buttons_box = Box(app, width="fill", align="bottom", border=True) PushButton(buttons_box, text="Save", command=save_list, align="left") PushButton(buttons_box, text="Save As", command=save_list_as, align="left") PushButton(buttons_box, text="New List", command=new_list, align="left") PushButton(buttons_box, text="Load List", command=load_list_ask, align="left") PushButton(buttons_box, text="Load Store", command=load_store_clear, align="left") # PushButton(buttons_box, text="Clear List", command=ask_clear_list, align="left") PushButton(buttons_box, text="Next Page", command=page_change, args = [1], align="right") PushButton(buttons_box, text="Previous Page", command=page_change, args = [-1], align="right") title_box = Box(app, height="10", align="top", border=False) list_box = Box(app, height="fill", align="right", border=True) # self.text = Text(box, grid=[col+0, row], text=self.disp_text, # align="right", size=text_size) title_box = Text(title_box, align="left", text="") title_box.text_size = text_size list_display = TextBox(list_box, multiline=True, scrollbar=True, height="fill", width=26, align="left", text="") list_display.text_size = text_size content_boxes = [] content_boxes.append(Box(app, align="top", layout="grid", width="fill", border=False)) content_boxes[0].tk.configure(background='white') page_no = 0 default_store = 'stores/Lawrence_Aldi.csv' g_items, item_d = load_store(default_store) disp_list_prev = list() while page_no > 0: page_change(-1) app.when_closed = closing_action
text_box.font = "Corbel" text_box.text_size = resolution[rt]['select_box'] preprocess_checkbox = CheckBox(app, text="Analyze Raw Data", command=analyze) analyzebutton = PushButton(title_box, text="Analyze") analyzebutton.when_clicked = analyze button_box_r1 = Box(app, align="top", border=True) button_box_r2 = Box(app, align="top", border=True) button_box_r3 = Box(app, align="top", border=True) button_box_r4 = Box(app, align="top", border=True) button_box_r5 = Box(app, align="top", border=True) button_box_r6 = Box(app, align="top", border=True) button_box_r7 = Box(app, align="top", border=True) button_box_r8 = Box(app, align="top", border=True) form_box = Box(app, width="fill", border=True) form_box.text_size = resolution[rt]['form_box'] select_box = Box(app, width="fill", border=True) select_box.text_size = resolution[rt]['select_box'] fullsen = TextBox(select_box, width="fill", height=resolution[rt]['fullsen_height'], text="", multiline=True, scrollbar=True) app.display()
message1 = Text(app, text="Choose an adjective") bgp_adjective = ButtonGroup( app, options=["Amazing", "Bonny", "Charming", "Delightful"], selected="Amazing") message2 = Text(app, text="Choose a colour") txt_colour = TextBox(app) message2.text_color = "blue" message3 = Text(app, text="Pick an animal") cmb_animal = Combo( app, options=["Aardvark", "Badger", "Cat", "Dolphin", "Velociraptor"], selected="Aardvark", width=20) # create a box box = Box(app) # modify each widget so it is now housed in the box btn_make_name = PushButton(box, text='Make me a hero') lbl_output = Text(box, text="Your hero name will appear here") # now change the properties of the box box.bg = "white" box.text_size = 12 app.display() app.display()
#a.bg = (255,255,0) text.text_color = "red" text.text_size = 30 text.font = "verdana" #text.bg = "green" check.bg = "#d41789" combo.bg = "blue" combo.text_color = None combo.text_size = 24 #button.bg = "black" button.text_color = (255, 0, 255) button.font = "arial" button.text_size = 18 slider.bg = (123, 234, 12) #textbox.bg = "cyan" textbox.font = "courier" textbox.text_color = "#FF0000" b.bg = "cyan" b.font = "wingdings" #bgroup.bg = "yellow" bgroup.text_color = "#e62112" bgroup.text_color = None bgroup.font = "book antiqua" #a.bg = (255,0,25) #a.font = "wingdings" a.text_color = (255, 253, 12) b.text_color = "purple" b.text_size = 18 a.display()