コード例 #1
ファイル: evaluate.py プロジェクト: permikomnaskaltara/CVAC
def splitRunSet( runset_pos, runset_neg, fold, chunksize, evalsize, rndidx ):
    '''Take parts of runset_pos and runset_neg and re-combine into
    a training set and an evaluation set.  For use by crossValidate().
    num_items = ( len(runset_pos), len(runset_neg) )
    evalidx_pos  = range( fold*chunksize[0], fold*chunksize[0]+evalsize[0] )
    evalidx_neg  = range( fold*chunksize[1], fold*chunksize[1]+evalsize[1] )
    trainidx_pos = range( 0, fold*chunksize[0] ) + range( fold*chunksize[0]+evalsize[0], num_items[0] )
    trainidx_neg = range( 0, fold*chunksize[1] ) + range( fold*chunksize[1]+evalsize[1], num_items[1] )
    # The following line selects those elements from runset_pos
    # that correspond to the randomized indices for the current
    # evaluation chunk.  Think of this, conceptually:
    # evalset_pos  = runset_pos[ rndidx[0][evalidx_pos] ]
    # Subsequent lines: equivalently, for runset_neg, and trainset pos/neg
    evalset_pos  = list( runset_pos[i] for i in list( rndidx[0][j] for j in evalidx_pos) )
    evalset_neg  = list( runset_neg[i] for i in list( rndidx[1][j] for j in evalidx_neg) )
    trainset_pos = list( runset_pos[i] for i in list( rndidx[0][j] for j in trainidx_pos) )
    trainset_neg = list( runset_neg[i] for i in list( rndidx[1][j] for j in trainidx_neg) )

    # create a RunSet with proper purposes
    trainset = cvac.RunSet()
    trainset.purposedLists = (cvac.PurposedLabelableSeq(easy.getPurpose("pos"), trainset_pos),
                              cvac.PurposedLabelableSeq(easy.getPurpose("neg"), trainset_neg))
    evalset  = cvac.RunSet()
    evalset.purposedLists = (cvac.PurposedLabelableSeq(easy.getPurpose("pos"), evalset_pos),
                             cvac.PurposedLabelableSeq(easy.getPurpose("neg"), evalset_neg))
    return trainset, evalset
コード例 #2
ファイル: EasyTest.py プロジェクト: permikomnaskaltara/CVAC
    def test_getLabelableList(self):
        print("testing getLabelableList")
        labelList = easy.getLabelableList("easyTestData")
        '''verify that the labels are correct
           They should be , the root directory "easyTestData",
           "kitchen" and "MITmountain"
        for entry in labelList:
            print("label name " + entry.lab.name)
            if entry.lab.name != "easyTestData" and \
               entry.lab.name != "kitchen" and \
               entry.lab.name != "MITmountain":
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Not a valid label name in test getLabelableList")
            if entry.lab.name == "kitchen":
                # should find easyTestData, inside, house properties
                if "easyTestData" not in entry.lab.properties:
                    raise RuntimeError("easyTestData not in properties")
                if "inside" not in entry.lab.properties:
                    raise RuntimeError("inside not in properties")
                if "house" not in entry.lab.properties:
                    raise RuntimeError("house not in properties")
        ''' verify that we can make a runset and use it with the labelableList
        runset = cvac.RunSet()
        posPurpose = easy.getPurpose('pos')
        easy.addToRunSet(runset, labelList, posPurpose)
        if not easy.isProperRunSet(runset):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "test getLabelableList failed with an invalid runset")
        labelList = easy.getLabelableList("easyTestData", recursive=False)
        ''' should only have one label "easyTestData"
        for entry in labelList:
            if entry.lab.name != "easyTestData":
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "recursive option failed in test getLabelableList")
            if len(entry.lab.properties) > 0:
                raise RuntimeError("labelable should not have any properties")

        if not easy.isProperRunSet(runset):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "test getLabelableList failed with an invalid runset with non-recursive call"
コード例 #3
ファイル: EasyTest.py プロジェクト: AlgorithemJourney/CVAC
 def test_getLabelableList(self):
     print("testing getLabelableList")
     labelList = easy.getLabelableList("easyTestData")
     '''verify that the labels are correct
        They should be , the root directory "easyTestData",
        "kitchen" and "MITmountain"
     for entry in labelList:
         print ("label name " + entry.lab.name)
         if entry.lab.name != "easyTestData" and \
            entry.lab.name != "kitchen" and \
            entry.lab.name != "MITmountain":
             raise RuntimeError("Not a valid label name in test getLabelableList")
         if entry.lab.name == "kitchen":
             # should find easyTestData, inside, house properties
             if "easyTestData" not in entry.lab.properties:
                 raise RuntimeError("easyTestData not in properties")
             if "inside" not in entry.lab.properties:
                 raise RuntimeError("inside not in properties")
             if "house" not in entry.lab.properties:
                 raise RuntimeError("house not in properties")
     ''' verify that we can make a runset and use it with the labelableList
     runset = cvac.RunSet()
     posPurpose = easy.getPurpose('pos')
     easy.addToRunSet(runset, labelList, posPurpose)
     if not easy.isProperRunSet(runset):
         raise RuntimeError("test getLabelableList failed with an invalid runset")
     labelList = easy.getLabelableList("easyTestData", recursive=False)
     ''' should only have one label "easyTestData"
     for entry in labelList:
         if entry.lab.name != "easyTestData":
             raise RuntimeError("recursive option failed in test getLabelableList")
         if len(entry.lab.properties) > 0:
             raise RuntimeError("labelable should not have any properties")
     if not easy.isProperRunSet(runset):
         raise RuntimeError("test getLabelableList failed with an invalid runset with non-recursive call")
コード例 #4
ファイル: evaluate.py プロジェクト: permikomnaskaltara/CVAC
def asList( runset, purpose=None ):
    '''You can pass in an actual cvac.RunSet or a dictionary with
    the runset and a classmap, as returned by createRunSet.'''
    if type(runset) is dict and not runset['runset'] is None\
        and isinstance(runset['runset'], cvac.RunSet):
        runset = runset['runset']
    if not runset or not isinstance(runset, cvac.RunSet) or not runset.purposedLists:
        raise RuntimeError("no proper runset")
    if isinstance(purpose, str):
        purpose = easy.getPurpose( purpose )

    rsList = []
    for plist in runset.purposedLists:
        if purpose and not plist.pur==purpose:
            # not interested in this purpose
        if isinstance(plist, cvac.PurposedDirectory):
            print("warning: runset contains directory; will treat as one for folds")
        elif isinstance(plist, cvac.PurposedLabelableSeq):
            rsList = rsList + plist.labeledArtifacts
            raise RuntimeError("unexpected plist type "+type(plist))
    return rsList
コード例 #5
ファイル: bowDemo_ROC.py プロジェクト: AlgorithemJourney/CVAC
if doWithNegativeSample:
    # With background data
    Execute jousting for generating ROC points
    contenders = []
    for nWord in list_nWord:
        c1 = evaluate.Contender("bowROC_binary_"+str(nWord))
        c1.trainerString = strTrainer
        c1.detectorString = strDetector
        trainer = easy.getTrainer(c1.trainerString)
        trainerProps = easy.getTrainerProperties(trainer)    
        trainerProps.props["NumWords"] = str(nWord)
        c1.trainerProps = trainerProps
        c1.foundMap = {'1':easy.getPurpose('pos'), '0':easy.getPurpose('neg')}
    sortedperfdata, perfdata = evaluate.joust( contenders, runset, folds=3 )
    Extract only optimal ROC points
    rocData_full,optimalIndices = easy.discardSuboptimal(perfdata)
    #rocData_full,optimalIndices = easy.discardSuboptimal(perfdata,"sboxes/BOW_Trainer_127_0_0_1")
    Prepare detector data of optimal ROC points
    rocData_optimal = []
コード例 #6
ファイル: evaluation.py プロジェクト: AlgorithemJourney/CVAC
Easy!  mini tutorial
Compare the performance of several trainers and/or detectors
matz 11/26/2013
import easy
import easy.evaluate as ev

# perform a comparative detector evaluation including
# training of a model
# easy.CVAC_ClientVerbosity = 4
posPurpose = easy.getPurpose('pos')
negPurpose = easy.getPurpose('neg')
contenders = []

# Bag of Words
if (easy.getTrainer("BOW_Trainer")==None):
    print("BOW service(s) are insufficiently configured, skipping.")
    c = ev.Contender("BOW")
    c.trainerString = "BOW_Trainer"
    c.detectorString = "BOW_Detector"
    c.foundMap = {'1':posPurpose, '0':negPurpose}
    contenders.append( c );

# Histogram of Oriented Gradients
if (easy.getTrainer("HOG_Trainer")==None):
    print("HOG service(s) are insufficiently configured, skipping.")
    c = ev.Contender("HOG")
    c.trainerString = "HOG_Trainer"
コード例 #7
Easy!  mini tutorial
Compare the performance of several trainers and/or detectors
matz 11/26/2013
import easy
import easy.evaluate as ev

# perform a comparative detector evaluation including
# training of a model
# easy.CVAC_ClientVerbosity = 4
posPurpose = easy.getPurpose('pos')
negPurpose = easy.getPurpose('neg')
contenders = []

# Bag of Words
if (easy.getTrainer("BOW_Trainer") == None):
    print("BOW service(s) are insufficiently configured, skipping.")
    c = ev.Contender("BOW")
    c.trainerString = "BOW_Trainer"
    c.detectorString = "BOW_Detector"
    c.foundMap = {'1': posPurpose, '0': negPurpose}

# Histogram of Oriented Gradients
if (easy.getTrainer("HOG_Trainer") == None):
    print("HOG service(s) are insufficiently configured, skipping.")
    c = ev.Contender("HOG")
    c.trainerString = "HOG_Trainer"
コード例 #8
detector = easy.getDetector( "StruckTracker" )

# a test video; the location is relative to the "CVAC.DataDir"
vfile = "tracks/VTS_01_2.mpg"
runset = cvac.RunSet()

# The tracker needs a labeled location that defines the location
# within the first frame of the video  of the item we want to track.
# In this we define a bounding box around the toy soldiers initial location.
vlab = easy.getLabelable( vfile, labelText="car" )
labloc = cvac.BBox(290, 280,60,30)
lab = cvac.LabeledLocation()
lab.loc = labloc
lab.confidence = 0
lab.sub = vlab.sub
easy.addToRunSet(runset, lab, easy.getPurpose('pos'))
# Setting the verbosity level gives us some feedback while the tracking is done.
props = easy.getDetectorProperties(detector)
props.verbosity = 7
# A model file is not required for this detector
modelfile = None

class MyDetectorCallbackReceiverI(easy.DetectorCallbackReceiverI):
    def __init__(self):
        import easy
        self.video = cv2.VideoWriter("results.mpg", cv2.cv.CV_FOURCC('P','I','M','1'),25, (720, 480))
        if self.video.isOpened() == False:
            print("Could not create video file!")

    def foundNewResults(self, r2, current=None):
コード例 #9
ファイル: bootstrapping.py プロジェクト: ericeckstrand/CVAC
    for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk("testresults1"):
        for filename in filenames:
            if nologo == filename:
                fname = os.path.join(root, filename)
                newf =  reject_folder + "/" + nologo
                if (os.path.isfile(newf)):
                    os.unlink(newf) #If file exists delete it (required for some OS's)    
                os.rename( fname, newf)

# Create the new training set and combine it with the trainset1.
# (Alternatively, in the previous step, manually sort the wrong
# classifications into the original corporate_logos subfolders.)  Note
# that the original label->purpose assignment needs to be retained, or
# else the createRunSet method will assign arbitrary purposes.
# Also, some trainers treat the "reject" class differently.  Omit the line of
# code that assigns the NEGATIVE purpose in case the trainer does not
# distinguish the "reject" class.
mapwithreject = trainset1['classmap']
easy.addToClassmap( mapwithreject, 'reject', easy.getPurpose('neg') )
trainset2 = easy.createRunSet( "corporate_logos_round2", classmap=mapwithreject )
trainset2['runset'].purposedLists.extend( trainset1['runset'].purposedLists )
easy.printRunSetInfo( trainset2, printLabels=True )

# train, round 2
model2 = easy.train( trainer, trainset2 )

# repeat the evaluation (this time with model2), the manual sorting etc.
# with new testsets until the performance is satisfactory.
result1 = easy.detect( detector, model2, testset1 )
コード例 #10
ファイル: Recognition.py プロジェクト: AlgorithemJourney/CVAC
# Take a look at corpus/LabelMeCarsTest.properties and pay particular
# attention to the following properties:
# LMFolders and LMObjectNames
cs = easy.getCorpusServer( "PythonCorpusService:default -p 10021")
corpus = easy.openCorpus( corpus_fname, corpusServer=cs )
categories, lablist = easy.getDataSet( corpus, corpusServer=cs )
print('Obtained {0} labeled artifact{1} from corpus "{2}":'.format(
    len(lablist), ("s","")[len(lablist)==1], corpus.name ));
easy.printCategoryInfo( categories )

# if desired, you can draw the images and their annotations,
# one image at a time, at a given maximum size (width, height)
#easy.drawLabelables( lablist, (512, 512) )

print("==== Training runset: ====")
posPurpose = easy.getPurpose('pos')
negPurpose = easy.getPurpose('neg')
trainset = cvac.RunSet()
easy.addToRunSet(trainset, categories[objname], posPurpose);
#trainset = easy.createRunSet( categories, purpose=posPurpose );
correct = easy.isProperRunSet(trainset, deleteInvalid=True)
if not correct:
    print("failed Integrity test!!!!")
#trainset = easy.createRunSet( categories, purpose=posPurpose );
#easy.printRunSetInfo( trainset, printLabels=True )
easy.printRunSetInfo( trainset )

# Connect to the trainer for a Bag of Words algorithm, then
# train with the given runset
コード例 #11
runset = cvac.RunSet()
easy.addToRunSet(runset, "trainImg/ca", "neg")
easy.addToRunSet(runset, "trainImg/kr", "pos")
#easy.printRunSetInfo( runset, printArtifacts=False, printLabels=True )

contenders = []

# Bag of Words
if (easy.getDetector("BOW_Detector") == None):
    print("BOW detector service is insufficiently configured, skipping.")
    c = ev.Contender("BOW")
    c.detectorString = "BOW_Detector"
    c.detectorData = "detectors/bowUSKOCA.zip"
    c.foundMap = {
        'kr': easy.getPurpose('pos'),
        'ca': easy.getPurpose('neg'),
        'us': easy.getPurpose('neg'),
        'unlabeled': easy.getPurpose('neg')

# OpenCV Cascade detector
if (easy.getDetector("OpenCVCascadeDetector") == None):
        "OpenCVCascadeDetector service is insufficiently configured, skipping."
    c = ev.Contender("Faces")
    c.detectorString = "OpenCVCascadeDetector"
    c.detectorData = "detectors/OpencvFaces.zip"
コード例 #12
runset = cvac.RunSet()
easy.addToRunSet( runset, "trainImg/ca", "neg" )
easy.addToRunSet( runset, "trainImg/kr", "pos" )
#easy.printRunSetInfo( runset, printArtifacts=False, printLabels=True )

contenders = []

# Bag of Words
if (easy.getDetector("BOW_Detector")==None):
    print("BOW detector service is insufficiently configured, skipping.")
    c = ev.Contender("BOW")
    c.detectorString = "BOW_Detector"
    c.detectorData = "detectors/bowUSKOCA.zip"
    c.foundMap = { 'kr':easy.getPurpose('pos'),
    contenders.append( c );

# OpenCV Cascade detector
if (easy.getDetector("OpenCVCascadeDetector")==None):
    print("OpenCVCascadeDetector service is insufficiently configured, skipping.")
    c = ev.Contender("Faces")
    c.detectorString = "OpenCVCascadeDetector"
    c.detectorData = "detectors/OpencvFaces.zip"
    c.foundMap = { 'positive':easy.getPurpose('pos'),
    contenders.append( c );
コード例 #13
            if nologo == filename:
                fname = os.path.join(root, filename)
                newf = reject_folder + "/" + nologo
                if (os.path.isfile(newf)):
                    )  #If file exists delete it (required for some OS's)
                os.rename(fname, newf)

# Create the new training set and combine it with the trainset1.
# (Alternatively, in the previous step, manually sort the wrong
# classifications into the original corporate_logos subfolders.)  Note
# that the original label->purpose assignment needs to be retained, or
# else the createRunSet method will assign arbitrary purposes.
# Also, some trainers treat the "reject" class differently.  Omit the line of
# code that assigns the NEGATIVE purpose in case the trainer does not
# distinguish the "reject" class.
mapwithreject = trainset1['classmap']
easy.addToClassmap(mapwithreject, 'reject', easy.getPurpose('neg'))
trainset2 = easy.createRunSet("corporate_logos_round2", classmap=mapwithreject)
easy.printRunSetInfo(trainset2, printLabels=True)

# train, round 2
model2 = easy.train(trainer, trainset2)

# repeat the evaluation (this time with model2), the manual sorting etc.
# with new testsets until the performance is satisfactory.
result1 = easy.detect(detector, model2, testset1)
コード例 #14
    # With background data
    Execute jousting for generating ROC points
    contenders = []
    for nWord in list_nWord:
        c1 = evaluate.Contender("bowROC_binary_" + str(nWord))
        c1.trainerString = strTrainer
        c1.detectorString = strDetector
        trainer = easy.getTrainer(c1.trainerString)
        trainerProps = easy.getTrainerProperties(trainer)
        trainerProps.props["NumWords"] = str(nWord)
        c1.trainerProps = trainerProps
        c1.foundMap = {
            '1': easy.getPurpose('pos'),
            '0': easy.getPurpose('neg')

    sortedperfdata, perfdata = evaluate.joust(contenders, runset, folds=3)
    Extract only optimal ROC points
    rocData_full, optimalIndices = easy.discardSuboptimal(perfdata)
    #rocData_full,optimalIndices = easy.discardSuboptimal(perfdata,"sboxes/BOW_Trainer_127_0_0_1")
    Prepare detector data of optimal ROC points
    rocData_optimal = []
コード例 #15
# Take a look at corpus/LabelMeCarsTest.properties and pay particular
# attention to the following properties:
# LMFolders and LMObjectNames
cs = easy.getCorpusServer("PythonCorpusService:default -p 10021")
corpus = easy.openCorpus(corpus_fname, corpusServer=cs)
categories, lablist = easy.getDataSet(corpus, corpusServer=cs)
print('Obtained {0} labeled artifact{1} from corpus "{2}":'.format(
    len(lablist), ("s", "")[len(lablist) == 1], corpus.name))

# if desired, you can draw the images and their annotations,
# one image at a time, at a given maximum size (width, height)
#easy.drawLabelables( lablist, (512, 512) )

print("==== Training runset: ====")
posPurpose = easy.getPurpose('pos')
negPurpose = easy.getPurpose('neg')
trainset = cvac.RunSet()
easy.addToRunSet(trainset, categories[objname], posPurpose)
#trainset = easy.createRunSet( categories, purpose=posPurpose );
correct = easy.isProperRunSet(trainset, deleteInvalid=True)
if not correct:
    print("failed Integrity test!!!!")
#trainset = easy.createRunSet( categories, purpose=posPurpose );
#easy.printRunSetInfo( trainset, printLabels=True )

# Connect to the trainer for a Bag of Words algorithm, then
# train with the given runset