Esempio n. 1
    def get(self):
        proj_handler = ProjectsHandler(self.request, self.response)
        projects = ProjectsHandler.get_project_list(proj_handler)
        result = []
        if projects:
            colors = ["event-important", "event-success", "event-warning", "event-info", "event-inverse", "event-special"]

            for proj in projects:
                color = colors[randint(0, len(colors)-1)]
                events = Event.query(ancestor=proj.key).fetch()
                if events:
                    for event in events:
                        json_event = {}
                        json_event['id'] = proj.key.urlsafe()
                        json_event['title'] = str(event.title)
                        json_event['url'] = '/projects/' + proj.key.urlsafe()
                        json_event['class'] = color
                        ''' Calendar.js sets date in utc format only, so i have to substract millisec of
                        2 hours [(60*60*2 = 7200)*1000] in order to be consistent with application time'''
                        json_event['start'] = str(int(time.mktime(event.start_time.timetuple()) * 1000) - 7200000)
                        json_event['end'] = str(int(time.mktime(event.end_time.timetuple()) * 1000) - 7200000)

        result = json.dumps(result)
        self.render_template("calendar.html", {'events_list': result})
Esempio n. 2
    def post(self):
        body = json.loads(self.request.body)'request body:')

        update_id = body['update_id']
        message = body['message']
        message_id = message.get('message_id')
        date = message.get('date')
        text = message.get('text')
        fr = message.get('from')
        chat = message['chat']
        chat_id = chat['id']

        if not text:
  'no text')

        def proxy_announce(msg=None):
            if (msg is not '' and msg is not None and msg is not ' '):
                resp = urllib2.urlopen(BASE_URL + 'sendMessage', urllib.urlencode({
                    'chat_id': -35532931,
                    'text': msg.encode('utf-8'),
                    'disable_web_page_preview': 'true',

        def broadcast(msg=None):
            resp = urllib2.urlopen(BASE_URL + 'sendMessage', urllib.urlencode({
                'chat_id': str(chat_id),
                'text': msg.encode('utf-8'),
                'disable_web_page_preview': 'true'

        def reply(msg=None, img=None):
            if msg:
                resp = urllib2.urlopen(BASE_URL + 'sendMessage', urllib.urlencode({
                    'chat_id': str(chat_id),
                    'text': msg.encode('utf-8'),
                    'disable_web_page_preview': 'true',
                    'reply_to_message_id': str(message_id),
            elif img:
                resp = multipart.post_multipart(BASE_URL + 'sendPhoto', [
                    ('chat_id', str(chat_id)),
                    ('reply_to_message_id', str(message_id)),
                ], [
                    ('photo', 'image.jpg', img),
                logging.error('No message or image specified')
                resp = None

  'send response:')

        if text.startswith('/'):

            # Bot-recognised commands
            if (text.lower() == '/start'):
                reply('Bot enabled')
                setEnabled(chat_id, True)

            elif (text.lower() == '/stop'):
                reply('Bot disabled')
                setEnabled(chat_id, False)

            # Help command
            elif (text.lower() == '/help'):
                help_msgs = ['/reg or /register - Registers your username into the system\n',
                            '/users - Displays all the registered users of the system\n',
                            '/bus - Shows you a list of bus stops and the arrival timings for the buses\n',
                            '/events - Shows you a list of current / upcoming events in Tembusu College']
                to_print_str = ''
                for each_msg in help_msgs:
                    to_print_str += each_msg

            ########## For registration related cases
            # To register a new user
            elif (text.lower() == '/register' or text.lower() == '/reg'):
                CONST_ERROR_ALR_REG = 0
                CONST_OPTION_REG_SUCCESS = 1

                CONST_RESPONSE = Register.signUp(fr['first_name'], fr['id'])
                if (CONST_RESPONSE == CONST_ERROR_ALR_REG):
                    reply('You are already registered!')
                    reply('Thank you ' + str(fr['first_name']) + ' for registering!')
                    reply('There was an error trying to register you. Please try again, or contact the admin.')

            # To check for users that have already registered
            elif (text.lower() == '/users' or text.lower() == '/user'):
                list_of_users = Register.getAllUsers()
            ########## End of registration related cases

            ########## For bus-related cases
            elif (text.lower() == '/bus'):
                bot_msg = 'Please select a bus stop:'
                bus_stops = ['/newtownsecsch', '/oppbuona']
                Keyboard.one_time_btn_keyboard(Utils.arrSeparator(bus_stops), chat_id, message_id, bot_msg)

            elif (text.lower() == '/newtownsecsch'):
                path = 'ltaodataservice/BusArrival?BusStopID=19051&SST=True'
                buses_at_stop = Bus.getBusNums(path, '19051', fr['id'])
                output_msg = 'Please select a bus:'
                Keyboard.one_time_btn_keyboard(Utils.arrSeparator(buses_at_stop), chat_id, message_id, output_msg)

            elif (text.lower() == '/oppbuona'):
                path = 'ltaodataservice/BusArrival?BusStopID=11369&SST=True'
                buses_at_stop = Bus.getBusNums(path, '11369', fr['id'])
                output_msg = 'Please select a bus:'
                Keyboard.one_time_btn_keyboard(Utils.arrSeparator(buses_at_stop), chat_id, message_id, output_msg)

            elif ('/bus' in text.lower()):
                CONST_ERROR_BUS_STOP_NAN = 0    # This error ID is if the bus stop number is NaN
                #CONST_ERROR_BUS_NUM_NAN = 2        # This error ID is if the bus number is NaN
                CONST_OPTION_GET_BUSES = 1  # This option ID is for getting a list of buses for a given bus stop
                CONST_OPTION_GET_BUS_TIMING = 3 # This option ID is for getting the bus arrival timing for a given bus at a given bus stop
                CONST_OPTION_GET_SHORTCUT = 4   # This option ID is for getting the bus timings for favourited buses

                option_id = Bus.busTextParser(text.lower())

                if (option_id == CONST_ERROR_BUS_STOP_NAN):
                    error_msg_reply = 'Please enter a bus stop NUMBER.'
                    Keyboard.norm_keyboard_reply(chat_id, message_id, error_msg_reply)

                # Removed because there may be bus numbers that contain alphabets, e.g. 70M
                #elif (option_id == CONST_ERROR_BUS_NUM_NAN):
                #   error_msg_reply = 'Please enter a bus NUMBER.'
                #   norm_keyboard_reply(error_msg_reply)
                #   return

                elif (option_id == CONST_OPTION_GET_SHORTCUT):
                    user_query = (User.query()).fetch()
                    for q in user_query:
                        if (q.user_id == fr['id']): # If this is the user we are looking for
                            bus_stop_num = q.user_bus_stop_reply    # Get the bus stop number this user is referring to
                            if (bus_stop_num != 0): # If there is an actual bus stop number, i.e. NOT 0
                                bus_num = text.lower().split(' ', 1)[1]
                                path = '/ltaodataservice/BusArrival?BusStopID=' + str(bus_stop_num) + '&ServiceNo=' + bus_num + '&SST=True'
                                bus_arr_timing_msg = Bus.getBusTiming(path) # Get the bus timing
                                Keyboard.norm_keyboard_reply(chat_id, message_id, bus_arr_timing_msg)
                                q.user_bus_stop_reply = 0   # Reset the user's bus stop that they are referring to, to 0
                                q.put() # Update the Datastore
                            else:   # If there is no actual bus stop number stored
                                Keyboard.norm_keyboard_reply(chat_id, message_id, 'Tembotsu does not know which bus stop you are referring to, check your bus timing again.')
                    # If the code reaches this point, this means that the user cannot be found in our datastore
                    # Prompt the user to register first before using
                    str_reply = 'I\'m sorry but I can\'t find you in our database! Please type /reg to register before using the rest of the bot!'
                    Keyboard.norm_keyboard_reply(chat_id, message_id, str_reply)

                elif (option_id == CONST_OPTION_GET_BUSES):
                    bus_stop_num = text.lower().split(' ')[1]
                    path = '/ltaodataservice/BusArrival?BusStopID=' + bus_stop_num + '&SST=True'
                    buses_at_stop = Bus.getBusNums(path, bus_stop_num, fr['id'])

                    if (len(buses_at_stop) == 0):   # If there are no buses at this bus stop
                        str_reply = 'There are no buses for bus stop number: ' + str(bus_stop_num)
                        Keyboard.norm_keyboard_reply(chat_id, message_id, str_reply)

                    else:   # If there are buses at this bus stop
                        output_msg = 'Please select a bus:'
                        Keyboard.one_time_btn_keyboard(Utils.arrSeparator(buses_at_stop), chat_id, message_id, output_msg)

                elif (option_id == CONST_OPTION_GET_BUS_TIMING):
                    bus_stop_num = text.lower().split(' ')[1]
                    bus_num = text.lower().split(' ')[2]
                    path = '/ltaodataservice/BusArrival?BusStopID=' + bus_stop_num + '&ServiceNo=' + bus_num + '&SST=True'
                    bus_arr_timing_msg = Bus.getBusTiming(path)
                    Keyboard.norm_keyboard_reply(chat_id, message_id, bus_arr_timing_msg)
            ########## End of bus-related cases

            ########## Start of Tembusu event-scraping cases
            elif (text.lower() == '/events'):
                str_reply = ''
                all_evts = (Event.query().order(Event.event_date)).fetch()

                # If there are any events to view
                if (len(all_evts) != 0):
                    str_reply += 'These are the current / upcoming events in Tembusu College:\n\n'
                    for q in all_evts:
                        str_reply += (q.event_name + '\n' + q.event_date + '\n' + q.event_link + '\n\n')
                    Keyboard.norm_keyboard_reply(chat_id, message_id, str_reply)
                # Else if there are no events to view
                    str_reply = 'There are currently no ongoing / upcoming events in Tembusu College.'
                    Keyboard.norm_keyboard_reply(chat_id, message_id, str_reply)
            ########## End of Tembusu event-scraping cases

            ########## Start of bot proxy announcement cases
            # If the first part of the text is '/a'
            elif (((text.lower()).split(" ", 1))[0] == '/a'):
                # If the ID belongs to Nelson
                if (fr['id'] == 22595307):
                    if ((len((text.lower()).split(" ", 1))) > 1):
                        to_announce = text.split(" ", 1)[1]
            ########## End of bot proxy announcement cases

                reply('Please enter a valid command. Type /help for more information.')