def run(server, port, save_path): client = ClientCNNAutoSplitter.new_basic_alpha_beta(server, port, 0.0, 1.0) client.connect() L_param_desc = client.read_param_desc_from_server() D_param_values = {} for param_desc in L_param_desc: name = param_desc["name"] value = client.pull_entire_param(name) assert not np.any(np.isnan(value)), "The server parameter %s contains NaN values" % name D_param_values[name] = value print "Read %s of shape %s." % (name, str(param_desc["shape"])) print "================================" pickle.dump(D_param_values, open(save_path, "w")) print "Wrote %s." % save_path client.quit() client.close()
def extract_layer_names(L_params): res = set([]) # prog = re.compile(r"(.+_.+)_.*") for param in L_params: (layer_name, layer_number, role) = ClientCNNAutoSplitter.analyze_param_name(param["name"]) res.add(layer_name) # m = prog.match(param['name']) # if m: # res.add( # else: # print "Failed to extract layer name from %s" % name return res
def run(): server_host = "" port = 6000 (alpha, beta) = (0.0, 1.0) client = ClientCNNAutoSplitter.new_basic_alpha_beta(server_host, port, alpha, beta) client.connect() print client.read_param_desc_from_server() client.save_all_to_hdf5("test0") client.load_all_from_hdf5("test0JSON", "test0") # mini_training() test_slice(client) client.quit() client.close()
def run(server, port, nclients, nreps, nsplits): # we're not doing the clients in parallel or it'll be an insane mess for _ in range(nclients): (alpha, beta) = (np.random.rand(), np.random.rand()) print "Starting with new client. (alpha, beta) are (%0.2f, %0.2f)" % (alpha, beta) client = ClientCNNAutoSplitter.new_basic_alpha_beta(server, port, alpha, beta) client.connect() print " Starting soak." for __ in range(nreps): soak(client, alpha, beta, nsplits) print " Done with soak." client.quit() client.close() print "Done with client."
def run(server, port, load_path): client = ClientCNNAutoSplitter.new_basic_alpha_beta(server, port, 0.0, 1.0) client.connect() L_param_desc = client.read_param_desc_from_server() # late on we might want to add support for hdf5, # but currently we'll work only with pickle files D_params = pickle.load(open(load_path, "r")) print "Loaded %s." % load_path # Before we commit stuff to the server, we'll make pretty damn sure # that we're talking about the same thing. A = set(D_params.keys()) B = set(e['name'] for e in L_param_desc) for e in A - B: print "D_params has parameter %s that the server does not have." % e for e in B - A: print "The server has parameter %s that D_params does not have." % e assert A == B for param_desc in L_param_desc: name = param_desc['name'] shape = param_desc['shape'] assert D_params.has_key(name), "Server has parameter %s but the load_path %s does not contain a value for this parameter." % (name, load_path) assert tuple(D_params[name].shape) == tuple(shape), "Loaded parameter %s from file. It has shape %s, but the server says that it should have shape %s." % (name, D_params[name].shape, shape) assert not np.any(np.isnan(D_params[name])), "The saved parameter %s contains NaN values." % name client.push_entire_param(name, D_params[name], 0.0, 1.0) print "Pushed %s of shape %s." % (name, str(param_desc['shape'])) print "================================" client.quit() client.close()
def run(model_desc, train_desc, experiment_dir, saving_path, output_server_params_desc_path=None, force_quit_after_total_duration=None, server_params_desc=None): # it's okay to not use the `experiment_dir` argument directly, for now # If `output_server_params_desc_path` is used, then this function will terminate early # after writing out the json file that the server will need. # Conceptually, one can run this before the experiment, in order to obtain the # file to be used for the server. Then we launch the server and we run the thing for real. if output_server_params_desc_path is not None: # we need to replace all the exo dropout values in order to generate the json file for the server config set_all_exo_dropout_in_model_desc_to_zero(model_desc) print "Setting all the exo dropout values in order to generate the json file for the server config." want_ignore_endo_dropout = (train_desc.has_key('sync') and train_desc['sync'].has_key('want_ignore_endo_dropout') and train_desc['sync']['want_ignore_endo_dropout'] == True) want_undo_exo_dropout = (train_desc.has_key('sync') and train_desc['sync'].has_key('want_undo_exo_dropout') and train_desc['sync']['want_undo_exo_dropout'] == True) # When we're running the client in "observer" mode, # we want to get rid of the exo and the endo dropout. # # There are multiple ways to go about doing this, but # for the endo dropout we'll just check if the 'sync' # component of `train_desc` has a 'want_ignore_endo_dropout' # key that is set to `True`. If such is the case, we'll just # mutate the values found in `model_desc` to set them to 0.0 # to achieve the desired effect. # # We don't have to scale the parameters to compensate for anything # due to the way that dropout is implemented in Blocks. # The implementation is such that the parameters are set to their # proper values that they would have if we ignored the endo dropout, # so we don't have to compute the equivalent of the `D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout`. if want_ignore_endo_dropout: print "Overriding ENDO dropout as requested by the train_desc." for k in ["L_endo_dropout_conv_layers", "L_endo_dropout_full_layers"]: if model_desc.has_key(k): model_desc[k] = [0.0] * len(model_desc[k]) (cg, error_rate, cost, D_params, D_kind, L_exo_dropout, D_dropout_probs, D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout) = build_model_with_endo_adjustments(model_desc, server_params_desc) # This `D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout` will be used for the blocks extensions. # The rest of the returned arguments will be used to setup the other parts of the training. build_model.build_step_rule_parameters(train_desc['step_flavor'], D_params, D_kind) (step_rule, D_additional_params, D_additional_kind) = build_model.build_step_rule_parameters(train_desc['step_flavor'], D_params, D_kind) # merge the two dicts of parameters D_params = dict(D_params.items() + D_additional_params.items()) D_kind = dict(D_kind.items() + D_additional_kind.items()) print "======================" for (name, param_var) in sorted(D_params.items(), key=lambda e:e[0]): print " %s has shape %s" % (name, param_var.get_value(borrow=True, return_internal_type=True).shape) print "======================" print "" # We need to add the corresponding entries in `D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout` # for all those additional variables. for (name, param) in D_params.items(): if D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout.has_key(name): print "Already a dropout entry for %s." % name continue for k in D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout.keys(): # check if `k` could be a prefix of `name` if len(k) < len(name) and name[0:len(k)] == k: print "D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout[%s] = D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout[%s]" % (name, k) D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout[name] = D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout[k] if D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout.has_key(name): print "Failed to find the dropout entry for %s." % name continue if output_server_params_desc_path is not None: L_server_params_desc = build_model.get_model_desc_for_server(D_params, D_kind) json.dump(L_server_params_desc, open(output_server_params_desc_path, "w"), indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) print "Wrote the json file for the server parameter description in %s. Now exiting." % output_server_params_desc_path return if train_desc.has_key('server'): server_desc = train_desc['server'] else: server_desc = None client = None if server_desc is not None: if not server_desc.has_key('hostname'): server_desc['hostname'] = "" assert server_desc.has_key('port') assert server_desc.has_key('alpha') if not server_desc.has_key('beta'): server_desc['beta'] = 1.0 - server_desc['alpha'] print "(server, port, alpha, beta)" print (server_desc['hostname'], server_desc['port'], server_desc['alpha'], server_desc['beta']) client = ClientCNNAutoSplitter.new_basic_alpha_beta(server_desc['hostname'], server_desc['port'], server_desc['alpha'], server_desc['beta']) client.connect() E = client.read_param_desc_from_server() print "" print "==== read_param_desc_from_server() ====" for e in sorted(E, key=lambda e: e['name']): print e print "==== ====" print "" # Note that we don't need to get the parameters here. # We use the `server_sync_initial_read_extension` to do this job. sync_desc = train_desc['sync'] # At this point we strip away the keys in `sync_desc` that # are not used by the extensions. # This is not a great practice to do, but # we're already aware that the is a bit of a conceptual # mismatch in our choice of having those keys in `sync_desc` # alongside the arguments to the extensions themselves. for key in ['want_undo_exo_dropout', 'want_ignore_endo_dropout']: if sync_desc.has_key(key): del sync_desc[key] for key in sync_desc: assert key in [ 'want_read_only', 'max_time_ratio_spent', 'momentum_weights_scaling', 'want_sync_timing_log'], "Unrecognized key : %s" % key if sync_desc.has_key('r'): print "The 'r' value in the 'sync' dictionary is now called 'max_time_ratio_spent'." print "Change your configuration file to reflect this." print "Exiting." exit() dataset_desc = train_desc['dataset'] for key in dataset_desc: assert key in ['hdf5_file', 'want_subset_valid', 'want_eval_on_valid', 'want_eval_on_test', 'want_subset_test'] # Run extension at every iteration, but that doesn't mean that we're updating at every iteration. # It just means that we'll consider updating if the timing is good (in order to respect the # ratio `max_time_ratio_spent` of time spend synching vs total). server_sync_extension_auto_timing = ServerSyncAutoAdjustTiming( client, D_dropout_probs, D_params, every_n_batches=1, verbose=True, D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout=D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout, **sync_desc) import copy sync_desc_override_with_read_only = copy.copy(sync_desc) sync_desc_override_with_read_only['want_read_only'] = True server_sync_initial_read_extension = ServerSyncAutoAdjustTiming(client, D_dropout_probs, D_params, before_training=True, verbose=True, D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout=D_rescale_factor_exo_dropout, **sync_desc_override_with_read_only) if client is None: server_sync_initial_read_extension = None server_sync_extension_auto_timing = None print "WARNING : No client. Setting the sync extensions to be None." print "Asked to run for force_quit_after_total_duration = %d seconds." % force_quit_after_total_duration main_loop = build_training.build_training(cg, error_rate, cost, step_rule, weight_decay_factor=train_desc['weight_decay_factor'], hdf5_file=dataset_desc['hdf5_file'], want_subset_valid=dataset_desc['want_subset_valid'], want_eval_on_valid=dataset_desc['want_eval_on_valid'], want_eval_on_test=dataset_desc['want_eval_on_test'], want_subset_test=dataset_desc['want_subset_test'], batch_size=train_desc['batch_size'], nbr_epochs=train_desc['nbr_epochs'], saving_path=saving_path, server_sync_extension=server_sync_extension_auto_timing, server_sync_initial_read_extension=server_sync_initial_read_extension, monitor_interval_nbr_batches=train_desc['monitor_interval_nbr_batches'], force_quit_after_total_duration=force_quit_after_total_duration)