def i_sense1d(x, z, params: lm.Parameters = None, func: Callable = i_sense, auto_bin=False): """Fits charge transition data with function passed Other functions could be i_sense_digamma for example""" transition_model = lm.Model(func) z = pd.Series(z, dtype=np.float32) x = pd.Series(x, dtype=np.float32) if np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan( z)) > 10: # Prevent trying to work on rows with not enough data z, x = CU.remove_nans(z, x) if auto_bin is True and len(z) > FIT_NUM_BINS: logger.debug(f'Binning data of len {len(z)} before fitting') bin_size = int(np.ceil(len(z) / FIT_NUM_BINS)) x, z = CU.bin_data([x, z], bin_size) if params is None: params = get_param_estimates(x, z)[0] if func in [i_sense_digamma, i_sense_digamma_quad ] and 'g' not in params.keys(): _append_param_estimate_1d(params, ['g']) if func == i_sense_digamma_quad and 'quad' not in params.keys(): _append_param_estimate_1d(params, ['quad']) result =, x=x, params=params, nan_policy='omit') return result else: return None
def neon_init(x_list, y_list): """ Initialize parameters for neon peaks x_list: list of x peaks y_list: list of y peaks returns: params """ params = Parameters() BG = 100. params.add("BG", value = BG) n = len(x_list) A_variables = [] X_variables = [] W_variables = [] MU_variables = [] for i in range(n): A_variables.append("A%d"%i) X_variables.append("X%d"%i) W_variables.append("W%d"%i) MU_variables.append("MU%d"%i) W = np.ones(n) MU = W*0.5 for i in range(n): params.add(X_variables[i], value = x_list[i], min = x_list[i]-2., max = x_list[i]+2.) params.add(A_variables[i], value = y_list[i]) params.add(W_variables[i], value = W[i]) params.add(MU_variables[i], value = MU[i]) print "number of params: %d"%len(params.keys()) return params
def neon_init(x_list, y_list): """ Initialize parameters for neon peaks x_list: list of x peaks y_list: list of y peaks returns: params """ params = Parameters() BG = 100. params.add("BG", value=BG) n = len(x_list) A_variables = [] X_variables = [] W_variables = [] MU_variables = [] for i in range(n): A_variables.append("A%d" % i) X_variables.append("X%d" % i) W_variables.append("W%d" % i) MU_variables.append("MU%d" % i) W = np.ones(n) MU = W * 0.5 for i in range(n): params.add(X_variables[i], value=x_list[i], min=x_list[i] - 2., max=x_list[i] + 2.) params.add(A_variables[i], value=y_list[i]) params.add(W_variables[i], value=W[i]) params.add(MU_variables[i], value=MU[i]) print "number of params: %d" % len(params.keys()) return params
def button_click(self): print('Fit Button Pressed') self.x = np.array([]) self.y = np.array([]) for k in range(self.no_of_rows): hlp = self.tableWidget.item(k, 0) if not hlp is None: self.x = np.append(self.x, np.float(hlp.text())) else: break hlp = self.tableWidget.item(k, 1) if not hlp is None: self.y = np.append(self.y, np.float(hlp.text())) print(self.x) print(self.y) params = Parameters() params.add('amplitude', value=np.max(self.y), min=(np.max(self.y) - np.min(self.y)) / 2.0, max=(np.max(self.y) - np.min(self.y))) params.add('waist', value=(np.max(self.x) - np.min(self.x)) / 2.0, min=10.0, max=2000) params.add('x_offset', value=np.mean(self.x), min=np.min(self.x), max=np.max(self.x)) params.add('y_offset', value=np.min(self.y), min=0.00, max=np.max(self.y), vary=False) # do fit, here with leastsq model minner = Minimizer(fcn2min, params, fcn_args=(self.x, self.y)) result = minner.minimize() # Store the Confidence data from the fit con_report = lmfit.fit_report(result.params) # write error report self.textbox.setText("") for k in params.keys(): my_str = str(result.params[k].value) self.textbox.append(str(k) + " = " + my_str + "\n") self.textbox.append( con_report) # include the confidence data in the textbox self.canvas.x = self.x self.canvas.y = self.y self.canvas.plot(fit_plot=result) print(params)
def test_add_many_params(self): # test that we can add many parameters, but only parameters are added. a = Parameter('a', 1) b = Parameter('b', 2) p = Parameters() p.add_many(a, b) assert_(list(p.keys()) == ['a', 'b'])
def ssf_init(B0=None, E=None, Eh=None, El=None, Th=None, Tl=None, randomise=True): """ Initialise full schoolfield parameters Parameters ---------- B0: int Normalisation constant E: int Activation energy Eh: int High temperatre deactivtion energy El: int Low temperature deactivation energy Th: int Temperature of high temperature deactivation Tl: int Temperature of low temperatre deactivation Returns ------- params: lmfit.Parameter.Parameters object parameter object with parameter constraints """ if B0 is not None: B0 = B0 if E is not None: E = E if Eh is not None: Eh = Eh if El is not None: El = El if Th is not None: Th = Th if Tl is not None: Tl = Tl params = Parameters() params.add("B0", value=B0, vary=True, min=-np.inf, max=np.inf) params.add("E", value=E, vary=True, min=10E-3, max=np.inf) params.add("Eh", value=Eh, vary=True, min=10E-3, max=np.inf) params.add("El", value=El, vary=True, min=10E-3, max=np.inf) params.add("Th", value=Th, vary=True, min=273.15, max=np.inf) params.add("Tl", value=Tl, vary=True, min=273.15, max=np.inf) if randomise: for i in params.keys(): params[i].value = np.random.normal() return params
def sample_data_button_click(self): print('sample data button pressed') self.x = np.array([]) self.y = np.array([]) hlp = self.sample_data() self.x = hlp[:, 0] self.y = hlp[:, 1] print(self.x) print(self.y) params = Parameters() params.add('amplitude', value=np.max(self.y), min=(np.max(self.y) - np.min(self.y)) / 2.0, max=(np.max(self.y) - np.min(self.y))) params.add('waist', value=(np.max(self.x) - np.min(self.x)) / 2.0, min=10.0, max=2000) params.add('x_offset', value=np.mean(self.x), min=np.min(self.x), max=np.max(self.x)) params.add('y_offset', value=0.0, min=0.00, max=np.max(self.y), vary=False) # do fit, here with leastsq model minner = Minimizer(fcn2min, params, fcn_args=(self.x, self.y)) result = minner.minimize() # Store the Confidence data from the fit con_report = lmfit.fit_report(result.params) # write error report self.textbox.setText("") for k in params.keys(): my_str = str(result.params[k].value) self.textbox.append(str(k) + " = " + my_str + "\n") self.textbox.append( con_report) # include the confidence data in the textbox self.canvas.x = self.x self.canvas.y = self.y (fit_x, fit_y) = fcn2min(result.params, self.x, None, plot_fit=True) self.canvas.plot(fit_plot=[fit_x, fit_y]) print(params)
def button_click(self): print('Fit Button Pressed') self.x = self.conv2list(self.text_x.toPlainText()) self.y = self.conv2list(self.text_y.toPlainText()) print(self.x) print(self.y) # convert offset = self.x[0] self.x = (self.x - self.x[0]) * 1.0 / 10.0 * 25.4 * 1000.0 # in um params = Parameters() params.add('amplitude', value=np.max(self.y), min=(np.max(self.y) - np.min(self.y)) / 2.0, max=(np.max(self.y) - np.min(self.y))) params.add('waist', value=(np.max(self.x) - np.min(self.x)) / 2.0, min=10.0, max=2000) params.add('x_offset', value=np.mean(self.x), min=np.min(self.x), max=np.max(self.x)) params.add('y_offset', value=np.min(self.y), min=0.00, max=np.max(self.y), vary=False) # do fit, here with leastsq model minner = Minimizer(fcn2min, params, fcn_args=(self.x, self.y)) result = minner.minimize() # Store the Confidence data from the fit con_report = lmfit.fit_report(result.params) # write error report self.textbox.setText("") for k in params.keys(): my_str = str(result.params[k].value) self.textbox.append(str(k) + " = " + my_str + "\n") self.textbox.append( con_report) # include the confidence data in the textbox self.canvas.x = self.x self.canvas.y = self.y (fit_x, fit_y) = fcn2min(result.params, self.x, None, plot_fit=True) self.canvas.plot(fit_plot=[fit_x, fit_y]) print(params)
def xFitInitParams2(refParams, data_range, resultParams=None): """ Initialize parameters for the next fitting iteration using the results of the previous fit and, if necessary, the default values of a reference set of parameters Parameters ---------- fitParams : lmfit Parameters object Fit parameters to initialize. refParams : lmfit Parameters object Reference Parameters object, containing default values and a fixed number of Parameter objects, as defined from the model fit function. data_range : Range Range of indices of nData datasets to include in fit. resultParams : lmfit Parameters object, optional Parameters object yielded by the previously performed fit, if any. The default is None. Returns ------- fitParams : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ # Initialize lmfit Parameters object fitParams = Parameters() # For those parameters that have been computed in the last run, # use as initial values for the next run the best fit values obtained in the last if resultParams is not None: for key in resultParams.keys(): # try: fitParams[key] = cp.copy(resultParams[key]) # except KeyError: # in case fitParams has been modified since last fitting run # continue # Create additional fit parameters, e.g. if the number of datasets has been extended for spec_idx in data_range: # loop over indices of datasets, in order to create fit parameters for each of them for k in refParams.keys(): if k in ['A', 'xp']: # fit parameters that are different for each dataset are assigned individual names par_key = f'{k}{spec_idx}' if par_key not in fitParams.keys(): fitParams.add( par_key, value=refParams[k].value, min=refParams[k].min, vary=refParams[k].vary ) elif resultParams is None: # if there are no shared fit parameters, because no fit has been performed yet # all other parameters are shared by all datasets and are assigned the "generic" name from refParams fitParams[k] = cp.copy(refParams[k]) return fitParams
def button_profile_click(self): print('Fit Profile Button Pressed') self.x2 = self.conv2list(self.text_x_profile.toPlainText()) self.y2 = self.conv2list(self.text_y_profile.toPlainText()) print(self.x2) print(self.y2) # convert self.x2 = (self.x2) * 1000.0 # in um params = Parameters() params.add('waist', value=200.0, min=10.0, max=2000) params.add('x_offset', value=np.mean(self.x2), min=-3000.0e3, max=+3000.0e3) params.add('my_lambda', value=780e-9 / 1e-6, vary=False) # all units are in um # do fit, here with leastsq model minner = Minimizer(fcn2min_profile, params, fcn_args=(self.x2, self.y2)) result = minner.minimize() # Store the Confidence data from the fit con_report = lmfit.fit_report(result.params) # write error report self.textbox_profile.setText("") for k in params.keys(): my_str = str(result.params[k].value) self.textbox.append(str(k) + " = " + my_str + "\n") self.textbox_profile.append( con_report) # include the confidence data in the textbox self.canvas_profile.x = self.x2 self.canvas_profile.y = self.y2 (fit_x, fit_y) = fcn2min_profile(result.params, self.x2, None, plot_fit=True) self.canvas_profile.plot(fit_plot=[fit_x, fit_y]) print(params)
def run_reactive_model(y, inits, mu,std, ntrials=5000, maxfun=5000, ftol=1.e-3, xtol=1.e-3, all_params=1, ssdlist=[200,250,300,350,400,'rt'], learn=False, acc_vector=None, **kwargs): ######################################################### # FITTING LEARN FX # ######################################################### p=Parameters() if all_params: vary=1 else: vary=0 #use this when fitting across all parameters. for key, val in inits.items(): p.add(key, value=val, vary=vary) #to fit only the learning terms, those should be the only terms added to the params dictionary. #p.add('cor_lr', value= inits['cor_lr'], vary=vary) #p.add('err_lr', value= inits['err_lr'], vary=vary) popt = Minimizer(ssre_minfunc, p, fcn_args=(y, ntrials, mu, std), fcn_kws={'learn':learn, 'acc': acc_vector}, method='Nelder-Mead') popt.fmin(maxfun=maxfun, ftol=ftol, xtol=xtol, full_output=True, disp=False) params=pd.Series({k:p[k].value for k in p.keys()}) res=popt.residual res[-1]=res[-1]/10; y[-1]=y[-1]/10; yhat=y+res pred=pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'ssdlist':ssdlist, 'ydata':y, 'residuals':res, 'yhat':yhat, 'chi':popt.chisqr}, orient='columns') return pred, params
class DarkGreyModel(ABC): ''' Abstract Base Class for DarkGrey Models ''' def __init__(self, params, rec_duration): ''' Initialises the model instance Parameters ---------- params : dict A dictionary of parameters for the fitting. Key - value pairs should follow the `lmfit.Parameters` declaration: e.g. {'A' : {'value': 10, 'min': 0, 'max': 30}} - sets the initial value and the bounds for parameter `A` rec_duration : float The duration of each measurement record in hours ''' self.result = None # convert the params dict into lmfit parameters if isinstance(params, Parameters): self.params = deepcopy(params) else: self.params = Parameters() for k, v in params.items(): self.params.add(k, **v) # set the number of records based on the measured variable's values self.rec_duration = rec_duration def fit(self, X, y, method, ic_params=None, obj_func=None): ''' Fits the model by minimising the objective function value Parameters ---------- X : dict A dictionary of input values for the fitting - these values are fixed during the fit. y : np.array The measured variable's values for the minimiser to fit to method : str Name of the fitting method to use. Valid values are described in: `lmfit.minimize` ic_params : dict The initial condition parameters - if passed in these will overwrite the initial conditions in self.params obj_func : function The objective function that is passed to `lmfit.minimize`/ It must have (params, *args, **kwargs) as its method signature. Default: `def_obj_func` Returns ------- `lmfit.MinimizerResult` Object containing the optimized parameters and several goodness-of-fit statistics. ''' # overwrite initial conditions if ic_params is not None: for k, v in ic_params.items(): if k in self.params: self.params[k].value = v else: logger.warning(f'Key `{k}` not found in initial conditions params') # we are passing X, y to minimise as kwargs self.result = minimize(obj_func or self.def_obj_func, self.params, kws={'model': self.model, 'X': X, 'y': y}, method=method) self.params = self.result.params return self def predict(self, X, ic_params=None): ''' Generates a prediction based on the result parameters and X. Parameters ---------- X : dict A dictionary of input values ic_params : dict The initial condition parameters - if passed in these will overwrite the initial conditions in self.params Returns ------- The results of the model ''' if ic_params is not None: for k, v in ic_params.items(): self.params[k].value = v return self.model(self.params, X) def model(self, params, X): ''' A system of differential equations describing the thermal model ''' pass def lock(self): ''' Locks the parameters by setting `vary` to False ''' for param in self.params.keys(): self.params[param].vary = False return self @staticmethod def def_obj_func(params, *args, **kwargs): ''' Default objective function Computes the residual between measured data and fitted data The model, X and y are passed in as kwargs by `lmfit.minimize` ''' return ((kwargs['model'](params=params, X=kwargs['X']).Z - kwargs['y'])).ravel()
fit_params.add('decay', value=0.02) out = minimize(residual, fit_params, args=(x,), kws={'data':data}) fit = residual(fit_params, x) print( ' N fev = ', out.nfev) print( out.chisqr, out.redchi, out.nfree) report_fit(fit_params) #ci=calc_ci(out) ci, tr = conf_interval(out, trace=True) report_ci(ci) if HASPYLAB: names=fit_params.keys() i=0 gs=pylab.GridSpec(4,4) sx={} sy={} for fixed in names: j=0 for free in names: if j in sx and i in sy: ax=pylab.subplot(gs[i,j],sharex=sx[j],sharey=sy[i]) elif i in sy: ax=pylab.subplot(gs[i,j],sharey=sy[i]) sx[j]=ax elif j in sx: ax=pylab.subplot(gs[i,j],sharex=sx[j]) sy[i]=ax
def residual(params: Parameters): ### if result exist in database, ignore calculation result = self.db.session.query(Result).filter(Result.task == task) \ .filter(Result.parameter == str(params)).first() if result is not None: R = result.residual if R is not None: return json.loads(R) ### ### save ppf file and run NPT ppf = PPF(string=task.ppf) paras = OrderedDict() for k, v in params.items(): print(v) paras[restore_para_name(k)] = v.value ppf.set_nb_paras(paras) # TODO Fit several torsions one by one if torsions is not None and len(torsions) > 0: from config import Config print('Fit torsion based on new non-bonded parameters') for n, torsion in enumerate(torsions): print(torsion) ppf.fit_torsion(Config.DFF_ROOT, torsion[0], torsion[1], torsion[2], torsion[3], dfi_name='fit_torsion-%i-%i' % (task.iteration + 1, n)) if modify_torsions is not None: for torsion in modify_torsions: ppf.modify_torsion(torsion[0], torsion[1], torsion[2]) ### new iteration task.iteration += 1 self.db.session.commit() ppf_out = os.path.join(self.CWD, '%s-%i.ppf' % (, task.iteration)) ppf.write(ppf_out) if not task.npt_started(): ### save gtx_dirs and gtx_cmds for running jobs on gtx queue gtx_dirs = [] gtx_cmds = [] ### for target in task.targets: if not target.need_npt: continue if target.npt_started(): continue cmds = target.run_npt(ppf_out, paras, drde_dict=self.drde_dict) ### save gtx_dirs and gtx_cmds for running jobs on gtx queue if cmds != []: gtx_dirs.append(target.dir_npt) gtx_cmds = cmds os.chdir(self.CWD) if gtx_dirs != []: from .models import npt, jobmanager commands_list = gtx_dirs, gtx_cmds, n_parallel=self.n_parallel, n_gpu=jobmanager.ngpu, n_procs=jobmanager.nprocs) for i, commands in enumerate(commands_list): sh = os.path.join(task.dir, '' % i) jobmanager.generate_sh(task.dir, commands, name='%s-%i-%i' % (, task.iteration, i), sh=sh) jobmanager.submit(sh) if not task.vacuum_started(): gtx_dirs = [] gtx_cmds = [] for target in task.targets: if not target.need_vacuum: continue if target.vacuum_started(): continue cmds = target.run_vacuum(ppf_out, paras, drde_dict=self.drde_dict) ### save gtx_dirs and gtx_cmds for running jobs on gtx queue if cmds != []: gtx_dirs.append(target.dir_vacuum) gtx_cmds = cmds os.chdir(self.CWD) if gtx_dirs != []: from .models import vacuum, jobmanager commands_list = gtx_dirs, gtx_cmds, n_parallel=self.n_parallel, n_gpu=jobmanager.ngpu, n_procs=jobmanager.nprocs) for i, commands in enumerate(commands_list): sh = os.path.join(task.dir, '' % i) jobmanager.generate_sh(task.dir, commands, name='%s-%i-VAC%i' % (, task.iteration, i), sh=sh) jobmanager.submit(sh) while True: if task.npt_finished() and task.vacuum_finished(): break else: current_time = time.strftime('%m-%d %H:%M') print(current_time + ' Job still running. Wait ...') time.sleep(60) Dens = [] Hvap = [] R_dens = [] R_hvap = [] targets = task.targets.all() for target in targets: if target.wDens > 1E-4: dens = target.get_density() R_dens.append((dens - target.density) / target.density * 100 * target.wDens) # deviation percent Dens.append(dens) if target.wHvap > 1E-4: hvap = target.get_hvap() R_hvap.append((hvap - target.hvap) / target.hvap * 100 * target.wHvap) # deviation percent Hvap.append(hvap) R = R_dens + R_hvap os.chdir(self.CWD) ### expansivity if weight_expansivity != 0: R_expa = [] for i_mol in range(len(targets) // 2): target_T1 = targets[2 * i_mol] target_T2 = targets[2 * i_mol + 1] res_Kt = ((target_T1.sim_dens - target_T2.sim_dens) / (target_T1.density - target_T2.density) - 1) \ * 100 * weight_expansivity R_expa.append(res_Kt) R += R_expa # parameter penalty R_pena = [] for k, v in params.items(): if k.endswith('r0') or k.endswith('e0'): res = (v.value - adj_nb_paras[restore_para_name(k)] ) / adj_nb_paras[restore_para_name(k)] elif k.endswith('bi'): res = v.value - adj_nb_paras[restore_para_name(k)] else: res = v.value penalty = get_penalty_for_para(k) R_pena.append(res * penalty * np.sqrt(len(R_dens))) R += R_pena ### save result to database result = Result(task=task) result.iteration = task.iteration result.ppf = str(ppf) result.parameter = str(params) result.residual = json.dumps(R) self.db.session.add(result) self.db.session.commit() ### ### write current parameters and residual to log txt = '\nITERATION %i, RSQ %.2f\n' % ( task.iteration, np.sum(list(map(lambda x: x**2, R)))) txt += '\nPARAMETERS:\n' for k, v in self.drde_dict.items(): txt += '%10.5f %-12s Fixed\n' % (v, k) for k, v in params.items(): txt += '%10.5f %-12s %10.5f\n' % ( v.value, restore_para_name(k), init_params[k]) txt += '\n%8s %8s %10s %8s %8s %8s %3s %3s %s %s\n' % ( 'RESIDUAL', 'Property', 'Deviation', 'Expt.', 'Simu.', 'Weight', 'T', 'P', 'Molecule', 'SMILES') targets_dens = task.targets.filter(Target.wDens > 1E-4).all() for i, r in enumerate(R_dens): target = targets_dens[i] prop = 'density' weight = target.wDens txt += '%8.2f %8s %8.2f %% %8.3f %8.3f %8.2f %3i %3i %s %s\n' % ( r, prop, r / weight, target.density, Dens[i], weight, target.T, target.P,, target.smiles) targets_hvap = task.targets.filter(Target.wHvap > 1E-4).all() for i, r in enumerate(R_hvap): target = targets_hvap[i] prop = 'hvap' weight = target.wHvap txt += '%8.2f %8s %8.2f %% %8.1f %8.1f %8.2f %3i %3i %s %s\n' % ( r, prop, r / weight, target.hvap, Hvap[i], weight, target.T, target.P,, target.smiles) if weight_expansivity != 0: for i, r in enumerate(R_expa): target = targets[i * 2] prop = 'expan' weight = weight_expansivity txt += '%8.2f %8s %8.2f %% %8s %8s %8.2f %3s %3s %s %s\n' % ( r, prop, r / weight, '', '', weight, '', '',, target.smiles) for i, r in enumerate(R_pena): prop = 'penalty' k = list(params.keys())[i] txt += '%8.2f %8s %10s %8s %8s %8.2f\n' % ( r, prop, k, '', '', get_penalty_for_para(k)) print(txt) with open(LOG, 'a') as log: log.write(txt) ### return R
def jacobian(params: Parameters): ### if result exist in database, ignore calculation result = self.db.session.query(Result).filter(Result.task == task) \ .filter(Result.parameter == str(params)).first() if result is not None: J = result.jacobian if J is not None: return json.loads(J) ### paras = OrderedDict() for k, v in params.items(): paras[restore_para_name(k)] = v.value J_dens = [] J_hvap = [] targets = task.targets.all() for target in targets: if target.wDens > 1E-4: dDdp_list = target.get_dDens_list_from_paras(paras) J_dens.append([ i / target.density * 100 * target.wDens for i in dDdp_list ]) # deviation percent if target.wHvap > 1E-4: dHdp_list = target.get_dHvap_list_from_paras(paras) J_hvap.append([ i / target.hvap * 100 * target.wHvap for i in dHdp_list ]) # deviation percent J = J_dens + J_hvap os.chdir(self.CWD) ### expansivity if weight_expansivity != 0: J_expa = [] for i_mol in range(len(targets) // 2): target_T1 = targets[2 * i_mol] target_T2 = targets[2 * i_mol + 1] dExpa = (target_T1.dDdp_array - target_T2.dDdp_array) / (target_T1.density - target_T2.density) \ * 100 * weight_expansivity J_expa.append(list(dExpa)) J += J_expa ### parameter penalty J_pena = [] for k, v in params.items(): if k.endswith('r0') or k.endswith('e0'): d = 1 / adj_nb_paras[restore_para_name(k)] else: d = 1 penalty = get_penalty_for_para(k) J_pena.append(d * penalty * np.sqrt(len(J_dens))) J_pena = [list(a) for a in np.diag(J_pena) ] # convert list to diagonal matrix J += J_pena ### save result to database result = self.db.session.query(Result).filter(Result.task == task) \ .filter(Result.iteration == task.iteration).first() result.jacobian = json.dumps(J) self.db.session.commit() ### ### write Jacobian to log txt = '\nJACOBIAN MATRIX:\n' for k in params.keys(): txt += '%10s' % restore_para_name(k) txt += '\n' targets_dens = task.targets.filter(Target.wDens > 1E-4).all() for i, row in enumerate(J_dens): name = targets_dens[i].name prop = 'density' for item in row: txt += '%10.2f' % item txt += ' %8s %s\n' % (prop, name) targets_hvap = task.targets.filter(Target.wHvap > 1E-4).all() for i, row in enumerate(J_hvap): name = targets_hvap[i].name prop = 'hvap' for item in row: txt += '%10.2f' % item txt += ' %8s %s\n' % (prop, name) if weight_expansivity != 0: for i, row in enumerate(J_expa): name = targets[2 * i].name prop = 'expan' for item in row: txt += '%10.2f' % item txt += ' %8s %s\n' % (prop, name) for i, row in enumerate(J_pena): name = restore_para_name(list(params.keys())[i]) prop = 'penalty' for item in row: txt += '%10.2f' % item txt += ' %8s %s\n' % (prop, name) print(txt) with open(LOG, 'a') as log: log.write(txt) ### return J
def load_lmfit_parameters(self, x, y, zerolev, err_zerolev, n_comps, wide_component = False, A_limits = 0.30, mu_precission = 2, sigma_limit = 5): #Scale parameters ind_max = argmax(y) self.fit_dict['x_scaler'], self.fit_dict['y_scaler'] = x[ind_max], y[ind_max] #Scale the range self.fit_dict['x_n'] = x - self.fit_dict.x_scaler self.fit_dict['y_n'] = y / self.fit_dict.y_scaler self.fit_dict['zerolev_n'] = zerolev / self.fit_dict.y_scaler self.fit_dict['sigZerolev_n'] = err_zerolev / self.fit_dict.y_scaler #Get line maxima and minima peak_wave, peak_flux, minima_wave, minima_flux = self.get_lines_peaks(ind_max, n_comps) #Store peaks location for log self.fit_dict['maxLambdas'] = peak_wave + self.fit_dict['x_scaler'] self.fit_dict['maxPeaks'] = peak_flux * self.fit_dict['y_scaler'] self.fit_dict['params_lmfit_wide'] = None #Lmfit dictionary params = Parameters() for i in range(n_comps): index = str(i) params.add('A' + index, value = peak_flux[i] - mean(self.fit_dict.zerolev_n), min = 0.0) params.add('mu' + index, value = peak_wave[i], min = peak_wave[i] - mu_precission, max = peak_wave[i] + mu_precission) params.add('sigma' + index, value = 1, min = 0) params.add('fwhm' + index, expr = '2.354820045 * {sigma}'.format(sigma = 'sigma' + index)) params.add('area_G' + index, expr = '{A} * {sigma} * {sqrt2pi}'.format(A = 'A' + index, sigma = 'sigma' + index, sqrt2pi = self.sqrt2pi)) #For blended components we set the same sigma: #WARNING: We could not just delete this if n_comps > 1: small_components = range(n_comps) Highest_index = argmax(self.fit_dict.maxPeaks) del small_components[Highest_index] for indx in small_components: #We set the same sigma expresion = 'sigma{index_big} * ((mu{index_small} + {scaler}) / (mu{index_big} + {scaler}))'.format( index_big = Highest_index, index_small = str(indx), scaler = self.fit_dict['x_scaler']) params['sigma' + str(indx)].set(expr = expresion) #Special condition: Wide componentine in Halpha wide_params_list = [] if self.fit_dict.add_wide_component: #Additional fitter params_W = Parameters() #TRICK TO ADD AN ADDITIONAL VALUE n_nindex = str(n_comps) params_W.add('A' + n_nindex, value = 0.2, min = 0) params_W.add('mu' + n_nindex, value = 0.0) params_W.add('sigma' + n_nindex, value = 6, min = 3, max = 20.0) params_W.add('fwhm' + n_nindex, expr = '2.354820045 * {sigma}'.format(sigma = 'sigma' + n_nindex)) params_W.add('area_G' + n_nindex, expr = '{A} * {sigma} * {sqrt2pi}'.format(A = 'A' + n_nindex, sigma = 'sigma' + n_nindex, sqrt2pi = self.sqrt2pi)) wide_params_list = params_W.keys() #Update for Nitrogen relation: Mode 1 adjuxt the fluxes params['area_G0'].set(expr = 'area_G2 / {N2_ratio}'.format(N2_ratio = 2.94)) self.fit_dict['params_lmfit_wide'] = params_W #Store the data self.fit_dict['params_lmfit'] = params self.fit_dict['parameters_list'] = array(params.keys() + wide_params_list) return
def Load_lmfit_parameters(self, x, y, zerolev, err_zerolev, n_comps, wide_component = False, A_limits = 0.30, mu_precission = 2, sigma_limit = 5): #Scale parameters ind_max = argmax(y) self.Fitting_dict['x_scaler'] = x[ind_max] self.Fitting_dict['y_scaler'] = y[ind_max] #Scale the range self.Fitting_dict['x_norm'] = x - self.Fitting_dict['x_scaler'] self.Fitting_dict['y_norm'] = y / self.Fitting_dict['y_scaler'] self.Fitting_dict['zerolev_norm'] = zerolev / self.Fitting_dict['y_scaler'] self.Fitting_dict['sig_zerolev_norm'] = err_zerolev / self.Fitting_dict['y_scaler'] #Get line maxima and minima peak_wave, peak_flux, minima_wave, minima_flux = self.get_lines_peaks(ind_max, n_comps) #Store peaks location for log self.Fitting_dict['peak_waves'] = peak_wave + self.Fitting_dict['x_scaler'] self.Fitting_dict['peak_Maxima'] = peak_flux * self.Fitting_dict['y_scaler'] #Lmfit dictionary params = Parameters() for i in range(n_comps): index = str(i) params.add('A' + index, value = peak_flux[i] - mean(self.Fitting_dict['zerolev_norm']), min = 0.0) params.add('mu' + index, value = peak_wave[i], min = peak_wave[i] - mu_precission, max = peak_wave[i] + mu_precission) params.add('sigma' + index, value = 1, min = 0) params.add('fwhm' + index, expr = '2.354820045 * {sigma}'.format(sigma = 'sigma' + index)) params.add('FluxG' + index, expr = '{A} * {sigma} * {sqrt2pi}'.format(A = 'A' + index, sigma = 'sigma' + index), sqrt2pi = self.s2pi) params.add('FluxG' + index, expr = '({A}*{fwhm})/(2.35*0.3989)'.format(A = 'A' + index, fwhm = 'fwhm' + index)) #For blended components we set the same wavelength: if n_comps > 1: print self.Fitting_dict['blended wavelengths'] Highest_index = argmax(self.Fitting_dict['peak_Maxima']) small_components = range(n_comps) del small_components[Highest_index] for indx in small_components: #We set the same sigma index_small = str(indx) expresion = 'sigma{index_big} * ( (mu{index_small} + {scaller}) / (mu{index_big} + {scaller}) )'.format(index_big = Highest_index, index_small = index_small, scaller = self.Fitting_dict['x_scaler']) params['sigma' + index_small].set(expr = expresion) # #We force the theoretical - biggest mu # expresion = '{mu_small} - mu{index_big}'.format(mu_small = self.Fitting_dict['blended wavelengths'][indx] - self.Fitting_dict['x_scaler'], index_big = Highest_index) # params['mu' + index_small].set(expr = expresion) #Special condition: Wide componentine in Halpha Wide_params_list = [] if self.Fitting_dict['Add_wideComponent']: #Additional fitter params_W = Parameters() #TRICK TO ADD AN ADDITIONAL VALUE n_nindex = str(n_comps) params_W.add('A' + n_nindex, value = 0.2, min = 0) params_W.add('mu' + n_nindex, value = 0.0) params_W.add('sigma' + n_nindex, value = 6, min = 3, max = 20.0) params_W.add('fwhm' + n_nindex, expr = '2.354820045 * {sigma}'.format(sigma = 'sigma' + n_nindex)) # params_W.add('FluxG'+ n_nindex, expr = '({A}*{fwhm})/(2.35*0.3989)'.format(A = 'A' + n_nindex, fwhm = 'fwhm' + n_nindex)) params_W.add('FluxG' + n_nindex, expr = '{A} * {sigma} * (2*3.1415)**0.5'.format(A = 'A' + n_nindex, sigma = 'sigma' + n_nindex)) Wide_params_list = params_W.keys() sqrt(2) #Update for Nitrogen relation # params['FluxG0'].set(expr = 'FluxG2 / {N2_ratio}'.format(N2_ratio = 2.94)) expression = '(A2*sigma2) / ({N2_ratio}*sigma0) '.format(N2_ratio = 2.94) params['A0'].set(expr = expression) #Store the data self.Fitting_dict['lmfit_params'] = params self.Fitting_dict['lmfit_params_wide'] = params_W self.Fitting_dict['parameters_list'] = array(params.keys() + Wide_params_list) return
def fit_PRF_on_concatenated_data(data_shared,voxels_in_this_slice,n_TRs,n_slices,fit_on_all_data,plotbool,raw_design_matrices, dm_for_BR, valid_regressors, n_pixel_elements_convolved, n_pixel_elements_raw,plotdir,voxno,slice_no,randint,roi,TR,model,hrf_params_shared,all_results_shared,conditions, results_frames, postFix=[],max_eccentricity=1,max_xy = 5,orientations=['0','45','90','135','180','225','270','315','X'],stim_radius = 7.5): """ stim_radius lijkt niet veel uit te maken. """ # grab data for this fit procedure from shared memory time_course = np.array(data_shared[:,voxels_in_this_slice][:,voxno]) hrf_params = np.array(hrf_params_shared[:,voxels_in_this_slice][:,voxno]) n_orientations = len(orientations) #to plot the time course: #%pylab #shell # then input: #pl.plot(range(0,3000), time_course) # already initialize the final PRF dict PRFs = {} if fit_on_all_data: ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Instantiate parameters ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### ## initiate search space with Ridge prefit Ridge_start_params, PRFs['Ridge'], BR_predicted = fitRidge_for_Dumoulin(dm_for_BR, time_course, valid_regressors=valid_regressors, n_pixel_elements=n_pixel_elements_convolved, alpha=1e14) # params['xo_%s'%conditions[0]].value = Ridge_start_params['xo'] # params['yo_%s'%conditions[0]].value = Ridge_start_params['yo'] ## initiate parameters: params = Parameters() # one baseline parameter params.add('baseline',value=0.0) # two location parameters # xo_yo_search_width_in_degrees = 2 # these lines work with PRF_01 etc. params.add('xo_%s'%conditions[0], value = Ridge_start_params['xo']) params.add('yo_%s'%conditions[0], value = Ridge_start_params['yo']) # # fit method with ecc boundary # params.add('xo_%s'%conditions[0], value = 0.0,min=-max_ecc,max=max_ecc)# if xo_%s>0 else -(sqrt(max_ecc**2-abs(yo_%s)**2) - abs(delta_xo_%s))'%(tuple(np.repeat(conditions[0],5)))) # params.add('yo_%s'%conditions[0], value = 0.0,min=0,expr='(sqrt(max_ecc**2-abs(xo_%s)**2) - delta_yo_%s'%(tuple(np.repeat(conditions[0],2))))# if yo_%s>0 else -(sqrt(max_ecc**2-abs(xo_%s)**2) - abs(delta_yo_%s))'%(tuple(np.repeat(conditions[0],5)))) # # these parameters ensure a maximum ecc # params.add('delta_yo_%s'%conditions[0], value=0.0,min=0)#,expr='sqrt(max_ecc**2-abs(xo_%s)**2)*2 - delta_delta_yo_%s'%(tuple(np.repeat(conditions[0],2)))) # params.add('max_ecc',value=max_ecc,vary=False) # params.add('sign_yo_%s'%conditions[0],value=0.01) # V3 like eccen-sd relation # intercept = 0.7 /stim_radius # slope = 0.3 / stim_radius # start_size = intercept + np.linalg.norm(Ridge_start_params['xo'],Ridge_start_params['yo']) * slope params.add('sigma_center_%s'%conditions[0],value=0.1,min=0.0)#min=0.01 # this means initialization at 0.1 * 7.5 = 0.75 degrees, with minimum of 0.075 degrees params.add('amp_center_%s'%conditions[0],value=0.05,min=0.0)#min=0.01 # this is initialized at 0.001 # surround parameters params.add('delta_sigma_%s'%conditions[0],value=0.4,min=0.0) # this difference parameter ensures that the surround is always larger than the center#,min=0.0000000001 params.add('sigma_surround_%s'%conditions[0],value=0.3,expr='sigma_center_%s+delta_sigma_%s'%(conditions[0],conditions[0])) # surround size should roughly be 5 times that of the center params.add('delta_amplitude_%s'%conditions[0],value=0.045,min=0.0) # this difference parameter ensures that the surround is never deeper than the center is high,min=0.0000000001 params.add('amp_surround_%s'%conditions[0],value=-0.005,max=0.0,expr='-amp_center_%s+delta_amplitude_%s'%(conditions[0],conditions[0])) # initialized at 10% of center amplitude #max=-0.0000000001, # when fitting an OG model, set all surround and delta parameters to 0 and to not vary and set the expression to None, otherwise it will start to vary anyway if model == 'OG': params['amp_surround_%s'%conditions[0]].value,params['amp_surround_%s'%conditions[0]].vary,params['amp_surround_%s'%conditions[0]].expr = 0, False, None params['delta_amplitude_%s'%conditions[0]].vary, params['delta_sigma_%s'%conditions[0]].vary,params['sigma_surround_%s'%conditions[0]].vary = False, False, False # params['delta_yo_%s'%conditions[0]].value = sqrt(max_ecc**2-abs(Ridge_start_params['xo'])**2) - Ridge_start_params['yo'] # params['delta_delta_yo_%s'%conditions[0]].value = sqrt(max_ecc**2-abs(Ridge_start_params['xo'])**2)*2 + params['delta_yo_%s'%conditions[0]].value else: ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### INITIATING PARAMETERS with all results ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### # grab data for this fit procedure from shared memory all_results = np.array(all_results_shared[:,voxels_in_this_slice][:,voxno]) ## initiate parameters: params = Parameters() # shared baseline param: params.add('baseline', value = all_results[results_frames['baseline']]) # location parameters for condition in conditions: params.add('xo_%s'%condition, value = all_results[results_frames['xo']]) params.add('yo_%s'%condition, value = all_results[results_frames['yo']]) # center parameters: params.add('sigma_center_%s'%condition,value=all_results[results_frames['sigma_center']]/stim_radius,min=0.0) # this means initialization at 0.05/2 * 15 = 1.5 degrees, ,min=0.0084 params.add('amp_center_%s'%condition,value=all_results[results_frames['amp_center']],min=0.0) # this is initialized at 0.001 ,min=0.0000000001 # surround parameters params.add('sigma_surround_%s'%condition,value=all_results[results_frames['sigma_surround']]/stim_radius,expr='sigma_center_%s+delta_sigma_%s'%(condition,condition)) # surround size should roughly be 5 times that of the center params.add('amp_surround_%s'%condition,value=all_results[results_frames['amp_surround']],max=0.0,expr='-amp_center_%s+delta_amplitude_%s'%(condition,condition)) # initialized at 10% of center amplitudemax=-0.0000000001 params.add('delta_sigma_%s'%condition,value=all_results[results_frames['delta_sigma']],min=0.0) # this difference parameter ensures that the surround is always larger than the centermin=0.0000000001 params.add('delta_amplitude_%s'%condition,value=all_results[results_frames['delta_amplitude']],min=0.0) # this difference parameter ensures that the surround is never deeper than the center is highmin=0.0000000001 # when fitting an OG model, set all surround and delta parameters to 0 and to not vary and set the expression to None, otherwise it will start to vary anyway if model == 'OG': params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].value,params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].vary,params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].expr = 0, False, None params['delta_amplitude_%s'%condition].vary, params['delta_sigma_%s'%condition].vary,params['sigma_surround_%s'%condition].vary = False, False, False g = gpf(design_matrix = raw_design_matrices[conditions[0]], max_eccentricity = max_eccentricity, n_pixel_elements = n_pixel_elements_raw, rtime = TR, ssr = 1,slice_no=slice_no) # recreate PRFs this_surround_PRF = g.twoD_Gaussian(all_results[results_frames['xo']],all_results[results_frames['yo']], all_results[results_frames['sigma_surround']]/stim_radius) * all_results[results_frames['amp_surround']] this_center_PRF = g.twoD_Gaussian(all_results[results_frames['xo']], all_results[results_frames['yo']], all_results[results_frames['sigma_center']]/stim_radius) * all_results[results_frames['amp_center']] PRFs['All_fit'] = this_center_PRF + this_surround_PRF ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Prepare fit object and function ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### # initiate model prediction object ssr = np.round(1/(TR/float(n_slices))) gpfs = {} for condition in conditions: gpfs[condition] = gpf(design_matrix = raw_design_matrices[condition], max_eccentricity = max_eccentricity, n_pixel_elements = n_pixel_elements_raw, rtime = TR, ssr = ssr,slice_no=slice_no) def residual(params): # initiate model prediction at baseline value combined_model_prediction = np.ones_like(time_course) * params['baseline'].value # now loop over conditions, create prediction and add to total prediction for condition in conditions: combined_model_prediction += gpfs[condition].hrf_model_prediction(params['xo_%s'%condition].value, params['yo_%s'%condition].value, params['sigma_center_%s'%condition].value,hrf_params)[0] * params['amp_center_%s'%condition].value combined_model_prediction += gpfs[condition].hrf_model_prediction(params['xo_%s'%condition].value, params['yo_%s'%condition].value, params['sigma_surround_%s'%condition].value,hrf_params)[0] * params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].value return time_course - combined_model_prediction ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### evalute fit ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### # optimize parameters minimize(residual, params, args=(), kws={},method='powell') ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Recreate resulting predictions and PRFs with optimized parameters ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### # initiate model prediction at baseline value combined_model_prediction = np.ones_like(time_course) * params['baseline'].value # now loop over conditions, create prediction and add to total prediction model_predictions = {} for condition in conditions: this_center_model_prediction = gpfs[condition].hrf_model_prediction(params['xo_%s'%condition].value, params['yo_%s'%condition].value, params['sigma_center_%s'%condition].value,hrf_params)[0] * params['amp_center_%s'%condition].value this_surround_model_prediction = gpfs[condition].hrf_model_prediction(params['xo_%s'%condition].value, params['yo_%s'%condition].value, params['sigma_surround_%s'%condition].value, hrf_params)[0] * params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].value model_predictions[condition] = this_center_model_prediction + this_surround_model_prediction combined_model_prediction += model_predictions[condition] # recreate PRFs this_center_PRF = gpfs[condition].twoD_Gaussian(params['xo_%s'%condition].value, params['yo_%s'%condition].value, params['sigma_center_%s'%condition].value) * params['amp_center_%s'%condition].value this_surround_PRF = gpfs[condition].twoD_Gaussian(params['xo_%s'%condition].value, params['yo_%s'%condition].value, params['sigma_surround_%s'%condition].value) * params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].value PRFs[condition] = this_center_PRF + this_surround_PRF ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Get fit diagnostics ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### reconstruction_radius = 10 this_ssr = 1000 t = np.linspace(-reconstruction_radius,reconstruction_radius,this_ssr*reconstruction_radius) fwhms = {} surround_sizes = {} for condition in conditions: PRF_2D = params['amp_center_%s'%condition].value * np.exp(-t**2/(2*params['sigma_center_%s'%condition].value**2)) + params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].value * np.exp(-t**2/(2*(params['sigma_surround_%s'%condition].value)**2)) ## then, we fit a spline through this line, and get the roots (the fwhm points) of the spline: spline=interpolate.UnivariateSpline(range(len(PRF_2D)),PRF_2D-np.max(PRF_2D)/2,s=0) ## and compute the distance between them try: fwhms[condition] = ((np.diff(spline.roots())/len(t)*reconstruction_radius) * stim_radius)[0] except: ## when this procedure fails, set fwhm to 0: fwhms[condition] = 0 ## now find the surround size in the same way if (model == 'OG') + (params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].value == 0): surround_sizes[condition] = 0 else: spline = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(range(len(PRF_2D)),PRF_2D+np.min(PRF_2D),s=0) surround_sizes[condition] = ((np.diff(spline.roots())/len(t)*reconstruction_radius) * stim_radius)[0] ## EVALUATE OVERALL MODEL FIT QUALITY stats = {} stats['spearman'] = spearmanr(time_course,combined_model_prediction)[0] stats['pearson'] = pearsonr(time_course,combined_model_prediction)[0] stats['RSS'] = np.sum((time_course - combined_model_prediction)**2) stats['r_squared'] = 1 - stats['RSS']/np.sum((time_course - np.mean(time_course)) ** 2) stats['kendalls_tau'] = kendalltau(time_course,combined_model_prediction)[0] ## CREATE SEPERATE RESULTS DICT PER CONDITION results = {} for condition in conditions: results[condition] = {} results[condition]['baseline'] = params['baseline'].value # params from fit for key in params.keys(): if condition in key: if condition in key: # leave out the condition in the keys (as the results frames are identical across conditions) new_key = key[:-len(condition)-1] else: new_key = key results[condition][new_key] = params[key].value results[condition]['ecc'] = np.linalg.norm([params['xo_%s'%condition].value,params['yo_%s'%condition].value]) * stim_radius results[condition]['sigma_center'] *= stim_radius results[condition]['sigma_surround'] *= stim_radius # derived params results[condition]['polar'] = np.arctan2(params['yo_%s'%condition].value,params['xo_%s'%condition].value) results[condition]['fwhm'] = fwhms[condition] results[condition]['surround_size'] = surround_sizes[condition] results[condition]['SI'] = ((params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].value * (params['sigma_surround_%s'%condition].value**2) ) / (params['amp_center_%s'%condition].value * (params['sigma_center_%s'%condition].value**2) )) # if the resulting PRF falls outside of the stimulus radius, # set the multiplier here to 0 so that it falls off the retmaps if results[condition]['ecc'] < (stim_radius): multiplier = stats['r_squared'] else: multiplier = 0.001 # here for only voxels within stim region: results[condition]['real_polar_stim_region'] = np.cos(results[condition]['polar'])*np.arctanh(multiplier) results[condition]['imag_polar_stim_region'] = np.sin(results[condition]['polar'])*np.arctanh(multiplier) results[condition]['real_eccen_stim_region'] = np.cos(results[condition]['ecc'])*np.arctanh(multiplier) results[condition]['imag_eccen_stim_region'] = np.sin(results[condition]['ecc'])*np.arctanh(multiplier) results[condition]['real_fwhm_stim_region'] = np.cos(results[condition]['fwhm'])*np.arctanh(multiplier) results[condition]['imag_fwhm_stim_region'] = np.sin(results[condition]['fwhm'])*np.arctanh(multiplier) # and for all voxels: results[condition]['real_polar'] = np.cos(results[condition]['polar'])*np.arctanh(stats['r_squared']) results[condition]['imag_polar'] = np.sin(results[condition]['polar'])*np.arctanh(stats['r_squared']) results[condition]['real_eccen'] = np.cos(results[condition]['ecc'])*np.arctanh(stats['r_squared']) results[condition]['imag_eccen'] = np.sin(results[condition]['ecc'])*np.arctanh(stats['r_squared']) results[condition]['real_fwhm'] = np.cos(results[condition]['fwhm'])*np.arctanh(stats['r_squared']) results[condition]['imag_fwhm'] = np.sin(results[condition]['fwhm'])*np.arctanh(stats['r_squared']) ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Plot results ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### if plotbool * (stats['r_squared']>0.4):# (np.random.randint(10)<10):#* (stats['r_squared']>0.1):#(stats['r_squared']>0.1):# * :# :#* (results['ecc'] < 3) :#:# * * randint ) #* :#* ) n_TRs = n_TRs[0] n_runs = int(len(time_course) / n_TRs) if fit_on_all_data: plot_conditions = ['Ridge',conditions[0]] else: plot_conditions = ['All_fit',conditions[0]] #plot_conditions = conditions[0] + ['All_fit'] plot_dir = os.path.join(plotdir, '%s'%roi) if not os.path.isdir(plot_dir): try: os.mkdir(plot_dir) except: pass f=pl.figure(figsize=(20,8)); rowi = (n_runs+4) import colorsys colors = np.array([colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(c,0.6,0.9) for c in np.linspace(0,1,3+1)])[:-1] for runi in range(n_runs): s = f.add_subplot(rowi,1,runi+1) pl.plot(time_course[n_TRs*runi:n_TRs*(runi+1)],'-ok',linewidth=0.75,markersize=2.5)#,label='data' if not fit_on_all_data: for ci, condition in enumerate(conditions): pl.plot(model_predictions[condition][n_TRs*runi:n_TRs*(runi+1)]+params['baseline'].value,color=colors[ci],label='%s model'%condition,linewidth=2) pl.plot([0,n_TRs],[params['baseline'].value,params['baseline'].value],color=colors[0],linewidth=1) else: pl.plot(combined_model_prediction[n_TRs*runi:n_TRs*(runi+1)],color=colors[0],label='model',linewidth=2) sn.despine(offset=10) pl.xlim(0,n_TRs*1.1) if runi == (n_runs-1): pl.xlabel('TRs') else: pl.xticks([]) if runi == (n_runs/2): pl.legend(loc='best',fontsize=8) if 'psc' in postFix: pl.ylabel('% signal change') else: pl.ylabel('unkown unit') pl.yticks([int(np.min(time_course)),0,int(np.max(time_course))]) pl.ylim([int(np.min(time_course)),int(np.max(time_course))]) rowi = (n_runs+2)/2 k = 0 for ci, condition in enumerate(plot_conditions): k+= 1 s = f.add_subplot(rowi,len(plot_conditions)*2,(rowi-1)*len(plot_conditions)*2+k,aspect='equal') pl.imshow(PRFs[condition],origin='lowerleft',interpolation='nearest',cmap=cm.coolwarm) pl.axis('off') s.set_title('%s PRF'%condition) k+= 1 if not (condition == 'Ridge') + (condition == 'All_fit'): s = f.add_subplot(rowi,len(plot_conditions)*2,(rowi-1)*len(plot_conditions)*2+k) pl.imshow(np.ones((n_pixel_elements_raw,n_pixel_elements_raw)),cmap='gray') pl.clim(0,1) if model == 'OG': s.text(n_pixel_elements_raw/2,n_pixel_elements_raw/2, "\n%s PARAMETERS: \n\nbaseline: %.2f\nsize: %.2f\namplitude: %.6f\n\n\nDERIVED QUANTIFICATIONS: \n\nr-squared: %.2f\necc: %.2f\nFWHM: %.2f"% (condition,results[condition]['baseline'],results[condition]['sigma_center'],results[condition]['amp_center'], stats['r_squared'],results[condition]['ecc'],results[condition]['fwhm']), horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',fontsize=10,bbox={'facecolor':'white', 'alpha':1, 'pad':10}) elif model == 'DoG': s.text(n_pixel_elements_raw/2,n_pixel_elements_raw/2, "\n%s PARAMETERS: \n\nbaseline: %.2f\nsd center: %.2f\nsd surround: %.2f\namp center: %.6f\namp surround: %.6f\n\nDERIVED QUANTIFICATIONS: \n\nr squared: %.2f\necc: %.2f\nFWHM: %.2f\nsurround size: %.2f\nsupression index: %.2f" %(condition,results[condition]['baseline'],results[condition]['sigma_center'],results[condition]['sigma_surround'],results[condition]['amp_center'], results[condition]['amp_surround'],stats['r_squared'],results[condition]['ecc'],results[condition]['fwhm'],results[condition]['surround_size'], results[condition]['SI']),horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',fontsize=10,bbox={'facecolor':'white', 'alpha':1, 'pad':10}) pl.axis('off') # pl.tight_layout() pl.savefig(os.path.join(plot_dir, 'vox_%d_%d_%d.pdf'%(slice_no,voxno,n_pixel_elements_raw))) pl.close() return results, stats
class UltraFast_TB(object): def __init__(self, times=None,traces=None,wavelengths=None, input_params=None,reaction_matrix=None, method='leastsq',alpha=0,gamma=0): self.times = times self.traces = traces self.wavelengths = wavelengths self.reaction_matrix = reaction_matrix self.input_params = input_params try: self.no_species = self.reaction_matrix.shape[0] except AttributeError: self.no_species = None self.last_residuals = None self.fitted_ks = None self.fitted_c0 = None self.fitted_C = None self.fitted_traces = None self.fitted_spectra = None self.no_resampled_points = None self.resampled_C = None self.resampled_times = None self.output = None self.method = method if alpha: self.regressor = Ridge(fit_intercept=False,alpha=alpha) elif gamma: self.regressor = Lasso(fit_intercept=False,alpha=gamma) else: self.regressor = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False) # if we are fitting against multiple traces they must be measured at # the same wavelengths. Note if we happen to be measuring at the same # number of wavelengths but the wavelengths being measured are # different we wil pass this test but the results will still be # meaningless no_wavlengths_measured = [st.shape[1] for st in self.traces] assert len(set(no_wavlengths_measured)) == 1 def apply_svd(self, n): """ Replaces spectral traces with their SVD transformed equivalents truncating at the nth component """ ## should really handle svd sensibly if we have multiple traces ## fitting multiple traces simultaneously requires they all have the ## same basis. Could pick the first trace to define the basis #svd_trace, s, self.rs_vectors = np.linalg.svd(self.traces[0], full_matrices=True) #transformed_traces = [svd_trace[:,:n]] #if len(self.traces > 1): # # haven't tested this at all it's probably a bug filled mess # # idea is to represent all the traces with the principle components # # defined by the first set of traces # transformed_traces += [[:,:n] for t in self.traces[1:]] # or look for svd like transformation to apply the the entire block of traces? # either way current approach is totally dodgey if fitting against # multiple svd transformed traces transformed_traces = [] # wavelengths now correspond to principle components for trace in self.traces: U,s,V = np.linalg.svd(trace, full_matrices=True) transformed_traces.append(U[:,:n]) self.traces = transformed_traces self.wavelengths = np.arange(n) def get_spectra(self, conc_traces,spectral_trace): """Extraction of predicted spectra given concentration traces and spectral_traces""" # linear fit of the fitted_concs to the spectra CANNOT fit intercept here!,spectral_trace) fitted_spectra = self.regressor.coef_ return fitted_spectra def get_traces(self, conc_traces, spectra): """Extraction of fitted spectral traces given concentration traces and spectral traces""" # linear fit of the fitted_concs to the spectra CANNOT fit intercept here!,spectral_trace) #fitted_spectral_traces = self.regressor.predict(conc_traces) fitted_spectral_traces = return fitted_spectral_traces.T def dc_dt(self,C,t,K): """ Rate function for the given reaction matrix. Rows of the reaction matrix correspond reactant species Columns of the reaction correspond to product species e.g. reaction_matrix = [[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]] Corresponds to the reaction scheme A->B->C. The generated rate function has three arguments: C an array of floats giving the concentration of each species t a float giving the current time (not used but necessary for ODEs) K an lmfit Parameters object defining with float values representing the rate constants. And returns: dc/dt an array floats corresponding to the derivative of the concentration of each species with time at time=t The above example reaction matrix would give rise to dc/dt = [-k1[A], k1[A]-k2[B], k2[B]] """ # dc/dt built up by separately computing the positive and negative contributions. # In our example positive_dcdt = [0, k1[A], k2[B]] and negative_dcdt = [-k1[A],-k2[B],0] reaction_matrix = np.array(self.reaction_matrix, C = np.array(C) #K = np.array(K.valuesdict().values()) # need to have the same number of rate parameters in K # as indicated in reaction_matrix! assert len(K) == np.sum(reaction_matrix) # need to be careful about dtypes: # reaction matrix dtype is int, rate matrix must be dtype float rate_matrix = reaction_matrix.copy() rate_matrix.dtype=np.float64 rate_matrix[reaction_matrix==1] = K positive_dcdt = negative_dcdt = rate_matrix.T.sum(axis=0)*C return positive_dcdt - negative_dcdt def C(self,t,K,c0): """ Concentration function returns concentrations at the times given in t Uses odeint to integrate dc/dt using rate constants k over times t at initial concentrations c0 Implicitly uses self.dc_dt """ #ode(self.dc_dt,c0,t,args=(k,)).set_integrator('lsoda') #ode(self.dc_dt,c0,t,args=(k,)).set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', order=15) # if we have any negative times we assume they occur before the # reaction starts hence all negative times are assigned concentration # c0 ## could switch to something like ode15s that the oiginal matlab code ## uses - can odeint cope with equations as stiff as we need? ## to use integrate.ode need order of arguments in dc_dt to switch #r = scipy.integrate.ode(self.dc_dt) #r = r.set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', order=15,nsteps=3000) #r = r.set_initial_value(c0) #r = r.set_f_params((K,)) #r.integrate(t) static_times = t[t<0] dynamic_times = t[t>=0] static_C = np.array([c0 for _ in static_times]) # odeint always takes the first time point as t0 # our t0 is always 0 (removing t0 occures before we integrate) # so if the first time point is not 0 we add it if not dynamic_times.any() or dynamic_times[0]: #fancy indexing returns a copy so we can do this dynamic_times = np.hstack([[0],dynamic_times]) dynamic_C = odeint(self.dc_dt,c0,dynamic_times,args=(K,))[1:] else: dynamic_C = odeint(self.dc_dt,c0,dynamic_times,args=(K,)) if static_C.any(): return np.vstack([static_C,dynamic_C]) else: return dynamic_C def _get_K(self, params): no_datasets = len(self.traces) n_Ks = int(np.sum(self.reaction_matrix)) K=[] for d in range(1,no_datasets+1): k_keys = ['k{i}{d}'.format(i=i,d=d) for i in range(1,n_Ks+1)] dataset_K = np.array([params[key].value for key in k_keys]) K.append(dataset_K) return K def _get_C0(self, params): no_datasets = len(self.traces) n_c0s = self.no_species C0 = [] for d in range(1,no_datasets+1): c0_keys = ['c0{i}{d}'.format(i=i,d=d) for i in range(1,n_c0s+1)] dataset_c0 = np.array([params[key].value for key in c0_keys]) C0.append(dataset_c0) return C0 def _get_T0(self, params): no_datasets = len(self.traces) T0_keys = ['t0{d}'.format(d=d) for d in range(1,no_datasets+1)] T0 = np.array([params[key].value for key in T0_keys]) return T0 def _get_OD_offset(self, params): no_datasets = len(self.traces) OD_keys = ['OD_offset{d}'.format(d=d) for d in range(1,no_datasets+1)] OD = np.array([params[key].value for key in OD_keys]) return OD # define a function that will measure the error between the fit and the real data: def errfunc(self, params): """ Master error function Computes residuals for a given rate function, rate constants and initial concentrations by linearly fitting the integrated concentrations to the provided spectra. As we wish to simultaneously fit multiple data sets T and S contain multiple arrays of times and spectral traces respectively. params an lmfit Parameters object representing the rate constants, initial concentrations,initial times, and OD offsets. implit dependence on: dc_dt - function to be integrated by odeint to get the concentrations self.times - the array over which integration occurs since we have several data sets and each one has its own array of time points, self.times is an array of arrays. self.traces - the spectral data, it is an array of array of arrays """ K = self._get_K(params) T0 = self._get_T0(params) C0 = self._get_C0(params) OD_offset = self._get_OD_offset(params) offset_times = [t-t0 for t,t0 in zip(self.times,T0)] offset_traces = [st - od for st,od in zip(self.traces,OD_offset)] # calculated concentrations for the different time sets fitted_conc_traces = [] for t ,k, c0 in zip(offset_times,K,C0): conc_traces = self.C(t,k,c0) if np.isnan(conc_traces).any(): fix = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='median',axis=0) conc_traces = fix.fit_transform(conc_traces ) warnings.warn('Nan found in predicted concentrations') fitted_conc_traces.append(conc_traces) # spectra fitted against all data sets # REQUIRES spectral traces to be measured at the SAME WAVELENGTHS! fitted_spectra = self.get_spectra(np.vstack(fitted_conc_traces), np.vstack(offset_traces)) fitted_spectral_traces = [self.get_traces(c, fitted_spectra) for c in fitted_conc_traces] self.residuals = [fst -t for fst,t in zip(fitted_spectral_traces, offset_traces)] all_residuals = np.vstack(self.residuals).ravel() return all_residuals # # compute the residuals for each dataset of times/traces # for times,traces in zip(self.times,self.traces): # offset_times = times-t0 # fitted_conc_traces = self.C(offset_times, K) # # # handle case where we have poor parameters causing concentrations # # that are higher than floating point allows by replacing them with # # the median concentration for that species. # # We expect these instances to be a very poor fit and hence that # # this procedure will not affect the final fitted rate constants # if np.isnan(fitted_conc_traces).any(): # fix = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='median',axis=0) # fitted_conc_traces = fix.fit_transform(fitted_conc_traces ) # warnings.warn('Nan found in predicted concentrations') # # offset_traces = traces - OD_offset # fitted_spectra = self.get_spectra(fitted_conc_traces, # offset_traces) # fitted_spectral_traces = self.get_traces(fitted_conc_traces, # fitted_spectra) # current_residuals = fitted_spectral_traces - traces # self.residuals.append(current_residuals) # # # do we need to worry about the order of the flattened residuals? # # e.g. if switch current_residuals for current_residuals.T # # would it matter? # # # combine residuals for each data set and flatten # # all_residuals = np.hstack(self.residuals).ravel() # # return all_residuals def printfunc(self, params, iter, resid, *args, **kwargs): """ Method passed to minimize if we are debugging to print out the values of the parameters as minimisation is occuring """ print(iter) print(params.valuesdict()) def fit(self, debug=False): """Master fitting function""" self.expand_params() if debug: self.output = minimize(self.errfunc, self.input_params, method=self.method,iter_cb=self.printfunc) else: self.output = minimize(self.errfunc, self.input_params, method=self.method) fitted_params = self.output.params fitted_K = self._get_K(fitted_params) fitted_T0 = self._get_T0(fitted_params) fitted_OD_offset = self._get_OD_offset(fitted_params) fitted_C0 = self._get_C0(fitted_params) offset_traces = [traces - od for traces,od in zip(self.traces, fitted_OD_offset)] offset_times = [times - t0 for times,t0 in zip(self.times, fitted_T0)] fitted_C = [self.C(t, fitted_k, c0) for t,fitted_k,c0 in zip(offset_times, fitted_K, fitted_C0)] fitted_spectra = self.get_spectra(np.vstack(fitted_C), np.vstack(offset_traces)) fitted_traces = [self.get_traces(c, fitted_spectra) for c in fitted_C] self.fitted_spectra = fitted_spectra self.fitted_traces = fitted_traces self.fitted_ks = fitted_K self.fitted_t0 = fitted_T0 self.fitted_c0 = fitted_C0 self.fitted_OD_offset = fitted_OD_offset self.fitted_C = fitted_C # create master resampled data if self.no_resampled_points: no_points = self.no_resampled_points else: no_points = max([len(t) for t in offset_times])*5 max_time = max(np.hstack(offset_times)) min_time = min(np.hstack(offset_times)) if min_time > 0: min_time = 0 resampled_times = np.linspace(min_time, max_time, no_points) self.resampled_C = [self.C(resampled_times,k,c0) for k,c0 in zip(fitted_K, fitted_C0)] self.resampled_traces = [self.get_traces(c,self.fitted_spectra) for c in self.resampled_C] self.resampled_times = [resampled_times + t0 for t0 in fitted_T0] def expand_params(self): """ If only a single set of parameters has been provided then we expand the parameters by constructing a set for each dataset """ no_datasets = len(self.traces) no_species = self.reaction_matrix.shape[0] t0_keys = [key for key in self.input_params.keys() if 't0' in key] od_keys = [key for key in self.input_params.keys() if 'OD' in key] k_keys = [key for key in self.input_params.keys() if 'k' in key] c0_keys = [key for key in self.input_params.keys() if 'c0' in key] enum_keys = list(enumerate(self.input_params.keys())) first_t0 = next(i for i,key in enum_keys if 't0' in key) first_od = next(i for i,key in enum_keys if 'OD' in key) first_k = next(i for i,key in enum_keys if 'k' in key) first_c0 = next(i for i,key in enum_keys if 'c0' in key) t0_params = [self.input_params.pop(k) for k in t0_keys] od_params = [self.input_params.pop(k) for k in od_keys] k_params = [self.input_params.pop(k) for k in k_keys] c0_params = [self.input_params.pop(k) for k in c0_keys] if len(t0_keys) == 1 and t0_keys[0] == 't0': p = t0_params[0] new_t0_params = [] for d in range(1,no_datasets+1): new_p = copy.deepcopy(p) += str(d) new_t0_params.append(new_p) t0_params = new_t0_params if len(od_keys) == 1 and od_keys[0] == 'OD_offset': p = od_params[0] new_od_params = [] for d in range(1,no_datasets+1): new_p = copy.deepcopy(p) += str(d) new_od_params.append(new_p) od_params = new_od_params # TODO - this is not adequate - what if the first rate parameter # isn't k1? if len(k_keys) == self.reaction_matrix.sum() and k_keys[0] == 'k1': new_k_params = [] for p in k_params: for d in range(1,no_datasets+1): new_p = copy.deepcopy(p) += str(d) new_k_params.append(new_p) k_params = new_k_params if len(c0_keys) == no_species and c0_keys[0] == 'c01': new_c0_params = [] for p in c0_params: for d in range(1,no_datasets+1): new_p = copy.deepcopy(p) += str(d) new_c0_params.append(new_p) c0_params = new_c0_params # as lmfit parameters objects are ordered dictionaries the order # that we do this actually matters and will influence the fitting # we would like to allow the used to specify the order and respect the # order they choose. # NB The ideal order is to have the parameters whos initial values are # better optimised after the parameters whos initial values are worse expanded_params = sorted([(t0_params,first_t0), (od_params,first_od), (k_params,first_k), (c0_params,first_c0)], key=lambda e:e[1]) expanded_params, loc = zip(*expanded_params) for ep in expanded_params: self.input_params.add_many(*ep) # TODO order is not yet ideal - would like explicitly given parameters # to be optimised last def init_sequential(self, no_species): """Initialises parameters for a sequential fit""" if not self.no_species is None and self.no_species != no_species: raise UserWarning('Inconsistent number of species') if not self.reaction_matrix is None: raise UserWarning('Reaction matrix already specified') self.reaction_matrix = np.zeros([no_species, no_species]) self.no_species = no_species no_datasets = len(self.traces) for i in range(no_species-1): self.reaction_matrix[i,i+1] = 1 if self.input_params is None: self.input_params = Parameters() # if no rate constants set, assign n-1 rate constants to a default # of 0.1 for each dataset if not any(['k' in key for key in self.input_params.valuesdict()]): rate_constants = [('k{i}{d}'.format(i=n,d=d),0.1,True,0,None,None) for n in range(1,no_species) for d in range(1,no_datasets+1)] self.input_params.add_many(*rate_constants) # if no t0s assign t0 to a default of 0 and flag them not to be # optimised for each dataset if not any(['t0' in key for key in self.input_params.valuesdict()]): t0 = [('t0{d}'.format(d=d),0,False,None,None,None) for d in range(1,no_datasets+1)] self.input_params.add_many(*t0) # if no OD_offsets assign OD_offset to a default of 0 and flag them # not to be optimised for each dataset if not any(['OD' in key for key in self.input_params.valuesdict()]): OD_offset = [('OD_offset{d}'.format(d=d),0,False,None,None,None) for d in range(1,no_datasets+1)] self.input_params.add_many(*OD_offset) # if no c0s assign c0 to a default of [1,0,0,...] and flag them # not to be optimised for each dataset if not any(['c0' in key for key in self.input_params.valuesdict()]): C0 = [('c0{i}{d}'.format(i=n,d=d),0,False,0,1,None) for n in range(1,no_species+1) for d in range(1,no_datasets+1)] self.input_params.add_many(*C0) for d in range(1,no_datasets+1): self.input_params['c01{d}'.format(d=d)].value = 1 def fit_sequential(self, no_species, debug=False): """ Utility function to fit assuming a sequential reaction model Sets the reaction matrix up for a sequential model then calls the master fit() method """ self.init_sequential(no_species) # TODO order is not yet ideal - would like explicitly given parameters # to be optimised last def init_parallel(self, no_species): """Initialises parameters for a parallel fit""" if not self.no_species is None and self.no_species != no_species: raise UserWarning('Inconsistent number of species') if not self.reaction_matrix is None: raise UserWarning('Reaction matrix already specified') self.reaction_matrix = np.zeros([no_species, no_species]) self.no_species = no_species no_datasets = len(self.traces) for i in range(0,no_species-1,2): self.reaction_matrix[i,i+1] = 1 if self.input_params is None: self.input_params = Parameters() # if no rate constants set, assign n-1 rate constants to a default # of 0.1 for each dataset if not any(['k' in key for key in self.input_params.valuesdict()]): rate_constants = [('k{i}{d}'.format(i=n,d=d),0.1,True,0,None,None) for n in range(1,no_species,2) for d in range(1,no_datasets+1)] self.input_params.add_many(*rate_constants) # if no t0s assign n t0s to a default of 0 and flat them not to be # optimised if not any(['t0' in key for key in self.input_params.valuesdict()]): t0 = [('t0{i}'.format(i=n),0,False,None,None,None) for n in range(1,no_datasets+1)] self.input_params.add_many(*t0) # if no OD_offsets assign OD_offset to a default of 0 and flag them # not to be optimised for each dataset if not any(['OD' in key for key in self.input_params.valuesdict()]): OD_offset = [('OD_offset{i}'.format(i=n),0,False,None,None,None) for n in range(1,no_datasets+1)] self.input_para,s.add_many(*OD_offset) # if no c0s assign c0 to a default of 1 and flag them # not to be optimised for each dataset # if no c0s assign c0 to a default of [1,0,0,...] and flag them # not to be optimised for each dataset if not any(['c0' in key for key in self.input_params.valuesdict()]): C0 = [('c0{i}{d}'.format(i=n,d=d),0,False,0,1,None) for n in range(1,no_species+1) for d in range(1,no_datasets+1)] self.input_params.add_many(*C0) for n in range(1,no_species,2): for d in range(1,no_datasets+1): self.input_params['c0{i}{d}'.format(i=n,d=d)].value = 1 def fit_parallel(self, no_species,debug=False): """ Utility function to fit assuming a parallel reaction model Sets the reaction matrix up for a parallel model then calls the master fit() method """ self.init_parallel(no_species) def tex_reaction_scheme(self): """Returns a Latex representation of the current reaction scheme""" if self.reaction_matrix is None or self.input_params is None: return 'undefined' species = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' eqn = [] reactants, products = self.reaction_matrix.nonzero() for r,p,k in zip(reactants, products,self.input_params.keys()): eqn.append( species[r] + r'\xrightarrow{{' + k + '}}' + species[p]) latex_eqn = r'$' + ','.join(eqn) + r'$' return latex_eqn
class lmfitdata(nddata): r"""Inherits from an nddata and enables curve fitting through use of a sympy expression. The user creates a lmfitdata class object from an existing nddata class object, and on this lmfitdata object can define the :func:`functional_form` of the curve it would like to fit to the data of the original nddata. This functional form must be provided as a sympy expression, with one of its variables matching the name of the dimension that the user would like to fit to. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # copied from fitdata fit_axis = None if "fit_axis" in list(kwargs.keys()): fit_axis = kwargs.pop("fit_axis") if isinstance(args[0], nddata): # move nddata attributes into the current instance myattrs = normal_attrs(args[0]) for j in range(0, len(myattrs)): self.__setattr__(myattrs[j], args[0].__getattribute__(myattrs[j])) else: nddata.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if fit_axis is None: if len(self.dimlabels) == 1: fit_axis = self.dimlabels[0] else: raise IndexError( "Right now, we can only auto-determine the fit axis if there is a single axis" ) self.fit_axis = fit_axis self.set_to = None self.set_indices = None self.active_indices = None self.expression = None return @property def functional_form(self): r"""A property of the myfitclass class which is set by the user, takes as input a sympy expression of the desired fit expression""" print("Getting symbolic function") return self.expression @functional_form.setter def functional_form(self, this_expr): """generate parameter descriptions and a numpy (lambda) function from a sympy expresssion Parameters ========== this_expr: sympy expression """ assert issympy( this_expr ), "for now, the functional form must be a sympy expression" self.expression = this_expr # {{{ decide which symbols are parameters vs. variables if self.expression is None: raise ValueError("what expression are you fitting with??") all_symbols = self.expression.atoms(sp.Symbol) axis_names = set([sp.Symbol(j, real=True) for j in self.dimlabels]) variable_symbols = axis_names & all_symbols self.parameter_symbols = all_symbols - variable_symbols this_axis = variable_symbols variable_symbols = tuple(variable_symbols) self.variable_names = tuple([str(j) for j in variable_symbols]) parameter_symbols = tuple(self.parameter_symbols) self.parameter_names = tuple([str(j) for j in self.parameter_symbols]) self.fit_axis = set(self.dimlabels) self.symbol_list = [str(j) for j in parameter_symbols] logging.debug( strm( "all symbols are", all_symbols, "axis names are", axis_names, "variable names are", self.variable_names, "parameter names are", self.parameter_names, ) ) print( "all symbols are", all_symbols, "axis names are", axis_names, "variable names are", self.variable_names, "parameter names are", self.parameter_names, ) self.symbolic_vars = all_symbols - axis_names self.fit_axis = list(self.fit_axis)[0] # }}} self.symbolic_vars = list(self.symbolic_vars) args = self.symbolic_vars + [str(*this_axis)] self.fitfunc_multiarg = sp.lambdify( args, self.expression, modules=[{"ImmutableMatrix": np.ndarray}, "numpy", "scipy"], ) self.fitfunc_multiarg_v2 = sp.lambdify( variable_symbols + parameter_symbols, self.expression, modules=[{"ImmutableMatrix": np.ndarray}, "numpy", "scipy"], ) def fn(p, x): p = self.add_inactive_p(p) assert len(p) == len( self.parameter_names ), "length of parameter passed to fitfunc doesnt match number of symbolic parameters" return self.fitfunc_multiarg(*tuple(list(p) + [x])) self.fitfunc = fn = Parameters() for this_name in self.parameter_names: def add_inactive_p(self, p): if self.set_indices is not None: # {{{uncollapse the function temp = p.copy() p = np.zeros(len(self.symbol_list)) p[self.active_mask] = temp # }}} p[self.set_indices] = self.set_to return p def set_guess(self, *args, **kwargs): """set both the guess and the bounds Parameters ========== guesses: dict of dicts each dict has a keyword giving the parameter and a value that comprises a dict with guesses (value) and/or constraints (min/max) Can be passed either as the only argument, or a kwarg called guesses, or as the kwargs themselves. """ if len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) == dict: guesses = args[0] elif len(kwargs) == 1 and "guesses" in kwargs.keys(): guesses = kwargs["guesses"] else: guesses = kwargs self.guess_dict = {} for this_name in if this_name in guesses.keys(): if type(guesses[this_name]) is dict: self.guess_dict[this_name] = {} for k, v in guesses[this_name].items(): setattr([this_name], k, v) self.guess_dict[this_name][k] = v elif np.isscalar(guesses[this_name]):[this_name].value = guesses[this_name] self.guess_dict[this_name] = {"value":guesses[this_name]} else: raise ValueError("what are the keys to your guesses???") for j in"fit param ---", j)) return def guess(self): r"""Old code that we are preserving here -- provide the guess for our parameters; by default, based on pseudoinverse""" if hasattr(self, "guess_dict"): self.guess_dictionary = { k: self.guess_dict[k]["value"] for k in self.guess_dict.keys() } return [self.guess_dictionary[k] for k in self.parameter_names] else: return [1.0] * len(self.variable_names) def settoguess(self): "a debugging function, to easily plot the initial guess" self.fit_coeff = np.real(self.guess()) return self def _taxis(self, taxis): r"You can enter None, to get the fit along the same range as the data, an integer to give the number of points, or a range of data, which will return 300 points" if taxis is None: taxis = self.getaxis(self.fit_axis).copy() elif isinstance(taxis, int): taxis = np.linspace( self.getaxis(self.fit_axis).min(), self.getaxis(self.fit_axis).max(), taxis, ) elif not np.isscalar(taxis) and len(taxis) == 2: taxis = np.linspace(taxis[0], taxis[1], 300) return taxis def eval(self, taxis=None, set_what=None, set_to=None): """Calculate the fit function along the axis taxis. Parameters ---------- taxis: ndarray, int :if ndarray: the new axis coordinates along which we want to calculate the fit. :if int: number of evenly spaced points along the t-axis along the fit set_what: 'str', optional forcibly sets a specific symbol set_to: double, optional the specific value(int) you are assigning the symbol you included Returns ------- self: nddata the fit function evaluated along the axis coordinates that were passed """ if isinstance(set_what, dict): set_to = list(set_what.values()) set_what = list(set_what.keys()) if taxis is None: taxis = self.getaxis(self.fit_axis) else: taxis = self._taxis(taxis) if hasattr(self, "fit_coeff") and self.fit_coeff is not None: p = self.fit_coeff.copy() else: p = np.array([NaN] * len(self.variable_names)) # {{{LOCALLY apply any forced values if set_what is not None: if self.set_indices is not None: raise ValueError( "You're trying to set indices in an eval" " function for a function that was fit constrained; this" " is not currently supported" ) set_indices, set_to, active_mask = self.gen_indices(set_what, set_to) p[set_indices] = set_to # }}} # {{{ make a new blank np.array with the fit axis expanded to fit taxis newdata = ndshape(self) newdata[self.fit_axis] = np.size(taxis) newdata = newdata.alloc() newdata.set_plot_color(self.get_plot_color()) # }}} # {{{keep all axis labels the same, except the expanded one newdata.axis_coords = list(newdata.axis_coords) newdata.labels([self.fit_axis], list([taxis])) # }}}[:] = self.fitfunc(p, taxis).flatten() return newdata def fit(self): r"""actually run the fit""" # we can ignore set_what, since I think there's a mechanism in # lmfit to take care of that (it's for fixing parameters) # but the rest of what it's doing is to pull apart the # error, axis, etc, to be fed to minimize. # # It also automatically converts complex data to real data, and # does other things for error handling -- let's not just throw this out # # I think that a lot of this could be copied with little modification # # But you should read through and see what the previous fit method is doing # and then copy over what you can x = self.getaxis(self.fit_axis) if np.iscomplex([0]): logging.debug(strm("Warning, taking only real part of fitting data!")) y = np.real( sigma = self.get_error() out = minimize( self.residual,, args=(x, y, sigma), ) # can you capture the following as a string? maybe return it? report_fit(out, show_correl=True) # {{{ capture the result for ouput, etc self.fit_coeff = [out.params[j].value for j in self.symbol_list] assert out.success self.covariance = out.covar # }}} return def run_lambda(self, pars): """actually run the lambda function we separate this in case we want our function to involve something else, as well (e.g. taking a Fourier transform)""" for j in self.variable_names)) return self.fitfunc_multiarg_v2( *(self.getaxis(j) for j in self.variable_names), **pars.valuesdict() ) def residual(self, pars, x, y, sigma=None): "calculate the residual OR if data is None, return fake data" fit = self.run_lambda(pars) if sigma is not None: normalization = np.sum(1.0 / sigma[sigma != 0.0 and np.isfinite(sigma)]) sigma[sigma == 0.0] = 1 sigma[~np.isfinite(sigma)] = 1 try: # as noted here: # this needs to be fit - y, not vice versa if sigma is not None: retval = (fit - y) / sigma * normalization else: retval = fit - y except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( strm( "your error (", np.shape(sigma), ") probably doesn't match y (", np.shape(y), ") and fit (", np.shape(fit), ")", ) + explain_error(e) ) return retval def copy(self): namelist = [] vallist = [] for j in dir(self): if self._contains_symbolic(j): namelist.append(j) vallist.append(self.__getattribute__(j)) self.__delattr__(j) new = deepcopy(self) for j in range(0, len(namelist)): new.__setattr__(namelist[j], vallist[j]) for j in range(0, len(namelist)): self.__setattr__(namelist[j], vallist[j]) return new def gen_indices(self, this_set, set_to): r"""pass this this_set and this_set\_to parameters, and it will return: indices,values,mask indices --> gives the indices that are forced values --> the values they are forced to mask --> p[mask] are actually active in the fit""" if not isinstance(this_set, list): this_set = [this_set] if not isinstance(set_to, list): set_to = [set_to] if len(this_set) != len(set_to): raise ValueError( strm( "length of this_set=", this_set, "and set_to", set_to, "are not the same!", ) ) logging.debug("*** *** *** *** *** ***") logging.debug(str(this_set)) logging.debug("*** *** *** *** *** ***") set_indices = list(map(self.symbol_list.index, this_set)) active_mask = np.ones(len(self.symbol_list), dtype=bool) active_mask[set_indices] = False return set_indices, set_to, active_mask def output(self, *name): r"""give the fit value of a particular symbol, or a dictionary of all values. Parameters ----------- name: str (optional) name of the symbol. If no name is passed, then output returns a dictionary of the resulting values. Returns ------- retval: dict or float Either a dictionary of all the values, or the value itself """ if not hasattr(self, "fit_coeff") or self.fit_coeff is None: return None p = self.fit_coeff.copy() if self.set_indices is not None: temp = p.copy() p = np.zeros(len(self.symbol_list)) p[self.active_mask] = temp p[self.set_indices] = self.set_to if len(name) == 1: try: return p[self.symbol_list.index(name[0])] except: raise ValueError( strm( "While running output: couldn't find", name, "in", self.symbol_list, ) ) elif len(name) == 0: return {self.symbol_list[j]: p[j] for j in range(len(p))} else: raise ValueError( strm("You can't pass", len(name), "arguments to .output()") ) def latex(self): r"""show the latex string for the function, with all the symbols substituted by their values""" # this should actually be generic to fitdata p = self.fit_coeff retval = self.function_string printfargs = [] allsymb = [] locations = [] # {{{ I replace the symbols manually # Note that I came back and tried to use sympy to do this, # but then realize that sympy will automatically simplify, # e.g. numbers in the denominator, so it ends up changing the # way the function looks. Though this is a pain, it's # better. for j in range(0, len(self.symbol_list)): symbol = sympy_latex(self.symbolic_vars[j]).replace("$", "") logging.debug(strm('DEBUG: replacing symbol "', symbol, '"')) location = retval.find(symbol) while location != -1: if retval[location - 1] == "-": newstring = ( retval[: location - 1] + dp(-1 * p[j]) + retval[location + len(symbol) :] ) # replace the symbol in the written function with the appropriate number else: newstring = ( retval[:location] + dp(p[j]) + retval[location + len(symbol) :] ) # replace the symbol in the written function with the appropriate number logging.debug( strm( r"trying to replace", retval[location : location + len(symbol)] ) ) retval = newstring locations += [location] allsymb += [symbol] location = retval.find(symbol) # }}} logging.debug( strm( r"trying to generate", self.function_string, "\n", retval, "\n", [allsymb[x] for x in np.argsort(locations)], "\n", printfargs, ) ) return retval @property def function_string(self): r"""A property of the myfitclass class which stores a string output of the functional form of the desired fit expression provided in func:`functional_form` in LaTeX format""" retval = sympy_latex(self.expression).replace("$", "") return r"$f(%s)=" % (sympy_latex(sympy_symbol(self.fit_axis))) + retval + r"$" @function_string.setter def function_string(self): raise ValueError( "You cannot set the string directly -- change the functional_form property instead!" )
def main(argv, SHOW, BLOCK): global RECORD, REPLAY, mod print_logo() fn = argv[1] cfg_filename = argv[2] detector = argv[3] # hdf = h5py.File(fn,'r') # the allowed keys will be available as cfg members after reading parameter file allowed_keys={"res_param":DictType,"T":FloatType} # EXAMPLE OF CFG FILE : """" # Parameters for resolution function # usage : res_param = {detector_number:[mu,wG,wL],...,n:[mun,wGn,wLn]} res_param ={ 1:[0.6552,2.604,4.53], 2:[0.6319,2.603,4.<013], .......................... } #Temperature (important : floating type is mandatory) T = 297.0 """ cfg = read_configuration_file(cfg_filename,allowed_keys= allowed_keys) interactive_Entry = True mod=None const=None CONVOLUTION_METHOD="PSEUDOVOIGT" while(1): if interactive_Entry: # ( scan_num , detect_num, # Ene_array ,Intens_array, Intens_Err) = interactive_extract_data_from_h5(hdf) ( scan_num , detect_num, Ene_array ,Intens_array, Intens_Err) = get_data_from_txt(fn,detector) if CONVOLUTION_METHOD=="PSEUDOVOIGT": # we build here a pseudo_voigt for convolution, based on configuration parameters peculiar to the detector mu,gaussian_w,lorentz_w , base_line = cfg.res_param[int(detect_num)] convolution_Function = PseudoVoigt( mu,lorentz_w ,gaussian_w , base_line) else: raise Exception, (" I dont know your convolution model=%s, develop it in the code "%CONVOLUTION_METHOD) mod = Model(cfg.T,Ene_array,convolution_Function ) xy, noel = interactive_GUI_get_init_peak_params(Ene_array,Intens_array) const=None skip = (xy == []) # xy is a list : [ e0, height0, e1, height....] if noel : # means : energy range was not containing zero , and elastic peak has not been set by # the above GUI routine. We are going to ask for it now and prepend Ec, Ael to xy if not REPLAY==0: exec(getinstruction(REPLAY)) xy=[[Ec,Ael]]+xy while(1): try: Ec=float(raw_input('Enter overall scan shift (Ec) : ')) Ael=float(raw_input('Enter intensity of elastic line (Ael) : ')) xy=[[Ec,Ael]]+xy if RECORD: open("interactive_session.log","a").write("Ec,Ael=.%s # in completion for noel=True \n"%str((Ec,Ael))) break except: print " INPUT ERROR, TRY AGAIN " pass if not skip: # setting up parameter list : ( position, height, width, position, height.... ) param_list = np.zeros([len(xy),3 ],"d") param_list[:,:2]=xy wel,wj =0.1,0.1 #widths of elastic and excitation peaks (initial guess) param_list[0,2]=wel param_list[1:,2]=wj # setting up the model params_and_functions = Params_and_Functions() params_and_functions.setParams(param_list.flatten()) # //////////////////////////// contributions params_and_functions.setContribution(shape_class=LineModel) # elastic line for i in range(len(xy)-1): params_and_functions.setContribution(shape_class=LineModel) params_and_functions.normalise(mod) print '--------------------------------------------------------------' print 'Input parameters :' params_and_functions.print_params(cfg.T, File=sys.stdout) mod.set_Params_and_Functions(params_and_functions) else: skip=False if not skip: #*************** TRA ********************************************************* # """ t0=time.time() Fit_Parameters = Parameters() pname_dict = build_param_name_dict(params_and_functions) init_params = params_and_functions.par_array print " init params: ",init_params if const == None: const = default_build_constrains(params_and_functions ,position=3,intensity=2,irange=[0.,params_and_functions.maxheight()*2],width=3) print const vary_means = {0:False, 1: True, 2: True, 3: False}#To be modified to accept only True and False (0,1) for ii in range(len(init_params)): # Fit_Parameters.add(pname_dict[ii], value = init_params[ii], min = const[1][ii], max = const[2][ii], vary=True) Fit_Parameters.add(pname_dict[ii], value = init_params[ii]) pp = [Fit_Parameters[kk].value for kk in Fit_Parameters.keys()] Fitted_result = minimize(residual_fit, Fit_Parameters, args=(Ene_array, Intens_array, Intens_Err)) chisq = Fitted_result.chisqr refined_param = [] sigmapar = [] for k in Fitted_result.params.keys(): refined_param.append(Fitted_result.params[k].value) sigmapar.append(Fitted_result.params[k].stderr) const = default_build_constrains(params_and_functions,position=2, # refined_param[0] est suppose etre le centre de la ligne elastic prange=[0+(refined_param[0]),Ene_array[-1]*1.2],intensity=2,irange=[0.,params_and_functions.maxheight()*2],width=2,wrange=[0.,2.5])#XXX vary_means = {0:False, 1: True, 2: True, 3: False}#To be modified to accept only True and False (0,1) for ii in range(len(init_params)): Fit_Parameters.add(pname_dict[ii], value = init_params[ii], min = const[1][ii], max = const[2][ii], vary=vary_means[const[0][ii]]) pp = [Fit_Parameters[k].value for k in Fit_Parameters.keys()] Fitted_result = minimize(residual_fit, Fit_Parameters, args=(Ene_array, Intens_array, Intens_Err)) chisq = Fitted_result.chisqr refined_param = [] sigmapar = [] for k in Fitted_result.params.keys(): refined_param.append(Fitted_result.params[k].value) sigmapar.append(Fitted_result.params[k].stderr) else: vary_means = {0:False, 1: True, 2: True, 3: False}#To be modified to accept only True and False (0,1) for ii in range(len(init_params)): Fit_Parameters.add(pname_dict[ii], value = init_params[ii], min = const[1][ii], max = const[2][ii], vary=vary_means[const[0][ii]]) pp = [Fit_Parameters[kk].value for kk in Fit_Parameters.keys()] Fitted_result = minimize(residual_fit, Fit_Parameters, args=(Ene_array, Intens_array, Intens_Err)) chisq = Fitted_result.chisqr refined_param = [] sigmapar = [] for k in Fitted_result.params.keys(): refined_param.append(Fitted_result.params[k].value) sigmapar.append(Fitted_result.params[k].stderr) t1=time.time() print "DOne!" print 'Exec time for calculation : %f'%(t1-t0) print 'number of iteration in Levenberg-Marquardt : %d'%mod.count print 'Exec time per iteration : %f'%((t1-t0)/mod.count) mod.params_and_functions.par_array[:] = refined_param # Note : we update internal values. We dont change the object reference value print 'root-mean-square deviation : %f'% (np.sqrt(np.sum(((Intens_array-mod.Ft_I(refined_param,Ene_array ))**2)))/len(Ene_array)) plotted_datas = Plot(mod,refined_param,Ene_array,Intens_array,Intens_Err , show_graph=SHOW) # this function would be used also just # for grabbing data columns : Ldat = [E-Center , A, Err,tot, el, inel1, inel2 ...] print '--------------------------------------------------------------' print 'Output parameters :' params_and_functions.print_params(cfg.T,sigmapar, File=sys.stdout) # on the screen output_dir = fn.split(".")[0] + '_fit' output_stripped_name = os.path.basename(fn).split(".")[0] if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) out_name = '%s/%s.h5'%(output_dir,output_stripped_name ) datasetname = "data_%s_%s"%(scan_num,detect_num ) out_param_fn = os.path.join('%s'%output_dir, '%s_%s.param'%(output_stripped_name, detect_num)) out = open(out_param_fn,'w') elC = params_and_functions.print_params_h5(cfg.T,sigmapar, File=out_name,datasetname= datasetname) # on file elC = params_and_functions.print_params(cfg.T,sigmapar, File=out) # on file out=None cs = np.column_stack(plotted_datas) cs[:,0] -= elC np.savetxt('%s/%s_%s.dat'%(output_dir,output_stripped_name,detect_num), cs , fmt='%12.4e', delimiter=' ') file_print ( output_dir, output_stripped_name , scan_num , detect_num) try: except: interactive_Entry=True if not REPLAY==0: exec(getinstruction(REPLAY)) else: r = raw_input('Would you like to fit another spectrum (y) or (n) default : [y] ?\nor change temperature (t) ?\nor refine again the previous fit with different constrains (r) ?\n') if RECORD: open("interactive_session.log","a").write("r='%s' # in asking Would you like to fit another spectrum :y,n,r,t \n"%r) if r in ['n','N']: print 'Bye Bye' break elif r in ['t','T']: if not REPLAY==0: exec(getinstruction(REPLAY)) else: T = raw_input('Temperature ? [297.0]: ') if RECORD : open("interactive_session.log","a").write("T='%s' # in asking Temperature ? [297.0] \n"%T) if T == '': cfg.T = 297.0 else : cfg.T = float(T) elif r in ['r','R']: const = interactive_define_ext_constrains(params_and_functions,const) # this function might change internal values # of params_and_functions.par_array interactive_Entry=False else: pass # will continue as default plt.close()
l2, = ax2.plot(t, pz, lw=2, color='k') ax2.legend(['Pole-zero/Tau Corrected']) l3, = ax3.plot(t, ff, lw=2, color='blue') ax3.legend(['Trapezoidal Filter Output']) l4, = ax4.plot(t, zc, lw=2, color='green') ax4.legend(['CFD Output']) #l5,= ax4.plot(t[20:],zc[1],lw=2,color='purple') ax2.set_xlim(0, 2000) #ax1.set_ylim(pulse.min()-margin,pulse.max()+margin) #ax2.set_ylim(ff.min()-margin,ff.max()+margin) #plt.axis([0,2000,-100,100]) #ax1.autoscale(axis='y') #ax2.autoscale(axis='y') axDict = dict() key_len = len(variables.keys()) for k in variables.keys(): axDict[k] = plt.axes([0.15, key_len * 0.04 + 0.13, 0.65, 0.03]) key_len -= 1 #axamp = plt.axes([0.15,0.05, 0.65, 0.03]) #axmean = plt.axes([0.15,0.09, 0.65, 0.03]) #axsigma = plt.axes([0.15,0.13, 0.65, 0.03]) axlen = plt.axes([0.15, 0.05, 0.65, 0.03]) axgap = plt.axes([0.15, 0.09, 0.65, 0.03]) axtau = plt.axes([0.15, 0.13, 0.65, 0.03]) slideDict = dict() key_len = len(variables.keys()) for k in variables.keys(): slideDict[k] = Slider(axDict[k],
class UDFParametersModel(QtCore.QAbstractTableModel): def __init__(self, params, parent=None): super(UDFParametersModel, self).__init__(parent) if params is not None: self.params = params else: self.params = Parameters() def rowCount(self, parent=QtCore.QModelIndex()): return len(self.params) + 1 def columnCount(self, parent=QtCore.QModelIndex()): return 5 def flags(self, index): row = index.row() col = index.column() if row == 0 and col == 0: retval = QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled if row == 0 and col > 0: retval = False #parameter name if col == 0 and row > 0: retval = (QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) #parameter value if col == 1 and row > 0: retval = (QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) #min/max values if (col == 2 or col == 3) and row > 0: retval = (QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) #expr if col == 4 and row > 0: retval = (QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable) return retval # def layersAboutToBeInserted(self, start, end): # self.beginInsertRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), start, end) # # def layersFinishedBeingInserted(self): # self.endInsertRows() # # def layersAboutToBeRemoved(self, start, end): # self.beginRemoveRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), start, end) # # def layersFinishedBeingRemoved(self): # self.endRemoveRows() def setData(self, index, value, role=QtCore.Qt.EditRole): row = index.row() col = index.column() names = curvefitter.names(self.params) if row: name = names[row - 1] if role == QtCore.Qt.CheckStateRole: if row > 0 and col == 1: if value == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self.params[name].vary = False else: self.params[name].vary = True if role == QtCore.Qt.EditRole: if row == 0 and col == 0: currentparams = self.rowCount() - 1 validator = QtGui.QIntValidator() voutput = validator.validate(value, 1) if voutput[0] is QtGui.QValidator.State.Acceptable and int(voutput[1]) >= 0: newparams = int(voutput[1]) if newparams == currentparams: return True if newparams > currentparams: self.beginInsertRows( QtCore.QModelIndex(), currentparams + 1, newparams) if newparams < currentparams: self.beginRemoveRows( QtCore.QModelIndex(), newparams + 1, currentparams) if newparams > currentparams: for i in range(currentparams, newparams): self.params.add('p%d'%i, 0, True, -np.inf, np.inf, None) self.endInsertRows() if newparams < currentparams: remove_names = names[newparams:] map(self.params.pop, remove_names) self.endRemoveRows() self.modelReset.emit() if row > 0 and col in [1, 2, 3]: validator = QtGui.QDoubleValidator() voutput = validator.validate(value, 1) if voutput[0] == QtGui.QValidator.State.Acceptable: number = float(voutput[1]) else: return False if col == 1: self.params[name].value = number if col == 2: self.params[name].min = number if col == 3: self.params[name].max = number if row > 0 and col == 0: #change a parameter name requires making a new dictionary if not valid_symbol_name(value): return False p = Parameters() param = self.params[name] newparam = Parameter(value, param.value, param.vary, param.min, param.max, param.expr) for k, v in self.params.items(): if k == name: p[value] = newparam else: p[k] = v self.params = p if row > 0 and col == 4: #set an expression param = self.params[name] param.expr = value self.dataChanged.emit(index, index) return True def data(self, index, role=QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole): if not index.isValid(): return False row = index.row() col = index.column() names = curvefitter.names(self.params) if row: name = names[row - 1] if role == QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole: if col == 0: if row == 0: return str(len(self.params)) else: return name elif col == 1 and row > 0: return str(self.params[name].value) elif col == 2 and row > 0: return str(self.params[name].min) elif col == 3 and row > 0: return str(self.params[name].max) elif col == 4 and row > 0: return str(self.params[name].expr) if role == QtCore.Qt.CheckStateRole: if row > 0 and col == 1: if self.params[name].vary: return QtCore.Qt.Unchecked else: return QtCore.Qt.Checked def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole): """ Set the headers to be displayed. """ if role != QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole: return None if orientation == QtCore.Qt.Vertical: if section == 0: return 'number of parameters' else: names = self.params.keys() return names[section - 1] if orientation == QtCore.Qt.Horizontal: if section == 0: return 'name' if section == 1: return 'value' if section == 2: return 'lower limit' if section == 3: return 'upper limit' if section == 4: return 'expr' return None
class xpvic_fit: """ Class of objects allowing to easily batch fit neutrons diffraction data with one or more pseudo-Voigt Ikeda-Carpenter functional forms. """ def __init__(self, data, refParams, h, fit_interval=[-.1, .1], data_range=None, num_fit_func=1): """ Initialize attributes of the class Parameters ---------- data : Pandas dataframe Dataframe where each row of the column called "spectra" contains a dataframe with ENS data, where hh0 is the x-axis data and Inorm is the y-axis data. See the xyData() method. refParams : lmfit Parameters object Reference Parameters object, containing default values and a fixed number of Parameter objects, as defined from the model fit function. h: positive integer peak position in (h h 0) reciprocal space data_range : Range Range of indices of nData datasets to include in fit. Returns ------- self.xdata_selection : Boolean NumPy array, optional Array with same size as nData.spectra[row_index].hh0, with ones where data should be used for fitting, and zeros elsewhere. self.data_range : Range Range of indices of nData datasets to include in fit. """ # Metadata of the fit: peak position in (h h 0) reciprocal space self.h = h peak_position = -float(h) self.hkl = f"({self.h} {self.h} 0)" # Number of fitting function for each curve self.num_fit_func = num_fit_func # Create range of data to fit and plot if data_range is None: self.data_range = range( len(data)) # by default, use the full range of data else: self.data_range = data_range self.plot_range = self.data_range # use the same range for plotting # Number of spectra to use for the fit self.num_spec = len(self.data_range) # x-axis data selection dat_idx = data_range[-1] self.xdata_selection = np.logical_and( data.spectra[dat_idx].hh0 > peak_position + fit_interval[0], data.spectra[dat_idx].hh0 < peak_position + fit_interval[1]) self.plot_lim = .15 self.xdata_plot_selection = np.logical_or( np.logical_and( data.spectra[dat_idx].hh0 > peak_position - self.plot_lim, data.spectra[dat_idx].hh0 < peak_position + fit_interval[0]), np.logical_and( data.spectra[dat_idx].hh0 > peak_position + fit_interval[1], data.spectra[dat_idx].hh0 < peak_position + self.plot_lim)) # Data to fit = data # Set of reference parameters to use for the fit self.refParams = refParams # Number of shared free parameters in the fit self.freeSharedPrms = 0 for key in refParams.keys(): if refParams[key].vary is True: self.freeSharedPrms += 1 # Create x- and y-axis arrays of data for batch fitting. self.makeData() def makeData(self): # """ Create x- and y-axis arrays of data for batch fitting. Returns ------- X : NumPy array Array of x-axis arrays for batch fitting. Y : NumPy array Array of y-axis arrays for batch fitting. """ # Initialize arrays with zero line and as many columns as there are data in each spectrum # This is only useful if weigths should be calculated differently for different spectra # self.X = np.empty((0,len([self.data_range[0]].hh0))) # self.Y = np.empty(self.X.shape) # self.dY = np.empty(self.X.shape) # These lines can be deleted as of 2020-04-30 # # If no data selection filter is applied, select all the data # if data_select is None: # data_select = np.ones([self.data_range[0]].hh0.shape, dtype=bool) # Create x, y and dy data arrays self.X = np.stack([[idx].hh0[self.xdata_selection] for idx in self.data_range ]) self.Xplot = np.stack([[idx].hh0[self.xdata_plot_selection] for idx in self.data_range ]) self.Y = np.stack([[idx].Inorm[self.xdata_selection] for idx in self.data_range ]) self.Yplot = np.stack([[idx].Inorm[self.xdata_plot_selection] for idx in self.data_range ]) self.dY = np.stack([[idx].dInorm[self.xdata_selection] for idx in self.data_range ]) # Compute weights from data errors self.weights = 1 / (self.dY) # Set all np.inf values in self.weights to zero if np.any(self.weights == np.inf): self.weights[self.weights == np.inf] = 0 # print(np.argwhere(self.weights==np.inf)) warnings.warn( f"Infinite values were encountered in 'weights', at positions \ {np.argwhere(self.weights==np.inf)}. They were reset to zero." ) for idx in self.data_range: if not np.any(self.dY): warnings.warn( f"All errors are zero in spectrum with index {idx}; \ using all ones as weights.") self.weights[idx] = np.ones(self.weights[idx].shape) def initParams(self, resultParams=None, xp=None, A=None, fixParams={}): """ Initialize parameters for the next fitting iteration using the results of the previous fit and, if necessary, the default values of a reference set of parameters Parameters ---------- xp: NumPy array of length self.num_fit_func Initial values of the independent parameter xp, which contains the peak positions A: NumPy array of length self.num_fit_func Initial values of the independent parameter A, which contains the peak amplitudes resultParams : lmfit Parameters object, optional Parameters object yielded by the previously performed fit, if any. The default is None. Returns ------- self.init_params : lmfit Parameters object Parameters to be used in the fit of all curves. """ # Set default values of xp and A arrays when fitting with only one pVIC function: # Default value of xp is np.array([self.refParams['xp'].value]) if xp is None: xp = np.array([ self.refParams['xp'].value + 0.015 * (self.num_fit_func - 1 - 2 * idx) for idx in range(self.num_fit_func) ]) # Default value of A is np.array([self.refParams['A'].value]) if A is None: A = np.array([ self.refParams['A'].value / np.sqrt(self.num_fit_func) for _ in range(self.num_fit_func) ]) if type(fixParams) is not dict: raise TypeError("The fixParams argument must be a dictionary.") # Initialize lmfit Parameters object self.init_params = Parameters() # For those parameters that have been computed in the last run, # use as initial values for the next run the best fit values obtained in the last if resultParams is not None: for key in resultParams.keys(): # try: self.init_params[key] = cp.copy(resultParams[key]) # except KeyError: # in case self.init_params has been modified since last fitting run # continue # Create additional fit parameters, e.g. if the number of datasets has been extended for spec_idx in self.data_range: # loop over indices of datasets, in order to create fit parameters for each of them for key in self.refParams.keys(): if key in ['A', 'xp']: # fit parameters that are different for each dataset are assigned individual names for fidx in range(self.num_fit_func): par_key_base = f"{key}{spec_idx}" par_key = f"{par_key_base}_{fidx}" # if par_key not in self.init_params.keys(): try: self.init_params.add(par_key, value=eval(key)[fidx], min=self.refParams[key].min, vary=self.refParams[key].vary) except: raise TypeError(f"{key} must be an iterable \ object of length {self.num_fit_func}" ) if fidx > 0 and key == 'A' in fixParams: self.init_params[par_key].expr = \ f"{par_key_base}_{fidx-1}/{fixParams[key]}" # For the shared fit parameters, if they have not been previously computed elif resultParams is None: # They are assigned the "generic" name from self.refParams self.init_params[key] = cp.copy(self.refParams[key]) def performFit(self, with_weights=True): """ Perfor fit using the xpVIC_residual function, which is the residual function for fitting multiple curves using the pseudo-Voigt-Ikeda-Carpenter functional form. Returns ------- self.result: Minimizer.Result object from the lmfit module Result of the minimize function, containing the fit results. """ if with_weights is True: self.result = minimize(xnpVIC_residual, self.init_params, args=(self.X, self.Y, self.data_range), kws={ 'weights': self.weights, 'nFunc': self.num_fit_func }) else: self.result = minimize(xnpVIC_residual, self.init_params, args=(self.X, self.Y, self.data_range), kws={'nFunc': self.num_fit_func}) def bestFitParams(self): """ Create NumPy array of best fit parameter values for each fitted curve. Returns ------- self.bestparams : NumPy array Array of arrays of best fit parameter values for each fitted curve. """ self.bestparams = np.zeros( (self.num_spec, self.num_fit_func, len(self.refParams))) # self.bestparams.shape = # of datasets x # of parameters in fit function (pVIC) for spec_idx in range(self.num_spec): for fidx in range(self.num_fit_func): for par_idx, refKey in enumerate(self.refParams.keys()): par_key = f"{refKey}{self.data_range[spec_idx]}_{fidx}" # parameter name is a concatenation of the generic parameter name, # as defined in the self.refParams function, and the spectrum index try: self.bestparams[spec_idx][fidx][ par_idx] = self.result.params[par_key].value except KeyError: self.bestparams[spec_idx][fidx][ par_idx] = self.result.params[refKey].value def plotMultipleFits(self, title=None, plotSubFits=False): """ Plot multiple datasets with the corresponding fits. """ # (Re)compute best fit parameters if they don't exist or if something # went wrong during the first computation and all computed parameters are zero if not hasattr(self, 'bestparams') or np.any(self.bestparams) == 0: self.bestFitParams() fig, ax = plt.subplots() for spec_idx in self.plot_range: # dat_idx = list(self.data_range).index(spec_idx) # # print(f"data_range index = {self.data_range[dat_idx]}; \ # plot_range index = {spec_idx}") # Just to check that the right labels are displayed in the legend fieldlabel = f"{['H (T)'][spec_idx]:.3g}T" p = plt.errorbar(self.X[dat_idx], self.Y[dat_idx], self.dY[dat_idx], marker='o', elinewidth=1, linewidth=0, label=f"expt {fieldlabel}") pcolor = p[-1][0].get_color()[0, :3] plt.plot(self.Xplot[dat_idx], self.Yplot[dat_idx], marker='x', linewidth=0, color=pcolor, label=f"excluded") plot_center = -float(self.h) plot_lim = self.plot_lim fit_xrange = np.linspace(plot_center - plot_lim, plot_center + plot_lim, num=400) best_subfit = np.zeros((self.num_fit_func, fit_xrange.shape[0])) for fidx in range(self.num_fit_func): best_subfit[fidx] = pVIC(fit_xrange, *self.bestparams[dat_idx][fidx]) if plotSubFits is True: plt.plot(fit_xrange, best_subfit[fidx], '-', label=f"subfit {fieldlabel} {fidx}") bestfit = np.sum(best_subfit, axis=0) plt.plot(fit_xrange, bestfit, '-', color=pcolor, label=f"fit {fieldlabel}") plt.legend(loc='best') freeParams = [ k for k in list(self.init_params.keys()) if self.init_params[k].vary == True ] if title is None: plt.title(f"TmVO$_4$ neutrons {len(freeParams)} free parameters") else: plt.title(title) plt.xlabel("$h$ in ($h$ $h$ 0)") plt.ylabel("$I$ (a.u.)") # Set the format of y-axis tick labels ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.2g'))
fit_params.add('decay', value=0.02) out = minimize(residual, fit_params, args=(x, ), kws={'data': data}) fit = residual(fit_params, x) print(' N fev = ', out.nfev) print(out.chisqr, out.redchi, out.nfree) report_fit(fit_params) #ci=calc_ci(out) ci, tr = conf_interval(out, trace=True) report_ci(ci) if HASPYLAB: names = fit_params.keys() i = 0 gs = pylab.GridSpec(4, 4) sx = {} sy = {} for fixed in names: j = 0 for free in names: if j in sx and i in sy: ax = pylab.subplot(gs[i, j], sharex=sx[j], sharey=sy[i]) elif i in sy: ax = pylab.subplot(gs[i, j], sharey=sy[i]) sx[j] = ax elif j in sx: ax = pylab.subplot(gs[i, j], sharex=sx[j]) sy[i] = ax
def fit_PRF_on_averaged_data(time_course,ci_time_course, design_matrix, n_pixel_elements_raw, n_pixel_elements_convolved, model='OG',plotbool=False, tr_times = [],TR = 1.5, plotdir=[], voxno=[], dm_for_BR = [], valid_regressors = [], slice_no=[], randint=True, roi='unkown_roi',hrf_params=[],all_results=0, max_eccentricity = 1,ellipsoid=False,stim_duration_TR=24,n_slices=30,results_frames = [],max_ecc = 1.6,stim_radius=7.5,postFix=[]): """""" orientations = ['0','45','90','135','180','225','270','315','X'] n_orientations = len(orientations) ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Initiate Parameters ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### ## initiate parameters: params = Parameters() # two location parameters params.add('xo', value= 0.0 ) params.add('yo', value= 0.0) params.add('ecc',value=0.0,min=0,max=max_ecc,expr='sqrt(xo**2+yo**2)') # and a baseline params.add('baseline',value=0.0) # center parameters: # params.add('sigma_center',value=0.1,min=0.0000000001) # this means initialization at 0.1/2 * 15 = 0,75 degrees sd, which amounts to 6.6 degrees fwhm, params.add('sigma_center',value=0.1,min=0.0000000001) # this means initialization at 0.1/2 * 15 = 0,75 degrees sd, which amounts to 6.6 degrees fwhm, params.add('amp_center',value=0.05,min=0.0000000001) # this is initialized at 0.001 # surround parameters params.add('sigma_surround',value=0.5,expr='sigma_center+delta_sigma') # surround size should roughly be 5 times that of the center params.add('amp_surround',value=-0.001,max=-0.0000000001,expr='-amp_center+delta_amplitude') # initialized at 10% of center amplitude params.add('delta_sigma',value=0.4,min=0.0000000001) # this difference parameter ensures that the surround is always larger than the center params.add('delta_amplitude',value=0.049,min=0.0000000001) # this difference parameter ensures that the surround is never deeper than the center is high # when fitting an OG model, set all surround and delta parameters to 0 and to not vary and set the expression to None, otherwise it will start to vary anyway if model == 'OG': params['amp_surround'].value,params['amp_surround'].vary,params['amp_surround'].expr = 0, False, None params['delta_amplitude'].vary, params['delta_sigma'].vary,params['sigma_surround'].vary = False, False, False ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Prepare data ########################################################################################################################################################################################################## ############### # add empty periods between trials in dm in order to let the model prediction die down tr_per_trial = len(time_course)/n_orientations add_empty_trs = 20 padded_dm = np.zeros((len(time_course)+add_empty_trs*n_orientations,n_pixel_elements_raw,n_pixel_elements_raw)) padd_mask = np.zeros(len(padded_dm)).astype(bool) for i in range(n_orientations): padd_mask[i*tr_per_trial+add_empty_trs*i:(i+1)*tr_per_trial+add_empty_trs*i] = True padded_dm[i*tr_per_trial+add_empty_trs*i:(i+1)*tr_per_trial+add_empty_trs*i,:,:] = design_matrix[i*tr_per_trial:(i+1)*tr_per_trial,:,:] ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Prepare fit object and function ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### # initiate model prediction objec ssr = n_slices g = gpf(design_matrix = padded_dm, max_eccentricity = max_eccentricity, n_pixel_elements = n_pixel_elements_raw, rtime = TR, ssr = ssr,slice_no=slice_no)#, add_empty_trs=add_empty_trs,tr_per_trial=tr_per_trial,n_orientations=n_orientations) # initiate fit funcitonality def residual(params, time_course,padd_mask): center_model_prediction = g.hrf_model_prediction(params['xo'].value, params['yo'].value, params['sigma_center'].value,hrf_params)[0] * params['amp_center'].value surround_model_prediction = g.hrf_model_prediction(params['xo'].value, params['yo'].value, params['sigma_surround'].value,hrf_params)[0] * params['amp_surround'].value combined_model_prediction = params['baseline'].value + center_model_prediction + surround_model_prediction return time_course - combined_model_prediction[padd_mask] ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### initialize parameters ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### if np.size(all_results) == 1: ## initiate search space with Ridge prefit Ridge_start_params, BR_PRF, BR_predicted = fitRidge_for_Dumoulin(dm_for_BR, time_course, valid_regressors=valid_regressors, n_pixel_elements=n_pixel_elements_convolved, alpha=1e14) params['xo'].value = Ridge_start_params['xo'] params['yo'].value = Ridge_start_params['yo'] else: params['xo'].value = all_results[results_frames['xo']] params['yo'].value = all_results[results_frames['yo']] params['sigma_center'].value = all_results[results_frames['sigma_center']] params['sigma_surround'].value = all_results[results_frames['sigma_surround']] params['amp_center'].value = all_results[results_frames['amp_center']] params['amp_surround'].value = all_results[results_frames['amp_surround']] params['delta_sigma'].value = all_results[results_frames['delta_sigma']] params['delta_amplitude'].value = all_results[results_frames['delta_amplitude']] params['baseline'].value = all_results[results_frames['baseline']] surround_PRF = g.twoD_Gaussian(params['xo'].value, params['yo'].value,params['sigma_surround'].value) * params['amp_surround'].value center_PRF = g.twoD_Gaussian(params['xo'].value, params['yo'].value,params['sigma_center'].value) * params['amp_center'].value BR_PRF = center_PRF + surround_PRF ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### evalute fit ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### # find optimal parameters: minimize(residual, params, args=(), kws={'time_course':time_course,'padd_mask':padd_mask},method='powell') ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Recreate resulting predictions and PRFs with optimized parameters ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### trimmed_center_mp = (g.hrf_model_prediction(params['xo'].value, params['yo'].value, params['sigma_center'].value,hrf_params)[0] * params['amp_center'].value)[padd_mask] trimmed_surround_mp = (g.hrf_model_prediction(params['xo'].value, params['yo'].value, params['sigma_surround'].value,hrf_params)[0] * params['amp_surround'].value)[padd_mask] trimmed_mp = params['baseline'].value + trimmed_center_mp + trimmed_surround_mp raw_center_mp = (g.raw_model_prediction(params['xo'].value, params['yo'].value, params['sigma_center'].value)* params['amp_center'].value)[padd_mask] raw_surround_mp = (g.raw_model_prediction(params['xo'].value, params['yo'].value, params['sigma_surround'].value)* params['amp_surround'].value)[padd_mask] raw_mp = params['baseline'].value + raw_center_mp + raw_surround_mp surround_PRF = g.twoD_Gaussian(params['xo'].value, params['yo'].value,params['sigma_surround'].value) * params['amp_surround'].value center_PRF = g.twoD_Gaussian(params['xo'].value, params['yo'].value,params['sigma_center'].value) * params['amp_center'].value PRF = center_PRF + surround_PRF ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Get fit diagnostics ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### ## In a DoG model, the center region is determined by the subtraction of the positive and the negative gaussian. ## The size of the positive gaussian is therefore not directly linked to the size of the positive region. ## Therefore, the FWHM measure is more appropriate. To get it, we first create the PRF at center position, ## and select from it the line that runs right through the middle: reconstruction_radius = 10 this_ssr = 1000 t = np.linspace(-reconstruction_radius,reconstruction_radius,this_ssr*reconstruction_radius) PRF_2D = params['amp_center'].value * np.exp(-t**2/(2*params['sigma_center'].value**2)) + params['amp_surround'].value * np.exp(-t**2/(2*(params['sigma_surround'].value)**2)) ## then, we fit a spline through this line, and get the roots (the fwhm points) of the spline: spline=interpolate.UnivariateSpline(range(len(PRF_2D)),PRF_2D-np.max(PRF_2D)/2,s=0) ## and compute the distance between them try: fwhm = ((np.diff(spline.roots())/len(t)*reconstruction_radius) * stim_radius)[0] except: ## when this procedure fails, set fwhm to 0: fwhm = 0 ## now find the surround size in the same way if (model == 'OG') + (params['amp_surround'].value == 0): surround_size = 0 else: spline=interpolate.UnivariateSpline(range(len(PRF_2D)),PRF_2D+np.min(PRF_2D),s=0) surround_size = ((np.diff(spline.roots())/len(t)*reconstruction_radius) * stim_radius)[0] ## EVALUATE FIT QUALITY # RSS = np.sum((time_course - trimmed_mp)**2) stats = {} stats['spearman'] = spearmanr(time_course,trimmed_mp)[0] stats['pearson'] = pearsonr(time_course,trimmed_mp)[0] stats['RSS'] = np.sum((time_course - trimmed_mp)**2) stats['r_squared'] = 1 - stats['RSS']/np.sum((time_course - np.mean(time_course)) ** 2) stats['kendalls_tau'] = kendalltau(time_course,trimmed_mp)[0] ## SETUP RESULTS DICT results={} for key in params.keys(): results[key] = params[key].value results['ecc'] *= stim_radius# np.linalg.norm([params['xo'].value,params['yo'].value]) * stim_radius results['fwhm'] = fwhm results['surround_size'] = surround_size results['polar'] = np.arctan2(params['yo'].value,params['xo'].value) # if the resulting PRF falls outside of the stimulus radius, # set the complex value here to 0 so that it falls off the retmaps if results['ecc'] < (0.9*stim_radius): multiplier = stats['r_squared'] else: multiplier = 0.001 results['real_polar'] = np.cos(results['polar'])*np.arctanh(multiplier) results['imag_polar'] = np.sin(results['polar'])*np.arctanh(multiplier) results['real_eccen'] = np.cos(results['ecc'])*np.arctanh(multiplier) results['imag_eccen'] = np.sin(results['ecc'])*np.arctanh(multiplier) results['real_fwhm'] = np.cos(results['fwhm'])*np.arctanh(multiplier) results['imag_fwhm'] = np.sin(results['fwhm'])*np.arctanh(multiplier) results['SI'] = (params['amp_surround'].value * (params['sigma_surround'].value**2) ) / (params['amp_center'].value * (params['sigma_center'].value**2) ) ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Plot results ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### # print stats['r_squared'] if plotbool:# + (stats['r_squared']> 0.1):# * randint:#:# * :# :#* (results['ecc'] < 3) :#:# * * randint ) #* :#* ) plot_dir = os.path.join(plotdir, '%s'%roi) if not os.path.isdir(plot_dir): os.mkdir(plot_dir) f=pl.figure(figsize=(18,6)); ri = 2 sn.set(style="ticks") minval = np.min(time_course - ci_time_course) maxval = np.max(time_course + ci_time_course) for di in range(9): this_timecourse = time_course[di*len(time_course)/len(orientations):(di+1)*len(time_course)/len(orientations)] this_ci = ci_time_course[di*len(time_course)/len(orientations):(di+1)*len(time_course)/len(orientations)] s=f.add_subplot(ri,len(orientations),di+1) pl.axhline(results['baseline'],linestyle='-',linewidth=1,color='k') pl.plot(tr_times,this_timecourse,'k',linewidth=2,label='data') pl.fill_between(tr_times,this_timecourse-this_ci,this_timecourse+this_ci,color='k',alpha=0.15) pl.plot(tr_times,trimmed_mp[di*len(trimmed_mp)/len(orientations):(di+1)*len(trimmed_mp)/len(orientations)],'m',linewidth=2,label = 'model') pl.plot(tr_times,results['baseline']+trimmed_surround_mp[di*len(trimmed_surround_mp)/len(orientations):(di+1)*len(trimmed_surround_mp)/len(orientations)],'b',linestyle='--',linewidth=1,label = 'surround mp') pl.plot(tr_times,results['baseline']+trimmed_center_mp[di*len(trimmed_center_mp)/len(orientations):(di+1)*len(trimmed_center_mp)/len(orientations)],'r',linestyle='--',linewidth=1,label = 'center mp') pl.ylim(minval,maxval) pl.xlim(0,np.max(tr_times)) if di == 0: if 'psc' in postFix: pl.ylabel('% signal change') else: pl.ylabel('unkown unit') else: pl.yticks([]) # pl.tick_params(axis='y',which='both',left='off',right='off',labelleft='off') if di == (len(orientations)-1): leg = s.legend(fancybox = True, loc = 'best') leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) if leg: for t in leg.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(8) # the legend text fontsize sn.despine(offset=10) pl.title(orientations[di]) # if di == 4: # pl.xlabel('time (s)') # # pl.text(len(tr_times)/2.0,np.min(zip(*all_averaged_data))*0.8,'stimulus',verticalalignment='center',fontsize=10) # pl.xticks([0,int(stim_duration_TR*TR)],['0','%d'%int(stim_duration_TR*TR)]) # else: pl.xticks([]) s = f.add_subplot(ri,6,ri*6-5) # s = f.add_subplot(ri,2,3) pl.imshow(BR_PRF,origin='lowerleft',interpolation='nearest',cmap=cm.coolwarm) pl.axis('off') s.set_title('Ridge PRF') s = f.add_subplot(ri,6,ri*6-4) # s = f.add_subplot(ri,7,7) pl.imshow(PRF,origin='lowerleft',interpolation='nearest',cmap=cm.coolwarm) pl.axis('off') s.set_title('Direct model PRF') # pl.tight_layout() # pl.savefig(os.path.join(plot_dir, 'vox_%d_%d_%d.pdf'%(slice_no,voxno,n_pixel_elements_raw))) # pl.close() s = f.add_subplot(ri,6,ri*6-1) pl.imshow(np.ones((n_pixel_elements_raw,n_pixel_elements_raw)),cmap='gray') pl.clim(0,1) # s.text(n_pixel_elements_raw/2,n_pixel_elements_raw/2, '\nHRF parameters: \n\na1: %.2f\na2: %.2f\nb1: %.2f\nb2: %.2f\nc: %.2f' # %(hrf_params['hrf_a1'],hrf_params['hrf_a2'],hrf_params['hrf_b1'],hrf_params['hrf_b2'],hrf_params['hrf_c']),horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',fontsize=12,bbox={'facecolor':'white', 'alpha':1, 'pad':10}) # s.text(n_pixel_elements_raw/2,n_pixel_elements_raw/2, '\nHRF parameters: \n\n1: %.2f\n2: %.2f\n3: %.2f\nb2: %.2f\nc: %.2f' # %(hrf_params['hrf_a1'],hrf_params['hrf_a2'],hrf_params['hrf_b1'],hrf_params['hrf_b2'],hrf_params['hrf_c']),horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',fontsize=12,bbox={'facecolor':'white', 'alpha':1, 'pad':10}) pl.axis('off') s = f.add_subplot(ri,6,ri*6-2) pl.imshow(np.ones((n_pixel_elements_raw,n_pixel_elements_raw)),cmap='gray') pl.clim(0,1) s.text(n_pixel_elements_raw/2,n_pixel_elements_raw/2, '\nFIT PARAMETERS: \n\nsd center: %.2f\nsd surround: %.2f\namp center: %.6f\namp surround: %.6f\nbaseline: %.6f\n\nDERIVED QUANTIFICATIONS: \n\nr squared: %.2f\necc: %.2f\nFWHM: %.2f\nsurround size: %.2f\nsupression index: %.2f' %(params['sigma_center'].value,params['sigma_surround'].value,params['amp_center'].value,params['amp_surround'].value,params['baseline'].value,stats['r_squared'],results['ecc'],results['fwhm'],results['surround_size'],results['SI']),horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',fontsize=12,bbox={'facecolor':'white', 'alpha':1, 'pad':10}) pl.axis('off') with sn.axes_style("dark"): s = f.add_subplot(ri,6,ri*6-3) # pl.axhline(0,linestyle='--',linewidth=2,color='w') t = np.linspace(-1,1,n_pixel_elements_raw) PRF_2D = params['amp_center'].value * np.exp(-t**2/(2*params['sigma_center'].value**2)) + params['amp_surround'].value * np.exp(-t**2/(2*(params['sigma_surround'].value)**2)) PRF_2D_surround = params['amp_surround'].value * np.exp(-t**2/(2*(params['sigma_surround'].value)**2)) PRF_2D_center = params['amp_center'].value * np.exp(-t**2/(2*params['sigma_center'].value**2)) spline=interpolate.UnivariateSpline(range(len(PRF_2D)),PRF_2D-np.max(PRF_2D)/2,s=0) spline_surround=interpolate.UnivariateSpline(range(len(-PRF_2D_surround)),-PRF_2D_surround-np.max(-PRF_2D_surround)/2,s=0) spline_center=interpolate.UnivariateSpline(range(len(PRF_2D_center)),PRF_2D_center-np.max(PRF_2D_center)/2,s=0) pl.plot(PRF_2D,'k',linewidth=2) pl.plot(PRF_2D_surround,'--b',linewidth=1) pl.plot(PRF_2D_center,'--r',linewidth=1) pix_per_degree = n_pixel_elements_raw / stim_radius*2 pl.xticks(np.array([-10,0,10])*pix_per_degree+n_pixel_elements_raw/2,[-10,0,10]) # pl.yticks([-0.15,0,0.15]) pl.fill_between(spline_center.roots(),np.min(PRF_2D),np.max(PRF_2D),color='r',alpha=0.1) pl.fill_between(spline_surround.roots(),np.min(PRF_2D),np.max(PRF_2D),color='b',alpha=0.1) pl.fill_between(spline.roots(),np.min(PRF_2D),np.max(PRF_2D),color='k',alpha=0.5) pl.ylabel('a.u.') pl.xlabel('visual degrees') # pl.text(n_pixel_elements_raw/2,-0.05,'FWHM',color='w',horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',fontsize=12,fontweight='bold') s.set_title('2D PRF profile') pl.ylim(np.min(PRF_2D),np.max(PRF_2D)) with sn.axes_style("darkgrid"): xx = np.arange(0,32,TR/float(ssr)) hrf_kernel = hrf_params[0] * he.hrf.spmt(xx) +hrf_params[1]* he.hrf.dspmt(xx) +hrf_params[2] * he.hrf.ddspmt(xx) # hrf_kernel = doubleGamma(np.arange(0,32,TR/float(ssr)),hrf_params['hrf_a1'],hrf_params['hrf_a2'],hrf_params['hrf_b1'],hrf_params['hrf_b2'],hrf_params['hrf_c']) hrf_kernel /= np.abs(hrf_kernel).sum() s = f.add_subplot(ri,6,ri*6) pl.plot(hrf_kernel) s.set_title('HRF-kernel') sn.despine(offset=5) pl.xticks(np.linspace(0,len(hrf_kernel),16),np.arange(0,32,2)) pl.xlabel('time (s)') pl.savefig(os.path.join(plot_dir, 'vox_%d_%d_%d.pdf'%(slice_no,voxno,n_pixel_elements_raw))) pl.close() # self.results_frames = {'polar':0,'delta_amplitude':1,'ecc':2,'xo':3,'yo':4,'real_eccen':5,'amp_center':6,'surround_size':7,'imag_polar':8,'amp_surround':9,'sigma_surround':10,'real_fwhm':11,'imag_eccen':12,'imag_fwhm':13,'real_polar':14,'SI':15,'delta_sigma':16,:'sigma_center':17,'fwhm':18,'baseline':19} return results, stats
def fit_PRF_on_concatenated_data(data_shared,voxels_in_this_slice,n_TRs,n_slices,fit_on_all_data,plotbool,raw_design_matrices, dm_for_BR, valid_regressors, n_pixel_elements_convolved, n_pixel_elements_raw,plotdir,voxno,slice_no,randint,roi,TR,model,hrf_params_shared,all_results_shared,conditions, results_frames, postFix=[],max_eccentricity=1,max_xy = 5,orientations=['0','45','90','135','180','225','270','315','X'],stim_radius = 7.5, nuisance_regressors = []): """ """ # grab data for this fit procedure from shared memory time_course = np.array(data_shared[:,voxels_in_this_slice][:,voxno]) hrf_params = np.array(hrf_params_shared[:,voxels_in_this_slice][:,voxno]) n_orientations = len(orientations) # already initialize the final PRF dict PRFs = {} if fit_on_all_data: ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Instantiate parameters ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### ## initiate search space with Ridge prefit Ridge_start_params, PRFs['Ridge'], BR_predicted = fitRidge_for_Dumoulin(dm_for_BR, time_course, valid_regressors=valid_regressors, n_pixel_elements=n_pixel_elements_convolved, alpha=1e14) ## initiate parameters: params = Parameters() # one baseline parameter params.add('baseline',value=0.0) # two location parameters params.add('xo_%s'%conditions[0], value = Ridge_start_params['xo']) params.add('yo_%s'%conditions[0], value = Ridge_start_params['yo']) params.add('sigma_center_%s'%conditions[0],value=0.1,min=1e-20)#min=1e-201 # this means initialization at 0.1 * 7.5 = 0.75 degrees, with minimum of 0.075 degrees params.add('amp_center_%s'%conditions[0],value=0.05,min=1e-20)#min=1e-201 # this is initialized at 0.001 # surround parameters params.add('sigma_surround_%s'%conditions[0],value=0.3,expr='sigma_center_%s+delta_sigma_%s'%(conditions[0],conditions[0])) # surround size should roughly be 5 times that of the center params.add('delta_sigma_%s'%conditions[0],value=0.4,min=1e-20) # this difference parameter ensures that the surround is always larger than the center#,min=1e-20000000001 params.add('amp_surround_%s'%conditions[0],value=-0.005,max=1e-20,expr='-amp_center_%s+delta_amplitude_%s'%(conditions[0],conditions[0])) # initialized at 10% of center amplitude #max=-0.0000000001, params.add('delta_amplitude_%s'%conditions[0],value=0.045,min=1e-20) # this difference parameter ensures that the surround is never deeper than the center is high,min=0.0000000001 # when fitting an OG model, set all surround and delta parameters to 0 and to not vary and set the expression to None, otherwise it will start to vary anyway if model == 'OG': params['amp_surround_%s'%conditions[0]].value,params['amp_surround_%s'%conditions[0]].vary,params['amp_surround_%s'%conditions[0]].expr = 0, False, None params['delta_sigma_%s'%conditions[0]].vary,params['sigma_surround_%s'%conditions[0]].vary = False, False params['delta_amplitude_%s'%conditions[0]].vary = False else: ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### INITIATING PARAMETERS with all results ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### # grab data for this fit procedure from shared memory all_results = np.array(all_results_shared[:,voxels_in_this_slice][:,voxno]) ## initiate parameters: params = Parameters() # shared baseline param: params.add('baseline', value = all_results[results_frames['baseline']]) # location parameters for condition in conditions: params.add('xo_%s'%condition, value = all_results[results_frames['xo']]) params.add('yo_%s'%condition, value = all_results[results_frames['yo']]) # center parameters: params.add('sigma_center_%s'%condition,value=all_results[results_frames['sigma_center']]/stim_radius,min=1e-20) # this means initialization at 0.05/2 * 15 = 1.5 degrees, ,min=0.0084 params.add('amp_center_%s'%condition,value=all_results[results_frames['amp_center']],min=1e-20) # this is initialized at 0.001 ,min=0.0000000001 # surround parameters params.add('sigma_surround_%s'%condition,value=all_results[results_frames['sigma_surround']]/stim_radius,expr='sigma_center_%s+delta_sigma_%s'%(condition,condition)) # surround size should roughly be 5 times that of the center params.add('amp_surround_%s'%condition,value=all_results[results_frames['amp_surround']],max=-1e-20,expr='-amp_center_%s+delta_amplitude_%s'%(condition,condition)) # initialized at 10% of center amplitudemax=-0.0000000001 params.add('delta_sigma_%s'%condition,value=all_results[results_frames['delta_sigma']],min=1e-20) # this difference parameter ensures that the surround is always larger than the centermin=0.0000000001 params.add('delta_amplitude_%s'%condition,value=all_results[results_frames['delta_amplitude']],min=1e-20) # this difference parameter ensures that the surround is never deeper than the center is highmin=0.0000000001 # when fitting an OG model, set all surround and delta parameters to 0 and to not vary and set the expression to None, otherwise it will start to vary anyway if model == 'OG': params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].value,params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].vary,params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].expr = 0, False, None params['delta_sigma_%s'%condition].vary,params['sigma_surround_%s'%condition].vary = False, False params['delta_amplitude_%s'%condition].vary=False g = gpf(design_matrix = raw_design_matrices[conditions[0]], max_eccentricity = max_eccentricity, n_pixel_elements = n_pixel_elements_raw, rtime = TR, ssr = 1,slice_no=slice_no) # recreate PRFs this_surround_PRF = g.twoD_Gaussian(all_results[results_frames['xo']],all_results[results_frames['yo']], all_results[results_frames['sigma_surround']]/stim_radius) * all_results[results_frames['amp_surround']] this_center_PRF = g.twoD_Gaussian(all_results[results_frames['xo']], all_results[results_frames['yo']], all_results[results_frames['sigma_center']]/stim_radius) * all_results[results_frames['amp_center']] PRFs['All_fit'] = this_center_PRF + this_surround_PRF ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Prepare fit object and function ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### # initiate model prediction object ssr = np.round(1/(TR/float(n_slices))) gpfs = {} for condition in conditions: gpfs[condition] = gpf(design_matrix = raw_design_matrices[condition], max_eccentricity = max_eccentricity, n_pixel_elements = n_pixel_elements_raw, rtime = TR, ssr = ssr,slice_no=slice_no) def residual(params,recreate=False): # combine all stimulus regressors combined_model_prediction = np.ones_like(time_course)*params['baseline'].value for ci,condition in enumerate(conditions): combined_model_prediction += gpfs[condition].hrf_model_prediction(params['xo_%s'%condition].value, params['yo_%s'%condition].value, params['sigma_center_%s'%condition].value,hrf_params)[0] * params['amp_center_%s'%condition].value combined_model_prediction += gpfs[condition].hrf_model_prediction(params['xo_%s'%condition].value, params['yo_%s'%condition].value, params['sigma_surround_%s'%condition].value, hrf_params)[0] * params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].value return time_course - combined_model_prediction ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### evalute fit ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### # optimize parameters minimize(residual, params, args=(), kws={},method='powell') ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Recreate resulting predictions and PRFs with optimized parameters ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### # initiate model prediction at baseline value combined_model_prediction = np.ones_like(time_course) * params['baseline'].value # now loop over conditions, create prediction and add to total prediction model_predictions = {} for ci,condition in enumerate(conditions): this_center_model_prediction = gpfs[condition].hrf_model_prediction(params['xo_%s'%condition].value, params['yo_%s'%condition].value, params['sigma_center_%s'%condition].value,hrf_params)[0] * params['amp_center_%s'%condition].value this_surround_model_prediction = gpfs[condition].hrf_model_prediction(params['xo_%s'%condition].value, params['yo_%s'%condition].value, params['sigma_surround_%s'%condition].value, hrf_params)[0] * params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].value model_predictions[condition] = this_center_model_prediction + this_surround_model_prediction combined_model_prediction += model_predictions[condition] # recreate PRFs this_center_PRF = gpfs[condition].twoD_Gaussian(params['xo_%s'%condition].value, params['yo_%s'%condition].value, params['sigma_center_%s'%condition].value) * params['amp_center_%s'%condition].value this_surround_PRF = gpfs[condition].twoD_Gaussian(params['xo_%s'%condition].value, params['yo_%s'%condition].value, params['sigma_surround_%s'%condition].value) * params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].value PRFs[condition] = this_center_PRF + this_surround_PRF ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Get fit diagnostics ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### # add fwhm, necessary when fitting DoG reconstruction_radius = 10 this_ssr = 1000 t = np.linspace(-reconstruction_radius,reconstruction_radius,this_ssr*reconstruction_radius) fwhms = {} surround_sizes = {} for condition in conditions: PRF_2D = params['amp_center_%s'%condition].value * np.exp(-t**2/(2*params['sigma_center_%s'%condition].value**2)) + params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].value * np.exp(-t**2/(2*(params['sigma_surround_%s'%condition].value)**2)) ## then, we fit a spline through this line, and get the roots (the fwhm points) of the spline: spline=interpolate.UnivariateSpline(range(len(PRF_2D)),PRF_2D-np.max(PRF_2D)/2,s=0) ## and compute the distance between them try: fwhms[condition] = ((np.diff(spline.roots())/len(t)*reconstruction_radius) * stim_radius)[0] except: ## when this procedure fails, set fwhm to 0: fwhms[condition] = 0 ## now find the surround size in the same way if (model == 'OG') + (params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].value == 0): surround_sizes[condition] = 0 else: spline = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(range(len(PRF_2D)),PRF_2D+np.min(PRF_2D),s=0) surround_sizes[condition] = ((np.diff(spline.roots())/len(t)*reconstruction_radius) * stim_radius)[0] ## EVALUATE OVERALL MODEL FIT QUALITY stats = {} stats['spearman'] = spearmanr(time_course,combined_model_prediction)[0] stats['pearson'] = pearsonr(time_course,combined_model_prediction)[0] stats['RSS'] = np.sum((time_course - combined_model_prediction)**2) stats['r_squared'] = 1 - stats['RSS']/np.sum((time_course - np.mean(time_course)) ** 2) stats['kendalls_tau'] = kendalltau(time_course,combined_model_prediction)[0] ## CREATE SEPERATE RESULTS DICT PER CONDITION results = {} for condition in conditions: results[condition] = {} results[condition]['baseline'] = params['baseline'].value # params from fit for key in params.keys(): if condition in key: if condition in key: # leave out the condition in the keys (as the results frames are identical across conditions) new_key = key[:-len(condition)-1] else: new_key = key results[condition][new_key] = params[key].value results[condition]['ecc'] = np.linalg.norm([params['xo_%s'%condition].value,params['yo_%s'%condition].value]) * stim_radius results[condition]['sigma_center'] *= stim_radius results[condition]['sigma_surround'] *= stim_radius # derived params results[condition]['polar'] = np.arctan2(params['yo_%s'%condition].value,params['xo_%s'%condition].value) results[condition]['fwhm'] = fwhms[condition] results[condition]['surround_size'] = surround_sizes[condition] results[condition]['SI'] = ((params['amp_surround_%s'%condition].value * (params['sigma_surround_%s'%condition].value**2) ) / (params['amp_center_%s'%condition].value * (params['sigma_center_%s'%condition].value**2) )) # if the resulting PRF falls outside of the stimulus radius, # set the multiplier here to 0 so that it falls off the retmaps if results[condition]['ecc'] < (stim_radius): multiplier = stats['r_squared'] else: multiplier = 0.001 # here for only voxels within stim region: results[condition]['real_polar_stim_region'] = np.cos(results[condition]['polar'])*np.arctanh(multiplier) results[condition]['imag_polar_stim_region'] = np.sin(results[condition]['polar'])*np.arctanh(multiplier) # and for all voxels: results[condition]['real_polar'] = np.cos(results[condition]['polar'])*np.arctanh(stats['r_squared']) results[condition]['imag_polar'] = np.sin(results[condition]['polar'])*np.arctanh(stats['r_squared']) ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### #### Plot results ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################### if plotbool * (stats['r_squared']>0.0):# (np.random.randint(10)<10):#* (stats['r_squared']>0.1):#(stats['r_squared']>0.1):# * :# :#* (results['ecc'] < 3) :#:# * * randint ) #* :#* ) n_TRs = n_TRs[0] n_runs = int(len(time_course) / n_TRs) if fit_on_all_data: plot_conditions = ['Ridge','All'] else: plot_conditions = conditions + ['All_fit'] plot_dir = os.path.join(plotdir, '%s'%roi) if not os.path.isdir(plot_dir): os.mkdir(plot_dir) f=pl.figure(figsize=(20,8)); rowi = (n_runs+4) import colorsys colors = np.array([colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(c,0.6,0.9) for c in np.linspace(0,1,3+1)])[:-1] for runi in range(n_runs): s = f.add_subplot(rowi,1,runi+1) pl.plot(time_course[n_TRs*runi:n_TRs*(runi+1)],'-ok',linewidth=0.75,markersize=2.5)#,label='data' if not fit_on_all_data: for ci, condition in enumerate(conditions): pl.plot(model_predictions[condition][n_TRs*runi:n_TRs*(runi+1)]+params['baseline'].value,color=colors[ci],label='%s model'%condition,linewidth=2) pl.plot([0,n_TRs],[params['baseline'].value,params['baseline'].value],color=colors[0],linewidth=1) else: pl.plot(combined_model_prediction[n_TRs*runi:n_TRs*(runi+1)],color=colors[0],label='model',linewidth=2) sn.despine(offset=10) pl.xlim(0,850) if runi == (n_runs-1): pl.xlabel('TRs') else: pl.xticks([]) if runi == (n_runs/2): pl.legend(loc='best',fontsize=8) if 'psc' in postFix: pl.ylabel('% signal change') else: pl.ylabel('unkown unit') pl.yticks([int(np.min(time_course)),0,int(np.max(time_course))]) pl.ylim([int(np.min(time_course)),int(np.max(time_course))]) rowi = (n_runs+2)/2 k = 0 for ci, condition in enumerate(plot_conditions): k+= 1 s = f.add_subplot(rowi,len(plot_conditions)*2,(rowi-1)*len(plot_conditions)*2+k,aspect='equal') pl.imshow(PRFs[condition],origin='lowerleft',interpolation='nearest',cmap=cm.coolwarm) pl.axis('off') s.set_title('%s PRF'%condition) k+= 1 if not (condition == 'Ridge') + (condition == 'All_fit'): s = f.add_subplot(rowi,len(plot_conditions)*2,(rowi-1)*len(plot_conditions)*2+k) pl.imshow(np.ones((n_pixel_elements_raw,n_pixel_elements_raw)),cmap='gray') pl.clim(0,1) if model == 'OG': s.text(n_pixel_elements_raw/2,n_pixel_elements_raw/2, "\n%s PARAMETERS: \n\nbaseline: %.2f\nsize: %.2f\namplitude: %.6f\n\n\nDERIVED QUANTIFICATIONS: \n\nr-squared: %.2f\necc: %.2f\nFWHM: %.2f"% (condition,results[condition]['baseline'],results[condition]['sigma_center'],results[condition]['amp_center'], stats['r_squared'],results[condition]['ecc'],results[condition]['fwhm']), horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',fontsize=10,bbox={'facecolor':'white', 'alpha':1, 'pad':10}) elif model == 'DoG': s.text(n_pixel_elements_raw/2,n_pixel_elements_raw/2, "\n%s PARAMETERS: \n\nbaseline: %.2f\nsd center: %.2f\nsd surround: %.2f\namp center: %.6f\namp surround: %.6f\n\nDERIVED QUANTIFICATIONS: \n\nr squared: %.2f\necc: %.2f\nFWHM: %.2f\nsurround size: %.2f\nsupression index: %.2f" %(condition,results[condition]['baseline'],results[condition]['sigma_center'],results[condition]['sigma_surround'],results[condition]['amp_center'], results[condition]['amp_surround'],stats['r_squared'],results[condition]['ecc'],results[condition]['fwhm'],results[condition]['surround_size'], results[condition]['SI']),horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',fontsize=10,bbox={'facecolor':'white', 'alpha':1, 'pad':10}) pl.axis('off') # pl.tight_layout() pl.savefig(os.path.join(plot_dir, 'vox_%d_%d_%d.pdf'%(slice_no,voxno,n_pixel_elements_raw))) pl.close() return results, stats
def manglespec3(SpectrumObject, spec_mjd, wanted_filters, wanted_flux, data_table, verbose = False): """ :param verbose: :param spec_mjd: :param wanted_filters: :param wanted_flux: :param data_table: :param SpectrumObject: :return: """ original_spectrum_flux = data_table[data_table["mask"]]["spec_filterflux"].data scaled_spectrum_flux = data_table[data_table["mask"]]["mangledspec_filterflux"].data if len(scaled_spectrum_flux) == len(wanted_flux): params = Parameters() for i, flux_tuple in enumerate(zip(scaled_spectrum_flux, wanted_flux)): params.add(wanted_filters[i].filter_name, value=flux_tuple[1] / flux_tuple[0]) else: pass paramlist = np.array([params[key].value for key in params.keys()]) data_table["weights"] = Column(np.append(1, np.append(paramlist, 1)), name="weights") mc_l, mc_u = functions.calc_linear_terms(data_table[data_table["mask"]], key="weights", verbose=verbose) weight_l = mc_l[0] * data_table["lambda_eff"][0] + mc_l[1] weight_u = mc_u[0] * data_table["lambda_eff"][-1] + mc_u[1] weights = np.append(np.append(weight_l, paramlist), weight_u) data_table["weights"] = weights ## Do the fit out = minimize(manglemin, params, args=(SpectrumObject, data_table), kws=({"verbose": verbose})) # out = minimize(manglemin, params, args=(SpectrumObject, data_table), epsfcn=1e-5) if verbose: print(fit_report(out)) paramlist = np.array([out.params[key].value for key in out.params.keys()]) mc_l, mc_u = functions.calc_linear_terms(data_table, key="weights") data_table["weights"][0] = mc_l[0] * data_table["lambda_eff"][0] + mc_l[1] data_table["weights"][-1] = mc_u[0] * data_table["lambda_eff"][-1] + mc_u[1] weights = data_table["weights"].data final_spl = interpolate.CubicSpline(data_table["lambda_eff"], data_table["weights"], bc_type="clamped") SpectrumObject.flux = final_spl(SpectrumObject.wavelength) * SpectrumObject.flux / SpectrumObject.scale_factor data_table["fitflux"] = data_table["fitflux"] / SpectrumObject.scale_factor data_table["spec_filterflux"] = data_table["spec_filterflux"] / SpectrumObject.scale_factor # data_table[0]["mangledspec_filterflux"] = data_table[0]["mangledspec_filterflux"] / SpectrumObject.scale_factor # data_table[-1]["mangledspec_filterflux"] = data_table[-1]["mangledspec_filterflux"] / SpectrumObject.scale_factor # data_table["mangledspec_filterflux"] = data_table["mangledspec_filterflux"] / SpectrumObject.scale_factor data_table["mangledspec_filterflux"] = calculate_fluxes(data_table, SpectrumObject) fit_dict = OrderedDict() fit_dict["SpectrumObject"] = SpectrumObject fit_dict["final_spl"] = final_spl fit_dict["data_table"] = data_table return fit_dict