Esempio n. 1
    def _traverse_from(self, grid: Grid, current_color: Color) -> bool:
        self._nodes_for_backprop.append((grid.state, current_color))
        node_info: NodeInfo = self._tree[(grid.state, current_color)]
        if not node_info.is_leaf:
            move = self._select_best_child_ucb(grid, current_color)
            return self._traverse_from(
                grid.grid_after_move(current_color, move),
                Color(1 - current_color))

        elif len(grid.available_moves) == 0:
            return False
        elif node_info.visits == 0:
            return self._rollout_from(grid, current_color)
                        current_color)] = NodeInfo(wins=node_info.wins,
            for move in grid.available_moves:
                new_grid = grid.grid_after_move(current_color, move)
                if (new_grid.state,
                        Color(1 - current_color)) not in self._tree.keys():
                                1 - current_color)] = NodeInfo(wins=0,

            move = random.choice(grid.available_moves)
            return self._traverse_from(
                grid.grid_after_move(current_color, move),
                Color(1 - current_color))
Esempio n. 2
    def _minmax(self, grid: Grid, depth: int, alpha: int, beta: int,
                color: Color, last_move: Union[int, None]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        """Returns (best available value, move towards best value)"""
        computed = self._transposition_table.get(grid.state, None)
        if computed is not None and computed[0] >= depth: return computed[1:]

        if self._deadline.is_set() or depth == 0 or \
                (last_move is not None and self._judge.is_over_after_move_in_col(grid.state, last_move)):
            return self._evaluate(grid.state, self._judge), 0

        value = -INF if color == MAX_COLOR else INF
        best_move = None
        for move in grid.available_moves:
            child_value, _ = self._minmax(grid.grid_after_move(color, move),
                                          depth - 1, alpha, beta,
                                          Color(1 - color), move)

            if color == MAX_COLOR and child_value > value:
                best_move = move
                value = child_value
                alpha = max(alpha, value)
            elif color == MIN_COLOR and child_value < value:
                best_move = move
                value = child_value
                beta = min(beta, value)

            if alpha >= beta: break

        self._transposition_table[grid.state] = (depth, value, best_move)
        return value, best_move
Esempio n. 3
    def _rollout_from(self,
                      grid: Grid,
                      color: Color,
                      last_col: Union[int, None] = None) -> bool:
        if len(grid.available_moves) == 0 or (last_col is None and self._judge.is_over(grid.state)) or \
                (last_col is not None and self._judge.is_over_after_move_in_col(grid.state, last_col)):
            return color != self._color

        move = random.choice(grid.available_moves)
        has_won = self._rollout_from(grid.grid_after_move(color, move),
                                     Color(1 - color), move)
        return has_won
Esempio n. 4
    def _select_best_child(self, parent: Grid, map_node_info: callable,
                           current_color: Color) -> int:
        """map_node_info should take parent's node_info and child's and return a positive float"""
        assert len(parent.available_moves) > 0, 'A leaf actually'

        parent_info = self._tree[(parent.state, current_color)]
        best_move, best_result = None, -1
        for move in parent.available_moves:
            child_info = self._tree[(parent.grid_after_move(
                current_color, move).state, Color(1 - current_color))]

            temp_result = map_node_info(parent_info, child_info)
            if temp_result > best_result:
                best_result, best_move = temp_result, move

        return best_move
Esempio n. 5
 def _finishing_move_in(self, grid: Grid) -> Union[int, None]:
     for move in grid.available_moves:
         after_move = grid.grid_after_move(self._color, move)
         if self._judge.is_over_after_move_in_col(after_move.state, move):
             return move