Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, alg_name, alpha_deg, beta_deg, info=None):
        self.alpha_deg = alpha_deg
        self.beta_deg = beta_deg
        self.alg_name = alg_name = info

        # customize data_format based on which algorithm type
        if self.alg_name.startswith('matlab'):
            self.data_format = dataformats.get_format('AlgorithmOutputMatlab')
            self.data_format = dataformats.get_format(self.class_name)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, alg_name, alpha_deg, beta_deg, info=None):
        self.alpha_deg = alpha_deg
        self.beta_deg = beta_deg
        self.alg_name = alg_name = info

        # customize data_format based on which algorithm type
        if self.alg_name.startswith('matlab'):
            self.data_format = dataformats.get_format('AlgorithmOutputMatlab')
            self.data_format = dataformats.get_format(self.class_name)
Esempio n. 3
    def check_input(h5group, data_format):
        Input HDF5 group should have 'obj_type' attribute which matches
        a class we know.

        if ext_data_format is not None:
            # for testing: don't use dataformats.get_format()
            return ext_data_format

            if 'obj_type' not in h5group.attrs:
                if h5group == h5group.file:
                    raise InterfaceError(
                        'Looks like you supplied the HDF5 file object ' +
                        'instead of the HDF5 group representing the object...')
                    raise InterfaceError(
                        'HDF5 object should have an attribute, obj_type')
            obj_type = h5group.attrs['obj_type']
            data_format = dataformats.get_format(obj_type)
            return data_format
Esempio n. 4
    def check_input(h5group, data_format):
        Input HDF5 group should have 'obj_type' attribute which matches
        a class we know.

        if ext_data_format is not None:
            # for testing: don't use dataformats.get_format()
            return ext_data_format

            if 'obj_type' not in h5group.attrs:
                if h5group == h5group.file:
                    raise InterfaceError(
                        'Looks like you supplied the HDF5 file object ' +
                        'instead of the HDF5 group representing the object...')
                    raise InterfaceError(
                        'HDF5 object should have an attribute, obj_type')
            obj_type = h5group.attrs['obj_type']
            data_format = dataformats.get_format(obj_type)
            return data_format
Esempio n. 5
def test_io(tracks=None):

    import etrack.reconstruction.test_moments as tm

    if tracks is None:
        tracks = tm.get_tracklist(n_files=1)
    mom = tm.momentlist_from_tracklist(tracks, fill_nans=False)
    cl = tm.classifierlist_from_tracklist(tracks, mom)

    filename = 'testcl.h5'
    print('Writing classifiers to {}...'.format(filename))
    trackio.write_object_list_to_hdf5(filename, cl, prefix='cl_')

    print('Reading classifiers back...')
    clread = trackio.read_object_list_from_hdf5(
        filename, Classifier.from_hdf5, prefix='cl_')

    print('Checking attributes...')
    attrs = df.get_format('Classifier')
    error_ind = []
    error_list = []
    for i, c in enumerate(clread):
        if hasattr(c, 'error'):
            if c.error:
                # if there's a track error, which fields are filled, are wonky
        for attr in attrs:
            if == 'g4track':
            elif getattr(cl[i], is not None:
                assert getattr(cl[i], == getattr(c,

    return error_ind, error_list
Esempio n. 6
def test_io(tracks=None):

    import etrack.reconstruction.test_moments as tm

    if tracks is None:
        tracks = tm.get_tracklist(n_files=1)
    mom = tm.momentlist_from_tracklist(tracks, fill_nans=False)
    cl = tm.classifierlist_from_tracklist(tracks, mom)

    filename = 'testcl.h5'
    print('Writing classifiers to {}...'.format(filename))
    trackio.write_object_list_to_hdf5(filename, cl, prefix='cl_')

    print('Reading classifiers back...')
    clread = trackio.read_object_list_from_hdf5(
        filename, Classifier.from_hdf5, prefix='cl_')

    print('Checking attributes...')
    attrs = df.get_format('Classifier')
    error_ind = []
    error_list = []
    for i, c in enumerate(clread):
        if hasattr(c, 'error'):
            if c.error:
                # if there's a track error, which fields are filled, are wonky
        for attr in attrs:
            if == 'g4track':
            elif getattr(cl[i], is not None:
                assert getattr(cl[i], == getattr(c,

    return error_ind, error_list
Esempio n. 7
class MatlabAlgorithmInfo(object):
    An empty container to store attributes loaded from the Matlab algorithm.

    __version__ = '0.1'
    class_name = 'MatlabAlgorithmInfo'
    data_format = dataformats.get_format(class_name)

    attr_list = (
    data_list = (

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Shouldn't need to call this -- use from_h5pixnoise or from_pydict

        for attr in kwargs:
            setattr(self, attr, kwargs[attr])

    def from_h5pixnoise(cls, pixnoise):
        Initialize MatlabAlgorithmInfo with all the attributes from a
        successful HybridTrack algorithm.

        pixnoise is the h5 group.

        This goes with the _h5matlab format.

        kwargs = {}
        for attr in cls.attr_list:
            if attr in pixnoise.attrs:
                kwargs[attr] = pixnoise.attrs[attr]
                raise InputError('Missing h5 attribute: {} in {}'.format(
                    attr, str(pixnoise)))
        for attr in cls.data_list:
            if attr in pixnoise:
                kwargs[attr] = pixnoise[attr]
                raise InputError('Missing h5 dataset: {} in {}'.format(
                    attr, str(pixnoise)))
        return cls(**kwargs)

    def from_pydict(cls, read_dict, pydict_to_pyobj=None):
        Initialize a MatlabAlgorithmInfo object from the dictionary returned by

        if pydict_to_pyobj is None:
            pydict_to_pyobj = {}

        if id(read_dict) in pydict_to_pyobj:
            return pydict_to_pyobj[id(read_dict)]

        all_attrs = cls.attr_list

        kwargs = {}
        for attr in all_attrs:
            kwargs[attr] = read_dict.get(attr)
            # read_dict.get() defaults to None, although this actually
            #   shouldn't be needed since read_object_from_hdf5 adds Nones
        constructed_object = cls(**kwargs)

        # add entry to pydict_to_pyobj
        pydict_to_pyobj[id(read_dict)] = constructed_object

        return constructed_object

    def from_hdf5(cls, h5group, h5_to_pydict=None, pydict_to_pyobj=None):
        Initialize a MatlabAlgorithmInfo object from an HDF5 group.

        if h5_to_pydict is None:
            h5_to_pydict = {}
        if pydict_to_pyobj is None:
            pydict_to_pyobj = {}

        read_dict = trackio.read_object_from_hdf5(h5group,

        constructed_object = cls.from_pydict(read_dict,

        return constructed_object
Esempio n. 8
class Track(object):
    Electron track, from modeling or from experiment.

    __version__ = '0.1'
    class_name = 'Track'
    data_format = dataformats.get_format(class_name)

    attr_list = (

    attr_types = {
        'is_modeled': bool,
        'is_measured': bool,
        'pixel_size_um': float,
        'noise_ev': float,
        'g4track': object,
        'energy_kev': float,
        'x_offset_pix': float,
        'y_offset_pix': float,
        'timestamp': object,
        'shutter_ind': int,
        'label': str,

    def __init__(self, image, **kwargs):
        Construct a track object.

        Required input:

        Either is_modeled or is_measured is required.

        Keyword inputs:
          is_modeled (bool)
          is_measured (bool)
          pixel_size_um (float)
          noise_ev (float)
          g4track (G4Track object)
          energy_kev (float)
          x_offset_pix (int)
          y_offset_pix (int)
          timestamp (datetime object)
          shutter_ind (int)
          label (string)

        self.input_handling(image, **kwargs)

        self.algorithms = {}

    def input_handling(self,

        if is_modeled is None and is_measured is None:
            raise InputError('Please specify modeled or measured!')
        elif is_modeled is True and is_measured is True:
            raise InputError('Track cannot be both modeled and measured!')
        elif is_modeled is False and is_measured is False:
            raise InputError('Track must be either modeled or measured!')
        elif is_measured is not None:
            self.is_measured = bool(is_measured)
            self.is_modeled = not bool(is_measured)
        elif is_modeled is not None:
            self.is_modeled = bool(is_modeled)
            self.is_measured = not bool(is_modeled)

        if g4track is not None and not isinstance(g4track, G4Track):
            raise InputError('g4track input must be a G4Track!')
            # or handle e.g. a g4 matrix input
        self.g4track = g4track

        self.image = np.array(image)

        if pixel_size_um is not None:
            pixel_size_um = np.float(pixel_size_um)
        self.pixel_size_um = pixel_size_um

        if noise_ev is not None:
            noise_ev = np.float(noise_ev)
        self.noise_ev = noise_ev

        if energy_kev is not None:
            energy_kev = np.float(energy_kev)
        self.energy_kev = energy_kev

        if x_offset_pix is not None:
                err_msg='x_offset_pix must be an integer')
            x_offset_pix = int(np.round(x_offset_pix))
        self.x_offset_pix = x_offset_pix

        if y_offset_pix is not None:
                err_msg='y_offset_pix must be an integer')
            y_offset_pix = int(np.round(y_offset_pix))
        self.y_offset_pix = y_offset_pix

        if shutter_ind is not None:
                err_msg='shutter_ind must be an integer')
            shutter_ind = int(np.round(shutter_ind))
        self.shutter_ind = shutter_ind

        if (timestamp is not None and timestamp != 'None'
                and not isinstance(timestamp, datetime.datetime)):
            raise InputError('timestamp should be a datetime object')
        self.timestamp = str(timestamp)

        if label is not None:
            label = str(label)
        self.label = label

    def from_h5matlab(cls, pixnoise, g4track=None):
        Construct a Track object from one pixelsize/noise of an event in an
        HDF5 file.

        HDF5 file is the December 2015 format from MATLAB.

            errorcode = pixnoise.attrs['errorcode']
        except KeyError:
            # found this in HTbatch01_h5m/MultiAngle_HT_100_12.h5 track 127
            errorcode = 97
        if errorcode != 0:
            # for now, only accept tracks without errors
            return errorcode

        # algorithm_error = (errorcode == 4 or errorcode == 5)
        # good_algorithm = (errorcode == 0)
        # has_algorithm = good_algorithm or algorithm_error
        # has_ridge = good_algorithm
        # has_measurement = good_algorithm
        # has_multiple_tracks = (errorcode == 2 or errorcode == 6)
        # do_pixnoise = true
        # check_pixsize = good_algorithm or has_multiple_tracks
        # check_noise = has_multiple_tracks
        # do_img = has_algorithm
        # do_EtotTind = has_algorithm
        # do_nends = good_algorithm or errorcode == 4
        # do_T = has_multiple_tracks
        # do_edgesegments = good_algorithm
        # do_ridge = has_ridge
        # do_measurement = has_measurement

        # track info (not algorithm info)
            data = pixnoise['img']
        except KeyError:
            errorcode = 96
            return errorcode
        img = np.zeros(data.shape)

        kwargs = {}
        kwargs['is_modeled'] = True
        kwargs['g4track'] = g4track
            kwargs['pixel_size_um'] = pixnoise.attrs['pixel_size_um']
            kwargs['noise_ev'] = pixnoise.attrs['noise_ev']
            kwargs['energy_kev'] = pixnoise.attrs['Etot']
        except KeyError:
            # hypothetical
            errorcode = 98
            return errorcode

        track = Track(img, **kwargs)

        # algorithm info
            alpha = pixnoise.attrs['alpha']
            beta = pixnoise.attrs['beta']
        except KeyError:
            # found this in HTbatch01_h5m/MultiAngle_100_3.h5 track 00097
            # yes, with errorcode 0. maybe something crashed?
            errorcode = 99
            return errorcode
            info = MatlabAlgorithmInfo.from_h5pixnoise(pixnoise)
        except InputError:
            errorcode = 88
            return errorcode

        track.add_algorithm('matlab HT v1.5',
        return track

    def from_dth5(cls, pixnoise, g4track=None):
        Construct a Track object from one pixelsize/noise of an event in an
        HDF5 file.

        The format is that of files from DT_to_hdf5.m / write_DT_hdf5.m.

        # adapted from from_h5matlab()

            errorcode = int(pixnoise.attrs['errorcode'])
        except KeyError:
            # found this in HTbatch01_h5m/MultiAngle_HT_100_12.h5 track 127
            errorcode = 97
        if errorcode != 0:
            # for now, only accept tracks without errors
            return errorcode

        # see logbook p. 132 (2016-oct-11) for other error codes

        # since this is data directly from DT,
        #   we need to handle segmentation issues.
        if 'T1' in pixnoise.keys():
            # multiple tracks. not dealing with these.
            # assume real multiplicity events (multiple scattering) were
            #   already removed after the G4Track.
            errorcode = 2  # "Segmentation divided the track"
            return errorcode
        if 'T0' not in pixnoise.keys():
            # no track
            errorcode = 3  # "No segmented image to use"
            return errorcode

        # now, the track info.
        kwargs = {}
        kwargs['is_modeled'] = True
        kwargs['g4track'] = g4track

            data = pixnoise['T0']['img']
        except KeyError:
            errorcode = 76
            return errorcode
        img = np.zeros(data.shape)

            kwargs['pixel_size_um'] = float(pixnoise.attrs['pixel_size_um'])
            kwargs['noise_ev'] = int(pixnoise.attrs['noise_ev'])
            kwargs['energy_kev'] = float(pixnoise.attrs['E'])
            pix_thresh = int(pixnoise.attrs['pixel_threshold'])
            seg_thresh_kev = float(pixnoise.attrs['segment_threshold'])
            edgeflag = pixnoise['T0'].attrs['edgeflag']
            kwargs['x_offset_pix'] = int(pixnoise['T0'].attrs['x'])
            kwargs['y_offset_pix'] = int(pixnoise['T0'].attrs['y'])
        except KeyError:
            # hypothetical
            errorcode = 78
            return errorcode

        # put extra info in the "label" attribute
        label_text = 'pix_thresh={}, seg_thresh_kev={}, edgeflag={}'.format(
            int(pix_thresh), float(seg_thresh_kev), int(edgeflag))
        kwargs['label'] = label_text

        track = Track(img, **kwargs)

        return track

    def from_pydict(cls, read_dict, pydict_to_pyobj=None):
        Initialize a Track object from the dictionary returned by

        if pydict_to_pyobj is None:
            pydict_to_pyobj = {}

        if id(read_dict) in pydict_to_pyobj:
            return pydict_to_pyobj[id(read_dict)]

        other_attrs = ('image', 'algorithms')
        all_attrs = other_attrs + cls.attr_list

        kwargs = {}
        # keep algorithms in a separate dict because they do not go in __init__
        algorithms = {}
        for attr in all_attrs:
            if attr == 'g4track' and read_dict.get(attr) is not None:
                kwargs[attr] = G4Track.from_pydict(
                    read_dict[attr], pydict_to_pyobj=pydict_to_pyobj)
                # if g4track *is* None, then it gets assigned in "else" below
            elif attr == 'algorithms':
                if read_dict.get(attr) is not None:
                    for key, val in read_dict[attr].iteritems():
                        algorithms[key] = AlgorithmOutput.from_pydict(
                # else, algorithms is still {} as it should be
                kwargs[attr] = read_dict.get(attr)
            # read_dict.get() defaults to None, although this actually
            #   shouldn't be needed since read_object_from_hdf5 adds Nones

        image = kwargs.pop('image')
        constructed_object = cls(image, **kwargs)
        for key, algoutput in algorithms.iteritems():
            alpha = algoutput.alpha_deg
            beta = algoutput.beta_deg
            info =
            constructed_object.add_algorithm(key, alpha, beta, info)

        # add entry to pydict_to_pyobj
        pydict_to_pyobj[id(read_dict)] = constructed_object

        return constructed_object

    def from_hdf5(cls, h5group, h5_to_pydict=None, pydict_to_pyobj=None):
        Initialize a Track instance from an HDF5 group.

        if h5_to_pydict is None:
            h5_to_pydict = {}
        if pydict_to_pyobj is None:
            pydict_to_pyobj = {}

        read_dict = trackio.read_object_from_hdf5(h5group,

        constructed_object = cls.from_pydict(read_dict,

        return constructed_object

    def generate_random(cls,
                        size=(10, 10),
        Generate a random image. is_modeled = True.

        size: 2x1 tuple indicating dimensions of image
        alg_name: if this is a string, generate a random alpha and beta and
          assign as algorithm results to this alg_name.
          The distribution of dalpha and dbeta are controlled by
          a_fwhm, a_f, b_rms, b_f, as in evaluation.generate_random_alg_results

        img = np.random.random(size=size)
        a0 = np.random.uniform(-180.0, 180.0)
        b0 = np.random.uniform(-90.0, 90.0)
        g4t = G4Track(alpha_deg=a0, beta_deg=b0)
        t = Track(img, is_modeled=True, g4track=g4t)

        if alg_name is not None and isinstance(alg_name, str):
            # alpha
            if np.random.random() < a_f:
                a1 = a0 + np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=(a_fwhm) / 2.355)
                a1 = np.random.uniform(-180.0, 180.0)

            # beta
            if np.random.random() < b_f:
                b1 = b0 + np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=b_rms)
                if b1 < 0:
                    b1 = 0
                elif b1 > 90:
                    b1 = 89.9
                b1 = 0

            t.add_algorithm(alg_name, a1, b1)

        return t

    def add_algorithm(self, alg_name, alpha_deg, beta_deg, info=None):

        if alg_name in self.algorithms:
            raise InputError(alg_name + " already in algorithms")
        self.algorithms[alg_name] = AlgorithmOutput(alg_name,

    def list_algorithms(self):
        List AlgorithmOutput objects attached to this track.

        Like dict.keys()

        return self.algorithms.keys()

    def keys(self):
        Allow dictionary-like behavior on Track object for its attached

        return self.list_algorithms()

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        # Map dictionary lookup to algorithms dictionary.
        return self.algorithms[key]

    def __contains__(self, item):
        # Map dictionary lookup to algorithms dictionary.
        return item in self.algorithms
Esempio n. 9
class G4Track(object):
    Electron track from Geant4.

    __version__ = '0.2'
    class_name = 'G4Track'
    data_format = dataformats.get_format(class_name)

    # a lot more attributes could be added here...
    attr_list = (

    def __init__(self, matrix=None, **kwargs):
        Construct G4Track object.

        If matrix is supplied and other quantities are not, then the other
        quantities will be calculated using the matrix (not implemented yet).

          (see attr_list class variable)

        self.matrix = matrix

        for attr in self.attr_list:
            if attr in kwargs:
                setattr(self, attr, kwargs[attr])
                setattr(self, attr, None)

        if matrix is not None and ('x' not in kwargs or 'dE' not in kwargs
                                   or 'energy_tot_kev' not in kwargs
                                   or 'energy_dep_kev' not in kwargs
                                   or 'energy_esc_kev' not in kwargs
                                   or 'depth_um' not in kwargs
                                   or 'is_contained' not in kwargs):
            # self.measure_quantities()

    def from_h5matlab(cls, evt):
        Construct a G4Track instance from an event in an HDF5 file.

        The format of the HDF5 file is 'matlab', a.k.a. the more complete mess
        that Brian made in December 2015.

        if evt.attrs['multiplicity'] > 1:
            # at this time, I am not handling multiple-scattered photons
            return None

        data = evt['trackM']
        matrix = np.zeros(data.shape)
        matrix = np.array(matrix)

        cheat = evt['cheat']['0']

            # h5 attributes
            kwargs = {
                'energy_tot_kev': float(cheat.attrs['Etot']),
                'energy_dep_kev': float(cheat.attrs['Edep']),
                'energy_esc_kev': float(evt.attrs['Eesc']),
                'energy_xray_kev': float(cheat.attrs['Exray']),
                'energy_brems_kev': float(cheat.attrs['Ebrems']),
                'x0': cheat.attrs['x0'],
                'first_step_vector': cheat.attrs['firstStepVector'],
                'alpha_deg': float(cheat.attrs['alpha']),
                'beta_deg': float(cheat.attrs['beta'])
        except KeyError:
            # found this in HTbatch01_h5m/MultiAngle_100_6.h5 track 117
            print('Unexpected missing attributes in ' + + '!')
            return None

            # h5 datasets
            data = cheat['x']
            x = np.zeros(data.shape)
            kwargs['x'] = x

            data = cheat['dE']
            dE = np.zeros(data.shape)
            kwargs['dE'] = dE
        except KeyError:
            # hypothetical
            print('Unexpected missing dataset in ' + + '!')
            return None

        g4track = G4Track(matrix=matrix, **kwargs)
        return g4track

    def from_dth5(cls, evt):
        Construct a G4Track instance from an event in an HDF5 file.

        The format is that of files from DT_to_hdf5.m / write_DT_hdf5.m.
        evt is the h5py group corresponding to an event.

        # G4Track comes from the 'cheat' subgroup, which is unchanged from
        #   h5matlab.
        return cls.from_h5matlab(evt)

    def from_pydict(cls, read_dict, pydict_to_pyobj=None):
        Initialize a G4Track object from the dictionary returned by

        if pydict_to_pyobj is None:
            pydict_to_pyobj = {}

        if id(read_dict) in pydict_to_pyobj:
            return pydict_to_pyobj[id(read_dict)]

        other_attrs = ('matrix', )
        all_attrs = other_attrs + cls.attr_list

        kwargs = {}
        for attr in all_attrs:
            kwargs[attr] = read_dict.get(attr)
            # read_dict.get() defaults to None, although this actually
            #   shouldn't be needed since read_object_from_hdf5 adds Nones
        constructed_object = cls(**kwargs)

        # add entry to pydict_to_pyobj
        pydict_to_pyobj[id(read_dict)] = constructed_object

        return constructed_object

    def from_hdf5(cls, h5group, h5_to_pydict=None, pydict_to_pyobj=None):
        Initialize a G4Track instance from an HDF5 group.

        if h5_to_pydict is None:
            h5_to_pydict = {}
        if pydict_to_pyobj is None:
            pydict_to_pyobj = {}

        read_dict = trackio.read_object_from_hdf5(h5group,

        constructed_object = cls.from_pydict(read_dict,

        return constructed_object

    def measure_quantities(self):
        Measure the following using the Geant4 matrix.


        # TODO
        raise NotImplementedError("haven't written this yet")

        if self.matrix is None:
            raise DataError('measure_quantities needs a geant4 matrix')
Esempio n. 10
class Classifier(object):
    Object to handle auto classifying (ground truth) a Monte Carlo track

    class_name = 'Classifier'
    data_format = df.get_format(class_name)

    def __init__(self, g4track, suppress_check=False):
        assert isinstance(g4track, G4Track), "Not a G4Track object"
        assert g4track.x.shape[0] == 3, "x has funny shape"
        self.x = np.copy(g4track.x)
        self.E = np.copy(g4track.dE.flatten())
        self.g4track = g4track

        # avoid IO errors in case of only mc_classify and not end_classify
        # or for errors in test_moments.classifierlist_from_tracklist

        self.scatterlen_um = None
        self.overlapdist_um = None
        self.scatter_type = None
        self.use2d_angle = None
        self.use2d_dist = None
        self.angle_threshold_deg = None
        self.escaped = None
        self.early_scatter = None
        self.total_scatter_angle = None
        self.overlap = None

        self.wrong_end = None
        self.n_ends = None
        self.max_end_energy = None
        self.min_end_energy = None

        self.error = None

    def from_hdf5(cls, h5group, h5_to_pydict=None, pydict_to_pyobj=None,
        Initialize a Classifier object from an HDF5 group.

        if h5_to_pydict is None:
            h5_to_pydict = {}
        if pydict_to_pyobj is None:
            pydict_to_pyobj = {}

        read_dict = trackio.read_object_from_hdf5(
            h5group, h5_to_pydict=h5_to_pydict)

        constructed_object = cls.from_pydict(
            read_dict, pydict_to_pyobj=pydict_to_pyobj,

        return constructed_object

    def from_pydict(cls, read_dict, pydict_to_pyobj=None, reconstruct=False):
        Initialize a Classifier object from a pydict.

        if pydict_to_pyobj is None:
            pydict_to_pyobj = {}

        if id(read_dict) in pydict_to_pyobj:
            return pydict_to_pyobj[id(read_dict)]

        # first, reconstruct g4track (if needed)
        if isinstance(read_dict['g4track'], G4Track):
            # g4track is already a G4Track object (not sure how)
            g4track = read_dict['g4track']
        elif (isinstance(read_dict['g4track'], dict) and
                id(read_dict['g4track']) in pydict_to_pyobj):
            # g4track is in the pydict table
            g4track = pydict_to_pyobj[id(read_dict['g4track'])]
        elif isinstance(read_dict['g4track'], dict):
            # g4track not in the pydict table. create and add it
            g4track = G4Track.from_pydict(
                read_dict['g4track'], pydict_to_pyobj=pydict_to_pyobj)
            pydict_to_pyobj[id(read_dict['g4track'])] = g4track
            raise Exception("Unexpected or missing 'g4track' in Classifier")

        new_obj = cls(g4track)

        # add entry to pydict_to_pyobj
        pydict_to_pyobj[id(read_dict)] = new_obj

        # fill in outputs
        if read_dict['error'] is not None:
            new_obj.error = read_dict['error']
        if read_dict['scatterlen_um'] is not None:
            # mc_classify ran
            new_obj.scatterlen_um = read_dict['scatterlen_um']
            new_obj.overlapdist_um = read_dict['overlapdist_um']
            new_obj.escaped = read_dict['escaped']
            new_obj.scatter_type = read_dict['scatter_type']
            new_obj.use2d_angle = read_dict['use2d_angle']
            new_obj.use2d_dist = read_dict['use2d_dist']
            new_obj.angle_threshold_deg = read_dict['angle_threshold_deg']
        if read_dict['early_scatter'] is not None:
            # no TrackTooShortError
            new_obj.early_scatter = read_dict['early_scatter']
            new_obj.total_scatter_angle = read_dict['total_scatter_angle']
            new_obj.overlap = read_dict['overlap']
        if read_dict['wrong_end'] is not None:
            # end_classify ran
            new_obj.wrong_end = read_dict['wrong_end']
            new_obj.n_ends = read_dict['n_ends']
            new_obj.max_end_energy = read_dict['max_end_energy']
            new_obj.min_end_energy = read_dict['min_end_energy']

        if reconstruct:
                'Reconstructing Classifier.end_classify() not implemented yet')

        return new_obj

    def mc_classify(self, scatterlen_um=25, overlapdist_um=40, verbose=False):
        Classify the Monte Carlo track as either:
          early scatter 'scatter',
          overlapping the initial end 'overlap',
          or no result, None.

        Optional input args:
          scatterlen_um: length from initial end, in um, to look for
            high-angle scatter. (default 50 um)
          overlapdist_um: if points are

        self.scatterlen_um = scatterlen_um
        self.overlapdist_um = overlapdist_um




    def end_classify(self, track, mom=None, HT=None):
        Look at the end segment selection algorithm results, and classify.

        self.get_end_info(track, mom=mom, HT=HT)
        self.check_wrong_end(track, mom=mom, HT=HT)

    def get_end_info(self, track, mom=None, HT=None):
        Record number of ends, minimum end energy (this is the chosen end),
        maximum end energy (may indicate escape).

        if mom is not None:
            ends_energy =
        elif HT is not None:
            ends_energy =

        self.n_ends = len(ends_energy)
        if self.n_ends == 0:
            raise NoEnds('Cannot get max and min end energy')
        self.max_end_energy = np.max(ends_energy)
        self.min_end_energy = np.min(ends_energy)

    def check_wrong_end(self, track, mom=None, HT=None, maxdist=3):
        See if the algorithm's end segment was correct or not.

        if mom is None and HT is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Requires either a moments object or a HybridTrack object')

        g4xfull, g4yfull = tp.get_image_xy(track)
        g4x, g4y = g4xfull[0], g4yfull[0]

        # could throw an AttributeError if there were errors in the algorithm
        if mom:
            algx, algy = mom.start_coordinates
        elif HT:
            algx, algy = HT.start_coordinates
            raise ValueError('bad value in moments or HybridTrack object')

        dist = np.sqrt((algx - g4x)**2 + (algy - g4y)**2)
        self.end_distance = dist
        if dist > maxdist:
            self.wrong_end = True
            self.wrong_end = False

        self.g4xy = g4x, g4y
        self.algxy = algx, algy

    def check_escape(self):
        Check the Etot and Edep to see if track escaped. (>2 keV difference)
        Unfortunately the g4track.is_contained flag is None in this dataset.

        energy_diff_kev = (
            self.g4track.energy_tot_kev - self.g4track.energy_dep_kev)
        self.escaped = (energy_diff_kev > 2.0)

    def flag_newparticle(self):
        Look for particle transitions - jumping to a new electron ID in Geant4.

        Marked by >1.5um step.

        if not hasattr(self, 'd'):
            self.dx = self.x[:, 1:] - self.x[:, :-1]
            self.d = np.linalg.norm(self.dx, axis=0)

        self.dx_newparticle_flag = (self.d > BIG_STEP_UM * 1.5)

    def check_early_scatter(self, v=False, scatter_type='total',
                            use2d_angle=True, use2d_dist=True,
        look for a >30 degree direction change within the first scatterlen_um
        of track.

        v: verbosity (True: print "Early scatter!")
          'total': compare direction at end of segment, to beginning of segment
          'discrete': look for a single scattering of more than angle
        angle_threshold_deg: threshold angle. scattering through more than
          this angle is flagged.
        use2d_angle: flag for looking at the scatter angle in the 2D plane
        use2d_dist: flag for measuring scatterlen along the track projection

        angle_threshold_rad = np.float(angle_threshold_deg) / 180 * np.pi
        angle_threshold_cos = np.cos(angle_threshold_rad)

        self.scatter_type = scatter_type
        self.use2d_angle = use2d_angle
        self.use2d_dist = use2d_dist
        self.angle_threshold_deg = angle_threshold_deg

        # use only every other point, so as to bypass the zigzag issue.
        # x2: positions (every other point)
        self.x2 = self.x[:, ::2]
        # dx2: delta-position between each entry in x2
        self.dx2 = self.x2[:, 1:] - self.x2[:, :-1]

        # integrate the path length, either in 2D or 3D, to determine cutoff
        #   for scatterlen
        # d2: dx2 integrated to get path length
        # d2_2d: dx2 integrated to get path length, in 2D
        if use2d_dist:
            self.d2_2d = np.linalg.norm(self.dx2[:2, :], axis=0)
            integrated_dist = np.cumsum(self.d2_2d)
            self.d2 = np.linalg.norm(self.dx2, axis=0)
            integrated_dist = np.cumsum(self.d2)
        # ind2: the index where path length (2D or 3D) exceeds scatterlen
        # short tracks raise an IndexError here
            ind2 = np.nonzero(integrated_dist >= self.scatterlen_um)[0][0] - 1
        except IndexError:
            raise TrackTooShortError()

        # trim x2 and dx2
        self.x2 = self.x2[:, :ind2]
        self.dx2 = self.dx2[:, :ind2]

        # dx2norm: unit vectors of dx2
        self.dx2norm = self.normalize_steps(self.dx2)
        # ddir2: dot product of consecutive dx2norm's. =cos(theta)
        self.ddir2 = np.sum(
            self.dx2norm[:, 1:] * self.dx2norm[:, :-1], axis=0)

        # dx2norm_2d: 2D unit vectors of dx2
        self.dx2norm_2d = self.dx2[:2, :] / np.linalg.norm(
            self.dx2[:2, :], axis=0)
        # ddir2_2d: dot product of consecutive dx2norm_2d's. =cos(theta)
        self.ddir2_2d = np.sum(
            self.dx2norm_2d[:, 1:] * self.dx2norm_2d[:, :-1], axis=0)

        # for discrete scatters, look for large angles in dx2norm or dx2norm_2d
        # for total scatter angle, dot the unit vector with the initial
        #   direction
        if scatter_type.lower() == 'total':
            # ddir: the unit vector at each step,
            #   dotted with the initial unit vector, to get angle of deviation
            # take the maximum from along scatterlen
            if use2d_angle:
                ddir = np.array([
                    np.sum(self.dx2norm_2d[:, 0] * self.dx2norm_2d[:, i])
                    for i in xrange(1, self.dx2norm_2d.shape[1])])
                ddir = np.array([
                    np.sum(self.dx2norm[:, 0] * self.dx2norm[:, i])
                    for i in xrange(1, self.dx2norm.shape[1])])
            self.early_scatter = (np.min(ddir) < angle_threshold_cos)
            self.total_scatter_angle = np.arccos(np.min(ddir))
        elif scatter_type.lower() == 'discrete':
            if use2d_angle:
                self.early_scatter = np.any(self.ddir2 < angle_threshold_cos)
                self.early_scatter = np.any(self.ddir2 < angle_threshold_cos)
            raise ValueError(
                'scatter_type {} not recognized!'.format(scatter_type))

        if self.early_scatter and v:
            print('Early scatter!')

    def check_overlap(self):
        look for a section of track overlapping with the initial scatterlen_um
        of track.

        self.overlap = False    # until shown otherwise
        self.scatterlen_steps = self.scatterlen_um / BIG_STEP_UM * 2

        # see which points are within overlapdist_um of these points
        # distance matrix: distance of all points from each of the first 50

        # arrays of dimensions (self.x.shape[1], self.numsteps)
        all_x, init_x = np.meshgrid(
            self.x[0, :self.scatterlen_steps], self.x[0, :])
        all_y, init_y = np.meshgrid(
            self.x[1, :self.scatterlen_steps], self.x[1, :])

        dist_matrix = (all_x - init_x)**2 + (all_y - init_y)**2
        dist_vector = np.min(dist_matrix, axis=1)

        # don't bother with sqrt
        dist_threshold = self.overlapdist_um**2
        too_close = (dist_vector < dist_threshold) + 0  # as an int

        # the initial segment, and some points after it, are obviously
        # going to be too close.

        # first try: if at least overlapdist of consecutive points are
        # too_close, then classify the track as overlapping
        #   i.e. at least overlapdist consecutive points are within overlapdist
        #   of the initial scatterlen segment.

        # look for transitions from too_close to not too_close, and back
        dclose = too_close[1:] - too_close[:-1]

        # get indices of transitions.
        # ignore first transition away from initial segment
        going_out = np.nonzero(dclose == -1)[0]    # too_close to not too_close
        going_out = going_out[1:]
        going_in = np.nonzero(dclose == 1)[0]      # not too_close to too_close

        # get the lengths of too_close segments
        segment_len_threshold = self.overlapdist_um / BIG_STEP_UM * 2
        for i, in_ind in enumerate(going_in):
                out_ind = going_out[i]
            except IndexError:
                out_ind = len(dclose)
            if out_ind - in_ind > segment_len_threshold:
                self.overlap = True

    def normalize_steps(self, dx, d=None):
        normalize steps into unit vectors
        dx.shape should be (3, n)

        assert dx.shape[0] == 3, "dx has funny shape in normalize_steps"
        if d is None:
            d = np.linalg.norm(dx, axis=0)

        norm_dx = dx / d
        return norm_dx

    def round_steplength(self, d):
        round to nearest half-big-step (nearest 0.5 um)
        return np.round(d / (BIG_STEP_UM / 2)) * (BIG_STEP_UM / 2)
Esempio n. 11
class MomentsReconstruction(object):

    class_name = 'MomentsReconstruction'
    data_format = df.get_format(class_name)

    def __init__(self,
        Init: Load options only

        self.original_image_kev = original_image_kev
        self.pixel_size_um = pixel_size_um
        self.options = hybridtrack.ReconstructionOptions(pixel_size_um)
        # increase walking distance from 4 pixels to 6 pixels - for now
        # hybridtrack default: 40 um
        # initial testing before 6/21/16: 63 um
        self.starting_distance_um = starting_distance_um
        self.options.ridge_starting_distance_from_track_end_um = (
            starting_distance_um) = hybridtrack.ReconstructionInfo()

        # for writing to file - these attributes must exist
        self.edge_pixel_count = None
        self.edge_pixel_segments = None
        self.phi = None
        self.R = None
        self.alpha = None
        self.x0 = None
        self.error = None

    def from_hdf5(cls,
        Initialize a MomentsReconstruction object from an HDF5 group.

        if h5_to_pydict is None:
            h5_to_pydict = {}
        if pydict_to_pyobj is None:
            pydict_to_pyobj = {}

        read_dict = trackio.read_object_from_hdf5(h5group,

        constructed_object = cls.from_pydict(read_dict,

        return constructed_object

    def from_pydict(cls, read_dict, pydict_to_pyobj=None, reconstruct=False):
        Initialize a MomentsReconstruction object from a pydict.

        if pydict_to_pyobj is None:
            pydict_to_pyobj = {}

        if id(read_dict) in pydict_to_pyobj:
            return pydict_to_pyobj[id(read_dict)]

        new_obj = cls(read_dict['original_image_kev'],
        # fill in outputs
        new_obj.error = read_dict['error']
        if read_dict['ends_energy'] is not None:
            # (actually required by the data_formats class)
            new_obj.ends_energy = read_dict['ends_energy']
            new_obj.rough_est = read_dict['rough_est']
            new_obj.box_x = read_dict['box_x']
            new_obj.box_y = read_dict['box_y']
        if read_dict['edge_pixel_count'] is not None:
            # successfully got a segment image
            new_obj.edge_pixel_count = read_dict['edge_pixel_count']
            new_obj.edge_pixel_segments = read_dict['edge_pixel_segments']
        if read_dict['alpha'] is not None:
            # actually, even if calculation is pathological, these are np.nan
            # so they still get assigned.
            new_obj.phi = read_dict['phi']
            new_obj.R = read_dict['R']
            new_obj.alpha = read_dict['alpha']
            new_obj.x0 = read_dict['x0']

        # add entry to pydict_to_pyobj
        pydict_to_pyobj[id(read_dict)] = new_obj

        if reconstruct:

        return new_obj

    def reconstruct(self):

        hybridtrack.choose_initial_end(self.original_image_kev, self.options,

            # get a sub-image containing the initial end
            # also need a rough estimate of the electron direction
            #   (using thinned)
        except CheckSegmentBoxError:
            self.error = 'CheckSegmentBoxError'
        except RuntimeError:
            self.error = 'what the heck happened?'

        # 1.
        # 2ab.
        # 3ab.
        except MomentsError:
            self.error = 'Rotation angle conditions not met'
        #  4.



    def from_end_segment(cls, end_segment_image, rough_est):
        Run the moments on a (handpicked) track section.

        mom = cls(None)
        mom.end_segment_image = end_segment_image
        mom.rough_est = rough_est


        return mom

    def reconstruct_arc(cls, clist, rough_est):
        Run the moments on a CoordinatesList object, e.g. from generate_arc().

        Need to also provide a rough_est

        mom = cls(None)
        mom.clist0 = clist
        mom.rough_est = rough_est


        return mom

    def get_segment_initial_values(self):
        Get start_coordinates, end_coordinates, and rough_est for segmenting.

        # copied from hybridtrack.get_starting_point()
        self.ends_energy =
        min_index = self.ends_energy.argmin()
        self.end_energy = self.ends_energy[min_index]
        self.start_coordinates =[min_index]
        # start_coordinates are the end (extremity) of the thinned track

        self.end_coordinates =
        # end_coordinates are after walking up the track 40 um

        # angle from start to end
        dcoord = self.end_coordinates - self.start_coordinates
        self.rough_est = np.arctan2(dcoord[1], dcoord[0])

    def get_segment_box(self):
        Get the x,y coordinates of the box containing the initial segment.

        segwid = 10  # pixels
        seglen = 11  # pixels

        mod = self.rough_est % (np.pi / 2)
        if mod < np.pi / 6 or mod > np.pi / 3:
            # close enough to orthogonal
            general_dir = np.round(self.rough_est / (np.pi / 2)) * (np.pi / 2)
            self.is45 = False
            # use a diagonal box (aligned to 45 degrees)
            general_dir = np.round(self.rough_est / (np.pi / 4)) * (np.pi / 4)
            self.is45 = True

        # make box and rotate
        box_dx = np.array([0, -seglen, -seglen, 0, 0])
        box_dy = np.array(
            [-segwid / 2, -segwid / 2, segwid / 2, segwid / 2, -segwid / 2])
        box_dx_rot = (np.round(box_dx * np.cos(general_dir)) -
                      np.round(box_dy * np.sin(general_dir))).astype(int)
        box_dy_rot = (np.round(box_dx * np.sin(general_dir)) +
                      np.round(box_dy * np.cos(general_dir))).astype(int)
        self.box_x = self.end_coordinates[0] + box_dx_rot
        self.box_y = self.end_coordinates[1] + box_dy_rot

    def check_segment_box(self):
        Check whether the box intersects too many hot pixels.
        That would indicate that we should draw a new box.

        problem_length = 60  # microns

        # xmesh, ymesh get used in get_pixlist, also. so save into self.
        img_shape = self.original_image_kev.shape
        self.xmesh, self.ymesh = np.meshgrid(range(img_shape[0]),
        # get the pixels along the line segment that passes through the track,
        #   by walking along from one endpoint toward the other.
        xcheck = [self.box_x[-2]]
        ycheck = [self.box_y[-2]]
        dx = np.sign(self.box_x[-1] - self.box_x[-2])
        dy = np.sign(self.box_y[-1] - self.box_y[-2])
        while xcheck[-1] != self.box_x[-1] or ycheck[-1] != self.box_y[-1]:
            xcheck.append(xcheck[-1] + dx)
            ycheck.append(ycheck[-1] + dy)
        xcheck = np.array(xcheck)
        ycheck = np.array(ycheck)
        lgbad = ((xcheck < 0) | (xcheck >= self.original_image_kev.shape[0]) |
                 (ycheck < 0) | (ycheck >= self.original_image_kev.shape[1]))
        xcheck = xcheck[np.logical_not(lgbad)]
        ycheck = ycheck[np.logical_not(lgbad)]

        # threshold from HybridTrack options
        low_threshold_kev = self.options.low_threshold_kev

        # see what pixels are over the threshold.
        over_thresh = np.array([
            self.original_image_kev[xcheck[i], ycheck[i]] > low_threshold_kev
            for i in xrange(len(xcheck))
        # in order to avoid counting pixels from a separate segment,
        #   start from end_coordinates and count outward until you hit a 0.
        over_thresh_pix = 1
        start_ind = np.nonzero((xcheck == self.end_coordinates[0])
                               & (ycheck == self.end_coordinates[1]))[0][0]
        # +dx, +dy side (start_ind+1 --> end):
        for i in xrange(start_ind + 1, len(xcheck), 1):
            if over_thresh[i]:
                over_thresh_pix += 1
        # -dx, -dy side (start_ind-1 --> 0):
        for i in xrange(start_ind - 1, -1, -1):
            if over_thresh[i]:
                over_thresh_pix += 1

        over_thresh_length = (over_thresh_pix * self.options.pixel_size_um *
                              np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2))

        if over_thresh_length > problem_length:
            # have we done this too much already?
            if self.options.ridge_starting_distance_from_track_end_um < 30:
                raise CheckSegmentBoxError("Couldn't get a clean end segment")

            # try again, with a shorter track segment
            self.options.ridge_starting_distance_from_track_end_um -= 10.5
            # now, repeat what we've done so far
            # recurse until ridge_starting_dist... < 30

    def get_pixlist(self):
        get list of pixels that are inside the box (and within image bounds)

        # logical array representing pixels in the segment
        if not self.is45:
            segment_lg = ((self.xmesh >= np.min(self.box_x)) &
                          (self.xmesh <= np.max(self.box_x)) &
                          (self.ymesh >= np.min(self.box_y)) &
                          (self.ymesh <= np.max(self.box_y)))
            # need to compose the lines which form bounding box
            pairs = ((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 0))
            m = np.zeros(4)
            b = np.zeros(4)
            for i in xrange(len(pairs)):
                # generate the m, b for y = mx+b for line connecting this
                #   pair of points
                m[i] = ((self.box_y[pairs[i][1]] - self.box_y[pairs[i][0]]) /
                        (self.box_x[pairs[i][1]] - self.box_x[pairs[i][0]]))
                b[i] = self.box_y[pairs[i][0]] - m[i] * self.box_x[pairs[i][0]]
            # m should be alternating sign... (this is for testing)
            assert m[0] * m[1] == -1
            assert m[1] * m[2] == -1
            assert m[2] * m[3] == -1
            assert m[3] * m[0] == -1
            min_ind = np.zeros(2)
            max_ind = np.zeros(2)
            if b[0] < b[2]:
                min_ind[0] = 0
                max_ind[0] = 2
                min_ind[0] = 2
                max_ind[0] = 0
            if b[1] < b[3]:
                min_ind[1] = 1
                max_ind[1] = 3
                min_ind[1] = 3
                max_ind[1] = 1
            segment_lg = (
                (self.ymesh >= m[min_ind[0]] * self.xmesh + b[min_ind[0]]) &
                (self.ymesh >= m[min_ind[1]] * self.xmesh + b[min_ind[1]]) &
                (self.ymesh <= m[max_ind[0]] * self.xmesh + b[max_ind[0]]) &
                (self.ymesh <= m[max_ind[1]] * self.xmesh + b[max_ind[1]]))

        xpix = self.xmesh[segment_lg]
        ypix = self.ymesh[segment_lg]

        self.xpix = xpix
        self.ypix = ypix
        self.segment_lg = segment_lg

    def get_segment_image(self):
        Produce the actual segment image using xpix and ypix

        # initialize segment image
        min_x = np.min(self.xpix)
        max_x = np.max(self.xpix)
        min_y = np.min(self.ypix)
        max_y = np.max(self.ypix)
        seg_img = np.zeros((max_x - min_x + 1, max_y - min_y + 1))

        # fill segment image
        for i in xrange(len(self.xpix)):
            xi = self.xpix[i] - min_x
            yi = self.ypix[i] - min_y
            seg_img[xi, yi] = self.original_image_kev[self.xpix[i],

        self.end_segment_image = seg_img
        self.end_segment_offsets = np.array([min_x, min_y])

    def separate_segments(self):
        Perform image segmentation on the "segment image", and remove any
        segments that aren't the right part of the track.

        # binary image
        binary_segment_image = (self.end_segment_image >
        # segmentation: labeled regions, 8-connectivity
        labels = morph.label(binary_segment_image, connectivity=2)
        x1 = self.end_coordinates[0] - self.end_segment_offsets[0]
        y1 = self.end_coordinates[1] - self.end_segment_offsets[1]
        x2 = self.start_coordinates[0] - self.end_segment_offsets[0]
        y2 = self.start_coordinates[1] - self.end_segment_offsets[1]
        chosen_label = labels[x1, y1]
        if labels[x2, y2] != chosen_label:
            # this happens with 4-connectivity. need to use 8-connectivity
            raise RuntimeError('What the heck happened?')
        binary_again = (labels == chosen_label)
        # dilate this region, in order to capture information below threshold
        #  (it won't include the other regions, because there must be a gap
        #   between)
        pix_to_keep = morph.binary_dilation(binary_again)
        self.end_segment_image[np.logical_not(pix_to_keep)] = 0

    def check_segment_indicators(self):
        Check the number of pixels above threshold along the edge of the
        segment image. Also measure number of separate segments of pixels
        along the edge of the segment image.
        x1 = self.end_segment_offsets[0]
        x2 = x1 + self.end_segment_image.shape[0]
        y1 = self.end_segment_offsets[1]
        y2 = y1 + self.end_segment_image.shape[1]
        segment_lg = self.segment_lg[x1:x2, y1:y2]  # in end segment coords
        edge_pixels = segment_lg - morph.binary_erosion(segment_lg)

        # edge_pixel_count and edge_pixel_segments
        edge_pixels_over_thresh_image = np.zeros_like(self.end_segment_image)
        edge_pixels_over_thresh_image[edge_pixels] = (
            self.end_segment_image[edge_pixels] >
        self.edge_pixel_count = np.sum(edge_pixels_over_thresh_image).astype(
        _, self.edge_pixel_segments = morph.label(
            edge_pixels_over_thresh_image, connectivity=2, return_num=True)

        # edge_avg_dist
        edge_values_image = np.zeros_like(self.end_segment_image)
        edge_values_image[edge_pixels] = self.end_segment_image[edge_pixels]
        max_edge_ind_flat = np.argmax(edge_values_image)
        max_coords = np.unravel_index(max_edge_ind_flat,
        # debug
        assert edge_values_image[max_coords[0],
                                 max_coords[1]] == np.max(edge_values_image)

        dist_sum = 0
        x, y = np.nonzero(edge_pixels)
        for i in xrange(len(x)):
            dist_sum += (self.end_segment_image[x[i], y[i]] *
                         np.sqrt((max_coords[0] - x[i])**2 +
                                 (max_coords[1] - y[i])**2))
        self.edge_avg_dist = dist_sum / np.sum(edge_values_image)

    def segment_initial_end(self):
        Get the image segment to use for moments, and the rough direction

        Calls get_segment_box(), get_pixlist(), get_segment_image().


        def end_segment_coords_to_full_image_coords(xy):
            Convert x,y from the coordinate frame of the end segment image
            to the coordinate frame of the full image
            x, y = xy_split(xy)
            return np.array([
                x + self.end_segment_offsets[0],
                y + self.end_segment_offsets[1]

        self.segment_to_full = end_segment_coords_to_full_image_coords

    def get_base_diagonal_pixlist(cls, diag_hw, diag_len):
        Get the diagonal pixel list for 45 degrees.
        (To be rotated to other angles)

        xlist = []
        ylist = []

        # major diagonals
        xy0 = np.array([0, 0])
        xy1 = np.array([diag_len, diag_len])
        for i in range(-diag_hw, diag_hw):
            offset = np.array([i, -i])
            xt, yt = cls.list_diagonal_pixels(xy0 + offset, xy1 + offset)
            xlist += xt
            ylist += yt

        # minor diagonals
        xy0 = np.array([0, 1])
        xy1 = np.array([diag_len - 1, diag_len])
        for i in range(-diag_hw + 1, diag_hw):
            offset = np.array([i, -i])
            xt, yt = cls.list_diagonal_pixels(xy0 + offset, xy1 + offset)
            xlist += xt
            ylist += yt

        return np.array(xlist), np.array(ylist)

    def list_diagonal_pixels(cls, xy0, xy1):
        Return xlist, ylist, which list all the pixels on the 45-degree
        diagonal between xy0 and xy1.

        dxy = [np.sign(xy1[0] - xy0[0]), np.sign(xy1[1] - xy0[1])]
        xlist = range(xy0[0], xy1[0], dxy[0])
        ylist = range(xy0[1], xy1[1], dxy[1])

        return xlist, ylist

    def get_coordlist(self):
        self.clist0 = CoordinatesList.from_image(self.end_segment_image)

    def compute_first_moments(self):
        self.first_moments = get_moments(self.clist0, maxmoment=1)

    def compute_central_moments(self):
        self.xoffset = self.first_moments[1, 0] / self.first_moments[0, 0]
        self.yoffset = self.first_moments[0, 1] / self.first_moments[0, 0]
        self.clist1 = CoordinatesList.from_clist(self.clist0,

        self.central_moments = get_moments(self.clist1, maxmoment=3)

        def central_coords_to_end_segment_coords(xy):
            Convert x,y from the coordinate frame of the central moments
            to the coordinate frame of the end segment image
            x, y = xy_split(xy)
            return np.array([x + self.xoffset, y + self.yoffset])

        self.central_to_segment = central_coords_to_end_segment_coords

        def central_coords_to_full_image_coords(xy):
            Convert x,y from the coordinate frame of the central moments
            to the coordinate frame of the end segment image
            return self.segment_to_full(self.central_to_segment(xy))

        self.central_to_full = central_coords_to_full_image_coords

    def compute_optimal_rotation_angle(self):
        numerator = 2 * self.central_moments[1, 1]
        denominator = self.central_moments[2, 0] - self.central_moments[0, 2]
        theta0 = 0.5 * np.arctan(numerator / denominator)
        # four possible quadrants
        theta = np.array([0, np.pi / 2, np.pi, 3 * np.pi / 2]) + theta0
        rotated_clists = [
            CoordinatesList.from_clist(self.clist1, rotation_rad=t)
            for t in theta
        rotated_moments = [
            get_moments(this_clist, maxmoment=3)
            for this_clist in rotated_clists
        # condition A: x-axis is longer than y-axis
        condA = np.array([m[2, 0] - m[0, 2] > 0 for m in rotated_moments])
        # condition B: direction of rough estimate
        dtheta = theta - self.rough_est
        dtheta[dtheta > np.pi] -= 2 * np.pi
        dtheta[dtheta < -np.pi] += 2 * np.pi
        condB = np.abs(dtheta) <= np.pi / 2
        # choose
        cond_both = condA & condB
        if not np.any(cond_both):
            raise MomentsError('Rotation quadrant conditions not met')
        elif np.sum(cond_both) > 1:
            # should throw out this event.
            # raise MomentsError(
            #     'Rotation quadrant conditions met more than once')
        chosen_ind = np.nonzero(cond_both)[0][0]  # 1st dim, 1st entry
        self.rotation_angle = theta[chosen_ind]
        self.clist2 = rotated_clists[chosen_ind]
        self.rotated_moments = rotated_moments[chosen_ind]

        def rotated_coords_to_central_coords(xy):
            Convert x,y from the coordinate frame of the rotated moments
            to the coordinate frame of the central moments
            x, y = xy_split(xy)
            t = self.rotation_angle
            # rotate "forward" because CoordList rotates "backward"
            x1 = x * np.cos(t) - y * np.sin(t)
            y1 = x * np.sin(t) + y * np.cos(t)
            return np.array([x1, y1])

        self.rotated_to_central = rotated_coords_to_central_coords

        def rotated_coords_to_end_segment_coords(xy):
            Convert x,y from the coordinate frame of the rotated moments
            to the coordinate frame of the end segment image.
            return self.central_to_segment(self.rotated_to_central(xy))

        self.rotated_to_segment = rotated_coords_to_end_segment_coords

        def rotated_coords_to_full_image_coords(xy):
            Convert x,y from the coordinate frame of the rotated moments
            to the coordinate frame of the full image.
            return self.segment_to_full(self.rotated_to_segment(xy))

        self.rotated_to_full = rotated_coords_to_full_image_coords

    def compute_arc_parameters(self):
        C_fit = -8.5467
        T = self.rotated_moments
        phi = C_fit * ((np.sqrt(T[0, 0]) * T[2, 1]) / (T[2, 0] - T[0, 2])**1.5)
        q1 = np.sqrt(2 - 2 * np.cos(phi) - phi * np.sin(phi))
        q2 = np.sqrt((T[2, 0] - T[0, 2]) / T[0, 0])
        q3 = np.sqrt(T[0, 0]**3 / (T[2, 0] - T[0, 2]))
        self.R = (phi / q1 * q2)
        self.Rphi = self.R * phi
        self.eta0 = (q1 / phi**2) * q3

        self.phi = phi
        self.arc_center = np.array([T[1, 0], T[0, 1]]) / T[0, 0]

    def compute_direction(self):
        self.alpha = self.phi / 2 + self.rotation_angle
        e_theta = np.array(
        e2 = np.array([
            np.cos(self.rotation_angle + np.pi / 2),
            np.sin(self.rotation_angle + np.pi / 2)
        q1 = self.R * np.sin(self.phi / 2) * e_theta
        # np.sinc is a NORMALIZED sinc function - sin(pi*x)/(pi*x)
        q2 = self.R * (np.cos(self.phi / 2) - np.sin(self.phi) / self.phi) * e2
        self.x0 = self.arc_center - q1 + q2

    def compute_pathology(self):
        # Test 1: The total arc-length should be longer than 3(?) pixels
        self.arclength = self.Rphi
        # Test 2: Radius should be much greater than arc-length
        # self.phi
        # Test 3: Certain moments are expected to ... be significantly smaller
        self.pathology_ratio_3a = (self.rotated_moments[1, 2] /
                                   self.rotated_moments[2, 1])
        self.pathology_ratio_3b = (self.rotated_moments[3, 0] /
                                   self.rotated_moments[0, 3])