def exec_cli( argv ): ''' If detects that Chrubix was called from within ChromeOS, program execution goes HERE. This function's job is to install a GNU/Linux variant on the partitions that are already mounted. - Process commnad line w/ process_command_line(), returning a distro struct (for ppropriate distro) - distro.install() -- i.e. install Linux on MMC w/ the appropriate distro subclass. ''' res = 0 if os.path.isdir( '/Users' ) or not os.path.isfile( '/proc/cmdline' ): failed( 'testbed() disabled' ) # res = testbed( argv ) # raise EnvironmentError( 'Do not call me if you are running under an OS other than Linux, please.' ) elif read_oneliner_file( '/proc/cmdline' ).find( 'cros_secure' ) < 0: raise EnvironmentError( 'Boot into ChromeOS if you want to run me, please.' ) elif os.system( 'mount | grep /dev/mapper/encstateful &> /dev/null' ) == 0 and len( argv ) == 0: raise EnvironmentError( 'OK, you are in ChromeOS; now, chroot into the bootstrap and run me again, please.' ) else: # os.system( 'clear' ) distro = process_command_line( argv, ) # returns a record (instance) of the appropriate Linux distro subclass res = distro.install() if res is None: res = 0 if res != 0: print( 'exec_cli() returning w/ res=%d' % ( res ) ) return res
def configure_lxdm_behavior( mountpoint, lxdm_settings ): logme( 'configure_lxdm_behavior --- entering' ) logme( str( lxdm_settings ) ) f = '%s/etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf' % ( mountpoint ) if not os.path.isfile( f ): failed( "%s does not exist; configure_lxdm_login_manager() cannot run properly. That sucks." % ( f ) ) if lxdm_settings['enable user lists']: do_a_sed( f, 'disable=.*', 'disable=0' ) do_a_sed( f, 'black=.*', 'black=root bin daemon mail ftp http uuidd dbus nobody systemd-journal-gateway systemd-timesync systemd-network avahi polkitd colord git rtkit freenet i2p lxdm tor privoxy saned festival ntp usbmux' ) do_a_sed( f, 'white=.*', 'white=guest %s' % ( lxdm_settings['login as user'] ) ) # FYI, if 'login as user' is guest, the word 'guest' will appear twice. I don't like that. :-/ else: do_a_sed( f, 'disable=.*', 'disable=1' ) if lxdm_settings['autologin']: do_a_sed( f, '.*autologin=.*', 'autologin=%s' % ( lxdm_settings['login as user'] ) ) do_a_sed( f, '.*skip_password=.*', 'skip_password=1' ) else: do_a_sed( f, '.*autologin=.*', '###autologin='******'.*skip_password=.*', 'skip_password=%d' % ( 1 ) ) # if lxdm_settings['login as user'] == 'guest' else 0 ) ) assert( os.path.exists( '%s/%s' % ( mountpoint, lxdm_settings['window manager'] ) ) ) do_a_sed( f, '.*session=.*', 'session=%s' % ( lxdm_settings['window manager'] ) ) assert( 0 == os.system( 'cat %s | grep session= &> /dev/null' % ( f ) ) ) f = '%s/etc/pam.d/lxdm' % ( mountpoint ) # if os.path.isfile( f ): handle = open( f, 'a' ) handle.write( ''' session required session required ''' ) handle.close() logme( 'configure_lxdm_behavior --- leaving' )
def exec_cli(argv): ''' If detects that Chrubix was called from within ChromeOS, program execution goes HERE. This function's job is to install a GNU/Linux variant on the partitions that are already mounted. - Process commnad line w/ process_command_line(), returning a distro struct (for ppropriate distro) - distro.install() -- i.e. install Linux on MMC w/ the appropriate distro subclass. ''' res = 0 if os.path.isdir('/Users') or not os.path.isfile('/proc/cmdline'): failed('testbed() disabled') # res = testbed( argv ) # raise EnvironmentError( 'Do not call me if you are running under an OS other than Linux, please.' ) elif read_oneliner_file('/proc/cmdline').find('cros_secure') < 0: raise EnvironmentError( 'Boot into ChromeOS if you want to run me, please.') elif os.system('mount | grep /dev/mapper/encstateful &> /dev/null' ) == 0 and len(argv) == 0: raise EnvironmentError( 'OK, you are in ChromeOS; now, chroot into the bootstrap and run me again, please.' ) else: # os.system( 'clear' ) distro = process_command_line( argv, ) # returns a record (instance) of the appropriate Linux distro subclass res = distro.install() if res is None: res = 0 if res != 0: print('exec_cli() returning w/ res=%d' % (res)) return res
def configure_lxdm_service(mountpoint): # if 0 != chroot_this( mountpoint, 'systemctl enable lxdm', attempts = 1 ): if os.path.exists( '%s/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service' % ( mountpoint ) ) \ and not os.path.exists( '%s/etc/systemd/system/' % ( mountpoint ) ): chroot_this( mountpoint, 'mv /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service /etc/systemd/system/' ) if 0 != chroot_this( mountpoint, 'ln -sf /usr/lib/systemd/system/lxdm.service /etc/systemd/system/' ): failed('Failed to enable lxdm') for f in ('lxdm', 'display-manager'): if os.path.exists('%s/usr/lib/systemd/system/%s.service' % (mountpoint, f)): system_or_die('cp %s/usr/lib/systemd/system/%s.service /tmp/' % (mountpoint, f)) # if os.path.exists( '%s/usr/lib/systemd/system/lxdm.service' % ( mountpoint ) ): write_lxdm_service_file('%s/usr/lib/systemd/system/lxdm.service' % (mountpoint)) chroot_this(mountpoint, 'which lxdm &> /dev/null', on_fail='I cannot find lxdm. This is not good.') if chroot_this(mountpoint, 'which kdm &> /dev/null', attempts=1) == 0: chroot_this(mountpoint, 'systemctl disable kdm', attempts=1)
def tweak_xwindow_for_cbook( mountpoint ): # print( "Installing GUI tweaks" ) system_or_die( 'rm -Rf %s/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/' % ( mountpoint ) ) # if os.path.exists( '%s/tmp/.xorg.conf.d.tgz' % ( mountpoint ) ): # system_or_die( 'tar -zxf %s/tmp/.xorg.conf.d.tgz -C %s' % ( mountpoint, mountpoint ) ) # else: # system_or_die( 'tar -zxf /tmp/.xorg.conf.d.tgz -C %s' % ( mountpoint ) ) # chroot_this( mountpoint, 'mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d.CB.disabled' ) system_or_die( 'mkdir -p %s/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/' % ( mountpoint ) ) system_or_die( 'unzip %s/usr/local/bin/Chrubix/blobs/settings/ -d %s/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ &> /dev/null' % ( mountpoint, mountpoint, ), "Failed to extract X11 settings from Chrubuntu" ) f = '%s/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-keyboard.conf' % ( mountpoint ) if not os.path.isfile( f ): failed( '%s not found --- cannot tweak X' % ( f ) ) do_a_sed( f, 'gb', 'us' ) system_or_die( 'mkdir -p %s/etc/tmpfiles.d' % ( mountpoint, ) ) write_oneliner_file( mountpoint + '/etc/tmpfiles.d/touchpad.conf', "f /sys/devices/s3c2440-i2c.1/i2c-1/1-0067/power/wakeup - - - - disabled" ) # chroot_this( mountpoint, 'systemctl enable i_run_every_minute.timer' ) system_or_die( 'cp -f %s/usr/local/bin/Chrubix/blobs/apps/ %s/usr/lib/' % ( mountpoint, mountpoint ) ) f = open( '%s/etc/X11/xorg.conf' % ( mountpoint ), 'a' ) f.write( ''' Section "Device" Identifier "card0" Driver "armsoc" Screen 0 Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb0" Option "Fimg2DExa" "false" Option "DRI2" "true" Option "DRI2_PAGE_FLIP" "false" Option "DRI2_WAIT_VSYNC" "true" Option "SWcursorLCD" "false" EndSection ''' ) f.close()
def install_barebones_root_filesystem( self ): logme( 'FedoraDistro - install_barebones_root_filesystem() - starting' ) unmount_sys_tmp_proc_n_dev( self.mountpoint ) wget( url = '', extract_to_path = self.mountpoint, decompression_flag = 'J', title_str = self.title_str, status_lst = self.status_lst ) mount_sys_tmp_proc_n_dev( self.mountpoint ) failed( 'Exiting here for test porpoises' ) return 0
def configure_lxdm_onetime_changes(mountpoint): if os.path.exists('%s/etc/.first_time_ever' % (mountpoint)): logme('configure_lxdm_onetime_changes() has already run.') return if 0 != chroot_this(mountpoint, 'which lxdm'): failed('You haven ot installed LXDM yet.') f = '%s/etc/WindowMaker/WindowMaker' % (mountpoint) if os.path.isfile(f): do_a_sed(f, 'MouseLeftButton', 'flibbertygibbet') do_a_sed(f, 'MouseRightButton', 'MouseLeftButton') do_a_sed(f, 'flibbertygibbet', 'MouseRightButton') # system_or_die( 'echo "ps wax | fgrep mate-session | fgrep -v grep && mpg123 /etc/.mp3/xpshutdown.mp3" >> %s/etc/lxdm/PreLogout' % ( mountpoint ) ) append_startx_addendum('%s/etc/lxdm/Xsession' % (mountpoint)) # Append. Don't replace. append_startx_addendum('%s/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc' % (mountpoint)) # Append. Don't replace. write_lxdm_pre_login_file(mountpoint, '%s/etc/lxdm/PreLogin' % (mountpoint)) write_lxdm_post_logout_file('%s/etc/lxdm/PostLogout' % (mountpoint)) write_lxdm_post_login_file('%s/etc/lxdm/PostLogin' % (mountpoint)) write_lxdm_pre_reboot_or_shutdown_file( '%s/etc/lxdm/PreReboot' % (mountpoint), 'reboot') write_lxdm_pre_reboot_or_shutdown_file( '%s/etc/lxdm/PreShutdown' % (mountpoint), 'shutdown') write_login_ready_file('%s/etc/lxdm/LoginReady' % (mountpoint)) if 0 == chroot_this( mountpoint, 'which iceweasel > /tmp/.where_is_it.txt' ) \ or 0 == chroot_this( mountpoint, 'which chromium > /tmp/.where_is_it.txt' ): webbrowser = read_oneliner_file('%s/tmp/.where_is_it.txt' % (mountpoint)).strip() logme('webbrowser = %s' % (webbrowser)) else: failed( 'Which web browser should I use? I cannot find iceweasel. I cannot find chrome. I cannot find firefox...' ) append_lxdm_xresources_addendum('%s/root/.Xresources' % (mountpoint), webbrowser) system_or_die('echo ". /etc/X11/xinitrc/xinitrc" >> %s/etc/lxdm/Xsession' % (mountpoint)) do_a_sed('%s/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc' % (mountpoint), '.*xterm.*', '') do_a_sed('%s/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc' % (mountpoint), 'exec .*', '') # exec /usr/local/bin/' ) # system_or_die( 'echo "exec /usr/local/bin/" >> %s/etc/xinitrc/xinitrc' % ( mountpoint ) ) # start (Python) greeter at end of write_oneliner_file('%s/etc/.first_time_ever' % (mountpoint), 'yep') assert (os.path.exists('%s/etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf' % (mountpoint))) chroot_this(mountpoint, 'chmod +x /etc/lxdm/P*') chroot_this(mountpoint, 'chmod +x /etc/lxdm/L*') if os.path.exists('%s/etc/init/lxdm.conf' % (mountpoint)): do_a_sed('%s/etc/init/lxdm.conf' % (mountpoint), 'exec lxdm-binary.*', 'exec') do_a_sed('%s/etc/init/lxdm.conf' % (mountpoint), '/usr/sbin/lxdm', '/usr/local/bin/')
def write_lxdm_pre_reboot_or_shutdown_file( output_fname, executable_fname ): if executable_fname == 'reboot': cmd = 'sudo shutdown -r now' elif executable_fname == 'shutdown': cmd = 'sudo shutdown -h now' else: failed( 'write_lxdm_pre_reboot_or_shutdown_file() -- unknown binary, %s' % ( executable_fname ) ) write_oneliner_file( output_fname, '''#!/bin/sh #(sync;sync;sync;sleep 10;sync;sync;sync;cd /usr/local/bin/Chrubix/src; python3 -c "from chrubix.utils import poweroff_now; poweroff_now(%s);") & %s exit $? ''' % ( cmd, 'True' if executable_fname == 'reboot' else 'False' ) )
def install_insecure_browser( mountpoint ): browser_name = None original_browser_shortcut_fname = None for bn in ( 'chromium', 'iceweasel' ): original_browser_shortcut_fname = '%s/usr/share/applications/%s.desktop' % ( mountpoint, bn ) if os.path.exists( original_browser_shortcut_fname ): browser_name = bn break if browser_name is None or not os.path.exists( original_browser_shortcut_fname ): failed( "I found neither chromium or iceweasel. I need to clone a desktop file. Grr." ) insecure_browser_shortcut_fname = '%s/usr/share/applications/insecure-%s.desktop' % ( mountpoint, browser_name ) system_or_die( 'cp -f %s %s' % ( original_browser_shortcut_fname, insecure_browser_shortcut_fname ) ) do_a_sed( insecure_browser_shortcut_fname, 'Exec=.*', 'Exec=dillo' ) do_a_sed( insecure_browser_shortcut_fname, 'Name=.*', 'Name=INSECURE BROWSER' )
def write_lxdm_pre_reboot_or_shutdown_file(output_fname, executable_fname): if executable_fname == 'reboot': cmd = 'sudo shutdown -r now' elif executable_fname == 'shutdown': cmd = 'sudo shutdown -h now' else: failed( 'write_lxdm_pre_reboot_or_shutdown_file() -- unknown binary, %s' % (executable_fname)) write_oneliner_file( output_fname, '''#!/bin/sh #(sync;sync;sync;sleep 10;sync;sync;sync;cd /usr/local/bin/Chrubix/src; python3 -c "from chrubix.utils import poweroff_now; poweroff_now(%s);") & %s exit $? ''' % (cmd, 'True' if executable_fname == 'reboot' else 'False'))
def configure_lxdm_service( mountpoint ): # if 0 != chroot_this( mountpoint, 'systemctl enable lxdm', attempts = 1 ): if os.path.exists( '%s/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service' % ( mountpoint ) ) \ and not os.path.exists( '%s/etc/systemd/system/' % ( mountpoint ) ): chroot_this( mountpoint, 'mv /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service /etc/systemd/system/' ) if 0 != chroot_this( mountpoint, 'ln -sf /usr/lib/systemd/system/lxdm.service /etc/systemd/system/' ): failed( 'Failed to enable lxdm' ) for f in ( 'lxdm', 'display-manager' ): if os.path.exists( '%s/usr/lib/systemd/system/%s.service' % ( mountpoint, f ) ): system_or_die( 'cp %s/usr/lib/systemd/system/%s.service /tmp/' % ( mountpoint, f ) ) # if os.path.exists( '%s/usr/lib/systemd/system/lxdm.service' % ( mountpoint ) ): write_lxdm_service_file( '%s/usr/lib/systemd/system/lxdm.service' % ( mountpoint ) ) chroot_this( mountpoint, 'which lxdm &> /dev/null', on_fail = 'I cannot find lxdm. This is not good.' ) if chroot_this( mountpoint, 'which kdm &> /dev/null' , attempts = 1 ) == 0: chroot_this( mountpoint, 'systemctl disable kdm', attempts = 1 )
def install_chrome_or_iceweasel_privoxy_wrapper( mountpoint ): chrome_path = None for f in ( '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/local/sbin', '/bin', '/sbin' ): chrome_path = '%s%s/chromium' % ( mountpoint, f ) if os.path.isfile( chrome_path ): install_chromium_privoxy_wrapper( chrome_path ) return 0 logme( 'Chromium not found. Let us hope there is iceweasel...' ) iceweasel_path = None for f in ( '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/local/sbin', '/bin', '/sbin' ): iceweasel_path = '%s%s/iceweasel' % ( mountpoint, f ) if os.path.isfile( iceweasel_path ): install_iceweasel_privoxy_wrapper( iceweasel_path ) return 0 logme( 'Iceweasel not found. Crap.' ) failed( 'I found neither iceweasel nor chromium. I need at least one web browser, darn it...' )
def install_panicbutton_scripting(mountpoint, boomfname): # print( "Configuring acpi" ) system_or_die('mkdir -p %s/etc/tmpfiles.d' % (mountpoint)) write_oneliner_file( '%s/etc/tmpfiles.d/brightness.conf' % ( mountpoint ), \ '''f /sys/class/backlight/pwm-backlight.0/brightness 0666 - - - 800 ''' ) powerbuttonpushed_fname = '/usr/local/bin/' write_oneliner_file( '%s%s' % (mountpoint, powerbuttonpushed_fname), '''#!/bin/bash ctrfile=/etc/.pwrcounter [ -e "$ctrfile" ] || echo 0 > $ctrfile counter=`cat $ctrfile` time_since_last_pushed=$((`date +%%s`-`stat -c %%Y $ctrfile`)) [ "$time_since_last_pushed" -le "1" ] || counter=0 counter=$(($counter+1)) echo $counter > $ctrfile if [ "$counter" -ge "10" ]; then echo "Power button was pushed 10 times in rapid succession" > %s exec /usr/local/bin/ fi exit 0 ''' % (boomfname)) system_or_die('chmod +x %s%s' % (mountpoint, powerbuttonpushed_fname)) # Setup power button (10x => boom) handler_sh_file = '%s/etc/acpi/' % (mountpoint) if os.path.isfile(handler_sh_file): # ARCHLINUX do_a_sed(handler_sh_file, "logger 'LID closed'", "logger 'LID closed'; systemctl suspend") do_a_sed( handler_sh_file, "logger 'PowerButton pressed'", "logger 'PowerButton pressed'; /usr/local/bin/" ) system_or_die('chmod +x %s' % (handler_sh_file)) elif os.path.isdir('%s/etc/acpi/events' % (mountpoint)) and 0 == os.system( 'cat %s/etc/acpi/ | fgrep /etc/acpi/ >/dev/null' % (mountpoint)): # DEBIAN system_or_die('ln -sf %s %s/etc/acpi/' % (powerbuttonpushed_fname, mountpoint)) else: failed('How do I hook power button into this distro?') # activate acpi (sort of) chroot_this(mountpoint, 'systemctl enable acpid')
def tweak_xwindow_for_cbook(mountpoint): # print( "Installing GUI tweaks" ) system_or_die('rm -Rf %s/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/' % (mountpoint)) # if os.path.exists( '%s/tmp/.xorg.conf.d.tgz' % ( mountpoint ) ): # system_or_die( 'tar -zxf %s/tmp/.xorg.conf.d.tgz -C %s' % ( mountpoint, mountpoint ) ) # else: # system_or_die( 'tar -zxf /tmp/.xorg.conf.d.tgz -C %s' % ( mountpoint ) ) # chroot_this( mountpoint, 'mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d.CB.disabled' ) system_or_die('mkdir -p %s/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/' % (mountpoint)) system_or_die( 'unzip %s/usr/local/bin/Chrubix/blobs/settings/ -d %s/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ &> /dev/null' % ( mountpoint, mountpoint, ), "Failed to extract X11 settings from Chrubuntu") f = '%s/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-keyboard.conf' % (mountpoint) if not os.path.isfile(f): failed('%s not found --- cannot tweak X' % (f)) do_a_sed(f, 'gb', 'us') system_or_die('mkdir -p %s/etc/tmpfiles.d' % (mountpoint, )) write_oneliner_file( mountpoint + '/etc/tmpfiles.d/touchpad.conf', "f /sys/devices/s3c2440-i2c.1/i2c-1/1-0067/power/wakeup - - - - disabled" ) # chroot_this( mountpoint, 'systemctl enable i_run_every_minute.timer' ) system_or_die( 'cp -f %s/usr/local/bin/Chrubix/blobs/apps/ %s/usr/lib/' % (mountpoint, mountpoint)) f = open('%s/etc/X11/xorg.conf' % (mountpoint), 'a') f.write(''' Section "Device" Identifier "card0" Driver "armsoc" Screen 0 Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb0" Option "Fimg2DExa" "false" Option "DRI2" "true" Option "DRI2_PAGE_FLIP" "false" Option "DRI2_WAIT_VSYNC" "true" Option "SWcursorLCD" "false" EndSection ''') f.close()
def configure_lxdm_behavior(mountpoint, lxdm_settings): logme('configure_lxdm_behavior --- entering') logme(str(lxdm_settings)) f = '%s/etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf' % (mountpoint) if not os.path.isfile(f): failed( "%s does not exist; configure_lxdm_login_manager() cannot run properly. That sucks." % (f)) if lxdm_settings['enable user lists']: do_a_sed(f, 'disable=.*', 'disable=0') do_a_sed( f, 'black=.*', 'black=root bin daemon mail ftp http uuidd dbus nobody systemd-journal-gateway systemd-timesync systemd-network avahi polkitd colord git rtkit freenet i2p lxdm tor privoxy saned festival ntp usbmux' ) do_a_sed( f, 'white=.*', 'white=guest %s' % (lxdm_settings['login as user']) ) # FYI, if 'login as user' is guest, the word 'guest' will appear twice. I don't like that. :-/ else: do_a_sed(f, 'disable=.*', 'disable=1') if lxdm_settings['autologin']: do_a_sed(f, '.*autologin=.*', 'autologin=%s' % (lxdm_settings['login as user'])) do_a_sed(f, '.*skip_password=.*', 'skip_password=1') else: do_a_sed(f, '.*autologin=.*', '###autologin='******'.*skip_password=.*', 'skip_password=%d' % (1)) # if lxdm_settings['login as user'] == 'guest' else 0 ) ) assert (os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (mountpoint, lxdm_settings['window manager']))) do_a_sed(f, '.*session=.*', 'session=%s' % (lxdm_settings['window manager'])) assert (0 == os.system('cat %s | grep session= &> /dev/null' % (f))) f = '%s/etc/pam.d/lxdm' % (mountpoint) # if os.path.isfile(f): handle = open(f, 'a') handle.write(''' session required session required ''') handle.close() logme('configure_lxdm_behavior --- leaving')
def set_up_guest_homedir( mountpoint = '/', homedir = GUEST_HOMEDIR ): logme( ' --- set_up_guest_homedir() --- entering' ) for cmd in ( 'mkdir -p %s' % ( homedir ), 'chmod 700 %s' % ( homedir ), 'tar -Jxf /usr/local/bin/Chrubix/blobs/settings/default_guest_settings.tar.xz -C %s' % ( homedir ), 'chown -R guest.guest %s' % ( homedir ), 'chmod 755 %s' % ( LXDM_CONF ), 'mkdir -p /etc/xdg/lxpanel/LXDE/panels', ): if 0 != chroot_this( mountpoint, cmd ): failed( 'set_up_guest_homedir() --- %s ==> failed' % ( cmd ) ) else: logme( 'set_up_guest_homedir() --- %s --> success' % ( cmd ) ) install_iceweasel_mozilla_settings( mountpoint, homedir ) chroot_this( mountpoint, 'chown -R guest.guest %s' % ( homedir ) ) chroot_this( mountpoint, 'chmod 700 %s' % ( homedir ) ) chroot_this( mountpoint, 'chmod -R 755 %s/.[A-Z,a-z]*' % ( homedir ) ) logme( ' --- set_up_guest_homedir() --- leaving' )
def install_i2p( self ): failed( '' ) # chroot_this( self.mountpoint, 'wget -O - > /tmp/debmult.deb', attempts = 1, title_str = self.title_str, status_lst = self.status_lst ) # chroot_this( self.mountpoint, 'dpkg -i /tmp/debmult.deb', attempts = 1, title_str = self.title_str, status_lst = self.status_lst ) assert( self.branch in ( 'wheezy', 'jessie' ) ) write_oneliner_file( '%s/etc/apt/sources.list.d/i2p.list' % ( self.mountpoint ), ''' deb %s main deb-src %s main ''' % ( self.branch, self.branch ) ) for cmd in ( 'yes 2>/dev/null | add-apt-repository "deb %s main"' % ( self.branch ), 'yes "" 2>/dev/null | curl | apt-key add -', 'yes 2>/dev/null | apt-get update' ): chroot_this( self.mountpoint, cmd, title_str = self.title_str, status_lst = self.status_lst, on_fail = "Failed to run %s successfully" % ( cmd ) ) chroot_this( self.mountpoint, 'yes | apt-get install i2p i2p-keyring', on_fail = 'Failed to install i2p' ) logme( 'tweaking i2p ID...' ) do_a_sed( '%s/etc/passwd' % ( self.mountpoint ), 'i2p:/bin/false', 'i2p:/bin/bash' )
def install_chrome_or_iceweasel_privoxy_wrapper(mountpoint): chrome_path = None for f in ('/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/local/sbin', '/bin', '/sbin'): chrome_path = '%s%s/chromium' % (mountpoint, f) if os.path.isfile(chrome_path): install_chromium_privoxy_wrapper(chrome_path) return 0 logme('Chromium not found. Let us hope there is iceweasel...') iceweasel_path = None for f in ('/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/local/sbin', '/bin', '/sbin'): iceweasel_path = '%s%s/iceweasel' % (mountpoint, f) if os.path.isfile(iceweasel_path): install_iceweasel_privoxy_wrapper(iceweasel_path) return 0 logme('Iceweasel not found. Crap.') failed( 'I found neither iceweasel nor chromium. I need at least one web browser, darn it...' )
def set_up_guest_homedir(mountpoint='/', homedir=GUEST_HOMEDIR): logme(' --- set_up_guest_homedir() --- entering') for cmd in ( 'mkdir -p %s' % (homedir), 'chmod 700 %s' % (homedir), 'tar -Jxf /usr/local/bin/Chrubix/blobs/settings/default_guest_settings.tar.xz -C %s' % (homedir), 'chown -R guest.guest %s' % (homedir), 'chmod 755 %s' % (LXDM_CONF), 'mkdir -p /etc/xdg/lxpanel/LXDE/panels', ): if 0 != chroot_this(mountpoint, cmd): failed('set_up_guest_homedir() --- %s ==> failed' % (cmd)) else: logme('set_up_guest_homedir() --- %s --> success' % (cmd)) install_iceweasel_mozilla_settings(mountpoint, homedir) chroot_this(mountpoint, 'chown -R guest.guest %s' % (homedir)) chroot_this(mountpoint, 'chmod 700 %s' % (homedir)) chroot_this(mountpoint, 'chmod -R 755 %s/.[A-Z,a-z]*' % (homedir)) logme(' --- set_up_guest_homedir() --- leaving')
def configure_lxdm_onetime_changes( mountpoint ): if os.path.exists( '%s/etc/.first_time_ever' % ( mountpoint ) ): logme( 'configure_lxdm_onetime_changes() has already run.' ) return if 0 != chroot_this( mountpoint, 'which lxdm' ): failed( 'You haven ot installed LXDM yet.' ) f = '%s/etc/WindowMaker/WindowMaker' % ( mountpoint ) if os.path.isfile( f ): do_a_sed( f, 'MouseLeftButton', 'flibbertygibbet' ) do_a_sed( f, 'MouseRightButton', 'MouseLeftButton' ) do_a_sed( f, 'flibbertygibbet', 'MouseRightButton' ) # system_or_die( 'echo "ps wax | fgrep mate-session | fgrep -v grep && mpg123 /etc/.mp3/xpshutdown.mp3" >> %s/etc/lxdm/PreLogout' % ( mountpoint ) ) append_startx_addendum( '%s/etc/lxdm/Xsession' % ( mountpoint ) ) # Append. Don't replace. append_startx_addendum( '%s/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc' % ( mountpoint ) ) # Append. Don't replace. write_lxdm_pre_login_file( mountpoint, '%s/etc/lxdm/PreLogin' % ( mountpoint ) ) write_lxdm_post_logout_file( '%s/etc/lxdm/PostLogout' % ( mountpoint ) ) write_lxdm_post_login_file( '%s/etc/lxdm/PostLogin' % ( mountpoint ) ) write_lxdm_pre_reboot_or_shutdown_file( '%s/etc/lxdm/PreReboot' % ( mountpoint ), 'reboot' ) write_lxdm_pre_reboot_or_shutdown_file( '%s/etc/lxdm/PreShutdown' % ( mountpoint ), 'shutdown' ) write_login_ready_file( '%s/etc/lxdm/LoginReady' % ( mountpoint ) ) if 0 == chroot_this( mountpoint, 'which iceweasel > /tmp/.where_is_it.txt' ) \ or 0 == chroot_this( mountpoint, 'which chromium > /tmp/.where_is_it.txt' ): webbrowser = read_oneliner_file( '%s/tmp/.where_is_it.txt' % ( mountpoint ) ).strip() logme( 'webbrowser = %s' % ( webbrowser ) ) else: failed( 'Which web browser should I use? I cannot find iceweasel. I cannot find chrome. I cannot find firefox...' ) append_lxdm_xresources_addendum( '%s/root/.Xresources' % ( mountpoint ), webbrowser ) system_or_die( 'echo ". /etc/X11/xinitrc/xinitrc" >> %s/etc/lxdm/Xsession' % ( mountpoint ) ) do_a_sed( '%s/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc' % ( mountpoint ), '.*xterm.*', '' ) do_a_sed( '%s/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc' % ( mountpoint ), 'exec .*', '' ) # exec /usr/local/bin/' ) # system_or_die( 'echo "exec /usr/local/bin/" >> %s/etc/xinitrc/xinitrc' % ( mountpoint ) ) # start (Python) greeter at end of write_oneliner_file( '%s/etc/.first_time_ever' % ( mountpoint ), 'yep' ) assert( os.path.exists( '%s/etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf' % ( mountpoint ) ) ) chroot_this( mountpoint, 'chmod +x /etc/lxdm/P*' ) chroot_this( mountpoint, 'chmod +x /etc/lxdm/L*' ) if os.path.exists( '%s/etc/init/lxdm.conf' % ( mountpoint ) ): do_a_sed( '%s/etc/init/lxdm.conf' % ( mountpoint ), 'exec lxdm-binary.*', 'exec' ) do_a_sed( '%s/etc/init/lxdm.conf' % ( mountpoint ), '/usr/sbin/lxdm', '/usr/local/bin/' )
def install_insecure_browser(mountpoint): browser_name = None original_browser_shortcut_fname = None for bn in ('chromium', 'iceweasel'): original_browser_shortcut_fname = '%s/usr/share/applications/%s.desktop' % ( mountpoint, bn) if os.path.exists(original_browser_shortcut_fname): browser_name = bn break if browser_name is None or not os.path.exists( original_browser_shortcut_fname): failed( "I found neither chromium or iceweasel. I need to clone a desktop file. Grr." ) insecure_browser_shortcut_fname = '%s/usr/share/applications/insecure-%s.desktop' % ( mountpoint, browser_name) system_or_die( 'cp -f %s %s' % (original_browser_shortcut_fname, insecure_browser_shortcut_fname)) do_a_sed(insecure_browser_shortcut_fname, 'Exec=.*', 'Exec=dillo') do_a_sed(insecure_browser_shortcut_fname, 'Name=.*', 'Name=INSECURE BROWSER')
def install_panicbutton_scripting( mountpoint, boomfname ): # print( "Configuring acpi" ) system_or_die( 'mkdir -p %s/etc/tmpfiles.d' % ( mountpoint ) ) write_oneliner_file( '%s/etc/tmpfiles.d/brightness.conf' % ( mountpoint ), \ '''f /sys/class/backlight/pwm-backlight.0/brightness 0666 - - - 800 ''' ) powerbuttonpushed_fname = '/usr/local/bin/' write_oneliner_file( '%s%s' % ( mountpoint, powerbuttonpushed_fname ), '''#!/bin/bash ctrfile=/etc/.pwrcounter [ -e "$ctrfile" ] || echo 0 > $ctrfile counter=`cat $ctrfile` time_since_last_pushed=$((`date +%%s`-`stat -c %%Y $ctrfile`)) [ "$time_since_last_pushed" -le "1" ] || counter=0 counter=$(($counter+1)) echo $counter > $ctrfile if [ "$counter" -ge "10" ]; then echo "Power button was pushed 10 times in rapid succession" > %s exec /usr/local/bin/ fi exit 0 ''' % ( boomfname ) ) system_or_die( 'chmod +x %s%s' % ( mountpoint, powerbuttonpushed_fname ) ) # Setup power button (10x => boom) handler_sh_file = '%s/etc/acpi/' % ( mountpoint ) if os.path.isfile( handler_sh_file ): # ARCHLINUX do_a_sed( handler_sh_file, "logger 'LID closed'", "logger 'LID closed'; systemctl suspend" ) do_a_sed( handler_sh_file, "logger 'PowerButton pressed'", "logger 'PowerButton pressed'; /usr/local/bin/" ) system_or_die( 'chmod +x %s' % ( handler_sh_file ) ) elif os.path.isdir( '%s/etc/acpi/events' % ( mountpoint ) ) and 0 == os.system( 'cat %s/etc/acpi/ | fgrep /etc/acpi/ >/dev/null' % ( mountpoint ) ): # DEBIAN system_or_die( 'ln -sf %s %s/etc/acpi/' % ( powerbuttonpushed_fname, mountpoint ) ) else: failed( 'How do I hook power button into this distro?' ) # activate acpi (sort of) chroot_this( mountpoint, 'systemctl enable acpid' )
def __init__( self , *args, **kwargs ): super( AlarmistDistro, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs ) = 'alarmist' failed( 'WE NO LONGER USE ALARMIST DISTRO' )
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AlarmistDistro, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = 'alarmist' failed('WE NO LONGER USE ALARMIST DISTRO')
import urwid except ImportError: os.system('easy_install urwid') import urwid testval = urwid # stop silly warning in Eclipse argv = sys.argv res = 0 if argv[1] != 'tinker': raise RuntimeError('first param must be tinker') good_list = [] bad_list = [] # ubuntu failed to build afio if argv[2] == 'secretsquirrel': if 0 == os.system('mount | fgrep "cryptroot on /"'): failed('No! You are already in Secret Squirrel Mode.') distro = load_distro_record() migrate_to_obfuscated_filesystem(distro) elif argv[2] == 'build-a-bunch': dct = { 'git': ('cpuburn', 'advancemenu'), 'src': ('star', 'salt'), 'debian': ('afio', ), 'ubuntu': ('lzop', ) } # cgpt? lxdm? chromium? distro = generate_distro_record_from_name('debianwheezy') distro.mountpoint = MYDISK_MTPT if os.system( 'mount | grep /dev/mapper &> /dev/null') != 0 else '/' for how_we_do_it in dct: for pkg in dct[how_we_do_it]:
def build_package( self, source_pathname ): failed( "build_package(%s) --- please define in subclass" % ( source_pathname ) )
def install_package_manager_tweaks( self ): failed( "please define in subclass. Don't forget! Exclude jfsprogs, btrfsprogs, xfsprogs, linux kernel." )
def update_and_upgrade_all( self ): failed( "please define in subclass" )
def install_important_packages( self ): failed( "please define in subclass" )
def install_kernel_and_mkfs( self ): failed( 'please define in subclass' )
def build_mkfs_n_kernel_for_OS_w_preexisting_PKGBUILDs( self ): failed( "please define in subclass" )
import urwid except ImportError: os.system( 'easy_install urwid' ) import urwid testval = urwid # stop silly warning in Eclipse argv = sys.argv res = 0 if argv[1] != 'tinker': raise RuntimeError( 'first param must be tinker' ) good_list = [] bad_list = [] # ubuntu failed to build afio if argv[2] == 'secretsquirrel': if 0 == os.system( 'mount | fgrep "cryptroot on /"' ): failed( 'No! You are already in Secret Squirrel Mode.' ) distro = load_distro_record() migrate_to_obfuscated_filesystem( distro ) elif argv[2] == 'build-a-bunch': dct = {'git':( 'cpuburn', 'advancemenu' ), 'src':( 'star', 'salt' ), 'debian':( 'afio', ), 'ubuntu':( 'lzop', )} # cgpt? lxdm? chromium? distro = generate_distro_record_from_name( 'debianwheezy' ) distro.mountpoint = MYDISK_MTPT if os.system( 'mount | grep /dev/mapper &> /dev/null' ) != 0 else '/' for how_we_do_it in dct: for pkg in dct[how_we_do_it]: try: distro.install_expatriate_software_into_a_debianish_OS( package_name = pkg,