def calculate(self):
        """Calculates the nearest neighbor statistic."""

        #### Attribute Shortcuts ####
        ssdo = self.ssdo
        gaTable = ssdo.gaTable
        N = ssdo.numObs
        studyArea = self.studyArea
        ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84007), 0, N, 1)

        #### Create k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
        gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
        gaConcept = self.concept.lower()
        gaSearch.init_nearest(0.0, 1, gaConcept)
        neighDist = ARC._ss.NeighborDistances(gaTable, gaSearch)
        distances = NUM.empty((N,), float)

        #### Add All NN Distances ####
        for row in xrange(N):
            distances[row] = neighDist[row][-1][0]
        maxDist = distances.max()
        if ssdo.useChordal:
            hardMaxExtent = ARC._ss.get_max_gcs_distance(ssdo.spatialRef)
            if maxDist > hardMaxExtent:
                ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1609)
                raise SystemExit()
        #### Calculate Mean Nearest Neighbor Distance ####
        ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84007))
        observedMeanDist = distances.mean()

        #### Calculate Expected Mean Nearest Neighbor Distance ####
        expectedMeanDist = 1.0 / (2.0 * ((N / studyArea)**0.5))

        #### Calculate the Z-Score #### 
        standardError = 0.26136 / ((N**2.0 / studyArea)**0.5)

        #### Verify Results ####
        check1 = abs(expectedMeanDist) > 0.0
        check2 = abs(standardError) > 0.0
        if not (check1 and check2):
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 907)
            raise SystemExit()

        #### Calculate Statistic ####
        ratio = observedMeanDist / expectedMeanDist
        zScore = (observedMeanDist - expectedMeanDist) / standardError
        pVal = STATS.zProb(zScore, type = 2)

        #### Set Attributes ####
        self.nn = observedMeanDist
        self.en = expectedMeanDist
        self.ratio = ratio
        self.zn = zScore
        self.pVal = pVal
    def calculate(self):
        """Calculates the nearest neighbor statistic."""

        #### Attribute Shortcuts ####
        ssdo = self.ssdo
        gaTable = ssdo.gaTable
        N = ssdo.numObs
        studyArea = self.studyArea
        ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84007), 0, N, 1)

        #### Create k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
        gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
        gaConcept = self.concept.lower()
        gaSearch.init_nearest(0.0, 1, gaConcept)
        neighDist = ARC._ss.NeighborDistances(gaTable, gaSearch)
        distances = NUM.empty((N, ), float)

        #### Add All NN Distances ####
        for row in xrange(N):
            distances[row] = neighDist[row][-1][0]

        maxDist = distances.max()
        if ssdo.useChordal:
            hardMaxExtent = ARC._ss.get_max_gcs_distance(ssdo.spatialRef)
            if maxDist > hardMaxExtent:
                ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1609)
                raise SystemExit()

        #### Calculate Mean Nearest Neighbor Distance ####
        ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84007))
        observedMeanDist = distances.mean()

        #### Calculate Expected Mean Nearest Neighbor Distance ####
        expectedMeanDist = 1.0 / (2.0 * ((N / studyArea)**0.5))

        #### Calculate the Z-Score ####
        standardError = 0.26136 / ((N**2.0 / studyArea)**0.5)

        #### Verify Results ####
        check1 = abs(expectedMeanDist) > 0.0
        check2 = abs(standardError) > 0.0
        if not (check1 and check2):
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 907)
            raise SystemExit()

        #### Calculate Statistic ####
        ratio = observedMeanDist / expectedMeanDist
        zScore = (observedMeanDist - expectedMeanDist) / standardError
        pVal = STATS.zProb(zScore, type=2)

        #### Set Attributes ####
        self.nn = observedMeanDist
        self.en = expectedMeanDist
        self.ratio = ratio
        self.zn = zScore
        self.pVal = pVal
def knnDecision(ssdo):
    """If no peak autocorrelation distance is found, then return the average
    at which all features have a desired set of nearest neighbors.  This value
    is scaled to be larger than 3 and no larger than 30.  If computed value is
    larger than 1 standard distance, then return the standard distance

    ssdo (class): instance of Spatial Stats Data Object

    numNeighs = int(ssdo.numObs * .05)
    if numNeighs < minNumNeighsSet:
        numNeighs = minNumNeighsSet
    if numNeighs > maxNumNeighsSet:
        numNeighs = maxNumNeighsSet

    #### KNN Subject ####
    msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84463)
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", msg, 0, ssdo.numObs, 1)
    printOHSSubject(84463, addNewLine = False)

    #### Create k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaTable = ssdo.gaTable
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    gaSearch.init_nearest(0.0, numNeighs, 'euclidean')
    neighDist = ARC._ss.NeighborDistances(gaTable, gaSearch)
    N = len(gaTable)
    distances = NUM.empty((N, ), float)

    #### Find All Nearest Neighbor Distance ####
    for row in xrange(N):
        distances[row] = neighDist[row][-1][-1]

    #### Make Sure it is not Larger Than Standard Distance ####
    meanDist = distances.mean()
    if ssdo.useChordal:
        distValue = meanDist
        distanceStr = ssdo.distanceInfo.printDistance(distValue)
        msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84464).format(numNeighs, distanceStr)
        sd = UTILS.standardDistanceCutoff(ssdo.xyCoords)
        if meanDist > sd:
            distValue = sd
            distanceStr = ssdo.distanceInfo.printDistance(distValue)
            msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84465).format(distanceStr)
            distValue = meanDist
            distanceStr = ssdo.distanceInfo.printDistance(distValue)
            msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84464).format(numNeighs, distanceStr)

    #### KNN/STD Answer ####

    return distValue
Esempio n. 4
def knnDecision(ssdo):
    """If no peak autocorrelation distance is found, then return the average
    at which all features have a desired set of nearest neighbors.  This value
    is scaled to be larger than 3 and no larger than 30.  If computed value is
    larger than 1 standard distance, then return the standard distance

    ssdo (class): instance of Spatial Stats Data Object

    numNeighs = int(ssdo.numObs * .05)
    if numNeighs < minNumNeighsSet:
        numNeighs = minNumNeighsSet
    if numNeighs > maxNumNeighsSet:
        numNeighs = maxNumNeighsSet

    #### KNN Subject ####
    msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84463)
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", msg, 0, ssdo.numObs, 1)
    printOHSSubject(84463, addNewLine=False)

    #### Create k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaTable = ssdo.gaTable
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    gaSearch.init_nearest(0.0, numNeighs, 'euclidean')
    neighDist = ARC._ss.NeighborDistances(gaTable, gaSearch)
    N = len(gaTable)
    distances = NUM.empty((N, ), float)

    #### Find All Nearest Neighbor Distance ####
    for row in xrange(N):
        distances[row] = neighDist[row][-1][-1]

    #### Make Sure it is not Larger Than Standard Distance ####
    meanDist = distances.mean()
    if ssdo.useChordal:
        distValue = meanDist
        distanceStr = ssdo.distanceInfo.printDistance(distValue)
        msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84464).format(numNeighs, distanceStr)
        sd = UTILS.standardDistanceCutoff(ssdo.xyCoords)
        if meanDist > sd:
            distValue = sd
            distanceStr = ssdo.distanceInfo.printDistance(distValue)
            msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84465).format(distanceStr)
            distValue = meanDist
            distanceStr = ssdo.distanceInfo.printDistance(distValue)
            msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84464).format(numNeighs, distanceStr)

    #### KNN/STD Answer ####

    return distValue
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self,

        ARCPY.env.overwriteOutput = True

        #### Set Initial Attributes ####
        UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals())
        self.masterField = self.ssdo.masterField
        self.warnedTProb = False

        #### Set Boolean For Passing All Moran's I ####
        self.allMIPass = UTILS.compareFloat(0.0, self.minMI, rTol=.00000001)

        #### Assess Whether SWM File Being Used ####
        if weightsFile:
            weightSuffix = weightsFile.split(".")[-1].lower()
            if weightSuffix == "swm":
                self.weightsType = "SWM"
                self.weightsMatrix = self.weightsFile
                self.weightsType = "GWT"
                self.weightsMatrix = WU.buildTextWeightDict(
                    weightsFile, self.ssdo.master2Order)
            #### If No Weightsfile Provided, Use 8 Nearest Neighbors ####
            if ssdo.numObs <= 9:
                nn = ssdo.numObs - 2
                ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1500, 8, nn)
                nn = 8
            self.weightsType = "GA"
            gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(self.ssdo.gaTable)
            gaSearch.init_nearest(0.0, nn, "euclidean")
            self.weightsMatrix = gaSearch

        #### Initialize Data ####
    def __init__(self, ssdo, dependentVar, independentVars, weightsFile,
                 outputReportFile = None, outputTable = None,
                 maxIndVars = 5, minIndVars = 1, minR2 = .5,
                 maxCoef = .01, maxVIF = 5.0, minJB = .1, minMI = .1):

        ARCPY.env.overwriteOutput = True

        #### Set Initial Attributes ####
        UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals())
        self.masterField = self.ssdo.masterField
        self.warnedTProb = False

        #### Set Boolean For Passing All Moran's I ####
        self.allMIPass = UTILS.compareFloat(0.0, self.minMI, rTol = .00000001)

        #### Assess Whether SWM File Being Used ####
        if weightsFile:
            weightSuffix = weightsFile.split(".")[-1].lower()
            if weightSuffix == "swm":
                self.weightsType = "SWM"
                self.weightsMatrix = self.weightsFile
                self.weightsType = "GWT"
                self.weightsMatrix = WU.buildTextWeightDict(weightsFile,
            #### If No Weightsfile Provided, Use 8 Nearest Neighbors ####
            if ssdo.numObs <= 9:
                nn = ssdo.numObs - 2
                ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1500, 8, nn)
                nn = 8
            self.weightsType = "GA"
            gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(self.ssdo.gaTable)
            gaSearch.init_nearest(0.0, nn, "euclidean")
            self.weightsMatrix = gaSearch

        #### Initialize Data ####
Esempio n. 7
    def construct(self):
        """Constructs the neighborhood structure for each feature and
        dispatches the appropriate values for the calculation of the

        #### Shorthand Attributes ####
        ssdo = self.ssdo
        varName = self.varName
        concept = self.concept
        gaConcept = concept.lower()
        threshold = self.threshold
        exponent = self.exponent
        wType = self.wType
        rowStandard = self.rowStandard
        numObs = self.numObs
        master2Order = self.master2Order
        masterField = ssdo.masterField
        weightsFile = self.weightsFile

        #### Assure that Variance is Larger than Zero ####
        yVar = NUM.var(self.y)
        if NUM.isnan(yVar) or yVar <= 0.0:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 906)
            raise SystemExit()

        #### Create Deviation Variables ####
        self.yBar = NUM.mean(self.y)
        self.yDev = self.y - self.yBar

        #### Create Base Data Structures/Variables #### 
        self.numer = 0.0
        self.denom = NUM.sum(self.yDev**2.0)
        self.rowSum = NUM.zeros(numObs)
        self.colSum = NUM.zeros(numObs)
        self.s0 = 0
        self.s1 = 0
        self.wij = {}

        #### Set Neighborhood Structure Type ####
        if self.weightsFile:
            if self.swmFileBool:
                #### Open Spatial Weights and Obtain Chars ####
                swm = WU.SWMReader(weightsFile)
                N = swm.numObs
                rowStandard = swm.rowStandard

                #### Check to Assure Complete Set of Weights ####
                if numObs > N:
                    ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 842, numObs, N)
                    raise SystemExit()
                #### Check if Selection Set ####
                isSubSet = False
                if numObs < N:
                    isSubSet = True
                iterVals = xrange(N)
                #### Warning for GWT with Bad Records/Selection ####
                if ssdo.selectionSet or ssdo.badRecords:
                    ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1029)

                #### Build Weights Dictionary ####
                weightDict = WU.buildTextWeightDict(weightsFile, master2Order)
                iterVals = master2Order.keys() 
                N = numObs

        elif wType in [4, 5]:
            #### Polygon Contiguity ####
            if wType == 4:
                contiguityType = "ROOK"
                contiguityType = "QUEEN"
            contDict = WU.polygonNeighborDict(ssdo.inputFC, ssdo.oidName,
                                         contiguityType = contiguityType)
            iterVals = master2Order.keys()
            N = numObs

            gaTable = ssdo.gaTable
            gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
            if wType == 7:
                #### Zone of Indiff, All Related to All ####
                gaSearch.init_nearest(threshold, numObs, gaConcept)
                #### Inverse and Fixed Distances ####
                gaSearch.init_nearest(threshold, 0, gaConcept)
            iterVals = range(numObs)
            N = numObs
            neighWeights = ARC._ss.NeighborWeights(gaTable, gaSearch,
                                                 weight_type = wType,
                                                 exponent = exponent,
                                          row_standard = rowStandard)

        #### Create Progressor ####
        ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84007), 0, N, 1)

        #### Create Neighbor Info Class ####
        ni = WU.NeighborInfo(masterField)

        #### Calculation For Each Feature ####
        for i in iterVals:
            if self.swmFileBool:
                #### Using SWM File ####
                info = swm.swm.readEntry()
                masterID = info[0]
                if master2Order.has_key(masterID):
                    rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesSWM(info, master2Order,
                                                     rowStandard = rowStandard,
                                                     isSubSet = isSubSet)
                    includeIt = True
                    includeIt = False

            elif self.weightsFile and not self.swmFileBool:
                #### Text Weights ####
                masterID = i
                includeIt = True
                rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesText(masterID, master2Order,
                                                  weightDict, self.yDev)
            elif wType in [4, 5]:
                #### Polygon Contiguity ####
                masterID = i
                includeIt = True
                rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesCont(masterID, master2Order,
                                                  contDict, self.yDev, 
                                                  rowStandard = rowStandard)

                #### Distance Based ####
                masterID = gaTable[i][0]
                includeIt = True
                rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesOTF(neighWeights, i, self.yDev)

            #### Subset Boolean for SWM File ####
            if includeIt:
                #### Parse Row Info ####
                orderID, yiDev, nhIDs, nhVals, weights = rowInfo

                #### Assure Neighbors Exist After Selection ####
                nn, nhIDs, nhVals, weights = ni.processInfo(masterID, nhIDs, 
                                                            nhVals, weights)

                if nn:
                    #### Process Feature Contribution to Moran's I ####
                    self.processRow(orderID, yiDev, nhIDs, 
                                          nhVals, weights) 

            #### Reset Progessor ####

        #### Clean Up ####
        if self.swmFileBool:
        #### Report on Features with No Neighbors ####

        #### Report on Features with Large Number of Neighbors ####
        self.neighInfo = ni
Esempio n. 8
def collectEvents(ssdo, outputFC):
    """This utility converts event data into weighted point data by
    dissolving all coincident points into unique points with a new count
    field that contains the number of original features at that

    inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
    outputFC (str): path to the input feature class

    #### Set Default Progressor for Neigborhood Structure ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84143))

    #### Validate Output Workspace ####

    #### True Centroid Warning For Non-Point FCs ####
    if ssdo.shapeType.upper() != "POINT":
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1021)

    #### Create GA Data Structure ####
    gaTable, gaInfo = WU.gaTable(ssdo.inputFC, spatRef = ssdo.spatialRefString)

    #### Assure Enough Observations ####
    cnt = UTILS.getCount(ssdo.inputFC)
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(cnt, minNumObs = 4)
    N = gaInfo[0]
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(N, minNumObs = 4)

    #### Process Any Bad Records Encountered ####
    numBadRecs = cnt - N
    if numBadRecs:
        badRecs = WU.parseGAWarnings(gaTable.warnings)
        if not ssdo.silentWarnings:
            ERROR.reportBadRecords(cnt, numBadRecs, badRecs,
                                   label = ssdo.oidName)

    #### Create k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    gaSearch.init_nearest(0.0, 0, "euclidean")

    #### Create Output Feature Class ####
    outPath, outName = OS.path.split(outputFC)
        DM.CreateFeatureclass(outPath, outName, "POINT", "", ssdo.mFlag, 
                              ssdo.zFlag, ssdo.spatialRefString)
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 210, outputFC)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Add Count Field ####
    countFieldNameOut = ARCPY.ValidateFieldName(countFieldName, outPath)
    UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, countFieldNameOut, "LONG")
    fieldList = ["SHAPE@", countFieldNameOut]

    #### Set Insert Cursor ####
    rowsOut = DA.InsertCursor(outputFC, fieldList)

    #### Set Progressor for Calculation ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84007), 0, N, 1)

    #### ID List to Search ####
    rowsIN = range(N)
    maxCount = 0
    numUnique = 0

    for row in rowsIN:
        #### Get Row Coords ####
        rowInfo = gaTable[row]
        x0, y0 = rowInfo[1]
        count = 1

        #### Search For Exact Coord Match ####
        for nh in gaSearch:
            count += 1

        #### Keep Track of Max Count ####
        maxCount = max([count, maxCount])
        #### Create Output Point ####
        pnt = (x0, y0, ssdo.defaultZ)

        #### Create and Populate New Feature ####
        rowResult = [pnt, count]
        numUnique += 1
    #### Clean Up ####
    del rowsOut, gaTable

    return countFieldNameOut, maxCount, N, numUnique
def collectEvents(ssdo, outputFC):
    """This utility converts event data into weighted point data by
    dissolving all coincident points into unique points with a new count
    field that contains the number of original features at that

    inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
    outputFC (str): path to the input feature class

    #### Set Default Progressor for Neigborhood Structure ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84143))

    #### Validate Output Workspace ####

    #### True Centroid Warning For Non-Point FCs ####
    if ssdo.shapeType.upper() != "POINT":
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1021)

    #### Create GA Data Structure ####
    gaTable, gaInfo = WU.gaTable(ssdo.inputFC, spatRef=ssdo.spatialRefString)

    #### Assure Enough Observations ####
    cnt = UTILS.getCount(ssdo.inputFC)
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(cnt, minNumObs=4)
    N = gaInfo[0]
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(N, minNumObs=4)

    #### Process Any Bad Records Encountered ####
    numBadRecs = cnt - N
    if numBadRecs:
        badRecs = WU.parseGAWarnings(gaTable.warnings)
        if not ssdo.silentWarnings:

    #### Create k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    gaSearch.init_nearest(0.0, 0, "euclidean")

    #### Create Output Feature Class ####
    outPath, outName = OS.path.split(outputFC)
        DM.CreateFeatureclass(outPath, outName, "POINT", "", ssdo.mFlag,
                              ssdo.zFlag, ssdo.spatialRefString)
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 210, outputFC)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Add Count Field ####
    countFieldNameOut = ARCPY.ValidateFieldName(countFieldName, outPath)
    UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, countFieldNameOut, "LONG")
    fieldList = ["SHAPE@", countFieldNameOut]

    #### Set Insert Cursor ####
    rowsOut = DA.InsertCursor(outputFC, fieldList)

    #### Set Progressor for Calculation ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84007), 0, N, 1)

    #### ID List to Search ####
    rowsIN = range(N)
    maxCount = 0
    numUnique = 0

    for row in rowsIN:
        #### Get Row Coords ####
        rowInfo = gaTable[row]
        x0, y0 = rowInfo[1]
        count = 1

        #### Search For Exact Coord Match ####
        for nh in gaSearch:
            count += 1

        #### Keep Track of Max Count ####
        maxCount = max([count, maxCount])

        #### Create Output Point ####
        pnt = (x0, y0, ssdo.defaultZ)

        #### Create and Populate New Feature ####
        rowResult = [pnt, count]
        numUnique += 1

    #### Clean Up ####
    del rowsOut, gaTable

    return countFieldNameOut, maxCount, N, numUnique
Esempio n. 10
    def construct(self):
        """Constructs the neighborhood structure for each feature and
        dispatches the appropriate values for the calculation of the

        #### Shorthand Attributes ####
        ssdo = self.ssdo
        varName = self.varName
        concept = self.concept
        gaConcept = concept.lower()
        threshold = self.threshold
        exponent = self.exponent
        wType = self.wType
        rowStandard = self.rowStandard
        numObs = self.numObs
        master2Order = self.master2Order
        masterField = ssdo.masterField
        weightsFile = self.weightsFile

        #### Check That All Input Values are Positive ####
        if NUM.sum(self.y < 0.0) != 0:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 915)
            raise SystemExit()

        #### Assure that Variance is Larger than Zero ####
        yVar = NUM.var(self.y)
        if NUM.isnan(yVar) or yVar <= 0.0:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 906)
            raise SystemExit()

        #### Create Base Data Structures/Variables #### 
        self.numer = 0.0
        self.denom = 0.0
        self.rowSum = NUM.zeros(numObs)
        self.colSum = NUM.zeros(numObs)
        self.ySum = 0.0        
        self.y2Sum = 0.0
        self.y3Sum = 0.0
        self.y4Sum = 0.0
        self.s0 = 0
        self.s1 = 0
        self.wij = {}

        #### Set Neighborhood Structure Type ####
        if self.weightsFile:
            if self.swmFileBool:
                #### Open Spatial Weights and Obtain Chars ####
                swm = WU.SWMReader(weightsFile)
                N = swm.numObs
                rowStandard = swm.rowStandard

                #### Check to Assure Complete Set of Weights ####
                if numObs > N:
                    ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 842, numObs, N)
                    raise SystemExit()
                #### Check if Selection Set ####
                isSubSet = False
                if numObs < N:
                    isSubSet = True
                iterVals = xrange(N)
                #### Warning for GWT with Bad Records/Selection ####
                if ssdo.selectionSet or ssdo.badRecords:
                    ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1029)

                #### Build Weights Dictionary ####
                weightDict = WU.buildTextWeightDict(weightsFile, master2Order)
                iterVals = master2Order.iterkeys()       
                N = numObs

        elif wType in [4, 5]:
            #### Polygon Contiguity ####
            if wType == 4:
                contiguityType = "ROOK"
                contiguityType = "QUEEN"
            contDict = WU.polygonNeighborDict(ssdo.inputFC, ssdo.oidName,
                                         contiguityType = contiguityType)
            iterVals = master2Order.keys()
            N = numObs

            gaTable = ssdo.gaTable
            gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
            if wType == 7:
                #### Zone of Indiff, All Related to All ####
                gaSearch.init_nearest(threshold, numObs, gaConcept)
                #### Inverse and Fixed Distances ####
                gaSearch.init_nearest(threshold, 0, gaConcept)
            iterVals = xrange(numObs)
            N = numObs
            neighWeights = ARC._ss.NeighborWeights(gaTable, gaSearch,
                                                 weight_type = wType,
                                                 exponent = exponent,
                                          row_standard = rowStandard)

        #### Create Progressor ####
        ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84007), 0, N, 1)

        #### Create Neighbor Info Class ####
        ni = WU.NeighborInfo(masterField)

        #### Calculation For Each Feature ####
        for i in iterVals:
            if self.swmFileBool:
                #### Using SWM File ####
                info = swm.swm.readEntry()
                masterID = info[0]
                if master2Order.has_key(masterID):
                    rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesSWM(info, master2Order,
                                                     rowStandard = rowStandard,
                                                     isSubSet = isSubSet)
                    includeIt = True
                    includeIt = False

            elif self.weightsFile and not self.swmFileBool:
                #### Text Weights ####
                masterID = i
                includeIt = True
                rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesText(masterID, master2Order,
                                                  weightDict, self.y)

            elif wType in [4, 5]:
                #### Polygon Contiguity ####
                masterID = i
                includeIt = True
                rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesCont(masterID, master2Order,
                                                  contDict, self.y, 
                                                  rowStandard = rowStandard)

                #### Distance Based ####
                masterID = gaTable[i][0]
                includeIt = True
                rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesOTF(neighWeights, i, self.y)

            #### Subset Boolean for SWM File ####
            if includeIt:
                #### Parse Row Info ####
                orderID, yiVal, nhIDs, nhVals, weights = rowInfo

                #### Assure Neighbors Exist After Selection ####
                nn, nhIDs, nhVals, weights = ni.processInfo(masterID, nhIDs, 
                                                            nhVals, weights)

                if nn:
                    #### Process Feature Contribution to General G ####
                    self.processRow(orderID, yiVal, nhIDs, 
                                          nhVals, weights) 

            #### Reset Progessor ####

        #### Clean Up ####
        if self.swmFileBool:
        #### Report on Features with No Neighbors ####

        #### Report on Features with Large Number of Neighbors ####
        self.neighInfo = ni
Esempio n. 11
    def unweightedCalc(self):
        """Performs unweighted k-function."""

        #### Attribute Shortcuts ####
        ssdo = self.ssdo
        reduce = self.reduce
        simulate = self.simulate
        ripley = self.ripley
        if reduce:
            studyArea2Use = self.reduceArea
            studyArea2Use = self.studyArea

        self.ld = COLL.defaultdict(float)
        if self.permutations:
            self.ldMin = COLL.defaultdict(float)
            self.ldMax = COLL.defaultdict(float)
            for order in self.cutoffOrder:
                self.ldMin[order] = 99999999999.

        permsPlus = self.permutations + 1
        for perm in xrange(0, permsPlus):

            #### Permutation Progressor ####
            pmsg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84184)
            progressMessage = pmsg.format(perm, permsPlus)
            ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", progressMessage)

            #### Permutate the XY ####
            if perm != 0:

            gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(self.kTable)
            gaSearch.init_nearest(self.stepMax, 0, "euclidean")
            N = len(self.kTable)

            numIDs = len(self.ids) 
            kij = COLL.defaultdict(float)
            for i in xrange(N):
                row = self.kTable[i]
                id0 = row[0]
                if id0 in self.ids:
                    x0,y0 = row[1]
                    for nh in gaSearch:
                        neighInfo = self.kTable[nh.idx]
                        nhID = neighInfo[0]
                        x1,y1 = neighInfo[1]
                        dist = WU.euclideanDistance(x0,x1,y0,y1)
                        if ripley:
                            value = self.returnRipley(id0, dist)
                            value = 1.0
                        for order in self.reverseOrder:
                            cutoff = self.cutoffs[order]
                            if dist > cutoff:
                            kij[order] += value


            #### Calculate Stats USing Dictionaries ####
            weightSumVal = numIDs * (numIDs - 1.0)
            denom = NUM.pi * weightSumVal
            for order in self.cutoffOrder:
                res = kij[order]
                numer = res * studyArea2Use
                permResult = NUM.sqrt( (numer/denom) )
                if perm:
                    self.ldMin[order] = min(self.ldMin[order], 
                    self.ldMax[order] = max(self.ldMax[order], 
                    self.ld[order] = permResult
Esempio n. 12
def distance2SWM(inputFC, swmFile, masterField, fixed = 0, 
                 concept = "EUCLIDEAN", exponent = 1.0, threshold = None, 
                 kNeighs = 1, rowStandard = True):
    """Creates a sparse spatial weights matrix (SWM) based on k-nearest

    inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
    swmFile (str): path to the SWM file.
    masterField (str): field in table that serves as the mapping.
    fixed (boolean): fixed (1) or inverse (0) distance? 
    concept: {str, EUCLIDEAN}: EUCLIDEAN or MANHATTAN 
    exponent {float, 1.0}: distance decay
    threshold {float, None}: distance threshold
    kNeighs (int): number of neighbors to return
    rowStandard {bool, True}: row standardize weights?

    #### Create SSDataObject ####
    ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = inputFC,
                             useChordal = True)

    #### Validation of Master Field ####
    verifyMaster = ERROR.checkField(ssdo.allFields, masterField, types = [0,1])

    #### Read Data ####
    ssdo.obtainDataGA(masterField, minNumObs = 2)
    N = ssdo.numObs
    gaTable = ssdo.gaTable
    if fixed:
        wType = 1
        wType = 0

    #### Set Default Progressor for Neigborhood Structure ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84143))

    #### Set the Distance Threshold ####
    concept, gaConcept = WU.validateDistanceMethod(concept, ssdo.spatialRef)
    if threshold == None:
        threshold, avgDist = WU.createThresholdDist(ssdo, 
                                        concept = concept)

    #### Assures that the Threshold is Appropriate ####
    gaExtent = UTILS.get92Extent(ssdo.extent)
    threshold, maxSet = WU.checkDistanceThreshold(ssdo, threshold,
                                                  weightType = wType)

    #### If the Threshold is Set to the Max ####
    #### Set to Zero for Script Logic ####
    if maxSet:
        #### All Locations are Related ####
        threshold = SYS.maxint
        if N > 500:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Warning", 717)

    #### Assure k-Nearest is Less Than Number of Features ####
    if kNeighs >= N and fixed:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 975)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Create Distance/k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    gaSearch.init_nearest(threshold, kNeighs, gaConcept)
    neighWeights = ARC._ss.NeighborWeights(gaTable, gaSearch, 
                                           weight_type = wType,
                                           exponent = exponent,
                                           row_standard = False)

    #### Set Progressor for Weights Writing ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84127), 0, N, 1)

    #### Initialize Spatial Weights Matrix File ####
    swmWriter = WU.SWMWriter(swmFile, masterField, ssdo.spatialRefName, 
                             N, rowStandard, inputFC = inputFC,
                             wType = wType, distanceMethod = concept,
                             exponent = exponent, threshold = threshold)

    #### Unique Master ID Dictionary ####
    masterDict = {}

    #### Unique Master ID Dictionary ####
    masterSet = set([])

    for row in xrange(N):
        masterID = int(gaTable[row][2])
        if masterID in masterSet:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 644, masterField)
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 643)
            raise SystemExit()

        neighs, weights = neighWeights[row]
        neighs = [ gaTable[nh][2] for nh in neighs ]

        #### Add Spatial Weights Matrix Entry ####
        swmWriter.swm.writeEntry(masterID, neighs, weights) 

        #### Set Progress ####

    del gaTable

    #### Report Warning/Max Neighbors ####

    #### Add Linear/Angular Unit (Distance Based Only) ####
    distanceOut = ssdo.distanceInfo.outputString
    distanceOut = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84344).format(distanceOut)]

    #### Report Spatial Weights Summary #### = distanceOut)

    #### Report SWM File is Large ####
Esempio n. 13
def delaunay2SWM(inputFC, swmFile, masterField, rowStandard = True):
    """Creates a sparse spatial weights matrix (SWM) based on Delaunay

    inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
    swmFile (str): path to the SWM file.
    masterField (str): field in table that serves as the mapping.
    rowStandard {bool, True}: row standardize weights?

    #### Set Default Progressor for Neigborhood Structure ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84143))

    #### Create SSDataObject ####
    ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = inputFC,
                             useChordal = True)
    cnt = UTILS.getCount(inputFC)
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(cnt, minNumObs = 2)

    #### Validation of Master Field ####
    verifyMaster = ERROR.checkField(ssdo.allFields, masterField, types = [0,1])

    #### Create GA Data Structure ####
    gaTable, gaInfo = WU.gaTable(ssdo.catPath, [masterField],
                                 spatRef = ssdo.spatialRefString)

    #### Assure Enough Observations ####
    N = gaInfo[0]
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(N, minNumObs = 2)

    #### Process any bad records encountered ####
    numBadRecs = cnt - N
    if numBadRecs:
        badRecs = WU.parseGAWarnings(gaTable.warnings)
        err = ERROR.reportBadRecords(cnt, numBadRecs, badRecs,
                                     label = ssdo.oidName)

    #### Create Delaunay Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    neighWeights = ARC._ss.NeighborWeights(gaTable, gaSearch, 
                                           weight_type = 1,
                                           row_standard = False)

    #### Set Progressor for Weights Writing ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84127), 0, N, 1)

    #### Initialize Spatial Weights Matrix File ####
    swmWriter = WU.SWMWriter(swmFile, masterField, ssdo.spatialRefName, 
                             N, rowStandard, inputFC = inputFC,
                             wType = 3)

    #### Unique Master ID Dictionary ####
    masterSet = set([])

    for row in xrange(N):
        masterID = int(gaTable[row][2])
        if masterID in masterSet:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 644, masterField)
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 643)
            raise SystemExit()

        neighs, weights = neighWeights[row]
        neighs = [ gaTable[nh][2] for nh in neighs ]

        #### Add Spatial Weights Matrix Entry ####
        swmWriter.swm.writeEntry(masterID, neighs, weights) 

        #### Set Progress ####

    #### Clean Up ####
    del gaTable

    #### Report if Any Features Have No Neighbors ####

    #### Report Spatial Weights Summary ####

    #### Report SWM File is Large ####
Esempio n. 14
def distance2SWM(inputFC, swmFile, masterField, fixed = 0, 
                 concept = "EUCLIDEAN", exponent = 1.0, threshold = None, 
                 kNeighs = 1, rowStandard = True):
    """Creates a sparse spatial weights matrix (SWM) based on k-nearest

    inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
    swmFile (str): path to the SWM file.
    masterField (str): field in table that serves as the mapping.
    fixed (boolean): fixed (1) or inverse (0) distance? 
    concept: {str, EUCLIDEAN}: EUCLIDEAN or MANHATTAN 
    exponent {float, 1.0}: distance decay
    threshold {float, None}: distance threshold
    kNeighs (int): number of neighbors to return
    rowStandard {bool, True}: row standardize weights?

    #### Create SSDataObject ####
    ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = inputFC,
                             useChordal = True)

    #### Validation of Master Field ####
    verifyMaster = ERROR.checkField(ssdo.allFields, masterField, types = [0,1])

    #### Read Data ####
    ssdo.obtainDataGA(masterField, minNumObs = 2)
    N = ssdo.numObs
    gaTable = ssdo.gaTable
    if fixed:
        wType = 1
        wType = 0

    #### Set Default Progressor for Neigborhood Structure ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84143))

    #### Set the Distance Threshold ####
    concept, gaConcept = WU.validateDistanceMethod(concept, ssdo.spatialRef)
    if threshold == None:
        threshold, avgDist = WU.createThresholdDist(ssdo, 
                                        concept = concept)

    #### Assures that the Threshold is Appropriate ####
    gaExtent = UTILS.get92Extent(ssdo.extent)
    threshold, maxSet = WU.checkDistanceThreshold(ssdo, threshold,
                                                  weightType = wType)

    #### If the Threshold is Set to the Max ####
    #### Set to Zero for Script Logic ####
    if maxSet:
        #### All Locations are Related ####
        threshold = SYS.maxint
        if N > 500:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Warning", 717)

    #### Assure k-Nearest is Less Than Number of Features ####
    if kNeighs >= N and fixed:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 975)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Create Distance/k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    gaSearch.init_nearest(threshold, kNeighs, gaConcept)
    neighWeights = ARC._ss.NeighborWeights(gaTable, gaSearch, 
                                           weight_type = wType,
                                           exponent = exponent,
                                           row_standard = False)

    #### Set Progressor for Weights Writing ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84127), 0, N, 1)

    #### Initialize Spatial Weights Matrix File ####
    swmWriter = WU.SWMWriter(swmFile, masterField, ssdo.spatialRefName, 
                             N, rowStandard, inputFC = inputFC,
                             wType = wType, distanceMethod = concept,
                             exponent = exponent, threshold = threshold)

    #### Unique Master ID Dictionary ####
    masterDict = {}

    #### Unique Master ID Dictionary ####
    masterSet = set([])

    for row in xrange(N):
        masterID = int(gaTable[row][2])
        if masterID in masterSet:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 644, masterField)
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 643)
            raise SystemExit()

        neighs, weights = neighWeights[row]
        neighs = [ gaTable[nh][2] for nh in neighs ]

        #### Add Spatial Weights Matrix Entry ####
        swmWriter.swm.writeEntry(masterID, neighs, weights) 

        #### Set Progress ####

    del gaTable

    #### Report Warning/Max Neighbors ####

    #### Add Linear/Angular Unit (Distance Based Only) ####
    distanceOut = ssdo.distanceInfo.outputString
    distanceOut = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84344).format(distanceOut)]

    #### Report Spatial Weights Summary #### = distanceOut)

    #### Report SWM File is Large ####
Esempio n. 15
def spaceTime2SWM(inputFC, swmFile, masterField, concept = "EUCLIDEAN",
                  threshold = None, rowStandard = True,
                  timeField = None, timeType = None,
                  timeValue = None):
    inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
    swmFile (str): path to the SWM file.
    masterField (str): field in table that serves as the mapping.
    concept: {str, EUCLIDEAN}: EUCLIDEAN or MANHATTAN 
    threshold {float, None}: distance threshold
    rowStandard {bool, True}: row standardize weights?
    timeField {str, None}: name of the date-time field
    timeType {str, None}: ESRI enumeration of date-time intervals
    timeValue {float, None}: value forward and backward in time

    #### Assure Temporal Parameters are Set ####
    if not timeField:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1320)
        raise SystemExit()
    if not timeType:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1321)
        raise SystemExit()
    if not timeValue or timeValue <= 0:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1322)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Create SSDataObject ####
    ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = inputFC,
                             useChordal = True)
    cnt = UTILS.getCount(inputFC)
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(cnt, minNumObs = 2)
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84001), 0, cnt, 1)

    #### Validation of Master Field ####
    verifyMaster = ERROR.checkField(ssdo.allFields, masterField, types = [0,1])
    badIDs = []

    #### Create Temporal Hash ####
    timeInfo = {}
    xyCoords = NUM.empty((cnt, 2), float)

    #### Process Field Values ####
    fieldList = [masterField, "SHAPE@XY", timeField]
        rows = DA.SearchCursor(ssdo.catPath, fieldList, "", 
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 204)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Add Data to GATable and Time Dictionary ####
    c = 0
    for row in rows:
        badRow = False

        #### Assure Masterfield is Valid ####
        masterID = row[0]
        if masterID == None or masterID == "":
            badRow = True

        #### Assure Date/Time is Valid ####
        timeStamp = row[-1]
        if timeStamp == None or timeStamp == "":
            badRow = True

        #### Assure Centroid is Valid ####
        badXY = row[1].count(None)
        if not badXY:
            x,y = row[1]
            xyCoords[c] = (x,y)
            badRow = True

        #### Process Data ####
        if not badRow:
            if timeInfo.has_key(masterID):
                #### Assure Uniqueness ####
                ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 644, masterField)
                ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 643)
                raise SystemExit()
                #### Fill Date/Time Dict ####
                startDT, endDT = TUTILS.calculateTimeWindow(timeStamp, 
                timeInfo[masterID] = (timeStamp, startDT, endDT)


        #### Set Progress ####
        c += 1

    #### Clean Up ####
    del rows

    #### Get Set of Bad IDs ####
    numBadObs = len(badIDs)
    badIDs = list(set(badIDs))
    badIDs = [ str(i) for i in badIDs ]
    #### Process any bad records encountered ####
    if numBadObs:
        ERROR.reportBadRecords(cnt, numBadObs, badIDs, label = masterField)

    #### Load Neighbor Table ####
    gaTable, gaInfo = WU.gaTable(ssdo.inputFC, 
                                 fieldNames = [masterField, timeField],
                                 spatRef = ssdo.spatialRefString)
    numObs = len(gaTable)
    xyCoords = xyCoords[0:numObs]

    #### Set the Distance Threshold ####
    concept, gaConcept = WU.validateDistanceMethod(concept, ssdo.spatialRef)
    if threshold == None:
        #### Set Progressor for Search ####
        ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84144))

        #### Create k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
        gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
        gaSearch.init_nearest(0.0, 1, gaConcept)
        neighDist = ARC._ss.NeighborDistances(gaTable, gaSearch)
        N = len(neighDist)
        threshold = 0.0
        sumDist = 0.0 

        #### Find Maximum Nearest Neighbor Distance ####
        for row in xrange(N):
            dij = neighDist[row][-1][0]
            if dij > threshold:
                threshold = dij
            sumDist += dij


        #### Increase For Rounding Error ####
        threshold = threshold * 1.0001
        avgDist = sumDist / (N * 1.0)

        #### Add Linear/Angular Units ####
        thresholdStr = ssdo.distanceInfo.printDistance(threshold)
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Warning", 853, thresholdStr)

        #### Chordal Default Check ####
        if ssdo.useChordal:
            hardMaxExtent = ARC._ss.get_max_gcs_distance(ssdo.spatialRef)
            if threshold > hardMaxExtent:
                ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1609)
                raise SystemExit()

        #### Clean Up ####
        del gaSearch

    #### Create Missing SSDO Info ####
    extent = UTILS.resetExtent(xyCoords)

    #### Reset Coordinates for Chordal ####
    if ssdo.useChordal:
        sliceInfo = UTILS.SpheroidSlice(extent, ssdo.spatialRef)
        maxExtent = sliceInfo.maxExtent
        env = UTILS.Envelope(extent)
        maxExtent = env.maxExtent

    threshold = checkDistanceThresholdSWM(ssdo, threshold, maxExtent)
    #### Set Default Progressor for Neigborhood Structure ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84143))

    #### Create Distance Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    gaSearch.init_nearest(threshold, 0, gaConcept)
    neighSearch = ARC._ss.NeighborSearch(gaTable, gaSearch)

    #### Set Progressor for Weights Writing ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84127), 0, numObs, 1)

    #### Initialize Spatial Weights Matrix File ####
    swmWriter = WU.SWMWriter(swmFile, masterField, ssdo.spatialRefName, 
                             numObs, rowStandard, inputFC = inputFC,
                             wType = 9, distanceMethod = concept,
                             threshold = threshold, timeField = timeField,
                             timeType = timeType, timeValue = timeValue)

    for row in xrange(numObs):
        masterID = gaTable[row][2]

        #### Get Date/Time Info ####
        dt0, startDT0, endDT0 = timeInfo[masterID]

        nhs = neighSearch[row]
        neighs = []
        weights = []
        for nh in nhs:
            #### Search Through Spatial Neighbors ####
            neighID = gaTable[nh][2]

            #### Get Date/Time Info ####
            dt1, startDT1, endDT1 = timeInfo[neighID]

            #### Filter Based on Date/Time ####
            insideTimeWindow = TUTILS.isTimeNeighbor(startDT0, endDT0, dt1)
            if insideTimeWindow:

        #### Add Spatial Weights Matrix Entry ####
        swmWriter.swm.writeEntry(masterID, neighs, weights) 

        #### Set Progress ####

    del gaTable

    #### Report Warning/Max Neighbors ####

    #### Report Spatial Weights Summary ####

    #### Report SWM File is Large ####
Esempio n. 16
def kNearest2SWM(inputFC, swmFile, masterField, concept = "EUCLIDEAN", 
                 kNeighs = 1, rowStandard = True):
    """Creates a sparse spatial weights matrix (SWM) based on k-nearest

    inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
    swmFile (str): path to the SWM file.
    masterField (str): field in table that serves as the mapping.
    concept: {str, EUCLIDEAN}: EUCLIDEAN or MANHATTAN 
    kNeighs {int, 1}: number of neighbors to return
    rowStandard {bool, True}: row standardize weights?

    #### Assure that kNeighs is Non-Zero ####
    if kNeighs <= 0:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 976)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Set Default Progressor for Neigborhood Structure ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84143))

    #### Create SSDataObject ####
    ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = inputFC,
                             useChordal = True)
    cnt = UTILS.getCount(inputFC)
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(cnt, minNumObs = 2)

    #### Validation of Master Field ####
    verifyMaster = ERROR.checkField(ssdo.allFields, masterField, types = [0,1])

    #### Create GA Data Structure ####
    gaTable, gaInfo = WU.gaTable(ssdo.catPath, [masterField],
                                 spatRef = ssdo.spatialRefString)

    #### Assure Enough Observations ####
    N = gaInfo[0]
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(N, minNumObs = 2)

    #### Process any bad records encountered ####
    numBadRecs = cnt - N
    if numBadRecs:
        badRecs = WU.parseGAWarnings(gaTable.warnings)
        err = ERROR.reportBadRecords(cnt, numBadRecs, badRecs,
                                     label = ssdo.oidName)

    #### Assure k-Nearest is Less Than Number of Features ####
    if kNeighs >= N:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 975)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Create k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    concept, gaConcept = WU.validateDistanceMethod(concept, ssdo.spatialRef)
    gaSearch.init_nearest(0.0, kNeighs, gaConcept)
    neighWeights = ARC._ss.NeighborWeights(gaTable, gaSearch, 
                                           weight_type = 1,
                                           row_standard = False)

    #### Set Progressor for Weights Writing ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84127), 0, N, 1)

    #### Initialize Spatial Weights Matrix File ####
    swmWriter = WU.SWMWriter(swmFile, masterField, ssdo.spatialRefName, 
                             N, rowStandard, inputFC = inputFC,
                             wType = 2, distanceMethod = concept,
                             numNeighs = kNeighs)

    #### Unique Master ID Dictionary ####
    masterSet = set([])

    for row in xrange(N):
        masterID = int(gaTable[row][2])
        if masterID in masterSet:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 644, masterField)
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 643)
            raise SystemExit()

        neighs, weights = neighWeights[row]
        neighs = [ gaTable[nh][2] for nh in neighs ]

        #### Add Spatial Weights Matrix Entry ####
        swmWriter.swm.writeEntry(masterID, neighs, weights) 

        #### Set Progress ####

    del gaTable

    #### Report Warning/Max Neighbors ####

    #### Report Spatial Weights Summary ####

    #### Report SWM File is Large ####
Esempio n. 17
def delaunay2SWM(inputFC, swmFile, masterField, rowStandard = True):
    """Creates a sparse spatial weights matrix (SWM) based on Delaunay

    inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
    swmFile (str): path to the SWM file.
    masterField (str): field in table that serves as the mapping.
    rowStandard {bool, True}: row standardize weights?

    #### Set Default Progressor for Neigborhood Structure ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84143))

    #### Create SSDataObject ####
    ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = inputFC,
                             useChordal = True)
    cnt = UTILS.getCount(inputFC)
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(cnt, minNumObs = 2)

    #### Validation of Master Field ####
    verifyMaster = ERROR.checkField(ssdo.allFields, masterField, types = [0,1])

    #### Create GA Data Structure ####
    gaTable, gaInfo = WU.gaTable(ssdo.catPath, [masterField],
                                 spatRef = ssdo.spatialRefString)

    #### Assure Enough Observations ####
    N = gaInfo[0]
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(N, minNumObs = 2)

    #### Process any bad records encountered ####
    numBadRecs = cnt - N
    if numBadRecs:
        badRecs = WU.parseGAWarnings(gaTable.warnings)
        err = ERROR.reportBadRecords(cnt, numBadRecs, badRecs,
                                     label = ssdo.oidName)

    #### Create Delaunay Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    neighWeights = ARC._ss.NeighborWeights(gaTable, gaSearch, 
                                           weight_type = 1,
                                           row_standard = False)

    #### Set Progressor for Weights Writing ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84127), 0, N, 1)

    #### Initialize Spatial Weights Matrix File ####
    swmWriter = WU.SWMWriter(swmFile, masterField, ssdo.spatialRefName, 
                             N, rowStandard, inputFC = inputFC,
                             wType = 3)

    #### Unique Master ID Dictionary ####
    masterSet = set([])

    for row in xrange(N):
        masterID = int(gaTable[row][2])
        if masterID in masterSet:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 644, masterField)
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 643)
            raise SystemExit()

        neighs, weights = neighWeights[row]
        neighs = [ gaTable[nh][2] for nh in neighs ]

        #### Add Spatial Weights Matrix Entry ####
        swmWriter.swm.writeEntry(masterID, neighs, weights) 

        #### Set Progress ####

    #### Clean Up ####
    del gaTable

    #### Report if Any Features Have No Neighbors ####

    #### Report Spatial Weights Summary ####

    #### Report SWM File is Large ####
Esempio n. 18
def polygon2SWM(inputFC, swmFile, masterField, 
                concept = "EUCLIDEAN", kNeighs = 0,
                rowStandard = True, contiguityType = "ROOK"):
    """Creates a sparse spatial weights matrix (SWM) based on polygon

    inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
    swmFile (str): path to the SWM file.
    masterField (str): field in table that serves as the mapping.
    kNeighs {int, 0}: number of neighbors to return (1)
    rowStandard {bool, True}: row standardize weights?
    contiguityType {str, Rook}: {Rook = Edges Only, Queen = Edges/Vertices}

    (1) kNeighs is used if polygon is not contiguous. E.g. Islands

    #### Set Default Progressor for Neigborhood Structure ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84143))

    #### Create SSDataObject ####
    ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = inputFC,
                             useChordal = True)
    cnt = UTILS.getCount(inputFC)
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(cnt, minNumObs = 2)

    #### Validation of Master Field ####
    verifyMaster = ERROR.checkField(ssdo.allFields, masterField, 
                                    types = [0,1])

    #### Create GA Data Structure ####
    gaTable, gaInfo = WU.gaTable(ssdo.catPath, [masterField],
                                 spatRef = ssdo.spatialRefString)

    #### Assure Enough Observations ####
    N = gaInfo[0]
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(N, minNumObs = 2)

    #### Assure k-Nearest is Less Than Number of Features ####
    if kNeighs >= N:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 975)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Create Nearest Neighbor Search Type For Islands ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    concept, gaConcept = WU.validateDistanceMethod(concept, ssdo.spatialRef)
    gaSearch.init_nearest(0.0, kNeighs, gaConcept)
    if kNeighs > 0:
        forceNeighbor = True
        neighWeights = ARC._ss.NeighborWeights(gaTable, gaSearch, 
                                              weight_type = 1,
                                              row_standard = False)
        forceNeighbor = False
        neighSearch = None

    #### Create Polygon Neighbors ####
    polyNeighborDict = WU.polygonNeighborDict(inputFC, masterField, 
                                   contiguityType = contiguityType)

    #### Write Poly Neighbor List (Dict) ####
    #### Set Progressor for SWM Writing ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84127), 0, N, 1)

    #### Initialize Spatial Weights Matrix File ####
    if contiguityType == "ROOK":
        wType = 4
        wType = 5

    swmWriter = WU.SWMWriter(swmFile, masterField, ssdo.spatialRefName, 
                             N, rowStandard, inputFC = inputFC,
                             wType = wType, distanceMethod = concept,
                             numNeighs = kNeighs)

    #### Keep Track of Polygons w/o Neighbors ####
    islandPolys = []
    #### Write Polygon Contiguity to SWM File ####
    for row in xrange(N):
        rowInfo = gaTable[row]
        oid = rowInfo[0]
        masterID = rowInfo[2]
        neighs = polyNeighborDict[masterID]
        if neighs:
            weights = [ 1. for nh in neighs ]
            isIsland = False
            isIsland = True
            weights = []

        #### Get Nearest Neighbor Based On Centroid Distance ####
        if isIsland and forceNeighbor:
            neighs, weights = neighWeights[row]
            neighs = [ gaTable[nh][2] for nh in neighs ]

        #### Add Weights Entry ####
        swmWriter.swm.writeEntry(masterID, neighs, weights)

        #### Set Progress ####

    #### Report on Features with No Neighbors ####
    countIslands = len(islandPolys)
    if countIslands:
        if countIslands > 30:
            islandPolys = islandPolys[0:30]
        ERROR.warningNoNeighbors(N, countIslands, islandPolys, ssdo.oidName, 
                                 forceNeighbor = forceNeighbor, 
                                 contiguity = True)

    #### Clean Up ####
    del gaTable

    #### Report Spatial Weights Summary ####

    #### Report SWM File is Large ####

    del polyNeighborDict
Esempio n. 19
    def construct(self):
        """Constructs the neighborhood structure for each feature and
        dispatches the appropriate values for the calculation of the

        #### Shorthand Attributes ####
        ssdo = self.ssdo
        varName = self.varName
        concept = self.concept
        gaConcept = concept.lower()
        threshold = self.threshold
        exponent = self.exponent
        wType = self.wType
        rowStandard = self.rowStandard
        numObs = self.numObs
        master2Order = self.master2Order
        masterField = ssdo.masterField
        weightsFile = self.weightsFile

        #### Assure that Variance is Larger than Zero ####
        yVar = NUM.var(self.y)
        if NUM.isnan(yVar) or yVar <= 0.0:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 906)
            raise SystemExit()

        #### Create Deviation Variables ####
        self.yBar = NUM.mean(self.y)
        self.yDev = self.y - self.yBar
        self.nm1 = numObs - 1.
        self.nm2 = numObs - 2.
        self.nm12 = self.nm1 * self.nm2
        yDev2 = self.yDev**2.0
        yDev2Norm = yDev2 / self.nm1
        self.yDev2NormSum = sum(yDev2Norm)
        yDev4 = self.yDev**4.0
        yDev4Norm = yDev4 / self.nm1
        yDev4NormSum = sum(yDev4Norm)
        self.b2i = yDev4NormSum / (self.yDev2NormSum**2.0)

        #### Create Base Data Structures/Variables #### = NUM.zeros(numObs)
        self.ei = NUM.zeros(numObs) = NUM.zeros(numObs)
        self.zi = NUM.zeros(numObs)
        self.pVals = NUM.ones(numObs)
        if self.permutations:
            self.pseudoPVals = NUM.ones(numObs)
        self.moranInfo = {}

        #### Keep Track of Features with No Neighbors ####
        self.idsNoNeighs = []

        #### Set Neighborhood Structure Type ####
        if self.weightsFile:
            if self.swmFileBool:
                #### Open Spatial Weights and Obtain Chars ####
                swm = WU.SWMReader(weightsFile)
                N = swm.numObs
                rowStandard = swm.rowStandard
                self.swm = swm

                #### Check to Assure Complete Set of Weights ####
                if numObs > N:
                    ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 842, numObs, N)
                    raise SystemExit()
                #### Check if Selection Set ####
                isSubSet = False
                if numObs < N:
                    isSubSet = True
                iterVals = xrange(N)
                #### Warning for GWT with Bad Records/Selection ####
                if ssdo.selectionSet or ssdo.badRecords:
                    ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1029)

                #### Build Weights Dictionary ####
                weightDict = WU.buildTextWeightDict(weightsFile, master2Order)
                iterVals = master2Order.keys()       
                N = numObs

        elif wType in [4, 5]:
            #### Polygon Contiguity ####
            if wType == 4:
                contiguityType = "ROOK"
                contiguityType = "QUEEN"
            contDict = WU.polygonNeighborDict(ssdo.inputFC, ssdo.oidName,
                                         contiguityType = contiguityType)
            iterVals = master2Order.keys()
            N = numObs

            gaTable = ssdo.gaTable
            gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
            if wType == 7:
                #### Zone of Indiff, All Related to All ####
                gaSearch.init_nearest(threshold, numObs, gaConcept)
                #### Inverse and Fixed Distances ####
                gaSearch.init_nearest(threshold, 0, gaConcept)
            iterVals = range(numObs)
            N = numObs
            neighWeights = ARC._ss.NeighborWeights(gaTable, gaSearch,
                                                 weight_type = wType,
                                                 exponent = exponent,
                                          row_standard = rowStandard)

        #### Create Progressor ####
        msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84007)
        if self.permutations:
            msg += ": Using Permutations = %i" % self.permutations 
        ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", msg , 0, N, 1)

        #### Create Neighbor Info Class ####
        ni = WU.NeighborInfo(masterField)

        #### Calculation For Each Feature ####
        for i in iterVals:
            if self.swmFileBool:
                #### Using SWM File ####
                info = swm.swm.readEntry()
                masterID = info[0]
                if master2Order.has_key(masterID):
                    rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesSWM(info, master2Order,
                                                     rowStandard = rowStandard,
                                                     isSubSet = isSubSet)
                    includeIt = True
                    includeIt = False

            elif self.weightsFile and not self.swmFileBool:
                #### Text Weights ####
                masterID = i
                includeIt = True
                rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesText(masterID, master2Order,
                                                  weightDict, self.yDev)

            elif wType in [4, 5]:
                #### Polygon Contiguity ####
                masterID = i
                includeIt = True
                rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesCont(masterID, master2Order,
                                                  contDict, self.yDev, 
                                                  rowStandard = rowStandard)

                #### Distance Based ####
                masterID = gaTable[i][0]
                includeIt = True
                rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesOTF(neighWeights, i, self.yDev)

            #### Subset Boolean for SWM File ####
            if includeIt:
                #### Parse Row Info ####
                orderID, yiDev, nhIDs, nhVals, weights = rowInfo

                #### Assure Neighbors Exist After Selection ####
                nn, nhIDs, nhVals, weights = ni.processInfo(masterID, nhIDs, 
                                                            nhVals, weights)

                if nn:
                    #### Calculate Local I ####
                    self.calculateLI(orderID, yiDev, 
                                    nhVals, weights)

        #### Clean Up ####
        if self.swmFileBool:

        #### Report on Features with No Neighbors ####

        #### Report on Features with Large Number of Neighbors ####
        self.neighInfo = ni

        #### Set p-values for Gi Bins ####
        if self.permutations:
            #### Use Pseudo p-values ####
            pv = self.pseudoPVals
            #### Use Traditional p-values ####
            pv = self.pVals

        #### Calculate FDR and Moran Bins ####
        toolMSG = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84474)
        if self.applyFDR:
            #### Set Bins Using FDR ####
            msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84472).format(toolMSG)
            ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", msg)
            fdrBins = STATS.fdrTransform(pv,
            self.moranBins = STATS.moranBinFromPVals(pv, self.moranInfo, 
                                                     fdrBins = fdrBins)
            msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84473).format(toolMSG)
            ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", msg)
            self.moranBins = STATS.moranBinFromPVals(pv, self.moranInfo)
    def construct(self):
        """Constructs the neighborhood structure for each feature and
        dispatches the appropriate values for the calculation of the

        #### Shorthand Attributes ####
        ssdo = self.ssdo
        numObs = ssdo.numObs
        master2Order = ssdo.master2Order
        masterField = ssdo.masterField
        concept = self.concept
        iterVals = range(numObs)
        rowStandard = self.rowStandard
        wType = 1

        yVar = NUM.var(self.y)
        if NUM.isnan(yVar) or yVar <= 0.0:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 906)
            raise SystemExit()

        #### Create Deviation Variables ####
        self.yBar = NUM.mean(self.y)
        self.yDev = self.y - self.yBar

        #### Create Results Array ####
        self.giResults = NUM.zeros((self.nIncrements, 6))

        #### Run Max Distance and Bin NN ####
        msgProg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84423)
        self.rowSum = NUM.zeros((numObs, self.nIncrements), float)
        self.weightVals = NUM.ones((numObs, self.nIncrements), float)
        self.noNeighs = NUM.zeros((self.nIncrements,), int)
        self.breaks = COLL.defaultdict(NUM.array)
        self.numFeatures = NUM.ones((self.nIncrements,), int) * ssdo.numObs
        self.totalNeighs = NUM.zeros((self.nIncrements,), float)
        ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", msgProg, 0, ssdo.numObs, 1)
        if not self.silent:
            ARCPY.AddMessage("\n" + msgProg)
        gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(ssdo.gaTable)
        gaSearch.init_nearest(self.stepMax, 0, concept.lower())
        gaTable = ssdo.gaTable
        numCalcs = 0
        warnThrown = (self.silent == True) or (self.allDefaults == True)
        self.warnNeighsExceeded = warnThrown
        self.maxNeighsExceeded = warnThrown
        self.completed = False

        nb = ARC._ss.NeighborBins(gaTable, gaSearch, self.cutoffs)
        c = 0
        for counts, breaks in nb:
            numDists = len(breaks)
            if numDists:
                #### Add Warning if Possibly Going to Run out of Memory ####
                numCalcs += numDists
                if numCalcs > 20000000 and not warnThrown:
                    if not self.silent:
                        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1389)
                    warnThrown = True

                self.breaks[c] = breaks
                noNeighInd = NUM.where(counts == 0)[0]
                if len(noNeighInd):
                    for noInd in noNeighInd:
                        self.noNeighs[noInd] += 1
                        self.numFeatures[noInd] -= 1
                if rowStandard:
                    self.weightVals[c] = 1./counts
                    self.rowSum[c] = 1.0
                    self.rowSum[c] = counts * 1.0
                self.totalNeighs += counts
                #### Never Included in Spatial Autocorrelation ####
                for ind in xrange(self.nIncrements):
                    self.noNeighs[ind] += 1
                    self.numFeatures[ind] -= 1

            #### Warn Number of Neighs ####
            if numDists >= WU.warnNumberOfNeighbors:
                if not self.warnNeighsExceeded:
                    ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1420,
                    self.warnNeighsExceeded = True
            c += 1
        #### Report if All Features Have No Neighbors ####
        self.s0 = self.rowSum.sum(0)
        noNeighsAllInd = NUM.where(self.s0 == 0.0)[0]
        if len(noNeighsAllInd):
            cutoffNoNeighs = self.cutoffs[noNeighsAllInd]
            dist = [UTILS.formatValue(i, "%0.2f") for i in cutoffNoNeighs]
            distanceStr = ", ".join(dist)
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1388, distanceStr)
            raise SystemExit()

        #### Report on Features with Large Number of Neighbors ####
        throwWarnings = (self.silent == True) or (self.allDefaults == True)
        if not throwWarnings:

        #### Calculate Statistic ####
        msgProg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84280)
        ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", msgProg, 0, ssdo.numObs, 1)
        if not self.silent:
            ARCPY.AddMessage("\n" + msgProg)
        self.numer = NUM.zeros((self.nIncrements,), float)
        self.denom = NUM.sum(self.yDev**2.0)
        self.s1 = NUM.zeros((self.nIncrements,), float)
        self.colSum = NUM.zeros((numObs, self.nIncrements), float)

        for i in xrange(ssdo.numObs):
            if self.breaks.has_key(i):
                binIndices = self.breaks[i]
                yDev0 = self.yDev[i]
                w0 = self.weightVals[i]
                c = 0
                for nh in gaSearch:
                    start = binIndices[c]
                    yDev1 = self.yDev[nh.idx]
                    w1 = self.weightVals[nh.idx][start:]
                    w0c = w0[start:]
                    values = (yDev1 * w1) * yDev0
                    self.numer[start:] += values
                    self.s1[start:] += ((w0c + w1)**2.0)
                    self.colSum[i][start:] += w1
                    c += 1


        #### Calculate Moran's I ####

        #### Pack Results ####
        for ind in self.cutoffOrder:
            res = (self.cutoffs[ind],[ind], self.ei[ind],
         [ind], self.zi[ind], self.pVal[ind])
            self.giResults[ind] = res

        if not self.silent:

        #### Calculate Peak Distances ####
        ziResults = [ value[4] for value in self.giResults ]
        firstPeakInd, maxPeakInd = UTILS.returnPeakIndices(ziResults,
                                                  levelFilter = 1.65)

        #### Add Warning if No Valid Peaks are Found ####
        if firstPeakInd == None and maxPeakInd == None:
            if not self.silent:
                ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1284)

        if firstPeakInd == None:
            self.firstPeakDistance = None
            self.firstPeakZ = None
            self.firstPeakDistance = self.cutoffs[firstPeakInd]
            self.firstPeakZ = self.zi[firstPeakInd]

        if maxPeakInd == None:
            self.maxPeakDistance = None
            self.maxPeakZ = None
            self.maxPeakDistance = self.cutoffs[maxPeakInd]
            self.maxPeakZ = self.zi[maxPeakInd]

        self.firstPeakInd = firstPeakInd
        self.maxPeakInd = maxPeakInd
        self.completed = True

        return True
Esempio n. 21
def polygon2SWM(inputFC, swmFile, masterField, 
                concept = "EUCLIDEAN", kNeighs = 0,
                rowStandard = True, contiguityType = "ROOK"):
    """Creates a sparse spatial weights matrix (SWM) based on polygon

    inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
    swmFile (str): path to the SWM file.
    masterField (str): field in table that serves as the mapping.
    kNeighs {int, 0}: number of neighbors to return (1)
    rowStandard {bool, True}: row standardize weights?
    contiguityType {str, Rook}: {Rook = Edges Only, Queen = Edges/Vertices}

    (1) kNeighs is used if polygon is not contiguous. E.g. Islands

    #### Set Default Progressor for Neigborhood Structure ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84143))

    #### Create SSDataObject ####
    ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = inputFC,
                             useChordal = True)
    cnt = UTILS.getCount(inputFC)
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(cnt, minNumObs = 2)

    #### Validation of Master Field ####
    verifyMaster = ERROR.checkField(ssdo.allFields, masterField, 
                                    types = [0,1])

    #### Create GA Data Structure ####
    gaTable, gaInfo = WU.gaTable(ssdo.catPath, [masterField],
                                 spatRef = ssdo.spatialRefString)

    #### Assure Enough Observations ####
    N = gaInfo[0]
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(N, minNumObs = 2)

    #### Assure k-Nearest is Less Than Number of Features ####
    if kNeighs >= N:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 975)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Create Nearest Neighbor Search Type For Islands ####
    if kNeighs > 0:
        gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
        concept, gaConcept = WU.validateDistanceMethod(concept, ssdo.spatialRef)
        gaSearch.init_nearest(0.0, kNeighs, gaConcept)
        forceNeighbor = True
        neighWeights = ARC._ss.NeighborWeights(gaTable, gaSearch, 
                                               weight_type = 1,
                                               row_standard = False)
        forceNeighbor = False
        neighSearch = None

    #### Create Polygon Neighbors ####
    polyNeighborDict = WU.polygonNeighborDict(inputFC, masterField, 
                                   contiguityType = contiguityType)

    #### Write Poly Neighbor List (Dict) ####
    #### Set Progressor for SWM Writing ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84127), 0, N, 1)

    #### Initialize Spatial Weights Matrix File ####
    if contiguityType == "ROOK":
        wType = 4
        wType = 5

    swmWriter = WU.SWMWriter(swmFile, masterField, ssdo.spatialRefName, 
                             N, rowStandard, inputFC = inputFC,
                             wType = wType, distanceMethod = concept,
                             numNeighs = kNeighs)

    #### Keep Track of Polygons w/o Neighbors ####
    islandPolys = []
    #### Write Polygon Contiguity to SWM File ####
    for row in xrange(N):
        rowInfo = gaTable[row]
        oid = rowInfo[0]
        masterID = rowInfo[2]
        neighs = polyNeighborDict[masterID]
        nn = len(neighs)
        if forceNeighbor:
            if nn < kNeighs:
                #### Only Force KNN If Specified & Contiguity is Less ####
                flag = True
                knnNeighs, knnWeights = neighWeights[row]
                c = 0
                while flag:
                        neighID = gaTable[knnNeighs[c]][2]
                        if neighID not in neighs:
                            nn += 1
                            if nn == kNeighs:
                                flag = False
                        c += 1
                        flag = False

        weights = NUM.ones(nn)

        #### Add Weights Entry ####
        swmWriter.swm.writeEntry(masterID, neighs, weights)

        #### Set Progress ####

    #### Report on Features with No Neighbors ####
    countIslands = len(islandPolys)
    if countIslands:
        if countIslands > 30:
            islandPolys = islandPolys[0:30]
        ERROR.warningNoNeighbors(N, countIslands, islandPolys, ssdo.oidName, 
                                 forceNeighbor = forceNeighbor, 
                                 contiguity = True)

    #### Clean Up ####
    del gaTable

    #### Report Spatial Weights Summary ####

    #### Report SWM File is Large ####

    del polyNeighborDict
Esempio n. 22
def stCollectByKNN(ssdo, timeField, outputFC, inSpan, inDistance):
    This method applied Jacquez Space-Time K-NN to convert event data into weighted
    point data by dissolving all coincident points in space and time into unique
    points with a new count field that contains the number of original features
    at that location and time span.

        ssdo (obj): SSDataObject from input
        timeField (str): Date/Time field name in input feature
        outputFC (str): path to the output feature class
        inSpan (int): value of temporal units within the same time bin
        inDistance (int): value of spatial units considered as spatial neighbors
        Create new collected point feature

    #### Read raw time data ####
    timeData = ssdo.fields[timeField].data
    #### Convert temporal unit ####
    time = NUM.array(timeData, dtype='datetime64[s]').astype('datetime64[D]')
    #### Find Start Time ####
    startTime = time.min()
    #### Create Bin for Space and Time ####
    timeBin = (time - startTime) / inSpan

    numObs = ssdo.numObs
    #### Create Sudo-fid to Find K-NN in Space and Time
    fid = [i for i in xrange(numObs)]

    #### Validate Output Workspace ####

    #### True Centroid Warning For Non-Point FCs ####
    if ssdo.shapeType.upper() != "POINT":
        ARCPY / AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1021)

    #### Create GA Data Structure ####
    gaTable, gaInfo = WU.gaTable(ssdo.inputFC, spatRef=ssdo.spatialRefString)

    #### Assure Enough Observations ####
    cnt = UTILS.getCount(ssdo.inputFC)
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(cnt, minNumObs=4)
    N = gaInfo[0]
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(N, minNumObs=4)

    #### Process Any Bad Records Encountered ####
    numBadRecs = cnt - N
    if numBadRecs:
        badRecs = WU.parseGAWarnings(gaTable.warnings)
        if not ssdo.silentWarnings:

    #### Create Output Feature Class ####
    outPath, outName = OS.path.split(outputFC)
        DM.CreateFeatureclass(outPath, outName, "POINT", "", ssdo.mFlag,
                              ssdo.zFlag, ssdo.spatialRefString)
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 210, outputFC)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Create k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    gaSearch.init_nearest(inDistance, 0, "euclidean")

    #### Add Count Field ####
    countFieldNameOut = ARCPY.ValidateFieldName(countFieldName, outPath)
    timeFieldNameOut = ARCPY.ValidateFieldName(timeFieldName, outPath)
    UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, countFieldNameOut, "LONG")
    UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, timeFieldNameOut, "DATE")
    fieldList = ["SHAPE@", countFieldNameOut, timeFieldNameOut]

    #### Set Insert Cursor ####
    rowsOut = DA.InsertCursor(outputFC, fieldList)

    #### Detect S-T K-NN by Space and Time Bin ####
    duplicateList = []
    for record in fid:
        kNNList = [record]
        if record not in duplicateList:
            for pair in fid:
                if pair != record:
                    for nh in gaSearch:
                        if timeBin[record] == timeBin[pair]:
            #### Create and Populate New Feature ####
            kNNList = list(set(kNNList))
            count = len(kNNList)
            dt = time[record]
            x0 = ssdo.xyCoords[kNNList, 0].mean()
            y0 = ssdo.xyCoords[kNNList, 1].mean()
            pnt = (x0, y0, ssdo.defaultZ)
            rowResult = [pnt, count, dt]

    #### Clean Up ####
    del rowsOut, timeBin, kNNList, duplicateList

    return countFieldNameOut
Esempio n. 23
def kNearest2SWM(inputFC, swmFile, masterField, concept = "EUCLIDEAN", 
                 kNeighs = 1, rowStandard = True):
    """Creates a sparse spatial weights matrix (SWM) based on k-nearest

    inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
    swmFile (str): path to the SWM file.
    masterField (str): field in table that serves as the mapping.
    concept: {str, EUCLIDEAN}: EUCLIDEAN or MANHATTAN 
    kNeighs {int, 1}: number of neighbors to return
    rowStandard {bool, True}: row standardize weights?

    #### Assure that kNeighs is Non-Zero ####
    if kNeighs <= 0:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 976)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Set Default Progressor for Neigborhood Structure ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84143))

    #### Create SSDataObject ####
    ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = inputFC,
                             useChordal = True)
    cnt = UTILS.getCount(inputFC)
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(cnt, minNumObs = 2)

    #### Validation of Master Field ####
    verifyMaster = ERROR.checkField(ssdo.allFields, masterField, types = [0,1])

    #### Create GA Data Structure ####
    gaTable, gaInfo = WU.gaTable(ssdo.catPath, [masterField],
                                 spatRef = ssdo.spatialRefString)

    #### Assure Enough Observations ####
    N = gaInfo[0]
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(N, minNumObs = 2)

    #### Process any bad records encountered ####
    numBadRecs = cnt - N
    if numBadRecs:
        badRecs = WU.parseGAWarnings(gaTable.warnings)
        err = ERROR.reportBadRecords(cnt, numBadRecs, badRecs,
                                     label = ssdo.oidName)

    #### Assure k-Nearest is Less Than Number of Features ####
    if kNeighs >= N:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 975)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Create k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    concept, gaConcept = WU.validateDistanceMethod(concept, ssdo.spatialRef)
    gaSearch.init_nearest(0.0, kNeighs, gaConcept)
    neighWeights = ARC._ss.NeighborWeights(gaTable, gaSearch, 
                                           weight_type = 1,
                                           row_standard = False)

    #### Set Progressor for Weights Writing ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84127), 0, N, 1)

    #### Initialize Spatial Weights Matrix File ####
    swmWriter = WU.SWMWriter(swmFile, masterField, ssdo.spatialRefName, 
                             N, rowStandard, inputFC = inputFC,
                             wType = 2, distanceMethod = concept,
                             numNeighs = kNeighs)

    #### Unique Master ID Dictionary ####
    masterSet = set([])

    for row in xrange(N):
        masterID = int(gaTable[row][2])
        if masterID in masterSet:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 644, masterField)
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 643)
            raise SystemExit()

        neighs, weights = neighWeights[row]
        neighs = [ gaTable[nh][2] for nh in neighs ]

        #### Add Spatial Weights Matrix Entry ####
        swmWriter.swm.writeEntry(masterID, neighs, weights) 

        #### Set Progress ####

    del gaTable

    #### Report Warning/Max Neighbors ####

    #### Report Spatial Weights Summary ####

    #### Report SWM File is Large ####
Esempio n. 24
    def weightedCalc(self):
        """Performs weighted k-function."""

        #### Attribute Shortcuts ####
        ssdo = self.ssdo
        reduce = self.reduce
        simulate = self.simulate
        ripley = self.ripley
        numIDs = len(self.ids) 
        if reduce:
            studyArea2Use = self.reduceArea
            studyArea2Use = self.studyArea
        if simulate:
            simOrder = []
            for simKey, origID in self.simDict.iteritems():

        self.ld = COLL.defaultdict(float)
        if self.permutations:
            self.ldMin = COLL.defaultdict(float)
            self.ldMax = COLL.defaultdict(float)
            for order in self.cutoffOrder:
                self.ldMin[order] = 99999999999.

        permsPlus = self.permutations + 1
        for perm in xrange(0, permsPlus):

            #### Permutation Progressor ####
            pmsg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84184)
            progressMessage = pmsg.format(perm, permsPlus)
            ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", progressMessage)
            gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(self.kTable)
            gaSearch.init_nearest(self.stepMax, 0, "euclidean")
            N = len(self.kTable)

            #### Permutate Weights ####
            if perm:
                weights = RAND.permutation(weights)
                weights = self.weightVals
            if simulate:
                simWeights = NUM.take(self.weightVals, simOrder)

            #### Set Statistic Variables ####
            weightSumVal = 0.0
            kij = COLL.defaultdict(float)
            start = 0

            #### Loop Over Entire Table ####
            for i in xrange(N):
                row = self.kTable[i]
                id0 = row[0]

                #### Calculate For Inside IDs ####
                if id0 in self.ids:
                    x0,y0 = row[1]              
                    weightInd0 = self.weightDict[id0]
                    w0 = weights[weightInd0]

                    #### Weight Sum Resolution ####
                    weightSumVal += (NUM.sum(w0 * weights)) - w0**2.0
                    if simulate:
                        weightSumVal += (w0 * simWeights).sum()

                    #### Neighbors Within Largest Distance ####
                    for nh in gaSearch:
                        neighInfo = self.kTable[nh.idx]
                        id1 = neighInfo[0]
                        x1,y1 = neighInfo[1]

                        #### Input or Simulated Point ####
                            weightInd1 = self.weightDict[id1]
                            origID = self.simDict[id1]
                            weightInd1 = self.weightDict[origID]

                        #### Process Neighbor Pair ####
                        w1 = weights[weightInd1]
                        dist = WU.euclideanDistance(x0,x1,y0,y1)
                        if ripley:
                            value = self.returnRipley(id0, dist)
                            value = 1.0
                        value = w0 * (w1 * value)

                        #### Add To Cutoffs ####
                        for order in self.reverseOrder:
                            cutoff = self.cutoffs[order]
                            if dist > cutoff:
                            kij[order] += value


            #### Calculate Stats USing Dictionaries ####
            denom = NUM.pi * weightSumVal
            for order in self.cutoffOrder:
                res = kij[order]
                numer = res * studyArea2Use
                permResult = NUM.sqrt( (numer/denom) )
                if perm:
                    self.ldMin[order] = min(self.ldMin[order], 
                    self.ldMax[order] = max(self.ldMax[order], 
                    self.ld[order] = permResult
Esempio n. 25
def spaceTime2SWM(inputFC, swmFile, masterField, concept = "EUCLIDEAN",
                  threshold = None, rowStandard = True,
                  timeField = None, timeType = None,
                  timeValue = None):
    inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
    swmFile (str): path to the SWM file.
    masterField (str): field in table that serves as the mapping.
    concept: {str, EUCLIDEAN}: EUCLIDEAN or MANHATTAN 
    threshold {float, None}: distance threshold
    rowStandard {bool, True}: row standardize weights?
    timeField {str, None}: name of the date-time field
    timeType {str, None}: ESRI enumeration of date-time intervals
    timeValue {float, None}: value forward and backward in time

    #### Assure Temporal Parameters are Set ####
    if not timeField:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1320)
        raise SystemExit()
    if not timeType:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1321)
        raise SystemExit()
    if not timeValue or timeValue <= 0:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1322)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Create SSDataObject ####
    ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = inputFC,
                             useChordal = True)
    cnt = UTILS.getCount(inputFC)
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(cnt, minNumObs = 2)
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84001), 0, cnt, 1)

    #### Validation of Master Field ####
    verifyMaster = ERROR.checkField(ssdo.allFields, masterField, types = [0,1])
    badIDs = []

    #### Create Temporal Hash ####
    timeInfo = {}
    xyCoords = NUM.empty((cnt, 2), float)

    #### Process Field Values ####
    fieldList = [masterField, "SHAPE@XY", timeField]
        rows = DA.SearchCursor(ssdo.catPath, fieldList, "", 
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 204)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Add Data to GATable and Time Dictionary ####
    c = 0
    for row in rows:
        badRow = False

        #### Assure Masterfield is Valid ####
        masterID = row[0]
        if masterID == None or masterID == "":
            badRow = True

        #### Assure Date/Time is Valid ####
        timeStamp = row[-1]
        if timeStamp == None or timeStamp == "":
            badRow = True

        #### Assure Centroid is Valid ####
        badXY = row[1].count(None)
        if not badXY:
            x,y = row[1]
            xyCoords[c] = (x,y)
            badRow = True

        #### Process Data ####
        if not badRow:
            if timeInfo.has_key(masterID):
                #### Assure Uniqueness ####
                ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 644, masterField)
                ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 643)
                raise SystemExit()
                #### Fill Date/Time Dict ####
                startDT, endDT = TUTILS.calculateTimeWindow(timeStamp, 
                timeInfo[masterID] = (timeStamp, startDT, endDT)


        #### Set Progress ####
        c += 1

    #### Clean Up ####
    del rows

    #### Get Set of Bad IDs ####
    numBadObs = len(badIDs)
    badIDs = list(set(badIDs))
    badIDs = [ str(i) for i in badIDs ]
    #### Process any bad records encountered ####
    if numBadObs:
        ERROR.reportBadRecords(cnt, numBadObs, badIDs, label = masterField)

    #### Load Neighbor Table ####
    gaTable, gaInfo = WU.gaTable(ssdo.inputFC, 
                                 fieldNames = [masterField, timeField],
                                 spatRef = ssdo.spatialRefString)
    numObs = len(gaTable)
    xyCoords = xyCoords[0:numObs]

    #### Set the Distance Threshold ####
    concept, gaConcept = WU.validateDistanceMethod(concept, ssdo.spatialRef)
    if threshold == None:
        #### Set Progressor for Search ####
        ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84144))

        #### Create k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
        gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
        gaSearch.init_nearest(0.0, 1, gaConcept)
        neighDist = ARC._ss.NeighborDistances(gaTable, gaSearch)
        N = len(neighDist)
        threshold = 0.0
        sumDist = 0.0 

        #### Find Maximum Nearest Neighbor Distance ####
        for row in xrange(N):
            dij = neighDist[row][-1][0]
            if dij > threshold:
                threshold = dij
            sumDist += dij


        #### Increase For Rounding Error ####
        threshold = threshold * 1.0001
        avgDist = sumDist / (N * 1.0)

        #### Add Linear/Angular Units ####
        thresholdStr = ssdo.distanceInfo.printDistance(threshold)
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Warning", 853, thresholdStr)

        #### Chordal Default Check ####
        if ssdo.useChordal:
            hardMaxExtent = ARC._ss.get_max_gcs_distance(ssdo.spatialRef)
            if threshold > hardMaxExtent:
                ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1609)
                raise SystemExit()

        #### Clean Up ####
        del gaSearch

    #### Create Missing SSDO Info ####
    extent = UTILS.resetExtent(xyCoords)

    #### Reset Coordinates for Chordal ####
    if ssdo.useChordal:
        sliceInfo = UTILS.SpheroidSlice(extent, ssdo.spatialRef)
        maxExtent = sliceInfo.maxExtent
        env = UTILS.Envelope(extent)
        maxExtent = env.maxExtent

    threshold = checkDistanceThresholdSWM(ssdo, threshold, maxExtent)
    #### Set Default Progressor for Neigborhood Structure ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84143))

    #### Create Distance Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    gaSearch.init_nearest(threshold, 0, gaConcept)
    neighSearch = ARC._ss.NeighborSearch(gaTable, gaSearch)

    #### Set Progressor for Weights Writing ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84127), 0, numObs, 1)

    #### Initialize Spatial Weights Matrix File ####
    swmWriter = WU.SWMWriter(swmFile, masterField, ssdo.spatialRefName, 
                             numObs, rowStandard, inputFC = inputFC,
                             wType = 9, distanceMethod = concept,
                             threshold = threshold, timeField = timeField,
                             timeType = timeType, timeValue = timeValue)

    for row in xrange(numObs):
        masterID = gaTable[row][2]

        #### Get Date/Time Info ####
        dt0, startDT0, endDT0 = timeInfo[masterID]

        nhs = neighSearch[row]
        neighs = []
        weights = []
        for nh in nhs:
            #### Search Through Spatial Neighbors ####
            neighID = gaTable[nh][2]

            #### Get Date/Time Info ####
            dt1, startDT1, endDT1 = timeInfo[neighID]

            #### Filter Based on Date/Time ####
            insideTimeWindow = TUTILS.isTimeNeighbor(startDT0, endDT0, dt1)
            if insideTimeWindow:

        #### Add Spatial Weights Matrix Entry ####
        swmWriter.swm.writeEntry(masterID, neighs, weights) 

        #### Set Progress ####

    del gaTable

    #### Report Warning/Max Neighbors ####

    #### Report Spatial Weights Summary ####

    #### Report SWM File is Large ####
def calculateDistanceBand(inputFC, kNeighs, concept="EUCLIDEAN"):
    """Provides the minimum, maximum and average distance from a
    set of features based on a given neighbor count.

    inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
    kNeighs (int): number of neighbors to return
    concept {str, EUCLIDEAN}: EUCLIDEAN or MANHATTAN distance

    #### Assure that kNeighs is Non-Zero ####
    if kNeighs <= 0:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 976)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Set Default Progressor for Neigborhood Structure ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84143))

    #### Create SSDataObject ####
    ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, useChordal=True)
    cnt = UTILS.getCount(inputFC)
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(cnt, minNumObs=2)

    #### Create GA Data Structure ####
    gaTable, gaInfo = WU.gaTable(inputFC, spatRef=ssdo.spatialRefString)

    #### Assure Enough Observations ####
    N = gaInfo[0]
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(N, minNumObs=2)

    #### Process Any Bad Records Encountered ####
    numBadRecs = cnt - N
    if numBadRecs:
        badRecs = WU.parseGAWarnings(gaTable.warnings)
        err = ERROR.reportBadRecords(cnt,

    #### Assure k-Nearest is Less Than Number of Features ####
    if kNeighs >= N:
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 975)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Create k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    gaConcept = concept.lower()
    gaSearch.init_nearest(0.0, kNeighs, gaConcept)
    neighDist = ARC._ss.NeighborDistances(gaTable, gaSearch)

    #### Set Progressor for Weights Writing ####
    ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84007), 0, N, 1)
    distances = NUM.empty((N, ), float)

    for row in xrange(N):
        distances[row] = neighDist[row][-1].max()

    #### Calculate and Report ####
    minDist = distances.min()
    avgDist = distances.mean()
    maxDist = distances.max()
    if ssdo.useChordal:
        hardMaxExtent = ARC._ss.get_max_gcs_distance(ssdo.spatialRef)
        if maxDist > hardMaxExtent:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1609)
            raise SystemExit()

    minDistOut = LOCALE.format("%0.6f", minDist)
    avgDistOut = LOCALE.format("%0.6f", avgDist)
    maxDistOut = LOCALE.format("%0.6f", maxDist)

    #### Create Output Text Table ####
    header = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84171)
    row1 = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84165).format(kNeighs), minDistOut]
    row2 = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84166).format(kNeighs), avgDistOut]
    row3 = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84167).format(kNeighs), maxDistOut]
    total = [row1, row2, row3]
    tableOut = UTILS.outputTextTable(total, header=header, pad=1)

    #### Add Linear/Angular Unit ####
    distanceOut = ssdo.distanceInfo.outputString
    distanceMeasuredStr = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84344).format(distanceOut)
    tableOut += "\n%s\n" % distanceMeasuredStr

    #### Report Text Output ####

    #### Set Derived Output ####
    ARCPY.SetParameterAsText(3, minDist)
    ARCPY.SetParameterAsText(4, avgDist)
    ARCPY.SetParameterAsText(5, maxDist)

    #### Clean Up ####
    del gaTable
Esempio n. 27
    def construct(self):
        """Constructs the neighborhood structure for each feature and
        dispatches the appropriate values for the calculation of the

        #### Shorthand Attributes ####
        ssdo = self.ssdo
        varName = self.varName
        concept = self.concept
        gaConcept = concept.lower()
        threshold = self.threshold
        exponent = self.exponent
        wType = self.wType
        numObs = self.numObs
        master2Order = self.master2Order
        masterField = ssdo.masterField
        weightsFile = self.weightsFile
        potentialField = self.potentialField

        #### Assure that Variance is Larger than Zero ####
        yVar = NUM.var(self.y)
        if NUM.isnan(yVar) or yVar <= 0.0:
            ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 906)
            raise SystemExit()

        #### Create Summed Variables ####
        self.intRange = NUM.arange(numObs)
        self.floatN = self.numObs * 1.0
        ySum = self.y.sum()
        ySum2 = (self.y**2.0).sum()
        self.yBar = ySum / self.floatN
        self.S = NUM.sqrt((ySum2 / self.floatN) - self.yBar**2.0)
        self.nm1 = self.floatN - 1.0

        #### Create Base Data Structures/Variables #### = NUM.zeros(numObs)
        self.pVals = NUM.ones(numObs)
        if self.permutations:
            self.pseudoPVals = NUM.ones(numObs)

        #### Set Neighborhood Structure Type ####
        if self.weightsFile:
            if self.swmFileBool:
                #### Open Spatial Weights and Obtain Chars ####
                swm = WU.SWMReader(weightsFile)
                N = swm.numObs
                rowStandard = swm.rowStandard
                self.swm = swm

                #### Check to Assure Complete Set of Weights ####
                if numObs > N:
                    ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 842, numObs, N)
                    raise SystemExit()

                #### Check if Selection Set ####
                isSubSet = False
                if numObs < N:
                    isSubSet = True
                iterVals = xrange(N)
                #### Warning for GWT with Bad Records/Selection ####
                if ssdo.selectionSet or ssdo.badRecords:
                    ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1029)

                #### Build Weights Dictionary ####
                weightDict = WU.buildTextWeightDict(weightsFile, master2Order)
                iterVals = master2Order.keys()
                N = numObs

        elif wType in [4, 5]:
            #### Polygon Contiguity ####
            if wType == 4:
                contiguityType = "ROOK"
                contiguityType = "QUEEN"
            contDict = WU.polygonNeighborDict(ssdo.inputFC,
            iterVals = master2Order.keys()
            N = numObs

            gaTable = ssdo.gaTable
            gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
            if wType == 7:
                #### Zone of Indiff, All Related to All ####
                gaSearch.init_nearest(threshold, numObs, gaConcept)
                #### Inverse and Fixed Distances ####
                gaSearch.init_nearest(threshold, self.numNeighs, gaConcept)
            iterVals = range(numObs)
            N = numObs
            neighWeights = ARC._ss.NeighborWeights(gaTable,

        #### Create Progressor ####
        msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84007)
        if self.permutations:
            msg += ": Using Permutations = %i" % self.permutations
        ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", msg, 0, N, 1)

        #### Create Neighbor Info Class ####
        ni = WU.NeighborInfo(masterField)

        #### Calculation For Each Feature ####
        for i in iterVals:
            if self.swmFileBool:
                #### Using SWM File ####
                info = swm.swm.readEntry()
                masterID = info[0]
                if master2Order.has_key(masterID):
                    rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesSWM(info,
                    includeIt = True
                    includeIt = False

            elif self.weightsFile and not self.swmFileBool:
                #### Text Weights ####
                masterID = i
                includeIt = True
                rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesText(masterID,

            elif wType in [4, 5]:
                #### Polygon Contiguity ####
                masterID = i
                includeIt = True
                rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesCont(masterID,

                #### Distance Based ####
                masterID = gaTable[i][0]
                includeIt = True
                rowInfo = WU.getWeightsValuesOTF_Potent(
                    neighWeights, i, self.y, self.potVals)

            #### Subset Boolean for SWM File ####
            if includeIt:
                #### Parse Row Info ####
                orderID, yiVal, nhIDs, nhVals, weights = rowInfo

                #### Assure Neighbors Exist After Selection ####
                nn, nhIDs, nhVals, weights = ni.processInfo(
                    masterID, nhIDs, nhVals, weights)

                if nn:
                    #### Calculate Local G ####
                    self.calculateGI(orderID, yiVal, nhVals, weights)


        #### Clean Up ####
        if self.swmFileBool:

        #### Report on Features with No Neighbors ####

        #### Report on Features with Large Number of Neighbors ####
        self.neighInfo = ni

        #### Set p-values for Gi Bins ####
        if self.permutations:
            #### Use Pseudo p-values ####
            pv = self.pseudoPVals
            #### Use Traditional p-values ####
            pv = self.pVals

        toolMSG = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84466)
        if self.applyFDR:
            #### Set Bins Using FDR ####
            msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84472).format(toolMSG)
            ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", msg)
            self.giBins = STATS.fdrTransform(pv,
            msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84473).format(toolMSG)
            ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", msg)
            self.giBins = STATS.pValueBins(pv,
Esempio n. 28
def stCollectByKNN(ssdo, timeField, outputFC, inSpan, inDistance):
    This method applied Jacquez Space-Time K-NN to convert event data into weighted
    point data by dissolving all coincident points in space and time into unique
    points with a new count field that contains the number of original features
    at that location and time span.

        ssdo (obj): SSDataObject from input
        timeField (str): Date/Time field name in input feature
        outputFC (str): path to the output feature class
        inSpan (int): value of temporal units within the same time bin
        inDistance (int): value of spatial units considered as spatial neighbors
        Create new collected point feature

    #### Read raw time data ####
    timeData = ssdo.fields[timeField].data
    #### Convert temporal unit ####
    time = NUM.array(timeData, dtype = 'datetime64[s]').astype('datetime64[D]')
    #### Find Start Time ####
    startTime = time.min()
    #### Create Bin for Space and Time ####
    timeBin = (time - startTime) / inSpan

    numObs = ssdo.numObs
    #### Create Sudo-fid to Find K-NN in Space and Time
    fid = [i for i in xrange(numObs)]

    #### Validate Output Workspace ####

    #### True Centroid Warning For Non-Point FCs ####
    if ssdo.shapeType.upper() != "POINT":
        ARCPY/AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1021)

    #### Create GA Data Structure ####
    gaTable, gaInfo = WU.gaTable(ssdo.inputFC, spatRef = ssdo.spatialRefString)

    #### Assure Enough Observations ####
    cnt = UTILS.getCount(ssdo.inputFC)
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(cnt, minNumObs = 4)
    N = gaInfo[0]
    ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(N, minNumObs = 4)

    #### Process Any Bad Records Encountered ####
    numBadRecs = cnt -N
    if numBadRecs:
        badRecs = WU.parseGAWarnings(gaTable.warnings)
        if not ssdo.silentWarnings:
            ERROR.reportBadRecords(cnt, numBadRecs, badRecs, label = ssdo.oidName)

    #### Create Output Feature Class ####
    outPath, outName = OS.path.split(outputFC)
        DM.CreateFeatureclass(outPath, outName, "POINT", "", ssdo.mFlag,
                              ssdo.zFlag, ssdo.spatialRefString)
        ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 210, outputFC)
        raise SystemExit()

    #### Create k-Nearest Neighbor Search Type ####
    gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(gaTable)
    gaSearch.init_nearest(inDistance, 0, "euclidean")

    #### Add Count Field ####
    countFieldNameOut = ARCPY.ValidateFieldName(countFieldName, outPath)
    timeFieldNameOut = ARCPY.ValidateFieldName(timeFieldName, outPath)
    UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, countFieldNameOut, "LONG")
    UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, timeFieldNameOut, "DATE")
    fieldList = ["SHAPE@", countFieldNameOut, timeFieldNameOut]

    #### Set Insert Cursor ####
    rowsOut = DA.InsertCursor(outputFC, fieldList)

    #### Detect S-T K-NN by Space and Time Bin ####
    duplicateList = []
    for record in fid:
        kNNList = [record]
        if record not in duplicateList:
            for pair in fid:
                if pair != record :
                    for nh in gaSearch:
                        if timeBin[record] == timeBin[pair]:
            #### Create and Populate New Feature ####
            kNNList = list(set(kNNList))
            count = len(kNNList)
            dt = time[record]
            x0 = ssdo.xyCoords[kNNList, 0].mean()
            y0 = ssdo.xyCoords[kNNList, 1].mean()
            pnt =(x0, y0, ssdo.defaultZ)
            rowResult = [pnt, count, dt]

    #### Clean Up ####
    del rowsOut, timeBin, kNNList, duplicateList

    return countFieldNameOut