def install_cobbler(args): ''' Install cobbler on current host. ''' app.print_verbose("Install cobbler version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("installCobbler", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # Initialize password. app.get_root_password_hash() # Disable SELINUX it just messes with me. x("echo 0 > /selinux/enforce") general.set_config_property("/etc/selinux/config", '^SELINUX=.*', "SELINUX=permissive") _install_cobbler() iptables.add_cobbler_chain() _modify_cobbler_settings() _import_repos() setup_all_systems(args) # Start/Restart used services. x("/etc/init.d/dhcpd restart") version_obj.mark_executed()
def install_mail_server(args): app.print_verbose("Install mail-relay-server version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("Install-mail-relay-server", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() general.shell_exec("yum -y install sendmail") # Tell iptables that this server is configured as a mail-relay server. general.shell_exec("touch /etc/mail/syco_mail_relay_server") iptables.add_mail_relay_chain() app.print_verbose("Configure /etc/mail/*") # Allow all servers on localdomain to relay through this server. set_config_property2("/etc/mail/access", "Connect:10.100 RELAY") x("/usr/sbin/makemap hash access < access") # Remove the loopback address restriction to accept email from the internet or intranet. set_config_property( "/etc/mail/", r".*DAEMON_OPTIONS\(\`Port\=smtp\,Addr\=127\.0\.0\.1\, Name\=MTA\'\)dnl", r"dnl DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl") _rebuild_sendmail_config() _test_mail() version_obj.mark_executed()
def _install_icinga_core(args): """ Core installation is decently straightforward. Icinga-bins are downloaded from the EPEL-repo and and SQL-db is created and set up with the standard icinga db-schema. The "hard" part is setting up the object base, which is done in via helper functions. """ # Disable SELinux for now, Install icinga-packages. x("setenforce 0") install.rforge_repo() x("yum -y install icinga icinga-idoutils-libdbi-mysql nagios-plugins-all nagios-plugins-nrpe" ) # Set set up icinga mysql-database icinga_sql_password = _setup_icinga_mysql() # Let ido2db know password has changed general.use_original_file("/etc/icinga/ido2db.cfg") general.set_config_property( "/etc/icinga/ido2db.cfg", "db_pass=icinga", "db_pass={0}".format(icinga_sql_password, False)) x("cp --remove-destination {0}syco-private/var/nagios/icinga.cfg /etc/icinga/icinga.cfg" .format(constant.SYCO_USR_PATH)) x("chown icinga:icinga /etc/icinga/icinga.cfg") # Add icinga-server iptables chain iptables.add_icinga_chain() # Reload the icinga object structure _reload_icinga(args, reload=False) return icinga_sql_password
def _install_icinga_core(args): """ Core installation is decently straightforward. Icinga-bins are downloaded from the EPEL-repo and and SQL-db is created and set up with the standard icinga db-schema. The "hard" part is setting up the object base, which is done in via helper functions. """ # Disable SELinux for now, Install icinga-packages. x("setenforce 0") install.rforge_repo() x("yum -y install icinga icinga-idoutils-libdbi-mysql nagios-plugins-all nagios-plugins-nrpe") # Set set up icinga mysql-database icinga_sql_password = _setup_icinga_mysql() # Let ido2db know password has changed general.use_original_file("/etc/icinga/ido2db.cfg") general.set_config_property("/etc/icinga/ido2db.cfg","db_pass=icinga","db_pass={0}".format(icinga_sql_password, False)) x("cp --remove-destination {0}syco-private/var/nagios/icinga.cfg /etc/icinga/icinga.cfg".format(constant.SYCO_USR_PATH)) x("chown icinga:icinga /etc/icinga/icinga.cfg") # Add icinga-server iptables chain iptables.add_icinga_chain() # Reload the icinga object structure _reload_icinga(args,reload=False) return icinga_sql_password
def uninstall_dhcp(args): general.shell_exec("service dhcpd stop") general.shell_exec("/sbin/chkconfig dhcpd off") general.shell_exec("rm /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf") general.set_config_property("/etc/sysconfig/dhcpd", ".*DHCPDARGS.*", "DHCPDARGS=") general.shell_exec("yum -y erase dhcp") version_obj = version.Version("InstallDHCPServer", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.mark_uninstalled()
def _install_pnp4nagios(): ''' PNP4Nagios is design to work with Nagios - some hacking is needed to make it play nice with icinga, especially with file permissions creating files that the EPEL-package has missed. PNP4Nagios uses the NPCD-daemon to spool data from Icinga to Round Robin Databases. I.e using bulk mode, see ''' # Get packages from epel repo install.epel_repo() x("yum install -y pnp4nagios icinga-web-module-pnp") # Pnp4 uses the nagios password file, which will not exist general.use_original_file("/etc/httpd/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf") general.set_config_property("/etc/httpd/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf", "AuthName \"Nagios Access\"", "AuthName \"Icinga Access\"", False) general.set_config_property("/etc/httpd/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf", "AuthUserFile /etc/nagios/passwd", "AuthUserFile /etc/icinga/passwd", False) # NPCD config prepped to work with icinga instead of nagios x("cp {0}syco-private/var/nagios/npcd.cfg /etc/pnp4nagios/npcd.cfg".format( constant.SYCO_USR_PATH)) x("chown icinga:icinga /etc/pnp4nagios/npcd.cfg") # Package-maker does create a log for process-perfdata. PBP goes bonkers if it can't find it x("touch /var/log/pnp4nagios/perfdata.log") # Since we are using icinga (not nagios) we need to change permissions. # Tried just adding icinga to nagios group but creates a dependency on PNP/Nagios package states which is not good. x("chown -R icinga:icinga /var/log/pnp4nagios") x("chown -R icinga:icinga /var/spool/pnp4nagios") x("chown -R icinga:icinga /var/lib/pnp4nagios") # Set npcd (bulk parser/spooler) to auto-start x(" /sbin/chkconfig --level 3 npcd on") # Setup LDAP-login for PNP4NAgios. general.use_original_file("/etc/httpd/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf") x("rm -f /etc/httpd/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf") x("cp -p {0}icinga/pnp4nagios.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/".format( constant.SYCO_VAR_PATH)) htconf = scopen.scOpen("/etc/httpd/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf") htconf.replace("${BIND_DN}", "cn=sssd,%s" % config.general.get_ldap_dn()) htconf.replace("${BIND_PASSWORD}", "%s" % app.get_ldap_sssd_password()) htconf.replace( "${LDAP_URL}", "ldaps://%s:636/%s?uid" % (config.general.get_ldap_hostname(), config.general.get_ldap_dn())) # Restart everything x("service icinga restart") x("service httpd restart") x("service npcd restart")
def install_dhcp(args): ''' Install a dhcp server on the current server. ''' app.print_verbose("Install DHCP-Server version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("InstallDHCPServer", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() general.shell_exec("yum -y install dhcp") general.shell_exec("/sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on") shutil.copyfile(app.SYCO_PATH + "/var/dhcp/dhcp3.conf", "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf") general.set_config_property("/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf", "\$\{IP\}", net.get_ip_class_c(net.get_lan_ip())) general.set_config_property("/etc/sysconfig/dhcpd", ".*DHCPDARGS.*", "DHCPDARGS=%s" % get_back_interface()) general.shell_exec("service dhcpd restart") version_obj.mark_executed()
def _configure_backup_pathes(remote_server, ip, hostname): app.print_verbose("Configure rsnapshot for " + hostname + " on " + ip) # Add Caption general.set_config_property("/etc/rsnapshot.conf", "# " + hostname, "\n# " + hostname) for url in if url == 'do-mysql-backup': remote_server.ssh_exec("syco install-mysql-backup") _do_mysql_backup(ip, hostname) elif url == 'do-mysqldump-backup': remote_server.ssh_exec("syco install-mysql-backup") _do_mysqldump_backup(ip, hostname) elif url == 'do-svn-backup': _do_svndump_backup(ip, hostname) else: _do_folder_backup(ip, hostname, url)
def install_dhcp(args): """ Install a dhcp server on the current server. """ app.print_verbose("Install DHCP-Server version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("InstallDHCPServer", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() general.shell_exec("yum -y install dhcp") general.shell_exec("/sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on") shutil.copyfile(app.SYCO_PATH + "/var/dhcp/dhcp3.conf", "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf") general.set_config_property("/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf", "\$\{IP\}", net.get_ip_class_c(net.get_lan_ip())) general.set_config_property("/etc/sysconfig/dhcpd", ".*DHCPDARGS.*", "DHCPDARGS=%s" % get_back_interface()) general.shell_exec("service dhcpd restart") version_obj.mark_executed()
def _install_pnp4nagios(): ''' PNP4Nagios is design to work with Nagios - some hacking is needed to make it play nice with icinga, especially with file permissions creating files that the EPEL-package has missed. PNP4Nagios uses the NPCD-daemon to spool data from Icinga to Round Robin Databases. I.e using bulk mode, see ''' # Get packages from epel repo install.epel_repo() x("yum install -y pnp4nagios icinga-web-module-pnp") # Pnp4 uses the nagios password file, which will not exist general.use_original_file("/etc/httpd/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf") general.set_config_property("/etc/httpd/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf","AuthName \"Nagios Access\"","AuthName \"Icinga Access\"", False) general.set_config_property("/etc/httpd/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf","AuthUserFile /etc/nagios/passwd","AuthUserFile /etc/icinga/passwd",False) # NPCD config prepped to work with icinga instead of nagios x("cp {0}syco-private/var/nagios/npcd.cfg /etc/pnp4nagios/npcd.cfg".format(constant.SYCO_USR_PATH)) x("chown icinga:icinga /etc/pnp4nagios/npcd.cfg") # Package-maker does create a log for process-perfdata. PBP goes bonkers if it can't find it x("touch /var/log/pnp4nagios/perfdata.log") # Since we are using icinga (not nagios) we need to change permissions. # Tried just adding icinga to nagios group but creates a dependency on PNP/Nagios package states which is not good. x("chown -R icinga:icinga /var/log/pnp4nagios") x("chown -R icinga:icinga /var/spool/pnp4nagios") x("chown -R icinga:icinga /var/lib/pnp4nagios") # Set npcd (bulk parser/spooler) to auto-start x(" /sbin/chkconfig --level 3 npcd on") # Setup LDAP-login for PNP4NAgios. general.use_original_file("/etc/httpd/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf") x("rm -f /etc/httpd/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf") x("cp -p {0}icinga/pnp4nagios.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/".format(constant.SYCO_VAR_PATH)) htconf = scopen.scOpen("/etc/httpd/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf") htconf.replace("${BIND_DN}","cn=sssd,%s" % config.general.get_ldap_dn() ) htconf.replace("${BIND_PASSWORD}","%s" % app.get_ldap_sssd_password() ) htconf.replace("${LDAP_URL}","ldaps://%s:636/%s?uid" % (config.general.get_ldap_hostname(),config.general.get_ldap_dn()) ) # Restart everything x("service icinga restart") x("service httpd restart") x("service npcd restart")
def add_export(name, path, clients="*", permissions="rw,sync,nohide"): ''' Add a folder for nfs export. Example add_export("dvd", "/media/dvd") Will create the export /exports/dvd ''' x("mkdir -p /exports/" + name) x("chmod 755 /exports/") x("mount --bind " + path + " /exports/" + name) x("chmod 755 " + path + " /exports/" + name) set_config_property( "/etc/fstab", "^%s.*$" % (path), "%s /exports/%s none bind 0 0" % (path, name) ) # Add for example /exports/log *(rw,sync,nohide) set_config_property( "/etc/exports", "^/exports/%s.*$" % (name), "/exports/%s %s(%s)" % (name, clients, permissions) ) # Only needed once, but is dublicate here. set_config_property("/etc/exports", "\/exports \*\(ro\,fsid\=0\)", "/exports *(ro,fsid=0)")
def _create_kvm_snapshot_partition(): """ Create a partion that will be used by kvm/qemu to store guest snapshots. Memory snapshots when rebooting and such. TODO: Size should be equal to RAM. """ volgroup = disk.active_volgroup_name() devicename = "/dev/" + volgroup + "/qemu" result = x("lvdisplay -v " + devicename, output=False) if devicename not in result: x("lvcreate -n qemu -L 100G " + volgroup) x("mkfs.ext4 -j " + devicename) x("mkdir -p /var/lib/libvirt/qemu") x("mount " + devicename + " /var/lib/libvirt/qemu") x("chown qemu:qemu /var/lib/libvirt/qemu") x("restorecon -R -v /var/lib/libvirt/qemu") # Automount the new partion when rebooting. value = devicename + " /var/lib/libvirt/qemu ext4 defaults 1 2" general.set_config_property("/etc/fstab", value, value)
def _create_kvm_snapshot_partition(): ''' Create a partion that will be used by kvm/qemu to store guest snapshots. Memory snapshots when rebooting and such. TODO: Size should be equal to RAM. ''' volgroup = disk.active_volgroup_name() devicename = "/dev/" + volgroup + "/qemu" result = x("lvdisplay -v " + devicename, output=False) if (devicename not in result): x("lvcreate -n qemu -L 100G " + volgroup) x("mkfs.ext4 -j " + devicename) x("mkdir -p /var/lib/libvirt/qemu") x("mount " + devicename + " /var/lib/libvirt/qemu") x("chown qemu:qemu /var/lib/libvirt/qemu") x("restorecon -R -v /var/lib/libvirt/qemu") # Automount the new partion when rebooting. value = devicename + " /var/lib/libvirt/qemu ext4 defaults 1 2" general.set_config_property("/etc/fstab", value, value)
def install_monitor(args): ''' Monitor installation This script install nagios-plugins-all and nrpe server to the host. the host is then setup to allow cennections from the monitor server nand to reply back results to the monitor server. Install munin-node to accept muninserver connections. ''' #Installting nagios plugins and nrpe server general.shell_exec("yum install nagios-plugins-all nrpe munin-node -y") #Setting upp nrpe config for #-Accepting connections from m#onitor-tp.* #-Adding to use fareoffice nrpe commands #-Removing all commands in nrpe.conf file general.set_config_property( "/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg", "^allowed_hosts=.*", "allowed_hosts=" + config.general.get_monitor_server()) general.set_config_property("/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg", "^[\#]?command.*", "#command") general.set_config_property("/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg", "^dont_blame_nrpe=.*", "dont_blame_nrpe=1") munin_ip = config.general.get_monitor_server().split(".") general.set_config_property( "/etc/munin/munin-node.conf", "^allow.*", "allow " + munin_ip[0] + "\." + munin_ip[1] + "\." + munin_ip[2] + "\." + munin_ip[3] + "") x("rm /etc/nrpe.d/nrpe_fareoffice.cfg") x("cp /opt/syco/var/monitor/nrpe_fareoffice.cfg /etc/nrpe.d/nrpe_fareoffice.cfg" ) # Openning ports in iptabled for accepting connections from # monitor server. # Opening port 4949 munin and 5666 nrpe iptables.add_monitor_chain() #Restaring services general.shell_exec('/etc/init.d/nrpe restart') general.shell_exec('/etc/init.d/munin-node restart')
def install_monitor(args): """ Monitor installation This script install nagios-plugins-all and nrpe server to the host. the host is then setup to allow cennections from the monitor server nand to reply back results to the monitor server. Install munin-node to accept muninserver connections. """ # Installting nagios plugins and nrpe server general.shell_exec("yum install nagios-plugins-all nrpe munin-node -y") # Setting upp nrpe config for # -Accepting connections from m#onitor-tp.* # -Adding to use fareoffice nrpe commands # -Removing all commands in nrpe.conf file general.set_config_property( "/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg", "^allowed_hosts=.*", "allowed_hosts=" + config.general.get_monitor_server() ) general.set_config_property("/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg", "^[\#]?command.*", "#command") general.set_config_property("/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg", "^dont_blame_nrpe=.*", "dont_blame_nrpe=1") munin_ip = config.general.get_monitor_server().split(".") general.set_config_property( "/etc/munin/munin-node.conf", "^allow.*", "allow " + munin_ip[0] + "\." + munin_ip[1] + "\." + munin_ip[2] + "\." + munin_ip[3] + "", ) x("rm /etc/nrpe.d/nrpe_fareoffice.cfg") x("cp /opt/syco/var/monitor/nrpe_fareoffice.cfg /etc/nrpe.d/nrpe_fareoffice.cfg") # Openning ports in iptabled for accepting connections from # monitor server. # Opening port 4949 munin and 5666 nrpe iptables.add_monitor_chain() # Restaring services general.shell_exec("/etc/init.d/nrpe restart") general.shell_exec("/etc/init.d/munin-node restart")
def _configure_icinga_web(icinga_db_pass, web_sqlpassword): ''' Sets configuration parameters for icinga-web, including MySQL-password, LDAP user-auth and timezone. Watch out: The repoforge package creates an icinga-web folder in /etc/ with a few XML-files, which are then linked into the /usr/share/icinga-web/app/config xmls through overwrite-tags. However, the icinga-web documentation assumes you are using the standard configs, meaning that its easier to debug/powergoodgle if not loading the includes (by just not setting apache permissions). ''' # Configure upp database passwords general.use_original_file("/usr/share/icinga-web/app/config/databases.xml") general.set_config_property( "/usr/share/icinga-web/app/config/databases.xml", "mysql://icinga_web:icinga_web", "mysql://icinga-web:{0}".format(web_sqlpassword), False) general.set_config_property( "/usr/share/icinga-web/app/config/databases.xml", "mysql://icinga:icinga", "mysql://icinga:{0}".format(icinga_db_pass), False) # Configure LDAP login general.use_original_file("/etc/httpd/conf.d/icinga-web.conf ") x("rm -f /etc/httpd/conf.d/icinga-web.conf ") x("cp -p {0}icinga/icinga-web.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/".format( constant.SYCO_VAR_PATH)) htconf = scopen.scOpen("/etc/httpd/conf.d/icinga-web.conf ") htconf.replace("${BIND_DN}", "cn=sssd,%s" % config.general.get_ldap_dn()) htconf.replace("${BIND_PASSWORD}", "%s" % app.get_ldap_sssd_password()) htconf.replace( "${LDAP_URL}", "ldaps://%s:636/%s?uid" % (config.general.get_ldap_hostname(), config.general.get_ldap_dn())) x("/usr/bin/icinga-web-clearcache") # Configure timezone and laguage general.use_original_file( "/usr/share/icinga-web/app/config/translation.xml") general.set_config_property( "/usr/share/icinga-web/app/config/translation.xml", "default_locale=\"en\"", "default_locale=\"en\" default_timezone=\"CET\"", False)
def _configure_icinga_web(icinga_db_pass, web_sqlpassword): ''' Sets configuration parameters for icinga-web, including MySQL-password, LDAP user-auth and timezone. Watch out: The repoforge package creates an icinga-web folder in /etc/ with a few XML-files, which are then linked into the /usr/share/icinga-web/app/config xmls through overwrite-tags. However, the icinga-web documentation assumes you are using the standard configs, meaning that its easier to debug/powergoodgle if not loading the includes (by just not setting apache permissions). ''' # Configure upp database passwords general.use_original_file("/usr/share/icinga-web/app/config/databases.xml") general.set_config_property( "/usr/share/icinga-web/app/config/databases.xml", "mysql://icinga_web:icinga_web", "mysql://icinga-web:{0}".format(web_sqlpassword), False ) general.set_config_property( "/usr/share/icinga-web/app/config/databases.xml", "mysql://icinga:icinga", "mysql://icinga:{0}".format(icinga_db_pass), False ) # Configure LDAP login general.use_original_file("/etc/httpd/conf.d/icinga-web.conf ") x("rm -f /etc/httpd/conf.d/icinga-web.conf ") x("cp -p {0}icinga/icinga-web.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/".format(constant.SYCO_VAR_PATH)) htconf = scopen.scOpen("/etc/httpd/conf.d/icinga-web.conf ") htconf.replace("${BIND_DN}","cn=sssd,%s" % config.general.get_ldap_dn() ) htconf.replace("${BIND_PASSWORD}","%s" % app.get_ldap_sssd_password() ) htconf.replace("${LDAP_URL}","ldaps://%s:636/%s?uid" % (config.general.get_ldap_hostname(),config.general.get_ldap_dn()) ) x("/usr/bin/icinga-web-clearcache") # Configure timezone and laguage general.use_original_file("/usr/share/icinga-web/app/config/translation.xml") general.set_config_property("/usr/share/icinga-web/app/config/translation.xml", "default_locale=\"en\"","default_locale=\"en\" default_timezone=\"CET\"",False)
def add_export(name, path, clients="*", permissions="rw,sync,nohide"): ''' Add a folder for nfs export. Example add_export("dvd", "/media/dvd") Will create the export /exports/dvd ''' x("mkdir -p /exports/" + name) x("chmod 755 /exports/") x("mount --bind " + path + " /exports/" + name) x("chmod 755 " + path + " /exports/" + name) set_config_property("/etc/fstab", "^%s.*$" % (path), "%s /exports/%s none bind 0 0" % (path, name)) # Add for example /exports/log *(rw,sync,nohide) set_config_property("/etc/exports", "^/exports/%s.*$" % (name), "/exports/%s %s(%s)" % (name, clients, permissions)) # Only needed once, but is dublicate here. set_config_property("/etc/exports", "\/exports \*\(ro\,fsid\=0\)", "/exports *(ro,fsid=0)")
def install_mail_client(args): app.print_verbose("Install mail-relay-server version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("Install-mail-relay-client", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() general.shell_exec("yum -y install sendmail") file = "/etc/mail/" domain = config.general.get_mail_relay_domain_name() app.print_verbose("Configure /etc/mail/*") # Set the mail-relay server. set_config_property(file, ".*define\(\`SMART_HOST\'\, \`.*\'\)dnl", "define(`SMART_HOST', `" + domain + "')dnl") # FEATURE always_add_domain always masquerades email addresses, even if the # mail is sent from a user on the mail server to another user on the same # mail server. set_config_property2(file, "FEATURE(always_add_domain)dnl") # FEATURE masquerade_entire_domain makes sendmail masquerade servers named # *, and * as In other words, mail # from would be masqueraded as If this wasn't # selected, then only servers named and would be # masqueraded. Use this with caution when you are sure you have the necessary # authority to do this. set_config_property2(file, "FEATURE(masquerade_entire_domain)dnl") # FEATURE masquerade_envelope rewrites the email envelope just as # MASQUERADE_AS rewrote the header. set_config_property2(file, "FEATURE(masquerade_envelope)dnl") # FEATURE allmasquerade makes sendmail rewrite both recipient addresses and # sender addresses relative to the local machine. If you cc: yourself on an # outgoing mail, the other recipient sees a cc: to an address he knows instead # of one on localhost.localdomain. # TODO: need to be before MAILER #set_config_property2(file, "FEATURE(allmasquerade)dnl") # The MASQUERADE_AS directive makes all mail originating on # client appear to come from a server within the domain # DOMAIN by rewriting the email header. set_config_property(file, ".*MASQUERADE_AS\(\`.*\'\)dnl.*", "MASQUERADE_AS(`" + domain + "')dnl") # The MASQUERADE_DOMAIN directive makes mail relayed via mail-relay server # from all machines in the localdomain domains appear to come from the # MASQUERADE_AS domain. Using DNS, sendmail checks the domain name associated # with the IP address of the mail relay client sending the mail to help it # determine whether it should do masquerading or not. set_config_property2(file, "MASQUERADE_DOMAIN(localhost)dnl") set_config_property2(file, "MASQUERADE_DOMAIN(localhost.localdomain)dnl") # By default, user "root" will not be masqueraded. Removing the EXPOSED_USER # will also masqueraded root. set_config_property(file, ".*EXPOSED_USER\(\`root\'\)dnl.*", "dnl EXPOSED_USER(`root')dnl") _rebuild_sendmail_config() _test_mail() version_obj.mark_executed()
def install_ntp(ntp_server_ip=False): ''' Install and configure the ntp-server on the local host. ''' app.print_verbose("Install NTP version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("InstallNTP", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # Install the NTP packages. if (not os.access("/etc/ntp.conf", os.F_OK)): general.shell_exec("yum -y install ntp") general.shell_exec("/sbin/chkconfig ntpd on") iptables.add_ntp_chain() # Set ntp-server configs # # For restrict info: # if (ntp_server_ip): app.print_verbose("Configure /etc/ntp.conf as a client") # Deny packets of all kinds, including ntpq(8) and ntpdc(8) queries. general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "restrict default.*", "restrict default ignore") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "restrict -6 default.*", "restrict -6 default ignore") # Using only internal NTP-server. general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "server 0.*", "server " + ntp_server_ip + " burst") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*server 1.*", "#server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*server 2.*", "#server") # Allow access to/from the ntp-server. You may use either a hostname or IP address # on the server line. You must use an IP address on the restrict line. Or do I?? general.set_config_property( "/etc/ntp.conf", "restrict " + ntp_server_ip + " kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery", "restrict " + ntp_server_ip + " kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery") # Don't use fudge server general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*server.**", "#server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*fudge.**", "#fudge stratum 10") # This command modifies the ntpd panic threshold (which is normally 1024 # seconds). Setting this to 0 disables the panic sanity check and a clock # offset of any value will be accepted. general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*tinker panic.*", "tinker panic 0") else: app.print_verbose("Configure /etc/ntp.conf as a server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "server 0.*", "server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "server 1.*", "server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "server 2.*", "server") general.set_config_property( "/etc/ntp.conf", "server 3.*", "server " + config.general.get_slave_ntp_server()) general.shell_exec("service ntpd start") version_obj.mark_executed()
def _install_cobbler(): # # Install cobbler # # See # See # See # See # Cobbler packages are in the EPEL repo. install.epel_repo() # To get cobbler and kvm work correct. x("yum -y install cobbler koan httpd dhcp createrepo mkisofs mod_wsgi " + "python-cheetah python-netaddr python-simplejson python-urlgrabber " + "PyYAML rsync tftp-server yum-utils pykickstart") # Cobbler web only has one other requirement besides cobbler itself x("yum -y install Django") # Autostart services x("/sbin/chkconfig httpd on") x("/sbin/chkconfig cobblerd on") x("/sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on") # This allows the Apache httpd server to connect to the network x('/usr/sbin/semanage fcontext -a -t public_content_rw_t "/var/lib/tftpboot/.*"' ) x('/usr/sbin/semanage fcontext -a -t public_content_rw_t "/var/www/cobbler/images/.*"' ) x('/usr/sbin/semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t "/var/lib/cobbler/webui_sessions/.*"' ) x('restorecon -R -v "/var/lib/tftpboot/"') x('restorecon -R -v "/var/www/cobbler/images"') x('restorecon -R -v "/var/lib/cobbler/webui_sessions/"') # Enables cobbler to read/write public_content_rw_t x('/usr/sbin/setsebool -P cobbler_anon_write on') # Enable httpd to connect to cobblerd (optional, depending on if web interface is installed) # Notice: If you enable httpd_can_network_connect_cobbler and you should switch httpd_can_network_connect off x('/usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect off') x('/usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_cobbler on') #Enabled cobbler to use rsync etc.. (optional) x('/usr/sbin/setsebool -P cobbler_can_network_connect on') #Enable cobbler to use CIFS based filesystems (optional) #x('/usr/sbin/setsebool -P cobbler_use_cifs on') # Enable cobbler to use NFS based filesystems (optional) #x('/usr/sbin/setsebool -P cobbler_use_nfs on') _install_custom_selinux_policy() # Double check your choices x('getsebool -a|grep cobbler') app.print_verbose("Update xinetd config files") general.set_config_property("/etc/xinetd.d/tftp", '[\s]*disable[\s]*[=].*', " disable = no") general.set_config_property("/etc/xinetd.d/rsync", '[\s]*disable[\s]*[=].*', " disable = no") x("/etc/init.d/xinetd restart")
def configure_with_static_ip(): ''' @TODO: Should be named configure_with_static_ports. ''' app.print_verbose("Configure nfs static server ports.") # TCP port rpc.lockd should listen on. set_config_property("/etc/sysconfig/nfs", ".*LOCKD_TCPPORT.*", "LOCKD_TCPPORT=32803") # UDP port rpc.lockd should listen on. set_config_property("/etc/sysconfig/nfs", ".*LOCKD_UDPPORT.*", "LOCKD_UDPPORT=32769") # Port rpc.mountd should listen on. set_config_property("/etc/sysconfig/nfs", ".*MOUNTD_PORT.*", "MOUNTD_PORT=892") # Port rquotad should listen on. set_config_property("/etc/sysconfig/nfs", ".*RQUOTAD_PORT.*", "RQUOTAD_PORT=875") # Port rpc.statd should listen on. set_config_property("/etc/sysconfig/nfs", ".*STATD_PORT.*", "STATD_PORT=662") # Outgoing port statd should used. The default is port is random set_config_property("/etc/sysconfig/nfs", ".*STATD_OUTGOING_PORT.*", "STATD_OUTGOING_PORT=2020")
def _do_command(ip, hostname, cmd): folder = _get_unused_folder() row = 'backup_script\t/usr/bin/ssh root@%s "%s"\t%s/' % (ip, cmd, folder) general.set_config_property("/etc/rsnapshot.conf", row, row)
def _install_cobbler(): # # Install cobbler # # See # See # See # See # Cobbler packages are in the EPEL repo. install.epel_repo() # To get cobbler and kvm work correct. x( "yum -y install cobbler koan httpd dhcp createrepo mkisofs mod_wsgi " + "python-cheetah python-netaddr python-simplejson python-urlgrabber " + "PyYAML rsync tftp-server yum-utils pykickstart" ) # Cobbler web only has one other requirement besides cobbler itself x("yum -y install Django") # Autostart services x("/sbin/chkconfig httpd on") x("/sbin/chkconfig cobblerd on") x("/sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on") # This allows the Apache httpd server to connect to the network x('/usr/sbin/semanage fcontext -a -t public_content_rw_t "/var/lib/tftpboot/.*"') x('/usr/sbin/semanage fcontext -a -t public_content_rw_t "/var/www/cobbler/images/.*"') x('/usr/sbin/semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t "/var/lib/cobbler/webui_sessions/.*"') x('restorecon -R -v "/var/lib/tftpboot/"') x('restorecon -R -v "/var/www/cobbler/images"') x('restorecon -R -v "/var/lib/cobbler/webui_sessions/"') # Enables cobbler to read/write public_content_rw_t x('/usr/sbin/setsebool -P cobbler_anon_write on') # Enable httpd to connect to cobblerd (optional, depending on if web interface is installed) # Notice: If you enable httpd_can_network_connect_cobbler and you should switch httpd_can_network_connect off x('/usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect off') x('/usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_cobbler on') #Enabled cobbler to use rsync etc.. (optional) x('/usr/sbin/setsebool -P cobbler_can_network_connect on') #Enable cobbler to use CIFS based filesystems (optional) #x('/usr/sbin/setsebool -P cobbler_use_cifs on') # Enable cobbler to use NFS based filesystems (optional) #x('/usr/sbin/setsebool -P cobbler_use_nfs on') _install_custom_selinux_policy() # Double check your choices x('getsebool -a|grep cobbler') app.print_verbose("Update xinetd config files") general.set_config_property("/etc/xinetd.d/tftp", '[\s]*disable[\s]*[=].*', " disable = no") general.set_config_property("/etc/xinetd.d/rsync", '[\s]*disable[\s]*[=].*', " disable = no") x("/etc/init.d/xinetd restart")
def _do_folder_backup(ip, hostname, url): new_row = "backup\t\troot@%s:%s\t\t%s/" % (ip, url, hostname) general.set_config_property("/etc/rsnapshot.conf", new_row, new_row)
def install_mail_client(args): app.print_verbose("Install mail-relay-server version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("Install-mail-relay-client", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() general.shell_exec("yum -y install sendmail") file = "/etc/mail/" domain = config.general.get_mail_relay_domain_name() app.print_verbose("Configure /etc/mail/*") # Set the mail-relay server. set_config_property(file, ".*define\(\`SMART_HOST\'\, \`.*\'\)dnl", "define(`SMART_HOST', `" + domain + "')dnl" ) # FEATURE always_add_domain always masquerades email addresses, even if the # mail is sent from a user on the mail server to another user on the same # mail server. set_config_property2(file, "FEATURE(always_add_domain)dnl") # FEATURE masquerade_entire_domain makes sendmail masquerade servers named # *, and * as In other words, mail # from would be masqueraded as If this wasn't # selected, then only servers named and would be # masqueraded. Use this with caution when you are sure you have the necessary # authority to do this. set_config_property2(file, "FEATURE(masquerade_entire_domain)dnl") # FEATURE masquerade_envelope rewrites the email envelope just as # MASQUERADE_AS rewrote the header. set_config_property2(file, "FEATURE(masquerade_envelope)dnl") # FEATURE allmasquerade makes sendmail rewrite both recipient addresses and # sender addresses relative to the local machine. If you cc: yourself on an # outgoing mail, the other recipient sees a cc: to an address he knows instead # of one on localhost.localdomain. # TODO: need to be before MAILER #set_config_property2(file, "FEATURE(allmasquerade)dnl") # The MASQUERADE_AS directive makes all mail originating on # client appear to come from a server within the domain # DOMAIN by rewriting the email header. set_config_property(file, ".*MASQUERADE_AS\(\`.*\'\)dnl.*", "MASQUERADE_AS(`" + domain + "')dnl") # The MASQUERADE_DOMAIN directive makes mail relayed via mail-relay server # from all machines in the localdomain domains appear to come from the # MASQUERADE_AS domain. Using DNS, sendmail checks the domain name associated # with the IP address of the mail relay client sending the mail to help it # determine whether it should do masquerading or not. set_config_property2(file, "MASQUERADE_DOMAIN(localhost)dnl") set_config_property2(file, "MASQUERADE_DOMAIN(localhost.localdomain)dnl") # By default, user "root" will not be masqueraded. Removing the EXPOSED_USER # will also masqueraded root. set_config_property(file, ".*EXPOSED_USER\(\`root\'\)dnl.*", "dnl EXPOSED_USER(`root')dnl") _rebuild_sendmail_config() _test_mail() version_obj.mark_executed()
def build_client_certs(args): install.package("zip") os.chdir("/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys") general.set_config_property("/etc/cronjob", "01 * * * * root run-parts syco build_client_certs", "01 * * * * root run-parts syco build_client_certs") # Create client.conf clientConf = "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/client.conf" x("cp " + app.SYCO_PATH + "/var/openvpn/client.conf %s" % clientConf) x("echo auth-user-pass >> %s" % clientConf) scOpen(clientConf).replace('${OPENVPN.HOSTNAME}', config.general.get_openvpn_hostname()) x("cp " + app.SYCO_PATH + "/doc/openvpn/install.txt .") for user in os.listdir("/home"): cert_already_installed=os.access("/home/" + user +"/", os.F_OK) valid_file="lost+found" not in user if valid_file and not cert_already_installed: os.chdir("/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/") general.set_config_property("/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/vars", '[\s]*export KEY_CN.*', 'export KEY_CN="' + user + '"') general.set_config_property("/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/vars", '[\s]*export KEY_NAME.*', 'export KEY_NAME="' + user + '"') general.set_config_property("/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/build-key-pkcs12", '.*export EASY_RSA.*', 'source ./vars;export EASY_RSA="${EASY_RSA:-.}"') out = general.shell_exec("./build-key-pkcs12 --batch " + user, cwd="/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/", events={'(?i)Enter Export Password:'******'\n', '(?i)Verifying - Enter Export Password:'******'\n'} ) app.print_verbose(out) # Config client.crt general.set_config_property("/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/client.conf", "^cert.*crt", "cert " + user + ".crt") general.set_config_property("/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/client.conf", "^key.*key", "key " + user + ".key") general.set_config_property( "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/client.conf", "${OPENVPN.HOSTNAME}", config.general.get_openvpn_hostname() ) os.chdir("/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys") x("zip /home/" + user +"/ ca.crt " + user + ".crt " + user + ".key " + user + ".p12 client.conf install.txt") # Set permission for the user who now owns the file. os.chmod("/home/" + user +"/", stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP) general.shell_exec("chown " + user + ":users /home/" + user +"/ ")
def remove_export(name): x("umount /exports/" + name) set_config_property("/etc/exports", "^/exports/" + name + ".*$", "") set_config_property("/etc/fstab", "^.*/exports/%s.*$" % (name), "")
def install_openvpn_server(args): ''' The actual installation of openvpn server. ''' app.print_verbose("Install openvpn server version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("InstallOpenvpnServer", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() x("yum -y install openvpn openvpn-auth-ldap") if (not os.access("/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa", os.F_OK)): x("cp -R /usr/share/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0 /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa") # Install server.conf serverConf = "/etc/openvpn/server.conf" x("cp " + app.SYCO_PATH + "/var/openvpn/server.conf %s" % serverConf) scOpen(serverConf).replace('${EXTERN_IP}', net.get_public_ip()) scOpen(serverConf).replace('${OPENVPN.NETWORK}', config.general.get_openvpn_network()) scOpen(serverConf).replace('${FRONT.NETWORK}', config.general.get_front_network()) scOpen(serverConf).replace('${FRONT.NETMASK}', config.general.get_front_netmask()) scOpen(serverConf).replace('${BACK.NETWORK}', config.general.get_back_network()) scOpen(serverConf).replace('${BACK.NETMASK}', config.general.get_back_netmask()) # Prepare the ca cert generation. fn = "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/vars" scOpen(fn).replace('[\s]*export KEY_COUNTRY.*', 'export KEY_COUNTRY="' + config.general.get_country_name() + '"') scOpen(fn).replace('[\s]*export KEY_PROVINCE.*', 'export KEY_PROVINCE="' + config.general.get_state() + '"') scOpen(fn).replace('[\s]*export KEY_CITY.*', 'export KEY_CITY="' + config.general.get_locality() + '"') scOpen(fn).replace('[\s]*export KEY_ORG.*', 'export KEY_ORG="' + config.general.get_organization_name() + '"') scOpen(fn).replace('[\s]*export KEY_OU.*', 'export KEY_OU="' + config.general.get_organizational_unit_name() + '"') scOpen(fn).replace('[\s]*export KEY_EMAIL.*', 'export KEY_EMAIL="' + config.general.get_admin_email() + '"') # Can't find the current version of openssl.cnf. scOpen("/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/whichopensslcnf").replace("\[\[\:alnum\:\]\]", "[[:alnum:]]*") # Generate CA cert x("mkdir -p /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa") os.chdir("/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/") x(". ./vars;./clean-all;./build-ca --batch;./build-key-server --batch server;./build-dh") x("cp /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/{ca.crt,ca.key,server.crt,server.key,dh1024.pem} /etc/openvpn/") # To prevent error "TXT_DB error number 2" when running ./build-key-pkcs12 --batch xxx" scOpen("/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/index.txt.attr").replace("unique_subject.*", "unique_subject = no") # To be able to route trafic to internal network general.set_config_property("/etc/sysctl.conf", '[\s]*net.ipv4.ip_forward[\s]*[=].*', "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1") x("echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward") ldapconf = scOpen("/etc/openvpn/auth/ldap.conf") ldapconf.replace("^\\s*URL\s*.*","\\tURL\\tldaps://%s" % config.general.get_ldap_hostname()) ldapconf.replace("^\s*# Password\s*.*","\\tPassword\\t%s" % app.get_ldap_admin_password()) ldapconf.replace("^\s*# BindDN\s*.*","\\tBindDN\\tcn=Manager,%s" % config.general.get_ldap_dn()) ldapconf.replace("^\s*TLSEnable\s*.*","\\t# TLSEnable\\t YES") #Deal with certs ldapconf.replace("^\s*TLSCACertFile\s*.*","\\tTLSCACertFile\\t /etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.crt") ldapconf.replace("^\s*TLSCACertDir\s*.*","\\tTLSCACertDir\\t /etc/openldap/cacerts/") ldapconf.replace("^\s*TLSCertFile\s*.*","\\tTLSCertFile\\t /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.crt") ldapconf.replace("^\s*TLSKeyFile\s*.*","\\tTLSKeyFile\\t /etc/openldap/cacerts/client.key") #Auth ldapconf.replace("^\s*BaseDN\s*.*","\\BaseDN\\t \"%s\"" % config.general.get_ldap_dn() ) ldapconf.replace("^\s*SearchFilter\s*.*","\\tSearchFilter\\t \"(\\&(uid=%u)(employeeType=Sysop))\"") x('echo "plugin /usr/lib64/openvpn/plugin/lib/ /etc/openvpn/auth/ldap.conf" >> /etc/openvpn/server.conf ') iptables.add_openvpn_chain() x("/etc/init.d/openvpn restart") x("/sbin/chkconfig openvpn on") build_client_certs(args) version_obj.mark_executed()
def replace_add(self, search, replace): set_config_property(self.filename, search, replace)
def _modify_cobbler_settings(): app.print_verbose("Update cobbler config files") general.set_config_property( "/etc/cobbler/settings", '^server:.*', "server: " + config.general.get_installation_server_ip()) general.set_config_property( "/etc/cobbler/settings", '^next_server:.*', "next_server: " + config.general.get_installation_server_ip()) general.set_config_property("/etc/cobbler/settings", '^default_virt_bridge:.*', "default_virt_bridge: br0") general.set_config_property( "/etc/cobbler/settings", '^default_password_crypted:.*', "default_password_crypted: " + app.get_root_password_hash()) general.set_config_property("/etc/cobbler/settings", '^default_virt_type:.*', "default_virt_type: qemu") general.set_config_property("/etc/cobbler/settings", '^anamon_enabled:.*', "anamon_enabled: 1") general.set_config_property("/etc/cobbler/settings", '^yum_post_install_mirror:.*', "yum_post_install_mirror: 1") general.set_config_property("/etc/cobbler/settings", '^manage_dhcp:.*', "manage_dhcp: 1") # Email out a report when cobbler finishes installing a system. general.set_config_property('/etc/cobbler/settings', '^build_reporting_enabled:.*', 'build_reporting_enabled: 1') general.set_config_property( '/etc/cobbler/settings', '^build_reporting_email::.*', "build_reporting_email: [ '%s' ]" % config.general.get_admin_email()) # Setup kickstart files. shutil.copyfile(app.SYCO_PATH + "/var/kickstart/cobbler.ks", "/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/cobbler.ks") # Configure DHCP shutil.copyfile(app.SYCO_PATH + "/var/dhcp/dhcp.template", "/etc/cobbler/dhcp.template") # Config crontab to update repo automagically general.set_config_property2( "/etc/crontab", "01 4 * * * root syco install-cobbler-refresh") # Set apache servername general.set_config_property( "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf", "#ServerName", "ServerName " + config.general.get_installation_server() + ":80") x("/etc/init.d/httpd restart") x("/etc/init.d/cobblerd restart") # Wait for cobblered to restart time.sleep(1) # Iptables rules need be fixed now. x("cobbler get-loaders") # Setup distro/repo for centos x("cobbler check")
def install_ntp(ntp_server_ip = False): ''' Install and configure the ntp-server on the local host. ''' app.print_verbose("Install NTP version: %d" % SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj = version.Version("InstallNTP", SCRIPT_VERSION) version_obj.check_executed() # Install the NTP packages. if (not os.access("/etc/ntp.conf", os.F_OK)): general.shell_exec("yum -y install ntp") general.shell_exec("/sbin/chkconfig ntpd on") iptables.add_ntp_chain() # Set ntp-server configs # # For restrict info: # if (ntp_server_ip): app.print_verbose("Configure /etc/ntp.conf as a client") # Deny packets of all kinds, including ntpq(8) and ntpdc(8) queries. general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "restrict default.*", "restrict default ignore") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "restrict -6 default.*", "restrict -6 default ignore") # Using only internal NTP-server. general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "server 0.*", "server " + ntp_server_ip + " burst") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*server 1.*", "#server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*server 2.*", "#server") # Allow access to/from the ntp-server. You may use either a hostname or IP address # on the server line. You must use an IP address on the restrict line. Or do I?? general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "restrict " + ntp_server_ip + " kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery", "restrict " + ntp_server_ip + " kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery") # Don't use fudge server general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*server.**", "#server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*fudge.**", "#fudge stratum 10") # This command modifies the ntpd panic threshold (which is normally 1024 # seconds). Setting this to 0 disables the panic sanity check and a clock # offset of any value will be accepted. general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", ".*tinker panic.*", "tinker panic 0") else: app.print_verbose("Configure /etc/ntp.conf as a server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "server 0.*", "server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "server 1.*", "server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "server 2.*", "server") general.set_config_property("/etc/ntp.conf", "server 3.*", "server " + config.general.get_slave_ntp_server()) general.shell_exec("service ntpd start") version_obj.mark_executed()
def _modify_cobbler_settings(): app.print_verbose("Update cobbler config files") general.set_config_property("/etc/cobbler/settings", '^server:.*', "server: " + config.general.get_installation_server_ip()) general.set_config_property("/etc/cobbler/settings", '^next_server:.*', "next_server: " + config.general.get_installation_server_ip()) general.set_config_property("/etc/cobbler/settings", '^default_virt_bridge:.*', "default_virt_bridge: br0") general.set_config_property("/etc/cobbler/settings", '^default_password_crypted:.*', "default_password_crypted: " + app.get_root_password_hash()) general.set_config_property("/etc/cobbler/settings", '^default_virt_type:.*', "default_virt_type: qemu") general.set_config_property("/etc/cobbler/settings", '^anamon_enabled:.*', "anamon_enabled: 1") general.set_config_property("/etc/cobbler/settings", '^yum_post_install_mirror:.*', "yum_post_install_mirror: 1") general.set_config_property("/etc/cobbler/settings", '^manage_dhcp:.*', "manage_dhcp: 1") # Email out a report when cobbler finishes installing a system. general.set_config_property( '/etc/cobbler/settings', '^build_reporting_enabled:.*', 'build_reporting_enabled: 1' ) general.set_config_property( '/etc/cobbler/settings', '^build_reporting_email::.*', "build_reporting_email: [ '%s' ]" % config.general.get_admin_email() ) # Setup kickstart files. shutil.copyfile(app.SYCO_PATH + "/var/kickstart/cobbler.ks", "/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/cobbler.ks") # Configure DHCP shutil.copyfile(app.SYCO_PATH + "/var/dhcp/dhcp.template", "/etc/cobbler/dhcp.template") # Config crontab to update repo automagically general.set_config_property2("/etc/crontab", "01 4 * * * root syco install-cobbler-refresh") # Set apache servername general.set_config_property("/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf", "#ServerName", "ServerName " + config.general.get_installation_server() + ":80") x("/etc/init.d/httpd restart") x("/etc/init.d/cobblerd restart") # Wait for cobblered to restart time.sleep(1) # Iptables rules need be fixed now. x("cobbler get-loaders") # Setup distro/repo for centos x("cobbler check")
def _configure_rsnapshot(): ''' Do the general configuration of rsnapshot ''' app.print_verbose("Configure rsnapshot.") # Always use a default .conf file as the base. if (os.access("/etc/rsnapshot.conf.backup", os.F_OK)): shutil.copyfile("/etc/rsnapshot.conf.backup", "/etc/rsnapshot.conf") else: shutil.copyfile("/etc/rsnapshot.conf", "/etc/rsnapshot.conf.backup") # Set default config values. general.set_config_property("/etc/rsnapshot.conf", ".*snapshot_root.*", "snapshot_root\t\t" + BACKUP_ROOT) general.set_config_property("/etc/rsnapshot.conf", ".*cmd_ssh.*", "cmd_ssh\t\t/usr/bin/ssh") general.set_config_property("/etc/rsnapshot.conf", ".*interval.*hourly.*", "interval\thourly\t24") general.set_config_property("/etc/rsnapshot.conf", ".*interval.*monthly.*", "interval\tmonthly\t12") general.set_config_property("/etc/rsnapshot.conf", ".*exclude.*NoBackup.*", "exclude\tNoBackup") general.set_config_property("/etc/rsnapshot.conf", ".*backup.*etc.*localhost.*", "") general.set_config_property("/etc/rsnapshot.conf", ".*backup.*usr[/]local.*localhost.*", "")