Esempio n. 1
def number_of_records(collection_name):
    """Returns number of records for the collection."""
    query = Query()
    index = collection_to_index(collection_name)
    result = es.count(index=index, body=query.body)

    return result['count']
Esempio n. 2
def get_count_for_collection(doc_type, index=None):

    :param doc_type: e.g. CFG_PUB_TYPE or CFG_DATA_TYPE
    :param index: name of index to use.
    :return: the number of records in that collection
    return es.count(index=index, doc_type=doc_type)
Esempio n. 3
def get_count_for_collection(doc_type, index=None):

    :param doc_type: e.g. CFG_PUB_TYPE or CFG_DATA_TYPE
    :param index: name of index to use.
    :return: the number of records in that collection
    return es.count(index=index, doc_type=doc_type)
Esempio n. 4
def collections_count():
    data = {'other': {},
            'journals': {}}

    # generate journal statistics
    journals = current_app.config['JOURNAL_ABBREVIATIONS'].keys()
    for journal in journals:
        data['journals'][journal] = current_search_client.count(q='journal:"%s"' % journal)['count']

    # generate past x days statistics
    dates = {
        'yesterday': ( - timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
        'last_30_days': ( - timedelta(days=30)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
    for key, date in dates.items():
        data['other'][key] = current_search_client.count(q='date:>=%s' % date)['count']

    # all article number
    data['other']['all'] = sum(count for _, count in data['journals'].items())

    response = Response(json.dumps(data))
    response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    return response
Esempio n. 5
def number_of_search_results(query, collection_name):
    Filter used to show total number of results out of filtered ones.
    session_key = 'last-query' + query + collection_name
    if session.get(session_key):
        query_timestamp = session[session_key]['timestamp']
        seconds_since_query = (
            datetime.datetime.utcnow() - query_timestamp).total_seconds()
        if seconds_since_query < 300:
            # Only use the session value if it is newer than 5 minutes
            # This should allow for the common use case of navigating
            # facets and avoid using an outdated value when using a direct
            # link
            return session[session_key][

    query = Query(query)
    index = collection_to_index(collection_name)
    result = es.count(index=index, body=query.body)

    return result['count']
Esempio n. 6
def is_doi_in_db(doi):
    return current_search_client.count(q='doi:"%s"' % doi)['count'] > 0
Esempio n. 7
def is_record_in_db(obj, eng):
    """Checks if record is in database"""
    return es.count(q='dois.value:"%s"' % (get_first_doi(obj),))['count'] > 0
Esempio n. 8
def is_record_in_db(obj, eng):
    """Checks if record is in database"""
    return es.count(q='dois.value:"%s"' %
                    (__get_first_doi(obj), ))['count'] > 0
Esempio n. 9
def number_of_records(collection_name):
    """Returns number of records for the collection."""
    index = collection_to_index(collection_name)
    result = es.count(index=index)

    return result['count']