class GameBoard(object): def __init__(self, goal_value, agent=None, graphics=True): self.goal = goal_value = graphics self.score = 2 self._legal_moves = [] # Initialize state space representation self._current_state = { (0, 0): 0, (1, 0): 0, (2, 0): 0, (3, 0): 0, (0, 1): 0, (1, 1): 0, (2, 1): 0, (3, 1): 0, (0, 2): 0, (1, 2): 0, (2, 2): 0, (3, 2): 0, (0, 3): 0, (1, 3): 0, (2, 3): 0, (3, 3): 0 } # Initialize Graphics and keybindings if self._root = Graphics() self.__random_cell() # Make first random cell self.print_state() if not agent: self._root.back_grid.bind('<KeyPress-Up>', self.__up) self._root.back_grid.bind('<KeyPress-Down>', self.__down) self._root.back_grid.bind('<KeyPress-Left>', self.__left) self._root.back_grid.bind('<KeyPress-Right>', self.__right) # If using AI, initiate first event if agent: self.agent = agent if self._root.back_grid.bind( '<<Action>>', self._agent_move) # Bind virtual events self._root.back_grid.bind('<<Up>>', self.__up) self._root.back_grid.bind('<<Down>>', self.__down) self._root.back_grid.bind('<<Left>>', self.__left) self._root.back_grid.bind('<<Right>>', self.__right) self._root.back_grid.after( 100, self._agent_move) # Start agent move loop else: self.end = False while not self.end: self._agent_move(None) # Begin main loop of Tkinter, wait for input if self._root.mainloop() def agent(self): if agent: return True else: return False def get_current_state(self): return copy.deepcopy(self._current_state) def get_actions(self, state=None): up, down, left, right = False, False, False, False if not state: state = self._current_state if self.is_goal_state(state): return [] else: move_list = [] for y in range(4): for x in range(4): if state[x, y] != 0: # Look at up possibility if not up and y > 0: up = state[x, y] == state[x, y - 1] or state[x, y - 1] == 0 if up: move_list.append('Up') # Down possibility if not down and y < 3: down = state[x, y] == state[x, y + 1] or state[x, y + 1] == 0 if down: move_list.append('Down') # Left possibility if not left and x > 0: left = state[x, y] == state[x - 1, y] or state[x - 1, y] == 0 if left: move_list.append('Left') # Right possibility if not right and x < 3: right = state[x, y] == state[x + 1, y] or state[x + 1, y] == 0 if right: move_list.append('Right') return move_list def get_next_state( self, state, action ): # Returns the state after action but before a random cell has been placed temp_state = copy.deepcopy(self._current_state) # COPY current state self._current_state = copy.deepcopy( state) # Change current state to match argument if action == 'Up': self.__up(None, False) elif action == 'Down': self.__down(None, False) elif action == 'Left': self.__left(None, False) elif action == 'Right': self.__right(None, False) # self._root.back_grid.event_generate('<<Fake'+action+'>>') # Perform action w/o graphics out_state = self._current_state # Save changed state self._current_state = temp_state # Replace previous state as current again return out_state # Output the changed state def get_possible_states( self, state ): # Returns a list of possible states by filling each empty slot temp_state = copy.deepcopy(state) # Copy state out_list = [] # List to output for coord, val in temp_state.iteritems(): if not val: # For each cell that's 0 temp_state[coord] = 2 # Change val to 2 out_list.append(copy.deepcopy(temp_state)) # Append a copy temp_state[coord] = 0 return out_list def is_goal_state(self, state): # Returns whether the passed state is the goal for coord in state: if state[coord] >= self.goal: return True return False def is_lose_state(self, state): if not self.get_actions(state): return True else: return False def _agent_move(self, event=None): if self.is_goal_state(self._current_state): print "Win!" self.end = True self.print_state() return if self.is_lose_state(self._current_state): print "Lose :(" self.end = True self.print_state() return action = self.agent.get_action(self) if self._root.back_grid.after(0, self._root.back_grid.event_generate, '<<' + action + '>>') self._root.back_grid.after(400, self._root.back_grid.event_generate, '<<Action>>') # Get another action else: if action == 'Up': self.__up(None) elif action == 'Down': self.__down(None) elif action == 'Left': self.__left(None) elif action == 'Right': self.__right(None) def print_state(self, state=None): if not state: state = self._current_state for y in range(0, 4): for x in range(0, 4): print state[x, y], print '' def __up(self, event, real=True): if real: if 'Up' not in self._legal_moves: return print 'Move up' # Setup loop to scan in correct order, top to bottom for y in range(1, 4): for x in range(0, 4): if self._current_state[x, y]: collide, new_y = self.__collision((x, y), 'Up') if collide: self._current_state[x, new_y] *= 2 if real: self.score += self._current_state[x, new_y] self._current_state[x, y] = 0 elif y != new_y: self._current_state[x, new_y] = self._current_state[x, y] self._current_state[x, y] = 0 if real and self._root.up(x, y, x, new_y, collide, self._current_state[x, new_y]) if real: self.__random_cell() if self.print_state() def __down(self, event, real=True): if real: if 'Down' not in self._legal_moves: return print 'Move down' # Setup loop to scan in correct order, bottom to top for y in reversed(range(0, 3)): for x in range(0, 4): if self._current_state[x, y]: collide, new_y = self.__collision((x, y), 'Down') if collide: self._current_state[x, new_y] *= 2 if real: self.score += self._current_state[x, new_y] self._current_state[x, y] = 0 elif y != new_y: self._current_state[x, new_y] = self._current_state[x, y] self._current_state[x, y] = 0 if real and self._root.down(x, y, x, new_y, collide, self._current_state[x, new_y]) if real: self.__random_cell() if self.print_state() def __left(self, event, real=True): if real: if 'Left' not in self._legal_moves: return print 'Move left' # Setup loop to scan in correct order, left to right for x in range(1, 4): for y in range(0, 4): if self._current_state[x, y]: collide, new_x = self.__collision((x, y), 'Left') if collide: self._current_state[new_x, y] *= 2 if real: self.score += self._current_state[new_x, y] self._current_state[x, y] = 0 elif x != new_x: self._current_state[new_x, y] = self._current_state[x, y] self._current_state[x, y] = 0 if real and self._root.left(x, y, new_x, y, collide, self._current_state[new_x, y]) if real: self.__random_cell() if self.print_state() def __right(self, event, real=True): if real: if 'Right' not in self._legal_moves: print self._legal_moves return print 'Move right' # Setup loop to scan in correct order, right to left for x in reversed(range(0, 3)): for y in range(0, 4): if self._current_state[x, y]: collide, new_x = self.__collision((x, y), 'Right') if collide: self._current_state[new_x, y] *= 2 if real: self.score += self._current_state[new_x, y] self._current_state[x, y] = 0 elif x != new_x: self._current_state[new_x, y] = self._current_state[x, y] self._current_state[x, y] = 0 if real and self._root.right(x, y, new_x, y, collide, self._current_state[new_x, y]) if real: self.__random_cell() if self.print_state() def __collision(self, (x, y), move): if move == 'Up': for i in reversed(range(0, y)): if self._current_state[x, i] == self._current_state[x, y]: return True, i elif self._current_state[x, i]: return False, i + 1 return False, 0 elif move == 'Down': for i in range(y + 1, 4): if self._current_state[x, i] == self._current_state[x, y]: return True, i elif self._current_state[x, i]: return False, i - 1 return False, 3 elif move == 'Left': for i in reversed(range(0, x)): if self._current_state[i, y] == self._current_state[x, y]: return True, i elif self._current_state[i, y]: return False, i + 1 return False, 0 elif move == 'Right': for i in range(x + 1, 4): if self._current_state[i, y] == self._current_state[x, y]: return True, i elif self._current_state[i, y]: return False, i - 1 return False, 3