コード例 #1
def add_annotations_to_sequences(annotations_dir: str, temp_sequences_dir: str,
                                 sequences_dir: str):
    Extract the bounding box annotations from the COCO JSONs for all datasets labeled in this round.

        annotations_dir: Path to directory with the annotations in COCO JSONs at the root level.
        temp_sequences_dir: Path to a flat directory of JSONs ending in '_temp.json' which are
            MegaDB sequences without the bounding box annotations.
        sequences_dir: Path to a directory to output corresponding bounding box-included sequences
            in MegaDB format.

        None. JSON files will be written to sequences_dir.
    assert os.path.exists(annotations_dir), \
        f'annotations_dir {annotations_dir} does not exist'
    assert os.path.isdir(annotations_dir), \
        f'annotations_dir {annotations_dir} is not a directory'
    assert os.path.exists(temp_sequences_dir), \
        f'temp_sequences_dir {temp_sequences_dir} does not exist'
    assert os.path.isdir(temp_sequences_dir), \
        f'temp_sequences_dir {temp_sequences_dir} is not a directory'
    os.makedirs(sequences_dir, exist_ok=True)

    temp_megadb_files = path_utils.recursive_file_list(temp_sequences_dir)
    temp_megadb_files = [i for i in temp_megadb_files if i.endswith('.json')]
    print(f'{len(temp_megadb_files)} temporary MegaDB dataset files found.')

    annotation_files = path_utils.recursive_file_list(annotations_dir)
    annotation_files = [i for i in annotation_files if i.endswith('.json')]
        f'{len(annotation_files)} annotation_files found. Extracting annotations...'

    # dataset name : (seq_id, frame_num) : [bbox, bbox]
    # where bbox is a dict with str 'category' and list 'bbox'
    all_image_bbox: Dict[str, Dict[Tuple[str, int], list]]
    all_image_bbox = defaultdict(lambda: {})

    for p in tqdm(annotation_files):
        incoming_coco = IndexedJsonDb(p)
        assert bbox_categories_str == json.dumps(incoming_coco.db['categories']), \
            f'Incoming COCO JSON has a different category mapping! {p}'

        # iterate over image_id_to_image rather than image_id_to_annotations so we include
        # the confirmed empty images
        for image_id, image_entry in incoming_coco.image_id_to_image.items():
            image_file_name = image_entry['file_name']
            # The file_name field in the incoming json looks like
            # alka_squirrels.seq2020_05_07_25C.frame119221.jpg
            dataset_name, seq_id, frame_num = file_name_to_parts(
            bbox_field = []  # empty means this image is confirmed empty

            annotations = incoming_coco.image_id_to_annotations.get(
                image_id, [])
            for coco_anno in annotations:
                if coco_anno['category_id'] == 5:
                    assert len(coco_anno['bbox']) == 0, f'{coco_anno}'

                    # there seems to be a bug in the annotations where sometimes there's a
                    # non-empty label along with a label of category_id 5
                    # ignore the empty label (they seem to be actually non-empty)

                assert coco_anno['category_id'] is not None, f'{p} {coco_anno}'

            all_image_bbox[dataset_name][(seq_id, frame_num)] = bbox_field

    print('\nAdding bounding boxes to the MegaDB dataset files...')
    for p in temp_megadb_files:
        basename = os.path.basename(p)
        dataset_name = basename.split('_temp.')[0] if basename.endswith('_temp.json') \
            else basename.split('.json')[0]
        print(f'Adding to dataset {dataset_name}')
        dataset_image_bbox = all_image_bbox.get(dataset_name, None)
        if dataset_image_bbox is None:
            print('Skipping, no annotations found for this dataset\n')

        with open(p) as f:
            sequences = json.load(f)

        num_images_updated = 0
        for seq in tqdm(sequences):
            assert seq['dataset'] == dataset_name
            seq_id = seq['seq_id']
            for im in seq['images']:
                frame_num = im.get('frame_num', 1)
                bbox_field = dataset_image_bbox.get((seq_id, frame_num), None)
                if bbox_field is not None:  # empty list also evaluates to False
                    im['bbox'] = bbox_field
                    num_images_updated += 1
            f'Dataset {dataset_name} had {num_images_updated} images updated\n'

        with open(os.path.join(sequences_dir, f'{dataset_name}.json'),
                  encoding='utf-8') as f:
            json.dump(sequences, f, indent=1, ensure_ascii=False)
コード例 #2
ファイル: visualize_db.py プロジェクト: lyk125/CameraTraps
def process_images(db_path,output_dir,image_base_dir,options=None):
    Writes images and html to output_dir to visualize the annotations in the json file
    db_path can also be a previously-loaded database.
    Returns the html filename and the database:
    return htmlOutputFile,image_db
    if options is None:
        options = DbVizOptions()
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'rendered_images'), exist_ok=True)
    if isinstance(db_path,str):
        print('Loading database from {}...'.format(db_path))
        image_db = json.load(open(db_path))
    elif isinstance(db_path,dict):
        print('Using previously-loaded DB')
        image_db = db_path
        raise ValueError('Illegal dictionary or filename')    
    annotations = image_db['annotations']
    images = image_db['images']
    categories = image_db['categories']
    # Optionally remove all images without bounding boxes, *before* sampling
    if options.trim_to_images_with_bboxes:
        bHasBbox = [False] * len(annotations)
        for iAnn,ann in enumerate(annotations):
            if 'bbox' in ann:
                assert isinstance(ann['bbox'],list)
                bHasBbox[iAnn] = True
        annotationsWithBboxes = list(compress(annotations, bHasBbox))
        imageIDsWithBboxes = [x['image_id'] for x in annotationsWithBboxes]
        imageIDsWithBboxes = set(imageIDsWithBboxes)
        bImageHasBbox = [False] * len(images)
        for iImage,image in enumerate(images):
            imageID = image['id']
            if imageID in imageIDsWithBboxes:
                bImageHasBbox[iImage] = True
        imagesWithBboxes = list(compress(images, bImageHasBbox))
        images = imagesWithBboxes
    # Optionally remove images with specific labels, *before* sampling
    if options.classes_to_exclude is not None:
        print('Indexing database')
        indexed_db = IndexedJsonDb(image_db)
        bValidClass = [True] * len(images)        
        for iImage,image in enumerate(images):
            classes = indexed_db.get_classes_for_image(image)
            for excludedClass in options.classes_to_exclude:
                if excludedClass in classes:
                   bValidClass[iImage] = False
        imagesWithValidClasses = list(compress(images, bValidClass))
        images = imagesWithValidClasses    
    # Put the annotations in a dataframe so we can select all annotations for a given image
    print('Creating data frames')
    df_anno = pd.DataFrame(annotations)
    df_img = pd.DataFrame(images)
    # Construct label map
    label_map = {}
    for cat in categories:
        label_map[int(cat['id'])] = cat['name']
    # Take a sample of images
    if options.num_to_visualize is not None:
        df_img = df_img.sample(n=options.num_to_visualize,random_state=options.random_seed)
    images_html = []
    # Set of dicts representing inputs to render_db_bounding_boxes:
    # bboxes, boxClasses, image_path
    rendering_info = []
    print('Preparing rendering list')
    # iImage = 0
    for iImage in tqdm(range(len(df_img))):
        img_id = df_img.iloc[iImage]['id']
        img_relative_path = df_img.iloc[iImage]['file_name']
        img_path = os.path.join(image_base_dir, image_filename_to_path(img_relative_path, image_base_dir))
        annos_i = df_anno.loc[df_anno['image_id'] == img_id, :]  # all annotations on this image
        bboxes = []
        boxClasses = []
        # All the class labels we've seen for this image (with out without bboxes)
        imageCategories = set()
        annotationLevelForImage = ''
        # Iterate over annotations for this image
        # iAnn = 0; anno = annos_i.iloc[iAnn]
        for iAnn,anno in annos_i.iterrows():
            if 'sequence_level_annotation' in anno:
                bSequenceLevelAnnotation = anno['sequence_level_annotation']
                if bSequenceLevelAnnotation:
                    annLevel = 'sequence'
                    annLevel = 'image'
                if annotationLevelForImage == '':
                    annotationLevelForImage = annLevel
                elif annotationLevelForImage != annLevel:
                    annotationLevelForImage = 'mixed'
            categoryID = anno['category_id']
            categoryName = label_map[categoryID]
            if options.add_search_links:
                categoryName = categoryName.replace('"','')
                categoryName = '<a href="https://www.bing.com/images/search?q={}">{}</a>'.format(categoryName,categoryName)
            if 'bbox' in anno:
                bbox = anno['bbox']        
                if isinstance(bbox,float):
                    assert math.isnan(bbox), "I shouldn't see a bbox that's neither a box nor NaN"
        imageClasses = ', '.join(imageCategories)
        file_name = '{}_gtbbox.jpg'.format(img_id.lower().split('.jpg')[0])
        file_name = file_name.replace('/', '~')
        rendering_info.append({'bboxes':bboxes, 'boxClasses':boxClasses, 'img_path':img_path,
        labelLevelString = ''
        if len(annotationLevelForImage) > 0:
            labelLevelString = ' (annotation level: {})'.format(annotationLevelForImage)
        # We're adding html for an image before we render it, so it's possible this image will
        # fail to render.  For applications where this script is being used to debua a database
        # (the common case?), this is useful behavior, for other applications, this is annoying.
        # TODO: optionally write html only for images where rendering succeeded
            'filename': '{}/{}'.format('rendered_images', file_name),
            'title': '{}<br/>{}, number of boxes: {}, class labels: {}{}'.format(img_relative_path,img_id, len(bboxes), imageClasses, labelLevelString),
            'textStyle': 'font-family:verdana,arial,calibri;font-size:80%;text-align:left;margin-top:20;margin-bottom:5'
    # ...for each image

    def render_image_info(rendering_info):
        img_path = rendering_info['img_path']
        bboxes = rendering_info['bboxes']
        bboxClasses = rendering_info['boxClasses']
        output_file_name = rendering_info['output_file_name']
        if not os.path.exists(img_path):
            print('Image {} cannot be found'.format(img_path))
            original_image = vis_utils.open_image(img_path)
            original_size = original_image.size
            image = vis_utils.resize_image(original_image, options.viz_size[0], options.viz_size[1])
        except Exception as e:
            print('Image {} failed to open. Error: {}'.format(img_path, e))
        vis_utils.render_db_bounding_boxes(boxes=bboxes, classes=bboxClasses,
                                           image=image, original_size=original_size,
        image.save(os.path.join(output_dir, 'rendered_images', output_file_name))
    # ...def render_image_info
    print('Rendering images')
    start_time = time.time()
    if options.parallelize_rendering:
        if options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores is None:
            pool = ThreadPool()
            print('Rendering images with {} workers'.format(options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores))
            pool = ThreadPool(options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores)
            tqdm(pool.imap(render_image_info, rendering_info), total=len(rendering_info))
        for file_info in tqdm(rendering_info):        
    elapsed = time.time() - start_time
    print('Rendered {} images in {}'.format(len(rendering_info),humanfriendly.format_timespan(elapsed)))
    if options.sort_by_filename:    
        images_html = sorted(images_html, key=lambda x: x['filename'])
    htmlOutputFile = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html')
    htmlOptions = options.htmlOptions
    if isinstance(db_path,str):
        htmlOptions['headerHtml'] = '<h1>Sample annotations from {}</h1>'.format(db_path)
        htmlOptions['headerHtml'] = '<h1>Sample annotations</h1>'

    print('Visualized {} images, wrote results to {}'.format(len(images_html),htmlOutputFile))
    return htmlOutputFile,image_db
コード例 #3
def process_batch_results(options):

    ppresults = PostProcessingResults()
    ##%% Expand some options for convenience

    output_dir = options.output_dir

    ##%% Prepare output dir

    os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)

    ##%% Load ground truth if available

    ground_truth_indexed_db = None
    if options.ground_truth_json_file and len(options.ground_truth_json_file) > 0:

        ground_truth_indexed_db = IndexedJsonDb(options.ground_truth_json_file, b_normalize_paths=True,

        # Mark images in the ground truth as positive or negative
        n_negative, n_positive, n_unknown, n_ambiguous = mark_detection_status(ground_truth_indexed_db,
            negative_classes=options.negative_classes, unknown_classes=options.unlabeled_classes)
        print('Finished loading and indexing ground truth: {} negative, {} positive, {} unknown, {} ambiguous'.format(
                n_negative, n_positive, n_unknown, n_ambiguous))

    ##%% Load detection results

    if options.api_detection_results is None:
        detection_results, other_fields = load_api_results(options.api_output_file,
        ppresults.api_detection_results = detection_results
        ppresults.api_other_fields = other_fields
        print('Bypassing detection results loading...')
        assert options.api_other_fields is not None
        detection_results = options.api_detection_results
        other_fields = options.api_other_fields
    detection_categories_map = other_fields['detection_categories']
    if 'classification_categories' in other_fields:
        classification_categories_map = other_fields['classification_categories']
        classification_categories_map = {}

    # Add a column (pred_detection_label) to indicate predicted detection status, not separating out the classes    
    if options.include_almost_detections:
        detection_results['pred_detection_label'] = DetectionStatus.DS_ALMOST
        confidences = detection_results['max_detection_conf']
        detection_results.loc[confidences >= options.confidence_threshold,'pred_detection_label'] = DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE
        detection_results.loc[confidences < options.almost_detection_confidence_threshold,'pred_detection_label'] = DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE        
        detection_results['pred_detection_label'] = \
        np.where(detection_results['max_detection_conf'] >= options.confidence_threshold,
                 DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE, DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE)
    n_positives = sum(detection_results['pred_detection_label'] == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE)
    print('Finished loading and preprocessing {} rows from detector output, predicted {} positives'.format(
            len(detection_results), n_positives))

    if options.include_almost_detections:
        n_almosts = sum(detection_results['pred_detection_label'] == DetectionStatus.DS_ALMOST)
        print('...and {} almost-positives'.format(n_almosts))

    ##%% If we have ground truth, remove images we can't match to ground truth

    if ground_truth_indexed_db is not None:

        b_match = [False] * len(detection_results)

        detector_files = detection_results['file'].tolist()

        # fn = detector_files[0]; print(fn)
        for i_fn, fn in enumerate(detector_files):

            # assert fn in ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id, 'Could not find ground truth for row {} ({})'.format(i_fn,fn)
            if fn in ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id:
                b_match[i_fn] = True

        print('Confirmed filename matches to ground truth for {} of {} files'.format(sum(b_match), len(detector_files)))

        detection_results = detection_results[b_match]
        detector_files = detection_results['file'].tolist()

        assert len(detector_files) > 0, 'No detection files available, possible ground truth path issue?'
        print('Trimmed detection results to {} files'.format(len(detector_files)))

    ##%% Sample images for visualization

    images_to_visualize = detection_results

    if options.num_images_to_sample > 0 and options.num_images_to_sample <= len(detection_results):
        images_to_visualize = images_to_visualize.sample(options.num_images_to_sample, random_state=options.sample_seed)

    output_html_file = ''

    style_header = """<head>
        <style type="text/css">
        a { text-decoration:none; }
        body { font-family:segoe ui, calibri, "trebuchet ms", verdana, arial, sans-serif; }
        div.contentdiv { margin-left:20px; }

    ##%% Fork here depending on whether or not ground truth is available

    # If we have ground truth, we'll compute precision/recall and sample tp/fp/tn/fn.
    # Otherwise we'll just visualize detections/non-detections.

    if ground_truth_indexed_db is not None:

        ##%% Detection evaluation: compute precision/recall

        # numpy array of detection probabilities
        p_detection = detection_results['max_detection_conf'].values
        n_detections = len(p_detection)

        # numpy array of bools (0.0/1.0), and -1 as null value
        gt_detections = np.zeros(n_detections, dtype=float)

        for i_detection, fn in enumerate(detector_files):
            image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id[fn]
            image = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id]
            detection_status = image['_detection_status']

            if detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE:
                gt_detections[i_detection] = 0.0
            elif detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE:
                gt_detections[i_detection] = 1.0
                gt_detections[i_detection] = -1.0

        # Don't include ambiguous/unknown ground truth in precision/recall analysis
        b_valid_ground_truth = gt_detections >= 0.0

        p_detection_pr = p_detection[b_valid_ground_truth]
        gt_detections_pr = gt_detections[b_valid_ground_truth]

        print('Including {} of {} values in p/r analysis'.format(np.sum(b_valid_ground_truth),

        precisions, recalls, thresholds = precision_recall_curve(gt_detections_pr, p_detection_pr)

        # For completeness, include the result at a confidence threshold of 1.0
        thresholds = np.append(thresholds, [1.0])

        precisions_recalls = pd.DataFrame(data={
                'confidence_threshold': thresholds,
                'precision': precisions,
                'recall': recalls

        # Compute and print summary statistics
        average_precision = average_precision_score(gt_detections_pr, p_detection_pr)
        print('Average precision: {:.1%}'.format(average_precision))

        # Thresholds go up throughout precisions/recalls/thresholds; find the last
        # value where recall is at or above target.  That's our precision @ target recall.
        target_recall = 0.9
        b_above_target_recall = np.where(recalls >= target_recall)
        if not np.any(b_above_target_recall):
            precision_at_target_recall = 0.0
            i_target_recall = np.argmax(b_above_target_recall)
            precision_at_target_recall = precisions[i_target_recall]
        print('Precision at {:.1%} recall: {:.1%}'.format(target_recall, precision_at_target_recall))

        cm = confusion_matrix(gt_detections_pr, np.array(p_detection_pr) > options.confidence_threshold)

        # Flatten the confusion matrix
        tn, fp, fn, tp = cm.ravel()

        precision_at_confidence_threshold = tp / (tp + fp)
        recall_at_confidence_threshold = tp / (tp + fn)
        f1 = 2.0 * (precision_at_confidence_threshold * recall_at_confidence_threshold) / \
            (precision_at_confidence_threshold + recall_at_confidence_threshold)

        print('At a confidence threshold of {:.1%}, precision={:.1%}, recall={:.1%}, f1={:.1%}'.format(
                options.confidence_threshold, precision_at_confidence_threshold, recall_at_confidence_threshold, f1))

        ##%% Collect classification results, if they exist
        classifier_accuracies = []
        # Mapping of classnames to idx for the confusion matrix.
        # The lambda is actually kind of a hack, because we use assume that
        # the following code does not reassign classname_to_idx
        classname_to_idx = collections.defaultdict(lambda: len(classname_to_idx))
        # Confusion matrix as defaultdict of defaultdict
        # Rows / first index is ground truth, columns / second index is predicted category
        classifier_cm = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0))
        # iDetection = 0; fn = detector_files[iDetection]; print(fn)
        assert len(detector_files) == len(detection_results)
        for iDetection,fn in enumerate(detector_files):
            image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id[fn]
            image = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id]
            detections = detection_results['detections'].iloc[iDetection]
            pred_class_ids = [det['classifications'][0][0] \
                for det in detections if 'classifications' in det.keys()]
            pred_classnames = [classification_categories_map[pd] for pd in pred_class_ids]

            # If this image has classification predictions, and an unambiguous class
            # annotated, and is a positive image...
            if len(pred_classnames) > 0 \
                    and '_unambiguous_category' in image.keys() \
                    and image['_detection_status'] == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE:
                # The unambiguous category, we make this a set for easier handling afterward
                gt_categories = set([image['_unambiguous_category']])
                pred_categories = set(pred_classnames)
                # Compute the accuracy as intersection of union,
                # i.e. (# of categories in both prediciton and GT)
                #      divided by (# of categories in either prediction or GT
                # In case of only one GT category, the result will be 1.0, if
                # prediction is one category and this category matches GT
                # It is 1.0/(# of predicted top-1 categories), if the GT is
                # one of the predicted top-1 categories.
                # It is 0.0, if none of the predicted categories is correct
                    len(gt_categories & pred_categories)
                    / len(gt_categories | pred_categories)
                image['_classification_accuracy'] = classifier_accuracies[-1]
                # Distribute this accuracy across all predicted categories in the
                # confusion matrix
                assert len(gt_categories) == 1
                gt_class_idx = classname_to_idx[list(gt_categories)[0]]
                for pred_category in pred_categories:
                    pred_class_idx = classname_to_idx[pred_category]
                    classifier_cm[gt_class_idx][pred_class_idx] += 1

        # ...for each file in the detection results
        # If we have classification results
        if len(classifier_accuracies) > 0:
            # Build confusion matrix as array from classifier_cm
            all_class_ids = sorted(classname_to_idx.values())
            classifier_cm_array = np.array(
                [[classifier_cm[r_idx][c_idx] for c_idx in all_class_ids] for r_idx in all_class_ids], dtype=float)
            classifier_cm_array /= (classifier_cm_array.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) + 1e-7)

            # Print some statistics
            print("Finished computation of {} classification results".format(len(classifier_accuracies)))
            print("Mean accuracy: {}".format(np.mean(classifier_accuracies)))

            # Prepare confusion matrix output
            # Get confusion matrix as string
            sio = io.StringIO()
            np.savetxt(sio, classifier_cm_array * 100, fmt='%5.1f')
            cm_str = sio.getvalue()
            # Get fixed-size classname for each idx
            idx_to_classname = {v:k for k,v in classname_to_idx.items()}
            classname_list = [idx_to_classname[idx] for idx in sorted(classname_to_idx.values())]
            classname_headers = ['{:<5}'.format(cname[:5]) for cname in classname_list]

            # Prepend class name on each line and add to the top
            cm_str_lines = [' ' * 16 + ' '.join(classname_headers)]
            cm_str_lines += ['{:>15}'.format(cn[:15]) + ' ' + cm_line for cn, cm_line in zip(classname_list, cm_str.splitlines())]

            # Print formatted confusion matrix
            print("Confusion matrix: ")
            print(*cm_str_lines, sep='\n')

            # Plot confusion matrix
            # To manually add more space at bottom: plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = 0.1
            # Add 0.5 to figsize for every class. For two classes, this will result in
            # fig = plt.figure(figsize=[4,4])
            fig = vis_utils.plot_confusion_matrix(
                            title='Confusion matrix',
            cm_figure_relative_filename = 'confusion_matrix.png'
            cm_figure_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, cm_figure_relative_filename)

        # ...if we have classification results
        ##%% Render output

        # Write p/r table to .csv file in output directory
        pr_table_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'prec_recall.csv')
        precisions_recalls.to_csv(pr_table_filename, index=False)

        # Write precision/recall plot to .png file in output directory
        t = 'Precision-Recall curve: AP={:0.1%}, P@{:0.1%}={:0.1%}'.format(
                average_precision, target_recall, precision_at_target_recall)
        fig = vis_utils.plot_precision_recall_curve(precisions, recalls, t)
        pr_figure_relative_filename = 'prec_recall.png'
        pr_figure_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, pr_figure_relative_filename)
        # plt.show(block=False)

        ##%% Sampling
        # Sample true/false positives/negatives with correct/incorrect top-1
        # classification and render to html

        # Accumulate html image structs (in the format expected by write_html_image_lists)
        # for each category, e.g. 'tp', 'fp', ..., 'class_bird', ...
        images_html = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])
        # Add default entries by accessing them for the first time
        [images_html[res] for res in ['tp', 'tpc', 'tpi', 'fp', 'tn', 'fn']]  # Siyu: what does this do? This line should have no effect
        for res in images_html.keys():
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, res), exist_ok=True)

        image_count = len(images_to_visualize)

        # Each element will be a list of 2-tuples, with elements [collection name,html info struct]
        rendering_results = []
        # Each element will be a three-tuple with elements file,max_conf,detections
        files_to_render = []
        # Assemble the information we need for rendering, so we can parallelize without
        # dealing with Pandas
        # i_row = 0; row = images_to_visualize.iloc[0]
        for _, row in images_to_visualize.iterrows():

            # Filenames should already have been normalized to either '/' or '\'
        def render_image_with_gt(file_info):

            image_relative_path = file_info[0]
            max_conf = file_info[1]
            detections = file_info[2]

            # This should already have been normalized to either '/' or '\'

            image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id.get(image_relative_path, None)
            if image_id is None:
                print('Warning: couldn''t find ground truth for image {}'.format(image_relative_path))
                return None

            image = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id]
            annotations = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_annotations[image_id]

            gt_status = image['_detection_status']

            gt_presence = bool(gt_status)

            gt_classes = CameraTrapJsonUtils.annotations_to_classnames(
            gt_class_summary = ','.join(gt_classes)

            if gt_status > DetectionStatus.DS_MAX_DEFINITIVE_VALUE:
                print('Skipping image {}, does not have a definitive ground truth status (status: {}, classes: {})'.format(
                        image_id, gt_status, gt_class_summary))
                return None

            detected = max_conf > options.confidence_threshold

            if gt_presence and detected:
                if '_classification_accuracy' not in image.keys():
                    res = 'tp'
                elif np.isclose(1, image['_classification_accuracy']):
                    res = 'tpc'
                    res = 'tpi'
            elif not gt_presence and detected:
                res = 'fp'
            elif gt_presence and not detected:
                res = 'fn'
                res = 'tn'

            display_name = '<b>Result type</b>: {}, <b>Presence</b>: {}, <b>Class</b>: {}, <b>Max conf</b>: {:0.3f}%, <b>Image</b>: {}'.format(
                res.upper(), str(gt_presence), gt_class_summary,
                max_conf * 100, image_relative_path)

            rendered_image_html_info = render_bounding_boxes(options.image_base_dir,

            image_result = None
            if len(rendered_image_html_info) > 0:
                image_result = [[res,rendered_image_html_info]]
                for gt_class in gt_classes:
            return image_result
        # ...def render_image_with_gt(file_info)
        start_time = time.time()
        if options.parallelize_rendering:
            if options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores is None:
                pool = ThreadPool()
                print('Rendering images with {} workers'.format(options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores))
                pool = ThreadPool(options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores)
            rendering_results = list(tqdm(pool.imap(render_image_with_gt, files_to_render), total=len(files_to_render)))    
            # file_info = files_to_render[0]
            for file_info in tqdm(files_to_render):        
        elapsed = time.time() - start_time
        # Map all the rendering results in the list rendering_results into the 
        # dictionary images_html
        image_rendered_count = 0
        for rendering_result in rendering_results:
            if rendering_result is None:
            image_rendered_count += 1
            for assignment in rendering_result:
        # Prepare the individual html image files
        image_counts = prepare_html_subpages(images_html, output_dir)

        print('{} images rendered (of {})'.format(image_rendered_count,image_count))

        # Write index.html
        all_tp_count = image_counts['tp'] + image_counts['tpc'] + image_counts['tpi']
        total_count = all_tp_count + image_counts['tn'] + image_counts['fp'] + image_counts['fn']
        classification_detection_results = """&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="tpc.html">with all correct top-1 predictions (TPC)</a> ({})<br/>
           &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="tpi.html">with one or more incorrect top-1 prediction (TPI)</a> ({})<br/>
           &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="tp.html">without classification evaluation</a><sup>*</sup> ({})<br/>""".format(
        index_page = """<html>

        <h3>Sample images</h3>
        <div style="margin-left:20px;">
        <p>A sample of {} images, annotated with detections above {:.1%} confidence.</p>
        <a href="tp.html">True positives (TP)</a> ({}) ({:0.1%})<br/>
        <a href="tn.html">True negatives (TN)</a> ({}) ({:0.1%})<br/>
        <a href="fp.html">False positives (FP)</a> ({}) ({:0.1%})<br/>
        <a href="fn.html">False negatives (FN)</a> ({}) ({:0.1%})<br/>
            image_count, options.confidence_threshold,
            all_tp_count, all_tp_count/total_count,
            image_counts['tn'], image_counts['tn']/total_count,
            image_counts['fp'], image_counts['fp']/total_count,
            image_counts['fn'], image_counts['fn']/total_count
        index_page += """
            <h3>Detection results</h3>
            <div class="contentdiv">
            <p>At a confidence threshold of {:0.1%}, precision={:0.1%}, recall={:0.1%}</p>
            <p><strong>Precision/recall summary for all {} images</strong></p><img src="{}"><br/>
                options.confidence_threshold, precision_at_confidence_threshold, recall_at_confidence_threshold,
                len(detection_results), pr_figure_relative_filename
        if len(classifier_accuracies) > 0:
            index_page = index_page.replace('CLASSIFICATION_PLACEHOLDER_1',classification_detection_results)
            index_page = index_page.replace('CLASSIFICATION_PLACEHOLDER_2',"""<p><sup>*</sup>We do not evaluate the classification result of images 
                if the classification information is missing, if the image contains
                categories like &lsquo;empty&rsquo; or &lsquo;human&rsquo;, or if the image has multiple 
                classification labels.</p>""")
            index_page = index_page.replace('CLASSIFICATION_PLACEHOLDER_1','')
            index_page = index_page.replace('CLASSIFICATION_PLACEHOLDER_2','')
        if len(classifier_accuracies) > 0:
            index_page += """
                <h3>Classification results</h3>
                <div class="contentdiv">
                <p>Classification accuracy: {:.2%}<br>
                The accuracy is computed only for images with exactly one classification label.
                The accuracy of an image is computed as 1/(number of unique detected top-1 classes),
                i.e. if the model detects multiple boxes with different top-1 classes, then the accuracy
                decreases and the image is put into 'TPI'.</p>
                <p>Confusion matrix:</p>
                <p><img src="{}"></p>
                <div style='font-family:monospace;display:block;'>{}</div>
                    "<br>".join(cm_str_lines).replace(' ', '&nbsp;')
        # Show links to each GT class
        # We could do this without classification results; currently we don't.
        if len(classname_to_idx) > 0:
            index_page += '<h3>Images of specific classes</h3><br/><div class="contentdiv">'
            # Add links to all available classes
            for cname in sorted(classname_to_idx.keys()):
                index_page += "<a href='class_{0}.html'>{0}</a> ({1})<br>".format(
            index_page += "</div>"
        # Close body and html tags
        index_page += "</body></html>"
        output_html_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html')
        with open(output_html_file, 'w') as f:

        print('Finished writing html to {}'.format(output_html_file))

    # ...for each image
    ##%% Otherwise, if we don't have ground truth...


        ##%% Sample detections/non-detections

        # Accumulate html image structs (in the format expected by write_html_image_list)
        # for each category
        images_html = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])        
        # Add default entries by accessing them for the first time
        [images_html[res] for res in ['detections', 'non_detections']]
        if options.include_almost_detections:
        # Create output directories
        for res in images_html.keys():
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, res), exist_ok=True)

        image_count = len(images_to_visualize)
        has_classification_info = False
        # Each element will be a list of 2-tuples, with elements [collection name,html info struct]
        rendering_results = []

        # Each element will be a three-tuple with elements [file,max_conf,detections]
        files_to_render = []
        # Assemble the information we need for rendering, so we can parallelize without
        # dealing with Pandas
        # i_row = 0; row = images_to_visualize.iloc[0]
        for _, row in images_to_visualize.iterrows():

            # Filenames should already have been normalized to either '/' or '\'
        # Local function for parallelization
        def render_image_no_gt(file_info):
            image_relative_path = file_info[0]
            max_conf = file_info[1]
            detections = file_info[2]
            detection_status = DetectionStatus.DS_UNASSIGNED            
            if max_conf >= options.confidence_threshold:
                detection_status = DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE
                if options.include_almost_detections:
                    if max_conf >= options.almost_detection_confidence_threshold:
                        detection_status = DetectionStatus.DS_ALMOST
                        detection_status = DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE
                    detection_status = DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE
            if detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE:
                res = 'detections'
            elif detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE:
                res = 'non_detections'
                assert detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_ALMOST
                res = 'almost_detections'

            display_name = '<b>Result type</b>: {}, <b>Image</b>: {}, <b>Max conf</b>: {:0.3f}'.format(
                res, image_relative_path, max_conf)

            rendering_options = copy.copy(options)
            if detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_ALMOST:
                rendering_options.confidence_threshold = rendering_options.almost_detection_confidence_threshold
            rendered_image_html_info = render_bounding_boxes(options.image_base_dir,
            image_result = None
            if len(rendered_image_html_info) > 0:
                image_result = [[res,rendered_image_html_info]]
                for det in detections:
                    if 'classifications' in det:
                        top1_class = classification_categories_map[det['classifications'][0][0]]
            return image_result
        # ...def render_image_no_gt(file_info):
        start_time = time.time()
        if options.parallelize_rendering:
            if options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores is None:
                pool = ThreadPool()
                print('Rendering images with {} workers'.format(options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores))
                pool = ThreadPool(options.parallelize_rendering_n_cores)
            rendering_results = list(tqdm(pool.imap(render_image_no_gt, files_to_render), total=len(files_to_render)))    
            for file_info in tqdm(files_to_render):        
        elapsed = time.time() - start_time
        # Map all the rendering results in the list rendering_results into the 
        # dictionary images_html
        image_rendered_count = 0
        for rendering_result in rendering_results:
            if rendering_result is None:
            image_rendered_count += 1
            for assignment in rendering_result:
                if 'class' in assignment[0]:
                    has_classification_info = True
        # Prepare the individual html image files
        image_counts = prepare_html_subpages(images_html, output_dir)
        if image_rendered_count == 0:
            seconds_per_image = 0
            seconds_per_image = elapsed/image_rendered_count
        print('Rendered {} images (of {}) in {} ({} per image)'.format(image_rendered_count,

        # Write index.HTML
        total_images = image_counts['detections'] + image_counts['non_detections']
        if options.include_almost_detections:
            total_images += image_counts['almost_detections']
        assert total_images == image_count, \
            'Error: image_count is {}, total_images is {}'.format(image_count,total_images)
        almost_detection_string = ''
        if options.include_almost_detections:
            almost_detection_string = ' (&ldquo;almost detection&rdquo; threshold at {:.1%})'.format(options.almost_detection_confidence_threshold)
        index_page = """<html>{}<body>
        <h2>Visualization of results</h2>
        <p>A sample of {} images, annotated with detections above {:.1%} confidence{}.</p>
        <h3>Sample images</h3>
        <div class="contentdiv">
        <a href="detections.html">detections</a> ({}, {:.1%})<br/>
        <a href="non_detections.html">non-detections</a> ({}, {:.1%})<br/>""".format(
            style_header,image_count, options.confidence_threshold, almost_detection_string,
            image_counts['detections'], image_counts['detections']/total_images,
            image_counts['non_detections'], image_counts['non_detections']/total_images
        if options.include_almost_detections:
            index_page += """<a href="almost_detections.html">almost-detections</a> ({}, {:.1%})<br/>""".format( 
                    image_counts['almost_detections'], image_counts['almost_detections']/total_images)
        index_page += '</div>\n'
        if has_classification_info:
            index_page += "<h3>Images of detected classes</h3>"
            index_page += "<p>The same image might appear under multiple classes if multiple species were detected.</p>\n<div class='contentdiv'>\n"
            # Add links to all available classes
            for cname in sorted(classification_categories_map.values()):
                ccount = len(images_html['class_{}'.format(cname)])
                if ccount > 0:
                    index_page += "<a href='class_{}.html'>{}</a> ({})<br/>\n".format(cname, cname.lower(), ccount)
            index_page += "</div>\n"
        index_page += "</body></html>"
        output_html_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html')
        with open(output_html_file, 'w') as f:

        print('Finished writing html to {}'.format(output_html_file))

        # os.startfile(output_html_file)
    # ...if we do/don't have ground truth

    ppresults.output_html_file = output_html_file
    return ppresults
コード例 #4
annotation_list_filename = r'd:\wildlife_data\zsl_borneo\all_img_ids_to_bbox.json'
image_json = r'd:\wildlife_data\zsl_borneo\201906cameratraps\0.5\zsl_camera_traps_201906.json'
image_base = r'd:\wildlife_data\zsl_borneo\201906cameratraps\0.5'
output_base = r'd:\wildlife_data\zsl_borneo'

human_classes = ['human', 'hunter']

#%% Load data

with open(annotation_list_filename, 'r') as f:
    annotation_list = json.load(f)

# with open(image_json,'r') as f:
#    data = json.load(f)
indexedData = IndexedJsonDb(image_json)

print('Done loading data')

#%% Sanity-check data

options = sanity_check_json_db.SanityCheckOptions()
options.baseDir = image_base
options.bCheckImageSizes = False
options.bCheckImageExistence = True
options.bFindUnusedImages = False

sortedCategories = sanity_check_json_db.sanity_check_json_db(
    indexedData.db, options)

#%% Label previews
コード例 #5
def process_batch_results(options):

    ##%% Expand some options for convenience

    output_dir = options.output_dir
    confidence_threshold = options.confidence_threshold

    ##%% Prepare output dir

    os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)

    ##%% Load ground truth if available

    ground_truth_indexed_db = None

    if len(options.ground_truth_json_file) > 0:

        ground_truth_indexed_db = IndexedJsonDb(

        # Mark images in the ground truth as positive or negative
        (nNegative, nPositive, nUnknown, nAmbiguous) = mark_detection_status(
            'Finished loading and indexing ground truth: {} negative, {} positive, {} unknown, {} ambiguous'
            .format(nNegative, nPositive, nUnknown, nAmbiguous))

    ##%% Load detection results

    detection_results = load_api_results(

    # Add a column (pred_detection_label) to indicate predicted detection status
    import numpy as np
    detection_results['pred_detection_label'] = \
        np.where(detection_results['max_confidence'] >= options.confidence_threshold,
                 DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE, DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE)

    nPositives = sum(detection_results['pred_detection_label'] ==
        'Finished loading and preprocessing {} rows from detector output, predicted {} positives'
        .format(len(detection_results), nPositives))

    ##%% If we have ground truth, remove images we can't match to ground truth

    # ground_truth_indexed_db.db['images'][0]
    if ground_truth_indexed_db is not None:

        b_match = [False] * len(detection_results)

        detector_files = detection_results['image_path'].to_list()

        for iFn, fn in enumerate(detector_files):

            # assert fn in ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id, 'Could not find ground truth for row {} ({})'.format(iFn,fn)
            if fn in fn in ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id:
                b_match[iFn] = True

        print('Confirmed filename matches to ground truth for {} of {} files'.
              format(sum(b_match), len(detector_files)))

        detection_results = detection_results[b_match]
        detector_files = detection_results['image_path'].to_list()

        print('Trimmed detection results to {} files'.format(

    ##%% Sample images for visualization

    images_to_visualize = detection_results

    if options.num_images_to_sample > 0 and options.num_images_to_sample < len(

        images_to_visualize = images_to_visualize.sample(
            options.num_images_to_sample, random_state=options.sample_seed)

    ##%% Fork here depending on whether or not ground truth is available

    # If we have ground truth, we'll compute precision/recall and sample tp/fp/tn/fn.
    # Otherwise we'll just visualize detections/non-detections.

    if ground_truth_indexed_db is not None:

        ##%% Compute precision/recall

        # numpy array of detection probabilities
        p_detection = detection_results['max_confidence'].values
        n_detections = len(p_detection)

        # numpy array of bools (0.0/1.0)
        gt_detections = np.zeros(n_detections, dtype=float)

        for iDetection, fn in enumerate(detector_files):
            image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id[fn]
            image = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id]
            detection_status = image['_detection_status']

            if detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE:
                gt_detections[iDetection] = 0.0
            elif detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE:
                gt_detections[iDetection] = 1.0
                gt_detections[iDetection] = -1.0

        # Don't include ambiguous/unknown ground truth in precision/recall analysis
        b_valid_ground_truth = gt_detections >= 0.0

        p_detection_pr = p_detection[b_valid_ground_truth]
        gt_detections_pr = gt_detections[b_valid_ground_truth]

        print('Including {} of {} values in p/r analysis'.format(
            np.sum(b_valid_ground_truth), len(b_valid_ground_truth)))

        precisions, recalls, thresholds = precision_recall_curve(
            gt_detections_pr, p_detection_pr)

        # For completeness, include the result at a confidence threshold of 1.0
        thresholds = np.append(thresholds, [1.0])

        precisions_recalls = pd.DataFrame(
                'confidence_threshold': thresholds,
                'precision': precisions,
                'recall': recalls

        # Compute and print summary statistics
        average_precision = average_precision_score(gt_detections_pr,
        print('Average precision: {:.2f}'.format(average_precision))

        # Thresholds go up throughout precisions/recalls/thresholds; find the last
        # value where recall is at or above target.  That's our precision @ target recall.
        target_recall = 0.9
        b_above_target_recall = np.where(recalls >= target_recall)
        if not np.any(b_above_target_recall):
            precision_at_target_recall = 0.0
            i_target_recall = np.argmax(b_above_target_recall)
            precision_at_target_recall = precisions[i_target_recall]
        print('Precision at {:.2f} recall: {:.2f}'.format(
            target_recall, precision_at_target_recall))

        cm = confusion_matrix(gt_detections_pr,
                              np.array(p_detection_pr) > confidence_threshold)

        # Flatten the confusion matrix
        tn, fp, fn, tp = cm.ravel()

        precision_at_confidence_threshold = tp / (tp + fp)
        recall_at_confidence_threshold = tp / (tp + fn)
        f1 = 2.0 * (precision_at_confidence_threshold * recall_at_confidence_threshold) / \
            (precision_at_confidence_threshold + recall_at_confidence_threshold)

            'At a confidence threshold of {:.2f}, precision={:.2f}, recall={:.2f}, f1={:.2f}'
            .format(confidence_threshold, precision_at_confidence_threshold,
                    recall_at_confidence_threshold, f1))

        ##%% Render output

        # Write p/r table to .csv file in output directory
        pr_table_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'prec_recall.csv')
        precisions_recalls.to_csv(pr_table_filename, index=False)

        # Write precision/recall plot to .png file in output directory
        step_kwargs = ({'step': 'post'})
        fig = plt.figure()
        plt.step(recalls, precisions, color='b', alpha=0.2, where='post')

        plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05])
        plt.xlim([0.0, 1.05])
        t = 'Precision-Recall curve: AP={:0.2f}, P@{:0.2f}={:0.2f}'.format(
            average_precision, target_recall, precision_at_target_recall)
        pr_figure_relative_filename = 'prec_recall.png'
        pr_figure_filename = os.path.join(output_dir,
        # plt.show(block=False)

        ##%% Sample true/false positives/negatives and render to html

        os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'tp'), exist_ok=True)
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'fp'), exist_ok=True)
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'tn'), exist_ok=True)
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'fn'), exist_ok=True)

        # Accumulate html image structs (in the format expected by write_html_image_lists)
        # for each category
        images_html = {'tp': [], 'fp': [], 'tn': [], 'fn': []}

        count = 0

        # i_row = 0; row = images_to_visualize.iloc[0]
        for i_row, row in tqdm(images_to_visualize.iterrows(),

            image_relative_path = row['image_path']

            # This should already have been normalized to either '/' or '\'

            image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id.get(
                image_relative_path, None)
            if image_id is None:
                print('Warning: couldn'
                      't find ground truth for image {}'.format(

            image_info = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id]
            annotations = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_annotations[

            gt_status = image_info['_detection_status']

            if gt_status > DetectionStatus.DS_MAX_DEFINITIVE_VALUE:
                    'Skipping image {}, does not have a definitive ground truth status'
                    .format(i_row, gt_status))

            gt_presence = bool(gt_status)

            gt_class_name = CameraTrapJsonUtils.annotationsToString(
                annotations, ground_truth_indexed_db.cat_id_to_name)

            max_conf = row['max_confidence']
            boxes_and_scores = row['detections']

            detected = True if max_conf > confidence_threshold else False

            if gt_presence and detected:
                res = 'tp'
            elif not gt_presence and detected:
                res = 'fp'
            elif gt_presence and not detected:
                res = 'fn'
                res = 'tn'

            display_name = '<b>Result type</b>: {}, <b>Presence</b>: {}, <b>Class</b>: {}, <b>Max conf</b>: {:0.2f}%, <b>Image</b>: {}'.format(
                res.upper(), str(gt_presence), gt_class_name, max_conf * 100,

            rendered_image_html_info = render_bounding_boxes(
                options.image_base_dir, image_relative_path, display_name,
                boxes_and_scores, res, options)

            if len(rendered_image_html_info) > 0:

            count += 1

        # ...for each image in our sample

        print('{} images rendered'.format(count))

        # Prepare the individual html image files
        image_counts = prepare_html_subpages(images_html, output_dir)

        # Write index.HTML
        index_page = """<html><body>
        <p><strong>A sample of {} images, annotated with detections above {:.1f}% confidence.</strong></p>
        <a href="tp.html">True positives (tp)</a> ({})<br/>
        <a href="tn.html">True negatives (tn)</a> ({})<br/>
        <a href="fp.html">False positives (fp)</a> ({})<br/>
        <a href="fn.html">False negatives (fn)</a> ({})<br/>
        <p>At a confidence threshold of {:0.1f}%, precision={:0.2f}, recall={:0.2f}</p>
        <p><strong>Precision/recall summary for all {} images</strong></p><img src="{}"><br/>
            count, confidence_threshold * 100, image_counts['tp'],
            image_counts['tn'], image_counts['fp'], image_counts['fn'],
            confidence_threshold * 100,
            precision_at_confidence_threshold, recall_at_confidence_threshold,
            len(detection_results), pr_figure_relative_filename)
        output_html_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html')
        with open(output_html_file, 'w') as f:

        print('Finished writing html to {}'.format(output_html_file))

    ##%% Otherwise, if we don't have ground truth...


        ##%% Sample detections/non-detections

        os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections'), exist_ok=True)
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'non_detections'), exist_ok=True)

        # Accumulate html image structs (in the format expected by write_html_image_lists)
        # for each category
        images_html = {
            'detections': [],
            'non_detections': [],

        count = 0

        # i_row = 0; row = images_to_visualize.iloc[0]
        for i_row, row in tqdm(images_to_visualize.iterrows(),

            image_relative_path = row['image_path']

            # This should already have been normalized to either '/' or '\'
            max_conf = row['max_confidence']
            boxes_and_scores = row['detections']
            detected = True if max_conf > confidence_threshold else False

            if detected:
                res = 'detections'
                res = 'non_detections'

            display_name = '<b>Result type</b>: {}, <b>Image</b>: {}'.format(
                res.upper(), image_relative_path)

            rendered_image_html_info = render_bounding_boxes(
                options.image_base_dir, image_relative_path, display_name,
                boxes_and_scores, res, options)
            if len(rendered_image_html_info) > 0:

            count += 1

        # ...for each image in our sample

        print('{} images rendered'.format(count))

        # Prepare the individual html image files
        image_counts = prepare_html_subpages(images_html, output_dir)

        # Write index.HTML
        index_page = """<html><body>
        <p><strong>A sample of {} images, annotated with detections above {:.1f}% confidence.</strong></p>
        <a href="detections.html">Detections</a> ({})<br/>
        <a href="non_detections.html">Non-detections</a> ({})<br/>
        </body></html>""".format(count, confidence_threshold * 100,
        output_html_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html')
        with open(output_html_file, 'w') as f:

        print('Finished writing html to {}'.format(output_html_file))
コード例 #6
def process_batch_results(options):

    ##%% Expand some options for convenience

    output_dir = options.output_dir
    confidence_threshold = options.confidence_threshold

    ##%% Prepare output dir

    os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)

    ##%% Load ground truth if available

    ground_truth_indexed_db = None

    if options.ground_truth_json_file and len(
            options.ground_truth_json_file) > 0:

        ground_truth_indexed_db = IndexedJsonDb(

        # Mark images in the ground truth as positive or negative
        n_negative, n_positive, n_unknown, n_ambiguous = mark_detection_status(
            'Finished loading and indexing ground truth: {} negative, {} positive, {} unknown, {} ambiguous'
            .format(n_negative, n_positive, n_unknown, n_ambiguous))

    ##%% Load detection results

    detection_results, other_fields = load_api_results(
    detection_categories_map = other_fields['detection_categories']
    if 'classification_categories' in other_fields:
        classification_categories_map = other_fields[
        classification_categories_map = {}

    # Add a column (pred_detection_label) to indicate predicted detection status, not separating out the classes
    detection_results['pred_detection_label'] = \
        np.where(detection_results['max_detection_conf'] >= options.confidence_threshold,
                 DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE, DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE)

    n_positives = sum(detection_results['pred_detection_label'] ==
        'Finished loading and preprocessing {} rows from detector output, predicted {} positives'
        .format(len(detection_results), n_positives))

    ##%% If we have ground truth, remove images we can't match to ground truth

    # ground_truth_indexed_db.db['images'][0]
    if ground_truth_indexed_db is not None:

        b_match = [False] * len(detection_results)

        detector_files = detection_results['file'].tolist()

        for i_fn, fn in enumerate(detector_files):

            # assert fn in ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id, 'Could not find ground truth for row {} ({})'.format(i_fn,fn)
            if fn in fn in ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id:
                b_match[i_fn] = True

        print('Confirmed filename matches to ground truth for {} of {} files'.
              format(sum(b_match), len(detector_files)))

        detection_results = detection_results[b_match]
        detector_files = detection_results['file'].tolist()

        print('Trimmed detection results to {} files'.format(

    ##%% Sample images for visualization

    images_to_visualize = detection_results

    if options.num_images_to_sample > 0 and options.num_images_to_sample <= len(

        images_to_visualize = images_to_visualize.sample(
            options.num_images_to_sample, random_state=options.sample_seed)

    ##%% Fork here depending on whether or not ground truth is available

    output_html_file = ''

    # If we have ground truth, we'll compute precision/recall and sample tp/fp/tn/fn.
    # Otherwise we'll just visualize detections/non-detections.

    if ground_truth_indexed_db is not None:

        ##%% DETECTION EVALUATION: Compute precision/recall

        # numpy array of detection probabilities
        p_detection = detection_results['max_detection_conf'].values
        n_detections = len(p_detection)

        # numpy array of bools (0.0/1.0), and -1 as null value
        gt_detections = np.zeros(n_detections, dtype=float)

        for i_detection, fn in enumerate(detector_files):
            image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id[fn]
            image = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id]
            detection_status = image['_detection_status']

            if detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_NEGATIVE:
                gt_detections[i_detection] = 0.0
            elif detection_status == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE:
                gt_detections[i_detection] = 1.0
                gt_detections[i_detection] = -1.0

        # Don't include ambiguous/unknown ground truth in precision/recall analysis
        b_valid_ground_truth = gt_detections >= 0.0

        p_detection_pr = p_detection[b_valid_ground_truth]
        gt_detections_pr = gt_detections[b_valid_ground_truth]

        print('Including {} of {} values in p/r analysis'.format(
            np.sum(b_valid_ground_truth), len(b_valid_ground_truth)))

        precisions, recalls, thresholds = precision_recall_curve(
            gt_detections_pr, p_detection_pr)

        # For completeness, include the result at a confidence threshold of 1.0
        thresholds = np.append(thresholds, [1.0])

        precisions_recalls = pd.DataFrame(
                'confidence_threshold': thresholds,
                'precision': precisions,
                'recall': recalls

        # Compute and print summary statistics
        average_precision = average_precision_score(gt_detections_pr,
        print('Average precision: {:.1%}'.format(average_precision))

        # Thresholds go up throughout precisions/recalls/thresholds; find the last
        # value where recall is at or above target.  That's our precision @ target recall.
        target_recall = 0.9
        b_above_target_recall = np.where(recalls >= target_recall)
        if not np.any(b_above_target_recall):
            precision_at_target_recall = 0.0
            i_target_recall = np.argmax(b_above_target_recall)
            precision_at_target_recall = precisions[i_target_recall]
        print('Precision at {:.1%} recall: {:.1%}'.format(
            target_recall, precision_at_target_recall))

        cm = confusion_matrix(gt_detections_pr,
                              np.array(p_detection_pr) > confidence_threshold)

        # Flatten the confusion matrix
        tn, fp, fn, tp = cm.ravel()

        precision_at_confidence_threshold = tp / (tp + fp)
        recall_at_confidence_threshold = tp / (tp + fn)
        f1 = 2.0 * (precision_at_confidence_threshold * recall_at_confidence_threshold) / \
            (precision_at_confidence_threshold + recall_at_confidence_threshold)

            'At a confidence threshold of {:.1%}, precision={:.1%}, recall={:.1%}, f1={:.1%}'
            .format(confidence_threshold, precision_at_confidence_threshold,
                    recall_at_confidence_threshold, f1))

        ##%% CLASSIFICATION evaluation
        classifier_accuracies = []
        # Mapping of classnames to idx for the confusion matrix.
        # The lambda is actually kind of a hack, because we use assume that
        # the following code does not reassign classname_to_idx
        classname_to_idx = collections.defaultdict(
            lambda: len(classname_to_idx))
        # Confusion matrix as defaultdict of defaultdict
        # Rows / first index is ground truth, columns / second index is predicted category
        classifier_cm = collections.defaultdict(
            lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0))
        for iDetection, fn in enumerate(detector_files):
            image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id[fn]
            image = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id]
            pred_class_ids = [det['classifications'][0][0] \
                for det in detection_results['detections'][iDetection] if 'classifications' in det.keys()]
            pred_classnames = [
                classification_categories_map[pd] for pd in pred_class_ids

            # If this image has classification predictions, and an unambiguous class
            # annotated, and is a positive image
            if len(pred_classnames) > 0 \
                    and '_unambiguous_category' in image.keys() \
                    and image['_detection_status'] == DetectionStatus.DS_POSITIVE:
                # The unambiguous category, we make this a set for easier handling afterward
                # TODO: actually we can replace the unambiguous category by all annotated
                # categories. However, then the confusion matrix doesn't make sense anymore
                # TODO: make sure we are using the class names as strings in both, not IDs
                gt_categories = set([image['_unambiguous_category']])
                pred_categories = set(pred_classnames)
                # Compute the accuracy as intersection of union,
                # i.e. (# of categories in both prediciton and GT)
                #      divided by (# of categories in either prediction or GT
                # In case of only one GT category, the result will be 1.0, if
                # prediction is one category and this category matches GT
                # It is 1.0/(# of predicted top-1 categories), if the GT is
                # one of the predicted top-1 categories.
                # It is 0.0, if none of the predicted categories is correct
                    len(gt_categories & pred_categories) /
                    len(gt_categories | pred_categories))
                image['_classification_accuracy'] = classifier_accuracies[-1]
                # Distribute this accuracy across all predicted categories in the
                # confusion matrix
                assert len(gt_categories) == 1
                gt_class_idx = classname_to_idx[list(gt_categories)[0]]
                for pred_category in pred_categories:
                    pred_class_idx = classname_to_idx[pred_category]
                    classifier_cm[gt_class_idx][pred_class_idx] += 1

        # If we have classification results
        if len(classifier_accuracies) > 0:
            # Build confusion matrix as array from classifier_cm
            all_class_ids = sorted(classname_to_idx.values())
            classifier_cm_array = np.array(
                [[classifier_cm[r_idx][c_idx] for c_idx in all_class_ids]
                 for r_idx in all_class_ids],
            classifier_cm_array /= (
                classifier_cm_array.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) + 1e-7)

            # Print some statistics
            print("Finished computation of {} classification results".format(
            print("Mean accuracy: {}".format(np.mean(classifier_accuracies)))

            # Prepare confusion matrix output
            # Get CM matrix as string
            sio = io.StringIO()
            np.savetxt(sio, classifier_cm_array * 100, fmt='%5.1f')
            cm_str = sio.getvalue()
            # Get fixed-size classname for each idx
            idx_to_classname = {v: k for k, v in classname_to_idx.items()}
            classname_list = [
                for idx in sorted(classname_to_idx.values())
            classname_headers = [
                '{:<5}'.format(cname[:5]) for cname in classname_list

            # Prepend class name on each line and add to the top
            cm_str_lines = [' ' * 16 + ' '.join(classname_headers)]
            cm_str_lines += [
                '{:>15}'.format(cn[:15]) + ' ' + cm_line
                for cn, cm_line in zip(classname_list, cm_str.splitlines())

            # print formatted confusion matrix
            print("Confusion matrix: ")
            print(*cm_str_lines, sep='\n')

            # Plot confusion matrix
            # To manually add more space at bottom: plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = 0.1
            # Add 0.5 to figsize for every class. For two classes, this will result in
            # fig = plt.figure(figsize=[4,4])
            fig = vis_utils.plot_confusion_matrix(classifier_cm_array,
                                                  title='Confusion matrix',
            cm_figure_relative_filename = 'confusion_matrix.png'
            cm_figure_filename = os.path.join(output_dir,

        ##%% Render output

        # Write p/r table to .csv file in output directory
        pr_table_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'prec_recall.csv')
        precisions_recalls.to_csv(pr_table_filename, index=False)

        # Write precision/recall plot to .png file in output directory
        t = 'Precision-Recall curve: AP={:0.1%}, P@{:0.1%}={:0.1%}'.format(
            average_precision, target_recall, precision_at_target_recall)
        fig = vis_utils.plot_precision_recall_curve(precisions, recalls, t)
        pr_figure_relative_filename = 'prec_recall.png'
        pr_figure_filename = os.path.join(output_dir,
        # plt.show(block=False)

        ##%% Sample true/false positives/negatives with correct/incorrect top-1
        # classification and render to html

        # Accumulate html image structs (in the format expected by write_html_image_lists)
        # for each category, e.g. 'tp', 'fp', ..., 'class_bird', ...
        images_html = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])
        # Add default entries by accessing them for the first time
        [images_html[res] for res in ['tp', 'tpc', 'tpi', 'fp', 'tn', 'fn']]
        for res in images_html.keys():
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, res), exist_ok=True)

        count = 0

        # i_row = 0; row = images_to_visualize.iloc[0]
        for i_row, row in tqdm(images_to_visualize.iterrows(),

            image_relative_path = row['file']

            # This should already have been normalized to either '/' or '\'

            image_id = ground_truth_indexed_db.filename_to_id.get(
                image_relative_path, None)
            if image_id is None:
                print('Warning: couldn'
                      't find ground truth for image {}'.format(

            image = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_image[image_id]
            annotations = ground_truth_indexed_db.image_id_to_annotations[

            gt_status = image['_detection_status']

            if gt_status > DetectionStatus.DS_MAX_DEFINITIVE_VALUE:
                    'Skipping image {}, does not have a definitive ground truth status'
                    .format(i_row, gt_status))

            gt_presence = bool(gt_status)

            gt_classes = CameraTrapJsonUtils.annotations_to_classnames(
                annotations, ground_truth_indexed_db.cat_id_to_name)
            gt_class_summary = ','.join(gt_classes)

            max_conf = row['max_detection_conf']
            detections = row['detections']

            detected = max_conf > confidence_threshold

            if gt_presence and detected:
                if '_classification_accuracy' not in image.keys():
                    res = 'tp'
                elif np.isclose(1, image['_classification_accuracy']):
                    res = 'tpc'
                    res = 'tpi'
            elif not gt_presence and detected:
                res = 'fp'
            elif gt_presence and not detected:
                res = 'fn'
                res = 'tn'

            display_name = '<b>Result type</b>: {}, <b>Presence</b>: {}, <b>Class</b>: {}, <b>Max conf</b>: {:0.2f}%, <b>Image</b>: {}'.format(
                res.upper(), str(gt_presence), gt_class_summary,
                max_conf * 100, image_relative_path)

            rendered_image_html_info = render_bounding_boxes(
                options.image_base_dir, image_relative_path, display_name,
                detections, res, detection_categories_map,
                classification_categories_map, options)

            if len(rendered_image_html_info) > 0:
                for gt_class in gt_classes:

            count += 1

        # ...for each image in our sample

        print('{} images rendered'.format(count))

        # Prepare the individual html image files
        image_counts = prepare_html_subpages(images_html, output_dir)

        # Write index.HTML
        all_tp_count = image_counts['tp'] + image_counts['tpc'] + image_counts[
        total_count = all_tp_count + image_counts['tn'] + image_counts[
            'fp'] + image_counts['fn']
        index_page = """<html><body>

        <h3>Sample images</h3>
        <p>A sample of {} images, annotated with detections above {:.1%} confidence.</p>
        True positives (TP) ({} or {:0.1%})<br/>
        -- <a href="tpc.html">with all correct top-1 predictions (TPC)</a> ({})<br/>
        -- <a href="tpi.html">with one or more incorrect top-1 prediction (TPI)</a> ({})<br/>
        -- <a href="tp.html">without classification evaluation</a> (*) ({})<br/>
        <a href="tn.html">True negatives (TN)</a> ({} or {:0.1%})<br/>
        <a href="fp.html">False positives (FP)</a> ({} or {:0.1%})<br/>
        <a href="fn.html">False negatives (FN)</a> ({} or {:0.1%})<br/>
        <p>(*) We do not evaluate the classification result of images, if the classification
        information is missing, if the image contains
        categories like 'empty' or 'human', or if the image has multiple classification
            count, confidence_threshold, all_tp_count,
            all_tp_count / total_count, image_counts['tpc'],
            image_counts['tpi'], image_counts['tp'], image_counts['tn'],
            image_counts['tn'] / total_count, image_counts['fp'],
            image_counts['fp'] / total_count, image_counts['fn'],
            image_counts['fn'] / total_count)
        index_page += """
            <h3>Detection results</h3>
            <p>At a confidence threshold of {:0.1%}, precision={:0.1%}, recall={:0.1%}</p>
            <p><strong>Precision/recall summary for all {} images</strong></p><img src="{}"><br/>
            """.format(confidence_threshold, precision_at_confidence_threshold,
                       recall_at_confidence_threshold, len(detection_results),
        if len(classifier_accuracies) > 0:
            index_page += """
                <h3>Classification results</h3>
                <p>Classification accuracy: {:.2%}<br>
                The accuracy is computed only for images with exactly one classification label.
                The accuracy of an image is computed as 1/(number of unique detected top-1 classes),
                i.e. if the model detects multiple boxes with different top-1 classes, then the accuracy
                decreases and the image is put into 'TPI'.</p>
                <p>Confusion matrix:</p>
                <p><img src="{}"></p>
                <div style='font-family:monospace;display:block;'>{}</div>
                           "<br>".join(cm_str_lines).replace(' ', '&nbsp;'))
        # Show links to each GT class
        index_page += "<h3>Images of specific classes:</h3>"
        # Add links to all available classes
        for cname in sorted(classname_to_idx.keys()):
            index_page += "<a href='class_{0}.html'>{0}</a> ({1})<br>".format(
                cname, len(images_html['class_{}'.format(cname)]))
        # Close body and html tag
        index_page += "</body></html>"
        output_html_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html')
        with open(output_html_file, 'w') as f:

        print('Finished writing html to {}'.format(output_html_file))

    ##%% Otherwise, if we don't have ground truth...


        ##%% Sample detections/non-detections

        os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections'), exist_ok=True)
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, 'non_detections'), exist_ok=True)

        # Accumulate html image structs (in the format expected by write_html_image_lists)
        # for each category
        images_html = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [])
        # Add default entries by accessing them for the first time
        [images_html[res] for res in ['detections', 'non_detections']]
        for res in images_html.keys():
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, res), exist_ok=True)

        count = 0

        has_classification_info = False
        # i_row = 0; row = images_to_visualize.iloc[0]
        for i_row, row in tqdm(images_to_visualize.iterrows(),

            image_relative_path = row['file']

            # This should already have been normalized to either '/' or '\'
            max_conf = row['max_detection_conf']
            detections = row['detections']
            detected = True if max_conf > confidence_threshold else False

            if detected:
                res = 'detections'
                res = 'non_detections'

            display_name = '<b>Result type</b>: {}, <b>Image</b>: {}, <b>Max conf</b>: {}'.format(
                res, image_relative_path, max_conf)

            rendered_image_html_info = render_bounding_boxes(
                options.image_base_dir, image_relative_path, display_name,
                detections, res, detection_categories_map,
                classification_categories_map, options)
            if len(rendered_image_html_info) > 0:
                for det in detections:
                    if 'classifications' in det:
                        has_classification_info = True
                        top1_class = classification_categories_map[

            count += 1

        # ...for each image in our sample

        print('{} images rendered'.format(count))

        # Prepare the individual html image files
        image_counts = prepare_html_subpages(images_html, output_dir)

        # Write index.HTML
        total_images = image_counts['detections'] + image_counts[
        index_page = """<html><body>
        <h2>Visualization of results</h2>
        <p>A sample of {} images, annotated with detections above {:.1%} confidence.</p>
        <h3>Sample images</h3>

        <a href="detections.html">Detections</a> ({}, {:.1%})<br/>
        <a href="non_detections.html">Non-detections</a> ({}, {:.1%})<br/>""".format(
            count, confidence_threshold, image_counts['detections'],
            image_counts['detections'] / total_images,
            image_counts['non_detections'] / total_images)

        if has_classification_info:
            index_page += "<h3>Images of detected classes</h3>"
            index_page += "<p>The same image might appear under multiple classes if multiple species were detected.</p>"
        # Add links to all available classes
        for cname in sorted(classification_categories_map.values()):
            ccount = len(images_html['class_{}'.format(cname)])
            if ccount > 0:
                index_page += "<a href='class_{0}.html'>{0}</a> ({1})<br>".format(
                    cname, ccount)

        index_page += "</body></html>"
        output_html_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html')
        with open(output_html_file, 'w') as f:

        print('Finished writing html to {}'.format(output_html_file))

    # ...if we do/don't have ground truth

    ppresults = PostProcessingResults()
    ppresults.output_html_file = output_html_file
    return ppresults
コード例 #7
def make_cct_embedded(image_db=None, bbox_db=None):
    Takes in path to the COCO Camera Trap format jsons for images (species labels) and/or
    bboxes (animal/human/vehicle) labels and embed the class names and annotations into the image entries.

    Since IndexedJsonDb() can take either a path or a loaded json object as a dict, both
    arguments can be paths or loaded json objects

        an embedded version of the COCO Camera Trap format json database

    # at first a dict of image_id: image_obj with annotations embedded, then it becomes
    # an array of image objects
    docs = {}

    # %% integrate the image DB
    if image_db:
        print('Loading image DB...')
        cct_json_db = IndexedJsonDb(image_db)
        docs = cct_json_db.image_id_to_image  # each image entry is first assigned the image object

        # takes in image entries and species and other annotations in the image DB
        num_images_with_more_than_1_species = 0
        for image_id, annotations in cct_json_db.image_id_to_annotations.items():
            docs[image_id]['annotations'] = {
                'species': []
            if len(annotations) > 1:
                num_images_with_more_than_1_species += 1
            for anno in annotations:
                # convert the species category to explicit string name
                cat_name = cct_json_db.cat_id_to_name[anno['category_id']]

                # there may be other fields in the annotation object
                for anno_field_name, anno_field_val in anno.items():
                    # these fields should already be gotten from the image object
                    if anno_field_name not in ['category_id', 'id', 'image_id', 'datetime', 'location', 'sequence_level_annotation', 'seq_id', 'seq_num_frames', 'frame_num']:
                        docs[image_id]['annotations'][anno_field_name] = anno_field_val

        print('Number of items from the image DB:', len(docs))
        print('Number of images with more than 1 species: {} ({}% of image DB)'.format(
            num_images_with_more_than_1_species, round(100 * num_images_with_more_than_1_species / len(docs), 2)))

    #%% integrate the bbox DB
    if bbox_db:
        print('Loading bbox DB...')
        cct_bbox_json_db = IndexedJsonDb(bbox_db)

        # add any images that are not in the image DB
        # also add any fields in the image object that are not present already
        num_added = 0
        num_amended = 0
        for image_id, image_obj in cct_bbox_json_db.image_id_to_image.items():
            if image_id not in docs:
                docs[image_id] = image_obj
                num_added += 1

            amended = False
            for field_name, val in image_obj.items():
                if field_name not in docs[image_id]:
                    docs[image_id][field_name] = val
                    amended = True
            if amended:
                num_amended += 1

        print('Number of images added from bbox DB entries: ', num_added)
        print('Number of images amended: ', num_amended)
        print('Number of items in total: ', len(docs))

        # add bbox to the annotations field
        num_more_than_1_bbox = 0

        for image_id, bbox_annotations in cct_bbox_json_db.image_id_to_annotations.items():

            # for any newly added images
            if 'annotations' not in docs[image_id]:
                docs[image_id]['annotations'] = {}

            docs[image_id]['annotations']['bbox'] = []

            if len(bbox_annotations) > 1:
                num_more_than_1_bbox += 1

            for bbox_anno in bbox_annotations:
                item_bbox = {
                    'category': cct_bbox_json_db.cat_id_to_name[bbox_anno['category_id']],
                    # 'bbox_abs': bbox_anno['bbox'],

                if 'width' in docs[image_id]:
                    image_w = docs[image_id]['width']
                    image_h = docs[image_id]['height']
                    x, y, w, h = bbox_anno['bbox']
                    item_bbox['bbox_rel'] = [
                        truncate_float(x / image_w),
                        truncate_float(y / image_h),
                        truncate_float(w / image_w),
                        truncate_float(h / image_h)


            # not keeping height and width
            del docs[image_id]['width']
            del docs[image_id]['height']

        print('Number of images with more than one bounding box: {} ({}% of all entries)'.format(
            num_more_than_1_bbox, 100 * num_more_than_1_bbox / len(docs), 2))
        print('No bbox DB provided.')

    assert len(docs) > 0, 'No image entries found in the image or bbox DB jsons provided.'

    docs = list(docs.values())
    return docs
コード例 #8
ファイル: pc_to_json.py プロジェクト: microsoft/CameraTraps
annotations_all = annotations


if db_sampling_scheme == 'all':


elif db_sampling_scheme == 'labeled' or db_sampling_scheme == 'preview':

    json_data = {}
    json_data['images'] = images
    json_data['annotations'] = annotations
    json_data['categories'] = categories

    indexed_db = IndexedJsonDb(json_data)

    # Collect the images we want
    sampled_images = []
    for im in images:
        classes = indexed_db.get_classes_for_image(im)
        if 'unlabeled' in classes and len(classes) == 1:

    if db_sampling_scheme == 'preview':
        n_sample = n_unlabeled_to_sample
        if n_sample == -1:
            n_sample = len(labeled_images)
        if n_sample > len(labeled_images) and cap_unlabeled_to_labeled:
コード例 #9
def visualize_incoming_annotations(args):
    print('Connecting to MegaDB to get the datasets table...')
    megadb_utils = MegadbUtils()
    datasets_table = megadb_utils.get_datasets_table()

    print('Loading the MegaDB entries...')
    with open(args.megadb_entries) as f:
        sequences = json.load(f)
    print(f'Total number of sequences: {len(sequences)}')
    dataset_seq_images = defaultdict(dict)
    for seq in sequences:
        dataset_seq_images[seq['dataset']][seq['seq_id']] = seq['images']

    print('Loading incoming annotation entries...')
    incoming = IndexedJsonDb(args.incoming_annotation)
        f'Number of images in this annotation file: {len(incoming.image_id_to_image)}'

    if args.num_to_visualize != -1 and args.num_to_visualize <= len(
        incoming_id_to_anno = sample(
        incoming_id_to_anno = incoming.image_id_to_annotations.items()

    # The file_name field in the incoming json looks like alka_squirrels.seq2020_05_07_25C.frame119221.jpg
    # we need to use the dataset, sequence and frame info to find the actual path in blob storage
    # using the sequences
    images_html = []
    for image_id, annotations in tqdm(incoming_id_to_anno):
        if args.trim_to_images_bboxes_labeled and annotations[0][
                'category_id'] == 5:
            # category_id 5 is No Object Visible

        anno_file_name = incoming.image_id_to_image[image_id]['file_name']
        parts = anno_file_name.split('.')
        dataset_name = parts[0]
        seq_id = parts[1].split('seq')[1]
        frame_num = int(parts[2].split('frame')[1])

        im_rel_path = get_image_rel_path(dataset_seq_images, dataset_name,
                                         seq_id, frame_num)
        if im_rel_path is None:
            print(f'Not found in megadb entries: dataset {dataset_name},'
                  f' seq_id {seq_id}, frame_num {frame_num}')

        im_full_path = megadb_utils.get_full_path(datasets_table, dataset_name,

        # download the image
        container_client = megadb_utils.get_storage_client(
            datasets_table, dataset_name)
        downloader = container_client.download_blob(im_full_path)
        image_file = io.BytesIO()
        blob_props = downloader.download_to_stream(image_file)
        image = vis_utils.open_image(image_file)

        boxes = [anno['bbox'] for anno in annotations]
        classes = [anno['category_id'] for anno in annotations]


        file_name = '{}_gtbbox.jpg'.format(
            os.path.splitext(anno_file_name)[0].replace('/', '~'))
        image = vis_utils.resize_image(image, args.output_image_width)
        image.save(os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'rendered_images', file_name))

            '{}/{}'.format('rendered_images', file_name),
            '{}, number of boxes: {}'.format(
                anno_file_name, len([b for b in boxes if len(b) > 0])),

    # Write to HTML
    images_html = sorted(images_html, key=lambda x: x['filename'])
    write_html_image_list(filename=os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'index.html'),
                              '<h1>Sample annotations from {}</h1>'.format(

    print('Visualized {} images.'.format(len(images_html)))
コード例 #10
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        'a short string representing the dataset to be used as a partition key in the DB'
        help='path to the json containing the image DB in CCT format')
        help='path to the json containing the bbox DB in CCT format')
                        help='path to store the resulting json')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    assert len(args.dataset_name) > 0, 'dataset name cannot be an empty string'

    if args.image_db:
        assert os.path.exists(
        ), 'image_db file path provided does not point to a file'
    if args.bbox_db:
        assert os.path.exists(
        ), 'bbox_db file path provided does not point to a file'

    #%% integrate the image DB

    # at first a dict of image_id: image_obj with annotations embedded,
    # then its values becomes the array of documents that will get uploaded to Cosmos DB
    docs = {}

    if args.image_db:
        print('Loading image DB...')
        cct_json_db = IndexedJsonDb(args.image_db)
        docs = cct_json_db.image_id_to_image  # each image entry is first assigned the image object

        # takes in image entries and species and other annotations in the image DB
        num_images_with_more_than_1_species = 0
        for image_id, annotations in cct_json_db.image_id_to_annotations.items(
            docs[image_id]['annotations'] = {'species': []}
            if len(annotations) > 1:
                num_images_with_more_than_1_species += 1
            for anno in annotations:
                # convert the species category to explicit string name
                cat_name = cct_json_db.cat_id_to_name[anno['category_id']]

                # there may be other fields in the annotation object
                for anno_field_name, anno_field_val in anno.items():
                    # these fields should already be gotten from the image object
                    if anno_field_name not in [
                            'category_id', 'id', 'image_id', 'datetime',
                            'location', 'sequence_level_annotation', 'seq_id',
                            'seq_num_frames', 'frame_num'
                            anno_field_name] = anno_field_val

        print('Number of items from the image DB:', len(docs))
            'Number of images with more than 1 species: {} ({}% of image DB)'.
                round(100 * num_images_with_more_than_1_species / len(docs),

    #%% integrate the bbox DB
    if args.bbox_db:
        print('Loading bbox DB...')
        cct_bbox_json_db = IndexedJsonDb(args.bbox_db)

        # add any images that are not in the image DB
        # also add any fields in the image object that are not present already
        num_added = 0
        num_amended = 0
        for image_id, image_obj in cct_bbox_json_db.image_id_to_image.items():
            if image_id not in docs:
                docs[image_id] = image_obj
                num_added += 1

            amended = False
            for field_name, val in image_obj.items():
                if field_name not in docs[image_id]:
                    docs[image_id][field_name] = val
                    amended = True
            if amended:
                num_amended += 1

        print('Number of images added from bbox DB entries: ', num_added)
        print('Number of images amended: ', num_amended)
        print('Number of items in total: ', len(docs))

        # add bbox to the annotations field
        num_more_than_1_bbox = 0

        for image_id, bbox_annotations in cct_bbox_json_db.image_id_to_annotations.items(

            # for any newly added images
            if 'annotations' not in docs[image_id]:
                docs[image_id]['annotations'] = {}

            docs[image_id]['annotations']['bbox'] = []

            if len(bbox_annotations) > 1:
                num_more_than_1_bbox += 1

            for bbox_anno in bbox_annotations:
                item_bbox = {

                if 'width' in docs[image_id]:
                    image_w = docs[image_id]['width']
                    image_h = docs[image_id]['height']
                    x, y, w, h = bbox_anno['bbox']
                    item_bbox['bbox_rel'] = [
                        truncate_float(x / image_w),
                        truncate_float(y / image_h),
                        truncate_float(w / image_w),
                        truncate_float(h / image_h)


            'Number of images with more than one bounding box: {} ({}% of all entries)'
                    100 * num_more_than_1_bbox / len(docs), 2))
        print('No bbox DB provided.')

    assert len(
    ) > 0, 'No image entries found in the image or bbox DB jsons provided.'

    docs = list(docs.values())

    #%% processing
    # get rid of any trailing '.JPG' for the id field
    # insert the 'dataset' attribute used as the partition key
    # replace illegal chars (for Cosmos DB) in the id field of the image
    # replace directory separator with tilde ~
    # rename the id field (reserved word) to image_id
    illegal_char_map = {'/': '~', '\\': '~', '?': '__qm__', '#': '__pound__'}

    for i in docs:
        i['id'] = i['id'].split('.JPG')[0].split('.jpg')[0]

        for illegal, replacement in illegal_char_map.items():
            i['id'] = i['id'].replace(illegal, replacement)

        i['dataset'] = args.dataset_name

        i['image_id'] = i['id']
        del i['id']

    #%% some validation
    print('Example items:')

    num_both_species_bbox = 0
    for item in docs:
        if 'annotations' in item:
            if 'species' in item['annotations'] and 'bbox' in item[
                num_both_species_bbox += 1
        'Number of images with both species and bbox annotations: {} ({}% of all entries)'
                round(100 * num_both_species_bbox / len(docs), 2)))

    #%% save the embedded json database
    write_json(args.embedded_db, docs)