_option_h"),
         "I": WSTRING("honos65_q8problemtype_option_i"),
         "J": WSTRING("honos65_q8problemtype_option_j"),
     h = self.get_standard_clinician_block() + u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
     """ + self.get_is_complete_tr()
     h += tr(WSTRING("total_score"), answer(self.total_score()) + " / 48")
     h += u"""
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="50%">Question</th>
                 <th width="50%">Answer <sup>[1]</sup></th>
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("honos_period_rated"), self.period_rated)
     for i in range(1, 8 + 1):
         h += tr_qa(
             self.get_answer(i, getattr(self, "q" + str(i)))
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("honos65_q8problemtype_s"),
                get_from_dict(Q8PROBLEMTYPE_DICT, self.q8problemtype))
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("honos65_q8otherproblem_s"),
     for i in range(9, Honos.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += tr_qa(
             self.get_answer(i, getattr(self, "q" + str(i)))
     h += u"""
         <div class="footnotes">
             [1] 0 = no problem;
             1 = minor problem requiring no action;
             2 = mild problem but definitely present;
             3 = moderately severe problem;
             4 = severe to very severe problem;
             9 = not known.
     """ + Honos.COPYRIGHT_DIV
     return h
Esempio n. 11
 def get_rating_text(self):
     ratingdict = {
         None: None,
         1: WSTRING("fft_a1"),
         2: WSTRING("fft_a2"),
         3: WSTRING("fft_a3"),
         4: WSTRING("fft_a4"),
         5: WSTRING("fft_a5"),
         6: WSTRING("fft_a6"),
     return get_from_dict(ratingdict, self.rating)
Esempio n. 12
 def get_task_html(self):
     ANSWER_DICT = {None: None}
     for option in xrange(0, 3 + 1):
         ANSWER_DICT[option] = (
             str(option) + u" — " + WSTRING("copebrief_a" + str(option))
     h = u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
     """ + self.get_is_complete_tr()
     h += tr_qa("Self-distraction (Q1, Q19)", self.self_distraction())
     h += tr_qa("Active coping (Q2, Q7)", self.active_coping())
     h += tr_qa("Denial (Q3, Q8)", self.denial())
     h += tr_qa("Substance use (Q4, Q11)", self.substance_use())
     h += tr_qa("Use of emotional support (Q5, Q15)",
     h += tr_qa("Use of instrumental support (Q10, Q23)",
     h += tr_qa("Behavioural disengagement (Q6, Q16)",
     h += tr_qa("Venting (Q9, Q21)", self.venting())
     h += tr_qa("Positive reframing (Q12, Q17)", self.positive_reframing())
     h += tr_qa("Planning (Q14, Q25)", self.planning())
     h += tr_qa("Humour (Q18, Q28)", self.humour())
     h += tr_qa("Acceptance (Q20, Q24)", self.acceptance())
     h += tr_qa("Religion (Q22, Q27)", self.religion())
     h += tr_qa("Self-blame (Q13, Q26)", self.self_blame())
     h += u"""
         <div class="explanation">
             Individual items are scored 0–3 (as in Carver 1997 PMID
             16250744), not 1–4 (as in
             Summaries, which are all
             based on two items, are therefore scored 0–6.
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="50%">Question</th>
                 <th width="50%">Answer</th>
     for q in xrange(1, self.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += tr_qa(
             u"Q{}. {}".format(q, WSTRING("copebrief_q" + str(q))),
             get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICT, getattr(self, "q" + str(q)))
     h += u"""
     return h
Esempio n. 13
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     above_cutoff_1 = score >= 10
     above_cutoff_2 = score >= 13
     ANSWER_DICTS = []
     for q in range(1, Epds.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         d = {None: "?"}
         for option in range(0, 4):
             d[option] = str(option) + u" — " + WSTRING("epds_q" + str(q) + "_option" + str(option))
     h = u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
                 <tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b> / 30</td></tr>
                 <tr><td>{} <sup>[1]</sup></td><td><b>{}</b></td></tr>
                 <tr><td>{} <sup>[2]</sup></td><td><b>{}</b></td></tr>
         <div class="explanation">
             Ratings are over the last week.
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="50%">Question</th>
                 <th width="50%">Answer</th>
     for q in range(1, Epds.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += u"""<tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b></td></tr>""".format(
             WSTRING("epds_q" + str(q) + "_question"),
             get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICTS[q - 1], getattr(self, "q" + str(q))),
     h += u"""
         <div class="footnotes">
             [1] &ge;10.
             [2] &ge;13.
             (Cox et al. 1987, PubMed ID 3651732.)
     return h
Esempio n. 14
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     severity = self.severity()
     ANSWER_DICT = {None: None}
     for option in range(0, 4):
         ANSWER_DICT[option] = (
             str(option) + u" — " + WSTRING("gad7_a" + str(option))
     h = u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
     """ + self.get_is_complete_tr()
     h += tr(WSTRING("total_score"), answer(score) + " / 21")
     h += tr(WSTRING("gad7_anxiety_severity") + " <sup>[1]</sup>",
     h += u"""
         <div class="explanation">
             Ratings are over the last 2 weeks.
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="50%">Question</th>
                 <th width="50%">Answer</th>
     for q in range(1, Gad7.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += tr_qa(
             WSTRING("gad7_q" + str(q)),
             get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICT, getattr(self, "q" + str(q)))
     h += u"""
         <div class="footnotes">
             [1] ≥15 severe, ≥10 moderate, ≥5 mild.
             Score ≥10 identifies: generalized anxiety disorder with
             sensitivity 89%, specificity 82% (Spitzer et al. 2006, PubMed
             ID 16717171);
             panic disorder with sensitivity 74%, specificity 81% (Kroenke
             et al. 2010, PMID 20633738);
             social anxiety with sensitivity 72%, specificity 80% (Kroenke
             et al. 2010);
             post-traumatic stress disorder with sensitivity 66%,
             specificity 81% (Kroenke et al. 2010).
             The majority of evidence contributing to these figures comes
             from primary care screening studies.
     return h
Esempio n. 15
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     nsevere = self.num_severe()
     somatoform_likely = nsevere >= 3
     severity = self.severity()
     ANSWER_DICT = {None: None}
     for option in range(0, 3):
         ANSWER_DICT[option] = str(option) + u" – " + \
             WSTRING("phq15_a" + str(option))
     h = u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
     h += self.get_is_complete_tr()
     h += tr(WSTRING("total_score") + " <sup>[1]</sup>",
             answer(score) + " / 30")
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("phq15_n_severe_symptoms") + " <sup>[2]</sup>",
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("phq15_exceeds_somatoform_cutoff")
                + " <sup>[3]</sup>",
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("phq15_symptom_severity") + " <sup>[4]</sup>",
     h += u"""
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="70%">Question</th>
                 <th width="30%">Answer</th>
     for q in range(1, Phq15.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += tr_qa(
             WSTRING("phq15_q" + str(q)),
             get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICT, getattr(self, "q" + str(q)))
     h += u"""
         <div class="footnotes">
             [1] In males, maximum score is actually 28.
             [2] Questions with scores ≥2 are considered severe.
             [3] ≥3 severe symptoms.
             [4] Total score ≥15 severe, ≥10 moderate, ≥5 mild,
                 otherwise none.
     return h
Esempio n. 16
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     below_cutoff = score <= 12
     ANSWER_DICTS = []
     for q in range(1, Fab.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         d = {None: "?"}
         for option in range(0, 5):
             d[option] = (
                 str(option) + u" — " +
                 WSTRING("fab_q" + str(q) + "_option" + str(option)))
     h = self.get_standard_clinician_block() + u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
                 <tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b> / 18</td></tr>
                 <tr><td>{} <sup>[1]</sup></td><td><b>{}</b></td></tr>
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="40%">Question</th>
                 <th width="60%">Score</th>
         WSTRING("total_score"), score,
         WSTRING("fab_below_cutoff"), get_yes_no(below_cutoff),
     for q in range(1, Fab.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += u"""<tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b></td></tr>""".format(
             WSTRING("fab_q" + str(q) + "_title"),
             get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICTS[q - 1], getattr(self, "q" + str(q)))
     h += u"""
         <div class="footnotes">
             [1] Cutoff is &le;12.
             In patients with early dementia (MMSE > 24), a cutoff score of
             FAB &le;12 (*) can differentiate frontotemporal dementia from
             Alzheimer's disease (sensitivity for FTD 77%, specificy 87%;
             Slachevksy et al. 2004, PubMed ID 15262742).
             (*) I think: the phrase is "a cutoff of 12", which is somewhat
     return h
Esempio n. 17
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     n_csi_symptoms = self.get_num_csi_symptoms()
     csi_catatonia = n_csi_symptoms >= 2
     for q in Bfcrs.TASK_FIELDS:
         d = {None: "?"}
         for option in range(0, 5):
             if (option != 0 and option != 3) and q in ["q17", "q18", "q19",
                                                        "q20", "q21"]:
             d[option] = WSTRING("bfcrs_" + q + "_option" + str(option))
         ANSWER_DICTS_DICT[q] = d
     h = u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
                 <tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b> / 69</td></tr>
                 <tr><td>{} <sup>[1]</sup></td><td><b>{}</b></td></tr>
                 <tr><td>{} <sup>[2]</sup></td><td><b>{}</b></td></tr>
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="35%">Question</th>
                 <th width="65%">Answer</th>
         WSTRING("total_score"), score,
         WSTRING("csi_num_symptoms_present"), n_csi_symptoms,
         WSTRING("csi_catatonia_present"), get_yes_no(csi_catatonia)
     for q in range(1, Bfcrs.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += u"""<tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b></td></tr>""".format(
             "Q" + str(q) + u" — " + WSTRING("bfcrs_q" + str(q) + "_title"),
             get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICTS_DICT["q" + str(q)],
                           getattr(self, "q" + str(q)))
     h += u"""
         <div class="footnotes">
             [1] Symptoms 1–14, counted as present if score >0.
             [2] Number of CSI symptoms ≥2.
     return h
Esempio n. 18
 def get_task_html(self):
     p = self.score_p()
     n = self.score_n()
     g = self.score_g()
     composite = self.composite()
     total = p + n + g
     ANSWERS = {
         None: None,
         1: WSTRING("panss_option1"),
         2: WSTRING("panss_option2"),
         3: WSTRING("panss_option3"),
         4: WSTRING("panss_option4"),
         5: WSTRING("panss_option5"),
         6: WSTRING("panss_option6"),
         7: WSTRING("panss_option7"),
     h = (
         + u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
     h += self.get_is_complete_tr()
     h += tr_qa(u"{} (30–210)".format(WSTRING("total_score")), total)
     h += tr_qa(u"{} (7–49)".format(WSTRING("panss_p")), p)
     h += tr_qa(u"{} (7–49)".format(WSTRING("panss_n")), n)
     h += tr_qa(u"{} (16–112)".format(WSTRING("panss_g")), g)
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("panss_composite"), composite)
     h += u"""
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="40%">Question</th>
                 <th width="60%">Answer</th>
     for q in Panss.TASK_FIELDS:
         h += tr_qa(WSTRING("panss_" + q + "_s"), get_from_dict(ANSWERS, getattr(self, q)))
     h += (
     return h
Esempio n. 19
 def get_task_html(self):
     MAIN_DICT = {
         None: None,
         1: u"1 — " + WSTRING("wemwbs_a1"),
         2: u"2 — " + WSTRING("wemwbs_a2"),
         3: u"3 — " + WSTRING("wemwbs_a3"),
         4: u"4 — " + WSTRING("wemwbs_a4"),
         5: u"5 — " + WSTRING("wemwbs_a5")
     h = u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
     """ + self.get_is_complete_tr()
     h += tr(
         answer(self.total_score()) + u" (range {}–{})".format(
     h += u"""
         <div class="explanation">
             Ratings are over the last 2 weeks.
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="60%">Question</th>
                 <th width="40%">Answer</th>
     for i in range(1, Swemwbs.N_QUESTIONS + 1):
         nstr = str(i)
         h += tr_qa(WSTRING("swemwbs_q" + nstr),
                    get_from_dict(MAIN_DICT, getattr(self, "q" + nstr)))
     h += u"""
         <div class="copyright">
             SWEMWBS: from Stewart-Brown et al. (2009), <i>Health and
             Quality of Life Outcomes</i> 7:15,
             © 2009 Stewart-Brown et al.; distributed under the terms of the
             Creative Commons Attribution License.
     return h
Esempio n. 20
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     severity = self.severity()
     for q in repeat_fieldname("q", 1, Ciwa.NSCOREDQUESTIONS):
         d = {None: None}
         for option in range(0, 8):
             if option > 4 and q == "q10":
             d[option] = WSTRING("ciwa_" + q + "_option" + str(option))
         ANSWER_DICTS_DICT[q] = d
     h = self.get_standard_clinician_block() + u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
     """ + self.get_is_complete_tr()
     h += tr(WSTRING("total_score"), answer(score) + " / 67")
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("ciwa_severity") + " <sup>[1]</sup>", severity)
     h += u"""
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="35%">Question</th>
                 <th width="65%">Answer</th>
     for q in range(1, Ciwa.NSCOREDQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += tr_qa(
             WSTRING("ciwa_q" + str(q) + "_s"),
             get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICTS_DICT["q" + str(q)],
                           getattr(self, "q" + str(q)))
     h += subheading_spanning_two_columns(WSTRING("ciwa_vitals_title"))
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("ciwa_t"), self.t)
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("ciwa_hr"),
     h += tr(WSTRING("ciwa_bp"),
             answer(self.sbp) + " / " + answer(self.dbp))
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("ciwa_rr"), self.rr)
     h += u"""
         <div class="footnotes">
             [1] Total score ≥15 severe, ≥8 moderate, otherwise
     return h
Esempio n. 21
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     above_cutoff = score >= 6
     ANSWER_DICTS = []
     for q in range(1, Asrm.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         d = {None: "?"}
         for option in range(0, 5):
             d[option] = (
                 str(option) + u" — " +
                 WSTRING("asrm_q" + str(q) + "_option" + str(option)))
     h = u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
                 <tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b> / 20</td></tr>
                 <tr><td>{} <sup>[1]</sup></td><td><b>{}</b></td></tr>
         <div class="explanation">
             Ratings are over the last week.
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="30%">Question</th>
                 <th width="70%">Answer</th>
         WSTRING("total_score"), score,
         WSTRING("asrm_above_cutoff"), get_yes_no(above_cutoff),
     for q in range(1, Asrm.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += u"""<tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b></td></tr>""".format(
             WSTRING("asrm_q" + str(q) + "_s"),
             get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICTS[q - 1], getattr(self, "q" + str(q)))
     h += u"""
         <div class="footnotes">
             [1] Cutoff is &ge;6. Scores of &ge;6 identify mania/hypomania
             with sensitivity 85.5%, specificity 87.3% (Altman et al. 1997,
             PubMed ID 9359982).
     return h
Esempio n. 22
 def get_task_html(self):
     OPTION_DICT = {None: None}
     for a in range(self.MIN_SCORE, self.MAX_SCORE + 1):
         OPTION_DICT[a] = WSTRING("zbi_a" + str(a))
     h = u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
                     <td>Total score (/ 48)</td>
         <table class="taskdetail">
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="75%">Question</th>
                 <th width="25%">Answer (0–4)</th>
         tr_responder=tr_qa(u"Responder’s name", self.responder_name),
         tr_relationship=tr_qa(u"Responder’s relationship to patient",
     for q in xrange(1, self.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         a = getattr(self, "q" + str(q))
         fa = (u"{}: {}".format(a, get_from_dict(OPTION_DICT, a))
               if a is not None else None)
         h += tr(
                 "q" + str(q),
                 "[ZBI: Q{}]".format(q)
     h += u"""
     return h
Esempio n. 23
 def get_task_html(self):
     MAIN_DICT = {
         None: None,
         0: u"0 — " + WSTRING("bprsold_option0"),
         1: u"1 — " + WSTRING("bprsold_option1"),
         2: u"2 — " + WSTRING("bprsold_option2"),
         3: u"3 — " + WSTRING("bprsold_option3"),
         4: u"4 — " + WSTRING("bprsold_option4"),
         5: u"5 — " + WSTRING("bprsold_option5"),
         6: u"6 — " + WSTRING("bprsold_option6"),
         7: u"7 — " + WSTRING("bprsold_option7")
     h = self.get_standard_clinician_block() + u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
     """ + self.get_is_complete_tr()
     h += tr(WSTRING("total_score") +
             u" (0–168; 24–168 if all rated)",
     h += u"""
         <div class="explanation">
             Each question has specific answer definitions (see e.g. tablet
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="60%">Question</th>
                 <th width="40%">Answer <sup>[1]</sup></th>
     for i in range(1, Bprse.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += tr_qa(
             WSTRING("bprse_q" + str(i) + "_s"),
             get_from_dict(MAIN_DICT, getattr(self, "q" + str(i)))
     h += u"""
         <div class="footnotes">
             [1] All answers are in the range 1–7, or 0 (not assessed, for
     return h
Esempio n. 24
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     exceeds_cutoff_1 = score >= 6
     exceeds_cutoff_2 = score >= 11
     MAIN_DICT = {
         None: None,
         "Y": WSTRING("Yes"),
         "N": WSTRING("No")
     h = u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
     """ + self.get_is_complete_tr()
     h += tr(WSTRING("total_score"), answer(score) + " / 28")
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("dast_exceeds_standard_cutoff_1"),
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("dast_exceeds_standard_cutoff_2"),
     h += u"""
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="80%">Question</th>
                 <th width="20%">Answer</th>
     for q in range(1, Dast.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += tr(
             WSTRING("dast_q" + str(q)),
             answer(get_from_dict(MAIN_DICT, getattr(self, "q" + str(q))))
             + u" — " + answer(str(self.get_score(q)))
     h += u"""
         <div class="copyright">
             DAST: Copyright © Harvey A. Skinner and the Centre for
             Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Canada.
             Reproduced here under the permissions granted for
             NON-COMMERCIAL use only. You must obtain permission from the
             copyright holder for any other use.
     return h
Esempio n. 25
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     severity = self.severity()
     ANSWER_DICTS = []
     for q in range(1, Hama.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         d = {None: None}
         for option in range(0, 4):
             d[option] = WSTRING("hama_q" + str(q) + "_option" +
     h = self.get_standard_clinician_block() + u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
     """ + self.get_is_complete_tr()
     h += tr(WSTRING("total_score"), answer(score) + " / 56")
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("hama_symptom_severity") + " <sup>[1]</sup>",
     h += u"""
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="50%">Question</th>
                 <th width="50%">Answer</th>
     for q in range(1, Hama.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += tr_qa(
             WSTRING("hama_q" + str(q) + "_s") + " " + WSTRING(
                 "hama_q" + str(q) + "_question"),
             get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICTS[q - 1], getattr(self, "q" + str(q)))
     h += u"""
         <div class="footnotes">
             [1] ≥31 very severe, ≥25 moderate to severe,
                 ≥18 mild to moderate, otherwise mild.
     return h
Esempio n. 26
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     severity = self.severity()
     ANSWER_DICTS = []
     for q in range(1, Hamd7.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         d = {None: None}
         for option in range(0, 5):
             if q == 6 and option > 2:
             d[option] = WSTRING("hamd7_q" + str(q) + "_option" +
     h = self.get_standard_clinician_block() + u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
     """ + self.get_is_complete_tr()
     h += tr(WSTRING("total_score"), answer(score) + " / 26")
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("hamd7_severity") + " <sup>[1]</sup>", severity)
     h += u"""
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="30%">Question</th>
                 <th width="70%">Answer</th>
     for q in range(1, Hamd7.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += tr_qa(
             WSTRING("hamd7_q" + str(q) + "_s"),
             get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICTS[q - 1], getattr(self, "q" + str(q)))
     h += u"""
         <div class="footnotes">
             [1] ≥20 severe, ≥12 moderate, ≥4 mild, &lt;4 none.
     return h
Esempio n. 27
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     likelihood = self.likelihood()
     MAIN_DICT = {
         None: None,
         "Y": WSTRING("Yes"),
         "N": WSTRING("No")
     h = u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
     h += self.get_is_complete_tr()
     h += tr(WSTRING("total_score"), answer(score) + " / 13")
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("smast_problem_likelihood") + " <sup>[1]</sup>",
     h += u"""
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="80%">Question</th>
                 <th width="20%">Answer</th>
     for q in range(1, Smast.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += tr(
             WSTRING("smast_q" + str(q)),
             answer(get_from_dict(MAIN_DICT, getattr(self, "q" + str(q))))
             + u" — " + str(self.get_score(q))
     h += u"""
         <div class="footnotes">
             [1] Total score ≥3 probable, ≥2 possible, 0–1 unlikely.
     return h
Esempio n. 28
 def get_task_html(self):
     score = self.total_score()
     exceeds_threshold = self.exceeds_ross_threshold()
     MAIN_DICT = {
         None: None,
         "Y": WSTRING("Yes"),
         "N": WSTRING("No")
     h = u"""
         <div class="summary">
             <table class="summary">
     """ + self.get_is_complete_tr()
     h += tr(WSTRING("total_score"), answer(score) + " / 53")
     h += tr_qa(WSTRING("mast_exceeds_threshold"),
     h += u"""
         <table class="taskdetail">
                 <th width="80%">Question</th>
                 <th width="20%">Answer</th>
     for q in range(1, Mast.NQUESTIONS + 1):
         h += tr(
             WSTRING("mast_q" + str(q)),
                                      getattr(self, "q" + str(q)))) +
                 answer(u" — " + str(self.get_score(q)))
     h += u"""
     return h
Esempio n. 29
 def get_row(self, q, ANSWER_DICT):
     return u"""<tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b></td><td>{}</td></tr>""".format(
         WSTRING("gass_q" + str(q)),
         get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICT, getattr(self, "q" + str(q))),
         get_yes_no(getattr(self, "d" + str(q)))
Esempio n. 30
 def get_row(self, q, ANSWER_DICT):
     return u"""<tr><td>{}</td><td><b>{}</b></td></tr>""".format(
         "Q" + str(q) + u" — " + WSTRING("lunsers_q" + str(q)),
         get_from_dict(ANSWER_DICT, getattr(self, "q" + str(q)))