def add_annotations_to_sequences(annotations_dir: str, temp_sequences_dir: str, sequences_dir: str): """ Extract the bounding box annotations from the COCO JSONs for all datasets labeled in this round. Args: annotations_dir: Path to directory with the annotations in COCO JSONs at the root level. temp_sequences_dir: Path to a flat directory of JSONs ending in '_temp.json' which are MegaDB sequences without the bounding box annotations. sequences_dir: Path to a directory to output corresponding bounding box-included sequences in MegaDB format. Returns: None. JSON files will be written to sequences_dir. """ assert os.path.exists(annotations_dir), \ f'annotations_dir {annotations_dir} does not exist' assert os.path.isdir(annotations_dir), \ f'annotations_dir {annotations_dir} is not a directory' assert os.path.exists(temp_sequences_dir), \ f'temp_sequences_dir {temp_sequences_dir} does not exist' assert os.path.isdir(temp_sequences_dir), \ f'temp_sequences_dir {temp_sequences_dir} is not a directory' os.makedirs(sequences_dir, exist_ok=True) temp_megadb_files = path_utils.recursive_file_list(temp_sequences_dir) temp_megadb_files = [i for i in temp_megadb_files if i.endswith('.json')] print(f'{len(temp_megadb_files)} temporary MegaDB dataset files found.') annotation_files = path_utils.recursive_file_list(annotations_dir) annotation_files = [i for i in annotation_files if i.endswith('.json')] print( f'{len(annotation_files)} annotation_files found. Extracting annotations...' ) # dataset name : (seq_id, frame_num) : [bbox, bbox] # where bbox is a dict with str 'category' and list 'bbox' all_image_bbox: Dict[str, Dict[Tuple[str, int], list]] all_image_bbox = defaultdict(lambda: {}) for p in tqdm(annotation_files): incoming_coco = IndexedJsonDb(p) assert bbox_categories_str == json.dumps(incoming_coco.db['categories']), \ f'Incoming COCO JSON has a different category mapping! {p}' # iterate over image_id_to_image rather than image_id_to_annotations so we include # the confirmed empty images for image_id, image_entry in incoming_coco.image_id_to_image.items(): image_file_name = image_entry['file_name'] # The file_name field in the incoming json looks like # alka_squirrels.seq2020_05_07_25C.frame119221.jpg dataset_name, seq_id, frame_num = file_name_to_parts( image_file_name) bbox_field = [] # empty means this image is confirmed empty annotations = incoming_coco.image_id_to_annotations.get( image_id, []) for coco_anno in annotations: if coco_anno['category_id'] == 5: assert len(coco_anno['bbox']) == 0, f'{coco_anno}' # there seems to be a bug in the annotations where sometimes there's a # non-empty label along with a label of category_id 5 # ignore the empty label (they seem to be actually non-empty) continue assert coco_anno['category_id'] is not None, f'{p} {coco_anno}' bbox_field.append({ 'category': bbox_cat_map[coco_anno['category_id']], 'bbox': ct_utils.truncate_float_array(coco_anno['bbox'], precision=4) }) all_image_bbox[dataset_name][(seq_id, frame_num)] = bbox_field print('\nAdding bounding boxes to the MegaDB dataset files...') for p in temp_megadb_files: basename = os.path.basename(p) dataset_name = basename.split('_temp.')[0] if basename.endswith('_temp.json') \ else basename.split('.json')[0] print(f'Adding to dataset {dataset_name}') dataset_image_bbox = all_image_bbox.get(dataset_name, None) if dataset_image_bbox is None: print('Skipping, no annotations found for this dataset\n') continue with open(p) as f: sequences = json.load(f) num_images_updated = 0 for seq in tqdm(sequences): assert seq['dataset'] == dataset_name seq_id = seq['seq_id'] for im in seq['images']: frame_num = im.get('frame_num', 1) bbox_field = dataset_image_bbox.get((seq_id, frame_num), None) if bbox_field is not None: # empty list also evaluates to False im['bbox'] = bbox_field num_images_updated += 1 print( f'Dataset {dataset_name} had {num_images_updated} images updated\n' ) with open(os.path.join(sequences_dir, f'{dataset_name}.json'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(sequences, f, indent=1, ensure_ascii=False)
def process_images(db_path,output_dir,image_base_dir,options=None): """ Writes images and html to output_dir to visualize the annotations in the json file db_path. db_path can also be a previously-loaded database. Returns the html filename and the database: return htmlOutputFile,image_db """ if options is None: options = DbVizOptions() print(options.__dict__) os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'rendered_images'), exist_ok=True) assert(os.path.isdir(image_base_dir)) if isinstance(db_path,str): assert(os.path.isfile(db_path)) print('Loading database from {}...'.format(db_path)) image_db = json.load(open(db_path)) print('...done') elif isinstance(db_path,dict): print('Using previously-loaded DB') image_db = db_path else: raise ValueError('Illegal dictionary or filename') annotations = image_db['annotations'] images = image_db['images'] categories = image_db['categories'] # Optionally remove all images without bounding boxes, *before* sampling if options.trim_to_images_with_bboxes: bHasBbox = [False] * len(annotations) for iAnn,ann in enumerate(annotations): if 'bbox' in ann: assert isinstance(ann['bbox'],list) bHasBbox[iAnn] = True annotationsWithBboxes = list(compress(annotations, bHasBbox)) imageIDsWithBboxes = [x['image_id'] for x in annotationsWithBboxes] imageIDsWithBboxes = set(imageIDsWithBboxes) bImageHasBbox = [False] * len(images) for iImage,image in enumerate(images): imageID = image['id'] if imageID in imageIDsWithBboxes: bImageHasBbox[iImage] = True imagesWithBboxes = list(compress(images, bImageHasBbox)) images = imagesWithBboxes # Optionally remove images with specific labels, *before* sampling if options.classes_to_exclude is not None: print('Indexing database') indexed_db = IndexedJsonDb(image_db) bValidClass = [True] * len(images) for iImage,image in enumerate(images): classes = indexed_db.get_classes_for_image(image) for excludedClass in options.classes_to_exclude: if excludedClass in classes: bValidClass[iImage] = False break imagesWithValidClasses = list(compress(images, bValidClass)) images = imagesWithValidClasses # Put the annotations in a dataframe so we can select all annotations for a given image print('Creating data frames') df_anno = pd.DataFrame(annotations) df_img = pd.DataFrame(images) # Construct label map label_map = {} for cat in categories: label_map[int(cat['id'])] = cat['name'] # Take a sample of images if options.num_to_visualize is not None: df_img = df_img.sample(n=options.num_to_visualize,random_state=options.random_seed) images_html = [] # Set of dicts representing inputs to render_db_bounding_boxes: # # bboxes, boxClasses, image_path rendering_info = [] print('Preparing rendering list') # iImage = 0 for iImage in tqdm(range(len(df_img))): img_id = df_img.iloc[iImage]['id'] img_relative_path = df_img.iloc[iImage]['file_name'] img_path = os.path.join(image_base_dir, image_filename_to_path(img_relative_path, image_base_dir)) annos_i = df_anno.loc[df_anno['image_id'] == img_id, :] # all annotations on this image bboxes = [] boxClasses = [] # All the class labels we've seen for this image (with out without bboxes) imageCategories = set() annotationLevelForImage = '' # Iterate over annotations for this image # iAnn = 0; anno = annos_i.iloc[iAnn] for iAnn,anno in annos_i.iterrows(): if 'sequence_level_annotation' in anno: bSequenceLevelAnnotation = anno['sequence_level_annotation'] if bSequenceLevelAnnotation: annLevel = 'sequence' else: annLevel = 'image' if annotationLevelForImage == '': annotationLevelForImage = annLevel elif annotationLevelForImage != annLevel: annotationLevelForImage = 'mixed' categoryID = anno['category_id'] categoryName = label_map[categoryID] if options.add_search_links: categoryName = categoryName.replace('"','') categoryName = '<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format(categoryName,categoryName) imageCategories.add(categoryName) if 'bbox' in anno: bbox = anno['bbox'] if isinstance(bbox,float): assert math.isnan(bbox), "I shouldn't see a bbox that's neither a box nor NaN" continue bboxes.append(bbox) boxClasses.append(anno['category_id']) imageClasses = ', '.join(imageCategories) file_name = '{}_gtbbox.jpg'.format(img_id.lower().split('.jpg')[0]) file_name = file_name.replace('/', '~') rendering_info.append({'bboxes':bboxes, 'boxClasses':boxClasses, 'img_path':img_path, 'output_file_name':file_name}) labelLevelString = '' if len(annotationLevelForImage) > 0: labelLevelString = ' (annotation level: {})'.format(annotationLevelForImage) # We're adding html for an image before we render it, so it's possible this image will # fail to render. For applications where this script is being used to debua a database # (the common case?), this is useful behavior, for other applications, this is annoying. # # TODO: optionally write html only for images where rendering succeeded images_html.append({ 'filename': '{}/{}'.format('rendered_images', file_name), 'title': '{}<br/>{}, number of boxes: {}, class labels: {}{}'.format(img_relative_path,img_id, len(bboxes), imageClasses, labelLevelString), 'textStyle': 'font-family:verdana,arial,calibri;font-size:80%;text-align:left;margin-top:20;margin-bottom:5' }) # ...for each image def render_image_info(rendering_info): img_path = rendering_info['img_path'] bboxes = rendering_info['bboxes'] bboxClasses = rendering_info['boxClasses'] output_file_name = rendering_info['output_file_name'] if not os.path.exists(img_path): print('Image {} cannot be found'.format(img_path)) return try: original_image = vis_utils.open_image(img_path) original_size = original_image.size image = vis_utils.resize_image(original_image, options.viz_size[0], options.viz_size[1]) except Exception as e: print('Image {} failed to open. Error: {}'.format(img_path, e)) return vis_utils.render_db_bounding_boxes(boxes=bboxes, classes=bboxClasses, image=image, original_size=original_size, label_map=label_map), 'rendered_images', output_file_name)) # ...def render_image_info print('Rendering images') start_time = time.time() if options.parallelize_rendering: if options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores is None: pool = ThreadPool() else: print('Rendering images with {} workers'.format(options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores)) pool = ThreadPool(options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores) tqdm(pool.imap(render_image_info, rendering_info), total=len(rendering_info)) else: for file_info in tqdm(rendering_info): render_image_info(file_info) elapsed = time.time() - start_time print('Rendered {} images in {}'.format(len(rendering_info),humanfriendly.format_timespan(elapsed))) if options.sort_by_filename: images_html = sorted(images_html, key=lambda x: x['filename']) htmlOutputFile = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html') htmlOptions = options.htmlOptions if isinstance(db_path,str): htmlOptions['headerHtml'] = '<h1>Sample annotations from {}</h1>'.format(db_path) else: htmlOptions['headerHtml'] = '<h1>Sample annotations</h1>' write_html_image_list( filename=htmlOutputFile, images=images_html, options=htmlOptions) print('Visualized {} images, wrote results to {}'.format(len(images_html),htmlOutputFile)) return htmlOutputFile,image_db
def process_batch_results(options): ppresults = PostProcessingResults() ##%% Expand some options for convenience output_dir = options.output_dir ##%% Prepare output dir os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) ##%% Load ground truth if available ground_truth_indexed_db = None if options.ground_truth_json_file and len(options.ground_truth_json_file) > 0: ground_truth_indexed_db = IndexedJsonDb(options.ground_truth_json_file, b_normalize_paths=True, filename_replacements=options.ground_truth_filename_replacements) # Mark images in the ground truth as positive or negative n_negative, n_positive, n_unknown, n_ambiguous = mark_detection_status(ground_truth_indexed_db, negative_classes=options.negative_classes, unknown_classes=options.unlabeled_classes) print('Finished loading and indexing ground truth: {} negative, {} positive, {} unknown, {} ambiguous'.format( n_negative, n_positive, n_unknown, n_ambiguous)) ##%% Load detection results if options.api_detection_results is None: detection_results, other_fields = load_api_results(options.api_output_file, normalize_paths=True, filename_replacements=options.api_output_filename_replacements) ppresults.api_detection_results = detection_results ppresults.api_other_fields = other_fields else: print('Bypassing detection results loading...') assert options.api_other_fields is not None detection_results = options.api_detection_results other_fields = options.api_other_fields detection_categories_map = other_fields['detection_categories'] if 'classification_categories' in other_fields: classification_categories_map = other_fields['classification_categories'] else: classification_categories_map = {} # Add a column (pred_detection_label) to indicate predicted detection status, not separating out the classes if options.include_almost_detections: detection_results['pred_detection_label'] = DetectionStatus.DS_ALMOST confidences = detection_results['max_detection_conf'] detection_results.loc[confidences >= options.confidence_threshold,'pred_detection_label'] = DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE detection_results.loc[confidences < options.almost_detection_confidence_threshold,'pred_detection_label'] = DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE else: detection_results['pred_detection_label'] = \ np.where(detection_results['max_detection_conf'] >= options.confidence_threshold, DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE, DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE) n_positives = sum(detection_results['pred_detection_label'] == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE) print('Finished loading and preprocessing {} rows from detector output, predicted {} positives'.format( len(detection_results), n_positives)) if options.include_almost_detections: n_almosts = sum(detection_results['pred_detection_label'] == DetectionStatus.DS_ALMOST) print('...and {} almost-positives'.format(n_almosts)) ##%% If we have ground truth, remove images we can't match to ground truth if ground_truth_indexed_db is not None: b_match = [False] * len(detection_results) detector_files = detection_results['file'].tolist() # fn = detector_files[0]; print(fn) for i_fn, fn in enumerate(detector_files): # assert fn in ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id, 'Could not find ground truth for row {} ({})'.format(i_fn,fn) if fn in ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id: b_match[i_fn] = True print('Confirmed filename matches to ground truth for {} of {} files'.format(sum(b_match), len(detector_files))) detection_results = detection_results[b_match] detector_files = detection_results['file'].tolist() assert len(detector_files) > 0, 'No detection files available, possible ground truth path issue?' print('Trimmed detection results to {} files'.format(len(detector_files))) ##%% Sample images for visualization images_to_visualize = detection_results if options.num_images_to_sample > 0 and options.num_images_to_sample <= len(detection_results): images_to_visualize = images_to_visualize.sample(options.num_images_to_sample, random_state=options.sample_seed) output_html_file = '' style_header = """<head> <style type="text/css"> <!-- a { text-decoration:none; } body { font-family:segoe ui, calibri, "trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif; } div.contentdiv { margin-left:20px; } --> </style> </head>""" ##%% Fork here depending on whether or not ground truth is available # If we have ground truth, we'll compute precision/recall and sample tp/fp/tn/fn. # # Otherwise we'll just visualize detections/non-detections. if ground_truth_indexed_db is not None: ##%% Detection evaluation: compute precision/recall # numpy array of detection probabilities p_detection = detection_results['max_detection_conf'].values n_detections = len(p_detection) # numpy array of bools (0.0/1.0), and -1 as null value gt_detections = np.zeros(n_detections, dtype=float) for i_detection, fn in enumerate(detector_files): image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id[fn] image = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id] detection_status = image['_detection_status'] if detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE: gt_detections[i_detection] = 0.0 elif detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE: gt_detections[i_detection] = 1.0 else: gt_detections[i_detection] = -1.0 # Don't include ambiguous/unknown ground truth in precision/recall analysis b_valid_ground_truth = gt_detections >= 0.0 p_detection_pr = p_detection[b_valid_ground_truth] gt_detections_pr = gt_detections[b_valid_ground_truth] print('Including {} of {} values in p/r analysis'.format(np.sum(b_valid_ground_truth), len(b_valid_ground_truth))) precisions, recalls, thresholds = precision_recall_curve(gt_detections_pr, p_detection_pr) # For completeness, include the result at a confidence threshold of 1.0 thresholds = np.append(thresholds, [1.0]) precisions_recalls = pd.DataFrame(data={ 'confidence_threshold': thresholds, 'precision': precisions, 'recall': recalls }) # Compute and print summary statistics average_precision = average_precision_score(gt_detections_pr, p_detection_pr) print('Average precision: {:.1%}'.format(average_precision)) # Thresholds go up throughout precisions/recalls/thresholds; find the last # value where recall is at or above target. That's our precision @ target recall. target_recall = 0.9 b_above_target_recall = np.where(recalls >= target_recall) if not np.any(b_above_target_recall): precision_at_target_recall = 0.0 else: i_target_recall = np.argmax(b_above_target_recall) precision_at_target_recall = precisions[i_target_recall] print('Precision at {:.1%} recall: {:.1%}'.format(target_recall, precision_at_target_recall)) cm = confusion_matrix(gt_detections_pr, np.array(p_detection_pr) > options.confidence_threshold) # Flatten the confusion matrix tn, fp, fn, tp = cm.ravel() precision_at_confidence_threshold = tp / (tp + fp) recall_at_confidence_threshold = tp / (tp + fn) f1 = 2.0 * (precision_at_confidence_threshold * recall_at_confidence_threshold) / \ (precision_at_confidence_threshold + recall_at_confidence_threshold) print('At a confidence threshold of {:.1%}, precision={:.1%}, recall={:.1%}, f1={:.1%}'.format( options.confidence_threshold, precision_at_confidence_threshold, recall_at_confidence_threshold, f1)) ##%% Collect classification results, if they exist classifier_accuracies = [] # Mapping of classnames to idx for the confusion matrix. # # The lambda is actually kind of a hack, because we use assume that # the following code does not reassign classname_to_idx classname_to_idx = collections.defaultdict(lambda: len(classname_to_idx)) # Confusion matrix as defaultdict of defaultdict # # Rows / first index is ground truth, columns / second index is predicted category classifier_cm = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)) # iDetection = 0; fn = detector_files[iDetection]; print(fn) assert len(detector_files) == len(detection_results) for iDetection,fn in enumerate(detector_files): image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id[fn] image = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id] detections = detection_results['detections'].iloc[iDetection] pred_class_ids = [det['classifications'][0][0] \ for det in detections if 'classifications' in det.keys()] pred_classnames = [classification_categories_map[pd] for pd in pred_class_ids] # If this image has classification predictions, and an unambiguous class # annotated, and is a positive image... if len(pred_classnames) > 0 \ and '_unambiguous_category' in image.keys() \ and image['_detection_status'] == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE: # The unambiguous category, we make this a set for easier handling afterward gt_categories = set([image['_unambiguous_category']]) pred_categories = set(pred_classnames) # Compute the accuracy as intersection of union, # i.e. (# of categories in both prediciton and GT) # divided by (# of categories in either prediction or GT # # In case of only one GT category, the result will be 1.0, if # prediction is one category and this category matches GT # # It is 1.0/(# of predicted top-1 categories), if the GT is # one of the predicted top-1 categories. # # It is 0.0, if none of the predicted categories is correct classifier_accuracies.append( len(gt_categories & pred_categories) / len(gt_categories | pred_categories) ) image['_classification_accuracy'] = classifier_accuracies[-1] # Distribute this accuracy across all predicted categories in the # confusion matrix assert len(gt_categories) == 1 gt_class_idx = classname_to_idx[list(gt_categories)[0]] for pred_category in pred_categories: pred_class_idx = classname_to_idx[pred_category] classifier_cm[gt_class_idx][pred_class_idx] += 1 # ...for each file in the detection results # If we have classification results if len(classifier_accuracies) > 0: # Build confusion matrix as array from classifier_cm all_class_ids = sorted(classname_to_idx.values()) classifier_cm_array = np.array( [[classifier_cm[r_idx][c_idx] for c_idx in all_class_ids] for r_idx in all_class_ids], dtype=float) classifier_cm_array /= (classifier_cm_array.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) + 1e-7) # Print some statistics print("Finished computation of {} classification results".format(len(classifier_accuracies))) print("Mean accuracy: {}".format(np.mean(classifier_accuracies))) # Prepare confusion matrix output # Get confusion matrix as string sio = io.StringIO() np.savetxt(sio, classifier_cm_array * 100, fmt='%5.1f') cm_str = sio.getvalue() # Get fixed-size classname for each idx idx_to_classname = {v:k for k,v in classname_to_idx.items()} classname_list = [idx_to_classname[idx] for idx in sorted(classname_to_idx.values())] classname_headers = ['{:<5}'.format(cname[:5]) for cname in classname_list] # Prepend class name on each line and add to the top cm_str_lines = [' ' * 16 + ' '.join(classname_headers)] cm_str_lines += ['{:>15}'.format(cn[:15]) + ' ' + cm_line for cn, cm_line in zip(classname_list, cm_str.splitlines())] # Print formatted confusion matrix print("Confusion matrix: ") print(*cm_str_lines, sep='\n') # Plot confusion matrix # To manually add more space at bottom: plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = 0.1 # # Add 0.5 to figsize for every class. For two classes, this will result in # fig = plt.figure(figsize=[4,4]) fig = vis_utils.plot_confusion_matrix( classifier_cm_array, classname_list, normalize=False, title='Confusion matrix',, vmax=1.0, use_colorbar=True, y_label=True) cm_figure_relative_filename = 'confusion_matrix.png' cm_figure_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, cm_figure_relative_filename) plt.savefig(cm_figure_filename) plt.close(fig) # ...if we have classification results ##%% Render output # Write p/r table to .csv file in output directory pr_table_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'prec_recall.csv') precisions_recalls.to_csv(pr_table_filename, index=False) # Write precision/recall plot to .png file in output directory t = 'Precision-Recall curve: AP={:0.1%}, P@{:0.1%}={:0.1%}'.format( average_precision, target_recall, precision_at_target_recall) fig = vis_utils.plot_precision_recall_curve(precisions, recalls, t) pr_figure_relative_filename = 'prec_recall.png' pr_figure_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, pr_figure_relative_filename) plt.savefig(pr_figure_filename) # plt.close(fig) ##%% Sampling # Sample true/false positives/negatives with correct/incorrect top-1 # classification and render to html # Accumulate html image structs (in the format expected by write_html_image_lists) # for each category, e.g. 'tp', 'fp', ..., 'class_bird', ... images_html = collections.defaultdict(lambda: []) # Add default entries by accessing them for the first time [images_html[res] for res in ['tp', 'tpc', 'tpi', 'fp', 'tn', 'fn']] # Siyu: what does this do? This line should have no effect for res in images_html.keys(): os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, res), exist_ok=True) image_count = len(images_to_visualize) # Each element will be a list of 2-tuples, with elements [collection name,html info struct] rendering_results = [] # Each element will be a three-tuple with elements file,max_conf,detections files_to_render = [] # Assemble the information we need for rendering, so we can parallelize without # dealing with Pandas # i_row = 0; row = images_to_visualize.iloc[0] for _, row in images_to_visualize.iterrows(): # Filenames should already have been normalized to either '/' or '\' files_to_render.append([row['file'],row['max_detection_conf'],row['detections']]) def render_image_with_gt(file_info): image_relative_path = file_info[0] max_conf = file_info[1] detections = file_info[2] # This should already have been normalized to either '/' or '\' image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id.get(image_relative_path, None) if image_id is None: print('Warning: couldn''t find ground truth for image {}'.format(image_relative_path)) return None image = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id] annotations = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_annotations[image_id] gt_status = image['_detection_status'] gt_presence = bool(gt_status) gt_classes = CameraTrapJsonUtils.annotations_to_classnames( annotations,ground_truth_indexed_db.cat_id_to_name) gt_class_summary = ','.join(gt_classes) if gt_status > DetectionStatus.DS_MAX_DEFINITIVE_VALUE: print('Skipping image {}, does not have a definitive ground truth status (status: {}, classes: {})'.format( image_id, gt_status, gt_class_summary)) return None detected = max_conf > options.confidence_threshold if gt_presence and detected: if '_classification_accuracy' not in image.keys(): res = 'tp' elif np.isclose(1, image['_classification_accuracy']): res = 'tpc' else: res = 'tpi' elif not gt_presence and detected: res = 'fp' elif gt_presence and not detected: res = 'fn' else: res = 'tn' display_name = '<b>Result type</b>: {}, <b>Presence</b>: {}, <b>Class</b>: {}, <b>Max conf</b>: {:0.3f}%, <b>Image</b>: {}'.format( res.upper(), str(gt_presence), gt_class_summary, max_conf * 100, image_relative_path) rendered_image_html_info = render_bounding_boxes(options.image_base_dir, image_relative_path, display_name, detections, res, detection_categories_map, classification_categories_map, options) image_result = None if len(rendered_image_html_info) > 0: image_result = [[res,rendered_image_html_info]] for gt_class in gt_classes: image_result.append(['class_{}'.format(gt_class),rendered_image_html_info]) return image_result # ...def render_image_with_gt(file_info) start_time = time.time() if options.parallelize_rendering: if options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores is None: pool = ThreadPool() else: print('Rendering images with {} workers'.format(options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores)) pool = ThreadPool(options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores) rendering_results = list(tqdm(pool.imap(render_image_with_gt, files_to_render), total=len(files_to_render))) else: # file_info = files_to_render[0] for file_info in tqdm(files_to_render): rendering_results.append(render_image_with_gt(file_info)) elapsed = time.time() - start_time # Map all the rendering results in the list rendering_results into the # dictionary images_html image_rendered_count = 0 for rendering_result in rendering_results: if rendering_result is None: continue image_rendered_count += 1 for assignment in rendering_result: images_html[assignment[0]].append(assignment[1]) # Prepare the individual html image files image_counts = prepare_html_subpages(images_html, output_dir) print('{} images rendered (of {})'.format(image_rendered_count,image_count)) # Write index.html all_tp_count = image_counts['tp'] + image_counts['tpc'] + image_counts['tpi'] total_count = all_tp_count + image_counts['tn'] + image_counts['fp'] + image_counts['fn'] classification_detection_results = """ <a href="tpc.html">with all correct top-1 predictions (TPC)</a> ({})<br/> <a href="tpi.html">with one or more incorrect top-1 prediction (TPI)</a> ({})<br/> <a href="tp.html">without classification evaluation</a><sup>*</sup> ({})<br/>""".format( image_counts['tpc'], image_counts['tpi'], image_counts['tp'] ) index_page = """<html> {} <body> <h2>Evaluation</h2> <h3>Sample images</h3> <div style="margin-left:20px;"> <p>A sample of {} images, annotated with detections above {:.1%} confidence.</p> <a href="tp.html">True positives (TP)</a> ({}) ({:0.1%})<br/> CLASSIFICATION_PLACEHOLDER_1 <a href="tn.html">True negatives (TN)</a> ({}) ({:0.1%})<br/> <a href="fp.html">False positives (FP)</a> ({}) ({:0.1%})<br/> <a href="fn.html">False negatives (FN)</a> ({}) ({:0.1%})<br/> CLASSIFICATION_PLACEHOLDER_2 </div> """.format( style_header, image_count, options.confidence_threshold, all_tp_count, all_tp_count/total_count, image_counts['tn'], image_counts['tn']/total_count, image_counts['fp'], image_counts['fp']/total_count, image_counts['fn'], image_counts['fn']/total_count ) index_page += """ <h3>Detection results</h3> <div class="contentdiv"> <p>At a confidence threshold of {:0.1%}, precision={:0.1%}, recall={:0.1%}</p> <p><strong>Precision/recall summary for all {} images</strong></p><img src="{}"><br/> </div> """.format( options.confidence_threshold, precision_at_confidence_threshold, recall_at_confidence_threshold, len(detection_results), pr_figure_relative_filename ) if len(classifier_accuracies) > 0: index_page = index_page.replace('CLASSIFICATION_PLACEHOLDER_1',classification_detection_results) index_page = index_page.replace('CLASSIFICATION_PLACEHOLDER_2',"""<p><sup>*</sup>We do not evaluate the classification result of images if the classification information is missing, if the image contains categories like ‘empty’ or ‘human’, or if the image has multiple classification labels.</p>""") else: index_page = index_page.replace('CLASSIFICATION_PLACEHOLDER_1','') index_page = index_page.replace('CLASSIFICATION_PLACEHOLDER_2','') if len(classifier_accuracies) > 0: index_page += """ <h3>Classification results</h3> <div class="contentdiv"> <p>Classification accuracy: {:.2%}<br> The accuracy is computed only for images with exactly one classification label. The accuracy of an image is computed as 1/(number of unique detected top-1 classes), i.e. if the model detects multiple boxes with different top-1 classes, then the accuracy decreases and the image is put into 'TPI'.</p> <p>Confusion matrix:</p> <p><img src="{}"></p> <div style='font-family:monospace;display:block;'>{}</div> </div> """.format( np.mean(classifier_accuracies), cm_figure_relative_filename, "<br>".join(cm_str_lines).replace(' ', ' ') ) # Show links to each GT class # # We could do this without classification results; currently we don't. if len(classname_to_idx) > 0: index_page += '<h3>Images of specific classes</h3><br/><div class="contentdiv">' # Add links to all available classes for cname in sorted(classname_to_idx.keys()): index_page += "<a href='class_{0}.html'>{0}</a> ({1})<br>".format( cname, len(images_html['class_{}'.format(cname)])) index_page += "</div>" # Close body and html tags index_page += "</body></html>" output_html_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html') with open(output_html_file, 'w') as f: f.write(index_page) print('Finished writing html to {}'.format(output_html_file)) # ...for each image ##%% Otherwise, if we don't have ground truth... else: ##%% Sample detections/non-detections # Accumulate html image structs (in the format expected by write_html_image_list) # for each category images_html = collections.defaultdict(lambda: []) # Add default entries by accessing them for the first time [images_html[res] for res in ['detections', 'non_detections']] if options.include_almost_detections: images_html['almost_detections'] # Create output directories for res in images_html.keys(): os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, res), exist_ok=True) image_count = len(images_to_visualize) has_classification_info = False # Each element will be a list of 2-tuples, with elements [collection name,html info struct] rendering_results = [] # Each element will be a three-tuple with elements [file,max_conf,detections] files_to_render = [] # Assemble the information we need for rendering, so we can parallelize without # dealing with Pandas # i_row = 0; row = images_to_visualize.iloc[0] for _, row in images_to_visualize.iterrows(): # Filenames should already have been normalized to either '/' or '\' files_to_render.append([row['file'], row['max_detection_conf'], row['detections']]) # Local function for parallelization def render_image_no_gt(file_info): image_relative_path = file_info[0] max_conf = file_info[1] detections = file_info[2] detection_status = DetectionStatus.DS_UNASSIGNED if max_conf >= options.confidence_threshold: detection_status = DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE else: if options.include_almost_detections: if max_conf >= options.almost_detection_confidence_threshold: detection_status = DetectionStatus.DS_ALMOST else: detection_status = DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE else: detection_status = DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE if detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE: res = 'detections' elif detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE: res = 'non_detections' else: assert detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_ALMOST res = 'almost_detections' display_name = '<b>Result type</b>: {}, <b>Image</b>: {}, <b>Max conf</b>: {:0.3f}'.format( res, image_relative_path, max_conf) rendering_options = copy.copy(options) if detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_ALMOST: rendering_options.confidence_threshold = rendering_options.almost_detection_confidence_threshold rendered_image_html_info = render_bounding_boxes(options.image_base_dir, image_relative_path, display_name, detections, res, detection_categories_map, classification_categories_map, rendering_options) image_result = None if len(rendered_image_html_info) > 0: image_result = [[res,rendered_image_html_info]] for det in detections: if 'classifications' in det: top1_class = classification_categories_map[det['classifications'][0][0]] image_result.append(['class_{}'.format(top1_class),rendered_image_html_info]) return image_result # ...def render_image_no_gt(file_info): start_time = time.time() if options.parallelize_rendering: if options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores is None: pool = ThreadPool() else: print('Rendering images with {} workers'.format(options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores)) pool = ThreadPool(options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores) rendering_results = list(tqdm(pool.imap(render_image_no_gt, files_to_render), total=len(files_to_render))) else: for file_info in tqdm(files_to_render): rendering_results.append(render_image_no_gt(file_info)) elapsed = time.time() - start_time # Map all the rendering results in the list rendering_results into the # dictionary images_html image_rendered_count = 0 for rendering_result in rendering_results: if rendering_result is None: continue image_rendered_count += 1 for assignment in rendering_result: if 'class' in assignment[0]: has_classification_info = True images_html[assignment[0]].append(assignment[1]) # Prepare the individual html image files image_counts = prepare_html_subpages(images_html, output_dir) if image_rendered_count == 0: seconds_per_image = 0 else: seconds_per_image = elapsed/image_rendered_count print('Rendered {} images (of {}) in {} ({} per image)'.format(image_rendered_count, image_count,humanfriendly.format_timespan(elapsed), humanfriendly.format_timespan(seconds_per_image))) # Write index.HTML total_images = image_counts['detections'] + image_counts['non_detections'] if options.include_almost_detections: total_images += image_counts['almost_detections'] assert total_images == image_count, \ 'Error: image_count is {}, total_images is {}'.format(image_count,total_images) almost_detection_string = '' if options.include_almost_detections: almost_detection_string = ' (“almost detection” threshold at {:.1%})'.format(options.almost_detection_confidence_threshold) index_page = """<html>{}<body> <h2>Visualization of results</h2> <p>A sample of {} images, annotated with detections above {:.1%} confidence{}.</p> <h3>Sample images</h3> <div class="contentdiv"> <a href="detections.html">detections</a> ({}, {:.1%})<br/> <a href="non_detections.html">non-detections</a> ({}, {:.1%})<br/>""".format( style_header,image_count, options.confidence_threshold, almost_detection_string, image_counts['detections'], image_counts['detections']/total_images, image_counts['non_detections'], image_counts['non_detections']/total_images ) if options.include_almost_detections: index_page += """<a href="almost_detections.html">almost-detections</a> ({}, {:.1%})<br/>""".format( image_counts['almost_detections'], image_counts['almost_detections']/total_images) index_page += '</div>\n' if has_classification_info: index_page += "<h3>Images of detected classes</h3>" index_page += "<p>The same image might appear under multiple classes if multiple species were detected.</p>\n<div class='contentdiv'>\n" # Add links to all available classes for cname in sorted(classification_categories_map.values()): ccount = len(images_html['class_{}'.format(cname)]) if ccount > 0: index_page += "<a href='class_{}.html'>{}</a> ({})<br/>\n".format(cname, cname.lower(), ccount) index_page += "</div>\n" index_page += "</body></html>" output_html_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html') with open(output_html_file, 'w') as f: f.write(index_page) print('Finished writing html to {}'.format(output_html_file)) # os.startfile(output_html_file) # ...if we do/don't have ground truth ppresults.output_html_file = output_html_file return ppresults
annotation_list_filename = r'd:\wildlife_data\zsl_borneo\all_img_ids_to_bbox.json' image_json = r'd:\wildlife_data\zsl_borneo\201906cameratraps\0.5\zsl_camera_traps_201906.json' image_base = r'd:\wildlife_data\zsl_borneo\201906cameratraps\0.5' output_base = r'd:\wildlife_data\zsl_borneo' human_classes = ['human', 'hunter'] #%% Load data with open(annotation_list_filename, 'r') as f: annotation_list = json.load(f) # with open(image_json,'r') as f: # data = json.load(f) indexedData = IndexedJsonDb(image_json) print('Done loading data') #%% Sanity-check data options = sanity_check_json_db.SanityCheckOptions() options.baseDir = image_base options.bCheckImageSizes = False options.bCheckImageExistence = True options.bFindUnusedImages = False sortedCategories = sanity_check_json_db.sanity_check_json_db( indexedData.db, options) #%% Label previews
def process_batch_results(options): ##%% Expand some options for convenience output_dir = options.output_dir confidence_threshold = options.confidence_threshold ##%% Prepare output dir os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) ##%% Load ground truth if available ground_truth_indexed_db = None if len(options.ground_truth_json_file) > 0: ground_truth_indexed_db = IndexedJsonDb( options.ground_truth_json_file, b_normalize_paths=True, filename_replacements=options.ground_truth_filename_replacements) # Mark images in the ground truth as positive or negative (nNegative, nPositive, nUnknown, nAmbiguous) = mark_detection_status( ground_truth_indexed_db, negative_classes=options.negative_classes, unknown_classes=options.unlabeled_classes) print( 'Finished loading and indexing ground truth: {} negative, {} positive, {} unknown, {} ambiguous' .format(nNegative, nPositive, nUnknown, nAmbiguous)) ##%% Load detection results detection_results = load_api_results( options.detector_output_file, normalize_paths=True, filename_replacements=options.detector_output_filename_replacements) # Add a column (pred_detection_label) to indicate predicted detection status import numpy as np detection_results['pred_detection_label'] = \ np.where(detection_results['max_confidence'] >= options.confidence_threshold, DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE, DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE) nPositives = sum(detection_results['pred_detection_label'] == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE) print( 'Finished loading and preprocessing {} rows from detector output, predicted {} positives' .format(len(detection_results), nPositives)) ##%% If we have ground truth, remove images we can't match to ground truth # ground_truth_indexed_db.db['images'][0] if ground_truth_indexed_db is not None: b_match = [False] * len(detection_results) detector_files = detection_results['image_path'].to_list() for iFn, fn in enumerate(detector_files): # assert fn in ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id, 'Could not find ground truth for row {} ({})'.format(iFn,fn) if fn in fn in ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id: b_match[iFn] = True print('Confirmed filename matches to ground truth for {} of {} files'. format(sum(b_match), len(detector_files))) detection_results = detection_results[b_match] detector_files = detection_results['image_path'].to_list() print('Trimmed detection results to {} files'.format( len(detector_files))) ##%% Sample images for visualization images_to_visualize = detection_results if options.num_images_to_sample > 0 and options.num_images_to_sample < len( detection_results): images_to_visualize = images_to_visualize.sample( options.num_images_to_sample, random_state=options.sample_seed) ##%% Fork here depending on whether or not ground truth is available # If we have ground truth, we'll compute precision/recall and sample tp/fp/tn/fn. # # Otherwise we'll just visualize detections/non-detections. if ground_truth_indexed_db is not None: ##%% Compute precision/recall # numpy array of detection probabilities p_detection = detection_results['max_confidence'].values n_detections = len(p_detection) # numpy array of bools (0.0/1.0) gt_detections = np.zeros(n_detections, dtype=float) for iDetection, fn in enumerate(detector_files): image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id[fn] image = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id] detection_status = image['_detection_status'] if detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE: gt_detections[iDetection] = 0.0 elif detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE: gt_detections[iDetection] = 1.0 else: gt_detections[iDetection] = -1.0 # Don't include ambiguous/unknown ground truth in precision/recall analysis b_valid_ground_truth = gt_detections >= 0.0 p_detection_pr = p_detection[b_valid_ground_truth] gt_detections_pr = gt_detections[b_valid_ground_truth] print('Including {} of {} values in p/r analysis'.format( np.sum(b_valid_ground_truth), len(b_valid_ground_truth))) precisions, recalls, thresholds = precision_recall_curve( gt_detections_pr, p_detection_pr) # For completeness, include the result at a confidence threshold of 1.0 thresholds = np.append(thresholds, [1.0]) precisions_recalls = pd.DataFrame( data={ 'confidence_threshold': thresholds, 'precision': precisions, 'recall': recalls }) # Compute and print summary statistics average_precision = average_precision_score(gt_detections_pr, p_detection_pr) print('Average precision: {:.2f}'.format(average_precision)) # Thresholds go up throughout precisions/recalls/thresholds; find the last # value where recall is at or above target. That's our precision @ target recall. target_recall = 0.9 b_above_target_recall = np.where(recalls >= target_recall) if not np.any(b_above_target_recall): precision_at_target_recall = 0.0 else: i_target_recall = np.argmax(b_above_target_recall) precision_at_target_recall = precisions[i_target_recall] print('Precision at {:.2f} recall: {:.2f}'.format( target_recall, precision_at_target_recall)) cm = confusion_matrix(gt_detections_pr, np.array(p_detection_pr) > confidence_threshold) # Flatten the confusion matrix tn, fp, fn, tp = cm.ravel() precision_at_confidence_threshold = tp / (tp + fp) recall_at_confidence_threshold = tp / (tp + fn) f1 = 2.0 * (precision_at_confidence_threshold * recall_at_confidence_threshold) / \ (precision_at_confidence_threshold + recall_at_confidence_threshold) print( 'At a confidence threshold of {:.2f}, precision={:.2f}, recall={:.2f}, f1={:.2f}' .format(confidence_threshold, precision_at_confidence_threshold, recall_at_confidence_threshold, f1)) ##%% Render output # Write p/r table to .csv file in output directory pr_table_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'prec_recall.csv') precisions_recalls.to_csv(pr_table_filename, index=False) # Write precision/recall plot to .png file in output directory step_kwargs = ({'step': 'post'}) fig = plt.figure() plt.step(recalls, precisions, color='b', alpha=0.2, where='post') plt.fill_between(recalls, precisions, alpha=0.2, color='b', **step_kwargs) plt.xlabel('Recall') plt.ylabel('Precision') plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.05]) t = 'Precision-Recall curve: AP={:0.2f}, P@{:0.2f}={:0.2f}'.format( average_precision, target_recall, precision_at_target_recall) plt.title(t) pr_figure_relative_filename = 'prec_recall.png' pr_figure_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, pr_figure_relative_filename) plt.savefig(pr_figure_filename) # plt.close(fig) ##%% Sample true/false positives/negatives and render to html os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'tp'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'fp'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'tn'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'fn'), exist_ok=True) # Accumulate html image structs (in the format expected by write_html_image_lists) # for each category images_html = {'tp': [], 'fp': [], 'tn': [], 'fn': []} count = 0 # i_row = 0; row = images_to_visualize.iloc[0] for i_row, row in tqdm(images_to_visualize.iterrows(), total=len(images_to_visualize)): image_relative_path = row['image_path'] # This should already have been normalized to either '/' or '\' image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id.get( image_relative_path, None) if image_id is None: print('Warning: couldn' 't find ground truth for image {}'.format( image_relative_path)) continue image_info = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id] annotations = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_annotations[ image_id] gt_status = image_info['_detection_status'] if gt_status > DetectionStatus.DS_MAX_DEFINITIVE_VALUE: print( 'Skipping image {}, does not have a definitive ground truth status' .format(i_row, gt_status)) continue gt_presence = bool(gt_status) gt_class_name = CameraTrapJsonUtils.annotationsToString( annotations, ground_truth_indexed_db.cat_id_to_name) max_conf = row['max_confidence'] boxes_and_scores = row['detections'] detected = True if max_conf > confidence_threshold else False if gt_presence and detected: res = 'tp' elif not gt_presence and detected: res = 'fp' elif gt_presence and not detected: res = 'fn' else: res = 'tn' display_name = '<b>Result type</b>: {}, <b>Presence</b>: {}, <b>Class</b>: {}, <b>Max conf</b>: {:0.2f}%, <b>Image</b>: {}'.format( res.upper(), str(gt_presence), gt_class_name, max_conf * 100, image_relative_path) rendered_image_html_info = render_bounding_boxes( options.image_base_dir, image_relative_path, display_name, boxes_and_scores, res, options) if len(rendered_image_html_info) > 0: images_html[res].append(rendered_image_html_info) count += 1 # ...for each image in our sample print('{} images rendered'.format(count)) # Prepare the individual html image files image_counts = prepare_html_subpages(images_html, output_dir) # Write index.HTML index_page = """<html><body> <p><strong>A sample of {} images, annotated with detections above {:.1f}% confidence.</strong></p> <a href="tp.html">True positives (tp)</a> ({})<br/> <a href="tn.html">True negatives (tn)</a> ({})<br/> <a href="fp.html">False positives (fp)</a> ({})<br/> <a href="fn.html">False negatives (fn)</a> ({})<br/> <p>At a confidence threshold of {:0.1f}%, precision={:0.2f}, recall={:0.2f}</p> <p><strong>Precision/recall summary for all {} images</strong></p><img src="{}"><br/> </body></html>""".format( count, confidence_threshold * 100, image_counts['tp'], image_counts['tn'], image_counts['fp'], image_counts['fn'], confidence_threshold * 100, precision_at_confidence_threshold, recall_at_confidence_threshold, len(detection_results), pr_figure_relative_filename) output_html_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html') with open(output_html_file, 'w') as f: f.write(index_page) print('Finished writing html to {}'.format(output_html_file)) ##%% Otherwise, if we don't have ground truth... else: ##%% Sample detections/non-detections os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'non_detections'), exist_ok=True) # Accumulate html image structs (in the format expected by write_html_image_lists) # for each category images_html = { 'detections': [], 'non_detections': [], } count = 0 # i_row = 0; row = images_to_visualize.iloc[0] for i_row, row in tqdm(images_to_visualize.iterrows(), total=len(images_to_visualize)): image_relative_path = row['image_path'] # This should already have been normalized to either '/' or '\' max_conf = row['max_confidence'] boxes_and_scores = row['detections'] detected = True if max_conf > confidence_threshold else False if detected: res = 'detections' else: res = 'non_detections' display_name = '<b>Result type</b>: {}, <b>Image</b>: {}'.format( res.upper(), image_relative_path) rendered_image_html_info = render_bounding_boxes( options.image_base_dir, image_relative_path, display_name, boxes_and_scores, res, options) if len(rendered_image_html_info) > 0: images_html[res].append(rendered_image_html_info) count += 1 # ...for each image in our sample print('{} images rendered'.format(count)) # Prepare the individual html image files image_counts = prepare_html_subpages(images_html, output_dir) # Write index.HTML index_page = """<html><body> <p><strong>A sample of {} images, annotated with detections above {:.1f}% confidence.</strong></p> <a href="detections.html">Detections</a> ({})<br/> <a href="non_detections.html">Non-detections</a> ({})<br/> </body></html>""".format(count, confidence_threshold * 100, image_counts['detections'], image_counts['non_detections']) output_html_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html') with open(output_html_file, 'w') as f: f.write(index_page) print('Finished writing html to {}'.format(output_html_file))
def process_batch_results(options): ##%% Expand some options for convenience output_dir = options.output_dir confidence_threshold = options.confidence_threshold ##%% Prepare output dir os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) ##%% Load ground truth if available ground_truth_indexed_db = None if options.ground_truth_json_file and len( options.ground_truth_json_file) > 0: ground_truth_indexed_db = IndexedJsonDb( options.ground_truth_json_file, b_normalize_paths=True, filename_replacements=options.ground_truth_filename_replacements) # Mark images in the ground truth as positive or negative n_negative, n_positive, n_unknown, n_ambiguous = mark_detection_status( ground_truth_indexed_db, negative_classes=options.negative_classes, unknown_classes=options.unlabeled_classes) print( 'Finished loading and indexing ground truth: {} negative, {} positive, {} unknown, {} ambiguous' .format(n_negative, n_positive, n_unknown, n_ambiguous)) ##%% Load detection results detection_results, other_fields = load_api_results( options.api_output_file, normalize_paths=True, filename_replacements=options.api_output_filename_replacements) detection_categories_map = other_fields['detection_categories'] if 'classification_categories' in other_fields: classification_categories_map = other_fields[ 'classification_categories'] else: classification_categories_map = {} # Add a column (pred_detection_label) to indicate predicted detection status, not separating out the classes detection_results['pred_detection_label'] = \ np.where(detection_results['max_detection_conf'] >= options.confidence_threshold, DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE, DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE) n_positives = sum(detection_results['pred_detection_label'] == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE) print( 'Finished loading and preprocessing {} rows from detector output, predicted {} positives' .format(len(detection_results), n_positives)) ##%% If we have ground truth, remove images we can't match to ground truth # ground_truth_indexed_db.db['images'][0] if ground_truth_indexed_db is not None: b_match = [False] * len(detection_results) detector_files = detection_results['file'].tolist() for i_fn, fn in enumerate(detector_files): # assert fn in ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id, 'Could not find ground truth for row {} ({})'.format(i_fn,fn) if fn in fn in ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id: b_match[i_fn] = True print('Confirmed filename matches to ground truth for {} of {} files'. format(sum(b_match), len(detector_files))) detection_results = detection_results[b_match] detector_files = detection_results['file'].tolist() print('Trimmed detection results to {} files'.format( len(detector_files))) ##%% Sample images for visualization images_to_visualize = detection_results if options.num_images_to_sample > 0 and options.num_images_to_sample <= len( detection_results): images_to_visualize = images_to_visualize.sample( options.num_images_to_sample, random_state=options.sample_seed) ##%% Fork here depending on whether or not ground truth is available output_html_file = '' # If we have ground truth, we'll compute precision/recall and sample tp/fp/tn/fn. # # Otherwise we'll just visualize detections/non-detections. if ground_truth_indexed_db is not None: ##%% DETECTION EVALUATION: Compute precision/recall # numpy array of detection probabilities p_detection = detection_results['max_detection_conf'].values n_detections = len(p_detection) # numpy array of bools (0.0/1.0), and -1 as null value gt_detections = np.zeros(n_detections, dtype=float) for i_detection, fn in enumerate(detector_files): image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id[fn] image = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id] detection_status = image['_detection_status'] if detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE: gt_detections[i_detection] = 0.0 elif detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE: gt_detections[i_detection] = 1.0 else: gt_detections[i_detection] = -1.0 # Don't include ambiguous/unknown ground truth in precision/recall analysis b_valid_ground_truth = gt_detections >= 0.0 p_detection_pr = p_detection[b_valid_ground_truth] gt_detections_pr = gt_detections[b_valid_ground_truth] print('Including {} of {} values in p/r analysis'.format( np.sum(b_valid_ground_truth), len(b_valid_ground_truth))) precisions, recalls, thresholds = precision_recall_curve( gt_detections_pr, p_detection_pr) # For completeness, include the result at a confidence threshold of 1.0 thresholds = np.append(thresholds, [1.0]) precisions_recalls = pd.DataFrame( data={ 'confidence_threshold': thresholds, 'precision': precisions, 'recall': recalls }) # Compute and print summary statistics average_precision = average_precision_score(gt_detections_pr, p_detection_pr) print('Average precision: {:.1%}'.format(average_precision)) # Thresholds go up throughout precisions/recalls/thresholds; find the last # value where recall is at or above target. That's our precision @ target recall. target_recall = 0.9 b_above_target_recall = np.where(recalls >= target_recall) if not np.any(b_above_target_recall): precision_at_target_recall = 0.0 else: i_target_recall = np.argmax(b_above_target_recall) precision_at_target_recall = precisions[i_target_recall] print('Precision at {:.1%} recall: {:.1%}'.format( target_recall, precision_at_target_recall)) cm = confusion_matrix(gt_detections_pr, np.array(p_detection_pr) > confidence_threshold) # Flatten the confusion matrix tn, fp, fn, tp = cm.ravel() precision_at_confidence_threshold = tp / (tp + fp) recall_at_confidence_threshold = tp / (tp + fn) f1 = 2.0 * (precision_at_confidence_threshold * recall_at_confidence_threshold) / \ (precision_at_confidence_threshold + recall_at_confidence_threshold) print( 'At a confidence threshold of {:.1%}, precision={:.1%}, recall={:.1%}, f1={:.1%}' .format(confidence_threshold, precision_at_confidence_threshold, recall_at_confidence_threshold, f1)) ##%% CLASSIFICATION evaluation classifier_accuracies = [] # Mapping of classnames to idx for the confusion matrix. # The lambda is actually kind of a hack, because we use assume that # the following code does not reassign classname_to_idx classname_to_idx = collections.defaultdict( lambda: len(classname_to_idx)) # Confusion matrix as defaultdict of defaultdict # Rows / first index is ground truth, columns / second index is predicted category classifier_cm = collections.defaultdict( lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)) for iDetection, fn in enumerate(detector_files): image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id[fn] image = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id] pred_class_ids = [det['classifications'][0][0] \ for det in detection_results['detections'][iDetection] if 'classifications' in det.keys()] pred_classnames = [ classification_categories_map[pd] for pd in pred_class_ids ] # If this image has classification predictions, and an unambiguous class # annotated, and is a positive image if len(pred_classnames) > 0 \ and '_unambiguous_category' in image.keys() \ and image['_detection_status'] == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE: # The unambiguous category, we make this a set for easier handling afterward # TODO: actually we can replace the unambiguous category by all annotated # categories. However, then the confusion matrix doesn't make sense anymore # TODO: make sure we are using the class names as strings in both, not IDs gt_categories = set([image['_unambiguous_category']]) pred_categories = set(pred_classnames) # Compute the accuracy as intersection of union, # i.e. (# of categories in both prediciton and GT) # divided by (# of categories in either prediction or GT # In case of only one GT category, the result will be 1.0, if # prediction is one category and this category matches GT # It is 1.0/(# of predicted top-1 categories), if the GT is # one of the predicted top-1 categories. # It is 0.0, if none of the predicted categories is correct classifier_accuracies.append( len(gt_categories & pred_categories) / len(gt_categories | pred_categories)) image['_classification_accuracy'] = classifier_accuracies[-1] # Distribute this accuracy across all predicted categories in the # confusion matrix assert len(gt_categories) == 1 gt_class_idx = classname_to_idx[list(gt_categories)[0]] for pred_category in pred_categories: pred_class_idx = classname_to_idx[pred_category] classifier_cm[gt_class_idx][pred_class_idx] += 1 # If we have classification results if len(classifier_accuracies) > 0: # Build confusion matrix as array from classifier_cm all_class_ids = sorted(classname_to_idx.values()) classifier_cm_array = np.array( [[classifier_cm[r_idx][c_idx] for c_idx in all_class_ids] for r_idx in all_class_ids], dtype=float) classifier_cm_array /= ( classifier_cm_array.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) + 1e-7) # Print some statistics print("Finished computation of {} classification results".format( len(classifier_accuracies))) print("Mean accuracy: {}".format(np.mean(classifier_accuracies))) # Prepare confusion matrix output # Get CM matrix as string sio = io.StringIO() np.savetxt(sio, classifier_cm_array * 100, fmt='%5.1f') cm_str = sio.getvalue() # Get fixed-size classname for each idx idx_to_classname = {v: k for k, v in classname_to_idx.items()} classname_list = [ idx_to_classname[idx] for idx in sorted(classname_to_idx.values()) ] classname_headers = [ '{:<5}'.format(cname[:5]) for cname in classname_list ] # Prepend class name on each line and add to the top cm_str_lines = [' ' * 16 + ' '.join(classname_headers)] cm_str_lines += [ '{:>15}'.format(cn[:15]) + ' ' + cm_line for cn, cm_line in zip(classname_list, cm_str.splitlines()) ] # print formatted confusion matrix print("Confusion matrix: ") print(*cm_str_lines, sep='\n') # Plot confusion matrix # To manually add more space at bottom: plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = 0.1 # Add 0.5 to figsize for every class. For two classes, this will result in # fig = plt.figure(figsize=[4,4]) fig = vis_utils.plot_confusion_matrix(classifier_cm_array, classname_list, normalize=False, title='Confusion matrix',, vmax=1.0, use_colorbar=True, y_label=True) cm_figure_relative_filename = 'confusion_matrix.png' cm_figure_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, cm_figure_relative_filename) plt.savefig(cm_figure_filename) plt.close(fig) ##%% Render output # Write p/r table to .csv file in output directory pr_table_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'prec_recall.csv') precisions_recalls.to_csv(pr_table_filename, index=False) # Write precision/recall plot to .png file in output directory t = 'Precision-Recall curve: AP={:0.1%}, P@{:0.1%}={:0.1%}'.format( average_precision, target_recall, precision_at_target_recall) fig = vis_utils.plot_precision_recall_curve(precisions, recalls, t) pr_figure_relative_filename = 'prec_recall.png' pr_figure_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, pr_figure_relative_filename) plt.savefig(pr_figure_filename) # plt.close(fig) ##%% Sample true/false positives/negatives with correct/incorrect top-1 # classification and render to html # Accumulate html image structs (in the format expected by write_html_image_lists) # for each category, e.g. 'tp', 'fp', ..., 'class_bird', ... images_html = collections.defaultdict(lambda: []) # Add default entries by accessing them for the first time [images_html[res] for res in ['tp', 'tpc', 'tpi', 'fp', 'tn', 'fn']] for res in images_html.keys(): os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, res), exist_ok=True) count = 0 # i_row = 0; row = images_to_visualize.iloc[0] for i_row, row in tqdm(images_to_visualize.iterrows(), total=len(images_to_visualize)): image_relative_path = row['file'] # This should already have been normalized to either '/' or '\' image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id.get( image_relative_path, None) if image_id is None: print('Warning: couldn' 't find ground truth for image {}'.format( image_relative_path)) continue image = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id] annotations = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_annotations[ image_id] gt_status = image['_detection_status'] if gt_status > DetectionStatus.DS_MAX_DEFINITIVE_VALUE: print( 'Skipping image {}, does not have a definitive ground truth status' .format(i_row, gt_status)) continue gt_presence = bool(gt_status) gt_classes = CameraTrapJsonUtils.annotations_to_classnames( annotations, ground_truth_indexed_db.cat_id_to_name) gt_class_summary = ','.join(gt_classes) max_conf = row['max_detection_conf'] detections = row['detections'] detected = max_conf > confidence_threshold if gt_presence and detected: if '_classification_accuracy' not in image.keys(): res = 'tp' elif np.isclose(1, image['_classification_accuracy']): res = 'tpc' else: res = 'tpi' elif not gt_presence and detected: res = 'fp' elif gt_presence and not detected: res = 'fn' else: res = 'tn' display_name = '<b>Result type</b>: {}, <b>Presence</b>: {}, <b>Class</b>: {}, <b>Max conf</b>: {:0.2f}%, <b>Image</b>: {}'.format( res.upper(), str(gt_presence), gt_class_summary, max_conf * 100, image_relative_path) rendered_image_html_info = render_bounding_boxes( options.image_base_dir, image_relative_path, display_name, detections, res, detection_categories_map, classification_categories_map, options) if len(rendered_image_html_info) > 0: images_html[res].append(rendered_image_html_info) for gt_class in gt_classes: images_html['class_{}'.format(gt_class)].append( rendered_image_html_info) count += 1 # ...for each image in our sample print('{} images rendered'.format(count)) # Prepare the individual html image files image_counts = prepare_html_subpages(images_html, output_dir) # Write index.HTML all_tp_count = image_counts['tp'] + image_counts['tpc'] + image_counts[ 'tpi'] total_count = all_tp_count + image_counts['tn'] + image_counts[ 'fp'] + image_counts['fn'] index_page = """<html><body> <h2>Evaluation</h2> <h3>Sample images</h3> <p>A sample of {} images, annotated with detections above {:.1%} confidence.</p> True positives (TP) ({} or {:0.1%})<br/> -- <a href="tpc.html">with all correct top-1 predictions (TPC)</a> ({})<br/> -- <a href="tpi.html">with one or more incorrect top-1 prediction (TPI)</a> ({})<br/> -- <a href="tp.html">without classification evaluation</a> (*) ({})<br/> <a href="tn.html">True negatives (TN)</a> ({} or {:0.1%})<br/> <a href="fp.html">False positives (FP)</a> ({} or {:0.1%})<br/> <a href="fn.html">False negatives (FN)</a> ({} or {:0.1%})<br/> <p>(*) We do not evaluate the classification result of images, if the classification information is missing, if the image contains categories like 'empty' or 'human', or if the image has multiple classification labels.</p>""".format( count, confidence_threshold, all_tp_count, all_tp_count / total_count, image_counts['tpc'], image_counts['tpi'], image_counts['tp'], image_counts['tn'], image_counts['tn'] / total_count, image_counts['fp'], image_counts['fp'] / total_count, image_counts['fn'], image_counts['fn'] / total_count) index_page += """ <h3>Detection results</h3> <p>At a confidence threshold of {:0.1%}, precision={:0.1%}, recall={:0.1%}</p> <p><strong>Precision/recall summary for all {} images</strong></p><img src="{}"><br/> """.format(confidence_threshold, precision_at_confidence_threshold, recall_at_confidence_threshold, len(detection_results), pr_figure_relative_filename) if len(classifier_accuracies) > 0: index_page += """ <h3>Classification results</h3> <p>Classification accuracy: {:.2%}<br> The accuracy is computed only for images with exactly one classification label. The accuracy of an image is computed as 1/(number of unique detected top-1 classes), i.e. if the model detects multiple boxes with different top-1 classes, then the accuracy decreases and the image is put into 'TPI'.</p> <p>Confusion matrix:</p> <p><img src="{}"></p> <div style='font-family:monospace;display:block;'>{}</div> """.format(np.mean(classifier_accuracies), cm_figure_relative_filename, "<br>".join(cm_str_lines).replace(' ', ' ')) # Show links to each GT class index_page += "<h3>Images of specific classes:</h3>" # Add links to all available classes for cname in sorted(classname_to_idx.keys()): index_page += "<a href='class_{0}.html'>{0}</a> ({1})<br>".format( cname, len(images_html['class_{}'.format(cname)])) # Close body and html tag index_page += "</body></html>" output_html_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html') with open(output_html_file, 'w') as f: f.write(index_page) print('Finished writing html to {}'.format(output_html_file)) ##%% Otherwise, if we don't have ground truth... else: ##%% Sample detections/non-detections os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections'), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'non_detections'), exist_ok=True) # Accumulate html image structs (in the format expected by write_html_image_lists) # for each category images_html = collections.defaultdict(lambda: []) # Add default entries by accessing them for the first time [images_html[res] for res in ['detections', 'non_detections']] for res in images_html.keys(): os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, res), exist_ok=True) count = 0 has_classification_info = False # i_row = 0; row = images_to_visualize.iloc[0] for i_row, row in tqdm(images_to_visualize.iterrows(), total=len(images_to_visualize)): image_relative_path = row['file'] # This should already have been normalized to either '/' or '\' max_conf = row['max_detection_conf'] detections = row['detections'] detected = True if max_conf > confidence_threshold else False if detected: res = 'detections' else: res = 'non_detections' display_name = '<b>Result type</b>: {}, <b>Image</b>: {}, <b>Max conf</b>: {}'.format( res, image_relative_path, max_conf) rendered_image_html_info = render_bounding_boxes( options.image_base_dir, image_relative_path, display_name, detections, res, detection_categories_map, classification_categories_map, options) if len(rendered_image_html_info) > 0: images_html[res].append(rendered_image_html_info) for det in detections: if 'classifications' in det: has_classification_info = True top1_class = classification_categories_map[ det['classifications'][0][0]] images_html['class_{}'.format(top1_class)].append( rendered_image_html_info) count += 1 # ...for each image in our sample print('{} images rendered'.format(count)) # Prepare the individual html image files image_counts = prepare_html_subpages(images_html, output_dir) # Write index.HTML total_images = image_counts['detections'] + image_counts[ 'non_detections'] index_page = """<html><body> <h2>Visualization of results</h2> <p>A sample of {} images, annotated with detections above {:.1%} confidence.</p> <h3>Sample images</h3> <a href="detections.html">Detections</a> ({}, {:.1%})<br/> <a href="non_detections.html">Non-detections</a> ({}, {:.1%})<br/>""".format( count, confidence_threshold, image_counts['detections'], image_counts['detections'] / total_images, image_counts['non_detections'], image_counts['non_detections'] / total_images) if has_classification_info: index_page += "<h3>Images of detected classes</h3>" index_page += "<p>The same image might appear under multiple classes if multiple species were detected.</p>" # Add links to all available classes for cname in sorted(classification_categories_map.values()): ccount = len(images_html['class_{}'.format(cname)]) if ccount > 0: index_page += "<a href='class_{0}.html'>{0}</a> ({1})<br>".format( cname, ccount) index_page += "</body></html>" output_html_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html') with open(output_html_file, 'w') as f: f.write(index_page) print('Finished writing html to {}'.format(output_html_file)) # ...if we do/don't have ground truth ppresults = PostProcessingResults() ppresults.output_html_file = output_html_file return ppresults
def make_cct_embedded(image_db=None, bbox_db=None): """ Takes in path to the COCO Camera Trap format jsons for images (species labels) and/or bboxes (animal/human/vehicle) labels and embed the class names and annotations into the image entries. Since IndexedJsonDb() can take either a path or a loaded json object as a dict, both arguments can be paths or loaded json objects Returns: an embedded version of the COCO Camera Trap format json database """ # at first a dict of image_id: image_obj with annotations embedded, then it becomes # an array of image objects docs = {} # %% integrate the image DB if image_db: print('Loading image DB...') cct_json_db = IndexedJsonDb(image_db) docs = cct_json_db.image_id_to_image # each image entry is first assigned the image object # takes in image entries and species and other annotations in the image DB num_images_with_more_than_1_species = 0 for image_id, annotations in cct_json_db.image_id_to_annotations.items(): docs[image_id]['annotations'] = { 'species': [] } if len(annotations) > 1: num_images_with_more_than_1_species += 1 for anno in annotations: # convert the species category to explicit string name cat_name = cct_json_db.cat_id_to_name[anno['category_id']] docs[image_id]['annotations']['species'].append(cat_name) # there may be other fields in the annotation object for anno_field_name, anno_field_val in anno.items(): # these fields should already be gotten from the image object if anno_field_name not in ['category_id', 'id', 'image_id', 'datetime', 'location', 'sequence_level_annotation', 'seq_id', 'seq_num_frames', 'frame_num']: docs[image_id]['annotations'][anno_field_name] = anno_field_val print('Number of items from the image DB:', len(docs)) print('Number of images with more than 1 species: {} ({}% of image DB)'.format( num_images_with_more_than_1_species, round(100 * num_images_with_more_than_1_species / len(docs), 2))) #%% integrate the bbox DB if bbox_db: print('Loading bbox DB...') cct_bbox_json_db = IndexedJsonDb(bbox_db) # add any images that are not in the image DB # also add any fields in the image object that are not present already num_added = 0 num_amended = 0 for image_id, image_obj in cct_bbox_json_db.image_id_to_image.items(): if image_id not in docs: docs[image_id] = image_obj num_added += 1 amended = False for field_name, val in image_obj.items(): if field_name not in docs[image_id]: docs[image_id][field_name] = val amended = True if amended: num_amended += 1 print('Number of images added from bbox DB entries: ', num_added) print('Number of images amended: ', num_amended) print('Number of items in total: ', len(docs)) # add bbox to the annotations field num_more_than_1_bbox = 0 for image_id, bbox_annotations in cct_bbox_json_db.image_id_to_annotations.items(): # for any newly added images if 'annotations' not in docs[image_id]: docs[image_id]['annotations'] = {} docs[image_id]['annotations']['bbox'] = [] if len(bbox_annotations) > 1: num_more_than_1_bbox += 1 for bbox_anno in bbox_annotations: item_bbox = { 'category': cct_bbox_json_db.cat_id_to_name[bbox_anno['category_id']], # 'bbox_abs': bbox_anno['bbox'], } if 'width' in docs[image_id]: image_w = docs[image_id]['width'] image_h = docs[image_id]['height'] x, y, w, h = bbox_anno['bbox'] item_bbox['bbox_rel'] = [ truncate_float(x / image_w), truncate_float(y / image_h), truncate_float(w / image_w), truncate_float(h / image_h) ] docs[image_id]['annotations']['bbox'].append(item_bbox) # not keeping height and width del docs[image_id]['width'] del docs[image_id]['height'] print('Number of images with more than one bounding box: {} ({}% of all entries)'.format( num_more_than_1_bbox, 100 * num_more_than_1_bbox / len(docs), 2)) else: print('No bbox DB provided.') assert len(docs) > 0, 'No image entries found in the image or bbox DB jsons provided.' docs = list(docs.values()) return docs
annotations_all = annotations #%% if db_sampling_scheme == 'all': pass elif db_sampling_scheme == 'labeled' or db_sampling_scheme == 'preview': json_data = {} json_data['images'] = images json_data['annotations'] = annotations json_data['categories'] = categories indexed_db = IndexedJsonDb(json_data) # Collect the images we want sampled_images = [] for im in images: classes = indexed_db.get_classes_for_image(im) if 'unlabeled' in classes and len(classes) == 1: pass else: sampled_images.append(im) if db_sampling_scheme == 'preview': n_sample = n_unlabeled_to_sample if n_sample == -1: n_sample = len(labeled_images) if n_sample > len(labeled_images) and cap_unlabeled_to_labeled:
def visualize_incoming_annotations(args): print('Connecting to MegaDB to get the datasets table...') megadb_utils = MegadbUtils() datasets_table = megadb_utils.get_datasets_table() print('Loading the MegaDB entries...') with open(args.megadb_entries) as f: sequences = json.load(f) print(f'Total number of sequences: {len(sequences)}') dataset_seq_images = defaultdict(dict) for seq in sequences: dataset_seq_images[seq['dataset']][seq['seq_id']] = seq['images'] print('Loading incoming annotation entries...') incoming = IndexedJsonDb(args.incoming_annotation) print( f'Number of images in this annotation file: {len(incoming.image_id_to_image)}' ) if args.num_to_visualize != -1 and args.num_to_visualize <= len( incoming.image_id_to_image): incoming_id_to_anno = sample( list(incoming.image_id_to_annotations.items()), args.num_to_visualize) else: incoming_id_to_anno = incoming.image_id_to_annotations.items() # The file_name field in the incoming json looks like alka_squirrels.seq2020_05_07_25C.frame119221.jpg # we need to use the dataset, sequence and frame info to find the actual path in blob storage # using the sequences images_html = [] for image_id, annotations in tqdm(incoming_id_to_anno): if args.trim_to_images_bboxes_labeled and annotations[0][ 'category_id'] == 5: # category_id 5 is No Object Visible continue anno_file_name = incoming.image_id_to_image[image_id]['file_name'] parts = anno_file_name.split('.') dataset_name = parts[0] seq_id = parts[1].split('seq')[1] frame_num = int(parts[2].split('frame')[1]) im_rel_path = get_image_rel_path(dataset_seq_images, dataset_name, seq_id, frame_num) if im_rel_path is None: print(f'Not found in megadb entries: dataset {dataset_name},' f' seq_id {seq_id}, frame_num {frame_num}') continue im_full_path = megadb_utils.get_full_path(datasets_table, dataset_name, im_rel_path) # download the image container_client = megadb_utils.get_storage_client( datasets_table, dataset_name) downloader = container_client.download_blob(im_full_path) image_file = io.BytesIO() blob_props = downloader.download_to_stream(image_file) image = vis_utils.open_image(image_file) boxes = [anno['bbox'] for anno in annotations] classes = [anno['category_id'] for anno in annotations] vis_utils.render_iMerit_boxes(boxes, classes, image, label_map=incoming.cat_id_to_name) file_name = '{}_gtbbox.jpg'.format( os.path.splitext(anno_file_name)[0].replace('/', '~')) image = vis_utils.resize_image(image, args.output_image_width), 'rendered_images', file_name)) images_html.append({ 'filename': '{}/{}'.format('rendered_images', file_name), 'title': '{}, number of boxes: {}'.format( anno_file_name, len([b for b in boxes if len(b) > 0])), 'textStyle': 'font-family:verdana,arial,calibri;font-size:80%;text-align:left;margin-top:20;margin-bottom:5' }) # Write to HTML images_html = sorted(images_html, key=lambda x: x['filename']) write_html_image_list(filename=os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'index.html'), images=images_html, options={ 'headerHtml': '<h1>Sample annotations from {}</h1>'.format( args.incoming_annotation) }) print('Visualized {} images.'.format(len(images_html)))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( 'dataset_name', type=str, help= 'a short string representing the dataset to be used as a partition key in the DB' ) parser.add_argument( '--image_db', type=str, help='path to the json containing the image DB in CCT format') parser.add_argument( '--bbox_db', type=str, help='path to the json containing the bbox DB in CCT format') parser.add_argument('--embedded_db', type=str, required=True, help='path to store the resulting json') args = parser.parse_args() assert len(args.dataset_name) > 0, 'dataset name cannot be an empty string' if args.image_db: assert os.path.exists( args.image_db ), 'image_db file path provided does not point to a file' if args.bbox_db: assert os.path.exists( args.bbox_db ), 'bbox_db file path provided does not point to a file' #%% integrate the image DB # at first a dict of image_id: image_obj with annotations embedded, # then its values becomes the array of documents that will get uploaded to Cosmos DB docs = {} if args.image_db: print('Loading image DB...') cct_json_db = IndexedJsonDb(args.image_db) docs = cct_json_db.image_id_to_image # each image entry is first assigned the image object # takes in image entries and species and other annotations in the image DB num_images_with_more_than_1_species = 0 for image_id, annotations in cct_json_db.image_id_to_annotations.items( ): docs[image_id]['annotations'] = {'species': []} if len(annotations) > 1: num_images_with_more_than_1_species += 1 for anno in annotations: # convert the species category to explicit string name cat_name = cct_json_db.cat_id_to_name[anno['category_id']] docs[image_id]['annotations']['species'].append(cat_name) # there may be other fields in the annotation object for anno_field_name, anno_field_val in anno.items(): # these fields should already be gotten from the image object if anno_field_name not in [ 'category_id', 'id', 'image_id', 'datetime', 'location', 'sequence_level_annotation', 'seq_id', 'seq_num_frames', 'frame_num' ]: docs[image_id]['annotations'][ anno_field_name] = anno_field_val print('Number of items from the image DB:', len(docs)) print( 'Number of images with more than 1 species: {} ({}% of image DB)'. format( num_images_with_more_than_1_species, round(100 * num_images_with_more_than_1_species / len(docs), 2))) #%% integrate the bbox DB if args.bbox_db: print('Loading bbox DB...') cct_bbox_json_db = IndexedJsonDb(args.bbox_db) # add any images that are not in the image DB # also add any fields in the image object that are not present already num_added = 0 num_amended = 0 for image_id, image_obj in cct_bbox_json_db.image_id_to_image.items(): if image_id not in docs: docs[image_id] = image_obj num_added += 1 amended = False for field_name, val in image_obj.items(): if field_name not in docs[image_id]: docs[image_id][field_name] = val amended = True if amended: num_amended += 1 print('Number of images added from bbox DB entries: ', num_added) print('Number of images amended: ', num_amended) print('Number of items in total: ', len(docs)) # add bbox to the annotations field num_more_than_1_bbox = 0 for image_id, bbox_annotations in cct_bbox_json_db.image_id_to_annotations.items( ): # for any newly added images if 'annotations' not in docs[image_id]: docs[image_id]['annotations'] = {} docs[image_id]['annotations']['bbox'] = [] if len(bbox_annotations) > 1: num_more_than_1_bbox += 1 for bbox_anno in bbox_annotations: item_bbox = { 'category': cct_bbox_json_db.cat_id_to_name[bbox_anno['category_id']], 'bbox_abs': bbox_anno['bbox'], } if 'width' in docs[image_id]: image_w = docs[image_id]['width'] image_h = docs[image_id]['height'] x, y, w, h = bbox_anno['bbox'] item_bbox['bbox_rel'] = [ truncate_float(x / image_w), truncate_float(y / image_h), truncate_float(w / image_w), truncate_float(h / image_h) ] docs[image_id]['annotations']['bbox'].append(item_bbox) print( 'Number of images with more than one bounding box: {} ({}% of all entries)' .format(num_more_than_1_bbox, 100 * num_more_than_1_bbox / len(docs), 2)) else: print('No bbox DB provided.') assert len( docs ) > 0, 'No image entries found in the image or bbox DB jsons provided.' docs = list(docs.values()) #%% processing # get rid of any trailing '.JPG' for the id field # insert the 'dataset' attribute used as the partition key # replace illegal chars (for Cosmos DB) in the id field of the image # replace directory separator with tilde ~ # rename the id field (reserved word) to image_id illegal_char_map = {'/': '~', '\\': '~', '?': '__qm__', '#': '__pound__'} for i in docs: i['id'] = i['id'].split('.JPG')[0].split('.jpg')[0] for illegal, replacement in illegal_char_map.items(): i['id'] = i['id'].replace(illegal, replacement) i['dataset'] = args.dataset_name i['image_id'] = i['id'] del i['id'] #%% some validation print('Example items:') print() print(docs[0]) print() print(docs[-1]) print() num_both_species_bbox = 0 for item in docs: if 'annotations' in item: if 'species' in item['annotations'] and 'bbox' in item[ 'annotations']: num_both_species_bbox += 1 print( 'Number of images with both species and bbox annotations: {} ({}% of all entries)' .format(num_both_species_bbox, round(100 * num_both_species_bbox / len(docs), 2))) #%% save the embedded json database write_json(args.embedded_db, docs)