Esempio n. 1
def rst_table(table):
    # Note: rst and sphinx do not offer alignment of cell
    # entries, everything is always left-adjusted (Nov. 2011)

    # Math in column headings may be significantly expanded and
    # this must be done first
    column_width = table_analysis(table['rows'])
    ncolumns = len(column_width)
    column_spec = table.get('columns_align', 'c'*ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    heading_spec = table.get('headings_align', 'c'*ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    a2py = {'r': 'rjust', 'l': 'ljust', 'c': 'center'}
    s = ''  # '\n'
    for i, row in enumerate(table['rows']):
        #s += '    '  # indentation of tables
        if row == ['horizontal rule']:
            for w in column_width:
                s += '='*w + '  '
            # check if this is a headline between two horizontal rules:
            if i == 1 and \
               table['rows'][i-1] == ['horizontal rule'] and \
               table['rows'][i+1] == ['horizontal rule']:
                headline = True
                headline = False

            for w, c, ha, ca in \
                    zip(column_width, row, heading_spec, column_spec):
                if headline:
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ha])(w) + '  '
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ca])(w) + '  '
        s += '\n'
    s += '\n'
    return s
Esempio n. 2
def cwiki_table(table):
    """Native Creole wiki table."""
    # add 2 chars for column width since we add boldface _..._
    # in headlines:
    column_width = [c+2 for c in table_analysis(table['rows'])]

    s = '\n'
    for i, row in enumerate(table['rows']):
        if row == ['horizontal rule']:
        if i == 1 and \
           table['rows'][i-1] == ['horizontal rule'] and \
           table['rows'][i+1] == ['horizontal rule']:
            headline = True
            headline = False

        for column, w in zip(row, column_width):
            if headline:
                c = '=%s ' % ((column).ljust(w))
                c = ' %s ' % column.ljust(w)
            s += ' | %s ' % c
        s += ' |\n'
    s += '\n\n'
    return s
Esempio n. 3
def xml_table(table):
    # COPY NEW from
    column_width = table_analysis(table['rows'])
    ncolumns = len(column_width)
    column_spec = table.get('columns_align', 'c'*ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    heading_spec = table.get('headings_align', 'c'*ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    a2html = {'r': 'right', 'l': 'left', 'c': 'center'}

    s = '<tabl>\n'
    for i, row in enumerate(table['rows']):
        if row == ['horizontal rule']:
        if i == 1 and \
           table['rows'][i-1] == ['horizontal rule'] and \
           table['rows'][i+1] == ['horizontal rule']:
            headline = True
            # Empty column headings?
            skip_headline = max([len(column.strip())
                                 for column in row]) == 0
            headline = False

        s += '<tr>'
        for column, w, ha, ca in \
                zip(row, column_width, heading_spec, column_spec):
            if headline:
                if not skip_headline:
                    s += '<td align="%s"><b> %s </b></td> ' % \
                s += '<td align="%s">   %s    </td> ' % \
                     (a2html[ca], column.ljust(w))
        s += '</tr>\n'
    s += '</table>\n'
    return s
Esempio n. 4
def rst_table(table):
    # Note: rst and sphinx do not offer alignment of cell
    # entries, everything is always left-adjusted (Nov. 2011)

    # Math in column headings may be significantly expanded and
    # this must be done first
    column_width = table_analysis(table["rows"])
    ncolumns = len(column_width)
    column_spec = table.get("columns_align", "c" * ncolumns).replace("|", "")
    heading_spec = table.get("headings_align", "c" * ncolumns).replace("|", "")
    a2py = {"r": "rjust", "l": "ljust", "c": "center"}
    s = ""  # '\n'
    for i, row in enumerate(table["rows"]):
        # s += '    '  # indentation of tables
        if row == ["horizontal rule"]:
            for w in column_width:
                s += "=" * w + "  "
            # check if this is a headline between two horizontal rules:
            if i == 1 and table["rows"][i - 1] == ["horizontal rule"] and table["rows"][i + 1] == ["horizontal rule"]:
                headline = True
                headline = False

            for w, c, ha, ca in zip(column_width, row, heading_spec, column_spec):
                if headline:
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ha])(w) + "  "
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ca])(w) + "  "
        s += "\n"
    s += "\n"
    return s
Esempio n. 5
def gwiki_table(table):
    """Native gwiki table."""
    # add 2 chars for column width since we add boldface _..._
    # in headlines:
    column_width = [c+2 for c in table_analysis(table['rows'])]

    # Does column and heading alignment matter?
    # Not according to
    # but it is possible to use HTML code in gwiki (i.e., html_table)
    # (think this was tried without success...)

    s = '\n'
    for i, row in enumerate(table['rows']):
        if row == ['horizontal rule']:
        if i == 1 and \
           table['rows'][i-1] == ['horizontal rule'] and \
           table['rows'][i+1] == ['horizontal rule']:
            headline = True
            headline = False

        for column, w in zip(row, column_width):
            if headline:
                c = ' %s ' % (('_'+ column + '_').center(w))
                c = ' %s ' % column.ljust(w)
            s += ' || %s ' % c
        s += ' ||\n'
    s += '\n\n'
    return s
Esempio n. 6
def xml_table(table):
    # COPY NEW from
    column_width = table_analysis(table['rows'])
    ncolumns = len(column_width)
    column_spec = table.get('columns_align', 'c'*ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    heading_spec = table.get('headings_align', 'c'*ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    a2html = {'r': 'right', 'l': 'left', 'c': 'center'}

    s = '<tabl>\n'
    for i, row in enumerate(table['rows']):
        if row == ['horizontal rule']:
        if i == 1 and \
           table['rows'][i-1] == ['horizontal rule'] and \
           table['rows'][i+1] == ['horizontal rule']:
            headline = True
            # Empty column headings?
            skip_headline = max([len(column.strip())
                                 for column in row]) == 0
            headline = False

        s += '<tr>'
        for column, w, ha, ca in \
                zip(row, column_width, heading_spec, column_spec):
            if headline:
                if not skip_headline:
                    s += '<td align="%s"><b> %s </b></td> ' % \
                s += '<td align="%s">   %s    </td> ' % \
                     (a2html[ca], column.ljust(w))
        s += '</tr>\n'
    s += '</table>\n'
    return s
Esempio n. 7
def gwiki_table(table):
    """Native gwiki table."""
    # add 2 chars for column width since we add boldface _..._
    # in headlines:
    column_width = [c + 2 for c in table_analysis(table['rows'])]

    # Does column and heading alignment matter?
    # Not according to
    # but it is possible to use HTML code in gwiki (i.e., html_table)
    # (think this was tried without success...)

    s = '\n'
    for i, row in enumerate(table['rows']):
        if row == ['horizontal rule']:
        if i == 1 and \
           table['rows'][i-1] == ['horizontal rule'] and \
           table['rows'][i+1] == ['horizontal rule']:
            headline = True
            headline = False

        for column, w in zip(row, column_width):
            if headline:
                c = ' %s ' % (('_' + column + '_').center(w))
                c = ' %s ' % column.ljust(w)
            s += ' || %s ' % c
        s += ' ||\n'
    s += '\n\n'
    return s
Esempio n. 8
def cwiki_table(table):
    """Native Creole wiki table."""
    # add 2 chars for column width since we add boldface _..._
    # in headlines:
    column_width = [c + 2 for c in table_analysis(table['rows'])]

    s = '\n'
    for i, row in enumerate(table['rows']):
        if row == ['horizontal rule']:
        if i == 1 and \
           table['rows'][i-1] == ['horizontal rule'] and \
           table['rows'][i+1] == ['horizontal rule']:
            headline = True
            headline = False

        for column, w in zip(row, column_width):
            if headline:
                c = '=%s ' % ((column).ljust(w))
                c = ' %s ' % column.ljust(w)
            s += ' | %s ' % c
        s += ' |\n'
    s += '\n\n'
    return s
Esempio n. 9
def rst_table(table):
    # Note: rst and sphinx do not offer alignment of cell
    # entries, everything is always left-adjusted (Nov. 2011)

    # Math in column headings may be significantly expanded and
    # this must be done first
    column_width = table_analysis(table['rows'])
    ncolumns = len(column_width)
    column_spec = table.get('columns_align', 'c' * ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    heading_spec = table.get('headings_align', 'c' * ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    a2py = {'r': 'rjust', 'l': 'ljust', 'c': 'center'}
    s = ''  # '\n'
    for i, row in enumerate(table['rows']):
        #s += '    '  # indentation of tables
        if row == ['horizontal rule']:
            for w in column_width:
                s += '=' * w + '  '
            # check if this is a headline between two horizontal rules:
            if i == 1 and \
               table['rows'][i-1] == ['horizontal rule'] and \
               table['rows'][i+1] == ['horizontal rule']:
                headline = True
                headline = False

            for w, c, ha, ca in \
                    zip(column_width, row, heading_spec, column_spec):
                if headline:
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ha])(w) + '  '
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ca])(w) + '  '
        s += '\n'
    s += '\n'
    return s
Esempio n. 10
def pandoc_table(table):
    if option('github_md'):
        text = html_table(table)
        # Fix the problem that `verbatim` inside the table is not
        # typeset as verbatim (according to the pandoc translator rules)
        # in the GitHub Issue Tracker
        text = re.sub(r'`([^`]+?)`', '<code>\g<1></code>', text)
        return text

    # else: Pandoc-extended Markdown syntax


    Simple markdown tables look like this::

        Left         Right   Center     Default
        -------     ------ ----------   -------
        12              12     12            12
        123            123     123          123
        1                1      1             1

    # Slight modification of rst_table

    column_width = table_analysis(table['rows'])
    ncolumns = len(column_width)
    column_spec = table.get('columns_align', 'c'*ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    heading_spec = table.get('headings_align', 'c'*ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    a2py = {'r': 'rjust', 'l': 'ljust', 'c': 'center'}
    s = ''  # '\n'
    for i, row in enumerate(table['rows']):
        #s += '    '  # indentation of tables
        if row == ['horizontal rule'] and i > 0 and i < len(table['rows'])-1:
            # No horizontal rule at the top and bottom, just after heading
            for w in column_width:
                s += '-'*w + '  '
            # check if this is a headline between two horizontal rules:
            if i == 1 and \
               table['rows'][i-1] == ['horizontal rule'] and \
               table['rows'][i+1] == ['horizontal rule']:
                headline = True
                headline = False

            for w, c, ha, ca in \
                    zip(column_width, row, heading_spec, column_spec):
                if headline:
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ha])(w) + '  '
                elif row != ['horizontal rule']:
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ca])(w) + '  '
        s += '\n'
    s += '\n'
    return s
Esempio n. 11
def pandoc_table(table):
    if option('github_md'):
        text = html_table(table)
        # Fix the problem that `verbatim` inside the table is not
        # typeset as verbatim (according to the pandoc translator rules)
        # in the GitHub Issue Tracker
        text = re.sub(r'`([^`]+?)`', '<code>\g<1></code>', text)
        return text

        # else: Pandoc-extended Markdown syntax

    Simple markdown tables look like this::

        Left         Right   Center     Default
        -------     ------ ----------   -------
        12              12     12            12
        123            123     123          123
        1                1      1             1

    # Slight modification of rst_table

    column_width = table_analysis(table['rows'])
    ncolumns = len(column_width)
    column_spec = table.get('columns_align', 'c' * ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    heading_spec = table.get('headings_align', 'c' * ncolumns).replace('|', '')
    a2py = {'r': 'rjust', 'l': 'ljust', 'c': 'center'}
    s = ''  # '\n'
    for i, row in enumerate(table['rows']):
        #s += '    '  # indentation of tables
        if row == ['horizontal rule'] and i > 0 and i < len(table['rows']) - 1:
            # No horizontal rule at the top and bottom, just after heading
            for w in column_width:
                s += '-' * w + '  '
            # check if this is a headline between two horizontal rules:
            if i == 1 and \
               table['rows'][i-1] == ['horizontal rule'] and \
               table['rows'][i+1] == ['horizontal rule']:
                headline = True
                headline = False

            for w, c, ha, ca in \
                    zip(column_width, row, heading_spec, column_spec):
                if headline:
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ha])(w) + '  '
                elif row != ['horizontal rule']:
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ca])(w) + '  '
        s += '\n'
    s += '\n'
    return s
Esempio n. 12
def pandoc_table(table):
    if option("github_md"):
        text = html_table(table)
        # Fix the problem that `verbatim` inside the table is not
        # typeset as verbatim (according to the pandoc translator rules)
        # in the GitHub Issue Tracker
        text = re.sub(r"`([^`]+?)`", "<code>\g<1></code>", text)
        return text

        # else: Pandoc-extended Markdown syntax


    Simple markdown tables look like this::

        Left         Right   Center     Default
        -------     ------ ----------   -------
        12              12     12            12
        123            123     123          123
        1                1      1             1

    # Slight modification of rst_table

    column_width = table_analysis(table["rows"])
    ncolumns = len(column_width)
    column_spec = table.get("columns_align", "c" * ncolumns).replace("|", "")
    heading_spec = table.get("headings_align", "c" * ncolumns).replace("|", "")
    a2py = {"r": "rjust", "l": "ljust", "c": "center"}
    s = ""  # '\n'
    for i, row in enumerate(table["rows"]):
        # s += '    '  # indentation of tables
        if row == ["horizontal rule"] and i > 0 and i < len(table["rows"]) - 1:
            # No horizontal rule at the top and bottom, just after heading
            for w in column_width:
                s += "-" * w + "  "
            # check if this is a headline between two horizontal rules:
            if i == 1 and table["rows"][i - 1] == ["horizontal rule"] and table["rows"][i + 1] == ["horizontal rule"]:
                headline = True
                headline = False

            for w, c, ha, ca in zip(column_width, row, heading_spec, column_spec):
                if headline:
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ha])(w) + "  "
                elif row != ["horizontal rule"]:
                    s += getattr(c, a2py[ca])(w) + "  "
        s += "\n"
    s += "\n"
    return s
Esempio n. 13
def gwiki_table(table):
    """Native gwiki table."""
    # add 2 chars for column width since we add boldface _..._
    # in headlines:
    column_width = [c + 2 for c in table_analysis(table["rows"])]

    # Does column and heading alignment matter?
    # Not according to
    # but it is possible to use HTML code in gwiki (i.e., html_table)
    # (think this was tried without success...)

    s = "\n"
    for i, row in enumerate(table["rows"]):
        if row == ["horizontal rule"]:
        if i == 1 and table["rows"][i - 1] == ["horizontal rule"] and table["rows"][i + 1] == ["horizontal rule"]:
            headline = True
            headline = False

        empty_row = max([len(column.strip()) for column in row]) == 0
        if empty_row:

        for column, w in zip(row, column_width):
            if headline:
                if column:
                    c = " %s " % (("_" + column + "_").center(w))
                    c = ""
                c = " %s " % column.ljust(w)
            s += " || %s " % c
        s += " ||\n"
    s += "\n\n"
    return s