def handler(event, context): return console_logger('handler 2!')
import asyncio import time from flags import FLAGS from pywizlight.bulb import PilotBuilder, wizlight import re from helpers import console_logger LOGGER = console_logger(__name__, "DEBUG") _SEQUENCE_NOT_FOUND = "Sekvence hodnot nenalezena. Ignoruji příkaz." class WizLight: def __init__(self, ip: str, loop): self.light = wizlight(ip) self.loop = loop self.initial_state = self.get_state() def set_brightness(self, brightness=None): if brightness is None: state = self.get_state() brightness = state.get_brightness() brightness = int(brightness) brightness = max(brightness, 0) # lower bound brightness = min(brightness, 255) # upper bound self.loop.run_until_complete( self.light.turn_on(PilotBuilder(brightness=brightness))) def set_color(self, rgb=(0, 0, 0)):
import time import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from helpers import console_logger _NUM_SAMPLES = 2 _DATA_SHAPE = (10, 5) # time, num_features _BATCH_SIZE = 1 _NUM_INSTANCES = 1 # > 1 not supported _BANDWIDTH_RANGE = (2, 5) _AXIS = 1 LOGGER = console_logger('tensorflow', "INFO") # TODO: # # DONE: # - TimeMasking # - FrequencyMasking class ArtificialDataset( def _generator(num_samples): # Opening the file time.sleep(0.03) for sample_idx in range(num_samples): # Reading data (line, record) from the file time.sleep(0.015)
def train_model(run_number): logger = console_logger(__name__, FLAGS.logger_level)"Clearning Keras session.") K.clear_session() save_path = create_save_path() logger.debug(f"New save path: {save_path}") # __INPUT PIPELINE__ #"Loading datasets.") ds_train, ds_test, num_train_batches, num_test_batches = load_datasets( FLAGS.load_dir) logger.debug( f"num_train_batches: {num_train_batches}, num_test_batches: {num_test_batches}" ) # __MODEL__ #"Initializing kernel.") kernel_initializer = tf.initializers.TruncatedNormal( mean=FLAGS.weight_init_mean, stddev=FLAGS.weight_init_stddev)"Building model") model = build_model(kernel_initializer) # print('Trainable params: {}'.format(model.count_params())) # Load model weights from checkpoint if checkpoint_path is provided if FLAGS.checkpoint_path:"Loading model weights from checkpoint.") model.load_weights(FLAGS.checkpoint_path) # save model FLAGS to save_path"Saving flags (settings) to {save_path}") save_config(save_path) # save model architecture image to save_path directory if FLAGS.save_architecture_image:"Saving model architecture image to {save_path}") tf.keras.utils.plot_model(model, os.path.join(save_path, 'architecture.png'), show_shapes=FLAGS.show_shapes) # __LOGGING__ #"Initializing summyary writers.") summary_writer_train = tf.summary.create_file_writer(save_path + '/train', name='sw-train') summary_writer_test = tf.summary.create_file_writer(save_path + '/test', name='sw-test') # __TRAINING__ #"Initializing variables, optimizer and metrics.") best_cer = 100.0 best_epoch = -1 optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(, epsilon=FLAGS.epsilon, amsgrad=FLAGS.amsgrad) train_loss = tf.keras.metrics.Mean(name='train_loss', dtype=tf.float32) test_loss = tf.keras.metrics.Mean(name='test_loss', dtype=tf.float32) test_cer = tf.keras.metrics.Mean(name='test_cer', dtype=tf.float32) test_ccer = tf.keras.metrics.Mean(name="test_ccer", dtype=tf.float32) for epoch in range(FLAGS.max_epochs): logger.log(35, f'_______| Run {run_number} | Epoch {epoch} |_______') # TRAINING DATA with summary_writer_train.as_default():"Training model.") train_fn(model, ds_train, optimizer, train_loss, num_train_batches, epoch) # TESTING DATA with summary_writer_test.as_default():"Testing model.") _, test_mean_cer = test_fn(model, ds_test, test_loss, test_cer, test_ccer, num_test_batches, epoch) # EARLY STOPPING AND KEEPING THE BEST MODEL stop_training, best_cer, best_epoch = early_stopping( model, test_mean_cer, best_cer, epoch, best_epoch, save_path) logger.log(35, f'| Best CER {best_cer} | Best epoch {best_epoch} |') if stop_training: logger.log(35, f'Model stopped early at epoch {epoch}') break
class FLAGS: # noinspection DuplicatedCode use_digits = False if use_digits: c2n_map = { '0': 0, '1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 5, '6': 6, '7': 7, '8': 8, '9': 9, 'a': 10, 'á': 11, 'b': 12, 'c': 13, 'č': 14, 'd': 15, 'ď': 16, 'e': 17, 'é': 18, 'ě': 19, 'f': 20, 'g': 21, 'h': 22, 'ch': 23, 'i': 24, 'í': 25, 'j': 26, 'k': 27, 'l': 28, 'm': 29, 'n': 30, 'ň': 31, 'o': 32, 'ó': 33, 'p': 34, 'q': 35, 'r': 36, 'ř': 37, 's': 38, 'š': 39, 't': 40, 'ť': 41, 'u': 42, 'ú': 43, 'ů': 44, 'v': 45, 'w': 46, 'x': 47, 'y': 48, 'ý': 49, 'z': 50, 'ž': 51, ' ': 52 } else: c2n_map = { 'a': 0, 'á': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'č': 4, 'd': 5, 'ď': 6, 'e': 7, 'é': 8, 'ě': 9, 'f': 10, 'g': 11, 'h': 12, 'ch': 13, 'i': 14, 'í': 15, 'j': 16, 'k': 17, 'l': 18, 'm': 19, 'n': 20, 'ň': 21, 'o': 22, 'ó': 23, 'p': 24, 'q': 25, 'r': 26, 'ř': 27, 's': 28, 'š': 29, 't': 30, 'ť': 31, 'u': 32, 'ú': 33, 'ů': 34, 'v': 35, 'w': 36, 'x': 37, 'y': 38, 'ý': 39, 'z': 40, 'ž': 41, ' ': 42 } n2c_map = {val: idx for idx, val in c2n_map.items()} alphabet_size = len(c2n_map) logger_level = "INFO" logger = console_logger(__name__, logger_level) load_dir = "b:/!temp/PDTSC_MFSC_unigram_40_banks_DEBUG_min_100_max_3000_tfrecord/1.0/" # load_dir = "g:/datasets/PDTSC_Debug/" # load_dir = "g:/datasets/PDTSC_MFSC_unigram_40_banks_min_100_max_3000_tfrecord/" # load_dir = "g:/datasets/PDTSC_MFSC_unigram_40_banks_min_100_max_3000_tfrecord_DAspeed/" # load_dir = "g:/datasets/ORAL_MFSC_unigram_40_banks_min_100_max_3000_tfrecord/" # load_dir = "g:/datasets/COMBINED_MFSC_unigram_40_banks_min_100_max_3000_tfrecord/1.0/" save_dir = "./results/" save_config_as = "" checkpoint_path = None # Tried to remove LM, see what it does now # Removing LM didn't help so its somewhere else. Removed softmax from final activations. # Next - Trying to add LM without BN and DP # Changed lr from 0.01 to 0.1 # TODO: # Add BN and DP to LM num_runs = 2 max_epochs = 60 batch_size_per_GPU = 8 fs = 16000 # sampling rate of the loaded audiofiles # noinspection DuplicatedCode try: with open(load_dir + "data_config.json", "r") as f: dc = json.load(f) num_train_data = dc[ "num_train_data"] # int(48812/2) # int(11308/2) # full ORAL == 374714/2 num_test_data = dc[ "num_test_data"] # int(4796/2) # int(1304/2) # full ORAL == 16502/2 num_features = dc["num_features"] # 123 min_time = dc["min_time"] # 100 max_time = dc["max_time"] # 3000 except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning( f"data_config.json file not found at {load_dir}. Loading default values." ) num_train_data = 24406 num_test_data = 2398 num_features = 123 min_time = 100 max_time = 3000 buffer_size = int(0.1 * num_train_data / batch_size_per_GPU) shuffle_seed = 42 bucket_width = 100 feature_pad_val = 0.0 label_pad_val = -1 # MODEL save_architecture_image = False show_shapes = True weight_init_mean = 0.0 weight_init_stddev = 0.0001 ff_first_params = { 'use': False, 'num_units': [128, 64], 'batch_norm': False, 'drop_rates': [0.], } conv_params = { 'use': True, 'channels': [32, 64, 128, 256], 'kernels': [(16, 32), (8, 16), (4, 8), (4, 4)], 'strides': [(2, 4), (2, 4), (1, 2), (1, 2)], 'dilation_rates': [(1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)], 'padding': 'same', 'data_format': 'channels_last', 'batch_norm': True, 'drop_rates': [0., 0., 0., 0.], } bn_momentum = 0.9 relu_clip_val = 20 relu_alpha = 0.2 rnn_params = { 'use': True, 'num_units': [512, 512], 'batch_norm': True, 'drop_rates': [0., 0.], } ff_params = { 'use': True, 'num_units': [256, 128], 'batch_norm': True, 'drop_rates': [0., 0.], } # LANGUAGE MODEL params lm_gru_params = { 'use': True, 'num_units': [128, 64], 'batch_norm': False, 'drop_rates': [0.0, 0.0] } # Optimizer lr = 0.01 lr_decay = True lr_decay_rate = 0.9 lr_decay_epochs = 2 epsilon = 0.1 amsgrad = True # Data Augmentation (in pipeline) data_aug = { 'mode': "0x", # mode of many times to apply data aug (allowed: 0x, 1x or 2x) 'bandwidth_time': (10, 100), 'bandwidth_freq': (10, 30), 'max_percent_time': 0.2, 'max_percent_freq': 1., } # Test Pipeline: spell_check = True transcribe_digits = True # Decoder beam_width = 32 top_paths = 1 # > 1 not implemented # Early stopping patience_epochs = 3