Esempio n. 1
def splitRunSet( runset_pos, runset_neg, fold, chunksize, evalsize, rndidx ):
    '''Take parts of runset_pos and runset_neg and re-combine into
    a training set and an evaluation set.  For use by crossValidate().
    num_items = ( len(runset_pos), len(runset_neg) )
    evalidx_pos  = range( fold*chunksize[0], fold*chunksize[0]+evalsize[0] )
    evalidx_neg  = range( fold*chunksize[1], fold*chunksize[1]+evalsize[1] )
    trainidx_pos = range( 0, fold*chunksize[0] ) + range( fold*chunksize[0]+evalsize[0], num_items[0] )
    trainidx_neg = range( 0, fold*chunksize[1] ) + range( fold*chunksize[1]+evalsize[1], num_items[1] )
    # The following line selects those elements from runset_pos
    # that correspond to the randomized indices for the current
    # evaluation chunk.  Think of this, conceptually:
    # evalset_pos  = runset_pos[ rndidx[0][evalidx_pos] ]
    # Subsequent lines: equivalently, for runset_neg, and trainset pos/neg
    evalset_pos  = list( runset_pos[i] for i in list( rndidx[0][j] for j in evalidx_pos) )
    evalset_neg  = list( runset_neg[i] for i in list( rndidx[1][j] for j in evalidx_neg) )
    trainset_pos = list( runset_pos[i] for i in list( rndidx[0][j] for j in trainidx_pos) )
    trainset_neg = list( runset_neg[i] for i in list( rndidx[1][j] for j in trainidx_neg) )

    # create a RunSet with proper purposes
    trainset = cvac.RunSet()
    trainset.purposedLists = (cvac.PurposedLabelableSeq(easy.getPurpose("pos"), trainset_pos),
                              cvac.PurposedLabelableSeq(easy.getPurpose("neg"), trainset_neg))
    evalset  = cvac.RunSet()
    evalset.purposedLists = (cvac.PurposedLabelableSeq(easy.getPurpose("pos"), evalset_pos),
                             cvac.PurposedLabelableSeq(easy.getPurpose("neg"), evalset_neg))
    return trainset, evalset
Esempio n. 2
    def test_getLabelableList(self):
        print("testing getLabelableList")
        labelList = easy.getLabelableList("easyTestData")
        '''verify that the labels are correct
           They should be , the root directory "easyTestData",
           "kitchen" and "MITmountain"
        for entry in labelList:
            print("label name " +
            if != "easyTestData" and \
      != "kitchen" and \
      != "MITmountain":
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Not a valid label name in test getLabelableList")
            if == "kitchen":
                # should find easyTestData, inside, house properties
                if "easyTestData" not in
                    raise RuntimeError("easyTestData not in properties")
                if "inside" not in
                    raise RuntimeError("inside not in properties")
                if "house" not in
                    raise RuntimeError("house not in properties")
        ''' verify that we can make a runset and use it with the labelableList
        runset = cvac.RunSet()
        posPurpose = easy.getPurpose('pos')
        easy.addToRunSet(runset, labelList, posPurpose)
        if not easy.isProperRunSet(runset):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "test getLabelableList failed with an invalid runset")
        labelList = easy.getLabelableList("easyTestData", recursive=False)
        ''' should only have one label "easyTestData"
        for entry in labelList:
            if != "easyTestData":
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "recursive option failed in test getLabelableList")
            if len( > 0:
                raise RuntimeError("labelable should not have any properties")

        if not easy.isProperRunSet(runset):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "test getLabelableList failed with an invalid runset with non-recursive call"
Esempio n. 3
 def test_getLabelableList(self):
     print("testing getLabelableList")
     labelList = easy.getLabelableList("easyTestData")
     '''verify that the labels are correct
        They should be , the root directory "easyTestData",
        "kitchen" and "MITmountain"
     for entry in labelList:
         print ("label name " +
         if != "easyTestData" and \
   != "kitchen" and \
   != "MITmountain":
             raise RuntimeError("Not a valid label name in test getLabelableList")
         if == "kitchen":
             # should find easyTestData, inside, house properties
             if "easyTestData" not in
                 raise RuntimeError("easyTestData not in properties")
             if "inside" not in
                 raise RuntimeError("inside not in properties")
             if "house" not in
                 raise RuntimeError("house not in properties")
     ''' verify that we can make a runset and use it with the labelableList
     runset = cvac.RunSet()
     posPurpose = easy.getPurpose('pos')
     easy.addToRunSet(runset, labelList, posPurpose)
     if not easy.isProperRunSet(runset):
         raise RuntimeError("test getLabelableList failed with an invalid runset")
     labelList = easy.getLabelableList("easyTestData", recursive=False)
     ''' should only have one label "easyTestData"
     for entry in labelList:
         if != "easyTestData":
             raise RuntimeError("recursive option failed in test getLabelableList")
         if len( > 0:
             raise RuntimeError("labelable should not have any properties")
     if not easy.isProperRunSet(runset):
         raise RuntimeError("test getLabelableList failed with an invalid runset with non-recursive call")
Esempio n. 4
def asList( runset, purpose=None ):
    '''You can pass in an actual cvac.RunSet or a dictionary with
    the runset and a classmap, as returned by createRunSet.'''
    if type(runset) is dict and not runset['runset'] is None\
        and isinstance(runset['runset'], cvac.RunSet):
        runset = runset['runset']
    if not runset or not isinstance(runset, cvac.RunSet) or not runset.purposedLists:
        raise RuntimeError("no proper runset")
    if isinstance(purpose, str):
        purpose = easy.getPurpose( purpose )

    rsList = []
    for plist in runset.purposedLists:
        if purpose and not plist.pur==purpose:
            # not interested in this purpose
        if isinstance(plist, cvac.PurposedDirectory):
            print("warning: runset contains directory; will treat as one for folds")
        elif isinstance(plist, cvac.PurposedLabelableSeq):
            rsList = rsList + plist.labeledArtifacts
            raise RuntimeError("unexpected plist type "+type(plist))
    return rsList
Esempio n. 5
if doWithNegativeSample:
    # With background data
    Execute jousting for generating ROC points
    contenders = []
    for nWord in list_nWord:
        c1 = evaluate.Contender("bowROC_binary_"+str(nWord))
        c1.trainerString = strTrainer
        c1.detectorString = strDetector
        trainer = easy.getTrainer(c1.trainerString)
        trainerProps = easy.getTrainerProperties(trainer)    
        trainerProps.props["NumWords"] = str(nWord)
        c1.trainerProps = trainerProps
        c1.foundMap = {'1':easy.getPurpose('pos'), '0':easy.getPurpose('neg')}
    sortedperfdata, perfdata = evaluate.joust( contenders, runset, folds=3 )
    Extract only optimal ROC points
    rocData_full,optimalIndices = easy.discardSuboptimal(perfdata)
    #rocData_full,optimalIndices = easy.discardSuboptimal(perfdata,"sboxes/BOW_Trainer_127_0_0_1")
    Prepare detector data of optimal ROC points
    rocData_optimal = []
Esempio n. 6
Easy!  mini tutorial
Compare the performance of several trainers and/or detectors
matz 11/26/2013
import easy
import easy.evaluate as ev

# perform a comparative detector evaluation including
# training of a model
# easy.CVAC_ClientVerbosity = 4
posPurpose = easy.getPurpose('pos')
negPurpose = easy.getPurpose('neg')
contenders = []

# Bag of Words
if (easy.getTrainer("BOW_Trainer")==None):
    print("BOW service(s) are insufficiently configured, skipping.")
    c = ev.Contender("BOW")
    c.trainerString = "BOW_Trainer"
    c.detectorString = "BOW_Detector"
    c.foundMap = {'1':posPurpose, '0':negPurpose}
    contenders.append( c );

# Histogram of Oriented Gradients
if (easy.getTrainer("HOG_Trainer")==None):
    print("HOG service(s) are insufficiently configured, skipping.")
    c = ev.Contender("HOG")
    c.trainerString = "HOG_Trainer"
Esempio n. 7
Easy!  mini tutorial
Compare the performance of several trainers and/or detectors
matz 11/26/2013
import easy
import easy.evaluate as ev

# perform a comparative detector evaluation including
# training of a model
# easy.CVAC_ClientVerbosity = 4
posPurpose = easy.getPurpose('pos')
negPurpose = easy.getPurpose('neg')
contenders = []

# Bag of Words
if (easy.getTrainer("BOW_Trainer") == None):
    print("BOW service(s) are insufficiently configured, skipping.")
    c = ev.Contender("BOW")
    c.trainerString = "BOW_Trainer"
    c.detectorString = "BOW_Detector"
    c.foundMap = {'1': posPurpose, '0': negPurpose}

# Histogram of Oriented Gradients
if (easy.getTrainer("HOG_Trainer") == None):
    print("HOG service(s) are insufficiently configured, skipping.")
    c = ev.Contender("HOG")
    c.trainerString = "HOG_Trainer"
Esempio n. 8
detector = easy.getDetector( "StruckTracker" )

# a test video; the location is relative to the "CVAC.DataDir"
vfile = "tracks/VTS_01_2.mpg"
runset = cvac.RunSet()

# The tracker needs a labeled location that defines the location
# within the first frame of the video  of the item we want to track.
# In this we define a bounding box around the toy soldiers initial location.
vlab = easy.getLabelable( vfile, labelText="car" )
labloc = cvac.BBox(290, 280,60,30)
lab = cvac.LabeledLocation()
lab.loc = labloc
lab.confidence = 0
lab.sub = vlab.sub
easy.addToRunSet(runset, lab, easy.getPurpose('pos'))
# Setting the verbosity level gives us some feedback while the tracking is done.
props = easy.getDetectorProperties(detector)
props.verbosity = 7
# A model file is not required for this detector
modelfile = None

class MyDetectorCallbackReceiverI(easy.DetectorCallbackReceiverI):
    def __init__(self):
        import easy
        easy.DetectorCallbackReceiverI.__init__(self) = cv2.VideoWriter("results.mpg",'P','I','M','1'),25, (720, 480))
        if == False:
            print("Could not create video file!")

    def foundNewResults(self, r2, current=None):
Esempio n. 9
    for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk("testresults1"):
        for filename in filenames:
            if nologo == filename:
                fname = os.path.join(root, filename)
                newf =  reject_folder + "/" + nologo
                if (os.path.isfile(newf)):
                    os.unlink(newf) #If file exists delete it (required for some OS's)    
                os.rename( fname, newf)

# Create the new training set and combine it with the trainset1.
# (Alternatively, in the previous step, manually sort the wrong
# classifications into the original corporate_logos subfolders.)  Note
# that the original label->purpose assignment needs to be retained, or
# else the createRunSet method will assign arbitrary purposes.
# Also, some trainers treat the "reject" class differently.  Omit the line of
# code that assigns the NEGATIVE purpose in case the trainer does not
# distinguish the "reject" class.
mapwithreject = trainset1['classmap']
easy.addToClassmap( mapwithreject, 'reject', easy.getPurpose('neg') )
trainset2 = easy.createRunSet( "corporate_logos_round2", classmap=mapwithreject )
trainset2['runset'].purposedLists.extend( trainset1['runset'].purposedLists )
easy.printRunSetInfo( trainset2, printLabels=True )

# train, round 2
model2 = easy.train( trainer, trainset2 )

# repeat the evaluation (this time with model2), the manual sorting etc.
# with new testsets until the performance is satisfactory.
result1 = easy.detect( detector, model2, testset1 )
Esempio n. 10
# Take a look at corpus/ and pay particular
# attention to the following properties:
# LMFolders and LMObjectNames
cs = easy.getCorpusServer( "PythonCorpusService:default -p 10021")
corpus = easy.openCorpus( corpus_fname, corpusServer=cs )
categories, lablist = easy.getDataSet( corpus, corpusServer=cs )
print('Obtained {0} labeled artifact{1} from corpus "{2}":'.format(
    len(lablist), ("s","")[len(lablist)==1], ));
easy.printCategoryInfo( categories )

# if desired, you can draw the images and their annotations,
# one image at a time, at a given maximum size (width, height)
#easy.drawLabelables( lablist, (512, 512) )

print("==== Training runset: ====")
posPurpose = easy.getPurpose('pos')
negPurpose = easy.getPurpose('neg')
trainset = cvac.RunSet()
easy.addToRunSet(trainset, categories[objname], posPurpose);
#trainset = easy.createRunSet( categories, purpose=posPurpose );
correct = easy.isProperRunSet(trainset, deleteInvalid=True)
if not correct:
    print("failed Integrity test!!!!")
#trainset = easy.createRunSet( categories, purpose=posPurpose );
#easy.printRunSetInfo( trainset, printLabels=True )
easy.printRunSetInfo( trainset )

# Connect to the trainer for a Bag of Words algorithm, then
# train with the given runset
runset = cvac.RunSet()
easy.addToRunSet(runset, "trainImg/ca", "neg")
easy.addToRunSet(runset, "trainImg/kr", "pos")
#easy.printRunSetInfo( runset, printArtifacts=False, printLabels=True )

contenders = []

# Bag of Words
if (easy.getDetector("BOW_Detector") == None):
    print("BOW detector service is insufficiently configured, skipping.")
    c = ev.Contender("BOW")
    c.detectorString = "BOW_Detector"
    c.detectorData = "detectors/"
    c.foundMap = {
        'kr': easy.getPurpose('pos'),
        'ca': easy.getPurpose('neg'),
        'us': easy.getPurpose('neg'),
        'unlabeled': easy.getPurpose('neg')

# OpenCV Cascade detector
if (easy.getDetector("OpenCVCascadeDetector") == None):
        "OpenCVCascadeDetector service is insufficiently configured, skipping."
    c = ev.Contender("Faces")
    c.detectorString = "OpenCVCascadeDetector"
    c.detectorData = "detectors/"
runset = cvac.RunSet()
easy.addToRunSet( runset, "trainImg/ca", "neg" )
easy.addToRunSet( runset, "trainImg/kr", "pos" )
#easy.printRunSetInfo( runset, printArtifacts=False, printLabels=True )

contenders = []

# Bag of Words
if (easy.getDetector("BOW_Detector")==None):
    print("BOW detector service is insufficiently configured, skipping.")
    c = ev.Contender("BOW")
    c.detectorString = "BOW_Detector"
    c.detectorData = "detectors/"
    c.foundMap = { 'kr':easy.getPurpose('pos'),
    contenders.append( c );

# OpenCV Cascade detector
if (easy.getDetector("OpenCVCascadeDetector")==None):
    print("OpenCVCascadeDetector service is insufficiently configured, skipping.")
    c = ev.Contender("Faces")
    c.detectorString = "OpenCVCascadeDetector"
    c.detectorData = "detectors/"
    c.foundMap = { 'positive':easy.getPurpose('pos'),
    contenders.append( c );
Esempio n. 13
            if nologo == filename:
                fname = os.path.join(root, filename)
                newf = reject_folder + "/" + nologo
                if (os.path.isfile(newf)):
                    )  #If file exists delete it (required for some OS's)
                os.rename(fname, newf)

# Create the new training set and combine it with the trainset1.
# (Alternatively, in the previous step, manually sort the wrong
# classifications into the original corporate_logos subfolders.)  Note
# that the original label->purpose assignment needs to be retained, or
# else the createRunSet method will assign arbitrary purposes.
# Also, some trainers treat the "reject" class differently.  Omit the line of
# code that assigns the NEGATIVE purpose in case the trainer does not
# distinguish the "reject" class.
mapwithreject = trainset1['classmap']
easy.addToClassmap(mapwithreject, 'reject', easy.getPurpose('neg'))
trainset2 = easy.createRunSet("corporate_logos_round2", classmap=mapwithreject)
easy.printRunSetInfo(trainset2, printLabels=True)

# train, round 2
model2 = easy.train(trainer, trainset2)

# repeat the evaluation (this time with model2), the manual sorting etc.
# with new testsets until the performance is satisfactory.
result1 = easy.detect(detector, model2, testset1)
Esempio n. 14
    # With background data
    Execute jousting for generating ROC points
    contenders = []
    for nWord in list_nWord:
        c1 = evaluate.Contender("bowROC_binary_" + str(nWord))
        c1.trainerString = strTrainer
        c1.detectorString = strDetector
        trainer = easy.getTrainer(c1.trainerString)
        trainerProps = easy.getTrainerProperties(trainer)
        trainerProps.props["NumWords"] = str(nWord)
        c1.trainerProps = trainerProps
        c1.foundMap = {
            '1': easy.getPurpose('pos'),
            '0': easy.getPurpose('neg')

    sortedperfdata, perfdata = evaluate.joust(contenders, runset, folds=3)
    Extract only optimal ROC points
    rocData_full, optimalIndices = easy.discardSuboptimal(perfdata)
    #rocData_full,optimalIndices = easy.discardSuboptimal(perfdata,"sboxes/BOW_Trainer_127_0_0_1")
    Prepare detector data of optimal ROC points
    rocData_optimal = []
Esempio n. 15
# Take a look at corpus/ and pay particular
# attention to the following properties:
# LMFolders and LMObjectNames
cs = easy.getCorpusServer("PythonCorpusService:default -p 10021")
corpus = easy.openCorpus(corpus_fname, corpusServer=cs)
categories, lablist = easy.getDataSet(corpus, corpusServer=cs)
print('Obtained {0} labeled artifact{1} from corpus "{2}":'.format(
    len(lablist), ("s", "")[len(lablist) == 1],

# if desired, you can draw the images and their annotations,
# one image at a time, at a given maximum size (width, height)
#easy.drawLabelables( lablist, (512, 512) )

print("==== Training runset: ====")
posPurpose = easy.getPurpose('pos')
negPurpose = easy.getPurpose('neg')
trainset = cvac.RunSet()
easy.addToRunSet(trainset, categories[objname], posPurpose)
#trainset = easy.createRunSet( categories, purpose=posPurpose );
correct = easy.isProperRunSet(trainset, deleteInvalid=True)
if not correct:
    print("failed Integrity test!!!!")
#trainset = easy.createRunSet( categories, purpose=posPurpose );
#easy.printRunSetInfo( trainset, printLabels=True )

# Connect to the trainer for a Bag of Words algorithm, then
# train with the given runset