Esempio n. 1
class LineGeo(object):
    Standard Geometry Item used for DXF Import of all geometries, plotting and
    G-Code export.
    def __init__(self, Ps, Pe):
        Standard Method to initialize the LineGeo.
        @param Ps: The Start Point of the line
        @param Pe: the End Point of the line
        self.Ps = Ps
        self.Pe = Pe
        self.length = self.Ps.distance(self.Pe)


        self.abs_geo = None

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        return LineGeo(deepcopy(self.Ps, memo),
                       deepcopy(self.Pe, memo))

    def __str__(self):
        Standard method to print the object
        @return: A string
        return ("\nLineGeo(Ps=Point(x=%s ,y=%s),\n" % (self.Ps.x, self.Ps.y)) + \
               ("Pe=Point(x=%s, y=%s))" % (self.Pe.x, self.Pe.y))

    def save_v1(self):
        return "\nLineGeo" +\
               "\nPs:     %s" % self.Ps.save_v1() +\
               "\nPe:     %s" % self.Pe.save_v1() +\
               "\nlength: %0.5f" % self.length

    def calc_bounding_box(self):
        Calculated the BoundingBox of the geometry and saves it into self.BB
        Ps = Point(x=min(self.Ps.x, self.Pe.x), y=min(self.Ps.y, self.Pe.y))
        Pe = Point(x=max(self.Ps.x, self.Pe.x), y=max(self.Ps.y, self.Pe.y))

        self.BB = BoundingBox(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pe)

    def colinear(self, other):
        Check if two lines with same point self.Pe==other.Ps are colinear. For Point
        it check if the point is colinear with the line self.
        @param other: the possibly colinear line
        if isinstance(other, LineGeo):
            return ((self.Ps.ccw(self.Pe, other.Pe) == 0) and
                    (self.Ps.ccw(self.Pe, other.Ps) == 0))
        elif isinstance(other, Point):
            Return true iff a, b, and c all lie on the same line."
            return self.Ps.ccw(self.Pe, other) == 0
            logger.debug("Unsupported instance: %s" % type(other))

    def colinearoverlapping(self, other):
        Check if the lines are colinear overlapping
        Ensure A<B, C<D, and A<=C (which you can do by simple swapping). Then:
        •if B<C, the segments are disjoint
        •if B=C, then the intersection is the single point B=C
        •if B>C, then the intersection is the segment [C, min(B, D)]
        @param other: The other line
        @return: True if they are overlapping
        if not(self.colinear(other)):
            return False
            if self.Ps < self.Pe:
                A = self.Ps
                B = self.Pe
                A = self.Pe
                B = self.Ps
            if other.Ps < self.Pe:
                C = other.Ps
                D = other.Pe
                C = other.Pe
                D = other.Ps

            # Swap lines if required
            if not(A <= C):
                A, B, C, D = C, D, A, B

        if B < C:
            return False
        elif B == C:
            return False
            return True

    def colinearconnected(self, other):
        Check if Lines are connected and colinear
        @param other: Another Line which will be checked

        if not(self.colinear(other)):
            return False
        elif self.Ps == other.Ps:
            return True
        elif self.Pe == other.Ps:
            return True
        elif self.Ps == other.Pe:
            return True
        elif self.Pe == other.Pe:
            return True
            return False

    def distance(self, other=[]):
        Find the distance between 2 geometry elements. Possible is CCLineGeo
        and ArcGeo
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @return: The distance between the two geometries
        from core.arcgeo import ArcGeo

        if isinstance(other, LineGeo):
            return self.distance_l_l(other)
        elif isinstance(other, Point):
            return self.distance_l_p(other)
        elif isinstance(other, ArcGeo):
            return self.distance_l_a(other)
            logger.error("Unsupported geometry type: %s" % type(other)))

    def distance_l_l(self, other):
        Find the distance between 2 ccLineGeo elements.
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @return: The distance between the two geometries

        if self.intersect(other):
            return 0.0

        return min(self.distance_l_p(other.Ps),

    def distance_l_a(self, other):
        Find the distance between 2 ccLineGeo elements.
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @return: The distance between the two geometries

        if self.intersect(other):
            return 0.0

        # Get the nearest Point to the Center of the Arc
        POnearest = self.get_nearest_point_l_p(other.O)

        # The Line is outside of the Arc
        if other.O.distance(POnearest) > other.r:
            # If the Nearest Point is on Arc Segement it is the neares one.
            # logger.debug("Nearest Point is outside of arc")
            if other.PointAng_withinArc(POnearest):
                return POnearest.distance(other.O.get_arc_point(other.O.norm_angle(POnearest), r=other.r))
            elif self.distance(other.Ps) < self.distance(other.Pe):
                    return self.get_nearest_point(other.Ps).distance(other.Ps)
                    return self.get_nearest_point(other.Pe).distance(other.Pe)

        # logger.debug("Nearest Point is Inside of arc")
        # logger.debug("self.distance(other.Ps): %s, self.distance(other.Pe): %s" %(self.distance(other.Ps),self.distance(other.Pe)))
        # The Line may be inside of the ARc or cross it
        if self.distance(other.Ps) < self.distance(other.Pe):
            dis_min = self.distance(other.Ps)
            # logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))
            dis_min = self.distance(other.Pe)
            # logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))

        if ((other.PointAng_withinArc(self.Ps)) and
            abs(other.r - other.O.distance(self.Ps)) < dis_min):
            dis_min = abs(other.r - other.O.distance(self.Ps))
            # logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))

        if ((other.PointAng_withinArc(self.Pe)) and
            abs((other.r - other.O.distance(self.Pe))) < dis_min):
            dis_min = abs(other.r - other.O.distance(self.Pe))
            # logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))

        return dis_min

    def distance_l_p(self, Point):
        Find the shortest distance between CCLineGeo and Point elements.
        Algorithm acc. to
        @param Point: the Point
        @return: The shortest distance between the Point and Line
        d = self.Pe - self.Ps
        v = Point - self.Ps

        t = d.dotProd(v)

        if t <= 0:
            # our Point is lying "behind" the segment
            # so end Point 1 is closest to Point and distance is length of
            # vector from end Point 1 to Point.
            return self.Ps.distance(Point)
        elif t >= d.dotProd(d):
            # our Point is lying "ahead" of the segment
            # so end Point 2 is closest to Point and distance is length of
            # vector from end Point 2 to Point.
            return self.Pe.distance(Point)
            # our Point is lying "inside" the segment
            # i.e.:a perpendicular from it to the line that contains the line
            # segment has an end Point inside the segment
            # logger.debug(v.dotProd(v))
            # logger.debug(d.dotProd(d))
            # logger.debug(v.dotProd(v) - (t*t)/d.dotProd(d))
            #logger.debug(v.dotProd(v) - (t * t) / d.dotProd(d))
            #logger.debug((v.dotProd(v) - (t * t) / d.dotProd(d))< eps)
            #logger.debug(((v.dotProd(v) - (t * t) / d.dotProd(d))< eps))

            if (v.dotProd(v) - (t * t) / d.dotProd(d)) < eps:
                return 0.0
                return sqrt(v.dotProd(v) - (t * t) / d.dotProd(d));

    def find_inter_point(self, other, type='TIP'):
        Find the intersection between 2 Geo elements. There can be only one
        intersection between 2 lines. Returns also FIP which lay on the ray.
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @param type: Can be "TIP" for True Intersection Point or "Ray" for
        Intersection which is in Ray (of Line)
        @return: a list of intersection points.
        from core.arcgeo import ArcGeo

        if isinstance(other, LineGeo):
            inter = self.find_inter_point_l_l(other, type)
            return inter
        elif isinstance(other, ArcGeo):
            inter = self.find_inter_point_l_a(other, type)
            return inter
            logger.error("Unsupported Instance: %s" % other.type)

    def find_inter_point_l_l(self, other, type="TIP"):
        Find the intersection between 2 LineGeo elements. There can be only one
        intersection between 2 lines. Returns also FIP which lay on the ray.
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @param type: Can be "TIP" for True Intersection Point or "Ray" for
        Intersection which is in Ray (of Line)
        @return: a list of intersection points.

        if self.colinear(other):
            return None

        elif type == 'TIP' and not(self.intersect(other)):

            return None

        dx1 = self.Pe.x - self.Ps.x
        dy1 = self.Pe.y - self.Ps.y

        dx2 = other.Pe.x - other.Ps.x
        dy2 = other.Pe.y - other.Ps.y

        dax = self.Ps.x - other.Ps.x
        day = self.Ps.y - other.Ps.y

        # Return nothing if one of the lines has zero length
        if (dx1 == 0 and dy1 == 0) or (dx2 == 0 and dy2 == 0):
            return None

        # If to avoid division by zero.
            if(abs(dx2) >= abs(dy2)):
                v1 = (day - dax * dy2 / dx2) / (dx1 * dy2 / dx2 - dy1)
                v2 = (dax + v1 * dx1) / dx2
                v1 = (dax - day * dx2 / dy2) / (dy1 * dx2 / dy2 - dx1)
                v2 = (day + v1 * dy1) / dy2
            return None

        return Point(x=self.Ps.x + v1 * dx1,
                          y=self.Ps.y + v1 * dy1)

    def find_inter_point_l_a(self, Arc, type="TIP"):
        Find the intersection between 2 Geo elements. The intersection
        between a Line and a Arc is checked here. This function is also used
        in the Arc Class to check Arc -> Line Intersection (the other way around)
        @param Arc: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @param type: Can be "TIP" for True Intersection Point or "Ray" for
        Intersection which is in Ray (of Line)
        @return: a list of intersection points.
        @todo: FIXME: The type of the intersection is not implemented up to now

        Ldx = self.Pe.x - self.Ps.x
        Ldy = self.Pe.y - self.Ps.y

        # Mitternachtsformel zum berechnen der Nullpunkte der quadratischen
        # Gleichung
        a = pow(Ldx, 2) + pow(Ldy, 2)
        b = 2 * Ldx * (self.Ps.x - Arc.O.x) + 2 * Ldy * (self.Ps.y - Arc.O.y)
        c = pow(self.Ps.x - Arc.O.x, 2) + pow(self.Ps.y - Arc.O.y, 2) - pow(Arc.r, 2)
        root = pow(b, 2) - 4 * a * c

        # If the value under the sqrt is negative there is no intersection.
        if root < 0 or a == 0.0:
            return None

        v1 = (-b + sqrt(root)) / (2 * a)
        v2 = (-b - sqrt(root)) / (2 * a)

        Pi1 = Point(x=self.Ps.x + v1 * Ldx,
                       y=self.Ps.y + v1 * Ldy)

        Pi2 = Point(x=self.Ps.x + v2 * Ldx,
               y=self.Ps.y + v2 * Ldy)

        Pi1.v = Arc.dif_ang(Arc.Ps, Pi1, Arc.ext) / Arc.ext
        Pi2.v = Arc.dif_ang(Arc.Ps, Pi2, Arc.ext) / Arc.ext

        if type == 'TIP':
            if ((Pi1.v >= 0.0 and Pi1.v <= 1.0 and self.intersect(Pi1)) and
               (Pi1.v >= 0.0 and Pi2.v <= 1.0 and self.intersect(Pi2))):
                if (root == 0):
                    return Pi1
                    return [Pi1, Pi2]
            elif (Pi1.v >= 0.0 and Pi1.v <= 1.0 and self.intersect(Pi1)):
                return Pi1
            elif  (Pi1.v >= 0.0 and Pi2.v <= 1.0 and self.intersect(Pi2)):
                return Pi2
                return None
        elif type == "Ray":
            # If the root is zero only one solution and the line is a tangent.
            if(root == 0):
                return Pi1

            return [Pi1, Pi2]
            logger.error("We should not be here")

    def get_nearest_point(self, other):
        Get the nearest point on a line to another line lieing on the line
        @param other: The Line to be nearest to
        @return: The point which is the nearest to other
        from core.arcgeo import ArcGeo

        if isinstance(other, LineGeo):
            return self.get_nearest_point_l_l(other)
        elif isinstance(other, ArcGeo):
            return self.get_nearest_point_l_a(other)
        elif isinstance(other, Point):
            return self.get_nearest_point_l_p(other)
            logger.error("Unsupported Instance: %s" % other.type)

    def get_nearest_point_l_l(self, other):
        Get the nearest point on a line to another line lieing on the line
        @param other: The Line to be nearest to
        @return: The point which is the nearest to other
        # logger.debug(self.intersect(other))
        if self.intersect(other):
            return self.find_inter_point_l_l(other)
        min_dis = self.distance(other)
        if min_dis == self.distance_l_p(other.Ps):
            return self.get_nearest_point_l_p(other.Ps)
        elif min_dis == self.distance_l_p(other.Pe):
            return self.get_nearest_point_l_p(other.Pe)
        elif min_dis == other.distance_l_p(self.Ps):
            return self.Ps
        elif min_dis == other.distance_l_p(self.Pe):
            return self.Pe
            logger.warning("No solution found")

    def get_nearest_point_l_a(self, other, ret="line"):
        Get the nearest point to a line lieing on the line
        @param other: The Point to be nearest to
        @return: The point which is the nearest to other
        if self.intersect(other):
            return self.find_inter_point_l_a(other)

        # Get the nearest Point to the Center of the Arc
        POnearest = self.get_nearest_point_l_p(other.O)

        # The Line is outside of the Arc
        if other.O.distance(POnearest) > other.r:
            # If the Nearest Point is on Arc Segement it is the neares one.
            # logger.debug("Nearest Point is outside of arc")
            if other.PointAng_withinArc(POnearest):
                if ret == "line":
                    return POnearest
                elif ret == "arc":
                    return other.O.get_arc_point(other.O.norm_angle(POnearest), r=other.r)
            elif self.distance(other.Ps) < self.distance(other.Pe):
                if ret == "line":
                    return self.get_nearest_point(other.Ps)
                elif ret == "arc":
                    return other.Ps
                if ret == "line":
                    return self.get_nearest_point(other.Pe)
                elif ret == "art":
                    return other.Pe

        # logger.debug("Nearest Point is Inside of arc")
        # logger.debug("self.distance(other.Ps): %s, self.distance(other.Pe): %s" %(self.distance(other.Ps),self.distance(other.Pe)))
        # The Line may be inside of the ARc or cross it
        if self.distance(other.Ps) < self.distance(other.Pe):
            Pnearest = self.get_nearest_point(other.Ps)
            Pnother = other.Ps
            dis_min = self.distance(other.Ps)
            # logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))
            Pnearest = self.get_nearest_point(other.Pe)
            Pnother = other.Pe
            dis_min = self.distance(other.Pe)
            # logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))

        if ((other.PointAng_withinArc(self.Ps)) and
            abs(other.r - other.O.distance(self.Ps)) < dis_min):

            Pnearest = self.Ps
            Pnother = other.O.get_arc_point(other.O.norm_angle(Pnearest), r=other.r)
            dis_min = abs(other.r - other.O.distance(self.Ps))
            # logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))

        if ((other.PointAng_withinArc(self.Pe)) and
            abs((other.r - other.O.distance(self.Pe))) < dis_min):
            Pnearest = self.Pe
            Pnother = other.O.get_arc_point(other.O.norm_angle(Pnearest), r=other.r)

            dis_min = abs(other.r - other.O.distance(self.Pe))
            # logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))
        if ret == "line":
            return Pnearest
        elif ret == "arc":
            return Pnother

    def get_nearest_point_l_p(self, other):
        Get the nearest point to a point lieing on the line
        @param other: The Point to be nearest to
        @return: The point which is the nearest to other
        if self.intersect(other):
            return other

        PPoint = self.perpedicular_on_line(other)

        if self.intersect(PPoint):
            return PPoint

        if self.Ps.distance(other) < self.Pe.distance(other):
            return self.Ps
            return self.Pe

    def get_start_end_points(self, start_point, angles=None):
        if start_point:
            if angles is None:
                return self.Ps
            elif angles:
                return self.Ps, self.Ps.norm_angle(self.Pe)
                return self.Ps, (self.Pe - self.Ps).unit_vector()
            if angles is None:
                return self.Pe
            elif angles:
                return self.Pe, self.Pe.norm_angle(self.Ps)
                return self.Pe, (self.Pe - self.Ps).unit_vector()

    def intersect(self, other):
        Check if there is an intersection of two geometry elements
        @param, a second geometry which shall be checked for intersection
        @return: True if there is an intersection
        # Do a raw check first with BoundingBox
        # logger.debug("self: %s, \nother: %s, \nintersect: %s" %(self,other,self.BB.hasintersection(other.BB)))
        # logger.debug("self.BB: %s \nother.BB: %s")
        # logger.debug(self.BB.hasintersection(other.BB))
        # We need to test Point first cause it has no BB
        from core.arcgeo import ArcGeo

        if isinstance(other, Point):
            return self.intersect_l_p(other)
        elif not(self.BB.hasintersection(other.BB)):
            return False
        elif isinstance(other, LineGeo):
            return self.intersect_l_l(other)
        elif isinstance(other, ArcGeo):
            return self.intersect_l_a(other)
            logger.error("Unsupported Instance: %s" % other.type)

    def intersect_l_a(self, other):
        Check if there is an intersection of the two line
        @param, a second line which shall be checked for intersection
        @return: True if there is an intersection
        inter = self.find_inter_point_l_a(other)
        return not(inter is None)

    def intersect_l_l(self, other):
        Check if there is an intersection of the two line
        @param, a second line which shall be checked for intersection
        @return: True if there is an intersection
        A = self.Ps
        B = self.Pe
        C = other.Ps
        D = other.Pe
        return A.ccw(C, D) != B.ccw(C, D) and A.ccw(B, C) != A.ccw(B, D)

    def intersect_l_p(self, Point):
        Check if Point is colinear and within the Line
        @param Point: A Point which will be checked
        @return: True if point Point intersects the line segment from Ps to Pe.
        Refer to
        # (or the degenerate case that all 3 points are coincident)
        # logger.debug(self.colinear(Point))
        return (self.colinear(Point)
                and (self.within(self.Ps.x, Point.x, self.Pe.x)
                     if self.Ps.x != self.Pe.x else
                     self.within(self.Ps.y, Point.y, self.Pe.y)))

    def isHit(self, caller, xy, tol):
        return xy.distance2_to_line(self.Ps, self.Pe) <= tol**2

    def within(self, p, q, r):
        "Return true iff q is between p and r (inclusive)."
        return p <= q <= r or r <= q <= p

    def join_colinear_line(self, other):
        Check if the two lines are colinear connected or inside of each other, in
        this case these lines will be joined to one common line, otherwise return
        both lines
        @param other: a second line
        @return: Return one or two lines
        if self.colinearconnected(other)or self.colinearoverlapping(other):
            if self.Ps < self.Pe:
                newPs = min(self.Ps, other.Ps, other.Pe)
                newPe = max(self.Pe, other.Ps, other.Pe)
                newPs = max(self.Ps, other.Ps, other.Pe)
                newPe = min(self.Pe, other.Ps, other.Pe)
            return [LineGeo(newPs, newPe)]
            return [self, other]

    def make_abs_geo(self, parent=None):
        Generates the absolute geometry based on itself and the parent. This
        is done for rotating and scaling purposes
        Ps = self.Ps.rot_sca_abs(parent=parent)
        Pe = self.Pe.rot_sca_abs(parent=parent)

        self.abs_geo = LineGeo(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pe)

    def make_path(self, caller, drawHorLine):
        drawHorLine(caller, self.Ps, self.Pe)

    def perpedicular_on_line(self, other):
        This function calculates the perpendicular point on a line (or ray of line)
        with the shortest distance to the point given with other
        @param other: The point to be perpendicular to
        @return: A point which is on line and perpendicular to Point other
        # first convert line to normalized unit vector
        unit_vector = self.Ps.unit_vector(self.Pe)

        # translate the point and get the dot product
        lam = ((unit_vector.x * (other.x - self.Ps.x))
                + (unit_vector.y * (other.y - self.Ps.y)))
        return Point(x=(unit_vector.x * lam) + self.Ps.x,
                     y=(unit_vector.y * lam) + self.Ps.y)

    def reverse(self):
        Reverses the direction of the arc (switch direction).
        self.Ps, self.Pe = self.Pe, self.Ps
        if self.abs_geo:

    def split_into_2geos(self, ipoint=Point()):
        Splits the given geometry into 2 not self intersection geometries. The
        geometry will be splitted between ipoint and Pe.
        @param ipoint: The Point where the intersection occures
        @return: A list of 2 CCLineGeo's will be returned if intersection is inbetween
        # The Point where the geo shall be splitted
        if not(ipoint):
            return [self]
        elif self.intersect(ipoint):
            Li1 = LineGeo(Ps=self.Ps, Pe=ipoint)
            Li2 = LineGeo(Ps=ipoint, Pe=self.Pe)
            return [Li1, Li2]
            return [self]

    def to_short_string(self):
        return "(%f, %f) -> (%f, %f)" % (self.Ps.x, self.Ps.y, self.Pe.x, self.Pe.y)

    def trim(self, Point, dir=1, rev_norm=False):
        This instance is used to trim the geometry at the given point. The point
        can be a point on the offset geometry a perpendicular point on line will
        be used for trimming.
        @param Point: The point / perpendicular point for new Geometry
        @param dir: The direction in which the geometry will be kept (1  means the
        being will be trimmed)
        newPoint = self.perpedicular_on_line(Point)
        if dir == 1:
            new_line = LineGeo(newPoint, self.Pe)
            new_line.end_normal = self.end_normal
            new_line.start_normal = self.start_normal
            return new_line
            new_line = LineGeo(self.Ps, newPoint)
            new_line.end_normal = self.end_normal
            new_line.start_normal = self.start_normal
            return new_line

    def update_start_end_points(self, start_point, value):
        prv_ang = self.Ps.norm_angle(self.Pe)
        if start_point:
            self.Ps = value
            self.Pe = value
        new_ang = self.Ps.norm_angle(self.Pe)

        if 2 * abs(((prv_ang - new_ang) + pi) % (2 * pi) - pi) >= pi:
            # seems very unlikely that this is what you want - the direction changed (too drastically)
            self.Ps, self.Pe = self.Pe, self.Ps

        self.length = self.Ps.distance(self.Pe)

    def Write_GCode(self, PostPro):
        Writes the GCODE for a Line.
        @param PostPro: The PostProcessor instance to be used
        @return: Returns the string to be written to a file.
        Ps = self.get_start_end_points(True)
        Pe = self.get_start_end_points(False)
        return PostPro.lin_pol_xy(Ps, Pe)
Esempio n. 2
class ArcGeo(object):
    Standard Geometry Item used for DXF Import of all geometries, plotting and
    G-Code export.
    def __init__(self,
        Standard Method to initialize the ArcGeo. Not all of the parameters are
        required to fully define a arc. e.g. Ps and Pe may be given or s_ang and
        @param Ps: The Start Point of the arc
        @param Pe: the End Point of the arc
        @param O: The center of the arc
        @param r: The radius of the arc
        @param s_ang: The Start Angle of the arc
        @param e_ang: the End Angle of the arc
        @param direction: The arc direction where 1 is in positive direction

        self.Ps = Ps
        self.Pe = Pe
        self.O = O
        self.r = abs(r)
        self.s_ang = s_ang
        self.e_ang = e_ang
        self.drag = drag

        # Get the Circle center point with known Start and End Points
        if self.O is None:

            if self.Ps is not None and\
               self.Pe is not None and\
               direction is not None:

                arc = self.Pe.norm_angle(self.Ps) - pi / 2
                m = self.Pe.distance(self.Ps) / 2

                if abs(self.r - m) < g.config.fitting_tolerance:
                    lo = 0.0
                    lo = sqrt(pow(self.r, 2) - pow(m, 2))

                d = -1 if direction < 0 else 1

                self.O = self.Ps + (self.Pe - self.Ps) / 2
                self.O.y += lo * sin(arc) * d
                self.O.x += lo * cos(arc) * d

            # Compute center point
            elif self.s_ang is not None:
                self.O.x = self.Ps.x - self.r * cos(self.s_ang)
                self.O.y = self.Ps.y - self.r * sin(self.s_ang)
                logger.error("Missing value for Arc Geometry"))

        # Calculate start and end angles
        if self.s_ang is None:
            self.s_ang = self.O.norm_angle(self.Ps)
        if self.e_ang is None:
            self.e_ang = self.O.norm_angle(self.Pe)

        self.ext = self.dif_ang(self.Ps, self.Pe, direction)

        self.length = self.r * abs(self.ext)


        self.abs_geo = None

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        return ArcGeo(deepcopy(self.Ps, memo), deepcopy(self.Pe, memo),
                      deepcopy(self.O, memo), deepcopy(self.r, memo),
                      deepcopy(self.s_ang, memo), deepcopy(self.e_ang, memo),
                      deepcopy(self.ext, memo))

    def __str__(self):
        Standard method to print the object
        @return: A string
        return ("\nArcGeo(Ps=Point(x=%s ,y=%s), \n" % (self.Ps.x, self.Ps.y)) + \
               ("Pe=Point(x=%s, y=%s),\n" % (self.Pe.x, self.Pe.y)) + \
               ("O=Point(x=%s, y=%s),\n" % (self.O.x, self.O.y)) + \
               ("s_ang=%s,e_ang=%s,\n" % (self.s_ang, self.e_ang)) + \
               ("r=%s, \n" % self.r) + \
               ("ext=%s)" % self.ext)

    def save_v1(self):
        return "\nArcGeo" +\
               "\nPs:  %s; s_ang: %0.5f" % (self.Ps.save_v1(), self.s_ang) +\
               "\nPe:  %s; e_ang: %0.5f" % (self.Pe.save_v1(), self.e_ang) +\
               "\nO:   %s; r: %0.3f" % (self.O.save_v1(), self.r) +\
               "\next: %0.5f; length: %0.5f" % (self.ext, self.length)

    def angle_between(self, min_ang, max_ang, angle):
        Returns if the angle is in the range between 2 other angles
        @param min_ang: The starting angle
        @param parent: The end angel. Always in ccw direction from min_ang
        @return: True or False
        if min_ang < 0.0:
            min_ang += 2 * pi

        while max_ang < min_ang:
            max_ang += 2 * pi

        while angle < min_ang:
            angle += 2 * pi

        return (min_ang < angle) and (angle <= max_ang)

    def calc_bounding_box(self):
        Calculated the BoundingBox of the geometry and saves it into self.BB

        Ps = Point(x=self.O.x - self.r, y=self.O.y - self.r)
        Pe = Point(x=self.O.x + self.r, y=self.O.y + self.r)

        # Do the calculation only for arcs have positiv extend => switch angles
        if self.ext >= 0:
            s_ang = self.s_ang
            e_ang = self.e_ang
        elif self.ext < 0:
            s_ang = self.e_ang
            e_ang = self.s_ang

        # If the positive X Axis is crossed
        if not (self.wrap(s_ang, 0) >= self.wrap(e_ang, 1)):
            Pe.x = max(self.Ps.x, self.Pe.x)

        # If the positive Y Axis is crossed
        if not (self.wrap(s_ang - pi / 2, 0) >= self.wrap(e_ang - pi / 2, 1)):
            Pe.y = max(self.Ps.y, self.Pe.y)

        # If the negative X Axis is crossed
        if not (self.wrap(s_ang - pi, 0) >= self.wrap(e_ang - pi, 1)):
            Ps.x = min(self.Ps.x, self.Pe.x)

        # If the negative Y is crossed
        if not (self.wrap(s_ang - 1.5 * pi, 0) >= self.wrap(
                e_ang - 1.5 * pi, 1)):
            Ps.y = min(self.Ps.y, self.Pe.y)

        self.BB = BoundingBox(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pe)

    def dif_ang(self, Ps, Pe, direction):
        Calculated the angle between Pe and Ps with respect to the origin
        @param Ps: the start Point of the arc
        @param Pe: the end Point of the arc
        @param direction: the direction of the arc
        @return: Returns the angle between -2* pi and 2 *pi for the arc,
        0 excluded - we got a complete circle
        dif_ang = (self.O.norm_angle(Pe) - self.O.norm_angle(Ps)) % (-2 * pi)

        if direction > 0:
            dif_ang += 2 * pi
        elif dif_ang == 0:
            dif_ang = -2 * pi

        return dif_ang

    def distance(self, other):
        Find the distance between 2 geometry elements. Possible is LineGeo
        and ArcGeo
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @return: The distance between the two geometries
        Find the distance between 2 geometry elements. Possible is Point, LineGeo
        and ArcGeo
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @return: The distance between the two geometries
        from core.linegeo import LineGeo

        if isinstance(other, LineGeo):
            return other.distance_l_a(self)
        elif isinstance(other, Point):
            return self.distance_a_p(other)
        elif isinstance(other, ArcGeo):
            return self.distance_a_a(other)
            logger.error("Unsupported geometry type: %s" %

    def distance_a_a(self, other):
        Find the distance between two arcs
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @return: The distance between the two geometries
        # logger.error('Unsupported function')
        Pself = self.get_nearest_point(other)
        Pother = other.get_nearest_point(self)
        return Pself.distance(Pother)

    def distance_a_p(self, other):
        Find the distance between a arc and a point
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @return: The distance between the two geometries
        # The Pont is outside of the Arc
        if self.O.distance(other) > self.r:
            # If the Nearest Point is on Arc Segement it is the neares one.
            # logger.debug("Nearest Point is outside of arc")
            if self.PointAng_withinArc(other):
                return other.distance(
                    self.O.get_arc_point(self.O.norm_angle(other), r=self.r))
            elif other.distance(self.Ps) < other.distance(self.Pe):
                return other.distance(self.Ps)
                return other.distance(self.Pe)

        # logger.debug("Nearest Point is Inside of arc")
        # logger.debug("self.distance(other.Ps): %s, self.distance(other.Pe): %s" %(self.distance(other.Ps),self.distance(other.Pe)))
        # The Line may be inside of the ARc or cross it
        if other.distance(self.Ps) < other.distance(self.Pe):
            dis_min = other.distance(self.Ps)
            # logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))
            dis_min = other.distance(self.Pe)
            # logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))

        if ((self.PointAng_withinArc(other))
                and abs(self.r - self.O.distance(other)) < dis_min):
            dis_min = abs(self.r - self.O.distance(other))
            # logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))

        return dis_min

    def find_inter_point(self, other=[], type='TIP'):
        Find the intersection between 2 geometry elements. Possible is CCLineGeo
        and ArcGeo
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @param type: Can be "TIP" for True Intersection Point or "Ray" for
        Intersection which is in Ray (of Line)        @return: a list of intersection points.
        from core.linegeo import LineGeo

        if isinstance(other, LineGeo):
            IPoints = other.find_inter_point_l_a(self, type)
            return IPoints
        elif isinstance(other, ArcGeo):
            return self.find_inter_point_a_a(other, type)
            logger.error("Unsupported Instance: %s" % other.type)

    def find_inter_point_a_a(self, other, type='TIP'):
        Find the intersection between 2 ArcGeo elements. There can be only one
        intersection between 2 lines.
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @param type: Can be "TIP" for True Intersection Point or "Ray" for
        Intersection which is in Ray (of Line)
        @return: a list of intersection points.
        @todo: FIXME: The type of the intersection is not implemented up to now
        O_dis = self.O.distance(other.O)

        # If self circle is surrounded by the other no intersection
        if (O_dis < abs(self.r - other.r)):
            return None

        # If other circle is surrounded by the self no intersection
        if (O_dis < abs(other.r - self.r)):
            return None

        # If The circles are to far away from each other no intersection possible
        if (O_dis > abs(other.r + self.r)):
            return None

        # If both circles have the same center and radius
        if abs(O_dis) == 0.0 and abs(self.r - other.r) == 0.0:
            Pi1 = Point(x=self.Ps.x, y=self.Ps.y)
            Pi2 = Point(x=self.Pe.x, y=self.Pe.y)

            return [Pi1, Pi2]
        # The following algorithm was found on :

        root = ((pow(self.r + other.r, 2) - pow(O_dis, 2)) *
                (pow(O_dis, 2) - pow(other.r - self.r, 2)))

        # If the Line is a tangent the root is 0.0.
        if root <= 0.0:
            root = 0.0
            root = sqrt(root)

        xbase = (other.O.x + self.O.x) / 2 + \
        (other.O.x - self.O.x) * \
        (pow(self.r, 2) - pow(other.r, 2)) / (2 * pow(O_dis, 2))

        ybase = (other.O.y + self.O.y) / 2 + \
        (other.O.y - self.O.y) * \
        (pow(self.r, 2) - pow(other.r, 2)) / (2 * pow(O_dis, 2))

        Pi1 = Point(x=xbase + (other.O.y - self.O.y) / \
                          (2 * pow(O_dis, 2)) * root,
                    y=ybase - (other.O.x - self.O.x) / \
                    (2 * pow(O_dis, 2)) * root)

        Pi1.v1 = self.dif_ang(self.Ps, Pi1, self.ext) / self.ext
        Pi1.v2 = other.dif_ang(other.Ps, Pi1, other.ext) / other.ext

        Pi2 = Point(x=xbase - (other.O.y - self.O.y) / \
                         (2 * pow(O_dis, 2)) * root,
                    y=ybase + (other.O.x - self.O.x) / \
                    (2 * pow(O_dis, 2)) * root)

        Pi2.v1 = self.dif_ang(self.Ps, Pi2, self.ext) / self.ext
        Pi2.v2 = other.dif_ang(other.Ps, Pi2, other.ext) / other.ext

        if type == 'TIP':
            if ((Pi1.v1 >= 0.0 and Pi1.v1 <= 1.0 and Pi1.v2 > 0.0
                 and Pi1.v2 <= 1.0) and (Pi2.v1 >= 0.0 and Pi2.v1 <= 1.0
                                         and Pi2.v2 > 0.0 and Pi2.v2 <= 1.0)):
                if (root == 0):
                    return Pi1
                    return [Pi1, Pi2]
            elif (Pi1.v1 >= 0.0 and Pi1.v1 <= 1.0 and Pi1.v2 > 0.0
                  and Pi1.v2 <= 1.0):
                return Pi1
            elif (Pi2.v1 >= 0.0 and Pi2.v1 <= 1.0 and Pi2.v2 > 0.0
                  and Pi2.v2 <= 1.0):
                return Pi2
                return None
        elif type == "Ray":
            # If the root is zero only one solution and the line is a tangent.
            if root == 0:
                return Pi1
                return [Pi1, Pi2]
            logger.error("We should not be here")

    def get_nearest_point(self, other):
        Get the nearest point on the arc to another geometry.
        @param other: The Line to be nearest to
        @return: The point which is the nearest to other
        from core.linegeo import LineGeo

        if isinstance(other, LineGeo):
            return other.get_nearest_point_l_a(self, ret="arc")
        elif isinstance(other, ArcGeo):
            return self.get_nearest_point_a_a(other)
        elif isinstance(other, Point):
            return self.get_nearest_point_a_p(other)
            logger.error("Unsupported Instance: %s" % other.type)

    def get_nearest_point_a_p(self, other):
        Get the nearest point to a point lieing on the arc
        @param other: The Point to be nearest to
        @return: The point which is the nearest to other
        if self.intersect(other):
            return other

        PPoint = self.O.get_arc_point(self.O.norm_angle(other), r=self.r)
        if self.intersect(PPoint):
            return PPoint
        elif self.Ps.distance(other) < self.Pe.distance(other):
            return self.Ps
            return self.Pe

    def get_nearest_point_a_a(self, other, ret="self"):
        Get the nearest point to a line lieing on the line
        @param other: The Point to be nearest to
        @return: The point which is the nearest to other
        if self.intersect(other):
            return self.find_inter_point_a_a(other)

        # The Arc is outside of the Arc
        # if other.O.distance(self.O)>(other.r+other.r):

        # If Nearest point is on both Arc Segments.
        if other.PointAng_withinArc(self.O) and self.PointAng_withinArc(
            if ret == "self":
                return self.O.get_arc_point(self.O.norm_angle(other.O),
            elif ret == "other":
                return other.O.get_arc_point(other.O.norm_angle(self.O),
        # If Nearest point is on self Arc Segment but not other
        elif self.PointAng_withinArc(other.O):
            if self.distance(other.Ps) < self.distance(other.Pe):
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.O.get_arc_point(self.O.norm_angle(other.Ps),
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.Ps
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.O.get_arc_point(self.O.norm_angle(other.Pe),
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.Pe
        # If Nearest point is on other Arc Segment but not self
        elif other.PointAng_withinArc(self.O):
            if other.distance(self.Ps) < other.distance(self.Pe):
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.Ps
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.O.get_arc_point(other.O.norm_angle(self.Ps),
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.Pe
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.O.get_arc_point(other.O.norm_angle(self.Pe),
        # If the min distance is not on any arc segemtn but other.Ps is nearer then other.Pe
        elif self.distance(other.Ps) < self.distance(other.Pe):
            if self.Ps.distance(other.Ps) < self.Pe.distance(other.Ps):
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.Ps
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.Ps
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.Pe
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.Ps
            if self.Ps.distance(other.Pe) < self.Pe.distance(other.Pe):
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.Ps
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.Pe
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.Pe
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.Pe

            #         #logger.debug("Nearest Point is Inside of arc")
            #         #logger.debug("self.distance(other.Ps): %s, self.distance(other.Pe): %s" %(self.distance(other.Ps),self.distance(other.Pe)))
            #         # The Line may be inside of the ARc or cross it
            #         if self.distance(other.Ps)<self.distance(other.Pe):
            #             Pnearest=self.get_nearest_point(other.Ps)
            #             Pnother=other.Ps
            #             dis_min=self.distance(other.Ps)
            #             #logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))
            #         else:
            #             Pnearest=self.get_nearest_point(other.Pe)
            #             Pnother=other.Pe
            #             dis_min=self.distance(other.Pe)
            #             #logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))
            #         if ((other.PointAng_withinArc(self.Ps)) and
            #             abs(other.r-other.O.distance(self.Ps)) < dis_min):
            #             Pnearest=self.Ps
            #             Pnother=other.O.get_arc_point(other.O.norm_angle(Pnearest),r=other.r)
            #             dis_min=abs(other.r-other.O.distance(self.Ps))
            #             #logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))
            #         if ((other.PointAng_withinArc(self.Pe)) and
            #             abs((other.r-other.O.distance(self.Pe))) < dis_min):
            #             Pnearest=self.Pe
            #             Pnother=other.O.get_arc_point(other.O.norm_angle(Pnearest),r=other.r)
            #             dis_min=abs(other.r-other.O.distance(self.Pe))
            #             #logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))
            #         if ret=="line":
            #             return Pnearest
            #         elif ret=="arc":
            #             return Pnother

    def get_point_from_start(self, i, segments):
        ang = self.s_ang + i * self.ext / segments
        return self.O.get_arc_point(ang, self.r)

    def get_start_end_points(self, start_point, angles=None):
        if start_point:
            if angles is None:
                return self.Ps
            elif angles:
                return self.Ps, self.s_ang + pi / 2 * self.ext / abs(self.ext)
                direction = (self.O - self.Ps).unit_vector()
                direction = -direction if self.ext >= 0 else direction
                return self.Ps, Point(-direction.y, direction.x)
            if angles is None:
                return self.Pe
            elif angles:
                return self.Pe, self.e_ang - pi / 2 * self.ext / abs(self.ext)
                direction = (self.O - self.Pe).unit_vector()
                direction = -direction if self.ext >= 0 else direction
                return self.Pe, Point(-direction.y, direction.x)

    def intersect(self, other):
        Check if there is an intersection of two geometry elements
        @param, a second geometry which shall be checked for intersection
        @return: True if there is an intersection
        # Do a raw check first with BoundingBox
        # logger.debug("self: %s, \nother: %s, \nintersect: %s" %(self,other,self.BB.hasintersection(other.BB)))
        # logger.debug("self.BB: %s \nother.BB: %s")

        # We need to test Point first cause it has no BB
        from core.linegeo import LineGeo

        if isinstance(other, Point):
            return self.intersect_a_p(other)
        elif not (self.BB.hasintersection(other.BB)):
            return False
        elif isinstance(other, LineGeo):
            return other.intersect_l_a(self)
        elif isinstance(other, ArcGeo):
            return self.intersect_a_a(other)
            logger.error("Unsupported Instance: %s" % other.type)

    def intersect_a_a(self, other):
        Check if there is an intersection of two arcs
        @param, a second arc which shall be checked for intersection
        @return: True if there is an intersection
        inter = self.find_inter_point_a_a(other)
        return not (inter is None)

    def intersect_a_p(self, other):
        Check if there is an intersection of an point and a arc
        @param, a second arc which shall be checked for intersection
        @return: True if there is an intersection
        # No intersection possible if point is not within radius
        if not (abs(self.O.distance(other) - self.r) < abs):
            return False
        elif self.PointAng_withinArc(other):
            return True
            return False

    def isHit(self, caller, xy, tol):
        tol2 = tol**2
        segments = int(abs(degrees(self.ext)) // 3 + 1)
        Ps = self.O.get_arc_point(self.s_ang, self.r)
        for i in range(1, segments + 1):
            Pe = self.get_point_from_start(i, segments)
            if xy.distance2_to_line(Ps, Pe) <= tol2:
                return True
            Ps = Pe
        return False

    def make_abs_geo(self, parent=None):
        Generates the absolute geometry based on itself and the parent. This
        is done for rotating and scaling purposes
        Ps = self.Ps.rot_sca_abs(parent=parent)
        Pe = self.Pe.rot_sca_abs(parent=parent)
        O = self.O.rot_sca_abs(parent=parent)
        r = self.scaled_r(self.r, parent)

        direction = 1 if self.ext > 0.0 else -1

        if parent is not None and[0] *[1] < 0.0:
            direction *= -1

        self.abs_geo = ArcGeo(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pe, O=O, r=r, direction=direction)

    def make_path(self, caller, drawHorLine):
        segments = int(abs(degrees(self.ext)) // 3 + 1)
        Ps = self.O.get_arc_point(self.s_ang, self.r)

        for i in range(1, segments + 1):
            Pe = self.get_point_from_start(i, segments)
            drawHorLine(caller, Ps, Pe)
            Ps = Pe

    def PointAng_withinArc(self, Point):
        Check if the angle defined by Point is within the span of the arc.
        @param Point: The Point which angle to be checked
        @return: True or False
        if self.ext == 0.0:
            return False

        v = self.dif_ang(self.Ps, Point, self.ext) / self.ext
        return v >= 0.0 and v <= 1.0

    def reverse(self):
        Reverses the direction of the arc (switch direction).
        self.Ps, self.Pe = self.Pe, self.Ps
        self.s_ang, self.e_ang = self.e_ang, self.s_ang
        self.ext = -self.ext
        if self.abs_geo:

    def scaled_r(self, r, parent):
        Scales the radius based on the scale given in its parents. This is done
        @param r: The radius which shall be scaled
        @param parent: The parent Entity (Instance: EntityContentClass)
        @return: The scaled radius
        # Rekursive Schleife falls mehrfach verschachtelt.
        # Recursive loop if nested.
        if parent is not None:
            r *=[0]
            r = self.scaled_r(r, parent.parent)

        return r

    def split_into_2geos(self, ipoint=Point()):
        Splits the given geometry into 2 geometries. The
        geometry will be splitted at ipoint.
        @param ipoint: The Point where the intersection occures
        @return: A list of 2 ArcGeo's will be returned.

        # Generate the 2 geometries and their bounding boxes.
        Arc1 = ArcGeo(Ps=self.Ps,

        Arc2 = ArcGeo(Ps=ipoint,
        return [Arc1, Arc2]

    def toShortString(self):
        return "(%f, %f) -> (%f, %f)" % (self.Ps.x, self.Ps.y, self.Pe.x,

    def tr(self, string_to_translate):
        Translate a string using the QCoreApplication translation framework
        @param string_to_translate: a unicode string
        @return: the translated unicode string if it was possible to translate
        return text_type(
            QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate('ArcGeo', string_to_translate))

    def trim(self, Point, dir=1, rev_norm=False):
        This instance is used to trim the geometry at the given point. The point
        can be a point on the offset geometry a perpendicular point on line will
        be used for trimming.
        @param Point: The point / perpendicular point for new Geometry
        @param dir: The direction in which the geometry will be kept (1  means the
        beginn will be trimmed)
        @param rev_norm: If the direction of the point is on the reversed side.

        # logger.debug("I'm getting trimmed: %s, %s, %s, %s" % (self, Point, dir, rev_norm))
        newPoint = self.O.get_arc_point(self.O.norm_angle(Point), r=self.r)
        new_normal = newPoint.unit_vector(self.O, r=1)

        # logger.debug(newPoint)
        [Arc1, Arc2] = self.split_into_2geos(newPoint)

        if dir == -1:
            new_arc = Arc1
            if hasattr(self, "end_normal"):
                # new_arc.end_normal = self.end_normal
                # new_arc.start_normal = new_normal

                new_arc.end_normal = new_normal
                new_arc.start_normal = self.start_normal
            # logger.debug(new_arc)
            return new_arc
            new_arc = Arc2
            if hasattr(self, "end_normal"):
                # new_arc.end_normal = new_normal
                # new_arc.start_normal = self.start_normal

                new_arc.end_normal = self.end_normal
                new_arc.start_normal = new_normal
            # logger.debug(new_arc)
            return new_arc
        # return self

    def update_start_end_points(self, start_point, value):
        prv_dir = self.ext
        if start_point:
            self.Ps = value
            self.s_ang = self.O.norm_angle(self.Ps)
            self.Pe = value
            self.e_ang = self.O.norm_angle(self.Pe)

        self.ext = self.dif_ang(self.Ps, self.Pe, self.ext)

        if 2 * abs(((prv_dir - self.ext) + pi) % (2 * pi) - pi) >= pi:
            # seems very unlikely that this is what you want - the direction changed (too drastically)
            self.Ps, self.Pe = self.Pe, self.Ps
            self.s_ang, self.e_ang = self.e_ang, self.s_ang
            self.ext = self.dif_ang(self.Ps, self.Pe, prv_dir)

        self.length = self.r * abs(self.ext)

    def wrap(self, angle, isend=0):
        Wrapes the given angle into a range between 0 and 2pi
        @param angle: The angle to be wraped
        @param isend: If the angle is the end angle or start angle, this makes a
        difference at 0 or 2pi.
        @return: Returns the angle between 0 and 2 *pi
        wrap_angle = angle % (2 * pi)
        if isend and wrap_angle == 0.0:
            wrap_angle += 2 * pi
        elif wrap_angle == 2 * pi:
            wrap_angle -= 2 * pi

        return wrap_angle

    def Write_GCode(self, PostPro=None):
        Writes the GCODE for an Arc.
        @param PostPro: The PostProcessor instance to be used
        @return: Returns the string to be written to a file.
        Ps, s_ang = self.get_start_end_points(True, True)
        Pe, e_ang = self.get_start_end_points(False, True)

        O = self.O
        r = self.r
        IJ = O - Ps

        # If the radius of the element is bigger than the max, radius export the element as an line.
        if r > PostPro.vars.General["max_arc_radius"]:
            string = PostPro.lin_pol_xy(Ps, Pe)
            if self.ext > 0:
                string = PostPro.lin_pol_arc("ccw", Ps, Pe, s_ang, e_ang, r, O,
                                             IJ, self.ext)
            elif self.ext < 0 and PostPro.vars.General["export_ccw_arcs_only"]:
                string = PostPro.lin_pol_arc("ccw", Pe, Ps, e_ang, s_ang, r, O,
                                             O - Pe, self.ext)
                string = PostPro.lin_pol_arc("cw", Ps, Pe, s_ang, e_ang, r, O,
                                             IJ, self.ext)
        return string
Esempio n. 3
class ArcGeo(object):
    Standard Geometry Item used for DXF Import of all geometries, plotting and
    G-Code export.
    def __init__(self, Ps=None, Pe=None, O=None, r=1,
                 s_ang=None, e_ang=None, direction=1, drag=False):
        Standard Method to initialize the ArcGeo. Not all of the parameters are
        required to fully define a arc. e.g. Ps and Pe may be given or s_ang and
        @param Ps: The Start Point of the arc
        @param Pe: the End Point of the arc
        @param O: The center of the arc
        @param r: The radius of the arc
        @param s_ang: The Start Angle of the arc
        @param e_ang: the End Angle of the arc
        @param direction: The arc direction where 1 is in positive direction

        self.Ps = Ps
        self.Pe = Pe
        self.O = O
        self.r = abs(r)
        self.s_ang = s_ang
        self.e_ang = e_ang
        self.drag = drag

        # Get the Circle center point with known Start and End Points
        if self.O is None:

            if self.Ps is not None and\
               self.Pe is not None and\
               direction is not None:

                arc = self.Pe.norm_angle(self.Ps) - pi / 2
                m = self.Pe.distance(self.Ps) / 2

                if abs(self.r - m) < g.config.fitting_tolerance:
                    lo = 0.0
                    lo = sqrt(pow(self.r, 2) - pow(m, 2))

                d = -1 if direction < 0 else 1

                self.O = self.Ps + (self.Pe - self.Ps) / 2
                self.O.y += lo * sin(arc) * d
                self.O.x += lo * cos(arc) * d

            # Compute center point
            elif self.s_ang is not None:
                self.O.x = self.Ps.x - self.r * cos(self.s_ang)
                self.O.y = self.Ps.y - self.r * sin(self.s_ang)
                logger.error("Missing value for Arc Geometry"))

        # Calculate start and end angles
        if self.s_ang is None:
            self.s_ang = self.O.norm_angle(self.Ps)
        if self.e_ang is None:
            self.e_ang = self.O.norm_angle(self.Pe)

        self.ext = self.dif_ang(self.Ps, self.Pe, direction)

        self.length = self.r * abs(self.ext)


        self.abs_geo = None

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        return ArcGeo(deepcopy(self.Ps, memo),
                      deepcopy(self.Pe, memo),
                      deepcopy(self.O, memo),
                      deepcopy(self.r, memo),
                      deepcopy(self.s_ang, memo),
                      deepcopy(self.e_ang, memo),
                      deepcopy(self.ext, memo))

    def __str__(self):
        Standard method to print the object
        @return: A string
        return ("\nArcGeo(Ps=Point(x=%s ,y=%s), \n" % (self.Ps.x, self.Ps.y)) + \
               ("Pe=Point(x=%s, y=%s),\n" % (self.Pe.x, self.Pe.y)) + \
               ("O=Point(x=%s, y=%s),\n" % (self.O.x, self.O.y)) + \
               ("s_ang=%s,e_ang=%s,\n" % (self.s_ang, self.e_ang)) + \
               ("r=%s, \n" % self.r) + \
               ("ext=%s)" % self.ext)

    def save_v1(self):
        return "\nArcGeo" +\
               "\nPs:  %s; s_ang: %0.5f" % (self.Ps.save_v1(), self.s_ang) +\
               "\nPe:  %s; e_ang: %0.5f" % (self.Pe.save_v1(), self.e_ang) +\
               "\nO:   %s; r: %0.3f" % (self.O.save_v1(), self.r) +\
               "\next: %0.5f; length: %0.5f" % (self.ext, self.length)

    def angle_between(self, min_ang, max_ang, angle):
        Returns if the angle is in the range between 2 other angles
        @param min_ang: The starting angle
        @param parent: The end angel. Always in ccw direction from min_ang
        @return: True or False
        if min_ang < 0.0:
            min_ang += 2 * pi

        while max_ang < min_ang:
            max_ang += 2 * pi

        while angle < min_ang:
            angle += 2 * pi

        return (min_ang < angle) and (angle <= max_ang)

    def calc_bounding_box(self):
        Calculated the BoundingBox of the geometry and saves it into self.BB

        Ps = Point(x=self.O.x - self.r, y=self.O.y - self.r)
        Pe = Point(x=self.O.x + self.r, y=self.O.y + self.r)

        # Do the calculation only for arcs have positiv extend => switch angles
        if self.ext >= 0:
            s_ang = self.s_ang
            e_ang = self.e_ang
        elif self.ext < 0:
            s_ang = self.e_ang
            e_ang = self.s_ang

        # If the positive X Axis is crossed
        if not(self.wrap(s_ang, 0) >= self.wrap(e_ang, 1)):
            Pe.x = max(self.Ps.x, self.Pe.x)

        # If the positive Y Axis is crossed
        if not(self.wrap(s_ang - pi / 2, 0) >= self.wrap(e_ang - pi / 2, 1)):
            Pe.y = max(self.Ps.y, self.Pe.y)

        # If the negative X Axis is crossed
        if not(self.wrap(s_ang - pi, 0) >= self.wrap(e_ang - pi, 1)):
            Ps.x = min(self.Ps.x, self.Pe.x)

        # If the negative Y is crossed
        if not(self.wrap(s_ang - 1.5 * pi, 0) >=
                self.wrap(e_ang - 1.5 * pi, 1)):
            Ps.y = min(self.Ps.y, self.Pe.y)

        self.BB = BoundingBox(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pe)

    def dif_ang(self, Ps, Pe, direction):
        Calculated the angle between Pe and Ps with respect to the origin
        @param Ps: the start Point of the arc
        @param Pe: the end Point of the arc
        @param direction: the direction of the arc
        @return: Returns the angle between -2* pi and 2 *pi for the arc,
        0 excluded - we got a complete circle
        dif_ang = (self.O.norm_angle(Pe) - self.O.norm_angle(Ps)) % (-2 * pi)

        if direction > 0:
            dif_ang += 2 * pi
        elif dif_ang == 0:
            dif_ang = -2 * pi

        return dif_ang

    def distance(self, other):
        Find the distance between 2 geometry elements. Possible is LineGeo
        and ArcGeo
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @return: The distance between the two geometries
        Find the distance between 2 geometry elements. Possible is Point, LineGeo
        and ArcGeo
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @return: The distance between the two geometries
        from core.linegeo import LineGeo

        if isinstance(other, LineGeo):
            return other.distance_l_a(self)
        elif isinstance(other, Point):
            return self.distance_a_p(other)
        elif isinstance(other, ArcGeo):
            return self.distance_a_a(other)
            logger.error("Unsupported geometry type: %s" % type(other)))

    def distance_a_a(self, other):
        Find the distance between two arcs
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @return: The distance between the two geometries
        # logger.error('Unsupported function')
        Pself = self.get_nearest_point(other)
        Pother = other.get_nearest_point(self)
        return Pself.distance(Pother)

    def distance_a_p(self, other):
        Find the distance between a arc and a point
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @return: The distance between the two geometries
        # The Pont is outside of the Arc
        if self.O.distance(other) > self.r:
            # If the Nearest Point is on Arc Segement it is the neares one.
            # logger.debug("Nearest Point is outside of arc")
            if self.PointAng_withinArc(other):
                return other.distance(self.O.get_arc_point(self.O.norm_angle(other), r=self.r))
            elif other.distance(self.Ps) < other.distance(self.Pe):
                    return other.distance(self.Ps)
                    return other.distance(self.Pe)

        # logger.debug("Nearest Point is Inside of arc")
        # logger.debug("self.distance(other.Ps): %s, self.distance(other.Pe): %s" %(self.distance(other.Ps),self.distance(other.Pe)))
        # The Line may be inside of the ARc or cross it
        if other.distance(self.Ps) < other.distance(self.Pe):
            dis_min = other.distance(self.Ps)
            # logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))
            dis_min = other.distance(self.Pe)
            # logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))

        if ((self.PointAng_withinArc(other)) and
            abs(self.r - self.O.distance(other)) < dis_min):
            dis_min = abs(self.r - self.O.distance(other))
            # logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))

        return dis_min

    def find_inter_point(self, other=[], type='TIP'):
        Find the intersection between 2 geometry elements. Possible is CCLineGeo
        and ArcGeo
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @param type: Can be "TIP" for True Intersection Point or "Ray" for
        Intersection which is in Ray (of Line)        @return: a list of intersection points.
        from core.linegeo import LineGeo

        if isinstance(other, LineGeo):
            IPoints = other.find_inter_point_l_a(self, type)
            return IPoints
        elif isinstance(other, ArcGeo):
            return self.find_inter_point_a_a(other, type)
            logger.error("Unsupported Instance: %s" % other.type)

    def find_inter_point_a_a(self, other, type='TIP'):
        Find the intersection between 2 ArcGeo elements. There can be only one
        intersection between 2 lines.
        @param other: the instance of the 2nd geometry element.
        @param type: Can be "TIP" for True Intersection Point or "Ray" for
        Intersection which is in Ray (of Line)
        @return: a list of intersection points.
        @todo: FIXME: The type of the intersection is not implemented up to now
        O_dis = self.O.distance(other.O)

        # If self circle is surrounded by the other no intersection
        if(O_dis < abs(self.r - other.r)):
            return None

        # If other circle is surrounded by the self no intersection
        if(O_dis < abs(other.r - self.r)):
            return None

        # If The circles are to far away from each other no intersection possible
        if (O_dis > abs(other.r + self.r)):
            return None

        # If both circles have the same center and radius
        if abs(O_dis) == 0.0 and abs(self.r - other.r) == 0.0:
            Pi1 = Point(x=self.Ps.x, y=self.Ps.y)
            Pi2 = Point(x=self.Pe.x, y=self.Pe.y)

            return [Pi1, Pi2]
        # The following algorithm was found on :

        root = ((pow(self.r + other.r , 2) - pow(O_dis, 2)) *
                  (pow(O_dis, 2) - pow(other.r - self.r, 2)))

        # If the Line is a tangent the root is 0.0.
        if root <= 0.0:
            root = 0.0
            root = sqrt(root)

        xbase = (other.O.x + self.O.x) / 2 + \
        (other.O.x - self.O.x) * \
        (pow(self.r, 2) - pow(other.r, 2)) / (2 * pow(O_dis, 2))

        ybase = (other.O.y + self.O.y) / 2 + \
        (other.O.y - self.O.y) * \
        (pow(self.r, 2) - pow(other.r, 2)) / (2 * pow(O_dis, 2))

        Pi1 = Point(x=xbase + (other.O.y - self.O.y) / \
                          (2 * pow(O_dis, 2)) * root,
                    y=ybase - (other.O.x - self.O.x) / \
                    (2 * pow(O_dis, 2)) * root)

        Pi1.v1 = self.dif_ang(self.Ps, Pi1, self.ext) / self.ext
        Pi1.v2 = other.dif_ang(other.Ps, Pi1, other.ext) / other.ext

        Pi2 = Point(x=xbase - (other.O.y - self.O.y) / \
                         (2 * pow(O_dis, 2)) * root,
                    y=ybase + (other.O.x - self.O.x) / \
                    (2 * pow(O_dis, 2)) * root)

        Pi2.v1 = self.dif_ang(self.Ps, Pi2, self.ext) / self.ext
        Pi2.v2 = other.dif_ang(other.Ps, Pi2, other.ext) / other.ext

        if type == 'TIP':
            if ((Pi1.v1 >= 0.0 and Pi1.v1 <= 1.0 and Pi1.v2 > 0.0 and Pi1.v2 <= 1.0) and
               (Pi2.v1 >= 0.0 and Pi2.v1 <= 1.0 and Pi2.v2 > 0.0 and Pi2.v2 <= 1.0)):
                if (root == 0):
                    return Pi1
                    return [Pi1, Pi2]
            elif (Pi1.v1 >= 0.0 and Pi1.v1 <= 1.0 and Pi1.v2 > 0.0 and Pi1.v2 <= 1.0):
                return Pi1
            elif  (Pi2.v1 >= 0.0 and Pi2.v1 <= 1.0 and Pi2.v2 > 0.0 and Pi2.v2 <= 1.0):
                return Pi2
                return None
        elif type == "Ray":
            # If the root is zero only one solution and the line is a tangent.
            if root == 0:
                return Pi1
                return [Pi1, Pi2]
            logger.error("We should not be here")

    def get_nearest_point(self, other):
        Get the nearest point on the arc to another geometry.
        @param other: The Line to be nearest to
        @return: The point which is the nearest to other
        from core.linegeo import LineGeo

        if isinstance(other, LineGeo):
            return other.get_nearest_point_l_a(self, ret="arc")
        elif isinstance(other, ArcGeo):
            return self.get_nearest_point_a_a(other)
        elif isinstance(other, Point):
            return self.get_nearest_point_a_p(other)
            logger.error("Unsupported Instance: %s" % other.type)

    def get_nearest_point_a_p(self, other):
        Get the nearest point to a point lieing on the arc
        @param other: The Point to be nearest to
        @return: The point which is the nearest to other
        if self.intersect(other):
            return other

        PPoint = self.O.get_arc_point(self.O.norm_angle(other), r=self.r)
        if self.intersect(PPoint):
            return PPoint
        elif self.Ps.distance(other) < self.Pe.distance(other):
            return self.Ps
            return self.Pe

    def get_nearest_point_a_a(self, other, ret="self"):
        Get the nearest point to a line lieing on the line
        @param other: The Point to be nearest to
        @return: The point which is the nearest to other
        if self.intersect(other):
            return self.find_inter_point_a_a(other)

        # The Arc is outside of the Arc
        # if other.O.distance(self.O)>(other.r+other.r):

        # If Nearest point is on both Arc Segments.
        if other.PointAng_withinArc(self.O) and self.PointAng_withinArc(other.O):
            if ret == "self":
                return self.O.get_arc_point(self.O.norm_angle(other.O), r=self.r)
            elif ret == "other":
                return other.O.get_arc_point(other.O.norm_angle(self.O), r=other.r)
        # If Nearest point is on self Arc Segment but not other
        elif self.PointAng_withinArc(other.O):
            if self.distance(other.Ps) < self.distance(other.Pe):
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.O.get_arc_point(self.O.norm_angle(other.Ps), r=self.r)
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.Ps
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.O.get_arc_point(self.O.norm_angle(other.Pe), r=self.r)
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.Pe
        # If Nearest point is on other Arc Segment but not self
        elif other.PointAng_withinArc(self.O):
            if other.distance(self.Ps) < other.distance(self.Pe):
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.Ps
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.O.get_arc_point(other.O.norm_angle(self.Ps), r=other.r)
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.Pe
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.O.get_arc_point(other.O.norm_angle(self.Pe), r=other.r)
        # If the min distance is not on any arc segemtn but other.Ps is nearer then other.Pe
        elif self.distance(other.Ps) < self.distance(other.Pe):
            if self.Ps.distance(other.Ps) < self.Pe.distance(other.Ps):
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.Ps
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.Ps
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.Pe
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.Ps
            if self.Ps.distance(other.Pe) < self.Pe.distance(other.Pe):
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.Ps
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.Pe
                if ret == "self":
                    return self.Pe
                elif ret == "other":
                    return other.Pe

            #         #logger.debug("Nearest Point is Inside of arc")
            #         #logger.debug("self.distance(other.Ps): %s, self.distance(other.Pe): %s" %(self.distance(other.Ps),self.distance(other.Pe)))
            #         # The Line may be inside of the ARc or cross it
            #         if self.distance(other.Ps)<self.distance(other.Pe):
            #             Pnearest=self.get_nearest_point(other.Ps)
            #             Pnother=other.Ps
            #             dis_min=self.distance(other.Ps)
            #             #logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))
            #         else:
            #             Pnearest=self.get_nearest_point(other.Pe)
            #             Pnother=other.Pe
            #             dis_min=self.distance(other.Pe)
            #             #logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))
            #         if ((other.PointAng_withinArc(self.Ps)) and
            #             abs(other.r-other.O.distance(self.Ps)) < dis_min):
            #             Pnearest=self.Ps
            #             Pnother=other.O.get_arc_point(other.O.norm_angle(Pnearest),r=other.r)
            #             dis_min=abs(other.r-other.O.distance(self.Ps))
            #             #logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))
            #         if ((other.PointAng_withinArc(self.Pe)) and
            #             abs((other.r-other.O.distance(self.Pe))) < dis_min):
            #             Pnearest=self.Pe
            #             Pnother=other.O.get_arc_point(other.O.norm_angle(Pnearest),r=other.r)
            #             dis_min=abs(other.r-other.O.distance(self.Pe))
            #             #logger.debug("Pnearest: %s, distance: %s" %(Pnearest, dis_min))
            #         if ret=="line":
            #             return Pnearest
            #         elif ret=="arc":
            #             return Pnother

    def get_point_from_start(self, i, segments):
        ang = self.s_ang + i * self.ext / segments
        return self.O.get_arc_point(ang, self.r)

    def get_start_end_points(self, start_point, angles=None):
        if start_point:
            if angles is None:
                return self.Ps
            elif angles:
                return self.Ps, self.s_ang + pi/2 * self.ext / abs(self.ext)
                direction = (self.O - self.Ps).unit_vector()
                direction = -direction if self.ext >= 0 else direction
                return self.Ps, Point(-direction.y, direction.x)
            if angles is None:
                return self.Pe
            elif angles:
                return self.Pe, self.e_ang - pi/2 * self.ext / abs(self.ext)
                direction = (self.O - self.Pe).unit_vector()
                direction = -direction if self.ext >= 0 else direction
                return self.Pe, Point(-direction.y, direction.x)

    def intersect(self, other):
        Check if there is an intersection of two geometry elements
        @param, a second geometry which shall be checked for intersection
        @return: True if there is an intersection
        # Do a raw check first with BoundingBox
        # logger.debug("self: %s, \nother: %s, \nintersect: %s" %(self,other,self.BB.hasintersection(other.BB)))
        # logger.debug("self.BB: %s \nother.BB: %s")

        # We need to test Point first cause it has no BB
        from core.linegeo import LineGeo

        if isinstance(other, Point):
            return self.intersect_a_p(other)
        elif not(self.BB.hasintersection(other.BB)):
            return False
        elif isinstance(other, LineGeo):
            return other.intersect_l_a(self)
        elif isinstance(other, ArcGeo):
            return self.intersect_a_a(other)
            logger.error("Unsupported Instance: %s" % other.type)

    def intersect_a_a(self, other):
        Check if there is an intersection of two arcs
        @param, a second arc which shall be checked for intersection
        @return: True if there is an intersection
        inter = self.find_inter_point_a_a(other)
        return not(inter is None)

    def intersect_a_p(self, other):
        Check if there is an intersection of an point and a arc
        @param, a second arc which shall be checked for intersection
        @return: True if there is an intersection
        # No intersection possible if point is not within radius
        if not(abs(self.O.distance(other) - self.r) < abs):
            return False
        elif self.PointAng_withinArc(other):
            return True
            return False

    def isHit(self, caller, xy, tol):
        tol2 = tol**2
        segments = int(abs(degrees(self.ext)) // 3 + 1)
        Ps = self.O.get_arc_point(self.s_ang, self.r)
        for i in range(1, segments + 1):
            Pe = self.get_point_from_start(i, segments)
            if xy.distance2_to_line(Ps, Pe) <= tol2:
                return True
            Ps = Pe
        return False

    def make_abs_geo(self, parent=None):
        Generates the absolute geometry based on itself and the parent. This
        is done for rotating and scaling purposes
        Ps = self.Ps.rot_sca_abs(parent=parent)
        Pe = self.Pe.rot_sca_abs(parent=parent)
        O = self.O.rot_sca_abs(parent=parent)
        r = self.scaled_r(self.r, parent)

        direction = 1 if self.ext > 0.0 else -1

        if parent is not None and[0] *[1] < 0.0:
            direction *= -1

        self.abs_geo = ArcGeo(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pe, O=O, r=r, direction=direction)

    def make_path(self, caller, drawHorLine):
        segments = int(abs(degrees(self.ext)) // 3 + 1)
        Ps = self.O.get_arc_point(self.s_ang, self.r)

        for i in range(1, segments + 1):
            Pe = self.get_point_from_start(i, segments)
            drawHorLine(caller, Ps, Pe)
            Ps = Pe

    def PointAng_withinArc(self, Point):
        Check if the angle defined by Point is within the span of the arc.
        @param Point: The Point which angle to be checked
        @return: True or False
        if self.ext == 0.0:
            return False

        v = self.dif_ang(self.Ps, Point, self.ext) / self.ext
        return v >= 0.0 and v <= 1.0

    def reverse(self):
        Reverses the direction of the arc (switch direction).
        self.Ps, self.Pe = self.Pe, self.Ps
        self.s_ang, self.e_ang = self.e_ang, self.s_ang
        self.ext = -self.ext
        if self.abs_geo:

    def scaled_r(self, r, parent):
        Scales the radius based on the scale given in its parents. This is done
        @param r: The radius which shall be scaled
        @param parent: The parent Entity (Instance: EntityContentClass)
        @return: The scaled radius
        # Rekursive Schleife falls mehrfach verschachtelt.
        # Recursive loop if nested.
        if parent is not None:
            r *=[0]
            r = self.scaled_r(r, parent.parent)

        return r

    def split_into_2geos(self, ipoint=Point()):
        Splits the given geometry into 2 geometries. The
        geometry will be splitted at ipoint.
        @param ipoint: The Point where the intersection occures
        @return: A list of 2 ArcGeo's will be returned.

        # Generate the 2 geometries and their bounding boxes.
        Arc1 = ArcGeo(Ps=self.Ps, Pe=ipoint, r=self.r,
                       O=self.O, direction=self.ext)

        Arc2 = ArcGeo(Ps=ipoint, Pe=self.Pe, r=self.r,
                       O=self.O, direction=self.ext)
        return [Arc1, Arc2]

    def toShortString(self):
        return "(%f, %f) -> (%f, %f)" % (self.Ps.x, self.Ps.y, self.Pe.x, self.Pe.y)

    def tr(self, string_to_translate):
        Translate a string using the QCoreApplication translation framework
        @param string_to_translate: a unicode string
        @return: the translated unicode string if it was possible to translate
        return text_type(QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate('ArcGeo',

    def trim(self, Point, dir=1, rev_norm=False):
        This instance is used to trim the geometry at the given point. The point
        can be a point on the offset geometry a perpendicular point on line will
        be used for trimming.
        @param Point: The point / perpendicular point for new Geometry
        @param dir: The direction in which the geometry will be kept (1  means the
        beginn will be trimmed)
        @param rev_norm: If the direction of the point is on the reversed side.

        # logger.debug("I'm getting trimmed: %s, %s, %s, %s" % (self, Point, dir, rev_norm))
        newPoint = self.O.get_arc_point(self.O.norm_angle(Point), r=self.r)
        new_normal = newPoint.unit_vector(self.O, r=1)

        # logger.debug(newPoint)
        [Arc1, Arc2] = self.split_into_2geos(newPoint)

        if dir == -1:
            new_arc = Arc1
            if hasattr(self, "end_normal"):
                # new_arc.end_normal = self.end_normal
                # new_arc.start_normal = new_normal

                new_arc.end_normal = new_normal
                new_arc.start_normal = self.start_normal
            # logger.debug(new_arc)
            return new_arc
            new_arc = Arc2
            if hasattr(self, "end_normal"):
                # new_arc.end_normal = new_normal
                # new_arc.start_normal = self.start_normal

                new_arc.end_normal = self.end_normal
                new_arc.start_normal = new_normal
            # logger.debug(new_arc)
            return new_arc
        # return self

    def update_start_end_points(self, start_point, value):
        prv_dir = self.ext
        if start_point:
            self.Ps = value
            self.s_ang = self.O.norm_angle(self.Ps)
            self.Pe = value
            self.e_ang = self.O.norm_angle(self.Pe)

        self.ext = self.dif_ang(self.Ps, self.Pe, self.ext)

        if 2 * abs(((prv_dir - self.ext) + pi) % (2 * pi) - pi) >= pi:
            # seems very unlikely that this is what you want - the direction changed (too drastically)
            self.Ps, self.Pe = self.Pe, self.Ps
            self.s_ang, self.e_ang = self.e_ang, self.s_ang
            self.ext = self.dif_ang(self.Ps, self.Pe, prv_dir)

        self.length = self.r * abs(self.ext)

    def wrap(self, angle, isend=0):
        Wrapes the given angle into a range between 0 and 2pi
        @param angle: The angle to be wraped
        @param isend: If the angle is the end angle or start angle, this makes a
        difference at 0 or 2pi.
        @return: Returns the angle between 0 and 2 *pi
        wrap_angle = angle % (2 * pi)
        if isend and wrap_angle == 0.0:
            wrap_angle += 2 * pi
        elif wrap_angle == 2 * pi:
            wrap_angle -= 2 * pi

        return wrap_angle

    def Write_GCode(self, PostPro=None):
        Writes the GCODE for an Arc.
        @param PostPro: The PostProcessor instance to be used
        @return: Returns the string to be written to a file.
        Ps, s_ang = self.get_start_end_points(True, True)
        Pe, e_ang = self.get_start_end_points(False, True)

        O = self.O
        r = self.r
        IJ = O - Ps

        # If the radius of the element is bigger than the max, radius export the element as an line.
        if r > PostPro.vars.General["max_arc_radius"]:
            string = PostPro.lin_pol_xy(Ps, Pe)
            if self.ext > 0:
                string = PostPro.lin_pol_arc("ccw", Ps, Pe, s_ang, e_ang, r, O, IJ,self.ext)
            elif self.ext < 0 and PostPro.vars.General["export_ccw_arcs_only"]:
                string = PostPro.lin_pol_arc("ccw", Pe, Ps, e_ang, s_ang, r, O, O - Pe,self.ext)
                string = PostPro.lin_pol_arc("cw", Ps, Pe, s_ang, e_ang, r, O, IJ,self.ext)
        return string