def create_app(): application = Flask(__name__) # db接続処理 application.config.from_object('config.config.Config') init_db(application) return application
def buttons_handle(bot, update, chat_data=None, **kwargs): """Hadle user peek dorm inline buttons and show weather""" query = update.callback_query print(query) data = db.init_db() if data == 'callback_fav': bot.send_message(query['message']['chat']['id'], text='✅Добавлено в вибрані✅') db.add_to_favorite( query['message']['chat']['id'], query['message']['text'][14:query['message']['text'].index('п') - 1]) else: if '(' in data: city = translator.translate(data[data.index('_') + 1:data.index('(')], dest='en').text print(city) wthr = wethr.get_weather(city=city) # print(wthr['current_condition'][0]['temp_C']) message = f"☂️☂️☂️Погода у {city} прямо зараз☂️☂️☂️\n" \ f"☀️Температура повітря зараз - {wthr['current_condition'][0]['temp_C']}°C\n" \ f"🌡Відчувається як {wthr['current_condition'][0]['FeelsLikeC']}°C\n" \ f"🌬Швидкість вітру {wthr['current_condition'][0]['windspeedKmph']} км/г\n" \ f"Кількість опадів - {wthr['current_condition'][0]['precipMM']} мм\n" \ f"Вологість - {wthr['current_condition'][0]['humidity']} %" bot.send_message(query['message']['chat']['id'], text=message, reply_markup=add_to_favorites_button()) if not db.get_id(query['message']['chat_id']): db.insert_to_db(query['message']['chat']['id'], True) else: city = translator.translate(data[data.index('_') + 1:], dest='en').text print(city) wthr = wethr.get_weather(city=city) # print(wthr['current_condition'][0]['temp_C']) message = f"☂️☂️☂️Погода у {city} прямо зараз☂️☂️☂️\n" \ f"☀️Температура повітря зараз - {wthr['current_condition'][0]['temp_C']}°C\n" \ f"🌡Відчувається як {wthr['current_condition'][0]['FeelsLikeC']}°C\n" \ f"🌡Швидкість вітру {wthr['current_condition'][0]['windspeedKmph']} км/г" bot.send_message(query['message']['chat']['id'], text=message, reply_markup=add_to_favorites_button()) if not db.get_id(query['message']['chat_id']): db.insert_to_db(query['message']['chat']['id'], True)
def db_upgrade(): log_d('Database connection failed') from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox msg_box = QMessageBox() msg_box.setWindowIcon(QIcon(app_constants.APP_ICO_PATH)) msg_box.setText('Incompatible database!') msg_box.setInformativeText( "Do you want to upgrade to newest version?" + " It shouldn't take more than a second. Don't start a new instance!" ) msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msg_box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) if msg_box.exec() == QMessageBox.Yes: utils.backup_database() import threading db_p = db_constants.DB_PATH db.add_db_revisions(db_p) conn = db.init_db() return start_main_window(conn) else: application.exit() log_d('Normal Exit App: OK') return 0
def db_upgrade(): log_d('Database connection failed') from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox msg_box = QMessageBox() msg_box.setWindowIcon(QIcon(gui_constants.APP_ICO_PATH)) msg_box.setText('Incompatible database!') msg_box.setInformativeText("Do you want to upgrade to newest version?" + " It shouldn't take more than a second. Don't start a new instance!") msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msg_box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) if msg_box.exec() == QMessageBox.Yes: import threading db_p = db_constants.DB_PATH threading.Thread(target=db.add_db_revisions, args=(db_p,)).start() done = None while not done: done = db.ResultQueue.get() conn = db.init_db() start_main_window(conn) else: application.exit() log_d('Normal Exit App: OK') sys.exit()
def db_upgrade(): log_d("Database connection failed") from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox msg_box = QMessageBox() msg_box.setWindowIcon(QIcon(app_constants.APP_ICO_PATH)) msg_box.setText("Incompatible database!") msg_box.setInformativeText( "Do you want to upgrade to newest version?" + " It shouldn't take more than a second. Don't start a new instance!" ) msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msg_box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) if msg_box.exec() == QMessageBox.Yes: utils.backup_database() import threading db_p = db_constants.DB_PATH db.add_db_revisions(db_p) conn = db.init_db() return start_main_window(conn) else: application.exit() log_d("Normal Exit App: OK") return 0
def __init__(self, debug): handlers = [(r"/", MainHandler), (r'/download/(.*)', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {'path': stat_dir}), ] settings = {'debug': debug, 'template_path': template_dir, 'static_path': stat_dir, } tornado.web.Application.__init__(self, handlers, **settings) self.db = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=db.init_db( config.DATABASE_LOCATION)))
def start(test=False): if == 'posix': main_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) log_path = os.path.join(main_path, 'happypanda.log') debug_log_path = os.path.join(main_path, 'happypanda_debug.log') else: log_path = 'happypanda.log' debug_log_path = 'happypanda_debug.log' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='Happypanda', description='A manga/doujinshi manager with tagging support') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='happypanda_debug_log.log will be created in main directory') parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', action='store_true', help='Run happypanda in test mode. 5000 gallery will be preadded in DB.') parser.add_argument('-v', '--versi on', action='version', version='Happypanda v{}'.format(gui_constants.vs)) parser.add_argument('-e', '--exceptions', action='store_true', help='Disable custom excepthook') args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: print("happypanda_debug.log created at {}".format(os.getcwd())) # create log try: with open(debug_log_path, 'x') as f: pass except FileExistsError: pass logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)-8s %(levelname)-6s %(name)-6s %(message)s', datefmt='%d-%m %H:%M', filename='happypanda_debug.log', filemode='w') gui_constants.DEBUG = True else: try: with open(log_path, 'x') as f: pass except FileExistsError: pass file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( log_path, maxBytes=1000000*10, encoding='utf-8', backupCount=2) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)-8s %(levelname)-6s %(name)-6s %(message)s', datefmt='%d-%m %H:%M', handlers=(file_handler,)) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log_i = log_d = log.debug log_w = log.warning log_e = log.error log_c = log.critical if not args.exceptions: def uncaught_exceptions(ex_type, ex, tb): log_c(''.join(traceback.format_tb(tb))) log_c('{}: {}'.format(ex_type, ex)) traceback.print_exception(ex_type, ex, tb) sys.excepthook = uncaught_exceptions application = QApplication(sys.argv) application.setOrganizationName('Pewpews') application.setOrganizationDomain('') application.setApplicationName('Happypanda') application.setApplicationDisplayName('Happypanda') application.setApplicationVersion('v{}'.format(gui_constants.vs)) log_i('Happypanda Version {}'.format(gui_constants.vs)) log_i('OS: {} {}\n'.format(platform.system(), platform.release())) try: if args.test: conn = db.init_db(True) else: conn = db.init_db() log_d('Init DB Conn: OK') log_i("DB Version: {}".format(db_constants.REAL_DB_VERSION)) except: log_c('Invalid database') log.exception('Database connection failed!') from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox msg_box = QMessageBox() msg_box.setWindowIcon(QIcon(gui_constants.APP_ICO_PATH)) msg_box.setText('Invalid database') msg_box.setInformativeText("Do you want to create a new database?") msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msg_box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) if msg_box.exec() == QMessageBox.Yes: pass else: application.exit() log_d('Normal Exit App: OK') sys.exit() def start_main_window(conn): DB = db.DBThread(conn) #if args.test: # import threading, time # ser_list = [] # for x in range(5000): # s = # s.profile = gui_constants.NO_IMAGE_PATH # s.title = 'Test {}'.format(x) # s.artist = 'Author {}'.format(x) # s.path = gui_constants.static_dir # s.type = 'Test' # s.chapters = {0:gui_constants.static_dir} # s.language = 'English' # = 'I am number {}'.format(x) # ser_list.append(s) # done = False # thread_list = [] # i = 0 # while not done: # try: # if threading.active_count() > 5000: # thread_list = [] # done = True # else: # thread_list.append( # threading.Thread(target=gallerydb.galleryDB.add_gallery, # args=(ser_list[i],))) # thread_list[i].start() # i += 1 # print(i) # print('Threads running: {}'.format(threading.activeCount())) # except IndexError: # done = True WINDOW = app.AppWindow() # styling d_style = gui_constants.default_stylesheet_path u_style = gui_constants.user_stylesheet_path if len(u_style) is not 0: try: style_file = QFile(u_style) log_i('Select userstyle: OK') except: style_file = QFile(d_style) log_i('Select defaultstyle: OK') else: style_file = QFile(d_style) log_i('Select defaultstyle: OK') style = str(style_file.readAll(), 'utf-8') application.setStyleSheet(style) try: os.mkdir(gui_constants.temp_dir) except FileExistsError: try: for root, dirs, files in scandir.walk('temp', topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) except: log_i('Empty temp: FAIL') log_d('Create temp: OK') if test: return application, WINDOW sys.exit(application.exec_()) def db_upgrade(): log_d('Database connection failed') from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox msg_box = QMessageBox() msg_box.setWindowIcon(QIcon(gui_constants.APP_ICO_PATH)) msg_box.setText('Incompatible database!') msg_box.setInformativeText("Do you want to upgrade to newest version?" + " It shouldn't take more than a second. Don't start a new instance!") msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msg_box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) if msg_box.exec() == QMessageBox.Yes: import threading db_p = db_constants.DB_PATH threading.Thread(target=db.add_db_revisions, args=(db_p,)).start() done = None while not done: done = db.ResultQueue.get() conn = db.init_db() start_main_window(conn) else: application.exit() log_d('Normal Exit App: OK') sys.exit() if conn: start_main_window(conn) else: db_upgrade()
u['name'] = username u['email'] = email u['password'] = password user = uSchema.load(u, session=db_session).data db_session.add(user) db_session.commit() session["email"] = email return render_template('pages/placeholder.home.html') else: form = RegisterForm(request.form) return render_template('forms/register.html', form=form) # Error handlers. @app.errorhandler(500) def internal_error(error): db_session.rollback() return render_template('errors/500.html'), 500 @app.errorhandler(404) def not_found_error(error): return render_template('errors/404.html'), 404 if __name__ == "__main__": init_db() app.debug = True
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Module for testing """ import os import sys from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) from database import db, db_functions # TODO: Move to 'test setup' engine = db.init_db('test_lite.db') db_session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)) # TODO: Use fixtures instead for test data tweets = [{u'profile': u'' '378800000625405614/' '881510dae4b7d1a9525d205106c69118_normal.jpeg', u'language': u'en', u'author': u'BarootiShahabeh', u'url': u'' '403471725436076032', u'text': u"RT @AlMonitor: As the #Syria war continues," " Assad'sopponents are incredibly becoming lawless" " criminals -", 'tweet_country': 'syria',
"Could not find the necessary keys in the request's body") return not_found_error("Required keys are not found in POST's body") user = db_repo.find_user_by_api_key(api_key_str) if user is None: app.logger.error("No user found with {0} api key".format(api_key_str)) return not_found_error("No associated user with this api key") if user.available_units < size: app.logger.error( "User with api key {0} has no units to use the service".format( api_key_str)) return not_found_error("Not enough unit to use the service") # Using the Sample Service random_str = super_service.generate_random_string(size)"Successful service usage by {0}".format(api_key_str)) db_repo.update_after_service_usage(user, size) response_dict = {"service_result": random_str} return jsonify(response_dict) if __name__ == '__main__': db.init_db()'', port=5000, debug=True, threaded=True)
def setup_db(): init_db() Pictures.app_root = app.root_path
def start(test=False): app_constants.APP_RESTART_CODE = -123456789 if == 'posix': main_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) log_path = os.path.join(main_path, 'happypanda.log') debug_log_path = os.path.join(main_path, 'happypanda_debug.log') else: log_path = 'happypanda.log' debug_log_path = 'happypanda_debug.log' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='Happypanda', description='A manga/doujinshi manager with tagging support') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='happypanda_debug_log.log will be created in main directory') parser.add_argument( '-t', '--test', action='store_true', help='Run happypanda in test mode. 5000 gallery will be preadded in DB.' ) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='Happypanda v{}'.format(app_constants.vs)) parser.add_argument('-e', '--exceptions', action='store_true', help='Disable custom excepthook') args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: print("happypanda_debug.log created at {}".format(os.getcwd())) # create log try: with open(debug_log_path, 'x') as f: pass except FileExistsError: pass logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)-8s %(levelname)-6s %(name)-6s %(message)s', datefmt='%d-%m %H:%M', filename='happypanda_debug.log', filemode='w') app_constants.DEBUG = True else: try: with open(log_path, 'x') as f: pass except FileExistsError: pass file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(log_path, maxBytes=1000000 * 10, encoding='utf-8', backupCount=2) logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)-8s %(levelname)-6s %(name)-6s %(message)s', datefmt='%d-%m %H:%M', handlers=(file_handler, )) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log_i = log_d = log.debug log_w = log.warning log_e = log.error log_c = log.critical if not args.exceptions: def uncaught_exceptions(ex_type, ex, tb): log_c(''.join(traceback.format_tb(tb))) log_c('{}: {}'.format(ex_type, ex)) traceback.print_exception(ex_type, ex, tb) sys.excepthook = uncaught_exceptions application = QApplication(sys.argv) application.setOrganizationName('Pewpews') application.setOrganizationDomain('') application.setApplicationName('Happypanda') application.setApplicationDisplayName('Happypanda') application.setApplicationVersion('v{}'.format(app_constants.vs)) log_i('Happypanda Version {}'.format(app_constants.vs)) log_i('OS: {} {}\n'.format(platform.system(), platform.release())) conn = None try: if args.test: conn = db.init_db(True) else: conn = db.init_db() log_d('Init DB Conn: OK') log_i("DB Version: {}".format(db_constants.REAL_DB_VERSION)) except: log_c('Invalid database') log.exception('Database connection failed!') from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox msg_box = QMessageBox() msg_box.setWindowIcon(QIcon(app_constants.APP_ICO_PATH)) msg_box.setText('Invalid database') msg_box.setInformativeText("Do you want to create a new database?") msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msg_box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) if msg_box.exec() == QMessageBox.Yes: pass else: application.exit() log_d('Normal Exit App: OK') sys.exit() def start_main_window(conn): db.DBBase._DB_CONN = conn #if args.test: # import threading, time # ser_list = [] # for x in range(5000): # s = # s.profile = app_constants.NO_IMAGE_PATH # s.title = 'Test {}'.format(x) # s.artist = 'Author {}'.format(x) # s.path = app_constants.static_dir # s.type = 'Test' # s.language = 'English' # = 'I am number {}'.format(x) # ser_list.append(s) # done = False # thread_list = [] # i = 0 # while not done: # try: # if threading.active_count() > 5000: # thread_list = [] # done = True # else: # thread_list.append( # threading.Thread(target=gallerydb.galleryDB.add_gallery, # args=(ser_list[i],))) # thread_list[i].start() # i += 1 # print(i) # print('Threads running: {}'.format(threading.activeCount())) # except IndexError: # done = True WINDOW = app.AppWindow() # styling d_style = app_constants.default_stylesheet_path u_style = app_constants.user_stylesheet_path if len(u_style) is not 0: try: style_file = QFile(u_style) log_i('Select userstyle: OK') except: style_file = QFile(d_style) log_i('Select defaultstyle: OK') else: style_file = QFile(d_style) log_i('Select defaultstyle: OK') style = str(style_file.readAll(), 'utf-8') application.setStyleSheet(style) try: os.mkdir(app_constants.temp_dir) except FileExistsError: try: for root, dirs, files in scandir.walk('temp', topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) except: log.exception("Empty temp: FAIL") log_d('Create temp: OK') if test: return application, WINDOW return application.exec_() def db_upgrade(): log_d('Database connection failed') from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox msg_box = QMessageBox() msg_box.setWindowIcon(QIcon(app_constants.APP_ICO_PATH)) msg_box.setText('Incompatible database!') msg_box.setInformativeText( "Do you want to upgrade to newest version?" + " It shouldn't take more than a second. Don't start a new instance!" ) msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msg_box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) if msg_box.exec() == QMessageBox.Yes: utils.backup_database() import threading db_p = db_constants.DB_PATH db.add_db_revisions(db_p) conn = db.init_db() return start_main_window(conn) else: application.exit() log_d('Normal Exit App: OK') return 0 if conn: return start_main_window(conn) else: return db_upgrade()
from flask import Flask from flask_bcrypt import Bcrypt from flask_jwt_extended import JWTManager from flask_mongoengine import MongoEngineSessionInterface from flask_restful import Api from database.db import db from database.db import init_db from flask_Restfu_jwt.resource.routes import initialize_routes app = Flask(__name__) app.config[ 'JWT_SECRET_KEY'] = "44C176788A7EEF45F2F79F53D108F8FDC630B5A4B35D74097795CA35153C181C" app.config['PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS'] = True app.config['JWT_BLACKLIST_ENABLED'] = True app.config['JWT_BLACKLIST_TOKEN_CHECKS'] = ['access', 'refresh'] #jwt config jwt = JWTManager(app) #Restful and hash password config api = Api(app) bcrypt = Bcrypt(app) #mongodb address and create db product app.config['MONGODB_SETTINGS'] = {'host': 'mongodb://localhost:27017/product'} app.session_interface = MongoEngineSessionInterface(db) init_db(app) initialize_routes(api)
def start(test=False): app_constants.APP_RESTART_CODE = -123456789 if == 'posix': main_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) log_path = os.path.join(main_path, 'happypanda.log') debug_log_path = os.path.join(main_path, 'happypanda_debug.log') else: log_path = 'happypanda.log' debug_log_path = 'happypanda_debug.log' if os.path.exists('cacert.pem'): os.environ["REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE"] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "cacert.pem") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='Happypanda', description='A manga/doujinshi manager with tagging support') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='happypanda_debug_log.log will be created in main directory') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='Happypanda v{}'.format(app_constants.vs)) parser.add_argument('-e', '--exceptions', action='store_true', help='Disable custom excepthook') parser.add_argument('-x', '--dev', action='store_true', help='Development Switch') args = parser.parse_args() log_handlers = [] log_level = logging.INFO if log_handlers.append(logging.StreamHandler()) if args.debug: print("happypanda_debug.log created at {}".format(os.getcwd())) # create log try: with open(debug_log_path, 'x') as f: pass except FileExistsError: pass log_handlers.append(logging.FileHandler(debug_log_path, 'w', 'utf-8')) log_level = logging.DEBUG app_constants.DEBUG = True else: try: with open(log_path, 'x') as f: pass except FileExistsError: pass log_handlers.append(logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( log_path, maxBytes=1000000*10, encoding='utf-8', backupCount=2)) # Fix for logging not working # clear the handlers first before adding these custom handler # logging.getLogger('').handlers = [] logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format='%(asctime)-8s %(levelname)-6s %(name)-6s %(message)s', datefmt='%d-%m %H:%M', handlers=tuple(log_handlers)) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log_i = log_d = log.debug log_w = log.warning log_e = log.error log_c = log.critical if not args.exceptions: def uncaught_exceptions(ex_type, ex, tb): log_c(''.join(traceback.format_tb(tb))) log_c('{}: {}'.format(ex_type, ex)) traceback.print_exception(ex_type, ex, tb) sys.excepthook = uncaught_exceptions if app_constants.FORCE_HIGH_DPI_SUPPORT: log_i("Enabling high DPI display support") os.environ.putenv("QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO", "auto") effects = [Qt.UI_AnimateCombo, Qt.UI_FadeMenu, Qt.UI_AnimateMenu, Qt.UI_AnimateTooltip, Qt.UI_FadeTooltip] for effect in effects: QApplication.setEffectEnabled(effect) application = QApplication(sys.argv) application.setOrganizationName('Pewpews') application.setOrganizationDomain('') application.setApplicationName('Happypanda') application.setApplicationDisplayName('Happypanda') application.setApplicationVersion('v{}'.format(app_constants.vs)) application.setAttribute(Qt.AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps) application.font().setStyleStrategy(application.font().PreferAntialias) log_i('Starting Happypanda...'.format(app_constants.vs)) if args.debug: log_i('Running in debug mode'.format(app_constants.vs)) import pprint sys.displayhook = pprint.pprint app_constants.load_icons() log_i('Happypanda Version {}'.format(app_constants.vs)) log_i('OS: {} {}\n'.format(platform.system(), platform.release())) conn = None try: conn = db.init_db() log_d('Init DB Conn: OK') log_i("DB Version: {}".format(db_constants.REAL_DB_VERSION)) except: log_c('Invalid database') log.exception('Database connection failed!') from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox msg_box = QMessageBox() msg_box.setWindowIcon(QIcon(app_constants.APP_ICO_PATH)) msg_box.setText('Invalid database') msg_box.setInformativeText("Do you want to create a new database?") msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msg_box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) if msg_box.exec() == QMessageBox.Yes: pass else: application.exit() log_d('Normal Exit App: OK') sys.exit() def start_main_window(conn): db.DBBase._DB_CONN = conn #if args.test: # import threading, time # ser_list = [] # for x in range(5000): # s = # s.profile = app_constants.NO_IMAGE_PATH # s.title = 'Test {}'.format(x) # s.artist = 'Author {}'.format(x) # s.path = app_constants.static_dir # s.type = 'Test' # s.language = 'English' # = 'I am number {}'.format(x) # ser_list.append(s) # done = False # thread_list = [] # i = 0 # while not done: # try: # if threading.active_count() > 5000: # thread_list = [] # done = True # else: # thread_list.append( # threading.Thread(target=gallerydb.galleryDB.add_gallery, # args=(ser_list[i],))) # thread_list[i].start() # i += 1 # print(i) # print('Threads running: {}'.format(threading.activeCount())) # except IndexError: # done = True WINDOW = app.AppWindow(args.exceptions) # styling d_style = app_constants.default_stylesheet_path u_style = app_constants.user_stylesheet_path if len(u_style) is not 0: try: style_file = QFile(u_style) log_i('Select userstyle: OK') except: style_file = QFile(d_style) log_i('Select defaultstyle: OK') else: style_file = QFile(d_style) log_i('Select defaultstyle: OK') style = str(style_file.readAll(), 'utf-8') application.setStyleSheet(style) try: os.mkdir(app_constants.temp_dir) except FileExistsError: try: for root, dirs, files in scandir.walk('temp', topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) except: log.exception("Empty temp: FAIL") log_d('Create temp: OK') if test: return application, WINDOW return application.exec_() def db_upgrade(): log_d('Database connection failed') from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox msg_box = QMessageBox() msg_box.setWindowIcon(QIcon(app_constants.APP_ICO_PATH)) msg_box.setText('Incompatible database!') msg_box.setInformativeText("Do you want to upgrade to newest version?" + " It shouldn't take more than a second. Don't start a new instance!") msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msg_box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) if msg_box.exec() == QMessageBox.Yes: utils.backup_database() import threading db_p = db_constants.DB_PATH db.add_db_revisions(db_p) conn = db.init_db() return start_main_window(conn) else: application.exit() log_d('Normal Exit App: OK') return 0 if conn: return start_main_window(conn) else: return db_upgrade()
def main(): """ Main function in batch script, where eternal while loop is running. Script uses modules dataMining and database to retrieve and store data. """ # Logger logHandler = TimedRotatingFileHandler(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "logs", "batch.log"), when="midnight") logFormatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s; %(message)s') logHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) logger = logging.getLogger('batch logger') logger.addHandler(logHandler) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Signals def signal_handler(sig, frame): """ Method that handles received kill signals. """ logger.warning('Caught signal: %s, killing process.', sig) sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # Search setup countries = tweetSearch.getCountries() words = tweetSearch.getSearchWords() # Database setup create_tables = False if not os.path.isfile(config.DATABASE_LOCATION): create_tables = True engine = db.init_db(config.DATABASE_LOCATION) if create_tables: db.create_tables(engine) db_session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine))'Started script (PID: %s).' % os.getpid()) def get_and_store_data(search_terms, search_function, save_function): """ Method used when getting and storing data. Method is made in a semi-generic manner, so that it the batch script can evolve into a dynamic script that can be tailored in the configuration file. """ skipped_terms = [] for terms in search_terms: results = None try: results = search_function(terms) except SearchEngineLimitError: logger.warning('Search engine limit exceeded,' ' sleeping for %s seconds.' % config.SLEEP_TIME) time.sleep(config.SLEEP_TIME) skipped_terms.append(terms) if results: # Save tweets'Found %s results when searching for %s.' % (len(results), ' and '.join(terms))) save_function(db_session, results, terms) if skipped_terms: get_and_store_data(skipped_terms, search_function, save_function) # Starting datamining loop while 1: try: search_terms = [(a, b) for b in words for a in countries] search_function = tweetSearch.getTweets save_function = db_functions.saveTweets get_and_store_data(search_terms, search_function, save_function) except: logger.exception('Exception caught!') raise
def setup_db(): """Create a user to test with only run once""" init_db() userDatastore.find_or_create_role(name='admin') userDatastore.find_or_create_role(name='primary') if not fieldExists(dbSession, Company.company_name, "Admin"): newCompany = Company(company_name="Admin", email="*****@*****.**") dbSession.add(newCompany) dbSession.commit() if not fieldExists(dbSession,, 1): #primary newUser = User(id=1, email='*****@*****.**', username='******', password='******', company_name='Admin', active=1) dbSession.add(newUser) userDatastore.add_role_to_user(newUser, 'admin') userDatastore.activate_user(newUser) dbSession.commit() if not fieldExists(dbSession, Status.status_name, "Not Reached"): newStatus = Status(status_name="Not Reached", status_number=1) dbSession.add(newStatus) dbSession.commit() if not fieldExists(dbSession, Status.status_name, "Paid"): newStatus = Status(status_name="Paid", status_number=2) dbSession.add(newStatus) dbSession.commit() if not fieldExists(dbSession, Status.status_name, "Appraisal Booked"): newStatus = Status(status_name="Appraisal Booked", status_number=3) dbSession.add(newStatus) dbSession.commit() if not fieldExists(dbSession, Status.status_name, "Waiting for Appraisal"): newStatus = Status(status_name="Waiting for Appraisal", status_number=4) dbSession.add(newStatus) dbSession.commit() if not fieldExists(dbSession, Status.status_name, "Appraised"): newStatus = Status(status_name="Appraised", status_number=5) dbSession.add(newStatus) dbSession.commit() if not fieldExists(dbSession, Status.status_name, "Quote Sent"): newStatus = Status(status_name="Quote Sent", status_number=6) dbSession.add(newStatus) dbSession.commit() if not fieldExists(dbSession, Status.status_name, "Waiting for Alberta1Call"): newStatus = Status(status_name="Waiting for Alberta1Call", status_number=7) dbSession.add(newStatus) dbSession.commit() if not fieldExists(dbSession, Status.status_name, "Installation Pending"): newStatus = Status(status_name="Installation Pending", status_number=8) dbSession.add(newStatus) dbSession.commit() if not fieldExists(dbSession, Status.status_name, "Installing"): newStatus = Status(status_name="Installing", status_number=9) dbSession.add(newStatus) dbSession.commit() if not fieldExists(dbSession, Status.status_name, "No Longer Interested"): newStatus = Status(status_name="No Longer Interested", status_number=10) dbSession.add(newStatus) dbSession.commit() Pictures.app_root = app.root_path Quotes.app_root = app.root_path Email.staticFolder = app.root_path + "/static/"
def main(): """ Main function in batch script, where eternal while loop is running. Script uses modules dataMining and database to retrieve and store data. """ # Logger logHandler = TimedRotatingFileHandler(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "logs", "batch.log"), when="midnight") logFormatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s; %(message)s') logHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) logger = logging.getLogger('batch logger') logger.addHandler(logHandler) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Signals def signal_handler(sig, frame): """ Method that handles received kill signals. """ logger.warning('Caught signal: %s, killing process.', sig) sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # Search setup countries = tweetSearch.getCountries() words = tweetSearch.getSearchWords() # Database setup create_tables = False if not os.path.isfile(config.DATABASE_LOCATION): create_tables = True engine = db.init_db(config.DATABASE_LOCATION) if create_tables: db.create_tables(engine) db_session = scoped_session( sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine))'Started script (PID: %s).' % os.getpid()) def get_and_store_data(search_terms, search_function, save_function): """ Method used when getting and storing data. Method is made in a semi-generic manner, so that it the batch script can evolve into a dynamic script that can be tailored in the configuration file. """ skipped_terms = [] for terms in search_terms: results = None try: results = search_function(terms) except SearchEngineLimitError: logger.warning('Search engine limit exceeded,' ' sleeping for %s seconds.' % config.SLEEP_TIME) time.sleep(config.SLEEP_TIME) skipped_terms.append(terms) if results: # Save tweets'Found %s results when searching for %s.' % (len(results), ' and '.join(terms))) save_function(db_session, results, terms) if skipped_terms: get_and_store_data(skipped_terms, search_function, save_function) # Starting datamining loop while 1: try: search_terms = [(a, b) for b in words for a in countries] search_function = tweetSearch.getTweets save_function = db_functions.saveTweets get_and_store_data(search_terms, search_function, save_function) except: logger.exception('Exception caught!') raise
def start(test=False): app_constants.APP_RESTART_CODE = -123456789 if == "posix": main_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) log_path = os.path.join(main_path, "happypanda.log") debug_log_path = os.path.join(main_path, "happypanda_debug.log") else: log_path = "happypanda.log" debug_log_path = "happypanda_debug.log" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="Happypanda", description="A manga/doujinshi manager with tagging support") parser.add_argument( "-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help="happypanda_debug_log.log will be created in main directory" ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--test", action="store_true", help="Run happypanda in test mode. 5000 gallery will be preadded in DB." ) parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version="Happypanda v{}".format(app_constants.vs)) parser.add_argument("-e", "--exceptions", action="store_true", help="Disable custom excepthook") args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: print("happypanda_debug.log created at {}".format(os.getcwd())) # create log try: with open(debug_log_path, "x") as f: pass except FileExistsError: pass logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)-8s %(levelname)-6s %(name)-6s %(message)s", datefmt="%d-%m %H:%M", filename="happypanda_debug.log", filemode="w", ) app_constants.DEBUG = True else: try: with open(log_path, "x") as f: pass except FileExistsError: pass file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( log_path, maxBytes=1000000 * 10, encoding="utf-8", backupCount=2 ) logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)-8s %(levelname)-6s %(name)-6s %(message)s", datefmt="%d-%m %H:%M", handlers=(file_handler,), ) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log_i = log_d = log.debug log_w = log.warning log_e = log.error log_c = log.critical if not args.exceptions: def uncaught_exceptions(ex_type, ex, tb): log_c("".join(traceback.format_tb(tb))) log_c("{}: {}".format(ex_type, ex)) traceback.print_exception(ex_type, ex, tb) sys.excepthook = uncaught_exceptions application = QApplication(sys.argv) application.setOrganizationName("Pewpews") application.setOrganizationDomain("") application.setApplicationName("Happypanda") application.setApplicationDisplayName("Happypanda") application.setApplicationVersion("v{}".format(app_constants.vs)) log_i("Happypanda Version {}".format(app_constants.vs)) log_i("OS: {} {}\n".format(platform.system(), platform.release())) conn = None try: if args.test: conn = db.init_db(True) else: conn = db.init_db() log_d("Init DB Conn: OK") log_i("DB Version: {}".format(db_constants.REAL_DB_VERSION)) except: log_c("Invalid database") log.exception("Database connection failed!") from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox msg_box = QMessageBox() msg_box.setWindowIcon(QIcon(app_constants.APP_ICO_PATH)) msg_box.setText("Invalid database") msg_box.setInformativeText("Do you want to create a new database?") msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msg_box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) if msg_box.exec() == QMessageBox.Yes: pass else: application.exit() log_d("Normal Exit App: OK") sys.exit() def start_main_window(conn): db.DBBase._DB_CONN = conn # if args.test: # import threading, time # ser_list = [] # for x in range(5000): # s = # s.profile = app_constants.NO_IMAGE_PATH # s.title = 'Test {}'.format(x) # s.artist = 'Author {}'.format(x) # s.path = app_constants.static_dir # s.type = 'Test' # s.language = 'English' # = 'I am number {}'.format(x) # ser_list.append(s) # done = False # thread_list = [] # i = 0 # while not done: # try: # if threading.active_count() > 5000: # thread_list = [] # done = True # else: # thread_list.append( # threading.Thread(target=gallerydb.galleryDB.add_gallery, # args=(ser_list[i],))) # thread_list[i].start() # i += 1 # print(i) # print('Threads running: {}'.format(threading.activeCount())) # except IndexError: # done = True WINDOW = app.AppWindow() # styling d_style = app_constants.default_stylesheet_path u_style = app_constants.user_stylesheet_path if len(u_style) is not 0: try: style_file = QFile(u_style) log_i("Select userstyle: OK") except: style_file = QFile(d_style) log_i("Select defaultstyle: OK") else: style_file = QFile(d_style) log_i("Select defaultstyle: OK") style = str(style_file.readAll(), "utf-8") application.setStyleSheet(style) try: os.mkdir(app_constants.temp_dir) except FileExistsError: try: for root, dirs, files in scandir.walk("temp", topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) except: log.exception("Empty temp: FAIL") log_d("Create temp: OK") if test: return application, WINDOW return application.exec_() def db_upgrade(): log_d("Database connection failed") from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox msg_box = QMessageBox() msg_box.setWindowIcon(QIcon(app_constants.APP_ICO_PATH)) msg_box.setText("Incompatible database!") msg_box.setInformativeText( "Do you want to upgrade to newest version?" + " It shouldn't take more than a second. Don't start a new instance!" ) msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) msg_box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) if msg_box.exec() == QMessageBox.Yes: utils.backup_database() import threading db_p = db_constants.DB_PATH db.add_db_revisions(db_p) conn = db.init_db() return start_main_window(conn) else: application.exit() log_d("Normal Exit App: OK") return 0 if conn: return start_main_window(conn) else: return db_upgrade()