class GLWidget(CanvasBase): CAM_LEFT_X = -0.5 CAM_RIGHT_X = 0.5 CAM_BOTTOM_Y = 0.5 CAM_TOP_Y = -0.5 CAM_NEAR_Z = -14.0 CAM_FAR_Z = 14.0 COLOR_BACKGROUND = QColor.fromHsl(160, 0, 255, 255) COLOR_NORMAL = QColor.fromCmykF(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) COLOR_SELECT = QColor.fromCmykF(0.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) COLOR_NORMAL_DISABLED = QColor.fromCmykF(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.25) COLOR_SELECT_DISABLED = QColor.fromCmykF(0.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 0.25) COLOR_ENTRY_ARROW = QColor.fromRgbF(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) COLOR_EXIT_ARROW = QColor.fromRgbF(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) COLOR_ROUTE = QColor.fromRgbF(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) COLOR_STMOVE = QColor.fromRgbF(0.5, 0.0, 0.25, 1.0) COLOR_BREAK = QColor.fromRgbF(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.7) COLOR_LEFT = QColor.fromHsl(134, 240, 130, 255) COLOR_RIGHT = QColor.fromHsl(186, 240, 130, 255) def __init__(self, parent=None): super(GLWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.shapes = Shapes([]) self.orientation = 0 self.wpZero = 0 self.routearrows = [] self.expprv = None self.isPanning = False self.isRotating = False self.isMultiSelect = False self._lastPos = QPoint() self.posX = 0.0 self.posY = 0.0 self.posZ = 0.0 self.rotX = 0.0 self.rotY = 0.0 self.rotZ = 0.0 self.scale = 1.0 self.scaleCorr = 1.0 self.showPathDirections = False self.showDisabledPaths = False self.BB = BoundingBox() self.tol = 0 def tr(self, string_to_translate): """ Translate a string using the QCoreApplication translation framework @param string_to_translate: a unicode string @return: the translated unicode string if it was possible to translate """ return text_type(QCoreApplication.translate('GLWidget', string_to_translate)) def resetAll(self): # the wpzero is currently generated "last" if self.wpZero > 0: GL.glDeleteLists(self.orientation + 1, self.wpZero - self.orientation) self.shapes = Shapes([]) self.wpZero = 0 self.delete_opt_paths() self.posX = 0.0 self.posY = 0.0 self.posZ = 0.0 self.rotX = 0.0 self.rotY = 0.0 self.rotZ = 0.0 self.scale = 1.0 self.BB = BoundingBox() self.update() def delete_opt_paths(self): if len(self.routearrows) > 0: GL.glDeleteLists(self.routearrows[0][2], len(self.routearrows)) self.routearrows = [] def addexproutest(self): self.expprv = Point3D(g.config.vars.Plane_Coordinates['axis1_start_end'], g.config.vars.Plane_Coordinates['axis2_start_end'], 0) def addexproute(self, exp_order, layer_nr): """ This function initialises the Arrows of the export route order and its numbers. """ for shape_nr in range(len(exp_order)): shape = self.shapes[exp_order[shape_nr]] st = self.expprv en, self.expprv = shape.get_start_end_points_physical() en = en.to3D(shape.axis3_start_mill_depth) self.expprv = self.expprv.to3D(shape.axis3_mill_depth) self.routearrows.append([st, en, 0]) # TODO self.routetext.append(RouteText(text=("%s,%s" % (layer_nr, shape_nr+1)), startp=en)) def addexprouteen(self): st = self.expprv en = Point3D(g.config.vars.Plane_Coordinates['axis1_start_end'], g.config.vars.Plane_Coordinates['axis2_start_end'], 0) self.routearrows.append([st, en, 0]) for route in self.routearrows: route[2] = self.makeRouteArrowHead(route[0], route[1]) def contextMenuEvent(self, event): if not self.isRotating: clicked, offset, _ = self.getClickedDetails(event) MyDropDownMenu(self, event.globalPos(), clicked, offset) def setXRotation(self, angle): self.rotX = self.normalizeAngle(angle) def setYRotation(self, angle): self.rotY = self.normalizeAngle(angle) def setZRotation(self, angle): self.rotZ = self.normalizeAngle(angle) def normalizeAngle(self, angle): return (angle - 180) % -360 + 180 def mousePressEvent(self, event): if self.isPanning or self.isRotating: self.setCursor(Qt.ClosedHandCursor) elif event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: clicked, offset, tol = self.getClickedDetails(event) xyForZ = {} for shape in self.shapes: hit = False z = shape.axis3_start_mill_depth if z not in xyForZ: xyForZ[z] = self.determineSelectedPosition(clicked, z, offset) hit |= shape.isHit(xyForZ[z], tol) if not hit: z = shape.axis3_mill_depth if z not in xyForZ: xyForZ[z] = self.determineSelectedPosition(clicked, z, offset) hit |= shape.isHit(xyForZ[z], tol) if self.isMultiSelect and shape.selected: hit = not hit if hit != shape.selected: g.window.TreeHandler.updateShapeSelection(shape, hit) shape.selected = hit self.update() self._lastPos = event.pos() def getClickedDetails(self, event): min_side = min(self.frameSize().width(), self.frameSize().height()) clicked = Point((event.pos().x() - self.frameSize().width() / 2), (event.pos().y() - self.frameSize().height() / 2)) / min_side / self.scale offset = Point3D(-self.posX, -self.posY, -self.posZ) / self.scale tol = 4 * self.scaleCorr / min_side / self.scale return clicked, offset, tol def determineSelectedPosition(self, clicked, forZ, offset): angleX = -radians(self.rotX) angleY = -radians(self.rotY) zv = forZ - offset.z clickedZ = ((zv + clicked.x * sin(angleY)) / cos(angleY) - clicked.y * sin(angleX)) / cos(angleX) sx, sy, sz = self.deRotate(clicked.x, clicked.y, clickedZ) return Point(sx + offset.x, - sy - offset.y) #, sz + offset.z def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton or event.button() == Qt.RightButton: if self.isPanning: self.setCursor(Qt.OpenHandCursor) elif self.isRotating: self.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): dx = event.pos().x() - self._lastPos.x() dy = event.pos().y() - self._lastPos.y() if self.isRotating: if event.buttons() == Qt.LeftButton: self.setXRotation(self.rotX - dy / 2) self.setYRotation(self.rotY + dx / 2) elif event.buttons() == Qt.RightButton: self.setXRotation(self.rotX - dy / 2) self.setZRotation(self.rotZ + dx / 2) elif self.isPanning: if event.buttons() == Qt.LeftButton: min_side = min(self.frameSize().width(), self.frameSize().height()) dx, dy, dz = self.deRotate(dx, dy, 0) self.posX += dx / min_side self.posY += dy / min_side self.posZ += dz / min_side self._lastPos = event.pos() self.update() def wheelEvent(self, event): min_side = min(self.frameSize().width(), self.frameSize().height()) x = (event.pos().x() - self.frameSize().width() / 2) / min_side y = (event.pos().y() - self.frameSize().height() / 2) / min_side s = 1.001 ** event.angleDelta().y() x, y, z = self.deRotate(x, y, 0) self.posX = (self.posX - x) * s + x self.posY = (self.posY - y) * s + y self.posZ = (self.posZ - z) * s + z self.scale *= s self.update() def rotate(self, x, y, z): angleZ = radians(self.rotZ) x, y, z = x*cos(angleZ) - y*sin(angleZ), x*sin(angleZ) + y*cos(angleZ), z angleY = radians(self.rotY) x, y, z = x*cos(angleY) + z*sin(angleY), y, -x*sin(angleY) + z*cos(angleY) angleX = radians(self.rotX) return x, y*cos(angleX) - z*sin(angleX), y*sin(angleX) + z*cos(angleX) def deRotate(self, x, y, z): angleX = -radians(self.rotX) x, y, z = x, y*cos(angleX) - z*sin(angleX), y*sin(angleX) + z*cos(angleX) angleY = -radians(self.rotY) x, y, z = x*cos(angleY) + z*sin(angleY), y, -x*sin(angleY) + z*cos(angleY) angleZ = -radians(self.rotZ) return x*cos(angleZ) - y*sin(angleZ), x*sin(angleZ) + y*cos(angleZ), z def getRotationVectors(self, orgRefVector, toRefVector): """ Generate a rotation matrix such that toRefVector = matrix * orgRefVector @param orgRefVector: A 3D unit vector @param toRefVector: A 3D unit vector @return: 3 vectors such that matrix = [vx; vy; vz] """ # based on: # if orgRefVector == toRefVector: return Point3D(1, 0, 0), Point3D(0, 1, 0), Point3D(0, 0, 1) v = orgRefVector.cross_product(toRefVector) mn = (1 - orgRefVector * toRefVector) / v.length_squared() vx = Point3D(1, -v.z, v.y) + mn * Point3D(-v.y**2 - v.z**2, v.x * v.y, v.x * v.z) vy = Point3D(v.z, 1, -v.x) + mn * Point3D(v.x * v.y, -v.x**2 - v.z**2, v.y * v.z) vz = Point3D(-v.y, v.x, 1) + mn * Point3D(v.x * v.z, v.y * v.z, -v.x**2 - v.y**2) return vx, vy, vz def initializeGL(self): logger.debug("Using OpenGL version: %s") % GL.glGetString(GL.GL_VERSION).decode("utf-8")) self.setClearColor(GLWidget.COLOR_BACKGROUND) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_MULTISAMPLE) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) GL.glHint(GL.GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, GL.GL_NICEST) # GL.glPolygonMode(GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL.GL_LINE) GL.glShadeModel(GL.GL_SMOOTH) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_CULL_FACE) # GL.glEnable(GL.GL_LIGHTING) # GL.glEnable(GL.GL_LIGHT0) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_BLEND) GL.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) # GL.glLightfv(GL.GL_LIGHT0, GL.GL_POSITION, (0.5, 5.0, 7.0, 1.0)) # GL.glEnable(GL.GL_NORMALIZE) self.drawOrientationArrows() def paintGL(self): # The last transformation you specify takes place first. GL.glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) GL.glLoadIdentity() GL.glRotatef(self.rotX, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) GL.glRotatef(self.rotY, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) GL.glRotatef(self.rotZ, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) GL.glTranslatef(self.posX, self.posY, self.posZ) GL.glScalef(self.scale, self.scale, self.scale) for shape in self.shapes.selected_iter(): if not shape.disabled: self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_STMOVE) GL.glCallList(shape.drawStMove) self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_SELECT) GL.glCallList(shape.drawObject) elif self.showDisabledPaths: self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_SELECT_DISABLED) GL.glCallList(shape.drawObject) for shape in self.shapes.not_selected_iter(): if not shape.disabled: if shape.parentLayer.isBreakLayer(): self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_BREAK) elif shape.cut_cor == 41: self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_LEFT) elif shape.cut_cor == 42: self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_RIGHT) else: self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_NORMAL) GL.glCallList(shape.drawObject) if self.showPathDirections: self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_STMOVE) GL.glCallList(shape.drawStMove) elif self.showDisabledPaths: self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_NORMAL_DISABLED) GL.glCallList(shape.drawObject) # optimization route arrows self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_ROUTE) GL.glBegin(GL.GL_LINES) for route in self.routearrows: start = route[0] end = route[1] GL.glVertex3f(start.x, -start.y, start.z) GL.glVertex3f(end.x, -end.y, end.z) GL.glEnd() GL.glScalef(self.scaleCorr / self.scale, self.scaleCorr / self.scale, self.scaleCorr / self.scale) scaleArrow = self.scale / self.scaleCorr for route in self.routearrows: end = scaleArrow * route[1] GL.glTranslatef(end.x, -end.y, end.z) GL.glCallList(route[2]) GL.glTranslatef(-end.x, end.y, -end.z) # direction arrows for shape in self.shapes: if shape.selected and (not shape.disabled or self.showDisabledPaths) or\ self.showPathDirections and not shape.disabled: start, end = shape.get_start_end_points_physical() start = scaleArrow * start.to3D(shape.axis3_start_mill_depth) end = scaleArrow * end.to3D(shape.axis3_mill_depth) GL.glTranslatef(start.x, -start.y, start.z) GL.glCallList(shape.drawArrowsDirection[0]) GL.glTranslatef(-start.x, start.y, -start.z) GL.glTranslatef(end.x, -end.y, end.z) GL.glCallList(shape.drawArrowsDirection[1]) GL.glTranslatef(-end.x, end.y, -end.z) if self.wpZero > 0: GL.glCallList(self.wpZero) GL.glTranslatef(-self.posX / self.scaleCorr, -self.posY / self.scaleCorr, -self.posZ / self.scaleCorr) GL.glCallList(self.orientation) def resizeGL(self, width, height): GL.glViewport(0, 0, width, height) side = min(width, height) GL.glMatrixMode(GL.GL_PROJECTION) GL.glLoadIdentity() if width >= height: scale_x = width / height GL.glOrtho(GLWidget.CAM_LEFT_X * scale_x, GLWidget.CAM_RIGHT_X * scale_x, GLWidget.CAM_BOTTOM_Y, GLWidget.CAM_TOP_Y, GLWidget.CAM_NEAR_Z, GLWidget.CAM_FAR_Z) else: scale_y = height / width GL.glOrtho(GLWidget.CAM_LEFT_X, GLWidget.CAM_RIGHT_X, GLWidget.CAM_BOTTOM_Y * scale_y, GLWidget.CAM_TOP_Y * scale_y, GLWidget.CAM_NEAR_Z, GLWidget.CAM_FAR_Z) self.scaleCorr = 400 / side GL.glMatrixMode(GL.GL_MODELVIEW) def setClearColor(self, c): GL.glClearColor(c.redF(), c.greenF(), c.blueF(), c.alphaF()) def setColor(self, c): self.setColorRGBA(c.redF(), c.greenF(), c.blueF(), c.alphaF()) def setColorRGBA(self, r, g, b, a): # GL.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_DIFFUSE, (r, g, b, a)) GL.glColor4f(r, g, b, a) def plotAll(self, shapes): for shape in shapes: self.paint_shape(shape) self.shapes.append(shape) self.drawWpZero() def repaint_shape(self, shape): GL.glDeleteLists(shape.drawObject, 4) self.paint_shape(shape) def paint_shape(self, shape): shape.drawObject = self.makeShape(shape) # 1 object shape.stmove = StMove(shape) shape.drawStMove = self.makeStMove(shape.stmove) # 1 object shape.drawArrowsDirection = self.makeDirArrows(shape) # 2 objects def makeShape(self, shape): genList = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(genList, GL.GL_COMPILE) GL.glBegin(GL.GL_LINES) shape.make_path(self.drawHorLine, self.drawVerLine) GL.glEnd() GL.glEndList() self.BB = self.BB.joinBB(shape.BB) return genList def makeStMove(self, stmove): genList = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(genList, GL.GL_COMPILE) GL.glBegin(GL.GL_LINES) stmove.make_path(self.drawHorLine, self.drawVerLine) GL.glEnd() GL.glEndList() return genList def drawHorLine(self, caller, Ps, Pe): GL.glVertex3f(Ps.x, -Ps.y, caller.axis3_start_mill_depth) GL.glVertex3f(Pe.x, -Pe.y, caller.axis3_start_mill_depth) GL.glVertex3f(Ps.x, -Ps.y, caller.axis3_mill_depth) GL.glVertex3f(Pe.x, -Pe.y, caller.axis3_mill_depth) def drawVerLine(self, caller, Ps): GL.glVertex3f(Ps.x, -Ps.y, caller.axis3_start_mill_depth) GL.glVertex3f(Ps.x, -Ps.y, caller.axis3_mill_depth) def drawOrientationArrows(self): rCone = 0.01 rCylinder = 0.004 zTop = 0.05 zMiddle = 0.02 zBottom = -0.03 segments = 20 arrow = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(arrow, GL.GL_COMPILE) self.drawCone(Point(), rCone, zTop, zMiddle, segments) self.drawSolidCircle(Point(), rCone, zMiddle, segments) self.drawCylinder(Point(), rCylinder, zMiddle, zBottom, segments) self.drawSolidCircle(Point(), rCylinder, zBottom, segments) GL.glEndList() self.orientation = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(self.orientation, GL.GL_COMPILE) self.setColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5) GL.glCallList(arrow) GL.glRotatef(90, 0, 1, 0) self.setColorRGBA(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) GL.glCallList(arrow) GL.glRotatef(90, 1, 0, 0) self.setColorRGBA(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5) GL.glCallList(arrow) GL.glEndList() def drawWpZero(self): r = 0.02 segments = 20 # must be a multiple of 4 self.wpZero = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(self.wpZero, GL.GL_COMPILE) self.setColorRGBA(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.7) self.drawSphere(r, segments, segments // 4, segments, segments // 4) GL.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) GL.glVertex3f(0, 0, 0) for i in range(segments // 4 + 1): ang = -i * 2 * pi / segments xy2 = Point().get_arc_point(ang, r) # GL.glNormal3f(0, -1, 0) GL.glVertex3f(xy2.x, 0, xy2.y) for i in range(segments // 4 + 1): ang = -i * 2 * pi / segments xy2 = Point().get_arc_point(ang, r) # GL.glNormal3f(-1, 0, 0) GL.glVertex3f(0, -xy2.y, -xy2.x) for i in range(segments // 4 + 1): ang = -i * 2 * pi / segments xy2 = Point().get_arc_point(ang, r) # GL.glNormal3f(0, 0, 1) GL.glVertex3f(-xy2.y, xy2.x, 0) GL.glEnd() self.setColorRGBA(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.5) self.drawSphere(r * 1.25, segments, segments, segments, segments) GL.glEndList() def drawSphere(self, r, lats, mlats, longs, mlongs): lats //= 2 # based on for i in range(mlats): lat0 = pi * (-0.5 + i / lats) z0 = r * sin(lat0) zr0 = r * cos(lat0) lat1 = pi * (-0.5 + (i + 1) / lats) z1 = r * sin(lat1) zr1 = r * cos(lat1) GL.glBegin(GL.GL_QUAD_STRIP) for j in range(mlongs + 1): lng = 2 * pi * j / longs x = cos(lng) y = sin(lng) GL.glNormal3f(x * zr0, y * zr0, z0) GL.glVertex3f(x * zr0, y * zr0, z0) GL.glNormal3f(x * zr1, y * zr1, z1) GL.glVertex3f(x * zr1, y * zr1, z1) GL.glEnd() def drawSolidCircle(self, origin, r, z, segments): GL.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) # GL.glNormal3f(0, 0, -1) GL.glVertex3f(origin.x, -origin.y, z) for i in range(segments + 1): ang = -i * 2 * pi / segments xy2 = origin.get_arc_point(ang, r) GL.glVertex3f(xy2.x, -xy2.y, z) GL.glEnd() def drawCone(self, origin, r, zTop, zBottom, segments): GL.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) GL.glVertex3f(origin.x, -origin.y, zTop) for i in range(segments + 1): ang = i * 2 * pi / segments xy2 = origin.get_arc_point(ang, r) # GL.glNormal3f(xy2.x, -xy2.y, zBottom) GL.glVertex3f(xy2.x, -xy2.y, zBottom) GL.glEnd() def drawCylinder(self, origin, r, zTop, zBottom, segments): GL.glBegin(GL.GL_QUAD_STRIP) for i in range(segments + 1): ang = i * 2 * pi / segments xy = origin.get_arc_point(ang, r) # GL.glNormal3f(xy.x, -xy.y, 0) GL.glVertex3f(xy.x, -xy.y, zTop) GL.glVertex3f(xy.x, -xy.y, zBottom) GL.glEnd() def makeDirArrows(self, shape): (start, start_dir), (end, end_dir) = shape.get_start_end_points_physical(None, False) startArrow = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(startArrow, GL.GL_COMPILE) self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_ENTRY_ARROW) self.drawDirArrow(Point3D(), start_dir.to3D(), True) GL.glEndList() endArrow = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(endArrow, GL.GL_COMPILE) self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_EXIT_ARROW) self.drawDirArrow(Point3D(), end_dir.to3D(), False) GL.glEndList() return startArrow, endArrow def drawDirArrow(self, origin, direction, startError): offset = 0.0 if startError else 0.05 zMiddle = -0.02 + offset zBottom = -0.05 + offset rx, ry, rz = self.getRotationVectors(Point3D(0, 0, 1), direction) self.drawArrowHead(origin, rx, ry, rz, offset) GL.glBegin(GL.GL_LINES) zeroMiddle = Point3D(0, 0, zMiddle) GL.glVertex3f(zeroMiddle * rx + origin.x, -zeroMiddle * ry - origin.y, zeroMiddle * rz + origin.z) zeroBottom = Point3D(0, 0, zBottom) GL.glVertex3f(zeroBottom * rx + origin.x, -zeroBottom * ry - origin.y, zeroBottom * rz + origin.z) GL.glEnd() def makeRouteArrowHead(self, start, end): if end == start: direction = Point3D(0, 0, 1) else: direction = (end - start).unit_vector() rx, ry, rz = self.getRotationVectors(Point3D(0, 0, 1), direction) head = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(head, GL.GL_COMPILE) self.drawArrowHead(Point3D(), rx, ry, rz, 0) GL.glEndList() return head def drawArrowHead(self, origin, rx, ry, rz, offset): r = 0.01 segments = 10 zTop = 0 + offset zBottom = -0.02 + offset GL.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) zeroTop = Point3D(0, 0, zTop) GL.glVertex3f(zeroTop * rx + origin.x, -zeroTop * ry - origin.y, zeroTop * rz + origin.z) for i in range(segments + 1): ang = i * 2 * pi / segments xy2 = Point().get_arc_point(ang, r).to3D(zBottom) GL.glVertex3f(xy2 * rx + origin.x, -xy2 * ry - origin.y, xy2 * rz + origin.z) GL.glEnd() GL.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) zeroBottom = Point3D(0, 0, zBottom) GL.glVertex3f(zeroBottom * rx + origin.x, -zeroBottom * ry - origin.y, zeroBottom * rz + origin.z) for i in range(segments + 1): ang = -i * 2 * pi / segments xy2 = Point().get_arc_point(ang, r).to3D(zBottom) GL.glVertex3f(xy2 * rx + origin.x, -xy2 * ry - origin.y, xy2 * rz + origin.z) GL.glEnd() def setShowPathDirections(self, flag): self.showPathDirections = flag def setShowDisabledPaths(self, flag=True): self.showDisabledPaths = flag def autoscale(self): # TODO currently only works correctly when object is not rotated if self.frameSize().width() >= self.frameSize().height(): aspect_scale_x = self.frameSize().width() / self.frameSize().height() aspect_scale_y = 1 else: aspect_scale_x = 1 aspect_scale_y = self.frameSize().height() / self.frameSize().width() scaleX = (GLWidget.CAM_RIGHT_X - GLWidget.CAM_LEFT_X) * aspect_scale_x / (self.BB.Pe.x - self.BB.Ps.x) scaleY = (GLWidget.CAM_BOTTOM_Y - GLWidget.CAM_TOP_Y) * aspect_scale_y / (self.BB.Pe.y - self.BB.Ps.y) self.scale = min(scaleX, scaleY) * 0.95 self.posX = ((GLWidget.CAM_LEFT_X + GLWidget.CAM_RIGHT_X) * 0.95 * aspect_scale_x - (self.BB.Ps.x + self.BB.Pe.x) * self.scale) / 2 self.posY = -((GLWidget.CAM_TOP_Y + GLWidget.CAM_BOTTOM_Y) * 0.95 * aspect_scale_y - (self.BB.Pe.y + self.BB.Ps.y) * self.scale) / 2 self.posZ = 0 self.update() def topView(self): self.rotX = 0 self.rotY = 0 self.rotZ = 0 self.update() def isometricView(self): self.rotX = -22 self.rotY = -22 self.rotZ = 0 self.update()
class MyGraphicsScene(QGraphicsScene): """ This is the Canvas used to print the graphical interface of dxf2gcode. The Scene is rendered into the previously defined mygraphicsView class. All performed plotting functions should be defined here. @sideeffect: None """ def __init__(self): QGraphicsScene.__init__(self) self.shapes = [] self.wpzero = None self.routearrows = [] self.routetext = [] self.expprv = None self.expcol = None self.expnr = 0 self.showDisabledPaths = False self.BB = BoundingBox() def tr(self, string_to_translate): """ Translate a string using the QCoreApplication translation framework @param string_to_translate: a unicode string @return: the translated unicode string if it was possible to translate """ return text_type( QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate('MyGraphicsScene', string_to_translate)) def plotAll(self, shapes): """ Instance is called by the Main Window after the defined file is loaded. It generates all ploting functionality. The parameters are generally used to scale or offset the base geometry (by Menu in GUI). """ for shape in shapes: self.paint_shape(shape) self.addItem(shape) self.shapes.append(shape) self.draw_wp_zero() self.update() def repaint_shape(self, shape): # setParentItem(None) might let it crash, hence we rely on the garbage collector shape.stmove.hide() shape.starrow.hide() shape.enarrow.hide() del shape.stmove del shape.starrow del shape.enarrow self.paint_shape(shape) if not shape.isSelected(): shape.stmove.hide() shape.starrow.hide() shape.enarrow.hide() def paint_shape(self, shape): """ Create all plotting related parts of one shape. @param shape: The shape to be plotted. """ start, start_ang = shape.get_start_end_points(True, True) shape.path = QPainterPath() shape.path.moveTo(start.x, -start.y) drawHorLine = lambda caller, start, end: shape.path.lineTo( end.x, -end.y) drawVerLine = lambda caller, start: None # Not used in 2D mode shape.make_path(drawHorLine, drawVerLine) self.BB = self.BB.joinBB(shape.BB) shape.stmove = self.createstmove(shape) shape.starrow = self.createstarrow(shape) shape.enarrow = self.createenarrow(shape) shape.stmove.setParentItem(shape) shape.starrow.setParentItem(shape) shape.enarrow.setParentItem(shape) def draw_wp_zero(self): """ This function is called while the drawing of all items is done. It plots the WPZero to the Point x=0 and y=0. This item will be enabled or disabled to be shown or not. """ self.wpzero = WpZero(QtCore.QPointF(0, 0)) self.addItem(self.wpzero) def createstarrow(self, shape): """ This function creates the Arrows at the end point of a shape when the shape is selected. @param shape: The shape for which the Arrow shall be created. """ length = 20 start, start_ang = shape.get_start_end_points_physical(True, True) arrow = Arrow(startp=start, length=length, angle=start_ang, color=QColor(50, 200, 255), pencolor=QColor(50, 100, 255)) return arrow def createenarrow(self, shape): """ This function creates the Arrows at the end point of a shape when the shape is selected. @param shape: The shape for which the Arrow shall be created. """ length = 20 end, end_ang = shape.get_start_end_points_physical(False, True) arrow = Arrow(startp=end, length=length, angle=end_ang, color=QColor(0, 245, 100), pencolor=QColor(0, 180, 50), startarrow=False) return arrow def createstmove(self, shape): """ This function creates the Additional Start and End Moves in the plot window when the shape is selected @param shape: The shape for which the Move shall be created. """ stmove = StMoveGUI(shape) return stmove def delete_opt_paths(self): """ This function deletes all the plotted export routes. """ # removeItem might let it crash, hence we rely on the garbage collector while self.routearrows: item = self.routearrows.pop() item.hide() del item while self.routetext: item = self.routetext.pop() item.hide() del item def addexproutest(self): self.expprv = Point(g.config.vars.Plane_Coordinates['axis1_start_end'], g.config.vars.Plane_Coordinates['axis2_start_end']) self.expcol = QtCore.Qt.darkRed def addexproute(self, exp_order, layer_nr): """ This function initialises the Arrows of the export route order and its numbers. """ for shape_nr in range(len(exp_order)): shape = self.shapes[exp_order[shape_nr]] st = self.expprv en = None # if hasattr(shape.geos[0], "type") and shape.geos[0].type is "Circle": # en,self.expprv = shape.geos[0].O,shape # else: en, self.expprv = shape.get_start_end_points_physical() if (hasattr(shape.geos[0], "type") and shape.geos[0].type is "Circle"): self.expcol = QtCore.Qt.darkGreen self.routearrows.append( Arrow(startp=en, endp=st, color=self.expcol, pencolor=self.expcol)) self.expcol = QtCore.Qt.darkGray self.routetext.append( RouteText(text=("%s,%s" % (layer_nr, shape_nr + 1)), startp=en)) # self.routetext[-1].ItemIgnoresTransformations self.addItem(self.routearrows[-1]) self.addItem(self.routetext[-1]) def addexprouteen(self): st = self.expprv en = Point(g.config.vars.Plane_Coordinates['axis1_start_end'], g.config.vars.Plane_Coordinates['axis2_start_end']) self.expcol = QtCore.Qt.darkRed self.routearrows.append( Arrow(startp=en, endp=st, color=self.expcol, pencolor=self.expcol)) self.addItem(self.routearrows[-1]) def setShowDisabledPaths(self, flag): """ This function is called by the Main Menu and is passed from Main to MyGraphicsView to the Scene. It performs the showing or hiding of enabled/disabled shapes. @param flag: This flag is true if hidden paths shall be shown """ self.showDisabledPaths = flag for shape in self.shapes: if flag and shape.isDisabled(): elif not flag and shape.isDisabled(): shape.hide()
class GLWidget(CanvasBase): CAM_LEFT_X = -0.5 CAM_RIGHT_X = 0.5 CAM_BOTTOM_Y = 0.5 CAM_TOP_Y = -0.5 CAM_NEAR_Z = -14.0 CAM_FAR_Z = 14.0 COLOR_BACKGROUND = QColor.fromHsl(160, 0, 255, 255) COLOR_NORMAL = QColor.fromCmykF(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) COLOR_SELECT = QColor.fromCmykF(0.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 1.0) COLOR_NORMAL_DISABLED = QColor.fromCmykF(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.25) COLOR_SELECT_DISABLED = QColor.fromCmykF(0.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.0, 0.25) COLOR_ENTRY_ARROW = QColor.fromRgbF(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) COLOR_EXIT_ARROW = QColor.fromRgbF(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) COLOR_ROUTE = QColor.fromRgbF(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) COLOR_STMOVE = QColor.fromRgbF(0.5, 0.0, 0.25, 1.0) COLOR_BREAK = QColor.fromRgbF(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.7) COLOR_LEFT = QColor.fromHsl(134, 240, 130, 255) COLOR_RIGHT = QColor.fromHsl(186, 240, 130, 255) def __init__(self, parent=None): super(GLWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.shapes = Shapes([]) self.orientation = 0 self.wpZero = 0 self.routearrows = [] self.expprv = None self.isPanning = False self.isRotating = False self.isMultiSelect = False self._lastPos = QPoint() self.posX = 0.0 self.posY = 0.0 self.posZ = 0.0 self.rotX = 0.0 self.rotY = 0.0 self.rotZ = 0.0 self.scale = 1.0 self.scaleCorr = 1.0 self.showPathDirections = False self.showDisabledPaths = False self.BB = BoundingBox() self.tol = 0 def tr(self, string_to_translate): """ Translate a string using the QCoreApplication translation framework @param string_to_translate: a unicode string @return: the translated unicode string if it was possible to translate """ return text_type( QCoreApplication.translate('GLWidget', string_to_translate)) def resetAll(self): # the wpzero is currently generated "last" if self.wpZero > 0: GL.glDeleteLists(self.orientation + 1, self.wpZero - self.orientation) self.shapes = Shapes([]) self.wpZero = 0 self.delete_opt_paths() self.posX = 0.0 self.posY = 0.0 self.posZ = 0.0 self.rotX = 0.0 self.rotY = 0.0 self.rotZ = 0.0 self.scale = 1.0 self.BB = BoundingBox() self.update() def delete_opt_paths(self): if len(self.routearrows) > 0: GL.glDeleteLists(self.routearrows[0][2], len(self.routearrows)) self.routearrows = [] def addexproutest(self): self.expprv = Point3D( g.config.vars.Plane_Coordinates['axis1_start_end'], g.config.vars.Plane_Coordinates['axis2_start_end'], 0) def addexproute(self, exp_order, layer_nr): """ This function initialises the Arrows of the export route order and its numbers. """ for shape_nr in range(len(exp_order)): shape = self.shapes[exp_order[shape_nr]] st = self.expprv en, self.expprv = shape.get_start_end_points_physical() en = en.to3D(shape.axis3_start_mill_depth) self.expprv = self.expprv.to3D(shape.axis3_mill_depth) self.routearrows.append([st, en, 0]) # TODO self.routetext.append(RouteText(text=("%s,%s" % (layer_nr, shape_nr+1)), startp=en)) def addexprouteen(self): st = self.expprv en = Point3D(g.config.vars.Plane_Coordinates['axis1_start_end'], g.config.vars.Plane_Coordinates['axis2_start_end'], 0) self.routearrows.append([st, en, 0]) for route in self.routearrows: route[2] = self.makeRouteArrowHead(route[0], route[1]) def contextMenuEvent(self, event): if not self.isRotating: clicked, offset, _ = self.getClickedDetails(event) MyDropDownMenu(self, event.globalPos(), clicked, offset) def setXRotation(self, angle): self.rotX = self.normalizeAngle(angle) def setYRotation(self, angle): self.rotY = self.normalizeAngle(angle) def setZRotation(self, angle): self.rotZ = self.normalizeAngle(angle) def normalizeAngle(self, angle): return (angle - 180) % -360 + 180 def mousePressEvent(self, event): if self.isPanning or self.isRotating: self.setCursor(Qt.ClosedHandCursor) elif event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: clicked, offset, tol = self.getClickedDetails(event) xyForZ = {} for shape in self.shapes: hit = False z = shape.axis3_start_mill_depth if z not in xyForZ: xyForZ[z] = self.determineSelectedPosition( clicked, z, offset) hit |= shape.isHit(xyForZ[z], tol) if not hit: z = shape.axis3_mill_depth if z not in xyForZ: xyForZ[z] = self.determineSelectedPosition( clicked, z, offset) hit |= shape.isHit(xyForZ[z], tol) if self.isMultiSelect and shape.selected: hit = not hit if hit != shape.selected: g.window.TreeHandler.updateShapeSelection(shape, hit) shape.selected = hit self.update() self._lastPos = event.pos() def getClickedDetails(self, event): min_side = min(self.frameSize().width(), self.frameSize().height()) clicked = Point( (event.pos().x() - self.frameSize().width() / 2), (event.pos().y() - self.frameSize().height() / 2)) / min_side / self.scale offset = Point3D(-self.posX, -self.posY, -self.posZ) / self.scale tol = 4 * self.scaleCorr / min_side / self.scale return clicked, offset, tol def determineSelectedPosition(self, clicked, forZ, offset): angleX = -radians(self.rotX) angleY = -radians(self.rotY) zv = forZ - offset.z clickedZ = ((zv + clicked.x * sin(angleY)) / cos(angleY) - clicked.y * sin(angleX)) / cos(angleX) sx, sy, sz = self.deRotate(clicked.x, clicked.y, clickedZ) return Point(sx + offset.x, -sy - offset.y) #, sz + offset.z def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton or event.button() == Qt.RightButton: if self.isPanning: self.setCursor(Qt.OpenHandCursor) elif self.isRotating: self.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): dx = event.pos().x() - self._lastPos.x() dy = event.pos().y() - self._lastPos.y() if self.isRotating: if event.buttons() == Qt.LeftButton: self.setXRotation(self.rotX - dy / 2) self.setYRotation(self.rotY + dx / 2) elif event.buttons() == Qt.RightButton: self.setXRotation(self.rotX - dy / 2) self.setZRotation(self.rotZ + dx / 2) elif self.isPanning: if event.buttons() == Qt.LeftButton: min_side = min(self.frameSize().width(), self.frameSize().height()) dx, dy, dz = self.deRotate(dx, dy, 0) self.posX += dx / min_side self.posY += dy / min_side self.posZ += dz / min_side self._lastPos = event.pos() self.update() def wheelEvent(self, event): min_side = min(self.frameSize().width(), self.frameSize().height()) x = (event.pos().x() - self.frameSize().width() / 2) / min_side y = (event.pos().y() - self.frameSize().height() / 2) / min_side s = 1.001**event.angleDelta().y() x, y, z = self.deRotate(x, y, 0) self.posX = (self.posX - x) * s + x self.posY = (self.posY - y) * s + y self.posZ = (self.posZ - z) * s + z self.scale *= s self.update() def rotate(self, x, y, z): angleZ = radians(self.rotZ) x, y, z = x * cos(angleZ) - y * sin(angleZ), x * sin(angleZ) + y * cos( angleZ), z angleY = radians(self.rotY) x, y, z = x * cos(angleY) + z * sin(angleY), y, -x * sin( angleY) + z * cos(angleY) angleX = radians(self.rotX) return x, y * cos(angleX) - z * sin(angleX), y * sin(angleX) + z * cos( angleX) def deRotate(self, x, y, z): angleX = -radians(self.rotX) x, y, z = x, y * cos(angleX) - z * sin(angleX), y * sin( angleX) + z * cos(angleX) angleY = -radians(self.rotY) x, y, z = x * cos(angleY) + z * sin(angleY), y, -x * sin( angleY) + z * cos(angleY) angleZ = -radians(self.rotZ) return x * cos(angleZ) - y * sin(angleZ), x * sin(angleZ) + y * cos( angleZ), z def getRotationVectors(self, orgRefVector, toRefVector): """ Generate a rotation matrix such that toRefVector = matrix * orgRefVector @param orgRefVector: A 3D unit vector @param toRefVector: A 3D unit vector @return: 3 vectors such that matrix = [vx; vy; vz] """ # based on: # if orgRefVector == toRefVector: return Point3D(1, 0, 0), Point3D(0, 1, 0), Point3D(0, 0, 1) v = orgRefVector.cross_product(toRefVector) mn = (1 - orgRefVector * toRefVector) / v.length_squared() vx = Point3D( 1, -v.z, v.y) + mn * Point3D(-v.y**2 - v.z**2, v.x * v.y, v.x * v.z) vy = Point3D( v.z, 1, -v.x) + mn * Point3D(v.x * v.y, -v.x**2 - v.z**2, v.y * v.z) vz = Point3D(-v.y, v.x, 1) + mn * Point3D(v.x * v.z, v.y * v.z, -v.x**2 - v.y**2) return vx, vy, vz def initializeGL(self): logger.debug("Using OpenGL version: %s") % GL.glGetString(GL.GL_VERSION).decode("utf-8")) self.setClearColor(GLWidget.COLOR_BACKGROUND) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_MULTISAMPLE) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) GL.glHint(GL.GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, GL.GL_NICEST) # GL.glPolygonMode(GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL.GL_LINE) GL.glShadeModel(GL.GL_SMOOTH) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_CULL_FACE) # GL.glEnable(GL.GL_LIGHTING) # GL.glEnable(GL.GL_LIGHT0) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_BLEND) GL.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) # GL.glLightfv(GL.GL_LIGHT0, GL.GL_POSITION, (0.5, 5.0, 7.0, 1.0)) # GL.glEnable(GL.GL_NORMALIZE) self.drawOrientationArrows() def paintGL(self): # The last transformation you specify takes place first. GL.glClear(GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) GL.glLoadIdentity() GL.glRotatef(self.rotX, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) GL.glRotatef(self.rotY, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) GL.glRotatef(self.rotZ, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) GL.glTranslatef(self.posX, self.posY, self.posZ) GL.glScalef(self.scale, self.scale, self.scale) for shape in self.shapes.selected_iter(): if not shape.disabled: self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_STMOVE) GL.glCallList(shape.drawStMove) self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_SELECT) GL.glCallList(shape.drawObject) elif self.showDisabledPaths: self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_SELECT_DISABLED) GL.glCallList(shape.drawObject) for shape in self.shapes.not_selected_iter(): if not shape.disabled: if shape.parentLayer.isBreakLayer(): self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_BREAK) elif shape.cut_cor == 41: self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_LEFT) elif shape.cut_cor == 42: self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_RIGHT) else: self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_NORMAL) GL.glCallList(shape.drawObject) if self.showPathDirections: self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_STMOVE) GL.glCallList(shape.drawStMove) elif self.showDisabledPaths: self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_NORMAL_DISABLED) GL.glCallList(shape.drawObject) # optimization route arrows self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_ROUTE) GL.glBegin(GL.GL_LINES) for route in self.routearrows: start = route[0] end = route[1] GL.glVertex3f(start.x, -start.y, start.z) GL.glVertex3f(end.x, -end.y, end.z) GL.glEnd() GL.glScalef(self.scaleCorr / self.scale, self.scaleCorr / self.scale, self.scaleCorr / self.scale) scaleArrow = self.scale / self.scaleCorr for route in self.routearrows: end = scaleArrow * route[1] GL.glTranslatef(end.x, -end.y, end.z) GL.glCallList(route[2]) GL.glTranslatef(-end.x, end.y, -end.z) # direction arrows for shape in self.shapes: if shape.selected and (not shape.disabled or self.showDisabledPaths) or\ self.showPathDirections and not shape.disabled: start, end = shape.get_start_end_points_physical() start = scaleArrow * start.to3D(shape.axis3_start_mill_depth) end = scaleArrow * end.to3D(shape.axis3_mill_depth) GL.glTranslatef(start.x, -start.y, start.z) GL.glCallList(shape.drawArrowsDirection[0]) GL.glTranslatef(-start.x, start.y, -start.z) GL.glTranslatef(end.x, -end.y, end.z) GL.glCallList(shape.drawArrowsDirection[1]) GL.glTranslatef(-end.x, end.y, -end.z) if self.wpZero > 0: GL.glCallList(self.wpZero) GL.glTranslatef(-self.posX / self.scaleCorr, -self.posY / self.scaleCorr, -self.posZ / self.scaleCorr) GL.glCallList(self.orientation) def resizeGL(self, width, height): GL.glViewport(0, 0, width, height) side = min(width, height) GL.glMatrixMode(GL.GL_PROJECTION) GL.glLoadIdentity() if width >= height: scale_x = width / height GL.glOrtho(GLWidget.CAM_LEFT_X * scale_x, GLWidget.CAM_RIGHT_X * scale_x, GLWidget.CAM_BOTTOM_Y, GLWidget.CAM_TOP_Y, GLWidget.CAM_NEAR_Z, GLWidget.CAM_FAR_Z) else: scale_y = height / width GL.glOrtho(GLWidget.CAM_LEFT_X, GLWidget.CAM_RIGHT_X, GLWidget.CAM_BOTTOM_Y * scale_y, GLWidget.CAM_TOP_Y * scale_y, GLWidget.CAM_NEAR_Z, GLWidget.CAM_FAR_Z) self.scaleCorr = 400 / side GL.glMatrixMode(GL.GL_MODELVIEW) def setClearColor(self, c): GL.glClearColor(c.redF(), c.greenF(), c.blueF(), c.alphaF()) def setColor(self, c): self.setColorRGBA(c.redF(), c.greenF(), c.blueF(), c.alphaF()) def setColorRGBA(self, r, g, b, a): # GL.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_DIFFUSE, (r, g, b, a)) GL.glColor4f(r, g, b, a) def plotAll(self, shapes): for shape in shapes: self.paint_shape(shape) self.shapes.append(shape) self.drawWpZero() def repaint_shape(self, shape): GL.glDeleteLists(shape.drawObject, 4) self.paint_shape(shape) def paint_shape(self, shape): shape.drawObject = self.makeShape(shape) # 1 object shape.stmove = StMove(shape) shape.drawStMove = self.makeStMove(shape.stmove) # 1 object shape.drawArrowsDirection = self.makeDirArrows(shape) # 2 objects def makeShape(self, shape): genList = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(genList, GL.GL_COMPILE) GL.glBegin(GL.GL_LINES) shape.make_path(self.drawHorLine, self.drawVerLine) GL.glEnd() GL.glEndList() self.BB = self.BB.joinBB(shape.BB) return genList def makeStMove(self, stmove): genList = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(genList, GL.GL_COMPILE) GL.glBegin(GL.GL_LINES) stmove.make_path(self.drawHorLine, self.drawVerLine) GL.glEnd() GL.glEndList() return genList def drawHorLine(self, caller, Ps, Pe): GL.glVertex3f(Ps.x, -Ps.y, caller.axis3_start_mill_depth) GL.glVertex3f(Pe.x, -Pe.y, caller.axis3_start_mill_depth) GL.glVertex3f(Ps.x, -Ps.y, caller.axis3_mill_depth) GL.glVertex3f(Pe.x, -Pe.y, caller.axis3_mill_depth) def drawVerLine(self, caller, Ps): GL.glVertex3f(Ps.x, -Ps.y, caller.axis3_start_mill_depth) GL.glVertex3f(Ps.x, -Ps.y, caller.axis3_mill_depth) def drawOrientationArrows(self): rCone = 0.01 rCylinder = 0.004 zTop = 0.05 zMiddle = 0.02 zBottom = -0.03 segments = 20 arrow = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(arrow, GL.GL_COMPILE) self.drawCone(Point(), rCone, zTop, zMiddle, segments) self.drawSolidCircle(Point(), rCone, zMiddle, segments) self.drawCylinder(Point(), rCylinder, zMiddle, zBottom, segments) self.drawSolidCircle(Point(), rCylinder, zBottom, segments) GL.glEndList() self.orientation = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(self.orientation, GL.GL_COMPILE) self.setColorRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5) GL.glCallList(arrow) GL.glRotatef(90, 0, 1, 0) self.setColorRGBA(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) GL.glCallList(arrow) GL.glRotatef(90, 1, 0, 0) self.setColorRGBA(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5) GL.glCallList(arrow) GL.glEndList() def drawWpZero(self): r = 0.02 segments = 20 # must be a multiple of 4 self.wpZero = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(self.wpZero, GL.GL_COMPILE) self.setColorRGBA(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.7) self.drawSphere(r, segments, segments // 4, segments, segments // 4) GL.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) GL.glVertex3f(0, 0, 0) for i in range(segments // 4 + 1): ang = -i * 2 * pi / segments xy2 = Point().get_arc_point(ang, r) # GL.glNormal3f(0, -1, 0) GL.glVertex3f(xy2.x, 0, xy2.y) for i in range(segments // 4 + 1): ang = -i * 2 * pi / segments xy2 = Point().get_arc_point(ang, r) # GL.glNormal3f(-1, 0, 0) GL.glVertex3f(0, -xy2.y, -xy2.x) for i in range(segments // 4 + 1): ang = -i * 2 * pi / segments xy2 = Point().get_arc_point(ang, r) # GL.glNormal3f(0, 0, 1) GL.glVertex3f(-xy2.y, xy2.x, 0) GL.glEnd() self.setColorRGBA(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.5) self.drawSphere(r * 1.25, segments, segments, segments, segments) GL.glEndList() def drawSphere(self, r, lats, mlats, longs, mlongs): lats //= 2 # based on for i in range(mlats): lat0 = pi * (-0.5 + i / lats) z0 = r * sin(lat0) zr0 = r * cos(lat0) lat1 = pi * (-0.5 + (i + 1) / lats) z1 = r * sin(lat1) zr1 = r * cos(lat1) GL.glBegin(GL.GL_QUAD_STRIP) for j in range(mlongs + 1): lng = 2 * pi * j / longs x = cos(lng) y = sin(lng) GL.glNormal3f(x * zr0, y * zr0, z0) GL.glVertex3f(x * zr0, y * zr0, z0) GL.glNormal3f(x * zr1, y * zr1, z1) GL.glVertex3f(x * zr1, y * zr1, z1) GL.glEnd() def drawSolidCircle(self, origin, r, z, segments): GL.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) # GL.glNormal3f(0, 0, -1) GL.glVertex3f(origin.x, -origin.y, z) for i in range(segments + 1): ang = -i * 2 * pi / segments xy2 = origin.get_arc_point(ang, r) GL.glVertex3f(xy2.x, -xy2.y, z) GL.glEnd() def drawCone(self, origin, r, zTop, zBottom, segments): GL.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) GL.glVertex3f(origin.x, -origin.y, zTop) for i in range(segments + 1): ang = i * 2 * pi / segments xy2 = origin.get_arc_point(ang, r) # GL.glNormal3f(xy2.x, -xy2.y, zBottom) GL.glVertex3f(xy2.x, -xy2.y, zBottom) GL.glEnd() def drawCylinder(self, origin, r, zTop, zBottom, segments): GL.glBegin(GL.GL_QUAD_STRIP) for i in range(segments + 1): ang = i * 2 * pi / segments xy = origin.get_arc_point(ang, r) # GL.glNormal3f(xy.x, -xy.y, 0) GL.glVertex3f(xy.x, -xy.y, zTop) GL.glVertex3f(xy.x, -xy.y, zBottom) GL.glEnd() def makeDirArrows(self, shape): (start, start_dir), (end, end_dir) = shape.get_start_end_points_physical( None, False) startArrow = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(startArrow, GL.GL_COMPILE) self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_ENTRY_ARROW) self.drawDirArrow(Point3D(), start_dir.to3D(), True) GL.glEndList() endArrow = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(endArrow, GL.GL_COMPILE) self.setColor(GLWidget.COLOR_EXIT_ARROW) self.drawDirArrow(Point3D(), end_dir.to3D(), False) GL.glEndList() return startArrow, endArrow def drawDirArrow(self, origin, direction, startError): offset = 0.0 if startError else 0.05 zMiddle = -0.02 + offset zBottom = -0.05 + offset rx, ry, rz = self.getRotationVectors(Point3D(0, 0, 1), direction) self.drawArrowHead(origin, rx, ry, rz, offset) GL.glBegin(GL.GL_LINES) zeroMiddle = Point3D(0, 0, zMiddle) GL.glVertex3f(zeroMiddle * rx + origin.x, -zeroMiddle * ry - origin.y, zeroMiddle * rz + origin.z) zeroBottom = Point3D(0, 0, zBottom) GL.glVertex3f(zeroBottom * rx + origin.x, -zeroBottom * ry - origin.y, zeroBottom * rz + origin.z) GL.glEnd() def makeRouteArrowHead(self, start, end): if end == start: direction = Point3D(0, 0, 1) else: direction = (end - start).unit_vector() rx, ry, rz = self.getRotationVectors(Point3D(0, 0, 1), direction) head = GL.glGenLists(1) GL.glNewList(head, GL.GL_COMPILE) self.drawArrowHead(Point3D(), rx, ry, rz, 0) GL.glEndList() return head def drawArrowHead(self, origin, rx, ry, rz, offset): r = 0.01 segments = 10 zTop = 0 + offset zBottom = -0.02 + offset GL.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) zeroTop = Point3D(0, 0, zTop) GL.glVertex3f(zeroTop * rx + origin.x, -zeroTop * ry - origin.y, zeroTop * rz + origin.z) for i in range(segments + 1): ang = i * 2 * pi / segments xy2 = Point().get_arc_point(ang, r).to3D(zBottom) GL.glVertex3f(xy2 * rx + origin.x, -xy2 * ry - origin.y, xy2 * rz + origin.z) GL.glEnd() GL.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) zeroBottom = Point3D(0, 0, zBottom) GL.glVertex3f(zeroBottom * rx + origin.x, -zeroBottom * ry - origin.y, zeroBottom * rz + origin.z) for i in range(segments + 1): ang = -i * 2 * pi / segments xy2 = Point().get_arc_point(ang, r).to3D(zBottom) GL.glVertex3f(xy2 * rx + origin.x, -xy2 * ry - origin.y, xy2 * rz + origin.z) GL.glEnd() def setShowPathDirections(self, flag): self.showPathDirections = flag def setShowDisabledPaths(self, flag=True): self.showDisabledPaths = flag def autoscale(self): # TODO currently only works correctly when object is not rotated if self.frameSize().width() >= self.frameSize().height(): aspect_scale_x = self.frameSize().width() / self.frameSize( ).height() aspect_scale_y = 1 else: aspect_scale_x = 1 aspect_scale_y = self.frameSize().height() / self.frameSize( ).width() scaleX = (GLWidget.CAM_RIGHT_X - GLWidget.CAM_LEFT_X ) * aspect_scale_x / (self.BB.Pe.x - self.BB.Ps.x) scaleY = (GLWidget.CAM_BOTTOM_Y - GLWidget.CAM_TOP_Y ) * aspect_scale_y / (self.BB.Pe.y - self.BB.Ps.y) self.scale = min(scaleX, scaleY) * 0.95 self.posX = ((GLWidget.CAM_LEFT_X + GLWidget.CAM_RIGHT_X) * 0.95 * aspect_scale_x - (self.BB.Ps.x + self.BB.Pe.x) * self.scale) / 2 self.posY = -((GLWidget.CAM_TOP_Y + GLWidget.CAM_BOTTOM_Y) * 0.95 * aspect_scale_y - (self.BB.Pe.y + self.BB.Ps.y) * self.scale) / 2 self.posZ = 0 self.update() def topView(self): self.rotX = 0 self.rotY = 0 self.rotZ = 0 self.update() def isometricView(self): self.rotX = -22 self.rotY = -22 self.rotZ = 0 self.update()