def get_lsq_triangulation_error_with_noisy_gt(self,
        noisy_joints = self.get_noisy_joints()
        noisy_joints_neighbor = self.get_noisy_joints_neighbor()
        self.joints = np.array(noisy_joints.res).reshape((14, 2))
        self.joints_neighbor = np.array(noisy_joints_neighbor.res).reshape(
            (14, 2))

        # Get the camera intrinsics of both cameras
        P1 = self.get_cam_intrinsic()
        P2 = self.get_neighbor_cam_intrinsic()

        # Convert world coordinates to local camera coordinates for both cameras
        # We get the camera extrinsics as follows
        trans, rot = self.listener.lookupTransform(
            self.rotors_machine_name + '/xtion_rgb_optical_frame', 'world',
            rospy.Time(0))  #target to source frame
        (r, p, y) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(rot)
        H1 = tf.transformations.euler_matrix(r, p, y, axes='sxyz')
        H1[0:3, 3] = trans
            str(self.env_id) + ' ' + str(self.rotors_machine_name) + ':' +
        trans, rot = self.listener.lookupTransform(
            self.rotors_neighbor_name + '/xtion_rgb_optical_frame', 'world',
            rospy.Time(0))  #target to source frame
        (r, p, y) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(rot)
        H2 = tf.transformations.euler_matrix(r, p, y, axes='sxyz')
        H2[0:3, 3] = trans
            str(self.env_id) + ' ' + str(self.rotors_neighbor_name) + ':' +

        #Concatenate Intrinsic Matrices
        intrinsic = np.array((P1[0:3, 0:3], P2[0:3, 0:3]))
        #Concatenate Extrinsic Matrices
        extrinsic = np.array((H1, H2))
        joints_gt = self.get_joints_gt()
        error = 0
        self.triangulated_root = PoseArray()
        for k in range(len(gt_joints)):

            p2d1 = self.joints[k, :]
            p2d2 = self.joints_neighbor[k, :]
            points_2d = np.array((p2d1, p2d2))

            # Solve system of equations using least squares to estimate person position in robot 1 camera frame
            estimate_root = self.lstsq_triangulation(intrinsic, extrinsic,
                                                     points_2d, 2)
            es_root_cam = Point()
            es_root_cam.x = estimate_root[0]
            es_root_cam.y = estimate_root[1]
            es_root_cam.z = estimate_root[2]

            err_cov = PoseWithCovarianceStamped()
            #if v>4: #because head, eyes and ears lead to high error for the actor
            # if v==5 or v == 6:
            p = Pose()
            p.position = es_root_cam
            gt = joints_gt.poses[gt_joints[gt_joints_names[k]]].position
            error += (self.get_distance_from_point(gt, es_root_cam))

            err_cov.pose.pose.position = es_root_cam
            err_cov.pose.covariance[0] = (gt.x - es_root_cam.x)**2
            err_cov.pose.covariance[7] = (gt.y - es_root_cam.y)**2
            err_cov.pose.covariance[14] = (gt.z - es_root_cam.z)**2
            err_cov.header.stamp = rospy.Time()
            err_cov.header.frame_id = 'world'

        # Publish all estimates
        self.triangulated_root.header.stamp = rospy.Time()
        self.triangulated_root.header.frame_id = 'world'

        is_in_desired_pos = False
        error = error / len(gt_joints)
        if error <= epsilon:
            # error = 0.4*error/epsilon
            is_in_desired_pos = True
        # else:
        #     error = 0.4

        return [is_in_desired_pos, error]
Esempio n. 2
    def Initialize(self, parameters):
        WalkingMode.Initialize(self, parameters)
        self._command = 0
        self._bRobotIsStatic = True
        self._bGotStaticPose = False
        self._BDI_Static_pose = Pose()
        self._started_to_walk = False
        self._target_pose = None
        self._StepIndex = 1
        self._isDynamic = False
        self._stepWidth = 0.25  # Width of stride
        self._theta_max = 0.30  # max turning angle per step
        self._x_length_max = 0.25  # [meters] max step length (radius =~ 0.42 [m])
        self._y_length_max = 0.15  # [meters]

        # parameters to tune (see also 'Motion' task parameters):
        self._err_rot = 0.018  #0.10 # [rad]
        self._err_trans = 0.02  # 0.1 # [meters]

        ## USING task parameters:
        if ((None != parameters) and ('Motion' in parameters)):
            DesiredMotion = parameters['Motion']
            if "Dynamic" == DesiredMotion:  # Dynamic parameters
                self._isDynamic = True
                self._stepWidth = 0.2  #0.3 # Width of stride
                self._theta_max = 0.15  #0.35 # max turning angle per step
                self._x_length_max = 0.02  #0.25 # [meters] max step length (radius =~ 0.42 [m])
                self._y_length_max = 0.15  #0.2 # [meters]
            if "Dynamic10" == DesiredMotion:  # Dynamic parameters
                self._isDynamic = True
                self._stepWidth = 0.2  #0.3 # Width of stride
                self._theta_max = 0.15  #0.35 # max turning angle per step
                self._x_length_max = 0.10  #0.25 # [meters] max step length (radius =~ 0.42 [m])
                self._y_length_max = 0.10  #0.2 # [meters]
        else:  # Quasi-Static parameters (default)
            self._isDynamic = False
            self._stepWidth = 0.25  # Width of stride
            self._theta_max = 0.30  # max turning angle per step
            self._x_length_max = 0.25  # [meters] max step length (radius =~ 0.42 [m])
            self._y_length_max = 0.15  # [meters]
        self._R = self._stepWidth / 2  # Radius of turn, turn in place

        # parameter 'Object' uses service to get delta alignment to target object
        if ((None != parameters) and ('Object' in parameters)):
            self._DesiredObject = parameters['Object']
            self._DesiredObject = "delta"
        # parameter to turn in place and move (translate):
        self._delta_yaw = 0.0
        self._delta_trans = Point()
        self._delta_trans.x = 0.0
        self._delta_trans.y = 0.0
        self._delta_trans.z = 0.0
        # 'turn_in_place_Yaw' uses the parameter of the Yaw angle to turn in place
        if ((None != parameters) and ('turn_in_place_Yaw' in parameters)):
            self._target_pose = "Rotate_Translate_delta"
            self._delta_yaw = float(parameters['turn_in_place_Yaw'])
        # 'Xmovement' uses the parameter to translate x meters (+=fwd/-=bwd) from the starting place of the robot
        if ((None != parameters) and ('Xmovement' in parameters)):
            self._target_pose = "Rotate_Translate_delta"
            self._delta_trans.x = float(parameters['Xmovement'])
        # 'Ymovement' uses the parameter to translate y meters (+=left/-=right) from the starting place of the robot
        if ((None != parameters) and ('Ymovement' in parameters)):
            self._target_pose = "Rotate_Translate_delta"
            self._delta_trans.y = float(parameters['Ymovement'])
        if None == self._target_pose:
            self._foot_placement_client = rospy.ServiceProxy(
                'C23/C66', C23_orient)  # object recognition service
        # rospy.wait_for_service('foot_aline_pose')
        # self._foot_placement_client = rospy.ServiceProxy('foot_aline_pose', C23_orient) # clone_service
        self._BDIswitch_client = rospy.ServiceProxy('C25/BDIswitch', C25BDI)
        state = Int32() = 1
        resp_switched_to_BDI_odom = self._BDIswitch_client(state)
        print "Using BDI odom"
        # Subscribers:
        #self._Subscribers["Odometry"] = rospy.Subscriber('/ground_truth_odom',Odometry,self._odom_cb)
        self._Subscribers["ASI_State"] = rospy.Subscriber(
            '/atlas/atlas_sim_interface_state', AtlasSimInterfaceState,
        self._Subscribers["IMU"] = rospy.Subscriber('/atlas/imu', Imu,
        self._Subscribers["JointStates"] = rospy.Subscriber(
            '/atlas/joint_states', JointState, self._get_joints)

        self._k_effort = [0] * 28
        self._k_effort[3] = 255
        # self._k_effort[0:4] = 4*[255]
        # self._k_effort[16:28] = 12*[255]
        self._bDone = False
        self._bIsSwaying = False
        #self._bRobotIsStatic = False
        #self._GetOrientationDelta0Values() # Orientation difference between BDI odom and Global

        # Put robot into stand position
        stand = AtlasSimInterfaceCommand(None, AtlasSimInterfaceCommand.STAND,
                                         None, None, None, None,
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self):  
        rospy.init_node('position_nav_node', anonymous=True)  
        # How long in seconds should the robot pause at each location?  
        self.rest_time = rospy.get_param("~rest_time", 3)  
        # Are we running in the fake simulator?  
        self.fake_test = rospy.get_param("~fake_test", False)  
        # Goal state return values  
        goal_states = ['PENDING', 'ACTIVE', 'PREEMPTED',   
                       'SUCCEEDED', 'ABORTED', 'REJECTED',  
                       'PREEMPTING', 'RECALLING', 'RECALLED',  
        # Set up the goal locations. Poses are defined in the map frame.
        # An easy way to find the pose coordinates is to point-and-click  
        # Nav Goals in RViz when running in the simulator.  
        # Pose coordinates are then displayed in the terminal  
        # that was used to launch RViz.  
        locations = dict()  

        locations['one-1'] = Pose(Point(-0.6353,-0.1005,0.0), Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.9793,0.20249))
        locations['one'] = Pose(Point(-1.4373,0.2436,0.0), Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.9764,0.2159))
        locations['two-1'] = Pose(Point(-0.6353,-0.1005,0.0), Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.9793,0.20249))
        locations['two'] = Pose(Point(-0.3821,-0.5335,0.0), Quaternion(0.0,0.0,-0.8500,0.5267))
        locations['three-1'] = Pose(Point(-0.1248,0.4022,0.0), Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.7374,0.67542))
        locations['three'] =  Pose(Point(-0.8292,1.0313,0.0), Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.9744,0.2243))
        locations['four-1'] =  Pose(Point(-0.1248,0.4022,0.0), Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.7374,0.67542))
        locations['four-2'] =  Pose(Point(0.5078,0.1495,0.0), Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.9818,0.1898))
        locations['four'] =  Pose(Point(0.4435,0.3268,0.0), Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.5583,0.8296))

        locations['initial'] = Pose(Point(0.5078,0.1495,0.0), Quaternion(0.0,0.0,0.9818,0.1898))

	# 2018.8.6 backhome code
        # locations['back'] = initial_pose

        # Publisher to manually control the robot (e.g. to stop it) 
        self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)  
        self.IOTnet_pub = rospy.Publisher('/IOT_cmd', IOTnet, queue_size=10)
        self.initial_pub = rospy.Publisher('initialpose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, queue_size=10)
        # Subscribe to the move_base action server  
        self.move_base = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("move_base", MoveBaseAction)  
        rospy.loginfo("Waiting for move_base action server...")  
        # Wait 60 seconds for the action server to become available  
        rospy.loginfo("Connected to move base server")  

        # A variable to hold the initial pose of the robot to be set by   
        # the user in RViz  
        initial_pose = PoseWithCovarianceStamped()  
        # Variables to keep track of success rate, running time,  
        # and distance traveled  
        n_locations = len(locations)  
        n_goals = 0  
        n_successes = 0  
        i = 0  
        distance_traveled = 0  
        start_time =  
        running_time = 0  
        location = ""  
        last_location = ""  
        sequeue=['one-1','one','two-1','two','three-1','three', 'four-1', 'four-2' ,'four'] 
        # Get the initial pose from the user  
        rospy.loginfo("*** Click the 2D Pose Estimate button in RViz to set the robot's initial pose...")  
        #rospy.wait_for_message('initialpose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped)  
        self.last_location = Pose()  
        rospy.Subscriber('initialpose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_initial_pose)  
        setpose = PoseWithCovarianceStamped(Header(0,rospy.Time(),"map"), PoseWithCovariance(locations['initial'], [0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.06853891945200942]))
        # Make sure we have the initial pose
        while initial_pose.header.stamp == "":  
      #  locations['back'] = Pose() 
        rospy.loginfo("Starting position navigation ")  
        # Begin the main loop and run through a sequence of locations  
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():  
            # If we've gone through the all sequence, then exit
            if i == n_locations:  
              rospy.logwarn("Now reach all destination, now exit...")
            # Get the next location in the current sequence  
            location = sequeue[i]  
            # Keep track of the distance traveled.  
            # Use updated initial pose if available.  
            if initial_pose.header.stamp == "":  
                distance = sqrt(pow(locations[location].position.x -   
                                    locations[last_location].position.x, 2) +  
                                pow(locations[location].position.y -   
                                    locations[last_location].position.y, 2))  
                rospy.loginfo("Updating current pose.")  
                distance = sqrt(pow(locations[location].position.x -   
                                    initial_pose.pose.pose.position.x, 2) +  
                                pow(locations[location].position.y -   
                                    initial_pose.pose.pose.position.y, 2))  
                initial_pose.header.stamp = ""  
            # Store the last location for distance calculations  
            last_location = location  
            # Increment the counters  
            i += 1  
            n_goals += 1  
            # Set up the next goal location  
            self.goal = MoveBaseGoal()
            self.goal.target_pose.pose = locations[location]  
            self.goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'map'  
            self.goal.target_pose.header.stamp =  
            # Let the user know where the robot is going next  
            rospy.loginfo("Going to: " + str(location))  
            # Start the robot toward the next location  
            self.move_base.send_goal(self.goal) #move_base.send_goal()  
            # Allow 5 minutes to get there  
            finished_within_time = self.move_base.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(300)) 
            # Map to 4 point nav
            cur_position = -1
            position_seq = ['one','two','three','four']
            if str(location) in position_seq:
                cur_position = position_seq.index(str(location))+1

            # Check for success or failure  
            if not finished_within_time:  
                self.move_base.cancel_goal() #move_base.cancle_goal()  
                rospy.loginfo("Timed out achieving goal")  
                state = self.move_base.get_state() #move_base.get_state()  
                if state == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:  
                    rospy.loginfo("Goal succeeded!")  
                    n_successes += 1  
                    distance_traveled += distance  
                    rospy.loginfo("State:" + str(state))  
                    if cur_position!=-1:
                        if cur_position == 3:
                        #if cur_position == 2:
                        #    rospy.sleep(5)
                  rospy.loginfo("Goal failed with error code: " + str(goal_states[state]))  
                  if cur_position != -1:
                      if cur_position == 3:
            # How long have we been running?  
            running_time = - start_time  
            running_time = running_time.secs / 60.0  
            # Print a summary success/failure, distance traveled and time elapsed  
            rospy.loginfo("Success so far: " + str(n_successes) + "/" +   
                          str(n_goals) + " = " +   
                          str(100 * n_successes/n_goals) + "%")  
            rospy.loginfo("Running time: " + str(trunc(running_time, 1)) +   
                          " min Distance: " + str(trunc(distance_traveled, 1)) + " m")  
Esempio n. 4
def run_ros():

    # First param: topic name; second param: type of the message to be published; third param: size of queued messages,
    # at least 1
    chatter_pub = rospy.Publisher('some_chatter', String, queue_size=10)
    marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('visualization_marker', Marker, queue_size=10)
    path_points_pub = rospy.Publisher('path_points', PoseArray, queue_size=10)

    # Each second, ros "spins" and draws 20 frames
    loop_rate = rospy.Rate(20)  # 20hz

    frame_count = 0

    obstacles = create_obstacles()

    obstacles_lines = get_obstacles_lines(obstacles)

    robot = create_robot()

    target = create_target()

    target_lines = get_target_lines(target)

    point = get_point_structure()

    tree_edges = get_tree_edges_structure()

    p0 = Point(robot.pose.position.x, robot.pose.position.y, 0)

    tree = Tree(TreeNode(p0))

    collision_edges = get_collision_edges_structure()

    found_path = False

    path_edges = get_path_edges_structure()

    drawed_path = False

    robot_reached = False

    path_published = False

    path_points = []

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        msg = "Frame index: %s" % frame_count



        for obst in obstacles:
            obst.header.stamp =

        robot.header.stamp =

        target.header.stamp =

        point.header.stamp =

        tree_edges.header.stamp =

        collision_edges.header.stamp =

        path_edges.header.stamp =

        if frame_count % HZ == 0 and not found_path:
            rand_pnt = Point()
            rand_pnt.x = random.uniform(BOARD_CORNERS[0], BOARD_CORNERS[1])
            rand_pnt.y = random.uniform(BOARD_CORNERS[3], BOARD_CORNERS[2])
            rand_pnt.z = 0
            point.points = [rand_pnt]

            close_node = tree.get_closest_node(rand_pnt)
            close_pnt = close_node.point


            total_dist = math.sqrt(
                math.pow(rand_pnt.x - close_pnt.x, 2) +
                math.pow(rand_pnt.y - close_pnt.y, 2))

            dist_ratio = STEP / total_dist

            new_pnt = Point()
            new_pnt.x = (1 -
                         dist_ratio) * close_pnt.x + dist_ratio * rand_pnt.x
            new_pnt.y = (1 -
                         dist_ratio) * close_pnt.y + dist_ratio * rand_pnt.y
            new_pnt.z = 0

            if collides_object(close_pnt, new_pnt, obstacles_lines):
                last_node = tree.add_node(close_node, new_pnt)


            if collides_object(close_pnt, new_pnt, target_lines):
                found_path = True

        if found_path and not drawed_path:
            current_node = last_node
            while not current_node.is_root():
                current_node = current_node.parent
            drawed_path = True

        if found_path and drawed_path and not path_published:
            path_poses = []

            for i in range(len(path_points) - 1):
                current_point = path_points[i]
                next_point = path_points[i + 1]
                current_pose = Pose()
                current_pose.position = current_point
                current_quat = Quaternion()
                current_quat.x = 0
                current_quat.y = 0
                current_quat.z = 1

                prev_angle = 0
                if i > 0:
                    prev_angle = path_poses[i - 1].orientation.w

                current_quat.w = np.arctan(
                    (next_point.y - current_point.y) /
                    (next_point.x - current_point.x)) - prev_angle
                current_pose.orientation = current_quat

            path_pose_array = PoseArray()
            path_pose_array.poses = path_poses

            path_published = True

        if frame_count % 2 == 0 and drawed_path and not robot_reached:
            robot.pose.position = path_points.pop()
            robot_reached = True if len(path_points) == 0 else False

        if robot_reached:


        # TODO: Robot function

        # From here, we are defining and drawing a simple robot

        rob.type = rob.SPHERE
        path.type = path.LINE_STRIP

        rob.header.frame_id = "map"
        path.header.frame_id = "map"

        rob.header.stamp =
        path.header.stamp =

        rob.ns = "rob"
        path.ns = "rob" = 0 = 1

        rob.action = rob.ADD
        path.action = path.ADD

        rob.lifetime = rospy.Duration()
        path.lifetime = rospy.Duration()

        rob.scale.x, rob.scale.y, rob.scale.z = 0.3, 0.3, 0.3

        rob.color.r, rob.color.g, rob.color.b, rob.color.a = 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0

        # Path line strip is blue
        path.color.b, path.color.a = 1.0, 1.0

        path.scale.x = 0.02
        path.pose.orientation.w = 1.0

        num_slice2 = 200 # Divide a circle into segments

        if frame_count % 2 == 0 and len(path.points) <= num_slice2:
            p = Point()

            angle = slice_index2 * 2 * math.pi / num_slice2
            slice_index2 += 1
            p.x = 4 * math.cos(angle) - 0.5 # Some random circular trajectory, with radius 4, and offset (-0.5, 1, .05)
            p.y = 4 * math.sin(angle) + 1.0
            p.z = 0.05

            rob.pose.position = p
            path.points.append(p) # For drawing path, which is line strip type



        # To here, we finished displaying our components

        # Check if there is a subscriber. Here our subscriber will be Rviz
        while marker_pub.get_num_connections() < 1:
            if rospy.is_shutdown():
                return 0
            # rospy.logwarn_once("Please run Rviz in another terminal.")

        frame_count += 1
def pr2_mover(object_list):

    # TODO: Initialize variables
    dict_list = []
    centroids = [] # to be list of tuples (x, y, z)

    # TODO: Get/Read parameters
    object_list_param = rospy.get_param('/object_list')
    dropbox_param = rospy.get_param('/dropbox')

    # TODO: Parse parameters into individual variables
    dict_dropbox = {}
    for p in dropbox_param:
        dict_dropbox[p['name']] = p['position']

    #print (dict_dropbox["left"])
    #print (dict_dropbox["right"])

    # TODO: Rotate PR2 in place to capture side tables for the collision map

    # TODO: Loop through the pick list
    for obj in object_list_param:

        # TODO: Get the PointCloud for a given object and obtain it's centroid
        object_name = String() = obj['name']

        #set default value of pick_pose in case the object can't be found
        pick_pose = Pose()
        pick_pose.position.x = 0
        pick_pose.position.y = 0
        pick_pose.position.z = 0

        #set orientation to 0
        pick_pose.orientation.x = 0
        pick_pose.orientation.y = 0
        pick_pose.orientation.z = 0
        pick_pose.orientation.w = 0

        #set place pose orientation to 0
        place_pose = Pose()
        place_pose.orientation.x = 0
        place_pose.orientation.y = 0
        place_pose.orientation.z = 0
        place_pose.orientation.w = 0

        for detected_object in object_list:
            if detected_object.label ==

                # TODO: Create 'place_pose' for the object
                points_arr = ros_to_pcl(
                #centroids.append(np.mean(points_arr, axis=0)[:3])
                pick_pose_np = np.mean(points_arr, axis=0)[:3]
                #pick_pose.position = [np.asscalar(pick_pose_np[0]), np.asscalar(pick_pose_np[1]), np.asscalar(pick_pose_np[2])]
                pick_pose.position.x = np.asscalar(pick_pose_np[0])
                pick_pose.position.y = np.asscalar(pick_pose_np[1])
                pick_pose.position.z = np.asscalar(pick_pose_np[2])

        # TODO: Assign the arm to be used for pick_place
        arm_name = String()
        if obj['group'] == 'red':
   = 'left'
        elif obj['group'] == 'green':
   = 'right'
            print "ERROR, group must be green or red!"

        # TODO: Create a list of dictionaries (made with make_yaml_dict()) for later output to yaml format
        test_scene_num = Int32() = 3

        place_pose.position.x = dict_dropbox[][0]
        place_pose.position.y = dict_dropbox[][1]
        place_pose.position.z = dict_dropbox[][2]
        dict_list.append(make_yaml_dict(test_scene_num, arm_name, object_name, pick_pose, place_pose))

        # Wait for 'pick_place_routine' service to come up

        # try:
        #     pick_place_routine = rospy.ServiceProxy('pick_place_routine', PickPlace)

        #     # TODO: Insert your message variables to be sent as a service request
        #     resp = pick_place_routine(TEST_SCENE_NUM, OBJECT_NAME, WHICH_ARM, PICK_POSE, PLACE_POSE)

        #     print ("Response: ",resp.success)

        # except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        #     print "Service call failed: %s"%e

    # TODO: Output your request parameters into output yaml file
    yaml_filename = "output_" + str( + ".yaml"

    send_to_yaml(yaml_filename, dict_list)
    def __init__(self):
        Initialize the SCARA environemnt
            NOTE: This environment uses ROS and interfaces.

            TODO: port everything to ROS 2 natively
        # Launch the simulation with the given launchfile name
        gazebo_env.GazeboEnv.__init__(self, "MARANoGripper_v0.launch")

        # TODO: cleanup this variables, remove the ones that aren't used
        # class variables
        self._observation_msg = None
        self.scale = None  # must be set from elsewhere based on observations
        self.bias = None
        self.x_idx = None
        self.obs = None
        self.reward = None
        self.done = None
        self.reward_dist = None
        self.reward_ctrl = None
        self.action_space = None
        self.max_episode_steps = 1000 # now used in all algorithms
        self.iterator = 0
        # default to seconds
        self.slowness = 1
        self.slowness_unit = 'sec'
        self.reset_jnts = True

        self._time_lock = threading.RLock()

        #   Environment hyperparams
        # target, where should the agent reach
        EE_POS_TGT = np.asmatrix([-0.4, 0.0, 1.1013]) # 200 cm from the z axis
        # EE_POS_TGT = np.asmatrix([0.3305805, -0.1326121, 0.4868]) # center of the H
        EE_ROT_TGT = np.asmatrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        EE_POINTS = np.asmatrix([[0, 0, 0]])
        EE_VELOCITIES = np.asmatrix([[0, 0, 0]])
        # Initial joint position
        INITIAL_JOINTS = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0, 0])
        # Used to initialize the robot, #TODO, clarify this more
        # STEP_COUNT = 2  # Typically 100.
        # slowness = 10000000 # 10 ms, where 1 second is real life simulation
        # slowness = 1000000 # 1 ms, where 1 second is real life simulation
        # slowness = 1 # use >10 for running trained network in the simulation
        # slowness = 10 # use >10 for running trained network in the simulation

        # Topics for the robot publisher and subscriber.
        JOINT_PUBLISHER = '/mara_controller/command'
        JOINT_SUBSCRIBER = '/mara_controller/state'

        # joint names:
        MOTOR1_JOINT = 'motor1'
        MOTOR2_JOINT = 'motor2'
        MOTOR3_JOINT = 'motor3'
        MOTOR4_JOINT = 'motor4'
        MOTOR5_JOINT = 'motor5'
        MOTOR6_JOINT = 'motor6'

        # Set constants for links
        BASE = 'base_link'

        MARA_MOTOR1_LINK = 'motor1_link'
        MARA_MOTOR2_LINK = 'motor2_link'
        MARA_MOTOR3_LINK = 'motor3_link'
        MARA_MOTOR4_LINK = 'motor4_link'
        MARA_MOTOR5_LINK = 'motor5_link'
        MARA_MOTOR6_LINK = 'motor6_link'
        EE_LINK = 'ee_link'

        # EE_LINK = 'ee_link'
                       MOTOR4_JOINT, MOTOR5_JOINT, MOTOR6_JOINT]
                            MARA_MOTOR3_LINK, MARA_MOTOR4_LINK,
                            MARA_MOTOR5_LINK, MARA_MOTOR6_LINK,

        reset_condition = {
            'initial_positions': INITIAL_JOINTS,
             'initial_velocities': []

        # TODO: fix this and make it relative
        # Set the path of the corresponding URDF file from "assets"
        URDF_PATH = rospkg.RosPack().get_path("mara_description") + "/urdf/mara_robot_nogripper.urdf"

        m_joint_order = copy.deepcopy(JOINT_ORDER)
        m_link_names = copy.deepcopy(LINK_NAMES)
        m_joint_publishers = copy.deepcopy(JOINT_PUBLISHER)
        m_joint_subscribers = copy.deepcopy(JOINT_SUBSCRIBER)
        ee_pos_tgt = EE_POS_TGT
        ee_rot_tgt = EE_ROT_TGT

        # Initialize target end effector position
        ee_tgt = np.ndarray.flatten(get_ee_points(EE_POINTS, ee_pos_tgt, ee_rot_tgt).T)
        self.realgoal = ee_tgt

        self.environment = {
            # rk changed this to for the mlsh
            # 'ee_points_tgt': ee_tgt,
            'ee_points_tgt': self.realgoal,
            'joint_order': m_joint_order,
            'link_names': m_link_names,
            # 'slowness': slowness,
            'reset_conditions': reset_condition,
            'tree_path': URDF_PATH,
            'joint_publisher': m_joint_publishers,
            'joint_subscriber': m_joint_subscribers,
            'end_effector_points': EE_POINTS,
            'end_effector_velocities': EE_VELOCITIES,

        # self.spec = {'timestep_limit': 5, 'reward_threshold':  950.0,}

        # Subscribe to the appropriate topics, taking into account the particular robot
        # ROS 1 implementation
        self._pub = rospy.Publisher(JOINT_PUBLISHER, JointTrajectory)
        self._sub = rospy.Subscriber(JOINT_SUBSCRIBER, JointTrajectoryControllerState, self.observation_callback)

        # Initialize a tree structure from the robot urdf.
        #   note that the xacro of the urdf is updated by hand.
        # The urdf must be compiled.
        _, self.ur_tree = treeFromFile(self.environment['tree_path'])
        # Retrieve a chain structure between the base and the start of the end effector.
        self.scara_chain = self.ur_tree.getChain(self.environment['link_names'][0], self.environment['link_names'][-1])
        print("nr of jnts: ", self.scara_chain.getNrOfJoints())
        # Initialize a KDL Jacobian solver from the chain.
        self.jac_solver = ChainJntToJacSolver(self.scara_chain)
        self._observations_stale = [False for _ in range(1)]
        #print("after observations stale")
        self._currently_resetting = [False for _ in range(1)]
        self.reset_joint_angles = [None for _ in range(1)]

        # TODO review with Risto, we might need the first observation for calling step()
        # observation = self.take_observation()
        # assert not done
        # self.obs_dim = observation.size
        obs_dim is defined as:
        num_dof + end_effector_points=3 + end_effector_velocities=3
        end_effector_points and end_effector_velocities is constant and equals 3
        self.obs_dim = self.scara_chain.getNrOfJoints() + 6 # hardcode it for now
        # # print(observation, _reward)

        # # Here idially we should find the control range of the robot. Unfortunatelly in ROS/KDL there is nothing like this.
        # # I have tested this with the mujoco enviroment and the output is always same low[-1.,-1.], high[1.,1.]
        # #bounds = self.model.actuator_ctrlrange.copy()
        low = -np.pi/2.0 * np.ones(self.scara_chain.getNrOfJoints())
        high = np.pi/2.0 * np.ones(self.scara_chain.getNrOfJoints())
        # print("Action spaces: ", low, high)
        self.action_space = spaces.Box(low, high)
        high = np.inf*np.ones(self.obs_dim)
        low = -high
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low, high)

        self.add_model = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/spawn_urdf_model', SpawnModel)
        self.remove_model = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/delete_model', DeleteModel)

        model_xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?> \
                    <robot name=\"myfirst\"> \
                      <link name=\"world\"> \
                      <link name=\"cylinder0\">\
                            <sphere radius=\"0.01\"/>\
                          <origin xyz=\"0 0 0\"/>\
                          <material name=\"rojotransparente\">\
                              <ambient>0.5 0.5 1.0 0.1</ambient>\
                              <diffuse>0.5 0.5 1.0 0.1</diffuse>\
                          <mass value=\"5.0\"/>\
                          <inertia ixx=\"1.0\" ixy=\"0.0\" ixz=\"0.0\" iyy=\"1.0\" iyz=\"0.0\" izz=\"1.0\"/>\
                      <joint name=\"world_to_base\" type=\"fixed\"> \
                        <origin xyz=\"0 0 0\" rpy=\"0 0 0\"/>\
                        <parent link=\"world\"/>\
                        <child link=\"cylinder0\"/>\
                      <gazebo reference=\"cylinder0\">\
        robot_namespace = ""
        pose = Pose()
        pose.position.x = EE_POS_TGT[0,0];
        pose.position.y = EE_POS_TGT[0,1];
        pose.position.z = EE_POS_TGT[0,2];

        #Static obstacle (not in original code)
        # pose.position.x = 0.25;#
        # pose.position.y = 0.07;#
        # pose.position.z = 0.0;#

        pose.orientation.x = 0;
        pose.orientation.y= 0;
        pose.orientation.z = 0;
        pose.orientation.w = 0;
        reference_frame = ""

        # Seed the environment
        # Seed the environment
    def __init__(self):
        # Name this node, it must be unique
        rospy.init_node('autonomous', anonymous=True)

        # Enable shutdown in rospy (This is important so we cancel any move_base goals
        # when the node is killed)
        self.rest_time = rospy.get_param("~rest_time",
                                         0.1)  # Minimum pause at each location
        self.stalled_threshold = rospy.get_param("~stalled_threshold",
                                                 100)  # Loops before stall

        # Goal state return values
        goal_states = [

        # Set up the goal locations. Poses are defined in the map frame.
        # An easy way to find the pose coordinates is to point-and-click
        # Nav Goals in RViz when running in the simulator.
        # Pose coordinates are then displayed in the terminal
        # that was used to launch RViz.
        self.waypoints = list() = TransformListener()

        #  self.locations = dict()
        #  self.wpname = dict()

        rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
        f = open(
            rospack.get_path('husky_wp') + '/params/pre-defined-standby.txt',

        #  ct2 = 0
        with f as openfileobject:
            first_line = f.readline()
            for line in openfileobject:
                nome = [x.strip() for x in line.split(',')]
                #self.wpname[ct2] = nome[0]
                x = Decimal(nome[1])
                y = Decimal(nome[2])
                z = Decimal(nome[3])
                X = Decimal(nome[4])
                Y = Decimal(nome[5])
                Z = Decimal(nome[6])
                #self.locations[self.wpname[ct2]] = Pose(Point(x,y,z), Quaternion(X,Y,Z,1))
                    Pose(Point(x, y, z), Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)))
                #print self.waypoints

    #          ct2 = ct2+1
    #self.wp = -1
    #self.ct4 = 0

        print "Static path has : "
        print len(self.waypoints)
        print " point(s)."

        # Publisher to manually control the robot (e.g. to stop it, queue_size=5)
        self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=5)

        # Subscribe to the move_base action server
        self.move_base = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("move_base",

        rospy.loginfo("Waiting for move_base action server...")

        # Wait 60 seconds for the action server to become available

        rospy.loginfo("Connected to move base server")
        rospy.loginfo("Starting navigation test")

        # Initialize a counter to track waypoints
        i = 0

        # Cycle through the four waypoints
        while i < len(self.waypoints) and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            # Update the marker display
            # Intialize the waypoint goal
            goal = MoveBaseGoal()

            # Use the map frame to define goal poses
            goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'odom'

            # Set the time stamp to "now"
            goal.target_pose.header.stamp =

            # Set the goal pose to the i-th waypoint
            goal.target_pose.pose = self.waypoints[i]

            # Start the robot moving toward the goal

            i += 1
            # check if the goal point is found by the detect_goal node
            if rospy.has_param('/panel_goal'):
                # go to goal the goal goint
                # get parameter
                panel_goal = rospy.get_param("/panel_goal")
                print panel_goal[0]
                print panel_goal[1]
                print panel_goal[2]

                while not rospy.is_shutdown():
                        # Find the global coordinate of the UGV
                        (trans, rot) =
                            '/odom', '/base_link', rospy.Time(0))
                        # Calculate the vector between the UGV and the goal point
                        Tx = panel_goal[0] - trans[0]
                        Ty = panel_goal[1] - trans[1]
                        print "Vehicle global coordinates is:"
                        print trans[0]
                        print trans[1]
                        print "The travel vecor is:"
                        print Tx
                        print Ty
                        # Calculate the travel distance between the UGV and the goal point
                        travel_distance = math.sqrt(
                            math.pow(Tx, 2) + math.pow(Ty, 2))
                        print "The travel distance is:"
                        print travel_distance
                        # Calculate a scaling vector to make the UGV stop at 1.5m away from the goal.
                        travel_distance2 = travel_distance - 1.5
                        factor = travel_distance2 / travel_distance
                        print "The scaliing factor is:"
                        print factor
                        Tx = Tx * factor
                        Ty = Ty * factor
                        # Calulate the goal point in the global frame
                        goal_x = trans[0] + Tx
                        goal_y = trans[1] + Ty

                        # Intialize the waypoint goal
                        goal = MoveBaseGoal()

                        # Use the map frame to define goal poses
                        goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'odom'

                        # Set the time stamp to "now"
                        goal.target_pose.header.stamp =

                        print "The goal is:"
                        print goal_x
                        print goal_y

                        goal.target_pose.pose = Pose(Point(goal_x, goal_y, 0),
                                                     Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1))
                        rospy.loginfo("Reach goal")

                    except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException,
                        rospy.loginfo("No transformation")
                rospy.loginfo("No goal found")
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
        self._x = x
        self._y = y
        self._z = z

        # Retrieve params:
        self._table_object_name = rospy.get_param('~table_object_name',
        self._grasp_object_name = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_name',

        self._grasp_object_width = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_width', 0.01)

        self._arm_group = rospy.get_param('~manipulator', 'manipulator')
        self._gripper_group = rospy.get_param('~gripper', 'gripper')

        self._approach_retreat_desired_dist = rospy.get_param(
            '~approach_retreat_desired_dist', 0.15)
        self._approach_retreat_min_dist = rospy.get_param(
            '~approach_retreat_min_dist', 0.1)

        # Create (debugging) publishers:创建(调试)发布者:
        self._grasps_pub = rospy.Publisher('grasps',
        self._places_pub = rospy.Publisher('places',

        # Create planning scene and robot commander:创建规划场景和机器人命令:
        self._scene = PlanningSceneInterface()  #未知
        self._robot = RobotCommander()  #未知
        self._pose_coke_can = self._add_grasp_block_(self._grasp_object_name,
                                                     self._x, self._y, self._z)

        # Define target place pose:定义目标位置姿势
        self._pose_place = Pose()

        self._pose_place.position.x = -0.75  #self._pose_coke_can.position.x
        self._pose_place.position.y = 0.0  #self._pose_coke_can.position.y - 0.20
        self._pose_place.position.z = self._z  #self._pose_coke_can.position.z
        self._pose_place.orientation = Quaternion(
            *quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

        self._pose_coke_can.position.z = self._pose_coke_can.position.z - 0.9  #self._pose_coke_can.position.z - 0.9 # base_link is 0.9 above
        self._pose_place.position.z = self._pose_place.position.z + 0.05  # target pose a little above

        # Retrieve groups (arm and gripper):
        self._arm = self._robot.get_group(self._arm_group)
        self._gripper = self._robot.get_group(self._gripper_group)

        print("up pose")

        # Create grasp generator 'generate' action client:
        # #创建抓取生成器“生成”动作客户端:
        self._grasps_ac = SimpleActionClient(
            '/moveit_simple_grasps_server/generate', GenerateGraspsAction)
        if not self._grasps_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(0.5)):
            rospy.logerr('Grasp generator action client not available!')
                'Grasp generator action client not available!')
        # Create move group 'pickup' action client:
        # 创建移动组“抓取”操作客户端:
        self._pickup_ac = SimpleActionClient('/pickup', PickupAction)
        if not self._pickup_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(0.5)):
            rospy.logerr('Pick up action client not available!')
            rospy.signal_shutdown('Pick up action client not available!')
        # Create move group 'place' action client:
        # 创建移动组“放置”动作客户端:
        self._place_ac = SimpleActionClient('/place', PlaceAction)
        if not self._place_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(0.5)):
            rospy.logerr('Place action client not available!')
            rospy.signal_shutdown('Place action client not available!')
        # Pick Coke can object:抓取快
        while not self._pickup(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name,
            rospy.logwarn('Pick up failed! Retrying ...')
        rospy.loginfo('Pick up successfully')
        print("pose_place: ", self._pose_place)

        # Place Coke can object on another place on the support surface (table):
        while not self._place(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name,
            rospy.logwarn('Place failed! Retrying ...')

        rospy.loginfo('Place successfully')
Esempio n. 9
            for place in places:


if __name__ == '__main__':

    rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
    pack_path = rospack.get_path('ur5_single_arm_tufts')
    table_path = pack_path + os.sep + 'urdf' + os.sep + 'objects' + os.sep + 'table.urdf'
    table_name = 'table'
    table_pose = Pose(position=Point(
        x=0.85, y=0.0,
        z=0.70 + 0.03))  # increase z by 0.03 to make gripper reach block

    fangkuai_path = pack_path + os.sep + 'urdf' + os.sep + 'objects' + os.sep + 'block.urdf'
    fangkuai_name = 'fangkuai'
    fangkuai_pose = Pose(position=Point(x=0.8, y=-0.4, z=0.74 + 0.03))
    gold_block_path = pack_path + os.sep + 'urdf' + os.sep + 'objects' + os.sep + 'gold_block.urdf'
    gold_block_name = 'gold_block'
    gold_block_pose = Pose(position=Point(x=0.8, y=-0.2, z=0.74 + 0.03))
    delete_gazebo_model([table_name, fangkuai_name, gold_block_name])
    spawn_gazebo_model(table_path, table_name, table_pose)
    spawn_gazebo_model(fangkuai_path, fangkuai_name, fangkuai_pose)
    spawn_gazebo_model(gold_block_path, gold_block_name, gold_block_pose)
    rosrun gazebo_ros spawn_model -file $(rospack find ur5_single_arm_tufts)/urdf/objects/table.urdf -urdf -x 0.85 -y 0.0 -z 0.73 -model my_object
    rosrun gazebo_ros spawn_model -file $(rospack find ur5_single_arm_tufts)/urdf/objects/block.urdf -urdf -x 0.5 -y -0.0 -z 0.77 -model block
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self):
        Initialize the MARA environemnt
        # Manage command line args
        args = ut_generic.getArgsParserMARA().parse_args()
        self.gzclient = args.gzclient
        self.realSpeed = args.realSpeed
        self.velocity = args.velocity
        self.multiInstance = args.multiInstance
        self.port = args.port

        # Set the path of the corresponding URDF file
        if self.realSpeed:
            urdf = "reinforcement_learning/mara_robot_run.urdf"
            urdfPath = get_prefix_path("mara_description") + "/share/mara_description/urdf/" + urdf
            urdf = "reinforcement_learning/mara_robot_train.urdf"
            urdfPath = get_prefix_path("mara_description") + "/share/mara_description/urdf/" + urdf

        # Launch mara in a new Process
        self.launch_subp = ut_launch.startLaunchServiceProcess(
                self.gzclient, self.realSpeed, self.multiInstance, self.port, urdfPath))

        # Create the node after the new ROS_DOMAIN_ID is set in generate_launch_description()
        self.node = rclpy.create_node(self.__class__.__name__)

        # class variables
        self._observation_msg = None
        self.max_episode_steps = 1024 #default value, can be updated from baselines
        self.iterator = 0
        self.reset_jnts = True
        self._collision_msg = None

        #   Environment hyperparams
        # Target, where should the agent reach
        self.targetPosition = np.asarray([-0.40028, 0.095615, 0.72466]) # close to the table
        self.target_orientation = np.asarray([0., 0.7071068, 0.7071068, 0.]) # arrow looking down [w, x, y, z]
        # self.targetPosition = np.asarray([-0.386752, -0.000756, 1.40557]) # easy point
        # self.target_orientation = np.asarray([-0.4958324, 0.5041332, 0.5041331, -0.4958324]) # arrow looking opposite to MARA [w, x, y, z]

        EE_POINTS = np.asmatrix([[0, 0, 0]])
        EE_VELOCITIES = np.asmatrix([[0, 0, 0]])

        # Initial joint position
        INITIAL_JOINTS = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])

        # # Topics for the robot publisher and subscriber.
        JOINT_PUBLISHER = '/mara_controller/command'
        JOINT_SUBSCRIBER = '/mara_controller/state'

        # joint names:
        MOTOR1_JOINT = 'motor1'
        MOTOR2_JOINT = 'motor2'
        MOTOR3_JOINT = 'motor3'
        MOTOR4_JOINT = 'motor4'
        MOTOR5_JOINT = 'motor5'
        MOTOR6_JOINT = 'motor6'
        EE_LINK = 'ee_link'

        # Set constants for links
        WORLD = 'world'
        BASE = 'base_robot'
        MARA_MOTOR1_LINK = 'motor1_link'
        MARA_MOTOR2_LINK = 'motor2_link'
        MARA_MOTOR3_LINK = 'motor3_link'
        MARA_MOTOR4_LINK = 'motor4_link'
        MARA_MOTOR5_LINK = 'motor5_link'
        MARA_MOTOR6_LINK = 'motor6_link'
        EE_LINK = 'ee_link'

                        MOTOR4_JOINT, MOTOR5_JOINT, MOTOR6_JOINT]
                        MARA_MOTOR1_LINK, MARA_MOTOR2_LINK,
                        MARA_MOTOR3_LINK, MARA_MOTOR4_LINK,
                        MARA_MOTOR5_LINK, MARA_MOTOR6_LINK, EE_LINK]

        reset_condition = {
            'initial_positions': INITIAL_JOINTS,
             'initial_velocities': []

        m_jointOrder = copy.deepcopy(JOINT_ORDER)
        m_linkNames = copy.deepcopy(LINK_NAMES)

        # Initialize target end effector position
        self.environment = {
            'jointOrder': m_jointOrder,
            'linkNames': m_linkNames,
            'reset_conditions': reset_condition,
            'tree_path': urdfPath,
            'end_effector_points': EE_POINTS,

        # Subscribe to the appropriate topics, taking into account the particular robot
        self._pub = self.node.create_publisher(JointTrajectory, JOINT_PUBLISHER, qos_profile=qos_profile_sensor_data)
        self._sub = self.node.create_subscription(JointTrajectoryControllerState, JOINT_SUBSCRIBER, self.observation_callback, qos_profile=qos_profile_sensor_data)
        self._sub_coll = self.node.create_subscription(ContactState, '/gazebo_contacts', self.collision_callback, qos_profile=qos_profile_sensor_data)
        self.reset_sim = self.node.create_client(Empty, '/reset_simulation')

        # Initialize a tree structure from the robot urdf.
        #   note that the xacro of the urdf is updated by hand.
        # The urdf must be compiled.
        _, self.ur_tree = tree_urdf.treeFromFile(self.environment['tree_path'])
        # Retrieve a chain structure between the base and the start of the end effector.
        self.mara_chain = self.ur_tree.getChain(self.environment['linkNames'][0], self.environment['linkNames'][-1])
        self.numJoints = self.mara_chain.getNrOfJoints()
        # Initialize a KDL Jacobian solver from the chain.
        self.jacSolver = ChainJntToJacSolver(self.mara_chain)

        self.obs_dim = self.numJoints + 6

        # # Here idially we should find the control range of the robot. Unfortunatelly in ROS/KDL there is nothing like this.
        # # I have tested this with the mujoco enviroment and the output is always same low[-1.,-1.], high[1.,1.]

        low = -np.pi * np.ones(self.numJoints)
        high = np.pi * np.ones(self.numJoints)

        self.action_space = spaces.Box(low, high)

        high = np.inf*np.ones(self.obs_dim)
        low = -high
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low, high)

        # Spawn Target element in gazebo.
        # node & spawn_cli initialized in super class
        spawn_cli = self.node.create_client(SpawnEntity, '/spawn_entity')

        while not spawn_cli.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=1.0):
            self.node.get_logger().info('/spawn_entity service not available, waiting again...')

        modelXml = ut_gazebo.getTargetSdf()

        pose = Pose()
        pose.position.x = self.targetPosition[0]
        pose.position.y = self.targetPosition[1]
        pose.position.z = self.targetPosition[2]
        pose.orientation.x = self.target_orientation[1]
        pose.orientation.y= self.target_orientation[2]
        pose.orientation.z = self.target_orientation[3]
        pose.orientation.w = self.target_orientation[0]

        #override previous spawn_request element.
        self.spawn_request = SpawnEntity.Request() = "target"
        self.spawn_request.xml = modelXml
        self.spawn_request.robot_namespace = ""
        self.spawn_request.initial_pose = pose
        self.spawn_request.reference_frame = "world"

        #ROS2 Spawn Entity
        target_future = spawn_cli.call_async(self.spawn_request)
        rclpy.spin_until_future_complete(self.node, target_future)

        # Seed the environment
        self.buffer_dist_rewards = []
        self.buffer_tot_rewards = []
        self.collided = 0
    def update_odom(self):
        t2 =
        t1 = self.prev_time
        dt = (t2 - t1).to_sec()

        gyro_thresh = 0.05
        g_bias = 0.007
        MAX_DTHETA_GYRO = 5

            gyroz = self.ardIMU.safe_read()
            #c = 0
            #print("gyro z:")
            #while(gyroz == '' and c < 10):
            #    c = c+1
            #    gyroz = ardIMU.safe_read()
            #    print('try gyro again')
            gyroz = float(int(gyroz) - 1000) / 100.0
            gyroz = 0
            print 'IMU error'
            print "Unexpected Error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
            a = 0

        # Read encoder delta
            s = self.ard.safe_read()
            #print("enc: ")
            c = 0
            #while(s == '' and c < 10):
            #    c = c +1
            #    s = ardIMU.safe_read()
            #    print('try enc again')
            delta_enc_counts = int(s)
            delta_enc_counts = 0
            print 'enc error'
            print "Unexpected Error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
            a = 0

        # Update odom

        self.enc_total = self.enc_total + delta_enc_counts

        dmeters = float(delta_enc_counts) / 53.0  #53 counts/meter

        if (abs(gyroz) < gyro_thresh):
            gz_dps = 0
            dtheta_gyro_deg = 0
            gz_dps = (gyroz + g_bias) * 180 / 3.14
            dtheta_gyro_deg = gz_dps * dt

        if (abs(dtheta_gyro_deg) > MAX_DTHETA_GYRO):
            #print 'no gyro'
            dtheta_deg = 0
            use_gyro_flag = False
            #print 'use gyro'
            dtheta_deg = dtheta_gyro_deg
            use_gyro_flag = True

        #update bot position, dtheta_deg, use_gyro_flag) = 0

        # update bot linear x velocity every 150 msec
        # need to use an np array, then push and pop, moving average
        self.dist_sum = self.dist_sum + dmeters
        self.time_sum = self.time_sum + dt
        if (self.time_sum > 0.15):
            self.vx = self.dist_sum / self.time_sum
            self.dist_sum = 0
            self.time_sum = 0

        odom_quat = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(
            0, 0, * 3.14 / 180.0)
        self.odom_broadcaster.sendTransform((,, 0.),
                                            odom_quat, t2, "base_link", "odom")

        odom = Odometry()
        odom.header.stamp = t2
        odom.header.frame_id = "odom"

        # set the position
        odom.pose.pose = Pose(Point(,, 0.),

        # set the velocity
        odom.child_frame_id = "base_link"
        odom.twist.twist = Twist(Vector3(self.vx, 0, 0),
                                 Vector3(0, 0, gz_dps * 3.14 / 180.0))

        # publish the message

        self.prev_time = t2