def processInput(): while True: command = input() if command == "connect": connect() elif command == "broadcast": broadcast() elif command == "leader": SERVERS[FOCUS_PORT].sendall(pickle.dumps(Leader())) elif command == 'leader': SERVERS[FOCUS_PORT].sendall(Leader()) elif 'swap' in command: swap(command[5:]) elif command == "exit": SERVER_SOCK.close() for sock in SERVERS: SERVERS[sock].close() os._exit(1) elif "operation" in command.lower(): parsed = command.replace("(", "").replace(")", "") parsed = parsed.lower().replace("operation", "") vals = parsed.split(",") op = vals[0].strip() key = vals[1].strip() req = OpRequest(op, key, False) if op == "put": val = vals[2].strip() req = OpRequest(op, key, False, False, val) clientOp.put(req) if clientOp.qsize() == 1: # Only spawn thread if first operation threading.Thread(target=handleOp).start() #msg = pickle.dumps(req) #SERVERS[FOCUS_PORT].sendall(msg) return
def run(self): self.successful_event = 0 initialconfig = Config([], [], []) self.times = [] c = 0 for i in range(self.no_of_replicas): pid = "replica %d" % i Replica(self, pid, initialconfig) initialconfig.replicas.append(pid) for i in range(NACCEPTORS): pid = "acceptor %d.%d" % (c, i) Acceptor(self, pid) initialconfig.acceptors.append(pid) for i in range(NLEADERS): pid = "leader %d.%d" % (c, i) Leader(self, pid, initialconfig) initialconfig.leaders.append(pid) for i in range(self.no_of_requests): self.start_time = pid = "client %d.%d" % (c, i) for r in initialconfig.replicas: cmd = Command(pid, 0, "operation %d.%d" % (c, i)) self.sendMessage(r, RequestMessage(pid, cmd)) time.sleep(1) self.end_time = self.total_time = self.end_time - self.start_time # print(self.times) self.times.append(self.total_time.total_seconds()) for c in range(1, NCONFIGS): # Create new configuration config = Config(initialconfig.replicas, [], []) for i in range(NACCEPTORS): pid = "acceptor %d.%d" % (c, i) Acceptor(self, pid) config.acceptors.append(pid) for i in range(NLEADERS): pid = "leader %d.%d" % (c, i) Leader(self, pid, config) config.leaders.append(pid) # Send reconfiguration request for r in config.replicas: pid = "master %d.%d" % (c, i) cmd = ReconfigCommand(pid, 0, str(config)) self.sendMessage(r, RequestMessage(pid, cmd)) time.sleep(1) for i in range(WINDOW - 1): pid = "master %d.%d" % (c, i) for r in config.replicas: cmd = Command(pid, 0, "operation noop") self.sendMessage(r, RequestMessage(pid, cmd)) time.sleep(1) for i in range(self.no_of_requests): pid = "client %d.%d" % (c, i) for r in config.replicas: cmd = Command(pid, 0, "operation %d.%d" % (c, i)) self.sendMessage(r, RequestMessage(pid, cmd)) time.sleep(1)
def __init__(self): super(GLWidget, self).__init__() self.xres = 1024 self.yres = 768 self.setMinimumSize(self.xres, self.yres) = PInfo() self.globalParams = PGlobal() self.leaderParams = PLeader() self.followerParams = PFollower() self.leader = Leader(self.leaderParams, self.globalParams) self.grid = Grid() self.followers = [] self.setFollowers() # set info timer self.infoTimer = QtCore.QTime() self.infoTimer.start() # set update timer self.updateTimer = QtCore.QTimer() self.updateTimer.setInterval(16) self.updateTimer.timeout.connect(self.update) self.updateTimer.start() # set collision check timer self.collisionTimer = QtCore.QTimer() self.collisionTimer.setInterval(32) self.collisionTimer.timeout.connect(self.collision) self.collisionTimer.start() # set render timer self.renderTimer = QtCore.QTimer() self.renderTimer.setInterval(16) self.renderTimer.timeout.connect(self.updateGL) self.renderTimer.start()
def main(): tag = TagRecognition() bt = Bluetoothctl() BT_ADDR = "5C:BA:37:26:6D:9A" # If an ARTag is detected, the vehicle will become a follower. # If an ARTag is not detected, the vehicle will become a leader. if tag.detect(): vehicle = Follower() else: if not is_controller_connected(): # If a controller is not connected, remove it to avoid problems # connecting with it again. disconnect_and_remove_device(bt, BT_ADDR) bt.start_scan() while not is_controller_connected(): bt.connect(BT_ADDR) sleep(Follower.CYCLE_TIME) vehicle = Leader() # This loop makes the vehicle move. If the vehicle sees an ARTag then # it is a follower vehicle, otherwise it is a leader vehicle. timer_set = False start_time = time.time() while True: tag_visible = tag.detect() if isinstance(vehicle, Leader): vehicle.lead() if tag_visible: while is_controller_connected(): bt.disconnect('5C:BA:37:26:6D:9A') sleep(Follower.CYCLE_TIME) vehicle = Follower() else: vehicle.follow() if tag_visible: timer_set = False elif not timer_set: start_time = time.time() timer_set = True if (time.time() - start_time) > 5 and timer_set: timer_set = False disconnect_and_remove_device(bt,BT_ADDR) bt.start_scan() bt.connect('5C:BA:37:26:6D:9A') sleep(Follower.CYCLE_TIME) if is_controller_connected(): vehicle = Leader() else: start_time = time.time() timer_set = True
def on_vote_received(self, message): if message.sender not in self._votes: self._votes[message.sender] = message if (len(self._votes.keys()) > (self._server._total_nodes - 1) / 2): leader = Leader() leader.set_server(self._server) return leader, None return self, None
def at_vote_response_phase(self, message): if (message.sender not in self.votes): self.votes[message.sender] = message if(len(self.votes.keys()) > (self.node.total_nodes - 1) / 2): leader = Leader() leader.set_node(self.node) return leader, None return self, None
def run(self): initialconfig = Config([], [], []) c = 0 for i in range(NREPLICAS): pid = "replica %d" % i Replica(self, pid, initialconfig) initialconfig.replicas.append(pid) for i in range(NACCEPTORS): pid = "acceptor %d.%d" % (c,i) Acceptor(self, pid) initialconfig.acceptors.append(pid) for i in range(NLEADERS): pid = "leader %d.%d" % (c,i) Leader(self, pid, initialconfig) initialconfig.leaders.append(pid) for i in range(NREQUESTS): pid = "client %d.%d" % (c,i) for r in initialconfig.replicas: cmd = Command(pid,0,"operation %d.%d" % (c,i)) self.sendMessage(r,RequestMessage(pid,cmd)) time.sleep(1) for c in range(1, NCONFIGS): # Create new configuration config = Config(initialconfig.replicas, [], []) for i in range(NACCEPTORS): pid = "acceptor %d.%d" % (c,i) Acceptor(self, pid) config.acceptors.append(pid) for i in range(NLEADERS): pid = "leader %d.%d" % (c,i) Leader(self, pid, config) config.leaders.append(pid) # Send reconfiguration request for r in config.replicas: pid = "master %d.%d" % (c,i) cmd = ReconfigCommand(pid,0,str(config)) self.sendMessage(r, RequestMessage(pid, cmd)) time.sleep(1) for i in range(WINDOW-1): pid = "master %d.%d" % (c,i) for r in config.replicas: cmd = Command(pid,0,"operation noop") self.sendMessage(r, RequestMessage(pid, cmd)) time.sleep(1) for i in range(NREQUESTS): pid = "client %d.%d" % (c,i) for r in config.replicas: cmd = Command(pid,0,"operation %d.%d"%(c,i)) self.sendMessage(r, RequestMessage(pid, cmd)) time.sleep(1)
def on_vote_received(self, message): self._votes[message.sender] = message if len(self._votes.keys()) >= (self._server._total_nodes - 1) / 2: leader = Leader() leader.set_server(self._server) print "Server", self._server._name, "has been elected leader" self._server._serverState = leaderState for n in self._server._neighbors: if n._serverState != deadState: n._serverState = followerState n._state = Follower() n._state.set_server(n) return leader, None return self, None
def run(self): initialconfig = Config([], [], []) c = 0 # Create replicas for i in range(self.clusterSize): pid = "replica %d" % i Replica(self, pid, initialconfig) initialconfig.replicas.append(pid) # Create acceptors (initial configuration) for i in range(self.clusterSize): pid = "acceptor %d.%d" % (c, i) Acceptor(self, pid) initialconfig.acceptors.append(pid) # Create leaders (initial configuration) for i in range(self.clusterSize): pid = "leader %d.%d" % (c, i) Leader(self, pid, initialconfig) initialconfig.leaders.append(pid) self.start_time = time.time() for i in range(self.clientSize): self.p_list.append( mp.Process(target=self.sendRequest, args=(initialconfig, c))) self.p_list[i].start() for i in self.p_list: i.join()
def handleResponseVote(self, server, vote): print("\tReceived RESPONSEVOTE from "+str(vote.sender).upper()) self.votesReceived.append(vote.sender) if (len(self.votesReceived)+1 >=2): server.currentState = Leader() server.currentState.initiateLeader(server) print("\tI AM NOW LEADER")
def run(self): initialconfig = Config([], [], []) c = 0 for i in range(NREPLICAS): pid = "replica %d" % i Replica(self, pid, initialconfig, self.conc_clients * NREQUESTS, self.verbose) initialconfig.replicas.append(pid) for i in range(self.quorum_size): pid = "acceptor %d.%d" % (c, i) Acceptor(self, pid, self.verbose) initialconfig.acceptors.append(pid) for i in range(NLEADERS): pid = "leader %d.%d" % (c, i) Leader(self, pid, initialconfig, self.verbose) initialconfig.leaders.append(pid) for i in range(self.conc_clients): pid = f"client {c}.{i}" Client(self, pid, initialconfig.replicas, NREQUESTS, self.verbose) completed = False while not completed: completed = True for i in range(NREPLICAS): if self.procs[initialconfig.replicas[i]].difference is None: completed = False time.sleep(1)
def run(self): initialconfig = Config([], [], []) c = 0 # Create replicas for i in range(self.clusterSize): pid = "replica %d" % i Replica(self, pid, initialconfig) initialconfig.replicas.append(pid) # Create acceptors (initial configuration) for i in range(self.clusterSize): pid = "acceptor %d.%d" % (c, i) Acceptor(self, pid) initialconfig.acceptors.append(pid) # Create leaders (initial configuration) for i in range(self.clusterSize): pid = "leader %d.%d" % (c, i) Leader(self, pid, initialconfig) initialconfig.leaders.append(pid) self.start_time = time.time() executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.clientSize) executor.submit(self.sendRequest(initialconfig, c)) self.sendRequest(initialconfig, c)
def main(num_robots, width, height): print "Initializing..." #Create graphics window pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height), 0, 32) pygame.display.set_caption('Swarm Simulation') # walls = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() robots = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() clock = pygame.time.Clock() screen.fill((255, 255, 255)) # w = Wall(100,300,200,20) # walls.add(w) # w = Wall(400,300,200,20) # walls.add(w) #Create Leader #Do this first, so leader has id=0 leader = Leader(width / 2, height / 2) robots.add(leader) #Create robots for i in range(0, num_robots): r = Robot(width / 2 + random.uniform(-100, 100), height / 2 + +random.uniform(-100, 100)) robots.add(r) print "Starting Simulation" while (True): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() for r in robots: r.calc_force(robots) # for w in walls: # w.calc_forces(robots) #Cycle forward robots.update() #Clear screen screen.fill((255, 255, 255)) #Redraw dirty = robots.draw(screen) #Refresh screen pygame.display.update() #draw walls # dirty = walls.draw(screen) # pygame.display.update() clock.tick(30)
def run(args): rospy.init_node('formation') # Update control every 100 ms. rate_limiter = rospy.Rate(100) leader = Leader("tb3_0", rate_limiter) follower_1 = Follower("tb3_1", desired_rel_pos=np.array([-0.5, 0.35, 0.0]), rate_limiter=rate_limiter, des_d=0.4, des_psi=2 * np.pi / 3, leader=leader, laser_range=[np.pi, np.pi]) follower_2 = Follower("tb3_2", desired_rel_pos=np.array([-0.5, -0.35, 0.0]), rate_limiter=rate_limiter, des_d=0.4, des_psi=4 * np.pi / 3, leader=leader, laser_range=[np.pi, np.pi]) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if follower_1.ready and follower_2.ready: leader.update_velocities() leader.publish_leg() leader.slam.update() follower_1.formation_velocity() follower_2.formation_velocity() rate_limiter.sleep()
def main(): global incoming, incoming_lock, N, pid, port, root_port, send # Read global state. pid = int(sys.argv[1]) N = int(sys.argv[2]) port = int(sys.argv[3]) # Start and configure debugger LOG.basicConfig(filename='LOG/%d.log' % pid, level=LOG.DEBUG) # Create the necessary classes. mhandler = MasterHandler(pid, address, port) handler = WorkerThread(address, root_port + pid) communicator = Communicator(incoming, incoming_lock, pid, send, mhandler) #LOG.debug('Handlers initiated') acceptors = [(i, 'acceptor') for i in xrange(N)] leaders = [(i, 'leader') for i in xrange(N)] replicas = [(i, 'replica') for i in xrange(N)] acceptor = Acceptor(communicator) my_dict = dict() replica = Replica(leaders, my_dict, communicator) leader = Leader(acceptors, replicas, communicator) acceptor.start() handler.start() mhandler.start() while not os.path.isfile('LOG/%d.log' % (N - 1)): time.sleep(0.1) leader.start() replica.start() LOG.debug('main() ends IDENTITY pid: %d, port: %d ' % (pid, port))
def decide_role(tag_data): """ Creates a Leader or Follower object. :param tag_data: Return value of TagRecognition.detect(). :return: If tag_data is None, the vehicle will become a Leader. Otherwise, it will become a Follower. :rtype: Leader or Follower """ if tag_data: vehicle = Follower() else: vehicle = Leader() return vehicle
def __init__(self, starting_units=100, field_size=800, leaders=0): """ """ self.swarm = BoidSwarm(field_size+2*40, Boid.influence_range+5) # /2 self.field_size = field_size self.pad = 40 # use to keep boids inside the play field for _ in range(starting_units): b = Boid(random.uniform(100, 400), random.uniform(100, 400)) self.swarm.boids.append(b) for _ in range(leaders): leader = Leader(random.uniform(100, 400), random.uniform(100, 400)) self.swarm.boids.append(leader) self.swarm.rebuild() self._cumltime = 0 # calculation var
def setup(self): # Initiate system for i in range(self.NREPLICAS): pid = "replica %d" % i Replica(self, pid, self.conf) self.conf.replicas.append(pid) for i in range(self.NACCEPTORS): pid = "acceptor %d" % i Acceptor(self, pid) self.conf.acceptors.append(pid) for i in range(NLEADERS): pid = "leader %d" % i Leader(self, pid, self.conf) self.conf.leaders.append(pid) # Intiate clients for c in range(self.num_clients): pid = "client %d" % c Client(self, pid) self.conf.clients.append(pid)
def run(self): initialconfig = Config([], [], []) c = 0 for i in range(self.cluster_size): pid = "acceptor %d.%d" % (c,i) Acceptor(self, pid) initialconfig.acceptors.append(pid) for i in range(NLEADERS): pid = "leader %d.%d" % (c,i) Leader(self, pid, initialconfig) initialconfig.leaders.append(pid) for i in range(NREPLICAS): pid = "replica %d" % i Replica(self, pid, initialconfig) initialconfig.replicas.append(pid) for i in range(self.number_clients): pid = "client %d.%d" % (c,i) Client(self, pid, initialconfig.replicas, NREQUESTS) done = False while not done: done = False for x in initialconfig.replicas: if self.procs[x].accepted - (NREQUESTS*self.number_clients) == 0: time_end = time.perf_counter() done = True time.sleep(1) #Timing variables start = self.procs[x].start_time acc = self.procs[x].accepted time_total = (time_end - start) per_second = int(acc/time_total) with open('data.txt', 'a') as outfile: outfile.write(str(per_second)) outfile.write("\n")
def update(self, dt): """dt is in seconds""" avg_speed = 0.0 for b in self.swarm.boids: close_boids = self.swarm.find_near(b.position.x, b.position.y, b.influence_range) b.interact(close_boids) b.update(dt) w = self.field_size p = self.pad b.borders(p, w-p, p, w-p) # keep the boids inside the borders avg_speed += b.speed avg_speed = avg_speed / len(self.swarm.boids) leader = Leader(42, 42) print("%s -- %s" % (avg_speed, leader.speed)) # rebuild the swarm once we've updated all the positions self.swarm.rebuild()
def test_turn_position_type_errro(self): leader = Leader(test_mode=True) self.assertEqual(None, leader.turn(None))
def test_set_speed_string_position(self): leader = Leader(test_mode=True) self.assertEqual(0, leader.set_speed("position"))
import json import os.path from agent import Agent from leader import Leader if os.path.exists("./config/device.config"): config = open("./config/device.config", "r") content = json.load(config) node_info = content["node_info"] if node_info["role"] == "agent": agent = Agent(node_info) elif node_info["role"] == "leader" or node_info["role"] == "cloud_agent": leader = Leader(node_info) while True: pass
def run(self): initialconfig = Config([], [], []) c = 0 # Create replicas for i in range(NREPLICAS): pid = "replica %d" % i Replica(self, pid, initialconfig) initialconfig.replicas.append(pid) # Create acceptors (initial configuration) for i in range(NACCEPTORS): pid = "acceptor %d.%d" % (c, i) Acceptor(self, pid) initialconfig.acceptors.append(pid) # Create leaders (initial configuration) for i in range(NLEADERS): pid = "leader %d.%d" % (c, i) Leader(self, pid, initialconfig) initialconfig.leaders.append(pid) # Send client requests to replicas for i in range(NREQUESTS): pid = "client %d.%d" % (c, i) for r in initialconfig.replicas: cmd = Command(pid, 0, "operation %d.%d" % (c, i)) self.sendMessage(r, RequestMessage(pid, cmd)) time.sleep(1) # Create new configurations. The configuration contains the # leaders and the acceptors (but not the replicas). for c in range(1, NCONFIGS): config = Config(initialconfig.replicas, [], []) # Create acceptors in the new configuration for i in range(NACCEPTORS): pid = "acceptor %d.%d" % (c, i) Acceptor(self, pid) config.acceptors.append(pid) # Create leaders in the new configuration for i in range(NLEADERS): pid = "leader %d.%d" % (c, i) Leader(self, pid, config) config.leaders.append(pid) # Send reconfiguration request for r in config.replicas: pid = "master %d.%d" % (c, i) cmd = ReconfigCommand(pid, 0, str(config)) self.sendMessage(r, RequestMessage(pid, cmd)) time.sleep(1) # Send WINDOW noops to speed up reconfiguration for i in range(WINDOW - 1): pid = "master %d.%d" % (c, i) for r in config.replicas: cmd = Command(pid, 0, "operation noop") self.sendMessage(r, RequestMessage(pid, cmd)) time.sleep(1) # Send client requests to replicas for i in range(NREQUESTS): pid = "client %d.%d" % (c, i) for r in config.replicas: cmd = Command(pid, 0, "operation %d.%d" % (c, i)) self.sendMessage(r, RequestMessage(pid, cmd)) time.sleep(1)
class GLWidget(QGLWidget): def __init__(self): super(GLWidget, self).__init__() self.xres = 1024 self.yres = 768 self.setMinimumSize(self.xres, self.yres) = PInfo() self.globalParams = PGlobal() self.leaderParams = PLeader() self.followerParams = PFollower() self.leader = Leader(self.leaderParams, self.globalParams) self.grid = Grid() self.followers = [] self.setFollowers() # set info timer self.infoTimer = QtCore.QTime() self.infoTimer.start() # set update timer self.updateTimer = QtCore.QTimer() self.updateTimer.setInterval(16) self.updateTimer.timeout.connect(self.update) self.updateTimer.start() # set collision check timer self.collisionTimer = QtCore.QTimer() self.collisionTimer.setInterval(32) self.collisionTimer.timeout.connect(self.collision) self.collisionTimer.start() # set render timer self.renderTimer = QtCore.QTimer() self.renderTimer.setInterval(16) self.renderTimer.timeout.connect(self.updateGL) self.renderTimer.start() def setFollowers(self): num = self.followerParams.num - len(self.followers) if num > 0: for i in range(0, num): self.followers.append(Follower(self.leader, self.followerParams,\ self.globalParams, self.grid)) elif num < 0: num *= -1 for i in range(0, num): popd = self.followers.pop() self.grid.remove(popd, popd.loc.x, popd.loc.y) def update(self): self.setFollowers() self.leader.move() for i in self.followers: i.move() def collision(self): collisions = 0 for i in self.followers: collisions += i.calcRepulsion(self.followers) = collisions def paintGL(self): compTime = self.infoTimer.elapsed() - glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) glLoadIdentity() self.leader.render() for i in self.followers: i.render() curTime = self.infoTimer.elapsed() - = curTime self.updateInfo() def updateInfo(self): print( "FPS: " + str(1 / (sum( / 1000 / len( print("Collision checks: " + str( print("RendToRend: " + str(sum( / len( + 'ms\n') def resizeGL(self, w, h): glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glOrtho(-w / h, w / h, -1, 1, -1.0, 1.0) glViewport(0, 0, w, h) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() def initializeGL(self): glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) def keyPressEvent(self, event): # Handle keypresses for movement if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Space and not event.isAutoRepeat(): self.leader.toggleControl() elif self.leader.isControlled(): if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Left: self.leader.turn('L') elif event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Right: self.leader.turn('R') def setLeaderTarget(self, target): # Calculate simulation coordinates from click and set leader target vecTarget = Vector2f(target.x(), target.y()) vecTarget.x -= 16 vecTarget.y = 768 - (vecTarget.y - 23) if vecTarget.x > 0 and vecTarget.x < 1024 and vecTarget.y > 0 and vecTarget.y < 768: self.leader.goTo(vecTarget)
def test_turn_position_zero(self): leader = Leader(test_mode=True) self.assertEqual(90, leader.turn(0.0))
def test_turn_position_below_lower_bound(self): leader = Leader(test_mode=True) self.assertEqual(45, leader.turn(-1.1))
def test_turn_position_value_error(self): leader = Leader(test_mode=True) self.assertEqual(None, leader.turn("position"))
def main(): # init args = init_arg_parser() P.log_path = args.log_path P.op_num = args.op_num P.lock_type = C.LOCK_MAPPING[args.lock_type] P.consensus_type = C.CONSENSUS_MAPPING[args.consensus_type] P.follower_num = args.follower_num P.lock_key_num = args.lock_key_num F.check_path_validity() time_suffix = time.strftime('%y%m%d_%H%M%S') logger = init_logger(time_suffix=time_suffix) F.save_parameter(time_suffix=time_suffix) # init servers ports = F.rand_items_in_range(P.leader_num + P.follower_num, P.port_range) servers = [] for i in range(P.leader_num + P.follower_num): if i == 0: leader = Leader(ports[i]) servers.append(leader) threading.Thread(target=leader.init_server).start() else: follower = Follower(ports[i]) leader.add_follower(follower) follower.add_leader(leader) servers.append(follower) threading.Thread(target=follower.init_server).start() # init clients time.sleep(0.1) clients = [] for i in range(P.client_num): client = Client() client.add_corresponding_server(servers[i]) clients.append(client) # client requests lock_keys = F.rand_items_in_range(P.lock_key_num, P.lock_key_range) thread_list = [] for i in range(P.op_num):"Operation No.{}".format(i + 1)) client = F.rand_item(clients) operation_code = F.rand_int(P.client_operation_range) operation_name = C.OPERATION_MAPPING[operation_code] func = getattr(client, operation_name) t = threading.Thread(target=func, args=(str(F.rand_item(lock_keys)),)) thread_list.append(t) t.start() time.sleep(0.015) # join client requests for t in thread_list: t.join() # shut down servers time.sleep(0.1) for s in servers:'Shutting down server {}'.format(s.get_short_uuid())) client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) client_socket.connect((s.ip, s.port)) send_data = {'type': 'close'} encoded_send_data = json.dumps(send_data).encode('utf-8') client_socket.send(encoded_send_data) client_socket.close() # finish time.sleep(5)'All done!')
def test_turn_position_above_upper_bound(self): leader = Leader(test_mode=True) self.assertEqual(135, leader.turn(1.1))