Esempio n. 1
class GooglePlace(models.Model):
    googleplacecategory = models.ForeignKey(GooglePlaceCategory, default=-1)
    latitude = models.FloatField(default=-200, db_index=True)
    longitude = models.FloatField(default=-200, db_index=True)
    google_id = models.CharField(max_length=63)
    google_place_id = models.CharField(max_length=63)
    datetime = models.DateTimeField(default=now())
Esempio n. 2
class HitscoreModel(models.Model):
    project = models.ForeignKey(Project, default=-1)
    formula = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255)
    model = models.TextField(null=True)  #{}
    msmm = models.TextField(null=True)  #{}
    pca = models.TextField(null=True)  #{}
    rownamemsmm = models.TextField(null=True)  #[]
    rownamepca = models.TextField(null=True)  #[]
    attributes = models.TextField(
        null=True, default='[]')  # [var_name] variables mas correlacionadas
    loocv_rmse = models.FloatField(null=True)
    loocv_mae = models.FloatField(null=True)
    modeling_time = models.FloatField(null=True)
    modeling_date = models.DateTimeField(default=now())
    valid = models.BooleanField(default=False)
Esempio n. 3
class ExceptionError(models.Model):
  app = models.CharField(max_length=255)
  view = models.CharField(max_length=255)
  datetime = models.DateTimeField(default=now())
  var = models.TextField(null=True)
  message = models.TextField(null=True)
Esempio n. 4
class SimpleLog(models.Model):
  datetime = models.DateTimeField(default=now())
  category = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True)
  message = models.TextField(null=True)
Esempio n. 5
class GooglePlaceRequest(models.Model):
    url = models.TextField()
    json = models.TextField()
    datetime = models.DateTimeField(default=now())
Esempio n. 6
def Reporte_Location_Summary(point_id, s_user):
    print("starting point report")
    fecha = now()
    point = Point.objects.get(id=point_id)
    project = point.project
    status = point.status
    status = 'status_%d.svg' % status
    # saca email del objeto User
    email_user = User.objects.get(username=s_user)
    report_image = get_google_map_image(point.latitude, point.longitude,
    diccio = point.get_vars()

    print("location report check 1")

    area = ''
    location = ''
    if diccio:
        if 'location_name' in diccio:
            location = diccio['location_name']
        if 'area' in diccio:
            area = diccio['area']
    hitscore = 'no hitscore computed'
    if point.hitscore():  # hitscore se saca de una funcion del modelo
        hit = point.hitscore()
        hitscore = int(hit)

    print("location report check 2")

    file_url = settings.STATIC_ROOT + 'report/' + point_id + "_" + fecha + ".pdf"
    url = settings.STATIC_URL + 'report/' + point_id + "_" + fecha + ".pdf"
    num_correlativo = Reports(url_report=file_url)

    #saca geocode del point
    geocode = point.geocode

    # saca nombre de las variables de hitscoremodel
    list_names = get_showable_attributes(, geocode)
    print("location report check 3")

    # diccionario con valores de las variables
    geodata = Geodata.objects.get(geocode=geocode)
    variables = eval(geodata.var)
    c = canvas.Canvas(file_url)
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 20)
    # ancho - alto
    c.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
    c.rect(3.51 * cm, 8.44 * cm, 14.16 * cm, 11.68 * cm,
           fill=1)  # cuadrado de marco de la f$
    #derecha - arriba - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical
    c.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
    c.drawString(7 * cm, 26.4 * cm, "LOCATION REPORT")
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        3.5 * cm, 26.2 * cm,

    print("location report check 4")

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 25.2 * cm, "Date of Evaluation: " + fecha)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 24.8 * cm, "Project: " +
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 24.4 * cm, "User: "******"Notes: no notes added")
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 30)

    c.setFillColorRGB(0.90, 0.90, 0.90)
    c.setStrokeColorRGB(255, 255, 255)
    c.rect(3.50 * cm, 20.6 * cm, 14.2 * cm, 2 * cm, fill=1)
    #derecha - arriba - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical

    c.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
    c.drawString(3.7 * cm, 21.4 * cm, "HITSCORE: ")

    if (hitscore == 'no hitscore computed'):
        c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
        c.setFont("Helvetica", 30)
    print("location report check 5")
    c.drawString(9.7 * cm, 21.4 * cm, str(hitscore) + " *")

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
    c.drawString(3.7 * cm, 20.9 * cm,
                 "*Scoring according to type and location")

    textobject = c.beginText()
    textobject.setTextOrigin(14.9 * cm, 22 * cm)
    textobject.setFont("Helvetica", 8)
    textobject.textLines('''Hitscore is a sales
  prediction index:
  100 is the current
  average sales''')
    num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 28.3 * cm, "Certified: N° " + str(

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 11)
    c.drawImage(report_image, 100, 240, width=400, height=330)

    c.setFillColorRGB(0.90, 0.90, 0.90)
    c.rect(3.45 * cm, 3.3 * cm, 14.3 * cm, 4.4 * cm, fill=1)
    #derecha - arriba - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical

    c.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
    c.drawString(3.7 * cm, 7.1 * cm, "SELECTED VARIABLES")
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
    print("location report check 6")
    num = len(list_names)
    espacio = 0
    nombre = ''

    for at in list_names:
        val = -1
        if at in variables:
            val = variables[at]
            name = UrbanDataDescription.objects.get(code=at).description
        except Exception as e:
            name = at

        if (len(name) > 70):
            for letra in name:
                if (len(nombre) < 70):
                    nombre = nombre + letra
            nombre = name

        c.drawString(3.7 * cm, (6.1 - espacio) * cm, nombre + ": ")
        c.drawString(15 * cm, (6.1 - espacio) * cm, str('{:,}'.format(val)))
        nombre = ''
        espacio = espacio + 0.5
    print("location report check 7")

    c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
        3.5 * cm, 1.9 * cm,
        "_________________________________________________________________________ "
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        3.5 * cm, ((1.8 + espacio) - 3) * cm,
        " | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago"
    ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
    c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 405, 780, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')


    ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
    c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 405, 780, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')

    num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 28.3 * cm, "Certified: N° " + str(

    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 22.5 * cm, "Definitions")

    seg_pag = c.beginText()
    seg_pag.setTextOrigin(3.5 * cm, 21.5 * cm)
    seg_pag.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        ''' Hitscore is a statistical projection index, based on current average sales of open stores (100).
  This means that if a Histcore is 120 that  location, according to a statistical profile, could
  sell 20% over average. The hitscore is meant to easily inform decision-makers by synthetizing
  hundreds of variables in one indicator. For  more information, [email protected].

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 18 * cm, "Metodology")

    seg_pag2 = c.beginText()
    seg_pag2.setTextOrigin(3.5 * cm, 17 * cm)
    seg_pag2.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        '''Hitmap algorythm values more tha 180 urban variables from multiple certified sources, and use
  them all to understand how the urban enviroment is explaining current sales (more details at With this information, Hitmap can do a statistical projection of sale on
  new locations where data is available.

    print("location report check 8")

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 13.5 * cm, "Certification")

    seg_pag3 = c.beginText()
    seg_pag3.setTextOrigin(3.5 * cm, 12.5 * cm)
    seg_pag3.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
    print("location report check 9")

        '''The certification number at the top left of the Location Report, is a control system though wich
  you validate this is a true document. To do this, you have to enter or right
  to [email protected].
    c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
        3.5 * cm, 1.9 * cm,
        "_________________________________________________________________________ "
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
    print("location report check 10")

        3.5 * cm, ((1.8 + espacio) - 3) * cm,
        " | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago"
    print("location report check 10")
    return url
Esempio n. 7
def Reporte_Scoreboard(project_id, s_user):
    print("starting project report")
    fecha = now()
    project = Project.objects.get(pk=project_id)
    email_user = User.objects.get(username=s_user)
    # objeto point que contiene las variables location name y hitscore
    points = Point.objects.filter(project=project).exclude(
    points = [[, p.var, p.geocode, p.status] for p in points]

    geocode = points[0][2]
    list_names = get_showable_attributes(, geocode)

    file_url = settings.STATIC_ROOT + 'scoreboard_' + project_id + fecha + ".pdf"
    url = settings.STATIC_URL + 'scoreboard_' + project_id + fecha + ".pdf"

    num_correlativo = Reports(url_report=file_url)
    c = canvas.Canvas(file_url, landscape(A4))

    num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 19.5 * cm, "Certified: N° " + str(

    c.setFillColorRGB(0.90, 0.90, 0.90)
    c.setStrokeColorRGB(0.90, 0.90, 0.90)
    c.rect(8.25 * cm, 12.7 * cm, 2 * cm, 1.3 * cm, fill=1)  # original
    #der/izq - up/down - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical
    c.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
    ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
    c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 640, 540, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 20)
    c.drawString(11 * cm, 17 * cm, "PROJECT REPORT")
    c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
        3.5 * cm, 16.8 * cm,
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 16 * cm, "Date: " + fecha)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 15.6 * cm, "Project: " +
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 15.2 * cm, "User: "******"Helvetica-Bold", 10)
        3.5 * cm, 14 * cm,
    espacio = 0
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 13.4 * cm, "Location Name")
    esp2 = 0  # variable de espacio vertical para mostrar los datos
    nombre_var = ''

    # comienzo del for
    for i in range(len(list_names)):
        name = UrbanDataDescription.objects.get(code=list_names[i])

        if (len( > 13):
            for letra in
                if (len(nombre_var) < 13):
                    nombre_var = nombre_var + letra
            nombre_var =

        c.drawCentredString((13.7 + espacio) * cm, 13.4 * cm, nombre_var)
        nombre_var = ''
        espacio = espacio + 2.5

    c.drawString(8.5 * cm, 13.4 * cm, "Hitscore")
    c.drawString(11 * cm, 13.4 * cm, "Status")

        3.5 * cm, 13.2 * cm,
    nombre_final = ''
    status = ''
    # ciclo que recupera los geocodes de los puntos del proyecto
    for w in range(len(points)):
        # diccionario con valores de las variables
        geodata = Geodata.objects.get(geocode=points[w][2])
        variables = eval(geodata.var)
        esp = 0  # variable para espacio horizontal

        # ciclo que recupera los valores de las variables de todos los puntos del proyecto
        for e in range(len(list_names)):
            c.setFillColorRGB(0.90, 0.90, 0.90)
            c.setStrokeColorRGB(0.90, 0.90, 0.90)
            c.rect(8.25 * cm, (11.77 - esp2) * cm, 2 * cm, 1 * cm,
                   fill=1)  # original
            #der/izq - up/down - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical
            c.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
            c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)

            revisar = -1
            if list_names[e] in variables:
                revisar = variables[list_names[e]]
            c.drawCentredString((13.8 + esp) * cm, (12.4 - esp2) * cm,
            esp = esp + 2.5

        dic = {}
        if points[w][0]:
            dic = eval(points[w][1])
        if 'location_name' not in dic:
            dic['location_name'] = '-'

        if (len(dic['location_name']) >
                21):  # si es mas largo que 21 caracteres
            for letra in dic[
                    'location_name']:  # ciclo que recorre location_name
                if (len(nombre_final) < 21):  # mientras sea menor a 21
                    nombre_final = nombre_final + letra  # sigue agregando letras hasta 21
            nombre_final = dic[
                'location_name']  # si es menor a 21 caracteres, asigna location a variable

        c.drawString(3.5 * cm, (12.4 - esp2) * cm, nombre_final)
        nombre_final = ''  # limpia variable

        # saca el hitscore de una funcion el modelo Point
        point = Point.objects.get(id=points[w][0])
        hit = point.get_hitscore_or_salesindex()

        if hit:  # si viene hitscore
            c.drawString(8.89 * cm, (12.4 - esp2) * cm, str(hit))
            c.drawString(8.89 * cm, (12.4 - esp2) * cm, '   -')

        status = point.get_readable_status()

        if status:  # si viene status
            c.drawString(10.7 * cm, (12.4 - esp2) * cm, status)
            c.drawString(10.7 * cm, (12.4 - esp2) * cm, '-')

        esp2 = esp2 + 0.5

        if (w == 17 or w == 40 or w == 80 or w == 100 or w == 120 or w == 140
                or w == 160 or w == 180):

            esp2 = esp2 - 13  # para que los datos de las siguientes paginas aparezcan arriba
    # fin del primer for
    c.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
    c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
        3.5 * cm, (12.3 - esp2) * cm,
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, (11.8 - esp2) * cm,
                 "*Scoring according to date and location")

    c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
        3.5 * cm, 1.9 * cm,
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        8 * cm, 1.4 * cm,
        " | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago"


    ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
    c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 640, 540, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')

    num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 19.5 * cm, "Certified: N° " + str(

    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 15 * cm, "Definitions")
    seg_pag = c.beginText()
    seg_pag.setTextOrigin(3.5 * cm, 14 * cm)
    seg_pag.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        ''' Hitscore is a statistical projection index, based on current average sales of open stores (100). This means that if a Histcore is 120 that
  location, according to a statistical profile, could sell 20% over average. The hitscore is meant to easily inform decision-makers by synthetizing
  hundreds of variables in one indicator that allows to rank new locations with current ones. For more information, [email protected].

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 11.5 * cm, "Metodology")

    seg_pag2 = c.beginText()
    seg_pag2.setTextOrigin(3.5 * cm, 10.5 * cm)
    seg_pag2.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        '''Hitmap algorythm values more tha 180 urban variables from multiple certified sources, and use them all to understand how the urban enviroment
  is explaining current sales (more details at With this information, Hitmap can do a statistical projection of sale on new locations
  where data is available.

  The variables selected are the 5 more representative of different urban dimensions that can describe the location valued, and the consuming patterns.
  However, the projection -Hitscore- is done considering all variables, their wheights and combinations.

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 6.6 * cm, "Certification")

    seg_pag3 = c.beginText()
    seg_pag3.setTextOrigin(3.5 * cm, 5.5 * cm)
    seg_pag3.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        '''The certification number at the top left of the Location Report, is a control system though wich you validate this is a true document. To do
  this ,you have to enter or right to [email protected].

    c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
        3.5 * cm, 1.9 * cm,
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        8 * cm, 1.4 * cm,
        " | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago"
    return url
Esempio n. 8
def update_point_sales(request):
    username = request.session['username']
    point_id = request.POST['point_id']

    user = User.objects.get(username=username)
    point = Point.objects.get(pk = point_id)
    updated = False
  except Exception as e:
    return JsonResponse({'msg': 'some error occurs','exception_message':str(e) }) 

  yearly_sales = request.POST['yearly_sales'].strip()
  if yearly_sales:
      yearly_sales = int(yearly_sales)
    except Exception as e:
      return JsonResponse({'msg': 'sales must be numeric','exception_message':str(e) }) 
    point.sales = yearly_sales
    updated = True

  opening_date = request.POST['date_opening'].strip()
  if opening_date: #viene como "YYYY-MM-DD"
      point.opening_date = opening_date
      updated = True
    except Exception as e:
      return JsonResponse({'msg': 'date of opening error','exception_message':str(e) }) 

  opened_days = request.POST['days_opened'].strip()
  if opened_days:
      opened_days = int(opened_days)
    except Exception as e:
      return JsonResponse({'msg': 'days opened must be numeric','exception_message':str(e) })
    point.opened_days = opened_days
    updated = True

  square_feet = request.POST['square_feet'].strip()
  if square_feet:
      square_feet = int(square_feet)
    except Exception as e:
      return JsonResponse({'msg': 'square feet must be numeric','exception_message':str(e) })
    point.square_feet = square_feet
    updated = True

  if updated:
    point.edition_date = now()
    point.edited_by = user
    point.project.updated = True

  return JsonResponse({'msg': 'Done'})
Esempio n. 9
class HitscoreValue(models.Model):
    hitscoremodel = models.ForeignKey(HitscoreModel, default=-1)
    point = models.ForeignKey(Point, default=-1)
    datetime = models.DateTimeField(default=now())
    value = models.FloatField(null=True)
Esempio n. 10
def update_point_sales(request):
        username = request.session['username']
        point_id = request.POST['point_id']

        user = User.objects.get(username=username)
        point = Point.objects.get(pk=point_id)
        updated = False
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({
            'msg': 'some error occurs',
            'exception_message': str(e)

    yearly_sales = request.POST['yearly_sales'].strip()
    if yearly_sales:
            yearly_sales = int(yearly_sales)
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({
                'msg': 'sales must be numeric',
                'exception_message': str(e)
        point.sales = yearly_sales
        updated = True

    opening_date = request.POST['date_opening'].strip()
    if opening_date:  #viene como "YYYY-MM-DD"
            point.opening_date = opening_date
            updated = True
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({
                'msg': 'date of opening error',
                'exception_message': str(e)

    opened_days = request.POST['days_opened'].strip()
    if opened_days:
            opened_days = int(opened_days)
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({
                'msg': 'days opened must be numeric',
                'exception_message': str(e)
        point.opened_days = opened_days
        updated = True

    square_feet = request.POST['square_feet'].strip()
    if square_feet:
            square_feet = int(square_feet)
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({
                'msg': 'square feet must be numeric',
                'exception_message': str(e)
        point.square_feet = square_feet
        updated = True

    if updated:
        point.edition_date = now()
        point.edited_by = user
        point.project.updated = True

    return JsonResponse({'msg': 'Done'})
Esempio n. 11
def Reporte_Location_Summary(point_id, s_user):
  print("starting point report")
  fecha = now()
  point = Point.objects.get(id = point_id)
  project = point.project
  status = point.status
  status = 'status_%d.svg' %status
  # saca email del objeto User
  email_user = User.objects.get(username=s_user)
  report_image = get_google_map_image(point.latitude, point.longitude, status)
  diccio = point.get_vars()

  print("location report check 1")

  area = ''
  location = ''
  if diccio:
    if 'location_name' in diccio:
      location = diccio['location_name']
    if 'area' in diccio:
      area = diccio['area']
  hitscore = 'no hitscore computed'
  if point.hitscore():  # hitscore se saca de una funcion del modelo
    hit = point.hitscore()
    hitscore = int(hit)

  print("location report check 2")

  file_url = settings.STATIC_ROOT +'report/'+point_id + "_" + fecha + ".pdf"
  url = settings.STATIC_URL+'report/'+point_id + "_" + fecha + ".pdf"
  num_correlativo = Reports(url_report=file_url)

  #saca geocode del point
  geocode = point.geocode

  # saca nombre de las variables de hitscoremodel
  list_names = get_showable_attributes(, geocode)
  print("location report check 3")

  # diccionario con valores de las variables
  geodata = Geodata.objects.get(geocode=geocode)
  variables = eval(geodata.var)
  c = canvas.Canvas(file_url)
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 20)
  # ancho - alto
  c.rect(3.51*cm,8.44*cm,14.16*cm,11.68*cm, fill=1) # cuadrado de marco de la f$
  #derecha - arriba - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical
  c.drawString(7*cm, 26.4*cm, "LOCATION REPORT")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 26.2*cm, "_________________________________________________________________________")

  print("location report check 4")

  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 25.2*cm, "Date of Evaluation: "+fecha)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 24.8*cm, "Project: " +
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 24.4*cm, "User: "******"Notes: no notes added")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 30)

  c.rect(3.50*cm,20.6*cm,14.2*cm,2*cm, fill=1)
  #derecha - arriba - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical

  c.drawString(3.7*cm, 21.4*cm, "HITSCORE: ")

  if(hitscore == 'no hitscore computed'):
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
   c.setFont("Helvetica", 30)
  print("location report check 5")
  c.drawString(9.7*cm, 21.4*cm, str(hitscore) + " *")

  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(3.7*cm, 20.9*cm, "*Scoring according to type and location")

  textobject = c.beginText()
  textobject.setTextOrigin(14.9*cm, 22*cm)
  textobject.setFont("Helvetica", 8)
  textobject.textLines('''Hitscore is a sales
  prediction index:
  100 is the current
  average sales''')
  num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 28.3*cm, "Certified: N° " + str(

  c.setFont("Helvetica", 11)
  c.drawImage(report_image, 100, 240, width=400, height=330)

  c.rect(3.45*cm,3.3*cm,14.3*cm,4.4*cm, fill=1)
  #derecha - arriba - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical
  c.drawString(3.7*cm, 7.1*cm, "SELECTED VARIABLES")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  print("location report check 6")
  num = len(list_names)
  espacio = 0
  nombre = ''

  for at in list_names:
    val = -1
    if at in variables:
      val = variables[at]
      name = UrbanDataDescription.objects.get(code=at).description
    except Exception as e:
      name = at

    if(len(name) > 70):
      for letra in name:
        if(len(nombre) < 70):
          nombre = nombre + letra
      nombre = name

    c.drawString(3.7*cm, (6.1-espacio)*cm, nombre + ": ")
    c.drawString(15*cm, (6.1-espacio)*cm, str('{:,}'.format(val)))
    nombre = ''
    espacio = espacio + 0.5
  print("location report check 7")

  c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 1.9*cm, "_________________________________________________________________________ ")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, ((1.8+espacio)-3)*cm, " | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago")
  ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
  c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 405, 780, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')


  ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
  c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 405, 780, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')

  num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 28.3*cm, "Certified: N° " + str(

  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 22.5*cm, "Definitions")

  seg_pag = c.beginText()
  seg_pag.setTextOrigin(3.5*cm, 21.5*cm)
  seg_pag.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  seg_pag.textLines(''' Hitscore is a statistical projection index, based on current average sales of open stores (100).
  This means that if a Histcore is 120 that  location, according to a statistical profile, could
  sell 20% over average. The hitscore is meant to easily inform decision-makers by synthetizing
  hundreds of variables in one indicator. For  more information, [email protected].

  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 18*cm, "Metodology")

  seg_pag2 = c.beginText()
  seg_pag2.setTextOrigin(3.5*cm, 17*cm)
  seg_pag2.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  seg_pag2.textLines('''Hitmap algorythm values more tha 180 urban variables from multiple certified sources, and use
  them all to understand how the urban enviroment is explaining current sales (more details at With this information, Hitmap can do a statistical projection of sale on
  new locations where data is available.

  print("location report check 8")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 13.5*cm, "Certification")

  seg_pag3 = c.beginText()
  seg_pag3.setTextOrigin(3.5*cm, 12.5*cm)
  seg_pag3.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  print("location report check 9")

  seg_pag3.textLines('''The certification number at the top left of the Location Report, is a control system though wich
  you validate this is a true document. To do this, you have to enter or right
  to [email protected].
  c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 1.9*cm, "_________________________________________________________________________ ")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  print("location report check 10")

  c.drawString(3.5*cm, ((1.8+espacio)-3)*cm, " | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago")
  print("location report check 10")
  return url
Esempio n. 12
def Reporte_Scoreboard(project_id, s_user):
  print("starting project report")
  fecha = now()
  project = Project.objects.get(pk=project_id)
  email_user = User.objects.get(username=s_user)
  # objeto point que contiene las variables location name y hitscore
  points = Point.objects.filter(project=project).exclude(geocode__isnull=True)
  points = [[, p.var, p.geocode, p.status] for p in points]

  geocode = points[0][2]
  list_names = get_showable_attributes(, geocode)

  file_url = settings.STATIC_ROOT+'scoreboard_'+ project_id + fecha+".pdf"
  url = settings.STATIC_URL+'scoreboard_'+ project_id + fecha+".pdf"

  num_correlativo = Reports(url_report=file_url)
  c = canvas.Canvas(file_url,landscape(A4))

  num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 19.5*cm, "Certified: N° " + str(

  c.rect(8.25*cm,12.7*cm,2*cm,1.3*cm, fill=1) # original
  #der/izq - up/down - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical
  ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
  c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 640, 540, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')

  c.setFont("Helvetica", 20)
  c.drawString(11*cm , 17*cm,"PROJECT REPORT")
  c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm , 16.8*cm, "_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 16*cm, "Date: "+fecha)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 15.6*cm, "Project: "
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 15.2*cm, "User: "******"Helvetica-Bold", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm , 14*cm, "_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
  espacio = 0
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 13.4*cm, "Location Name")
  esp2 = 0  # variable de espacio vertical para mostrar los datos
  nombre_var = ''

  # comienzo del for
  for i in range(len(list_names)):
    name = UrbanDataDescription.objects.get(code=list_names[i])

    if(len( > 13):
      for letra in
        if(len(nombre_var) < 13):
          nombre_var = nombre_var + letra
      nombre_var =

    c.drawCentredString((13.7+espacio)*cm, 13.4*cm, nombre_var)
    nombre_var = ''
    espacio = espacio + 2.5

  c.drawString(8.5*cm, 13.4*cm, "Hitscore")
  c.drawString(11*cm, 13.4*cm, "Status")

  c.drawString(3.5*cm , 13.2*cm, "_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
  nombre_final = ''
  status = ''
  # ciclo que recupera los geocodes de los puntos del proyecto
  for w in range(len(points)):
    # diccionario con valores de las variables
    geodata = Geodata.objects.get(geocode=points[w][2])
    variables = eval(geodata.var)
    esp = 0 # variable para espacio horizontal

    # ciclo que recupera los valores de las variables de todos los puntos del proyecto
    for e in range(len(list_names)):
      c.rect(8.25*cm,(11.77-esp2)*cm,2*cm,1*cm, fill=1) # original
      #der/izq - up/down - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical
      c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)

      revisar = -1
      if list_names[e] in variables:
        revisar = variables[list_names[e]]
      c.drawCentredString((13.8+esp)*cm, (12.4-esp2)*cm, str('{:,}'.format(int(revisar))))
      esp = esp + 2.5

    dic = {}    
    if points[w][0]:
      dic = eval(points[w][1])
    if 'location_name' not in dic:

    if(len(dic['location_name']) > 21): # si es mas largo que 21 caracteres
      for letra in dic['location_name']: # ciclo que recorre location_name
        if(len(nombre_final) < 21):  # mientras sea menor a 21
          nombre_final = nombre_final + letra  # sigue agregando letras hasta 21
      nombre_final = dic['location_name']  # si es menor a 21 caracteres, asigna location a variable

    c.drawString(3.5*cm, (12.4-esp2)*cm,nombre_final)
    nombre_final = '' # limpia variable

    # saca el hitscore de una funcion el modelo Point
    point = Point.objects.get(id=points[w][0])
    hit = point.get_hitscore_or_salesindex()

    if hit: # si viene hitscore
      c.drawString(8.89*cm, (12.4-esp2)*cm, str(hit))
      c.drawString(8.89*cm, (12.4-esp2)*cm, '   -')

    status = point.get_readable_status()

    if status: # si viene status
      c.drawString(10.7*cm, (12.4-esp2)*cm, status)
      c.drawString(10.7*cm, (12.4-esp2)*cm, '-')

    esp2 = esp2 + 0.5

    if(w==17 or w==40 or w==80 or w==100 or w==120 or w==140 or w==160 or w==180):

      esp2 = esp2 - 13 # para que los datos de las siguientes paginas aparezcan arriba
  # fin del primer for
  c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm , (12.3-esp2)*cm, "__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, (11.8-esp2)*cm, "*Scoring according to date and location")

  c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 1.9*cm, "__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(8*cm, 1.4*cm, " | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago")


  ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
  c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 640, 540, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')

  num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 19.5*cm, "Certified: N° " + str(

  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 15*cm, "Definitions")
  seg_pag = c.beginText()
  seg_pag.setTextOrigin(3.5*cm, 14*cm)
  seg_pag.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  seg_pag.textLines(''' Hitscore is a statistical projection index, based on current average sales of open stores (100). This means that if a Histcore is 120 that
  location, according to a statistical profile, could sell 20% over average. The hitscore is meant to easily inform decision-makers by synthetizing
  hundreds of variables in one indicator that allows to rank new locations with current ones. For more information, [email protected].

  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 11.5*cm, "Metodology")

  seg_pag2 = c.beginText()
  seg_pag2.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  seg_pag2.textLines('''Hitmap algorythm values more tha 180 urban variables from multiple certified sources, and use them all to understand how the urban enviroment
  is explaining current sales (more details at With this information, Hitmap can do a statistical projection of sale on new locations
  where data is available.

  The variables selected are the 5 more representative of different urban dimensions that can describe the location valued, and the consuming patterns.
  However, the projection -Hitscore- is done considering all variables, their wheights and combinations.

  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 6.6*cm, "Certification")

  seg_pag3 = c.beginText()
  seg_pag3.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  seg_pag3.textLines('''The certification number at the top left of the Location Report, is a control system though wich you validate this is a true document. To do
  this ,you have to enter or right to [email protected].

  c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 1.9*cm, "_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(8*cm, 1.4*cm, " | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago")
  return url