Esempio n. 1
def _make_platform(wizard, locale, user, debug=None):
    agent = request.user_agent
    browser = agent.browser
    os = agent.platform
    root = '%s/' % request.script_root

    referer = request.form.get('helperHttpReferer') or request.form.get('refererURI') or request.form.get('helperURI') or ''
    close = request.form.get('closeURI') or request.form.get('refererURI') or request.form.get('helperURI') or ''

    links = {
        'calculate' : '/?wizard=%s&locale=%s' % (wizard, locale),
        'cancel' : '/?wizard=%s&locale=%s' % (wizard, locale),
        'referer' : referer,
        'close' : close,

    if IsIE():
        version = agent.version.split('.')[0]
        if version < '6':
            version = '6'
    elif IsSeaMonkey():
        version = ''
        version = agent.version

    authorized = isAuthorized(user)
    css = '%s' % ( \
        IsMobile() and (IsChrome() and '.android.' or '.mobile.') or 
        IsIE(10) and '.ie10.' or 
        IsOpera() and '.opera.' or 
        IsFirefox() and '.firefox.' or 

    is_default = 1 or os in ('ipad', 'android',) and browser in ('safari', 'chrome',) and 1 or 0 
    is_frame = not IsMobile() and 1 or 0

    platform = '[os:%s, browser:%s (%s), css:%s, %s %s%s%s%s]' % ( \
        authorized and ' authorized' or '', 
        is_default and ' default' or ' flex',
        is_frame and ' frame' or '', 
        debug and ' debug' or '',

    kw = { \
        'agent'          : agent.string,
        'browser'        : browser, 
        'os'             : os, 
        'root'           : root, 
        'referer'        : referer, 
        'links'          : links, 
        'version'        : version, 
        'authorized'     : authorized, 
        'css'            : css, 
        'is_frame'       : is_frame, 
        'platform'       : platform,
        'style'          : { 'default' : is_default },
        'screen'         : request.form.get('screen') or '',
        'scale'          : request.form.get('scale') or '',

    return kw
Esempio n. 2
def loader():
    if not request.form.get('wizardID'):
        return ''

    host = request.form.get('host')
    debug = request.args.get('debug') == '1' and True or False
    demo(request.form.get('demo'), request=request)

    setReference(host, debug)

    if IsDebug:
        start =
        print '--> Started at %s' % start.strftime('%H:%M:%S:%f')

    wizard = request.form.get('wizardID') or session.get('wizard')
    action = request.form.get('action') or '204'
    check = request.form.get('check') or ''

    communication = request.form.get('helperCommunicationType') or default_communication
    locale = request.form.get('currentUsedLocalization') or session.get('locale')

    exchange_error = 0

    if IsDebug:
        print '--> action: [%s]' % action
        print '--> communication: [%s]' % communication
        print '--> demo: [%s]' % demo()
        print '--> host: [%s]' % host
        print '--> wizard: [%s]' % wizard

    response = {}

    if not (action and action in valid_action_types):
        return ''

    IsChecked = True

    if not isAuthorized(request.form.get('userID')):
        exchange_error = -4
        exchange_message = gettext('Sorry, you are not authorized.')

        IsChecked = False

    if IsChecked and action in ('207','307') and demo() and not _check(wizard, check):
        exchange_error = -5
        exchange_message = gettext('Sorry, the confirmation code is invalid.')+'<br>'+gettext('Please, try more.')

        IsChecked = False

    if action in ('301','302','303','304','305','307','308',):

        if IsChecked:
            # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # Get Data from DB (XML:data, DOM:dom, parsed XML-Items:items or Log-page content:data)
            # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            response = respond_log(action)

        if not (response and response.get('data')):

        elif action in ('303','304','307',):
            requested_action = str(int(action)-100)

            # --------------------------------------------------
            # Get XML (update tags for a new request to Service)
            # --------------------------------------------------
            check, data = getRequestXML(requested_action, request, session, data=response.get('items'), dom=response.get('dom'), 
                title=response.get('title'), page='log',

            # ----------------------------------------
            # Send request to Service and get response
            # ----------------------------------------
            response = respond_external(requested_action, data=data, id=response.get('id'))
            response['action'] = action

            # -------------------------------------------------------------
            # Get Data Dictionary (!!!) from response to send to Controller
            # -------------------------------------------------------------
            if action == '303':
                dom, data = receive(action, request, session, data=response.get('data'))
                response['data'] = data

            response['dom'] = None
            response['items'] = None

            # --------------------------------------
            # Remove DOM from response to Controller
            # --------------------------------------
            response['dom'] = None
            response['items'] = None

    elif communication == COMMUNICATIONS['external'] or not communication:
        if IsDebug:
            print '--> check: [%s] = %s' % (check, IsChecked)

        if action == '100':
            # -------------------
            # Validate the action
            # -------------------
            if not demo():
                response = {'x1' : None, 'x2' : None, 'op' : None}
                response = _set_checker(wizard)
        elif action in ('203','204','205',):
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Send External request to Service and get response (calculation)
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            response = respond_external(action)
        elif action in ('207',) and IsChecked:
            # ---------------------------------------------------------
            # Send External request to Service and get response (order)
            # ---------------------------------------------------------
            response = respond_external(action)

        if response:
            response['data'] = ''

    elif communication == COMMUNICATIONS['internal']:
        if action == '100':
            # -------------------
            # Validate the action
            # -------------------
            response = {'x1' : None, 'x2' : None, 'op' : None}

        elif action in ('203','204','205','206',):
            # -------------------------------------------------
            # Send Internal request to Service and get response
            # -------------------------------------------------
            response = respond_internal(action)

    if not response:
        response = { \
            'action'            : action,
            'op'                : '',
            # -------------------------------
            # Not authorized or check invalid
            # -------------------------------
            'exchange_error'    : exchange_error, 
            'exchange_message'  : exchange_message,
            'error_code'        : '',
            'error_description' : '',
            'errors'            : '',
            # -----------------
            # Results (no data)
            # -----------------
            'price'             : '',
            'data'              : '',

    if IsDebug:
        finish =
        t = finish - start
        print '--> Finished at %s' % finish.strftime('%H:%M:%S:%f')
        print '--> Spent time: %s sec' % ((t.seconds*1000000+t.microseconds)/1000000)

    return jsonify(response)