class TestJob(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.job_name = 'job_name' self.job = Job(self.job_name) def tearDown(self): pass def test__init__(self): attributes = OrderedDict() attributes['job_name'] = self.job_name attributes['executable'] = None attributes['arguments'] = None expected = { '_name': self.job_name, '_attributes': attributes, '_num_jobs': 1, '_cluster_id': 0, '_job_file': '' } actual = self.job.__dict__ msg = 'testing initialization with default values' self.assertDictEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) exe = 'exe' args = '-args' num_jobs = '5' self.job = Job(self.job_name, OrderedDict(), exe, args, num_jobs) attributes['executable'] = exe attributes['arguments'] = args expected = { '_name': self.job_name, '_attributes': attributes, '_num_jobs': int(num_jobs), '_cluster_id': 0, '_job_file': '' } actual = self.job.__dict__ msg = 'testing initialization with all values supplied' self.assertDictEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) num_jobs = 'five' self.assertRaises(ValueError, Job, self.job_name, num_jobs=num_jobs) def test__str__(self): expected = 'job_name = %s\n\nqueue 1\n' % (self.job_name) actual = self.job.__str__() msg = 'testing to string with default initialization' self.assertEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test__repr__(self): expected = '<' \ 'Job: name=%s, num_jobs=%d, cluster_id=%s>' % (self.job_name, 1, 0) actual = self.job.__repr__() msg = 'testing repr with default initialization' self.assertEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test__copy__(self): original = self.job copy = self.job.__copy__() expected = actual = msg = 'testing that name of copy is equal to original' self.assertEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) expected = original.attributes actual = copy.attributes msg = 'testing that attributes dictionary of copy is equal to original' self.assertDictEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) msg = "testing that attributes is the same instance as the original's" self.assertIs( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test__deepcopy__(self): original = self.job memo = dict() copy = self.job.__deepcopy__(memo) expected = actual = msg = 'testing that name of deepcopy is equal to original' self.assertEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) expected = original.attributes actual = copy.attributes msg = 'testing that attributes dictionary of copy is equal to original' self.assertDictEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) msg = "testing that attributes is not the same instance as the original's" self.assertIsNot( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test__getattr__(self): exe = 'exe' self.job = Job(self.job_name, executable=exe) expected = exe actual = self.job.executable msg = 'testing that existing value is returned' self.assertEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) pass def test__setattr__(self): pass def test_name(self): expected = self.job_name actual = msg = 'checking initialization of name' self.assertEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) new_name = 'new_name' = new_name expected = new_name actual = msg = 'checking assignment of name' self.assertEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test_attributes(self): pass def test_num_jobs(self): pass def test_cluster_id(self): pass def test_job_file(self): job_file_name = '%s.job' % (self.job_name) job_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), job_file_name) expected = job_file actual = self.job.job_file msg = 'checking resolving attribute function for job file' self.assertEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) init_dir = 'init_dir' self.job.initialdir = init_dir job_file = os.path.join(init_dir, job_file_name) self.assertEqual(job_file, self.job.job_file) def test_log_file(self): self.job = Job(self.job_name, Templates.base) log_file = '%s/%s.%s.log' % (self.job.logdir, self.job_name, self.job.cluster_id) expected = log_file actual = self.job.log_file msg = 'checking resolving attribute function for log file' self.assertEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test_initial_dir(self): pass def test_submit(self): pass def test_remove(self): pass def test_edit(self): expected = NotImplementedError actual = self.job.edit self.assertRaises(expected, actual) def test_status(self): expected = NotImplementedError actual = self.job.edit self.assertRaises(expected, actual) def test_wait(self): self.job.wait() def test_get(self): non_existent_attr = 'not-there' expected = None actual = self.job.get(non_existent_attr) msg = 'testing that None is returned when attribute does not exist' self.assertIsNone( actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) expected = 'expected' actual = self.job.get(non_existent_attr, expected) msg = 'testing that supplied value is returned when attribute does not exist' self.assertEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) exe = 'exe' self.job = Job(self.job_name, executable=exe) expected = exe actual = self.job.get('executable') msg = 'testing that existing value is returned' self.assertEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test_set(self): key = 'was-not-there' value = 'now-it-is' self.job.set(key, value) expected = value actual = self.job.attributes[key] msg = 'testing that attribute that previously does not exist is set correctly' self.assertEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) key = 'was-already-there' value = 'used-to-be-this' new_value = 'now-it-is-this' self.job.set(key, value) self.job.set(key, new_value) expected = new_value actual = self.job.attributes[key] msg = 'testing that attribute that previously existed is re-set correctly' self.assertEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test_delete(self): key = 'was-not-there' value = 'now-it-is' self.job.set(key, value) self.job.delete(key) member = key container = self.job.attributes msg = 'testing that attribute is removed when deleted' self.assertNotIn(member, container, msg) def test_write_job_file(self): pass def test_list_attributes(self): pass def test_make_dir(self): pass def test_make_job_dirs(self): pass def test_resolve_attribute(self): job = Job(self.job_name, Templates.vanilla_base) expected = self.job_name actual = job._resolve_attribute('initialdir') msg = 'checking resolving attribute function' self.assertEqual( expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test_resolve_attribute_match(self): pass
class TestJob(unittest.TestCase): expected = None actual = None msg = None base_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)) @property def output(self): return '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (self.msg, self.expected, self.actual) @property def assert_args(self): return (self.expected, self.actual, self.output) def setUp(self): self.job_name = 'job_name' self.job = Job(self.job_name) def tearDown(self): pass def test__init__(self): attributes = dict() attributes['job_name'] = self.job_name self.expected = {'_name': self.job_name, '_attributes': attributes, '_num_jobs': 1, '_cluster_id': 0, '_job_file': '', '_remote': None, '_remote_id': None, '_remote_input_files': None, '_cwd': '.'} self.actual = self.job.__dict__ self.msg = 'testing initialization with default values' self.assertDictEqual(*self.assert_args) exe = 'exe' args = 'args' num_jobs = '5' self.job = Job(self.job_name, OrderedDict(), num_jobs, executable=exe, arguments=args) attributes.update({'executable': exe, 'arguments': args}) self.expected.update({'_name': self.job_name, '_attributes': attributes, '_num_jobs': int(num_jobs)}) self.actual = self.job.__dict__ self.actual['_attributes'] = dict(self.actual['_attributes']) self.msg = 'testing initialization with all values supplied' self.assertDictEqual(*self.assert_args) num_jobs = 'five' self.assertRaises(ValueError, Job, self.job_name, num_jobs=num_jobs) def test__str__(self): expected = 'job_name = %s\n\nqueue 1\n' % (self.job_name) actual = self.job.__str__() msg = 'testing to string with default initialization' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test__repr__(self): expected = '<' \ 'Job: name=%s, num_jobs=%d, cluster_id=%s>' % (self.job_name, 1, 0) actual = self.job.__repr__() msg = 'testing repr with default initialization' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test__copy__(self): original = self.job copy = self.job.__copy__() expected = actual = msg = 'testing that name of copy is equal to original' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) expected = original.attributes actual = copy.attributes msg = 'testing that attributes dictionary of copy is equal to original' self.assertDictEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) msg = "testing that attributes is the same instance as the original's" self.assertIs(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test__deepcopy__(self): original = self.job memo = dict() copy = self.job.__deepcopy__(memo) expected = actual = msg = 'testing that name of deepcopy is equal to original' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) expected = original.attributes actual = copy.attributes msg = 'testing that attributes dictionary of copy is equal to original' self.assertDictEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) msg = "testing that attributes is not the same instance as the original's" self.assertIsNot(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test__getattr__(self): exe = 'exe' self.job = Job(self.job_name, executable=exe) expected = exe actual = self.job.executable msg = 'testing that existing value is returned' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) pass def test__setattr__(self): pass def test_name(self): expected = self.job_name actual = msg = 'checking initialization of name' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) new_name = 'new_name' = new_name expected = new_name actual = msg = 'checking assignment of name' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test_attributes(self): pass def test_num_jobs(self): pass def test_cluster_id(self): pass def test_job_file(self): job_file_name = '%s.job' % (self.job_name) job_file = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(os.getcwd()), job_file_name) expected = job_file actual = self.job.job_file msg = 'checking resolving attribute function for job file' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) init_dir = 'init_dir' self.job.initialdir = init_dir job_file = os.path.join(init_dir, job_file_name) self.assertEqual(job_file, self.job.job_file) def test_log_file(self): self.job = Job(self.job_name, Templates.base) log_file = '%s/%s/%s.%s.log' % (self.job.initial_dir, self.job.logdir, self.job_name, self.job.cluster_id) expected = log_file actual = self.job.log_file msg = 'checking resolving attribute function for log file' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test_initial_dir(self): pass def test_submit(self): pass def test_remove(self): pass def test_edit(self): expected = NotImplementedError actual = self.job.edit self.assertRaises(expected, actual) def test_status(self): expected = NotImplementedError actual = self.job.edit self.assertRaises(expected, actual) def test_wait(self): pass def test_get(self): non_existent_attr = 'not-there' expected = None actual = self.job.get(non_existent_attr) msg = 'testing that None is returned when attribute does not exist' self.assertIsNone(actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) expected = 'expected' actual = self.job.get(non_existent_attr, expected) msg = 'testing that supplied value is returned when attribute does not exist' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) exe = 'exe' self.job = Job(self.job_name, executable=exe) expected = exe actual = self.job.get('executable') msg = 'testing that existing value is returned' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test_set(self): key = 'was-not-there' value = 'now-it-is' self.job.set(key, value) expected = value actual = self.job.attributes[key] msg = 'testing that attribute that previously does not exist is set correctly' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) key = 'was-already-there' value = 'used-to-be-this' new_value = 'now-it-is-this' self.job.set(key, value) self.job.set(key,new_value) expected = new_value actual = self.job.attributes[key] msg = 'testing that attribute that previously existed is re-set correctly' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) key = 'python boolean' value = True self.job.set(key, value) expected = 'true' actual = self.job.attributes[key] msg = 'testing that an attribute can be set with the Python boolean value "True"' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) key = 'python boolean' value = False self.job.set(key, value) expected = 'false' actual = self.job.attributes[key] msg = 'testing that an attribute can be set with the Python boolean value "False"' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) key = 'python list' value = ['file.txt', 1] self.job.set(key, value) expected = ', '.join([str(i) for i in value]) actual = self.job.attributes[key] msg = 'testing that an attribute can be set with a Python list' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test_delete(self): key = 'was-not-there' value = 'now-it-is' self.job.set(key, value) self.job.delete(key) member = key container = self.job.attributes msg = 'testing that attribute is removed when deleted' self.assertNotIn(member, container, msg) def test_write_job_file(self): pass def test_list_attributes(self): pass def test_make_dir(self): pass def test_make_job_dirs(self): pass def test_resolve_attribute(self): job = Job(self.job_name, Templates.vanilla_base) expected = self.job_name actual = job._resolve_attribute('initialdir') msg = 'checking resolving attribute function' self.assertEqual(expected, actual, '%s\nExpected: %s\nActual: %s\n' % (msg, expected, actual)) def test_resolve_attribute_match(self): pass def test_remote(self): working_dir = os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'test_files', 'working_dir') self.job = Job('remote_test', Templates.vanilla_transfer_files, host='localhost', username=os.environ['USER'], private_key='~/.ssh/id_rsa', remote_input_files=['../', 'input.txt'], transfer_input_files='../input.txt', working_directory=working_dir) remote_base_path = os.path.expanduser('~/' + self.job._remote_id) if os.path.exists(remote_base_path): raise self.job._write_job_file() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(remote_base_path)) self.job.sync_remote_output() local_output = os.path.join(working_dir, self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(local_output)) shutil.rmtree(remote_base_path) shutil.rmtree(local_output)