Exemplo n.º 1
class GooglePlace(models.Model):
    googleplacecategory = models.ForeignKey(GooglePlaceCategory, default=-1)
    latitude = models.FloatField(default=-200, db_index=True)
    longitude = models.FloatField(default=-200, db_index=True)
    google_id = models.CharField(max_length=63)
    google_place_id = models.CharField(max_length=63)
    datetime = models.DateTimeField(default=now())
Exemplo n.º 2
class HitscoreModel(models.Model):
    project = models.ForeignKey(Project, default=-1)
    formula = models.CharField(null=True, max_length=255)
    model = models.TextField(null=True)  #{}
    msmm = models.TextField(null=True)  #{}
    pca = models.TextField(null=True)  #{}
    rownamemsmm = models.TextField(null=True)  #[]
    rownamepca = models.TextField(null=True)  #[]
    attributes = models.TextField(
        null=True, default='[]')  # [var_name] variables mas correlacionadas
    loocv_rmse = models.FloatField(null=True)
    loocv_mae = models.FloatField(null=True)
    modeling_time = models.FloatField(null=True)
    modeling_date = models.DateTimeField(default=now())
    valid = models.BooleanField(default=False)
Exemplo n.º 3
class ExceptionError(models.Model):
  app = models.CharField(max_length=255)
  view = models.CharField(max_length=255)
  datetime = models.DateTimeField(default=now())
  var = models.TextField(null=True)
  message = models.TextField(null=True)
Exemplo n.º 4
class SimpleLog(models.Model):
  datetime = models.DateTimeField(default=now())
  category = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True)
  message = models.TextField(null=True)
Exemplo n.º 5
class GooglePlaceRequest(models.Model):
    url = models.TextField()
    json = models.TextField()
    datetime = models.DateTimeField(default=now())
Exemplo n.º 6
def Reporte_Location_Summary(point_id, s_user):
    print("starting point report")
    fecha = now()
    point = Point.objects.get(id=point_id)
    project = point.project
    status = point.status
    status = 'status_%d.svg' % status
    # saca email del objeto User
    email_user = User.objects.get(username=s_user)
    report_image = get_google_map_image(point.latitude, point.longitude,
    diccio = point.get_vars()

    print("location report check 1")

    area = ''
    location = ''
    if diccio:
        if 'location_name' in diccio:
            location = diccio['location_name']
        if 'area' in diccio:
            area = diccio['area']
    hitscore = 'no hitscore computed'
    if point.hitscore():  # hitscore se saca de una funcion del modelo
        hit = point.hitscore()
        hitscore = int(hit)

    print("location report check 2")

    file_url = settings.STATIC_ROOT + 'report/' + point_id + "_" + fecha + ".pdf"
    url = settings.STATIC_URL + 'report/' + point_id + "_" + fecha + ".pdf"
    num_correlativo = Reports(url_report=file_url)

    #saca geocode del point
    geocode = point.geocode

    # saca nombre de las variables de hitscoremodel
    list_names = get_showable_attributes(project.id, geocode)
    print("location report check 3")

    # diccionario con valores de las variables
    geodata = Geodata.objects.get(geocode=geocode)
    variables = eval(geodata.var)
    c = canvas.Canvas(file_url)
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 20)
    # ancho - alto
    c.setStrokeColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
    c.rect(3.51 * cm, 8.44 * cm, 14.16 * cm, 11.68 * cm,
           fill=1)  # cuadrado de marco de la f$
    #derecha - arriba - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical
    c.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
    c.drawString(7 * cm, 26.4 * cm, "LOCATION REPORT")
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        3.5 * cm, 26.2 * cm,

    print("location report check 4")

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 25.2 * cm, "Date of Evaluation: " + fecha)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 24.8 * cm, "Project: " + project.name)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 24.4 * cm, "User: "******"Notes: no notes added")
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 30)

    c.setFillColorRGB(0.90, 0.90, 0.90)
    c.setStrokeColorRGB(255, 255, 255)
    c.rect(3.50 * cm, 20.6 * cm, 14.2 * cm, 2 * cm, fill=1)
    #derecha - arriba - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical

    c.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
    c.drawString(3.7 * cm, 21.4 * cm, "HITSCORE: ")

    if (hitscore == 'no hitscore computed'):
        c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
        c.setFont("Helvetica", 30)
    print("location report check 5")
    c.drawString(9.7 * cm, 21.4 * cm, str(hitscore) + " *")

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
    c.drawString(3.7 * cm, 20.9 * cm,
                 "*Scoring according to type and location")

    textobject = c.beginText()
    textobject.setTextOrigin(14.9 * cm, 22 * cm)
    textobject.setFont("Helvetica", 8)
    textobject.textLines('''Hitscore is a sales
  prediction index:
  100 is the current
  average sales''')
    num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 28.3 * cm, "Certified: N° " + str(num.id))

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 11)
    c.drawImage(report_image, 100, 240, width=400, height=330)

    c.setFillColorRGB(0.90, 0.90, 0.90)
    c.rect(3.45 * cm, 3.3 * cm, 14.3 * cm, 4.4 * cm, fill=1)
    #derecha - arriba - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical

    c.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
    c.drawString(3.7 * cm, 7.1 * cm, "SELECTED VARIABLES")
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
    print("location report check 6")
    num = len(list_names)
    espacio = 0
    nombre = ''

    for at in list_names:
        val = -1
        if at in variables:
            val = variables[at]
            name = UrbanDataDescription.objects.get(code=at).description
        except Exception as e:
            name = at

        if (len(name) > 70):
            for letra in name:
                if (len(nombre) < 70):
                    nombre = nombre + letra
            nombre = name

        c.drawString(3.7 * cm, (6.1 - espacio) * cm, nombre + ": ")
        c.drawString(15 * cm, (6.1 - espacio) * cm, str('{:,}'.format(val)))
        nombre = ''
        espacio = espacio + 0.5
    print("location report check 7")

    c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
        3.5 * cm, 1.9 * cm,
        "_________________________________________________________________________ "
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        3.5 * cm, ((1.8 + espacio) - 3) * cm,
        "www.hit-map.com | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago"
    ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
    c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 405, 780, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')


    ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
    c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 405, 780, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')

    num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 28.3 * cm, "Certified: N° " + str(num.id))

    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 22.5 * cm, "Definitions")

    seg_pag = c.beginText()
    seg_pag.setTextOrigin(3.5 * cm, 21.5 * cm)
    seg_pag.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        ''' Hitscore is a statistical projection index, based on current average sales of open stores (100).
  This means that if a Histcore is 120 that  location, according to a statistical profile, could
  sell 20% over average. The hitscore is meant to easily inform decision-makers by synthetizing
  hundreds of variables in one indicator. For  more information, [email protected].

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 18 * cm, "Metodology")

    seg_pag2 = c.beginText()
    seg_pag2.setTextOrigin(3.5 * cm, 17 * cm)
    seg_pag2.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        '''Hitmap algorythm values more tha 180 urban variables from multiple certified sources, and use
  them all to understand how the urban enviroment is explaining current sales (more details at
  www.hit-map.com). With this information, Hitmap can do a statistical projection of sale on
  new locations where data is available.

    print("location report check 8")

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 13.5 * cm, "Certification")

    seg_pag3 = c.beginText()
    seg_pag3.setTextOrigin(3.5 * cm, 12.5 * cm)
    seg_pag3.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
    print("location report check 9")

        '''The certification number at the top left of the Location Report, is a control system though wich
  you validate this is a true document. To do this, you have to enter www.hit-map.com or right
  to [email protected].
    c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
        3.5 * cm, 1.9 * cm,
        "_________________________________________________________________________ "
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
    print("location report check 10")

        3.5 * cm, ((1.8 + espacio) - 3) * cm,
        "www.hit-map.com | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago"
    print("location report check 10")

    return url
Exemplo n.º 7
def Reporte_Scoreboard(project_id, s_user):
    print("starting project report")
    fecha = now()
    project = Project.objects.get(pk=project_id)
    email_user = User.objects.get(username=s_user)
    # objeto point que contiene las variables location name y hitscore
    points = Point.objects.filter(project=project).exclude(
    points = [[p.id, p.var, p.geocode, p.status] for p in points]

    geocode = points[0][2]
    list_names = get_showable_attributes(project.id, geocode)

    file_url = settings.STATIC_ROOT + 'scoreboard_' + project_id + fecha + ".pdf"
    url = settings.STATIC_URL + 'scoreboard_' + project_id + fecha + ".pdf"

    num_correlativo = Reports(url_report=file_url)
    c = canvas.Canvas(file_url, landscape(A4))

    num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 19.5 * cm, "Certified: N° " + str(num.id))

    c.setFillColorRGB(0.90, 0.90, 0.90)
    c.setStrokeColorRGB(0.90, 0.90, 0.90)
    c.rect(8.25 * cm, 12.7 * cm, 2 * cm, 1.3 * cm, fill=1)  # original
    #der/izq - up/down - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical
    c.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
    ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
    c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 640, 540, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 20)
    c.drawString(11 * cm, 17 * cm, "PROJECT REPORT")
    c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
        3.5 * cm, 16.8 * cm,
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 16 * cm, "Date: " + fecha)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 15.6 * cm, "Project: " + project.name)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 15.2 * cm, "User: "******"Helvetica-Bold", 10)
        3.5 * cm, 14 * cm,
    espacio = 0
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 13.4 * cm, "Location Name")
    esp2 = 0  # variable de espacio vertical para mostrar los datos
    nombre_var = ''

    # comienzo del for
    for i in range(len(list_names)):
        name = UrbanDataDescription.objects.get(code=list_names[i])

        if (len(name.name) > 13):
            for letra in name.name:
                if (len(nombre_var) < 13):
                    nombre_var = nombre_var + letra
            nombre_var = name.name

        c.drawCentredString((13.7 + espacio) * cm, 13.4 * cm, nombre_var)
        nombre_var = ''
        espacio = espacio + 2.5

    c.drawString(8.5 * cm, 13.4 * cm, "Hitscore")
    c.drawString(11 * cm, 13.4 * cm, "Status")

        3.5 * cm, 13.2 * cm,
    nombre_final = ''
    status = ''
    # ciclo que recupera los geocodes de los puntos del proyecto
    for w in range(len(points)):
        # diccionario con valores de las variables
        geodata = Geodata.objects.get(geocode=points[w][2])
        variables = eval(geodata.var)
        esp = 0  # variable para espacio horizontal

        # ciclo que recupera los valores de las variables de todos los puntos del proyecto
        for e in range(len(list_names)):
            c.setFillColorRGB(0.90, 0.90, 0.90)
            c.setStrokeColorRGB(0.90, 0.90, 0.90)
            c.rect(8.25 * cm, (11.77 - esp2) * cm, 2 * cm, 1 * cm,
                   fill=1)  # original
            #der/izq - up/down - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical
            c.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
            c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)

            revisar = -1
            if list_names[e] in variables:
                revisar = variables[list_names[e]]
            c.drawCentredString((13.8 + esp) * cm, (12.4 - esp2) * cm,
            esp = esp + 2.5

        dic = {}
        if points[w][0]:
            dic = eval(points[w][1])
        if 'location_name' not in dic:
            dic['location_name'] = '-'

        if (len(dic['location_name']) >
                21):  # si es mas largo que 21 caracteres
            for letra in dic[
                    'location_name']:  # ciclo que recorre location_name
                if (len(nombre_final) < 21):  # mientras sea menor a 21
                    nombre_final = nombre_final + letra  # sigue agregando letras hasta 21
            nombre_final = dic[
                'location_name']  # si es menor a 21 caracteres, asigna location a variable

        c.drawString(3.5 * cm, (12.4 - esp2) * cm, nombre_final)
        nombre_final = ''  # limpia variable

        # saca el hitscore de una funcion el modelo Point
        point = Point.objects.get(id=points[w][0])
        hit = point.get_hitscore_or_salesindex()

        if hit:  # si viene hitscore
            c.drawString(8.89 * cm, (12.4 - esp2) * cm, str(hit))
            c.drawString(8.89 * cm, (12.4 - esp2) * cm, '   -')

        status = point.get_readable_status()

        if status:  # si viene status
            c.drawString(10.7 * cm, (12.4 - esp2) * cm, status)
            c.drawString(10.7 * cm, (12.4 - esp2) * cm, '-')

        esp2 = esp2 + 0.5

        if (w == 17 or w == 40 or w == 80 or w == 100 or w == 120 or w == 140
                or w == 160 or w == 180):

            esp2 = esp2 - 13  # para que los datos de las siguientes paginas aparezcan arriba
    # fin del primer for
    c.setFillColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
    c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
        3.5 * cm, (12.3 - esp2) * cm,
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, (11.8 - esp2) * cm,
                 "*Scoring according to date and location")

    c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
        3.5 * cm, 1.9 * cm,
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        8 * cm, 1.4 * cm,
        "www.hit-map.com | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago"


    ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
    c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 640, 540, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')

    num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 19.5 * cm, "Certified: N° " + str(num.id))

    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 15 * cm, "Definitions")
    seg_pag = c.beginText()
    seg_pag.setTextOrigin(3.5 * cm, 14 * cm)
    seg_pag.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        ''' Hitscore is a statistical projection index, based on current average sales of open stores (100). This means that if a Histcore is 120 that
  location, according to a statistical profile, could sell 20% over average. The hitscore is meant to easily inform decision-makers by synthetizing
  hundreds of variables in one indicator that allows to rank new locations with current ones. For more information, [email protected].

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 11.5 * cm, "Metodology")

    seg_pag2 = c.beginText()
    seg_pag2.setTextOrigin(3.5 * cm, 10.5 * cm)
    seg_pag2.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        '''Hitmap algorythm values more tha 180 urban variables from multiple certified sources, and use them all to understand how the urban enviroment
  is explaining current sales (more details at www.hit-map.com). With this information, Hitmap can do a statistical projection of sale on new locations
  where data is available.

  The variables selected are the 5 more representative of different urban dimensions that can describe the location valued, and the consuming patterns.
  However, the projection -Hitscore- is done considering all variables, their wheights and combinations.

    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
    c.drawString(3.5 * cm, 6.6 * cm, "Certification")

    seg_pag3 = c.beginText()
    seg_pag3.setTextOrigin(3.5 * cm, 5.5 * cm)
    seg_pag3.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        '''The certification number at the top left of the Location Report, is a control system though wich you validate this is a true document. To do
  this ,you have to enter www.hit-map.com or right to [email protected].

    c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
        3.5 * cm, 1.9 * cm,
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
        8 * cm, 1.4 * cm,
        "www.hit-map.com | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago"

    return url
Exemplo n.º 8
def update_point_sales(request):
    username = request.session['username']
    point_id = request.POST['point_id']

    user = User.objects.get(username=username)
    point = Point.objects.get(pk = point_id)
    updated = False
  except Exception as e:
    return JsonResponse({'msg': 'some error occurs','exception_message':str(e) }) 

  yearly_sales = request.POST['yearly_sales'].strip()
  if yearly_sales:
      yearly_sales = int(yearly_sales)
    except Exception as e:
      return JsonResponse({'msg': 'sales must be numeric','exception_message':str(e) }) 
    point.sales = yearly_sales
    updated = True

  opening_date = request.POST['date_opening'].strip()
  if opening_date: #viene como "YYYY-MM-DD"
      point.opening_date = opening_date
      updated = True
    except Exception as e:
      return JsonResponse({'msg': 'date of opening error','exception_message':str(e) }) 

  opened_days = request.POST['days_opened'].strip()
  if opened_days:
      opened_days = int(opened_days)
    except Exception as e:
      return JsonResponse({'msg': 'days opened must be numeric','exception_message':str(e) })
    point.opened_days = opened_days
    updated = True

  square_feet = request.POST['square_feet'].strip()
  if square_feet:
      square_feet = int(square_feet)
    except Exception as e:
      return JsonResponse({'msg': 'square feet must be numeric','exception_message':str(e) })
    point.square_feet = square_feet
    updated = True

  if updated:
    point.edition_date = now()
    point.edited_by = user
    point.project.updated = True

  return JsonResponse({'msg': 'Done'})
Exemplo n.º 9
class HitscoreValue(models.Model):
    hitscoremodel = models.ForeignKey(HitscoreModel, default=-1)
    point = models.ForeignKey(Point, default=-1)
    datetime = models.DateTimeField(default=now())
    value = models.FloatField(null=True)
Exemplo n.º 10
def update_point_sales(request):
        username = request.session['username']
        point_id = request.POST['point_id']

        user = User.objects.get(username=username)
        point = Point.objects.get(pk=point_id)
        updated = False
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({
            'msg': 'some error occurs',
            'exception_message': str(e)

    yearly_sales = request.POST['yearly_sales'].strip()
    if yearly_sales:
            yearly_sales = int(yearly_sales)
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({
                'msg': 'sales must be numeric',
                'exception_message': str(e)
        point.sales = yearly_sales
        updated = True

    opening_date = request.POST['date_opening'].strip()
    if opening_date:  #viene como "YYYY-MM-DD"
            point.opening_date = opening_date
            updated = True
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({
                'msg': 'date of opening error',
                'exception_message': str(e)

    opened_days = request.POST['days_opened'].strip()
    if opened_days:
            opened_days = int(opened_days)
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({
                'msg': 'days opened must be numeric',
                'exception_message': str(e)
        point.opened_days = opened_days
        updated = True

    square_feet = request.POST['square_feet'].strip()
    if square_feet:
            square_feet = int(square_feet)
        except Exception as e:
            return JsonResponse({
                'msg': 'square feet must be numeric',
                'exception_message': str(e)
        point.square_feet = square_feet
        updated = True

    if updated:
        point.edition_date = now()
        point.edited_by = user
        point.project.updated = True

    return JsonResponse({'msg': 'Done'})
Exemplo n.º 11
def Reporte_Location_Summary(point_id, s_user):
  print("starting point report")
  fecha = now()
  point = Point.objects.get(id = point_id)
  project = point.project
  status = point.status
  status = 'status_%d.svg' %status
  # saca email del objeto User
  email_user = User.objects.get(username=s_user)
  report_image = get_google_map_image(point.latitude, point.longitude, status)
  diccio = point.get_vars()

  print("location report check 1")

  area = ''
  location = ''
  if diccio:
    if 'location_name' in diccio:
      location = diccio['location_name']
    if 'area' in diccio:
      area = diccio['area']
  hitscore = 'no hitscore computed'
  if point.hitscore():  # hitscore se saca de una funcion del modelo
    hit = point.hitscore()
    hitscore = int(hit)

  print("location report check 2")

  file_url = settings.STATIC_ROOT +'report/'+point_id + "_" + fecha + ".pdf"
  url = settings.STATIC_URL+'report/'+point_id + "_" + fecha + ".pdf"
  num_correlativo = Reports(url_report=file_url)

  #saca geocode del point
  geocode = point.geocode

  # saca nombre de las variables de hitscoremodel
  list_names = get_showable_attributes(project.id, geocode)
  print("location report check 3")

  # diccionario con valores de las variables
  geodata = Geodata.objects.get(geocode=geocode)
  variables = eval(geodata.var)
  c = canvas.Canvas(file_url)
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 20)
  # ancho - alto
  c.rect(3.51*cm,8.44*cm,14.16*cm,11.68*cm, fill=1) # cuadrado de marco de la f$
  #derecha - arriba - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical
  c.drawString(7*cm, 26.4*cm, "LOCATION REPORT")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 26.2*cm, "_________________________________________________________________________")

  print("location report check 4")

  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 25.2*cm, "Date of Evaluation: "+fecha)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 24.8*cm, "Project: " + project.name)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 24.4*cm, "User: "******"Notes: no notes added")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 30)

  c.rect(3.50*cm,20.6*cm,14.2*cm,2*cm, fill=1)
  #derecha - arriba - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical

  c.drawString(3.7*cm, 21.4*cm, "HITSCORE: ")

  if(hitscore == 'no hitscore computed'):
    c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
   c.setFont("Helvetica", 30)
  print("location report check 5")
  c.drawString(9.7*cm, 21.4*cm, str(hitscore) + " *")

  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(3.7*cm, 20.9*cm, "*Scoring according to type and location")

  textobject = c.beginText()
  textobject.setTextOrigin(14.9*cm, 22*cm)
  textobject.setFont("Helvetica", 8)
  textobject.textLines('''Hitscore is a sales
  prediction index:
  100 is the current
  average sales''')
  num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 28.3*cm, "Certified: N° " + str(num.id))

  c.setFont("Helvetica", 11)
  c.drawImage(report_image, 100, 240, width=400, height=330)

  c.rect(3.45*cm,3.3*cm,14.3*cm,4.4*cm, fill=1)
  #derecha - arriba - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical
  c.drawString(3.7*cm, 7.1*cm, "SELECTED VARIABLES")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  print("location report check 6")
  num = len(list_names)
  espacio = 0
  nombre = ''

  for at in list_names:
    val = -1
    if at in variables:
      val = variables[at]
      name = UrbanDataDescription.objects.get(code=at).description
    except Exception as e:
      name = at

    if(len(name) > 70):
      for letra in name:
        if(len(nombre) < 70):
          nombre = nombre + letra
      nombre = name

    c.drawString(3.7*cm, (6.1-espacio)*cm, nombre + ": ")
    c.drawString(15*cm, (6.1-espacio)*cm, str('{:,}'.format(val)))
    nombre = ''
    espacio = espacio + 0.5
  print("location report check 7")

  c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 1.9*cm, "_________________________________________________________________________ ")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, ((1.8+espacio)-3)*cm, "www.hit-map.com | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago")
  ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
  c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 405, 780, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')


  ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
  c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 405, 780, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')

  num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 28.3*cm, "Certified: N° " + str(num.id))

  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 22.5*cm, "Definitions")

  seg_pag = c.beginText()
  seg_pag.setTextOrigin(3.5*cm, 21.5*cm)
  seg_pag.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  seg_pag.textLines(''' Hitscore is a statistical projection index, based on current average sales of open stores (100).
  This means that if a Histcore is 120 that  location, according to a statistical profile, could
  sell 20% over average. The hitscore is meant to easily inform decision-makers by synthetizing
  hundreds of variables in one indicator. For  more information, [email protected].

  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 18*cm, "Metodology")

  seg_pag2 = c.beginText()
  seg_pag2.setTextOrigin(3.5*cm, 17*cm)
  seg_pag2.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  seg_pag2.textLines('''Hitmap algorythm values more tha 180 urban variables from multiple certified sources, and use
  them all to understand how the urban enviroment is explaining current sales (more details at
  www.hit-map.com). With this information, Hitmap can do a statistical projection of sale on
  new locations where data is available.

  print("location report check 8")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 13.5*cm, "Certification")

  seg_pag3 = c.beginText()
  seg_pag3.setTextOrigin(3.5*cm, 12.5*cm)
  seg_pag3.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  print("location report check 9")

  seg_pag3.textLines('''The certification number at the top left of the Location Report, is a control system though wich
  you validate this is a true document. To do this, you have to enter www.hit-map.com or right
  to [email protected].
  c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 1.9*cm, "_________________________________________________________________________ ")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  print("location report check 10")

  c.drawString(3.5*cm, ((1.8+espacio)-3)*cm, "www.hit-map.com | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago")
  print("location report check 10")

  return url
Exemplo n.º 12
def Reporte_Scoreboard(project_id, s_user):
  print("starting project report")
  fecha = now()
  project = Project.objects.get(pk=project_id)
  email_user = User.objects.get(username=s_user)
  # objeto point que contiene las variables location name y hitscore
  points = Point.objects.filter(project=project).exclude(geocode__isnull=True)
  points = [[p.id, p.var, p.geocode, p.status] for p in points]

  geocode = points[0][2]
  list_names = get_showable_attributes(project.id, geocode)

  file_url = settings.STATIC_ROOT+'scoreboard_'+ project_id + fecha+".pdf"
  url = settings.STATIC_URL+'scoreboard_'+ project_id + fecha+".pdf"

  num_correlativo = Reports(url_report=file_url)
  c = canvas.Canvas(file_url,landscape(A4))

  num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 19.5*cm, "Certified: N° " + str(num.id))

  c.rect(8.25*cm,12.7*cm,2*cm,1.3*cm, fill=1) # original
  #der/izq - up/down - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical
  ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
  c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 640, 540, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')

  c.setFont("Helvetica", 20)
  c.drawString(11*cm , 17*cm,"PROJECT REPORT")
  c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm , 16.8*cm, "_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 16*cm, "Date: "+fecha)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 15.6*cm, "Project: "+project.name)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 15.2*cm, "User: "******"Helvetica-Bold", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm , 14*cm, "_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
  espacio = 0
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 13.4*cm, "Location Name")
  esp2 = 0  # variable de espacio vertical para mostrar los datos
  nombre_var = ''

  # comienzo del for
  for i in range(len(list_names)):
    name = UrbanDataDescription.objects.get(code=list_names[i])

    if(len(name.name) > 13):
      for letra in name.name:
        if(len(nombre_var) < 13):
          nombre_var = nombre_var + letra
      nombre_var = name.name

    c.drawCentredString((13.7+espacio)*cm, 13.4*cm, nombre_var)
    nombre_var = ''
    espacio = espacio + 2.5

  c.drawString(8.5*cm, 13.4*cm, "Hitscore")
  c.drawString(11*cm, 13.4*cm, "Status")

  c.drawString(3.5*cm , 13.2*cm, "_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
  nombre_final = ''
  status = ''
  # ciclo que recupera los geocodes de los puntos del proyecto
  for w in range(len(points)):
    # diccionario con valores de las variables
    geodata = Geodata.objects.get(geocode=points[w][2])
    variables = eval(geodata.var)
    esp = 0 # variable para espacio horizontal

    # ciclo que recupera los valores de las variables de todos los puntos del proyecto
    for e in range(len(list_names)):
      c.rect(8.25*cm,(11.77-esp2)*cm,2*cm,1*cm, fill=1) # original
      #der/izq - up/down - agranda/achica horizontal - agranda/achica vertical
      c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)

      revisar = -1
      if list_names[e] in variables:
        revisar = variables[list_names[e]]
      c.drawCentredString((13.8+esp)*cm, (12.4-esp2)*cm, str('{:,}'.format(int(revisar))))
      esp = esp + 2.5

    dic = {}    
    if points[w][0]:
      dic = eval(points[w][1])
    if 'location_name' not in dic:

    if(len(dic['location_name']) > 21): # si es mas largo que 21 caracteres
      for letra in dic['location_name']: # ciclo que recorre location_name
        if(len(nombre_final) < 21):  # mientras sea menor a 21
          nombre_final = nombre_final + letra  # sigue agregando letras hasta 21
      nombre_final = dic['location_name']  # si es menor a 21 caracteres, asigna location a variable

    c.drawString(3.5*cm, (12.4-esp2)*cm,nombre_final)
    nombre_final = '' # limpia variable

    # saca el hitscore de una funcion el modelo Point
    point = Point.objects.get(id=points[w][0])
    hit = point.get_hitscore_or_salesindex()

    if hit: # si viene hitscore
      c.drawString(8.89*cm, (12.4-esp2)*cm, str(hit))
      c.drawString(8.89*cm, (12.4-esp2)*cm, '   -')

    status = point.get_readable_status()

    if status: # si viene status
      c.drawString(10.7*cm, (12.4-esp2)*cm, status)
      c.drawString(10.7*cm, (12.4-esp2)*cm, '-')

    esp2 = esp2 + 0.5

    if(w==17 or w==40 or w==80 or w==100 or w==120 or w==140 or w==160 or w==180):

      esp2 = esp2 - 13 # para que los datos de las siguientes paginas aparezcan arriba
  # fin del primer for
  c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm , (12.3-esp2)*cm, "__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, (11.8-esp2)*cm, "*Scoring according to date and location")

  c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 1.9*cm, "__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(8*cm, 1.4*cm, "www.hit-map.com | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago")


  ruta_logo = "map/static/map/Logotipo_Hitmap.png"
  c.drawImage(ruta_logo, 640, 540, width=100, height=40, mask='auto')

  num = Reports.objects.get(url_report=file_url)
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 19.5*cm, "Certified: N° " + str(num.id))

  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 15*cm, "Definitions")
  seg_pag = c.beginText()
  seg_pag.setTextOrigin(3.5*cm, 14*cm)
  seg_pag.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  seg_pag.textLines(''' Hitscore is a statistical projection index, based on current average sales of open stores (100). This means that if a Histcore is 120 that
  location, according to a statistical profile, could sell 20% over average. The hitscore is meant to easily inform decision-makers by synthetizing
  hundreds of variables in one indicator that allows to rank new locations with current ones. For more information, [email protected].

  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 11.5*cm, "Metodology")

  seg_pag2 = c.beginText()
  seg_pag2.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  seg_pag2.textLines('''Hitmap algorythm values more tha 180 urban variables from multiple certified sources, and use them all to understand how the urban enviroment
  is explaining current sales (more details at www.hit-map.com). With this information, Hitmap can do a statistical projection of sale on new locations
  where data is available.

  The variables selected are the 5 more representative of different urban dimensions that can describe the location valued, and the consuming patterns.
  However, the projection -Hitscore- is done considering all variables, their wheights and combinations.

  c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 6.6*cm, "Certification")

  seg_pag3 = c.beginText()
  seg_pag3.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  seg_pag3.textLines('''The certification number at the top left of the Location Report, is a control system though wich you validate this is a true document. To do
  this ,you have to enter www.hit-map.com or right to [email protected].

  c.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 10)
  c.drawString(3.5*cm, 1.9*cm, "_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
  c.setFont("Helvetica", 10)
  c.drawString(8*cm, 1.4*cm, "www.hit-map.com | [email protected]  | +562 586 50 60 | Huérfanos 862, of. 612, Santiago")

  return url