def run(server, port, save_path):

    client = ClientCNNAutoSplitter.new_basic_alpha_beta(server, port, 0.0, 1.0)

    L_param_desc = client.read_param_desc_from_server()

    D_param_values = {}

    for param_desc in L_param_desc:

        name = param_desc["name"]
        value = client.pull_entire_param(name)

        assert not np.any(np.isnan(value)), "The server parameter %s contains NaN values" % name

        D_param_values[name] = value

        print "Read %s of shape %s." % (name, str(param_desc["shape"]))

    print "================================"

    pickle.dump(D_param_values, open(save_path, "w"))
    print "Wrote %s." % save_path

def extract_layer_names(L_params):
    res = set([])
    # prog = re.compile(r"(.+_.+)_.*")
    for param in L_params:
        (layer_name, layer_number, role) = ClientCNNAutoSplitter.analyze_param_name(param["name"])
        # m = prog.match(param['name'])
        # if m:
        #    res.add(
        # else:
        #    print "Failed to extract layer name from %s" % name
    return res
def run():

    server_host = ""
    port = 6000

    (alpha, beta) = (0.0, 1.0)
    client = ClientCNNAutoSplitter.new_basic_alpha_beta(server_host, port, alpha, beta)

    print client.read_param_desc_from_server()
    client.load_all_from_hdf5("test0JSON", "test0")
    # mini_training()

def run(server, port, nclients, nreps, nsplits):

    # we're not doing the clients in parallel or it'll be an insane mess

    for _ in range(nclients):

        (alpha, beta) = (np.random.rand(), np.random.rand())
        print "Starting with new client. (alpha, beta) are (%0.2f, %0.2f)" % (alpha, beta)
        client = ClientCNNAutoSplitter.new_basic_alpha_beta(server, port, alpha, beta)


        print "    Starting soak."
        for __ in range(nreps):
            soak(client, alpha, beta, nsplits)
        print "   Done with soak."

        print "Done with client."
def run(server, port, load_path):

    client = ClientCNNAutoSplitter.new_basic_alpha_beta(server, port, 0.0, 1.0)

    L_param_desc = client.read_param_desc_from_server()

    # late on we might want to add support for hdf5,
    # but currently we'll work only with pickle files
    D_params = pickle.load(open(load_path, "r"))
    print "Loaded %s." % load_path

    # Before we commit stuff to the server, we'll make pretty damn sure
    # that we're talking about the same thing.
    A = set(D_params.keys())
    B = set(e['name'] for e in L_param_desc)
    for e in A - B:
        print "D_params has parameter %s that the server does not have." % e
    for e in B - A:
        print "The server has parameter %s that D_params does not have." % e
    assert A == B

    for param_desc in L_param_desc:

        name = param_desc['name']
        shape = param_desc['shape']
        assert D_params.has_key(name), "Server has parameter %s but the load_path %s does not contain a value for this parameter." % (name, load_path)
        assert tuple(D_params[name].shape) == tuple(shape), "Loaded parameter %s from file. It has shape %s, but the server says that it should have shape %s." % (name, D_params[name].shape, shape)

        assert not np.any(np.isnan(D_params[name])), "The saved parameter %s contains NaN values." % name

        client.push_entire_param(name, D_params[name], 0.0, 1.0)

        print "Pushed %s of shape %s." % (name, str(param_desc['shape']))

    print "================================"

Esempio n. 6
def run(model_desc, train_desc, experiment_dir, saving_path, output_server_params_desc_path=None, force_quit_after_total_duration=None, server_params_desc=None):

    # it's okay to not use the `experiment_dir` argument directly, for now

    # If `output_server_params_desc_path` is used, then this function will terminate early
    # after writing out the json file that the server will need.
    # Conceptually, one can run this before the experiment, in order to obtain the
    # file to be used for the server. Then we launch the server and we run the thing for real.

    if output_server_params_desc_path is not None:
        # we need to replace all the exo dropout values in order to generate the json file for the server config
        print "Setting all the exo dropout values in order to generate the json file for the server config."

    want_ignore_endo_dropout = (train_desc.has_key('sync') and
                                train_desc['sync'].has_key('want_ignore_endo_dropout') and
                                train_desc['sync']['want_ignore_endo_dropout'] == True)

    want_undo_exo_dropout = (train_desc.has_key('sync') and
                             train_desc['sync'].has_key('want_undo_exo_dropout') and
                             train_desc['sync']['want_undo_exo_dropout'] == True)

    # When we're running the client in "observer" mode,
    # we want to get rid of the exo and the endo dropout.
    # There are multiple ways to go about doing this, but
    # for the endo dropout we'll just check if the 'sync'
    # component of `train_desc` has a 'want_ignore_endo_dropout'
    # key that is set to `True`. If such is the case, we'll just
    # mutate the values found in `model_desc` to set them to 0.0
    # to achieve the desired effect.
    # We don't have to scale the parameters to compensate for anything
    # due to the way that dropout is implemented in Blocks.
    # The implementation is such that the parameters are set to their
    # proper values that they would have if we ignored the endo dropout,
    # so we don't have to compute the equivalent of the `D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout`.
    if want_ignore_endo_dropout:
        print "Overriding ENDO dropout as requested by the train_desc."
        for k in ["L_endo_dropout_conv_layers", "L_endo_dropout_full_layers"]:
            if model_desc.has_key(k):
                model_desc[k] = [0.0] * len(model_desc[k])

    (cg, error_rate, cost,
     D_params, D_kind,
     D_dropout_probs, D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout) = build_model_with_endo_adjustments(model_desc, server_params_desc)

    # This `D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout` will be used for the blocks extensions.
    # The rest of the returned arguments will be used to setup the other parts of the training.

    build_model.build_step_rule_parameters(train_desc['step_flavor'], D_params, D_kind)

    (step_rule, D_additional_params, D_additional_kind) = build_model.build_step_rule_parameters(train_desc['step_flavor'], D_params, D_kind)

    # merge the two dicts of parameters
    D_params = dict(D_params.items() + D_additional_params.items())
    D_kind = dict(D_kind.items() + D_additional_kind.items())

    print "======================"
    for (name, param_var) in sorted(D_params.items(), key=lambda e:e[0]):
        print "    %s has shape %s" % (name, param_var.get_value(borrow=True, return_internal_type=True).shape)
    print "======================"
    print ""

    # We need to add the corresponding entries in `D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout`
    # for all those additional variables.
    for (name, param) in D_params.items():

        if D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout.has_key(name):
            print "Already a dropout entry for %s." % name

        for k in D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout.keys():
            # check if `k` could be a prefix of `name`
            if len(k) < len(name) and name[0:len(k)] == k:
                print "D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout[%s] = D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout[%s]" % (name, k)
                D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout[name] = D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout[k]
        if D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout.has_key(name):
            print "Failed to find the dropout entry for %s." % name

    if output_server_params_desc_path is not None:
        L_server_params_desc = build_model.get_model_desc_for_server(D_params, D_kind)
        json.dump(L_server_params_desc, open(output_server_params_desc_path, "w"), indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
        print "Wrote the json file for the server parameter description in %s. Now exiting." % output_server_params_desc_path

    if train_desc.has_key('server'):
        server_desc = train_desc['server']
        server_desc = None

    client = None
    if server_desc is not None:

        if not server_desc.has_key('hostname'):
            server_desc['hostname'] = ""

        assert server_desc.has_key('port')

        assert server_desc.has_key('alpha')
        if not server_desc.has_key('beta'):
            server_desc['beta'] = 1.0 - server_desc['alpha']

            print "(server, port, alpha, beta)"
            print (server_desc['hostname'], server_desc['port'], server_desc['alpha'], server_desc['beta'])
            client = ClientCNNAutoSplitter.new_basic_alpha_beta(server_desc['hostname'],

            E = client.read_param_desc_from_server()
            print ""
            print "==== read_param_desc_from_server() ===="
            for e in sorted(E, key=lambda e: e['name']):
                print e
            print "==== ===="
            print ""

        # Note that we don't need to get the parameters here.
        # We use the `server_sync_initial_read_extension` to do this job.


    sync_desc = train_desc['sync']
    # At this point we strip away the keys in `sync_desc` that
    # are not used by the extensions.
    # This is not a great practice to do, but
    # we're already aware that the is a bit of a conceptual
    # mismatch in our choice of having those keys in `sync_desc`
    # alongside the arguments to the extensions themselves.
    for key in ['want_undo_exo_dropout',
        if sync_desc.has_key(key):
            del sync_desc[key]

    for key in sync_desc:
        assert key in [ 'want_read_only',
                        'want_sync_timing_log'], "Unrecognized key : %s" % key

    if sync_desc.has_key('r'):
        print "The 'r' value in the 'sync' dictionary is now called 'max_time_ratio_spent'."
        print "Change your configuration file to reflect this."
        print "Exiting."

    dataset_desc = train_desc['dataset']
    for key in dataset_desc:
        assert key in ['hdf5_file', 'want_subset_valid', 'want_eval_on_valid',
                       'want_eval_on_test', 'want_subset_test']

    # Run extension at every iteration, but that doesn't mean that we're updating at every iteration.
    # It just means that we'll consider updating if the timing is good (in order to respect the
    # ratio `max_time_ratio_spent` of time spend synching vs total).

    server_sync_extension_auto_timing = ServerSyncAutoAdjustTiming( client, D_dropout_probs,
                                                                    every_n_batches=1, verbose=True,

    import copy
    sync_desc_override_with_read_only = copy.copy(sync_desc)
    sync_desc_override_with_read_only['want_read_only'] = True
    server_sync_initial_read_extension = ServerSyncAutoAdjustTiming(client, D_dropout_probs,
                                                                    before_training=True, verbose=True,

    if client is None:
        server_sync_initial_read_extension = None
        server_sync_extension_auto_timing = None
        print "WARNING : No client. Setting the sync extensions to be None."

    print "Asked to run for force_quit_after_total_duration = %d seconds." % force_quit_after_total_duration

    main_loop = build_training.build_training(cg, error_rate, cost, step_rule,