def event(self, event): super().event(event) modifiers = QApplication.keyboardModifiers() ctrl_is_active = modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier if event.type == Event.MousePressEvent and MouseEvent.LeftButton in event.buttons and self._controller.getToolsEnabled( ): if ctrl_is_active: self._controller.setActiveTool("TranslateTool") return if self._skip_press: # The selection was previously cleared, do not add/remove an anti-support mesh but # use this click for selection and reactivating this tool only. self._skip_press = False return if self._selection_pass is None: # The selection renderpass is used to identify objects in the current view self._selection_pass = Application.getInstance().getRenderer( ).getRenderPass("selection") picked_node = self._controller.getScene().findObject( self._selection_pass.getIdAtPosition(event.x, event.y)) if not picked_node: # There is no slicable object at the picked location return node_stack = picked_node.callDecoration("getStack") if node_stack: if node_stack.getProperty("support_mesh", "value"): self._removeSupportMesh(picked_node) return elif node_stack.getProperty( "anti_overhang_mesh", "value") or node_stack.getProperty( "infill_mesh", "value") or node_stack.getProperty( "cutting_mesh", "value"): # Only "normal" meshes can have support_mesh added to them return # Create a pass for picking a world-space location from the mouse location active_camera = self._controller.getScene().getActiveCamera() picking_pass = PickingPass(active_camera.getViewportWidth(), active_camera.getViewportHeight()) picking_pass.render() picked_position = picking_pass.getPickedPosition(event.x, event.y) # Add the support_mesh cube at the picked location self._createSupportMesh(picked_node, picked_position)
def event(self, event): super().event(event) modifiers = QApplication.keyboardModifiers() ctrl_is_active = modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier if event.type == Event.MousePressEvent and MouseEvent.LeftButton in event.buttons and self._controller.getToolsEnabled(): if ctrl_is_active: self._controller.setActiveTool("TranslateTool") return if self._skip_press: # The selection was previously cleared, do not add/remove an anti-support mesh but # use this click for selection and reactivating this tool only. self._skip_press = False return if self._selection_pass is None: # The selection renderpass is used to identify objects in the current view self._selection_pass = Application.getInstance().getRenderer().getRenderPass("selection") picked_node = self._controller.getScene().findObject(self._selection_pass.getIdAtPosition(event.x, event.y)) if not picked_node: # There is no slicable object at the picked location return node_stack = picked_node.callDecoration("getStack") if node_stack: if node_stack.getProperty("anti_overhang_mesh", "value"): self._removeEraserMesh(picked_node) return elif node_stack.getProperty("support_mesh", "value") or node_stack.getProperty("infill_mesh", "value") or node_stack.getProperty("cutting_mesh", "value"): # Only "normal" meshes can have anti_overhang_meshes added to them return # Create a pass for picking a world-space location from the mouse location active_camera = self._controller.getScene().getActiveCamera() picking_pass = PickingPass(active_camera.getViewportWidth(), active_camera.getViewportHeight()) picking_pass.render() picked_position = picking_pass.getPickedPosition(event.x, event.y) # Add the anti_overhang_mesh cube at the picked location self._createEraserMesh(picked_node, picked_position)
def _constructSupport(self, buffer: QImage) -> None: depth_pass = PickingPass( buffer.width(), buffer.height() ) #Instead of using the picking pass to pick for us, we need to bulk-pick digits so do this in Numpy. depth_pass.render() depth_image = depth_pass.getOutput() camera = CuraApplication.getInstance().getController().getScene( ).getActiveCamera() #to_support = qimage2ndarray.raw_view(buffer) #to_support= _qimageview(_qt.QImage(buffer)) to_support = self._raw_view(buffer) #depth = qimage2ndarray.recarray_view(depth_image) depth = self._recarray_view(depth_image) depth.a = 0 #Discard alpha channel. depth = depth.view(dtype=_np.int32).astype( _np.float32 ) / 1000 #Conflate the R, G and B channels to one 24-bit (cast to 32) float. Divide by 1000 to get mm. support_positions_2d = _np.array( _np.where(_np.bitwise_and(to_support == 255, depth < 16777)) ) #All the 2D coordinates on the screen where we want support. The 16777 is for points that don't land on a model. support_depths = _np.take( depth, support_positions_2d[0, :] * depth.shape[1] + support_positions_2d[1, :]) #The depth at those pixels. support_positions_2d = support_positions_2d.transpose( ) #We want rows with pixels, not columns with pixels. if len(support_positions_2d) == 0: Logger.log( "i", "Support was not drawn on the surface of any objects. Not creating support." ) return support_positions_2d[:, [0, 1]] = support_positions_2d[:, [ 1, 0 ]] #Swap columns to get OpenGL's coordinate system. camera_viewport = _np.array( [camera.getViewportWidth(), camera.getViewportHeight()]) support_positions_2d = support_positions_2d * 2.0 / camera_viewport - 1.0 #Scale to view coordinates (range -1 to 1). inverted_projection = _np.linalg.inv( camera.getProjectionMatrix().getData()) transformation = camera.getWorldTransformation().getData() transformation[:, 1] = -transformation[:, 1] #Invert Z to get OpenGL's coordinate system. #For each pixel, get the near and far plane. near = _np.ndarray((support_positions_2d.shape[0], 4)) near.fill(1) near[0:support_positions_2d.shape[0], 0:support_positions_2d.shape[1]] = support_positions_2d near[:, 2].fill(-1) near =, near.transpose()) near =, near) near = near[0:3] / near[3] far = _np.ndarray((support_positions_2d.shape[0], 4)) far.fill(1) far[0:support_positions_2d.shape[0], 0:support_positions_2d.shape[1]] = support_positions_2d far =, far.transpose()) far =, far) far = far[0:3] / far[3] #Direction is from near plane pixel to far plane pixel, normalised. direction = near - far direction /= _np.linalg.norm(direction, axis=0) #Final position is in the direction of the pixel, moving with <depth> mm away from the camera position. support_positions_3d = ( support_depths - 1 ) * direction #We want the support to appear just before the surface, not behind the surface, so - 1. support_positions_3d = support_positions_3d.transpose() camera_position_data = camera.getPosition().getData() support_positions_3d = support_positions_3d + camera_position_data #Create the vertices for the 3D mesh. #This mesh consists of a diamond-shape for each position that we traced. n = support_positions_3d.shape[0] Logger.log( "i", "Adding support in {num_pixels} locations.".format(num_pixels=n)) vertices = support_positions_3d.copy().astype(_np.float32) vertices = _np.resize(vertices, (n * 6, support_positions_3d.shape[1] )) #Resize will repeat all coordinates 6 times. #For each position, create a diamond shape around the position with 6 vertices. vertices[ n * 0:n * 1, 0] -= support_depths * 0.001 * self.globule_size #First corner (-x, +y). vertices[n * 0:n * 1, 2] += support_depths * 0.001 * self.globule_size vertices[ n * 1:n * 2, 0] += support_depths * 0.001 * self.globule_size #Second corner (+x, +y). vertices[n * 1:n * 2, 2] += support_depths * 0.001 * self.globule_size vertices[ n * 2:n * 3, 0] -= support_depths * 0.001 * self.globule_size #Third corner (-x, -y). vertices[n * 2:n * 3, 2] -= support_depths * 0.001 * self.globule_size vertices[ n * 3:n * 4, 0] += support_depths * 0.001 * self.globule_size #Fourth corner (+x, -y) vertices[n * 3:n * 4, 2] -= support_depths * 0.001 * self.globule_size vertices[n * 4:n * 5, 1] += support_depths * 0.001 * self.globule_size #Top side. vertices[ n * 5:n * 6, 1] -= support_depths * 0.001 * self.globule_size #Bottom side. #Create the faces of the diamond. indices = _np.arange(n, dtype=_np.int32) indices = _np.kron(indices, _np.ones( (3, 1))).astype(_np.int32).transpose() indices = _np.resize( indices, (n * 8, 3) ) #Creates 8 triangles using 3 times the same vertex, for each position: [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], ... , [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], ... ] #indices[n * 0: n * 1, 0] += n * 0 #First corner. indices[n * 0:n * 1, 1] += n * 1 #Second corner. indices[n * 0:n * 1, 2] += n * 4 #Top side. indices[n * 1:n * 2, 0] += n * 1 #Second corner. indices[n * 1:n * 2, 1] += n * 3 #Fourth corner. indices[n * 1:n * 2, 2] += n * 4 #Top side. indices[n * 2:n * 3, 0] += n * 3 #Fourth corner. indices[n * 2:n * 3, 1] += n * 2 #Third corner. indices[n * 2:n * 3, 2] += n * 4 #Top side. indices[n * 3:n * 4, 0] += n * 2 #Third corner. #indices[n * 3: n * 4, 1] += n * 0 #First corner. indices[n * 3:n * 4, 2] += n * 4 #Top side. indices[n * 4:n * 5, 0] += n * 1 #Second corner. #indices[n * 4: n * 5, 1] += n * 0 #First corner. indices[n * 4:n * 5, 2] += n * 5 #Bottom side. indices[n * 5:n * 6, 0] += n * 3 #Fourth corner. indices[n * 5:n * 6, 1] += n * 1 #Second corner. indices[n * 5:n * 6, 2] += n * 5 #Bottom side. indices[n * 6:n * 7, 0] += n * 2 #Third corner. indices[n * 6:n * 7, 1] += n * 3 #Fourth corner. indices[n * 6:n * 7, 2] += n * 5 #Bottom side. #indices[n * 7: n * 8, 0] += n * 0 #First corner. indices[n * 7:n * 8, 1] += n * 2 #Third corner. indices[n * 7:n * 8, 2] += n * 5 #Bottom side. builder = MeshBuilder() builder.addVertices(vertices) builder.addIndices(indices) #Create the scene node. scene = CuraApplication.getInstance().getController().getScene() new_node = CuraSceneNode(parent=scene.getRoot(), name="BrushSupport") new_node.setSelectable(False) new_node.setMeshData( new_node.addDecorator( BuildPlateDecorator(CuraApplication.getInstance(). getMultiBuildPlateModel().activeBuildPlate)) new_node.addDecorator(SliceableObjectDecorator()) operation = GroupedOperation() #Figure out which mesh this piece of support belongs to. #TODO: You can draw support in one stroke over multiple meshes. The support would belong to an arbitrary one of these. selection_pass = CuraApplication.getInstance().getRenderer( ).getRenderPass("selection") parent_id = selection_pass.getIdAtPosition( support_positions_2d[0][0], support_positions_2d[0] [1]) #Find the selection under the first support pixel. parent_node = scene.getRoot() if not parent_id: Logger.log("d", "Can't link custom support to any scene node.") else: for node in BreadthFirstIterator(scene.getRoot()): if id(node) == parent_id: parent_node = node break #Add the appropriate per-object settings. stack = new_node.callDecoration( "getStack" ) #Created by SettingOverrideDecorator that is automatically added to CuraSceneNode. settings = stack.getTop() support_mesh_instance = SettingInstance( stack.getSettingDefinition("support_mesh"), settings) support_mesh_instance.setProperty("value", True) support_mesh_instance.resetState() settings.addInstance(support_mesh_instance) drop_down_instance = SettingInstance( stack.getSettingDefinition("support_mesh_drop_down"), settings) drop_down_instance.setProperty("value", True) drop_down_instance.resetState() settings.addInstance(drop_down_instance) #Add the scene node to the scene (and allow for undo). operation.addOperation( AddSceneNodeOperation(new_node, scene.getRoot()) ) #Set the parent to root initially, then change the parent, so that we don't have to alter the transformation. operation.addOperation(SetParentOperation(new_node, parent_node)) operation.push() scene.sceneChanged.emit(new_node)