def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename # we assume that the clock is the maximum length self.period = 40 self.height = 20 self.signalspacing = 10 self.xzero = 90 self.signalcnt = 0 self.cycles = 0 self.colors = ['powderblue', 'palegreen', 'lightpink', 'lightsalmon', 'lightgrey'] self.classes = {} self.svgelem = Element("{}svg") self.signalselem = Element("g") self.ypos = self.height + self.signalspacing
def dump(self, output): tempo = {} root = Element('resources') root.tail = '\n' tempo[()] = root for key in self._resources_order: for i in range(1, len(key) + 1): if key[0:i] not in tempo: parent = tempo[key[0:i - 1]] value = self._resources.get(key[0:i], None) if value is None: elem = SubElement(parent, 'node', name=key[i - 1]) else: fullKey = key[0] for j in range(1, i): fullKey += '/' + key[j] newValue = self._dictionary[fullKey] elem = SubElement(parent, 'node', name=key[i - 1], value=newValue) parent.text = elem.tail = '\n' + i * SPACES tempo[key[0:i]] = elem fix_it(root) print >> output, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' ElementTree(root).write(output, 'ascii')
def dump(self, output): tempo = {} root = Element('resources') root.tail = '\n' tempo[()] = root for key in self._resources_order: for i in range(1, len(key)+1): if key[0:i] not in tempo: parent = tempo[key[0:i-1]] value = self._resources.get(key[0:i], None) if value is None: elem = SubElement(parent, 'node', name=key[i-1]) else: fullKey = key[0]; for j in range(1, i): fullKey += '/' + key[j] newValue = self._dictionary[fullKey] elem = SubElement(parent, 'node', name=key[i-1], value=newValue) parent.text = elem.tail = '\n' + i*SPACES tempo[key[0:i]] = elem fix_it(root) print >> output, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' ElementTree(root).write(output, 'ascii')
def AdicionarUsuario(self,Aluno): """ Método que cria o usuário no jenkins, atualmente o jenkins está vinculado com o ldap do sistema ead, por mais que o usuário esteja criado no jenkins, ele não conseguirá autenticar se não estiver cadastrado no LDAP também. Para fazer o cadastro do aluno é adicionada mais uma linha do /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml dentro das tags <permission> somente com permissão de leitura. :param Aluno: Aluno é uma string somente com o email do aluno. :returns: Esse método não possui valor de retorno """ try: tree = parse("/var/lib/jenkins/config.xml") elem = tree.getroot() perm = elem.find('authorizationStrategy') busca = perm.findall("permission") for b in busca: if Aluno in b.text: log.warning("[!] Usuario Ja cadastrado no jenkins") return user = Element("permission") user.text = "hudson.model.Hudson.Read:%s"%Aluno perm.append(user) tree.write("/var/lib/jenkins/config.xml")"[+] Usuario %s adicionado ao jenkins com Sucesso",Aluno) except Exception as e: log.error("[-] Erro ao adicionar usuario ao jenkins %s",e)
def create_new_feature(self, location=None): self.feature = Element('feature') for elem in self.tag_names: self.feature.append(Element(elem)) if not location: self.xmltree.append(self.feature) else: self.xmltree.insert(location, self.feature) self.indent(self.xmltree)
def addRing(self, objRing, strType): if strType == 'Inner': elemBnd = Element('innerBoundaryIs') else: elemBnd = Element('outerBoundaryIs') elemRing = SubElement(elemBnd, 'LinearRing') elemCoords = SubElement(elemRing, "coordinates") elemCoords.text = self.addCoordinates(objRing[1]) return elemBnd
def create_node(tag, property_map, content): '''新造一个节点 tag:节点标签 property_map:属性及属性值map content: 节点闭合标签里的文本内容 return 新节点''' element = Element(tag, property_map) element.text = content return element
def ToElement(self, it=None): """ Represents the store contents as an ElementTree.Element. """ if it is None: it = self.entries.iteritems() elt = Element("entities") for peer_id, entry in it: elt.append(entry.ToElement()) return elt
def convert(self, data, cache, **kwargs): bodydom = Element('div') kmldom = XML(data) ns = kmldom.tag.strip('kml') placemarks = kmldom.findall('.//%sPlacemark' % ns) for placemark in placemarks: titles = placemark.findall(ns + 'name') for title in titles: t = Element('h2') t.text = title.text bodydom.append(t) descriptions = placemark.findall(ns + 'description') for desc in descriptions: if desc.text: try: text = desc.text.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace').strip() except: text = desc.text.strip() text = sanitize(text) d = XML('<div>' + text.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace') + '</div>') bodydom.append(d) body = tostring(bodydom) cache.setData(body) return cache
def draw_clock(self): elem = Element("path") ptuple = (self.x, self.y, self.period/2, -self.height, self.period/2, self.height) elem.attrib['d'] = "M%f,%f h%f v%f h%f v%f" % ptuple elem.attrib['stroke'] = "black" elem.attrib['fill'] = "none" elem.attrib['stroke-linecap'] = "square" self.x += self.period self.sval = 'L' return elem
class ZigXmlParser(object): def __init__(self, input): self.filename = os.path.split(input)[-1] self.xmltree = parse(input).getroot() self.TODAY = self.tag_names = [ 'ID', 'creator', 'created_date', 'modified_date', 'weight', 'aplha', 'BQP', 'BQP_buffer', 'cell_removal', 'spp_file' ] def read_element(self, element, idvalue): for target in self.xmltree.findall('feature'): if target.find('ID').text == str(idvalue): return target.find(element).text def write_element(self, element, idvalue, value): # Set modified_date for the inputset self.xmltree.find('modified_date').text = self.TODAY for target in self.xmltree.findall('feature'): if target.find('ID').text == str(idvalue): target.find(element).text = str(value) # Set modified_date for the specific element target.find('modified_date').text = self.TODAY def create_new_feature(self, location=None): self.feature = Element('feature') for elem in self.tag_names: self.feature.append(Element(elem)) if not location: self.xmltree.append(self.feature) else: self.xmltree.insert(location, self.feature) self.indent(self.xmltree) def write_xml_file(self): ElementTree(self.xmltree).write(os.getcwd() + r'\mod_' + self.filename) print os.getcwd() + r'\mod_' + self.filename def show_xml_tree(self): dump(self.xmltree) def indent(self, elem, level=0): """ Adds tab to the tree, so that saving it as usual results in a prettyprinted tree.""" i = "\n" + level * "\t" if len(elem): if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): elem.text = i + "\t" for elem in elem: self.indent(elem, level + 1) if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i else: if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): elem.tail = i
def ConvertToKML(report): root = Element(KML("kml")) root.attrib["xmlns"] = "" doc = SubElement(root, KML("Document")) for entry in report: placemark = SubElement(doc, KML("Placemark")) SubElement(placemark, KML("name")).text = entry["Address"] SubElement(placemark, KML("description")).text = BuildDescription(entry) # SubElement(placemark, KML("description")).text = entry['Details'] SubElement(SubElement(placemark, KML("Point")), KML("coordinates")).text = Geocode(entry["Address"]) return ElementTree(root)
def create_slide(self, buf, i,name=''): # creating the name of the slide # by parsing the title and removing any odd character slidename = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s]','',name) slidename = re.sub('\\s','_',slidename) # we create a new div that will contain the slide cont = Element("div") #etree_loader.importETree().Element('div') cont.set('class', 'slide') cont.set('id', slidename) return cont
def GetFeedElement(feed): """Create an atom:feed element for the provided feed. The provided feed must be in the format described at """ rss = Element("rss") rss.attrib["version"] = "2.0" root = SubElement(rss, "channel") TextElement(root, "title", feed.feed.get("title_detail")) if feed.feed.has_key("links"): for link in feed.feed.links: if link.rel != "self": continue SubElementIf(root, "link", link.href) TextElement(root, "description", feed.feed.get("subtitle_detail")) TextElement(root, "copyright", feed.feed.get("rights_detail")) SubElement(root, "generator").text = "feedarchive" if feed.feed.has_key("image"): im = feed.feed.image ie = SubElement(root, "image") SubElementIf(ie, "url", im.get("href")) SubElementIf(ie, "title", im.get("title")) SubElementIf(ie, "link", im.get("link")) if feed.feed.has_key("tags"): for tag in feed.feed.tags: te = SubElement(root, "category") if (tag.has_key("scheme")): te.attrib["domain"] = tag.scheme te.text = tag.term for entry in feed.entries: ee = SubElement(root, "item") TextElement(ee, "title", entry.get("title_detail")) SubElementIf(ee, "link", entry.get("link")) TextElement(ee, "description", entry.get("summary_detail")) SubElementIf(ee, "guid", entry.get("id")) DateTimeElement(ee, "pubDate", entry, "published") PersonElement(ee, "author", entry.get("author_detail")) if entry.has_key("links"): for link in entry.links: if link.rel != "enclosure": continue ence = SubElement(ee, "enclosure") AttribIf(ence, "url", link.get("url")) AttribIf(ence, "length", link.get("length")) AttribIf(ence, "type", link.get("type")) return rss
def properties(self): """ Export properties """ contentType = self.context.contentType prop = Element("property", name="contentType") prop.text = contentType yield prop data = prop = Element("property", name="data") data = base64.encodestring(data) prop.text = CDATA % data yield prop
def gencix(major, minor): # First generate first pass at the CILE over all of the lib tree cixfile = "activeperl-%d.%d.cix" % (major, minor) command = "python ../../../ scan -n -r -p -l Perl -T /tmp/ActivePerl-%d.%d/perl/lib -i \"*.pm\"> %s" % ( major, minor, cixfile) retval = os.system(command) if retval != 0: print "Error scanning ActivePerl library" sys.exit(retval) # # Grab the output of that scan root = parse(cixfile).getroot() newroot = Element("codeintel", version="2.0") cixfile = SubElement(newroot, "file", lang="Perl", mtime=str(int(time.time())), path=os.path.basename('perl.cix')) for file in root.getiterator('file'): print >> sys.stderr, "Processing", file.get('path') for blob in file: if blob.get("src"): # Don't want the src string. del blob.attrib["src"] cixfile.append(blob) cix = genPerlStdCIX( cixfile, "/tmp/ActivePerl-%d.%d/perl/lib/pod/perlfunc.pod" % (major, minor)) parent_map = dict((c, p) for p in cixfile.getiterator() for c in p) for variable in newroot.getiterator('variable'): attributes = variable.get('attributes') if attributes and '__local__' in variable.get('attributes'): parent_map[variable].remove(variable) # Generate the CIX. print >> sys.stderr, "Prettying" prettify(newroot) tree = ElementTree(newroot) #fname = '../../../lib/codeintel2/stdlibs/perl-%d.%d.cix' % (major, minor) fname = 'perl-%d.%d.cix' % (major, minor) #os.system('p4 edit %s' % fname) stream = open(fname, "w") print >> sys.stderr, "Writing" stream.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') tree.write(stream) stream.close()
def GetFeedElement(feed): """Create an atom:feed element for the provided feed. The provided feed must be in the format described at """ root = Element("feed") root.attrib["xmlns"] = "" TextElement(root, "title", feed.feed.get("title_detail")) if feed.feed.has_key("links"): for link in feed.feed.links: LinkElement(root, "link", link) TextElement(root, "subtitle", feed.feed.get("subtitle_detail")) TextElement(root, "rights", feed.feed.get("rights_detail")) SubElement(root, "generator").text = "feedarchive" SubElement(root, "updated").text = rfc3339(time.time()) SubElementIf(root, "id", feed.feed.get("id")) if feed.feed.has_key("image"): SubElement(root, "icon").text = feed.feed.image.href if feed.feed.has_key("tags"): for tag in feed.feed.tags: te = SubElement(root, "category") if tag.get("term"): te.attrib["term"] = tag.term if tag.get("scheme"): te.attrib["scheme"] = tag.scheme if tag.get("label"): te.attrib["label"] = tag.label PersonElement(root, "author", feed.feed.get("author_detail")) for entry in feed.entries: ee = SubElement(root, "entry") TextElement(ee, "title", entry.get("title_detail")) if entry.has_key("links"): for link in entry.links: LinkElement(ee, "link", link) TextElement(ee, "summary", entry.get("summary_detail")) TextElement(ee, "content", entry.get("content_detail")) DateTimeElement(ee, "published", entry, "published") DateTimeElement(ee, "updated", entry, "updated") SubElementIf(ee, "id", entry.get("id")) PersonElement(ee, "author", entry.get("author_detail")) PersonElement(ee, "publisher", entry.get("publisher_detail")) if entry.has_key("contributors"): for contributor in entry.contributors: PersonElement(ee, "contributor", contributor) CreateSourceElement(ee, entry.get("source")) return root
def body(self): """ Body exporter """ klass = self.context.__class__ factory = ".".join((klass.__module__, klass.__name__)) element = Element("object", name=self.context.__name__, factory=factory) for prop in element.append(prop) for child in self.children: element.append(child) return element
def maketree(printdict): root=Element('top') i=0 for (session, no, house) in printdict.keys(): i=i+1 elem=Element('print',printdict[(session, no, house)]) root.insert(i, elem) billtree=ElementTree(root) return billtree
def dump(self, output, lang): tempo = {} root = Element('resources') root.tail = '\n' tempo[()] = root for key in self._resources_order: for i in range(1, len(key) + 1): if key[0:i] not in tempo: parent = tempo[key[0:i - 1]] value = self._resources.get(key[0:i], None) if value is None: elem = SubElement(parent, 'node', name=key[i - 1]) else: localized = value.get(lang, None) english = value.get('en', None) if english is None: print >> sys.stderr, 'English file does not have the string for', key[ 0:i] print >> sys.stderr, ' entry is marked as obosolete.' elem = SubElement(parent, 'node', name=key[i - 1], value=localized, obsolete='true') elif localized is not None: elem = SubElement(parent, 'node', name=key[i - 1], value=localized) else: elem = SubElement(parent, 'node', name=key[i - 1], value=english, toBeTranslated='true') parent.text = elem.tail = '\n' + i * SPACES tempo[key[0:i]] = elem fix_it(root) print >> output, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' ElementTree(root).write(output, 'utf-8')
def consultaDetalleProduccion(request, nrec): #def consultaDetalleProduccion(ncab): dajax = Dajax() nrec = DetProcesos.objects.filter(cabprocesos=CabProcesos.objects.get( pk=ncab))[0].id raiz = DetProcesos.get_root(DetProcesos.objects.get(pk=nrec)).id size = DetProcesos.get_descendant_count( DetProcesos.objects.get(id=raiz)) + 1 print raiz padre = DetProcesos.objects.get(id=raiz) cpadre = str(raiz) #Cabecera del Mensaje root = ET.Element("mxGraphModel") head = ET.SubElement(root, "root") ele = Element("mxCell") ele.set("id", "0") head.append(ele) ele1 = Element("mxCell") ele1.set("id", cpadre) ele1.set("parent", "0") head.append(ele1) objetoProcesos(head, str(raiz + 1), str(raiz + 1), str(raiz), str(raiz), padre.descripcion) print padre.descripcion nid = raiz for ele in range(0, size - 1): obj = DetProcesos.get_children(DetProcesos.objects.get(id=nid)) if len(obj) != 0: objetoProcesos(head, str(nid + 2), str(nid + 2), cpadre, cpadre, obj.values()[0]['descripcion']) print obj.values()[0]['descripcion'] nid = obj.values()[0]['id'] nid = raiz cpadre = str(raiz + 1) for ele in range(0, size - 1): obj = DetProcesos.get_children(DetProcesos.objects.get(id=nid)) if len(obj) != 0: nid = obj.values()[0]['id'] dest = nid + 1 enlaceProceso( head, str(nid + 2), str(nid + 2), str(raiz), str(raiz), cpadre, str(dest), TiposProcesos.objects.get(id=obj.values()[0]['tproceso_id'])) cpadre = str(dest) valores = simplejson.dumps(ET.tostring(root), cls=JSONEncoder) #tree = ET.ElementTree(root) #tree.write("salida.xml") return valores
def _format(self,elemap,obj): defaults = self._defaults out = Element(elemap[0]) for subspec in elemap[1:]: if type(subspec) == type(''): tmp = obj.get(subspec,None) if tmp is None or str(tmp) == '': tmp = defaults.get(subspec,'') out.text = str(tmp) continue # here, subspec is really a recursive element map subelem = self._format(subspec,obj) out.append(subelem) return out
def _format(self, elemap, obj): defaults = self._defaults out = Element(elemap[0]) for subspec in elemap[1:]: if type(subspec) == type(''): tmp = obj.get(subspec, None) if tmp is None or str(tmp) == '': tmp = defaults.get(subspec, '') out.text = str(tmp) continue # here, subspec is really a recursive element map subelem = self._format(subspec, obj) out.append(subelem) return out
def __init__(self, root, showRoot = True): QtCore.QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self) if showRoot: fakeroot = Element("fakeroot") fakeroot.append(root) self._root = fakeroot else: self._root = root self._realroot = self._root self._columns = ["Tag", "Attributes"] self._np = dict((child, (parent, rowidx)) for parent in self._root.getiterator() for rowidx, child in enumerate(parent))
def createFilePodcast(mediaFilePath, title, description=''): """ create the xml file using utf """ mediaItem = Element("media") mediaItem.attrib["version"] = VERSION titleNode = SubElement(mediaItem, "title") titleNode.text = title descrNode = SubElement(mediaItem, "description") descrNode.text = description createXmlFile(mediaFilePath + '.xml', mediaItem) mediaItem.clear()
def new_tree_term(termIdentifier, caption, description): term = Element(ns + 'term') treeTermIdentifier = Element(ns + 'termIdentifier') treeTermIdentifier.text = termIdentifier term.append(treeTermIdentifier) treeCaption = Element('caption') addLangs(treeCaption, caption) term.append(treeCaption) treeDesc = Element('description') addLangs(treeDesc, description) term.append(treeDesc) return term
def new_tree_term(self, termIdentifier, caption, description): term = Element(NS + "term") treeTermIdentifier = Element(NS + "termIdentifier") treeTermIdentifier.text = termIdentifier term.append(treeTermIdentifier) treeCaption = Element(NS + "caption") self.addLangs(treeCaption, caption) term.append(treeCaption) treeDesc = Element("description") self.addLangs(treeDesc, description) term.append(treeDesc) return term
def toXML(self): '''Generate the xml representation of the letter matrix''' # <control type="panel"> control = Element('control', type='panel', id=str(CONTROL_PANEL)) if True: SubElement(control, 'posx').text = str(self.posx) SubElement(control, 'posy').text = str(self.posy) SubElement(control, 'width').text = str(self.width) SubElement(control, 'height').text = str(self.height) SubElement(control, 'onleft').text = '-' SubElement(control, 'onright').text = '-' SubElement(control, 'onup').text = '-' SubElement(control, 'ondown').text = '-' SubElement(control, 'viewtype', label='').text = 'panel' SubElement(control, 'pagecontrol').text = '-' SubElement(control, 'scrolltime').text = '-' SubElement(control, 'hitrect', x=str(-10), y=str(-10), w=str(1), h=str(1)) # <itemlayout> itemlayout = SubElement(control, 'itemlayout', height=str(self.letterHeight), width=str(self.letterWidth)) if True: self.addItemLayout(itemlayout, self.theme.inactive, 1) self.addItemLayout(itemlayout,, 2) # </itemlayout> SubElement(control, 'focusedlayout', height=str(self.height), width=str(self.width)) # <content> content = SubElement(control, 'content') if True: # <item> for letter in self.letters: content.append(letter.toXML()) # </item> # </content> # </control> return control
def write(pattern, fpath): import os from elementtree.ElementTree import Element, ElementTree root = Element('xml') toelem(pattern, root) ElementTree(root).write(fpath) os.system('tidy -xml -iqm \"%s\"' % fpath)
def toXML(self): # <window> window = Element('window', id=str(WINDOW_ID)) if True: # Fade in for 1.0 second (but not in screensaver mode) if not self.screensaverMode: SubElement(window, 'animation', effect='fade', time=str(1000)).text = 'WindowOpen' # <controls> controls = SubElement(window, 'controls') if True: # <control type="image"> color = Image(1280, 720, BACKGROUND_IMAGE, self.theme.background) controls.append(color.toXML()) # </control> # <control type="image"> if self.theme.image: image = Image(self.theme.imageWidth, self.theme.imageHeight, self.theme.image) else: # Placeholder for if we change the theme by pressing T image = Image(1280, 720, '-') controls.append(image.toXML()) # </control> #sprites = Sprites(self.layout, self.theme) #controls.append(sprites.toXML()) # <control type="panel"> matrix = Matrix(self.letters, self.layout, self.theme) controls.append(matrix.toXML()) # </control> # </controls> # </window> return window
def __call__ (self) : self.processed = {} self.pending = {} tree = Element ("project", id = "SW-Tasks") SubElement (tree, "label").text = ("Task(s) %s." % self.toplevel) SubElement (tree, "import-resources", file = "workers.xml") if self.VERBOSE > 1 : self.debug ("Writing `part_of` tree ...") for issue_id in self.toplevel : if self.VERBOSE > 2 : self.debug \ ("Issue %d is top-level. Processing it now ..." % issue_id) issue = self.db.issue.getnode (issue_id) self.process_issue (issue, tree) if self.VERBOSE > 1 : self.debug ("\nWriting issues due to `depends_on` or `needs` ...") while self.pending : (issue_id, issue) = self.pending.popitem () if issue_id not in self.processed : if self.VERBOSE > 2 : self.debug ("Adding %s ... " % issue_id) self.process_issue (issue, tree) else : if self.VERBOSE > 3 : self.debug ("%s already included." % issue_id) file = open (self.oname, "w") ElementTree (tree).write (file, encoding = "utf-8") if self.VERBOSE > 1 : self.debug ("Done.")
def writePolygon(self, objGeo, elemPlace): elemGeo = Element('Polygon') #Now add the ring(s) dctRings = objGeo.getRingInfo() #get the external ring(s) lstOuter = objGeo.getRing('Outer') lstInner = objGeo.getRing('Inner') for x in range(0, dctRings['Outer']): elemRing = self.addRing(lstOuter[x], 'Outer') elemGeo.append(elemRing) for x in range(0, dctRings['Inner']): elemRing = self.addRing(lstInner[x], 'Inner') elemGeo.append(elemRing) return elemGeo
def createNewProfiles(self, baseElem): for i in range(0, len(self.UniqueCos)):'New Default Profile element was created.') newElem = Element('DefaultProfile') for key, val in self.config['ProfileTags'].iteritems(): e = Element(key) if e.tag == 'Id' or e.tag == 'ProfileId':'The id is %s' % str(self.NewCosIds[i])) e.text = str(self.NewCosIds[i]) elif e.tag == 'CoSId':'The CoSId is %s' % str(self.UniqueCos[i])) e.text = self.UniqueCos[i] else: e.text = val newElem._children.append(e) baseElem._children.append(newElem)
def get_runtime_inputs(self): label = self.state.get("name", "Input Dataset") return dict(input=DataToolParameter( None, Element( "param", name="input", label=label, type="data", format="data")))
def gencix(major, minor): # First generate first pass at the CILE over all of the lib tree cixfile = "activeperl-%d.%d.cix" % (major, minor) command = "python ../../../ scan -n -r -p -l Perl -T /tmp/ActivePerl-%d.%d/perl/lib -i \"*.pm\"> %s" % (major, minor, cixfile) retval = os.system(command) if retval != 0: print "Error scanning ActivePerl library" sys.exit(retval) # # Grab the output of that scan root = parse(cixfile).getroot() newroot = Element("codeintel", version="2.0") cixfile = SubElement(newroot, "file", lang="Perl", mtime=str(int(time.time())), path=os.path.basename('perl.cix')) for file in root.getiterator('file'): print >> sys.stderr, "Processing", file.get('path') for blob in file: if blob.get("src"): # Don't want the src string. del blob.attrib["src"] cixfile.append(blob) cix = genPerlStdCIX(cixfile, "/tmp/ActivePerl-%d.%d/perl/lib/pod/perlfunc.pod" % (major, minor)) parent_map = dict((c, p) for p in cixfile.getiterator() for c in p) for variable in newroot.getiterator('variable'): attributes = variable.get('attributes') if attributes and '__local__' in variable.get('attributes'): parent_map[variable].remove(variable) # Generate the CIX. print >>sys.stderr, "Prettying" prettify(newroot) tree = ElementTree(newroot) #fname = '../../../lib/codeintel2/stdlibs/perl-%d.%d.cix' % (major, minor) fname = 'perl-%d.%d.cix' % (major, minor) #os.system('p4 edit %s' % fname) stream = open(fname, "w") print >>sys.stderr, "Writing" stream.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') tree.write(stream) stream.close()
def encode_XMLDict(self, mapping): """!TXT!""" def encode(key, value): element = Element(key) if isinstance(value, NoneType): element.attrib['type'] = 'none' elif isinstance(value, BooleanType): element.attrib['type'] = 'bool' element.attrib['value'] = value and 'true' or 'false' elif isinstance(value, ComplexType): element.attrib['type'] = 'complex' element.attrib['re'] = repr(value.real) element.attrib['im'] = repr(value.imag) elif isinstance(value, FloatType): element.attrib['type'] = 'float' element.attrib['value'] = repr(value) elif isinstance(value, IntType): element.attrib['type'] = 'int' element.attrib['value'] = repr(value) elif isinstance(value, LongType): element.attrib['type'] = 'long' element.attrib['value'] = repr(value) elif isinstance(value, StringType) or isinstance(value, UnicodeType): element.attrib['type'] = 'cdata' element.text = u"<![CDATA[%s]]>" % value elif isinstance(value, DictType): element.attrib['type'] = 'dict' for key in value.keys(): element.append(encode(key, value[key])) elif isinstance(value, ListType): element.attrib['type'] = 'list' for subvalue in value: element.append(encode('value', subvalue)) elif isinstance(value, TupleType): element.attrib['type'] = 'tuple' for subvalue in value: element.append(encode('value', subvalue)) else: raise TypeError("Encoding of %s not supported (Key: %s)" % (repr(value), key)) return element root = Element("data") for key in mapping.keys(): root.append(self.encode(key, mapping[key])) return tostring(root)
def build_request_xml(self, data, root_tag): root = Element(root_tag, USERID=self.user_id) for i, address in enumerate(data): address_element = SubElement(root, 'Address', ID=str(i)) for field in self.address_fields: SubElement( address_element, field).text = address.get(field.lower()) return tostring(root)
def add_clock(self, name, datastr): sigelem = Element('g') # this is where we get the cycle count self.cycles = len(datastr.split()) clksig = signal(name, self.xzero, self.ypos, self.period, self.height) sigelem.append(clksig.draw_name()) for i in datastr.split(): sigelem.append(clksig.draw_clock()) self.ypos += self.signalspacing + self.height self.signalselem.append(sigelem) self.signalcnt += 1
def __split_models(self, xmlDoc): """generator that takes parameter xmlDoc and splits it into many xml files, with only one model per each""" elem = XML(xmlDoc) models = elem.find("Models") if models: elem.remove(models) for model in models: to_return = copy.deepcopy(elem) new_models = Element("Models") for a in models.attrib: new_models.attrib[a] = models.attrib[a] new_models.append(model) to_return.append(new_models) yield (model.attrib['id'], to_return) else: pass #TODO return error
def convert(self, data, cache, **kwargs): bodydom = Element('div') kmldom = XML(data) ns = kmldom.tag.strip('kml') placemarks = kmldom.findall('.//%sPlacemark' % ns) for placemark in placemarks: titles = placemark.findall(ns + 'name') for title in titles: t = Element('h2') t.text = title.text bodydom.append(t) descriptions = placemark.findall(ns+'description') for desc in descriptions: if desc.text: try: text = desc.text.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace').strip() except: text = desc.text.strip() text = sanitize(text) d = XML('<div>' + text.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace') + '</div>') bodydom.append(d) body = tostring(bodydom) cache.setData(body) return cache
def get_runtime_inputs(self, filter_set=['data']): label = self.state.get("name", "Input Dataset") return dict(input=DataToolParameter( None, Element("param", name="input", label=label, multiple=True, type="data", format=', '.join(filter_set)), self.trans))
def __init__(self, root, showRoot = True): QtCore.QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self) if showRoot: fakeroot = Element("fakeroot") fakeroot.append(root.getroot()) self._root = fakeroot else: self._root = root.getroot() self._xpathroot = root self._realroot = self._root self._columns = ["Tag", "Attributes"] self._ne = {} self._np = {} self._ne[0] = self._root self.buildMaps(self._root, 0) self._neo = self._ne.copy() self._npo = self._np.copy()
def ConvertDialogToElement(dialog): # build a tree structure root = Element("DIALOG") for ctrl in dialog.AllControls(): ctrlElem = SubElement(root, "CONTROL") for name, value in AddElement(ctrlElem, name, value) return root
def get_runtime_inputs(self, filter_set=['data']): label = self.state.get("name", self.default_name) collection_type = self.state.get("collection_type", self.default_collection_type) input_element = Element("param", name="input", label=label, type="data_collection", collection_type=collection_type) return dict( input=DataCollectionToolParameter(None, input_element, self.trans))
def timinggrid(self): """ This function uses the signalcnt, cycles, period, height, and spacing to draw the light lines that will be the clock lines. """ gelem = Element("g") # create a group for i in range(int(self.cycles)): lelem = Element("line") lelem.attrib['x1'] = str(i*self.period + self.period/2.0 + self.xzero) lelem.attrib['y1'] = str(0); lelem.attrib['x2'] = str(i*self.period + self.period/2.0 + self.xzero) lelem.attrib['y2'] = str(self.signalcnt*(self.height + self.signalspacing) + self.signalspacing) lelem.attrib['stroke'] = "grey" lelem.attrib['stroke-width'] = "0.5" gelem.append(lelem) self.svgelem.append(gelem) self.svgelem.append(self.signalselem)
def draw_name(self): """ the name is to the left of the original draw point""" elem = Element("text") elem.attrib['x'] = "%f" % (self.startx -4) elem.attrib['y'] = "%f" % (self.starty-4) elem.attrib['font-family'] = "Helvetica" elem.attrib['font-size'] = "%f" % (self.height/1.4) elem.attrib['text-anchor'] = "end" elem.text = return elem
def getCommand(args): result = getInterfaceInfo(args.macaddress) if result is None: print 'adapter not found' return 3 top_node = Element('NetConfigurations') formatNetworkAdapterConfig(top_node, result) print tostring(top_node) return 0
def draw_low(self): elem = Element("path") if self.sval == 'H': starty = self.y - self.height elif self.sval == 'Z': starty = self.y - self.height/2 else: starty = self.y ptuple = (self.x, starty, self.period/8, self.y-starty, 7*self.period/8) elem.attrib['d'] = "M%f,%f l%f, %f h%f" % ptuple elem.attrib['stroke'] = "black" elem.attrib['fill'] = "none" elem.attrib['stroke-linecap'] = "square" self.x += self.period self.sval = 'L' return elem
def create_job(self, branch_name): cleaned_branch_name = branch_name.replace("origin/", "").replace("/", "_") job_name = "%s-%s" % (self.prefix, cleaned_branch_name) full_job_path = "%s/%s" % (self.root_job_dir, job_name) try: os.mkdir(full_job_path) except OSError: print "Job already exists! Not creating." return template = open(self.config_template, "r") parser = parse(self.config_template) top_element = parser.getroot() branch_element = top_element.getiterator("hudson.plugins.git.BranchSpec")[0] [branch_element.remove(element) for element in branch_element.getchildren()] new_name_element = Element("name") new_name_element.text = branch_name branch_element.append(new_name_element) parser.write("%s/%s" % (full_job_path, self.config_xml))
def toXML(self): '''Generate the xml representation of this Letter''' # <item> item = Element('item') if True: # <label>$INFO[Window(Home).Property(Unqlocked.0.Background)]</label> SubElement(item, 'label').text = '$INFO[Window(Home).Property(%s)]' % (PROPERTY_INACTIVE % self.index) # <label2>$INFO[Window(Home).Property(Unqlocked.0.Highlight)]</label2> SubElement(item, 'label2').text = '$INFO[Window(Home).Property(%s)]' % (PROPERTY_ACTIVE % self.index) # <onclick>-</onclick> SubElement(item, 'onclick').text = '-' # </item> return item
def toXML(self): # <control> control = Element('control', type='image', id=str( if True: SubElement(control, 'posx').text = str((1280 - self.width) / 2) SubElement(control, 'posy').text = str((720 - self.height) / 2) SubElement(control, 'width').text = str(self.width) SubElement(control, 'height').text = str(self.height) SubElement(control, 'texture').text = self.image if self.diffuse: SubElement(control, 'colordiffuse').text = self.diffuse # AARRGGBB # </control> return control
def listCommand(args): if isWindows(): result = [win32GetInterfaceInfo(i) for i in win32EnumerateInterfaces()] elif isLinux() or isBsd(): result = unixGetInterfaceList() else: raise Exception('Unsupported operating system') top_node = Element('NetConfigurations') for adapter in result: formatNetworkAdapterConfig(top_node, adapter) print tostring(top_node) return 0
def main(): top_node = Element('osinfo') if sys.platform == 'win32': info = windowsInfo() elif sys.platform == 'linux2': info = linuxInfo() elif sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'): info = bsdInfo() SubElement(top_node, 'name').text = info['name'] SubElement(top_node, 'version').text = info['version'] SubElement(top_node, 'details').text = info['details'] print tostring(top_node) return 0
def objetoProcesos(head, id, customid, vertex, parent, texto): subhead = ET.SubElement(head, "mxCell") subhead.set("id", id) subhead.set("customId", customid) subhead.set( "value", '<img src="editors/images/overlays/workplace.png"><br><b> %s </b> ' % texto) subhead.set("vertex", vertex) subhead.set("parent", parent) subele = Element("mxGeometry") subele.set("x", "0") subele.set("y", "0") subele.set("width", "180") subele.set("height", "70") subele.set("as", "geometry") subhead.append(subele) return head
def toElementTree(self, details): """ Return an Element node with the XML rappresentation of this module """ c = Element('module') n = SubElement(c, 'name') n.text = self._alias if details: # version v = SubElement(c, 'version') v.text = str(self._version) # type t = SubElement(c, 'type') t.text = self._type # lock u = SubElement(c, 'upgradable') u.text = repr(self._upgradable).lower() return c
def FormattedContent(self, report_obj, chart_style, request): from atrinsic.base.models import AqWidget,UserAqWidget x = self.widget_id widget = AqWidget.objects.get(pk=self.widget_id) var_columns = None if self.user_widget_id != None: user_widget = UserAqWidget.objects.get(pk=self.user_widget_id) if user_widget.custom_columns != None: var_columns = user_widget.custom_columns if (var_columns == None) & (self.data_columns != None): var_columns = self.data_columns else: var_columns = widget.data_columns if var_columns.find(",") > 0: col1,col2 = var_columns.split(",") else: col1 = var_columns col2 = None columns = { 'var1': col1, 'var2':col2 } if chart_style == "table": html = self.getReportHTML(report_obj) return html elif chart_style == "json-array": import cjson return cjson.encode(report_obj.RenderContents()) elif chart_style == "json": import cjson json = self.get_json(report_obj) return cjson.encode(json) elif chart_style == "xml": from elementtree import ElementTree from elementtree.ElementTree import Element,tostring,SubElement,ElementTree,dump xmldict = {} xmldict["xml"] = self.get_json(report_obj) root = Element("xml") for row in xmldict["xml"]: item_element = SubElement(root,"item") for field in row: SubElement(item_element,field).text = row[field] return tostring(root) else: return self.getAQChart(request=request,chart_style=chart_style,report_obj=report_obj,columns=columns)