Esempio n. 1
def resample(gdata, **kwargs):
    """resample ``gdata`` according to rules. currently, only monthly resampling for ``time`` coordinate is supported.

    # TODO: this is very preliminary, and verrrry ugggly
    # TODO: this only works if the coordinates are ordered time-long-lat
    for kw in list(kwargs.keys()):
        if kw in list(gdata.coordinates.keys()):
            if kw != 'time':
                raise ValueError("You asked me to resample along coordinate "
                                 "'%s', but I don't know how to do that." % kw)
            if kwargs[kw] not in ['annual', 'yearly', 'monthly']:
                raise ValueError("You asked me to resample alon the time "
                                 "coordinate according to the rule '%$s', "
                                 "but I don't know now to do that." %
            if kwargs[kw] in ['annual', 'yearly']:
                freq = 'Y'
            elif kwargs[kw] in ['monthly']:
                freq = 'M'
            times = pd.period_range(
            data = np.ones(np.r_[times.size,[1:]]) * np.nan
            for i, m in enumerate(times):
                f = _get_timeselect_func(m, kwargs[kw])
                tmpdata = select(gdata, time=f)
                data[i] = tmpdata.mean(axis='time').data
            newcoords = copy.copy(gdata.coordinates)
            newcoords['time'] = np.array(times.to_datetime())
            newdata = gridded_array(data, newcoords, title=gdata.title)
    return newdata
Esempio n. 2
def select(gdata, **kwargs):
    """pass selection lambda function as kwargs, e.g.:

       time=lambda x: x.month == 1
    # TODO: this is very preliminary, and verrrry ugggly
    for kw in list(kwargs.keys()):
        if kw in list(gdata.coordinates.keys()):
            f = kwargs[kw]
            if isinstance(f, str):
                f = _timeselect_funcs[f]
            if not hasattr(f, '__call__'):
                raise ValueError("You asked me to select using a descriptor I"
                                 "don't understand!")
            if kw in ['time', 'datetime', 'date']:  # TODO
                idx = ([f(d) for d in gdata.coordinates[kw].astype(object)])
                # TODO: boolean indexing with 1d index array on 3d data
                # array doesn't work
                # uggggly workaround
                idx = np.where(idx, np.arange(len(idx), dtype=float), np.nan)
                idx = ma.masked_invalid(idx)
                idx = idx.compressed()
                idx = np.int32(idx)
                # end of ugggggly workaround
                newcoords = copy.copy(gdata.coordinates)
                newcoords['time'] = newcoords['time'][idx]
                newdata =[idx]
                return gridded_array(newdata, newcoords, gdata.title)
Esempio n. 3
def resample(gdata, **kwargs):
    """resample ``gdata`` according to rules. currently, only monthly resampling for ``time`` coordinate is supported.

    # TODO: this is very preliminary, and verrrry ugggly
    # TODO: this only works if the coordinates are ordered time-long-lat
    for kw in list(kwargs.keys()):
        if kw in list(gdata.coordinates.keys()):
            if kw != 'time':
                raise ValueError("You asked me to resample along coordinate "
                                 "'%s', but I don't know how to do that." %
            if kwargs[kw] not in ['annual', 'yearly', 'monthly']:
                raise ValueError("You asked me to resample alon the time "
                                 "coordinate according to the rule '%$s', "
                                 "but I don't know now to do that." %
            if kwargs[kw] in ['annual', 'yearly']:
                freq = 'Y'
            elif kwargs[kw] in ['monthly']:
                freq = 'M'
            times = pd.period_range(start=gdata.coordinates['time'].min().astype(object),
            data = np.ones(np.r_[times.size,[1:]]) * np.nan
            for i, m in enumerate(times):
                f = _get_timeselect_func(m, kwargs[kw])
                tmpdata = select(gdata, time=f)
                data[i] = tmpdata.mean(axis='time').data
            newcoords = copy.copy(gdata.coordinates)
            newcoords['time'] = np.array(times.to_datetime())
            newdata = gridded_array(data, newcoords, title=gdata.title)
    return newdata
Esempio n. 4
def select(gdata, **kwargs):
    """pass selection lambda function as kwargs, e.g.:

       time=lambda x: x.month == 1
    # TODO: this is very preliminary, and verrrry ugggly
    for kw in list(kwargs.keys()):
        if kw in list(gdata.coordinates.keys()):
            f = kwargs[kw]
            if isinstance(f, str):
                f = _timeselect_funcs[f]
            if not hasattr(f, '__call__'):
                raise ValueError("You asked me to select using a descriptor I"
                                 "don't understand!")
            if kw in ['time', 'datetime', 'date']:     # TODO
                idx = ([f(d) for d in gdata.coordinates[kw].astype(object)])
                # TODO: boolean indexing with 1d index array on 3d data
                # array doesn't work
                # uggggly workaround
                idx = np.where(idx, np.arange(len(idx), dtype=float), np.nan)
                idx = ma.masked_invalid(idx)
                idx = idx.compressed()
                idx = np.int32(idx)
                # end of ugggggly workaround
                newcoords = copy.copy(gdata.coordinates)
                newcoords['time'] = newcoords['time'][idx]
                newdata =[idx]
                return gridded_array(newdata, newcoords, gdata.title)
Esempio n. 5
def get_slice(gdata, **kwargs):
    # TODO: This really should go into the gridded_array class
    # open the coordinate variables
    dimorder = {gdata.coordinates.keys().index(k) : k for k in gdata.coordinates.keys()}
    coordinates = OrderedDict()
    for d in range(len(dimorder)):
        coordinates[dimorder[d]] = gdata.coordinates[dimorder[d]]
    # coordinate slicing
    slices = get_coordinate_slices(coordinates, kwargs)
    # slice the coordinate arrays themselves
    for i, c in enumerate(list(coordinates.keys())):
        coordinates[c] = coordinates[c][slices[i]]
    # read requested slice from disk
    data =[slices]
    return gridded_array(data, coordinates, gdata.title)
Esempio n. 6
def get_slice(gdata, **kwargs):
    # TODO: This really should go into the gridded_array class
    # open the coordinate variables
    dimorder = {
        gdata.coordinates.keys().index(k): k
        for k in gdata.coordinates.keys()
    coordinates = OrderedDict()
    for d in range(len(dimorder)):
        coordinates[dimorder[d]] = gdata.coordinates[dimorder[d]]
    # coordinate slicing
    slices = get_coordinate_slices(coordinates, kwargs)
    # slice the coordinate arrays themselves
    for i, c in enumerate(list(coordinates.keys())):
        coordinates[c] = coordinates[c][slices[i]]
    # read requested slice from disk
    data =[slices]
    return gridded_array(data, coordinates, gdata.title)