def populate(self, json): item = json['event'] self.event = Event() self.event.populate(item) # Check if not a report if json.get('report', None) or json.get('reference', None): item = json.get('report', None) if item: = Report() item = json.get('reference', None) if item: self.reference = Reference() self.reference.populate(item) else: item = json.get('observable', None) if item: self.observable = Observable() self.observable.populate(item) item = json.get('object', None) if item: self.object = Object() self.object.populate(item) item = json.get('attribute', None) if item: self.attribute = Attribute() self.attribute.populate(item)
def populate(self, json): self.identifier = json.get('identifier', None) definition_id = json.get('definition_id', None) if definition_id: self.definition_id = definition_id definition = json.get('definition', None) if definition: definitin_instance = ObjectDefinition() definitin_instance.populate(definition) self.definition = definitin_instance if self.definition_id and self.definition: if self.definition.identifier and self.definition_id != self.definition.identifier: raise ValueException(u'Object definitions cannot be updated') if not (self.definition_id or self.definition): raise ValueException(u'Object definition or definition_id must be set')'properties', Properties('0'))) creator_group = json.get('creator_group', None) if creator_group: cg_instance = Group() cg_instance.populate(creator_group) self.creator_group = cg_instance modifier_group = json.get('modifier_group', None) if modifier_group: cg_instance = Group() cg_instance.populate(modifier_group) self.modifier = cg_instance created_at = json.get('created_at', None) if created_at: self.created_at = strings.stringToDateTime(created_at) modified_on = json.get('modified_on', None) if modified_on: self.modified_on = strings.stringToDateTime(modified_on) rel_obs = json.get('related_objects', None) if rel_obs: for rel_ob in rel_obs: obj_instance = RelatedObject() obj_instance.populate(rel_ob) self.related_objects.append(obj_instance) attribtues = json.get('attributes', None) if attribtues: for attribtue in attribtues: attribute = Attribute() attribute.populate(attribtue) self.attributes.append(attribute)
class SearchResult(RestBase): def __init__(self): RestBase.__init__(self) self.event = None self.object = None self.observable = None self.attribute = None = None self.reference = None def populate(self, json): item = json['event'] self.event = Event() self.event.populate(item) # Check if not a report if json.get('report', None) or json.get('reference', None): item = json.get('report', None) if item: = Report() item = json.get('reference', None) if item: self.reference = Reference() self.reference.populate(item) else: item = json.get('observable', None) if item: self.observable = Observable() self.observable.populate(item) item = json.get('object', None) if item: self.object = Object() self.object.populate(item) item = json.get('attribute', None) if item: self.attribute = Attribute() self.attribute.populate(item)
def append_attributes(self, obj, observable, id_, category, type_, value, ioc, share, event, uuid): if type_ in ['regkey', 'regkey|value']: if '|' in value: value = value.replace('/', '\\') splited = value.split('|') pos = splited[0].find("\\") key_name = splited[0][pos + 1:] splitted = key_name.split(' ') if len(splitted) > 1: key = splitted[0] name = splitted[1] else: key = key_name name = None hive = splited[0][0:pos] data = splited[1] else: value = value.replace('/', '\\') pos = value.find("\\") key = value[pos + 1:] hive = value[0:pos] data = None name = None if hive == 'HKLM' or 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' in hive: hive = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' elif hive in ['HKCU', 'HK_CURRENT_USER', 'HCKU'] or 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' in hive: hive = 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' elif hive in ['HKEY_CURRENTUSER', 'HKU']: hive = 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' elif hive in ['HKCR', 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT']: hive = 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT' else: if hive[0:1] == 'H' and hive != 'HKCU_Classes': message = '"{0}" not defined from {1}'.format(hive, self.__get_event_msg(event)) self.syslogger.error(message) raise MispMappingException(message) else: hive = None if hive: self.append_attributes(obj, observable, id_, category, 'WindowsRegistryKey_Hive', hive, ioc, share, event, uuid4()) if name: self.append_attributes(obj, observable, id_, category, 'WindowsRegistryKey_RegistryValue_Name', name, ioc, share, event, uuid4()) if data: self.append_attributes(obj, observable, id_, category, 'WindowsRegistryKey_RegistryValue_Data', data, ioc, share, event, uuid4()) self.append_attributes(obj, observable, id_, category, 'WindowsRegistryKey_Key', key, ioc, share, event, uuid) elif '|' in type_: # it is a composed attribute if type_ in ('filename|md5', 'filename|sha1', 'filename|sha256'): splitted = type_.split('|') if len(splitted) == 2: first_type = splitted[0] second_type = splitted[1] splitted_values = value.split('|') first_value = splitted_values[0] second_value = splitted_values[1] self.append_attributes(obj, observable, id_, category, first_type, first_value, ioc, share, event, uuid) self.append_attributes(obj, observable, id_, category, second_type, second_value, ioc, share, event, uuid4()) else: message = 'Composed attribute {0} splits into more than 2 elements for {1}'.format(type_, self.__get_event_msg(event)) self.syslogger.error(message) raise MispMappingException(message) else: message = 'Composed attribute {0} cannot be mapped for {1}'.format(type_, self.__get_event_msg(event)) self.syslogger.error(message) raise MispMappingException(message) elif category in ['artifacts dropped', 'payload delivery', 'payload installation'] and type_ == 'malware-sample': filename = value filename_uuid = uuid splitted = value.split('|') if len(splitted) == 2: first_type = 'File_Name' first_value = splitted[0] filename = first_value second_value = splitted[1] second_type = self.get_hash_type(second_value) self.append_attributes(obj, observable, id_, category, first_type, first_value, ioc, share, event, uuid) self.append_attributes(obj, observable, id_, category, second_type, second_value, ioc, share, event, uuid4()) else: message = 'Composed attribute {0} splits into more than 2 elements for {1}'.format(type_, self.__get_event_msg(event)) self.syslogger.error(message) raise MispMappingException(message) # Download the attachment if it exists data = self.fetch_attachment(id_, filename_uuid, event.identifier, filename) if data: message = u'Downloaded file "{0}" id:{1} from {2}'.format(filename, id_, self.__get_event_msg(event)) # build raw_artifact raw_artifact = Object() raw_artifact.identifier = uuid4() self.set_properties(raw_artifact, share) self.set_extended_logging(raw_artifact, event) raw_artifact.definition = self.get_object_definition('Artifact', None, None, event) if raw_artifact.definition: raw_artifact.definition_id = raw_artifact.definition.identifier else: message = 'Could not find object definition Artifact from {0}'.format(self.__get_event_msg(event)) self.syslogger.error(message) raise MispMappingException(message) # add raw artifact attr = Attribute() attr.identifier = uuid4() attr.definition = self.get_attibute_definition('', 'raw_artifact', None, raw_artifact, observable, attr, event) if attr.definition: attr.definition_id = attr.definition.identifier else: message = 'Could not find attribute definition raw_artifact from {0}'.format(self.__get_event_msg(event)) self.syslogger.error(message) raise MispMappingException(message) # TODO attr.value = base64.b64encode(data) self.set_properties(attr, share) self.set_extended_logging(attr, event) raw_artifact.attributes.append(attr) rel_Object = RelatedObject() rel_Object.object = raw_artifact obj.related_objects.append(rel_Object) else: message = u'Failed to download file "{0}" id:{1}, add manually form {2}'.format(filename, id_, self.__get_event_msg(event)) self.syslogger.warning(message) else: attribute = Attribute() # workaround for if uuid not in self.seen_attr_ids: attribute.identifier = uuid self.seen_attr_ids.append(uuid) else: uuid = '{0}'.format(uuid4()) self.seen_attr_ids.append(uuid) attribute.identifier = uuid self.set_properties(attribute, share) self.set_extended_logging(attribute, event) attribute.definition = self.get_attibute_definition(category, type_, value, obj, observable, attribute, event) if attribute.definition: attribute.definition_id = attribute.definition.identifier attribute.value = value if ioc == 1: attribute.is_ioc = True else: attribute.is_ioc = False = True obj.attributes.append(attribute)